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Pentagon Cancels Terrorism Betting Plan
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"Under fire from all sides, the Pentagon on Tuesday dropped plans for a futures market that would have allowed traders to profit from accurate predictions on terrorism, assassinations and other events in the Middle East."

"Republicans said they knew nothing about the program and would never have approved it. They called the head of the Pentagon agency overseeing the project to Capitol Hill to answer questions."

Your tax dollars at work....

CA: SDPD Looking into Brutality Case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"San Diego police officials launched an investigation to determine if officers used excessive force while subduing a combative parolee following a foot chase through a Bay Ho-area neighborhood."

"A television news crew in a helicopter captured images of Tuesday's arrest, during which a pair of service dogs bit suspect 40-year-old Robert Ortega."

"News footage appears to show several patrolmen repeatedly striking Ortega with a baton and, possibly, fists while wrestling with him in a patch of shrubbery."

OH: Anti-self defense extremists plead with Taft: 'Keep your promise'
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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"In case you had any doubts, Ohio's anti-self-defense extremists are not resting until the General Assembly returns from summer break."

"According to a recent email alert from them, they are creating yet another deceptive name for themselves, and have launched a new web-based service to spit out form letters urging citizens to encourage Governor Taft to drop his 'support' for House Bill 12." ...

"As an Ohio resident and a voter, I strongly urge you to veto HB 12 that would authorize sheriffs to issue licenses to carry concealed handguns to certain persons. Ohio will be a safer place without individuals walking the streets with hidden guns. Ready access to guns in public places is a recipe for disaster and would not only put Ohio citizens at risk, but our law enforcement officials as well."

"Please keep your promise to veto this dangerous legislation."

MS: Anti-Gun laws won't prevent crime (Letter)
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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"It is obvious that letter writer Gary Lowe, ('Access to guns harms U.S. security,' July 25), doesn't much like guns and wishes they would just go away. But, as the old saying goes: If wishes were fishes there would be no room in the sea."

"The most casual research of the facts will show that firearms are used overwhelmingly for lawful purposes. As to needing more 'common-sense restrictions on access to firearms,' anyone who has been paying attention knows that firearm restrictions have been increasing steadily for almost 30 years now, along with the crime rate."

OH: Tax $$$ at work: Columbus program lets students debate gun bill with lawmakers
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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"Eight Columbus Public Schools students attempted yesterday to do what Ohio lawmakers could not — decide whether Ohioans can legally carry concealed weapons."

"The students read the testimony they prepared and faced tough questions from four Columbus lawmakers, just like in a real committee hearing." ...

"Sounds like a great project, right? It might have been, and we'd know better if it was or not, had the media coverage had been the least bit impartial."

"Gun Control" (Letter)
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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In response to Donald Dzienis (Letters, July 27), claiming that the NRA wants more guns, I think the shootings in New York point up the fact that gun laws don't reduce gun crimes.

I've read that states and cities like New York with the strictest gun laws have the most gun crimes. Law-abiders have no guns to protect themselves and the criminals know that.

You can't keep guns out of the hands of criminals unless you keep the criminals locked up and here in the U.S. and especially in California we just can't seem to do that.


DNA extractable from fingerprints
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Even if the only evidence forensic analysts can pull from a crime scene is a fingerprint smudged beyond recognition, a new technique developed by Canadian scientists soon could harvest enough DNA from the print to produce a genetic identity."

"The novel system can extract DNA in only 15 minutes, even if a print has been stored for a year."

Strong implications for CCW permits.

NY: Legislator proposes gun buy-back program
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Niagara County Legislator Renae Kimble is proposing that the county look for money to buy guns from street thugs."

"Kimble, D-Niagara Falls, said she is offering a resolution at Tuesday's Legislature meeting to institute a gun amnesty program in response to the recent rash of homicides and other shootings in Niagara Falls."

"The hope is to entice owners of illegal guns to turn them in for destruction by police."

