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Newslinks for 8/10/2010

Maryland Shall Issue Gives $10K To SAF For Help In Lawsuit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A generous $10,000 contribution to the Second Amendment Foundation's continuing legal efforts to roll back onerous gun laws across the country ... has been announced by Maryland Shall Issue (MSI), a grassroots gun rights organization."

"'We are grateful and humbled by the Maryland Shall Issue contribution,' said SAF Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. 'This single donation will greatly support our on-going legal battles to restore lost gun rights, one lawsuit at a time.'"

"In an e-mail announcement to its members, MSI noted, 'This is one of the times where we must stand up as a community and demonstrate our commitment to supporting those that are supporting us. In this case, we want to support the SAF.'" ...

Politician says campus gun defense advocate constituents are 'extremists' (video available)
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "... [N]ote their core arguments all center on why you can't be trusted." ...

Safer Streets 2010: More shootings... challenging government?? Part I
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tens of millions of gun owners generally suspect news coverage of criminal shootings when reports seem timed to surround pending gun laws or second amendment court wins. So far this year, and the week of August 6th wasn't much different, we see several reports of criminal shootings stating that the shooter was trying to overthrow the government."

"If that is indeed the case here in America, why hasn't it happened already? Because it already happened once, and that one time when our freedoms were purchased then is enough to secure our rights today and always. That is, when the servant obeys the laws. The current squabble is that it is they who are breaking the laws, not we." ...

Nat’l park manhunt for killers; Seattle asks for more time in gun ban appeal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An intense search in and around Yellowstone National Park for a pair of prison escapees and a woman – suspects in a New Mexico double slaying – underscores why self-defense advocates fought so hard for the ability of private citizens to carry defensive firearms inside national parks."

Ideally, one would never need a firearm on a camping trip, but when things go very bad and you do need a gun, you need that gun 'right now.'" ...

"Guns in parks is a volatile subject, whether it involves national parks or municipal parks, which brings us around to the ongoing legal action over the illegal ban of guns in Seattle city parks. ..." ...

Safer Streets 2010: More shootings. . . challenging government?? Part II
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In Part I, I wrote about how servants seems to be trying to goad gun owners and militia-types into doing something stupid. I pointed out why that is unlikely, and before November, it is important for citizens outside the liberty culture to look at this."

"The second and third reasons are these: Liberty purists operate on the knowledge that we are the sovereign and the servant is not, and the knowledge that this is more than sufficient to protect our interests non-violently in fortifying that first reason. Put another way: we have confidence in the system. When you believe in due process as we do, ... when you love this system, and when you live by it and depend on it so, you understand that provocation won't work on you. ..." ...

(First Look) Gun Review: Wilson Combat X-TAC (video)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Praxis: M34 Tactical (ARMT) Assault Rifle Multi-tool for AR platforms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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John Coctosin, armorer for the fabled Dogtown Rangers Militia, recommends this multi-tool as the cure for all the ills of AR sufferers. Here's a review of this handy but pricey little tool.

Gun Review: SIG SAUER P250 9mm
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As a kid, there was one toy I frequented more than anything with a barrel or trigger: LEGO® blocks. With these ingenious Danish creations, I was more than merely a defender of good and an avenger of evil; I was in control of literally everything. Pre-packaged kits for planes, trains, cars, municipal buildings or even spacecraft ultimately morphed into a custom-made (for me, by me) LEGO city nestled upon a discarded, three-tiered entertainment center. What made this possible? No, Benjamin, not 'plastics;' modularity made this possible. Enter the SIG SAUER P250." ...

Is it Time to Replace the Cooper Color Codes?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun guru Jeff Cooper's 'Gunsite Color Code' describes four states of preparedness. White (unaware and unprepared), yellow (relaxed alert), orange (specific alert) and red (time to cap yo' ass). 'There is a problem in that some students insist upon confusing the appropriate color with the amount of danger evident in the situation,' Cooper kvetched. 'As I have long taught, you are not in any color state because of the specific amount of danger you may be in, but rather in a mental state which enables you to take a difficult psychological step. ...' With all due respect, the Code is a bitch to teach because it's confusing and impractical." ...

MI: Defendant in road rage trial: Shooting was self-defense
Submitted by: Bob Devour

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"A Farmington Hills man charged with shooting and injuring a fellow motorist in a case of road rage took the witness stand in his own defense this afternoon and tearfully told jurors he thought the motorist was going to hurt or kill him." ...

