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Media still pushing Fast and Furious ‘failed gun-tracking operation’ line
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"How anyone can track guns without even attempting to, or botch a sting that has no mark, are questions those who spread such excuses never try to answer."

EEOC's claim that background checks are racist must also apply to guns
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"If criminal background checks and requiring photo IDs really do produce unlawfully discriminatory rights-denying results, the inescapable conclusion is agents of the government are willfully, with premeditation, engaged in a criminal conspiracy to disenfranchise minorities from their right to keep and bear arms. On two different fronts. "

'Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire' a powerful way to share gun truths
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"In terms of a critique, mine is simple. I liked it. Candidly, some the subjects say some things I don’t agree with, others say things I do. Overall I think it’s masterfully done, and provides information that too few have been exposed to. I believe the reaction of most gun owners will be similar. And I believe most non-gun owners, at least those who aren’t doctrinaire anti-gun zealots, will find the subject matter approachable and the justifications presented sensible. In terms of providing a counter to a lifetime of media indoctrination, that's actually huge."

NY: SAFE Act gets support from key law enforcement officials
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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Just days after an amendment was passed through the Legislature exempting retired police officers from the seven round limit in the NY SAFE Act, law enforcement officials from across the state have filed court affirmations supporting the state's gun control measure. The affirmations come in response to a lawsuit filed by the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association claiming the SAFE Act is unconstitutional.

MI: John Conyers' clerk busted with gun in courthouse; avoids punishment, unlike others
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The sign on the federal courthouse in Detroit reads plain and simple: No weapons allowed.
U.S. Rep. John Conyers’ office manager broke that rule recently when security officers found a gun in her purse.
But unlike others caught doing the same thing, the Michigan Democrat’s clerk didn’t lose her job — or get criminally charged.
Conyers’ Detroit office manager Betty Petrenz, who was in court for her fiasco on May 1, got luckier. She got a ticket for having a gun on federal property and was recommended for pretrial diversion — a form of punishment that one federal magistrate recently referred to as “a gift.”

NV: Family allegedly forced from home by police files rare Third Amendment suit
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A Nevada family is using a rare legal argument in a lawsuit claiming police tried to commandeer their homes for a surveillance operation and then arrested the homeowners for resisting -- invoking the Third Amendment, which bars soldiers from being "quartered" in a residence without permission.
The Mitchell family, in a lawsuit filed July 1, detailed the incident from July 10, 2011. According to the complaint, it all began when the Henderson city police called Anthony Mitchell that morning to say they needed his house to gain “tactical advantage” in a domestic violence investigation in the neighborhood.

Do Cops support the current gun control push?
Submitted by: The Old Gunhand

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“Partway through the discussion, a panel member looked down at a text message on his smartphone, and raised his hand to interrupt. He announced that he had just received a message that the Universal Background Check bill had failed to pass in the United States Senate.

And, spontaneously, the packed classroom of police instructors burst into applause.”

Trayvon Martin's father said 911 screams were not his son's
Submitted by: The Old Gunhand

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Seems that TM's mother was the strong one in the family. She even got her ex-husband to change his testimony of whose voice it was on the tape. A detective testified that TM's father said that it was not TM's voice crying for help. So far all we have are mixed opinions on the voice crying for help on the tape from some very credible witnesses on both side so there is reasonable doubt on this issue. The DA keeps trying to prove that since GZ said "F***ing As***** keep getting away", that meant he wanted to kill TM. Weak, very weak and that is basically their case. Both sides have witnesses that put GZ and TM on top. Reasonable doubt again. So basically the State cannot prove anything .....

New Gun Free Zone App lets your smart phone keep you safe
Submitted by: The Old Gunhand

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I think that this is a great app for my phone. I avoid gun free zones. Refused to go to watch professional sporting events despite offer of free tickets. Heck, I do not even go to places like theme parks who do not welcome guns. Although here is Florida it is not against the law to carry a gun into businesses, some will use the very liberal trespassing laws here to simply ask you to leave and never come back. Here in Florida you can ban someone from your business without any reason at all as look as it is not due to race, of course. I vote with my wallet and feet. If I do not like the laws in the State where I live, I move. If I do not like a business, I do not visit it.

DE: Gun charge dropped against Middletown man with permit
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Prosecutors today dropped a felony charge of carrying a concealed firearm against a Middletown engineer whose Tennessee permit to hide the weapon expired when he obtained a Delaware driver’s license.