Translation: Hoplophobic legislator wants to suck more money from taxpayers to let criminals who may have used firearms in crimes safely and effectively get rid of the evidence.

"Smart" Voting Machines Can't Be Trusted, Researchers Warn
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The expensive, federally mandated 'cures' to the election snafus of 2000 are worse than the problem, experts warn." ...

"The researchers think problems with software systems will result in hacking and even more fraud than usual, with people casting extra votes and poll workers changing ballots undetected."

"Smart Voting", "Smart Guns" -- what's wrong with this picture?

Lawsuit-Leery Food Makers Cut Fat to Save Lives, But Gun Makers Do Nothing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"These steps by Kraft and others are prime examples of how the American tort system can bring about positive change even when cases don't go to court. Threats of lawsuit can prompt companies to become less irresponsible, as the actions of these companies have demonstrated."

"But if the food industry is changing its practices over the seemingly negligible issue of fat content, why should manufacturers of firearms, which are lethal by design, be exempt from lawsuits? But that is what the gun industry and the National Rifle Association are seeking, in the form of a bill that seeks to immunize the gun industry from nearly all civil lawsuits. The bill has already passed the House and is awaiting action in the Senate, where it has 54 co-sponsors."

Translation: Threats of lawsuit can extort change from companies without going through that troublesome legislative process, as the actions of these companies have demonstrated. Curious what they would like firearms manufacturers to do -- make their product LESS effective?

NJ: Newark man shot and killed by police during raid on party
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 20-year-old man was shot to death by a police officer after pointing a gun at two officers during a raid on a parking lot party, police said. But some witnesses disputed the police account, saying the man was not armed." ...

"Some witnesses gave a different account of the shooting. Shakeerah Rush, 20, said Newkirk was holding a liquor bottle and stumbled on a curb as he went to lie down on the sidewalk as police ordered."

WY: 'Old West' entertainer keeps cowboy culture alive
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The organization started 15 years ago because old western arts were dying out. He has attended several meetings to learn how to entertain as the Silver Screen cowboys once did." ...

"When performing at the Wyoming Territorial Park in Laramie he does whip cracking, gun spinning, a shooting exhibition, rope spinning, cowboy poetry and storytelling. He also performed in front of the Plains Hotel for Frontier Days visitors."

PA: City's Gun Program Paying off
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Alternate title: Taxpayers pay snitches to rat out their neighbors.


Police seized a semi-automatic rifle, a shotgun, and a handgun from a home in the 13 hundred block of South 51st Street.

The raid was the result of an anonymous tip to the gun info hotline, and that tipster is now in line for a reward of up to a thousand dollars.

A second tip led police to a cache of drugs in the 200 block of Ashdale Street.

The number to call is 215-683-GUNS.

Cuba: Armed robbery at government-run bar
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Several unknowns walked into Las Palmeras bar, located in the Jesús María district of Havana in the early morning hours, pointed a gun at the attendant's head and made off with reportedly more than 900 dollars from the register.

The assailants fled in a car that no one was able to identify.

The bar administrator later said at a union meeting that the employees on duty at the time will have to pay back the money stolen.

NY: Davis Death Unnerves Capitol
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the wake of the City Hall shooting, U.S. Capitol officials are calling for senators and House members to follow stated security procedures at the Capitol and assure that their staff members and guests go through metal detectors."

"One influential senator said yesterday that the elected officials should, too."

There's a concept. Make the elected "nobility" go through the same checks as the "peasants." Think the criminals will follow the rules too?

WI: New drunken driving limit controversial
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Dropping the state's legal limit for drunken driving from 0.10 to 0.08 will do little to make roads safer, according to Greenfield police officials." ...

"Franklin Police Chief Ken Bohn supports the lower limit."

" 'I think it's about time,' Bohn said. 'While everybody's concentrating on gun deaths and that in the city of Milwaukee, more people are lost to deaths from drunk drivers than there is to gun violence.' "

UK: Martin: No regrets about killing burglar
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Farmer Tony Martin told how he did not regret firing the gun which killed a 16-year-old burglar - but sympathises with the dead teenager's mother."