"Mintz was in his 2000 Nissan ... when Said, in the car behind Mintz's, got out of his car, accompanied by another man ... The two approached Mintz as he sat in his driver's seat, and according to eyewitnesses on the street, Said began screaming at Mintz, shouting obscenities and spitting at him."

"... Mintz told jurors one of the men began banging on his car, and that as Said turned away ... he thought Said was retrieving a weapon so he shot him in the elbow." ...

NRA Statement on Elena Kagan's Confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Thursday, August 05, 2010, the U.S. Senate confirmed Elena Kagan to the highest Court in the land. To NRA members and gun owners nationwide, Ms. Kagan presents a clear and present danger to the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Her political record reveals that she does not believe the Second Amendment guarantees a fundamental right and, in her recent testimony, she refused to acknowledge respect for the God-given right of self-defense. That is why, more than a month ago, the NRA announced its strong opposition to Elena Kagan's confirmation to the Court. In that announcement, it was made very clear that this vote matters and will be considered in the NRA's candidate evaluations." ...

Harry Reid Defends Vote to Confirm Kagan on Second Amendment Grounds
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D.-Nev.) cited what he described as Elena Kagan's defense of the Second Amendment last week as he explained his vote to confirm her to the Supreme Court."

"'The roots of General Kagan's respect for the rule of law are in her respect for our separation of powers,' Reid said ... 'It is a reverence she developed ... defending the First and Second Amendments ...'"

"Reid's statement that Kagan had a record of 'defending' the Second Amendment contrasts with information about Kagan’s record on gun issues put out during her confirmation hearings by leading gun-rights groups, including the National Rifle Association and the Gun Owners of America, both of which opposed Kagan's confirmation." ...

Brian Nieves Endorses Assault Rifle, Says Weapon Best Fits "Spirit" of 2nd Amendment (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Regarding our post early today about State Rep. Brian Nieves allegedly assaulting a political rival and threatening him with a gun...

Now's there the following from Nieves' radio program. In the video Nieves says he has "no problem" calling an AR-15 what it is: an "assault rifle." He then goes on to add: "Of all the firearms available today, the AR is the one that would most squarely fit inside the perfect definition of the spirit of the Second Amendment."

And why does he think this? Because, says Nieves, the Second Amendment was "not about hunting." Er, yeah, no s**t.

MD: Palin aids Ehrlich — by endorsing his opponent
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "In her 88-word endorsement of Mr. Murphy, issued via Facebook, Ms. Palin wrote: 'Brian is a pro-life, pro-Second Amendment commonsense conservative and a firm believer in the free market and the cause for energy independence … Brian will provide Maryland with principled and results oriented leadership.'"

"Notice the key buzzwords of invidious criticism for Mr. Ehrlich that the former vice presidential nominee crammed into her short statement: pro-life, pro-gun, conservative and, perhaps most damning, principled. The subtext is clear: Mr. Ehrlich is a wishy-washy moderate, a dastardly member of that species known as the RINO — a Republican In Name Only." ...

TN: Haslam Admits Visiting Nantucket
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "In addition, after Mike McWherter’s new criticisms of Haslam as 'very plastic' on the Second Amendment, we delved into the mayor's feelings about guns and playing with guns in the woods. Here is the Q&A:"

"Q: McWherter is talking about guns now. He says he's been an NRA member longer than you."

"Haslam: All I can say is I can assure everyone I strongly support protecting people's Second Amendment rights, period."

"Q: Do you hunt?"

"Haslam: I have been before. I’m not a regular hunter. My son likes to hunt, and I go with him. I wouldn’t call myself a regular hunter. But I strongly support protecting people’s rights to do that." ...

WY: Sarah Palin endorsement of Rita Meyer, what a screw up!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Open letter to Sarah Palin,"

"This makes you look like a buffoon!"

"See for yourself, watch the video…"

"Meddling in Wyoming politics without checking with the boots on the ground was a poor choice." ...


IL: Mark Kirk supports court's overturning of gun ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Republican U.S. Senate candidate Mark Kirk said Monday that he supports the Supreme Court decision that effectively knocked down Chicago's handgun ban."

"The five-term congressman has favored several gun-control laws during his career representing the North Shore. But as Kirk runs statewide for the first time, downstate voters who generally support greater Second Amendment rights are keeping tabs on politicians' stances on gun control."