The June arrest of Jeremy Preston, 33, who said he was enduring a “Second Amendment nightmare,’’ was chronicled today in The News Journal.

IL: Morton Grove Prepares To Consider Assault Weapons Ban
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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While many neighboring suburbs have already decided whether they will pass assault weapons bans, in light of a gun rights bill that state government will likely take action on Tuesday, the Morton Grove village board first brought up the matter at its regular meeting Monday, July 8.

NY: NY Gov. Cuomo Signs SAFE Act Exemption For Retired Cops
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gov. Cuomo, as expected, has signed legislation granting retried law enforcement officers in New York an exemption from the state’s new gun control law, his office confirmed Monday. The exemption for retired cops was approved by the Assembly in May and adopted by the Senate in June during the final week of the Legislature’s session.

Cuomo, during a news conference last week, had signaled his support for the measure.

“It was our amendment,” Cuomo said at the time. “They are retired law enforcement officers. They have different training, they have different experience. They are different.”

FL: Stand your ground: Uneven enforcement might be adding to racial divide
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Just after 2 a.m. on July 8, 1998, Paul Anders Saustrup killed Eric Demart Smith, a would-be car thief, by shooting him twice in the back. Did he stand his ground, or did he commit murder?

Jim Carrey Apologizes to Gun Owners
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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After his anti-gun spoof video took aim at Second Amendment proponents and the late actor and former National Rifle Association head Charlton Heston, Jim Carrey faced a backlash from conservative columnists and former fans alike.

IL: Gun law due today; pensions ... whenever
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Today also is the deadline set by the 7th US Circuit Court of Appeals, based in Chicago, for Illinois to come up with a concealed carry law. That will happen, but not without some drama.

Gov. Pat Quinn used his amendatory veto power to make significant changes to a bill that the Legislature had passed in May with veto-proof majorities. ...

Expect local lawmakers to vote the same way to override the governor’s veto.

Second Amendment Foundation Challenges Bloomberg To See New Gun Rights Documentary
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Second Amendment Foundation today challenged New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg to attend a screening of a new Kris Koenig documentary – Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire – that reminds the audience that firearms rights are constitutionally-protected civil rights.

“For far too long,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb, “Mayor Bloomberg has been acting as though the Second Amendment is a heavily-regulated privilege that his millions of dollars can buy and sell on a rich man’s whim. This 80-minute film dispels that delusion.”

NC: Sheriff: man shot alleged burglar in self defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Hall was awakened by an alarm shortly after 3 a.m. When he went outside, Page said, he saw Walker and another man, Brandon Joe Hanks, pushing away rolls of copper.

Hall told the men to stop, Page said, at which point Walker charged at him. That’s when Hall fired.

Walker ran a short distance before collapsing. He was pronounced dead at the scene, Page said.

IN: Shooting a burglar? It’s a mess
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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So for $11 a month the organization is offering to provide various services, ranging from hiring a cleanup service (insurance often won’t cover that and the police don’t clean crime scenes, he says), to hiring a lawyer and even posting bail, up to a limit of $50,000.

When you think about it, it isn’t that often that people shoot and kill burglars or home invaders. In Fort Wayne, for example, most of the killings that have taken place so far this year have taken place in cars or on city streets. But it is doubtlessly terrifying when someone does break in when you are home.

IL: Assault Weapons a Community Issue, Not a Second Amendment Issue
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It's been a tumultuous few weeks for city councils and village boards throughout the North Shore, as assault weapon regulations have taken center stage at meetings.

CT: Newtown-based gun industry group sues Connecticut over gun law
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Newtown, Conn.-based gun industry group on Monday filed a lawsuit challenging Connecticut's tough new gun control law passed in the wake of the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

The National Shooting Sports Foundation Inc., which is based a few miles from Sandy Hook, claims the emergency legislation was illegally passed in April without proper public input, time for adequate review by members of the General Assembly, or a statement of facts explaining why lawmakers needed to bypass the usual legislative process.

MA: Gun hearing attracts passion, divergent viewpoints
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The 10 state lawmakers who listened to nearly eight hours of testimony Monday on more than 50 pieces of proposed gun control legislation will have to sort through the emotions of aggrieved victims' families and the fear of gun owners, who worry that they will not be safe without their guns and that their rights will be eroded.

MO: NRA, Bass Pro Shops to open new National Sporting Arms Museum in Missouri
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Second Amendment is alive and thriving in Springfield, Mo., which just happens to also be the home of the new National Sporting Arms Museum.

The museum, which is co-sponsored by the National Rifle Association and sporting goods supplier Bass Pro Shops, allows visitors the opportunity to view historic guns and learn how hunting and sport shooting has developed throughout America’s history.

Helmke says gun control can pass
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Former Mayor Paul Helmke isn’t convinced the gun battle in Congress has ended.

Helmke, ex-president of the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, said Monday that public pressure could force federal lawmakers to revisit legislation that would expand criminal background checks for gun buyers.

He urged about 75 members of the Downtown Rotary Club to push Sen. Dan Coats, R-Ind., and Rep. Marlin Stutzman, R-3rd, to support background checks and other gun-control measures that failed to pass in the Senate this spring.

FL: Legal Analyst: Jury Won't Convict George Zimmerman Of 2nd Degree Murder
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Will George Zimmerman walk for the shooting death of Trayvon Martin? Yes, says legal analyst Dan Abrams.

Abrams, who provides his legal opinion as a commentator for ABC News and its Good Morning America affiliate, announced on the show that Zimmerman would walk free in the shooting death of 17-year-old Martin. In simple terms, Abrams believes the prosecution to be unsuccessful in proving "beyond a reasonable doubt" that the ex-neighborhood watch captain committed murder in the second degree, or even manslaughter:

FL: Trayvon Martin's dad says he heard son's screams
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Former Sanford police chief Bill Lee testified that he recommended the 911 recording be played for family members of Trayvon Martin individually rather than in a group to avoid any improper influences.

Sanford's city manager, Norton Bonaparte, however, didn't heed his recommendations and instead gathered the family members in a room and played the tape for all of them, Lee said.

The former police chief added that he had offered to be in the room when the 911 recording was played but Bonaparte declined to have him or other law enforcement officials there. Lee added that it was rare for the mayor and city manager to become involved in police investigations.

AZ: Shooter in fight over feces speaks out
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The two men got into a fight near the railroad tracks and Ninth Avenue, about a block from the business.

At some point during the fight, the younger man began swinging a chain and padlock at Cat.

"The older man fell to the ground at one point and was in fear for his safety," Thompson said in a news release. "He fired a handgun he had at the younger man, missing him."

As the pair continued to grapple, Cat fired again. This time, the younger man was hit in the chest. He was taken to a local hospital. At last check, he was in stable condition and expected to survive.

IN: Intruder shot and killed by man renting home
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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LaPorte County police and the prosecutor are investigating whether a man acted in self defense when he shot and killed an intruder around 9:15 CDT Monday morning. It happened on County Road 1000 North, just north of Hudson Lake and south of the Michigan state line.

Police say the suspect, 22-year-old Jason Rabe of Three Oaks, used a scooter or moped to get to the house in a secluded area.

A middle aged man renting the home called 911, saying he'd shot and killed someone who broke into his home. When officers got there, they found Rabe dead, shot once in the chest.

KS: Update: Stabbing 'victim' arrested in assault
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Although originally presumed the victim, a Hutchinson woman was arrested after reportedly attacking a partially-disabled man in his home two separate times Monday.


Drumgould, 48, is partially disabled and has limited mobility because of an attack that left him with brain damaged about 15 years ago, Buller said. Drumgould claimed it was Plummer who attacked him, and he stabbed her with a 3-inch pocket knife as self defense.

Plummer was arrested for the first time at Hutchinson Regional Medical Center on a misdemeanor warrant, but immediately bonded out. Buller said at that point, she returned to Drumgould’s home in the 600 block of West Seventh Avenue, allegedly kicked down the door and attacked him a second time.

FL: Florida aimed too high in Zimmerman prosecution
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The prosecutors of George Zimmerman are taking a drubbing in the media, as well as in the courtroom.

Some of the criticism is well-deserved. Lawyers for the state sat there as passively as the spectators while their own witnesses defanged the case. The words "Objection, your honor!" seldom rang out as Zimmerman's attorney, Mark O' Mara, roamed far and wide during cross-examination.

Based on the trajectory of last week's testimony, it's almost inconceivable that Zimmerman will be convicted of second-degree murder -- a charge that should never have been filed in the first place.

The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion. — Edmund Burke (1784).

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