"Martin was released on Monday after serving two-thirds of his five-year jail sentence for killing Fred Barras and seriously wounding Brendon Fearon."

"He said he had no plans to campaign for law changes and insisted the reason he fired more than once was down to adrenaline."

Solomon Islands: Weapons amnesty begins in Solomons
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A 21-day gun amnesty is now in place in Solomon Islands in a bid to recover an estimated 1,300 illegal weapons." ...

"But the international intervention force in Solomon Islands says it is continuing to make progress in disarming the country, with more than 100 firearms given up during the past week."

"Unfortunately, 42 of them came from police officers, who have now been banned from owning guns."

HI: Gunman robs Pahoa grocery store
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"An armed man robbed Pahoa Natural Groceries of an undetermined amount of money Tuesday night after forcing his way into the store's office."

"The gunman then left the area on a bicycle which was recovered a short distance away."

Hawaii is another state with strict gun control laws. Strange, but the criminals don't seem to acknowledge them.

Japan: Japanese in US wanted for gun smuggling
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Police said Thursday they have put on the wanted list a 44-year-old Japanese man living in the United States for allegedly smuggling guns through Internet auctions.

Noting the suspect, Kozo Wada, runs a gun shop in Oregon, the police said they have also seized six handguns, a submachine gun and 385 live bullets after raiding his father's house in the city of Yao, Osaka Prefecture.

NC: Why I Run
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"There are many reasons why, and all of them have to do with reducing Government control of our lives either directly or through our wallets. The only way I see to fix this problem is to reduce the size and scope of City Government to focus on the core mission of any Government, to protect us from Force and Fraud."

CT: Husband may be charged in wife's suicide
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A suicidal woman pulls the trigger after her husband leaves a loaded gun near their bed. So is he to blame for her death?"

FL: Kissimmee rookie officer loses job for kicking suspect
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A rookie police officer was fired for pulling his gun during what turned out to be a false arrest and later kicking the man he arrested."

"David L. Cimmino, 24, and his field-training officer were called to an apartment complex because of a fight in the parking lot May 10. When the officers arrived, three people fled in a car. During the chase, two of them leaped out, an internal investigation found."

Jamaica: Two men shot dead while sitting in vehicle downtown
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Two men were yesterday shot dead by gunmen on Pechon Street, in downtown Kingston, while the police killed one man and recovered a gun, after an exchange of gunfire during the evening peak hour in Half-Way-Tree."

Ghana: Ex-policeman life in imprisonment for robbery
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Ex-police constable Armah Schandorf, 35, formerly at Anomabu, was on Thursday sentenced to life imprisonment for conspiracy to commit robbery and robbery, by a High Court in Cape Coast." ...

"Two others charged with similar offences, Samuel Ghartey, 25, a driver at the Anomabu Beach Resort, whose accountant was shot dead during the robbery, and Kwadwo Addai, a 19-year-old trader at the Konkomba market in Accra were also sentenced to life imprisonment." ...

Venezuela: Wounded explorer Charles Brewer Carias kills burglar in gang of three
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"According to Police Detective Branch (CICPC) commissioner, Henry David Zerpa, three suspects entered the former Minister's house at 6.00 a. m with intentions to steal."

"They forced Brewer Carias (64) and his wife into a room before proceeding to clean the house but they did not realize that Brewer Carias kept a .16 shotgun there, which he used on the burglars killing one, later identified as Julio Cesar Pena Quintero (19) ... the other two ran off, wounding the explorer in the shoulder."

OK: Ex-Ardmore cop receives 10-year term
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"District Judge Tom Walker followed a Carter County jury's recommendation Wednesday, sentencing a former Ardmore police officer to 10 years in a state prison on two convictions of feloniously pointing a firearm."

"Walker's ruling came after he heard about 45 minutes of testimony from defense witnesses during the sentencing hearing for Corey Merritt."

UK: Garage boss in robbery ordeal
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Masked robbers armed with a gun and a hammer threatened the 21-year-old manager of a Sedgley petrol station before escaping with £200 cash."

"The raiders struck at Sedgley Service Station, in Gospel End Road, just before it closed at 10pm yesterday."

"Garage owner Prakash Mahalingam, who took on the site last September, said the latest raid came just a month after burglars broke in and stole an empty £3,000 cash machine."

Columbine: A Microcosm Of Complete Government Failure
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The government authorities had more than ample evidence that Kleibold and Harris were both dangerous and represented a real threat to the students at Columbine High School. Although they tried very hard to deny this knowledge, evidence has surfaced to prove that they not only knew of the threat years in advance, but also lied to cover up this knowledge after the shootings occurred."

Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"What if Americans didn't protest such proposals? What if we looked the other way while our precious liberties were slowly eroded? Should we stay silent now, while the abuses are still modest compared to what we fear they might one day become? ...The time to protest violations of our civil liberties is the instant some weaseling politician suggests that such violations might be needed." ...

East Timor: Sailor fired gun in bar
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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A Navy lieutenant commander has been fined $1500 after his pistol went off in an East Timor bar this year.

A court martial at Trentham Army Base found him guilty of committing an act likely to prejudice service discipline by omitting to carry out a correct unload drill while unloading his pistol.

It resulted in an unauthorised discharge in the Dengue Bar in Dili on January 9. So far the officer has not been named.

MD: Robber killed in Laurel after victim fights back
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Police said the victim knocked away the gun – which turned out to be a BB gun – and restrained the suspect in a headlock."

"Two witnesses driving by in a truck reported the incident to the police."

"When police arrived, the victim still had the suspect subdued."

"Police said CPR was performed on the suspect who was determined to be not breathing until the rescue squad arrived. The suspect was transported to Laurel Regional Hospital, where he was pronounced dead."

NC: Wayne County Man Sets Up Plan To Catch Alleged Burglar
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"I pointed my gun and him and said, 'Hey, don't move...' I moved him over into the den and told him, 'don't move.' "

"The alleged burglar was 20-year-old Patrick Bynum, a neighbor who lived across the street. Brawley held him at gunpoint until Wayne County deputies arrived 20 minutes later."

MA: BB gun vandals on rise
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Unlike the old days, when BB-guns, or air rifles as they were then called, had to be pumped up by hand, some are now equipped with a pressurized carbon-dioxide cartridge. The guns can fire pellets at higher velocities than ever before. ...Some of the newer CO2 powered rifles, however, can expel a BB or a pellet at nearly 700 feet per second."

They've succeeded in taxing gun ownership nearly out of existence. Now it's time to turn their socialist sights toward another "threat."

NJ: Police chief suspended after charges filed
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Bordentown City's police chief was suspended following charges of restraining order violation and threats against his estranged wife."


OR: Loaded handgun found at PDX
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The gun was found Monday when the man's baggage was checked at a security checkpoint, said Robert Jackson, federal security director for the Transportation Security Administration in Portland." ...

"Jackson said a handgun is found at the Portland airport every other week."

WI: West Milwaukee gun shop says 'worst dealer' tag unfair
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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" ...the owner of Badger Outdoors Inc., 2339 S. 43rd St., said his store goes out of its way to cooperate with law enforcement authorities." ...

"Using U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives records regarding guns sold between December 1989 and January 1996, the Washington-based Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence listed the 10 dealers nationwide that sold the largest number of guns traced to crime. Badger Outdoors headed that list, with 554 such sales."

No need to concern yourselves with the Brady list. It's already been discredited by the Feds as being misleading.

PA: Hoeffel continues push to regulate antique gun purchases
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A Montgomery County congressman isn’t giving up his push for legislation to regulate the purchase of working antique or replica guns like the one used to kill a woman during a 1999 Norristown State Hospital hostage siege."