"Kirk's comments, made after a foreign policy speech, come as the Chicago City Council recently enacted new gun-control measures in an effort to thread the needle between keeping guns off the streets and abiding by the court ruling this summer that gutted the city's longtime handgun ban." ...

TX: Edwards earns endorsements from 2 conservative organizations
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rep. Chet Edwards was in Waco on Monday and earned the endorsements of the National Rifle Association and the Texas Farm Bureau AGFUND."

"'I have worked hard to be an effective voice for our family farmers and ranchers and for the Second Amendment rights of all Americans,' said Edwards. 'So it means a lot to me personally and politically to have received the endorsement of two conservative organizations that are so highly respected throughout our district.'"

GA: Palin Stumps For Handel
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Former Alaska governor and vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin spoke at a rally in Atlanta in support of Handel's bid for the Georgia GOP gubernatorial nomination. Handel and Nathan Deal are locked in a tight contest heading into tomorrow's runoff election."

"Palin spoke to a crowd of nearly 2,000 supporters ..."

"Palin called Handel hardworking and a self-made success story. ..." ...

"Palin whipped-up the crowd near the end of her 20-minute speech,"

"'Are you ready to elect a pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, common sense, constitutional conservative who will fight like a mama grizzly for you, for the values you hold dear. Are you ready for Karen Handel to be your next governor?'" ...

MI: Royal Oak City Commission To Discuss Guns, Marijuana
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Royal Oak City Commission will hold a meeting Monday night to discuss and debate the role of guns and medical marijuana in the city."

"Royal Oak previously made an agreement with the organizers of Arts, Beats and Eats to ban handguns from the festival."

"However, the group Michigan Open Carry said that the ban violates their Second Amendment rights. Members of the group plan to attend the meeting to ask city commission to overturn the agreement." ...

Submitter's Note: Even more directly, it violates MCL 123.1102, Michigan's preemption law which prohibits localities from attempting to regulate firearms ownership, transportation, possession, etc..

Good People
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One of the joys of my work is that it allows me to meet some of the best people in the world: cops and shooter folk. Both tend to be far above average in responsibility, realistic outlook, and caring about others."

"Last week found me in Forsyth, Georgia, spending half a day lecturing to 150 members of the Georgia Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors Association. Great bunch of people. They understand the maxim of the great law enforcement firearms instructor Charlie Smith, a top trainer for FBI before he became the founding director of the Smith & Wesson Academy: 'We are the teachers of staying alive.' God bless those who dedicate themselves to the safety of the public, AND the safety of their own kind." ...

How much force is too much force?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In an article featured today on the website Fawkes-Lee & Ryan, Public Policy Advocates, Marty Ryan takes a look at a phenomenon called 'suicide by cop.' For those unfamiliar with that term, this is a situation whereby an individual intentionally puts law enforcement in a position to act in a manner that would end the life of that same individual. In most cases, the person wants to die, but is not able to carry out the act himself for whatever reason."

"Reading the article, it appears to to go down the path of investigating why this is becoming a practice that is done more often than in the past. However, the article devolves into an indictment of use of deadly force by law enforcement officers. ..." ...

WI: Madison police officer retires rather than face termination proceedings
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 14-year veteran of the Madison Police Department has agreed to retire rather than face termination proceedings after an internal investigation found he violated several policies, including excessive use of force and false reporting."

"Officer Carlos Valentin, 49, unlawfully detained a victim/witness, placing the person in handcuffs, according to a summary of the Professional Standards and Internal Affairs investigation."

"The summary also states Valentin threatened to arrest the victim/witness without lawful authority and issued a municipal citation to the person under false pretenses. He also included false information in a report and was not truthful during the internal investigation." ...

NJ: Cop harasses videographer, then admits it was solely to "intimidate" him
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Adam Mueller of Cop Block was videotaping a motorcycle cop from a respectable distance in a New Jersey strip mall parking lot when the cop got off his bike and stormed toward him in an aggressive manner." ...

"The motorcycle cop ended up driving towards Mueller to apologize for the incident, blaming his behavior on the fact that he had a long day."

"Yes, try that excuse next time you go off on a client or customer."

"'The whole point was to intimidate you to back off,' the cop eventually admitted."

Yes, we know that was the point. We just didn’t think he’d be stupid enough to admit it on camera." ...

FL: Photo protest at Miami-Dade Metrorail a rousing success
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... I even told the 50 State security guards at the gate that I planned to walk inside with my cameras and that I hope we would have no problems."

"They told me that as long as I paid the fare, there would be no problems."

"And they were right."

"The truth is, the guards knew we were coming because they read the blog. And there were at least six security guards on duty when we arrived when there is normally two per station."

"But the guards on duty treated us with the utmost respect. They never once forbade any of us from taking photos or shooting video. They didn’t even raise a fuss when Jim Winters of Nikon Miami stepped off the southbound train with two banners that boldly stated, 'Photography is Not a Crime.'" ...

MA: Officer in SUV sideswipes a flagger
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An off-duty Boston police officer driving through a construction site struck a civilian flagger yesterday morning, in what police described as an accident ..."

"Officer Michael Long, an 11-year veteran of the Boston police, was turning left ... when the passenger-side mirror of his Ford Expedition hit James Leydon ..."

"Leydon ... elbow."

"Long, 38, who later told police he was unaware he struck anybody, drove on."

"... Dedham police do not plan to file charges against Long." ...

"Police across the state have expressed fury at Governor Deval Patrick's administration for replacing them with civilian flaggers on some construction projects, although that appears to be unrelated to yesterday’s incident." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

TX: CBP Officer Suspect in Bar Owner's Murder
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A U.S. Customs and Border Protection inspector is in jail for murder of a Mission bar owner. ... The suspect told investigators he was at the bar with his wife and brother, when they started arguing with another group of people."

"The off-duty inspector claims he felt threatened, so he went to his vehicle and got his CBP-issued handgun, an H&K 40 caliber handgun. Deputies say he shot Fermin Limon in the chest and leg. The bar owner later died."

"Hidalgo County Sheriff Lupe Trevino states, 'There were dozens of people that witnessed the shooting.'"

"A number of them told investigators Limon was unarmed. But the sheriff says a new witness has come forward. This witness claims the club owner was carrying a gun and threatened the off-duty officer with the weapon. ..." ...

TX: Off-duty customs officer accused in Texas killing (another view)
Submitted by: jac

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"South Texas authorities have arrested an off-duty U.S. customs officer suspected of fatally shooting a bar owner with his government-issue handgun early Monday." ...

"The officer was visiting the bar with his brother and wife ..."

"Bouncers threw the officer and his brother out of the bar after they got into an altercation with another man, but the fight continued outside [Sheriff] Trevino said."

"He said the officer grabbed the weapon from his truck and the bouncers tried to wrestle it away."

"The officer told investigators that he thought he saw a gun and feared he would be shot, so he shot Limon — who had come outside to calm the situation — in the chest and leg. ..."

"... Later Monday, the sheriff said a 'very reliable and credible' witness told investigators that Limon had a gun and pointed it at the officer but did not fire. ..." ...

NJ: Convicted bank-robbing NJ cop back in jail
Submitted by: jac

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"A former decorated Trenton police officer who served time for a crime spree is back behind bars."

"53-year-old Christopher Kerins allegedly robbed the TD Bank on Route 31 in Hopewell, N.J. on Sunday morning."

"Investigators say Kerins walked into the bank, told the teller he had a gun, then handed her a bag for her to fill with cash. After obtaining the money, Kerins allegedly walked out of the building." ...

"15 years ago, Kerins gained notoriety as the so-called 'Camouflage Bandit.'"

"Kerins wore a camouflage jacket and used his police weapon to hold up eight banks, most of them in Mercer County." ...

"Kerins served 10 years for that spree."

"He had just wrapped up his parole when he allegedly robbed the bank in Hopewell."

Submitters note: Why only 10 years for 8 bank robberies?

CO: GJPD Pepper Spray Investigation Complete
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The investigation into whether four Grand Junction Officers misused pepper spray on some homeless property is over."

"A second investigation began after three Grand Junction officers were fired for slashing the tents of the homeless. The possible misuse of pepper spray by several other officers came into question, pushing one officer to resign from the force."

"Grand Junction's Police Chief John Camper says one officer was discovered to have misused his pepper spray."

"The names of the officers involved are not being released. Camper says one officer sprayed the trees and the ground of an area where some transients lived." ...

VA: Charges filed in home invasion
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "After the elderly woman's home was burglarized last week, the sheriff said he received reports from concerned homeowners in the Ararat area wishing to protect themselves in light of the recent home invasions. Smith said he advocates residents taking lawful steps to do so, noting that he 'strongly supports' the Second Amendment right to bear arms."

"'Any citizen has the right to protect themselves by whatever means necessary if he or she has a reasonable belief that their life or personal safety is in imminent danger,' