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UK: Police get knife detectors
Submitted by: Jeff Rau

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The detectors, which send out an electric field that is disturbed by anything metallic, will be used for a four-month trial. If successful, they will be issued across London. They would be used as part of stop-and-search powers where there was suspicion that a weapon was being carried.

~Ah yes, jolly ole England. When will the subjects finally say ENOUGH?

Text of Feinstein's Lie Letter to Colin Powell
Submitted by: Angel Shamaya

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Here is the text of Feinstein's letter urging the Secretary of State to reconsider "Apparent U.S. Opposition to Accord on Small Arms".

Her rediculously blatant lie was referenced on KABA in 'Dianne Feinstein's Latest Incredible Lie', by Merrill Gibson.

Australia: 70 girls attacked by rape gangs
Submitted by: BlackSnake

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Guns are banned in Australia, now rapists are free to ply their evil without fear of reprisal! ...A nation of cowards infested by gangs of criminal cowards, while the castrated Police cravenly follow orders from their Chiefs to bully what few legal gun owners there are left, fishing for "technical violation" arrests, rather than fight REAL crime and arrest/punish violent scum like these rapists! The fall of a once great country is reality...

UK: Has the British Bobby turned Nasty?
Submitted by: BlackSnake

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With the advent of guns being banned and subjects being arrested for defending themselves in the UK, could these recent alleged "Rodney King" style incidents in the UK be symptomatic to the predictable rise of a Police state where the populace is unarmed, or simply anti-Police propaganda? You be the Judge...

U.N. police accused of Trafficking Women
Submitted by: Angel Shamaya

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Kathryn Bolkovac, an American policewoman, was hired by DynCorp Aerospace in Aldershot for a UN post aimed at cracking down on sexual abuse and forced prostitution in Bosnia.

She claims she was 'appalled' to find that many of her fellow officers were involved. She was fired by the British company after amassing evidence that UN police were taking part in the trafficking of young women from eastern Europe as sex slaves.

Ireland: Call for calm after Belfast night of gunfire
Submitted by: BlackSnake

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Welcome to the "gun-free paradise" of the UK, where "numerous gunshots were
fired" and a man "hospitalised with minor wounds to his face, probably
caused by a ricocheting bullet", "as automatic gunfire was heard" with "up
to 12 further shots were fired"... What was that old canard so readily
ridiculed by U.S. socialists? ...something about "Where only outlaws have guns"?...

South Africa: Where guns are commonplace at the bedside
Submitted by: BlackSnake

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"South Africa (has) about 4.2 million registered firearms"... Yet crime is out of control after the de facto gun ban instituted by the current socialist government... "At the end of apartheid, south Africa changed radically... translated by some into the freedom to own a gun"... "The solution is not to disarm South Africa. Amnesties do not work here because people belive that they, not the police, will do the best job of defending themselves."

San Francisco, CA: Our wide open city
Submitted by: BlackSnake

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"I personally extracted the murder suspect from the black Mercedes 2-seater and searched him for weapons before he was handcuffed and taken to jail..."

-This incident is an example of what happens regularly in a city where obtaining a CCW is literally impossible for anyone except a handful of "connected" individual$, and where a weak District Attorney refuses to prosecute street level dope dealers and prostitutes as a matter of policy.

Tourists, bewarned!

Russia Supports U.S. Small-Arms Stance
Submitted by: BlackSnake

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Even the ex-Communists know better than to give up their guns to the UN...

My Party and Guns
Submitted by: Anonymous

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By Joe Lockhart, White House Press Secretary, October 1998 to October
"At my urging, ... We managed to bring the White House and the president down to the level of the NRA, rather than raising the debate in a way that would have made the NRA irrelevant. ... No one doubts Democrats will have a hard-time winning elections if they ignore or insult the values of gun-owning Americans. But trying to avoid the issue won't work."

MI: Cops tap database to harass & intimidate (Part 1 of 2)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Police throughout Michigan, entrusted with the personal and confidential information in a state law enforcement database, have used it to stalk women, threaten motorists and settle scores."

"Misuse among police frequent, say some, but punishments rare."

-- And gun-haters say gun owners are paranoid?!

IN: Gun owners can't be held liable for safekeeping
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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This one was sent to me by another gunowner.

The Indiana Court of Appeals has ruled that gunowners do not have a duty to the public to reasonably care for their firearms.

"I'm happy. It was a good decision," said David Hawk, the Stoffers' attorney. "You can't owe a duty to the whole world. If so, then no one can do anything without fear of liability."

Pentagon Employees Shop With Taxpayer Money
Submitted by: Jeff Rau

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Since the early 1990's, the Pentagon has been issuing Department of Defense (DoD) credit cards to reduce the red tape associated with small purchases in a valiant attempt to save tax dollars. Currently, more than 1.8 million Pentagon employees are entrusted with these cards.

~1.8 million federal employees just at the Pentagon? Does anyone else think that seems like a government out of control?

"Smart" guns and "safety" locks aren't meant to protect children. They're meant to kill gun owners. —VICTOR MILAN

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