"Democrat Joseph M. Hoeffel III... said Monday he has reintroduced a bill that would place such weapons under the Gun Control Act of 1968. Hoeffel previously introduced the bill in 1999 but the House Judiciary Committee failed to take action on it."

DC: Blame Maryland and Virginia for bad guys in D.C.
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The District routinely ranks among the nation's most violent cities and has held claim as the murder capital of the United States in some years."

"City leaders inevitably blame this appalling fact on the more permissive gun-control laws of Maryland and Virginia, which sounds almost convincing until you recognize a fundamental flaw in their argument."

"Bad guys are bad guys. Bad guys do not follow the law."

Closure on nuance
Submitted by: Robert Lewis

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"In other terror news, the government issued a warning to the airlines this week about terrorist attacks on commercial aircraft being planned before the end of the summer. Al-Qaida has apparently sized up the new security measures put into place by Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta and has discovered some areas of vulnerability. Among the weaknesses the terrorists hope to exploit is the fact that airlines are prohibited from looking for Arab terrorists."

Another weakness is that the airlines and the TSA have seen it fit to completely disarm passengers of even the smallest nail clippers. But it appears the darling of the conservative right talks airline
security but ducks the gun issue.

Right now 40,000 of our pilots are trying to get the required training
and only a few have gotten it so far. What is going on? And is Ann covering for someone? Someone with the initials GWB?

Canada: Federal firearms registry not supported by province
Submitted by: John Fansler

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...“We will not waste the time of our police and busy courts with prosecutions under the federal Liberal’s overpriced, ineffective gun registry boondoggle,”

Firearms registration is firearms confiscation on the installment plan.

Molon labe!

NY: Lawsuits continue to threaten gun manufacturers and owners
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Elliot Spitzer, New York's flamboyant attorney general, has grabbed his share of the headlines of late. From Main Street to Wall Street, if there is a wrong to be righted, Spitzer is there ... a kind of modern day King Arthur."

"There is one battle, much to the joy of New York's law-abiding gun owners, that Spitzer might have done better sitting out. In a battle between gun manufacturers and the attorney general, a decision recently handed down by the appellate division of the New York State Supreme Court blew Spitzer away."

OH: Live in a low crime area? Think your family isn't in danger? Think again.
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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"The state has identified about 1,000 additional convicted sex offenders at risk of striking again, according to a study done following the rape and slaying of a 14-year-old Wayne County girl." ...

"Even persons living in Ohio's smallest communities, where crime rates are low and violent crimes almost nonexistent, are likely to have sexual predators in their neighborhoods."

"So why did Bob Taft force his will upon the Senate to amend HB12 so that parents could not defend their children?"

UT: Citizen initiative rules review
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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"The Utah Supreme Court has agreed to review gun control advocates' lawsuit challenging new rules for citizen initiatives."

"Last month, 3rd District Judge J. Dennis Frederick rejected the Utah Safe to Learn-Safe to Worship Coalition's arguments that rules for initiative signature-gathering are unduly burdensome and, therefore, unconstitutional."

US Government rolling out computerized air passenger screening program
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The U.S. government announced Thursday it will begin testing a revised nationwide system for checking personal information on every airline passenger, a post-Sept. 11 security initiative that has raised concerns about snooping and false labelling."

CA: Supreme Court OK's warantless parolee searches
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Police may conduct warrantless searches on adult convicts only if authorities know in advance that their subjects are on parole or probation, the California Supreme Court ruled Thursday." ...

"The case focuses solely on searches targeting adult parolees released early from custody, and probationers convicted of crimes but not sentenced to incarceration." ...

Edwards is 4 months late on taxes
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"Sen. John Edwards, North Carolina Democrat and 2004 presidential hopeful, is four months delinquent in paying the property taxes on his Georgetown mansion and owes the cash-strapped District more than $11,000, city records show."

The constitutions of most of our States assert that all power is inherent in the people; that... it is their right and duty to be at all times armed;... — Thomas Jefferson to Justice John Cartwright, 1824. ME 16:45.

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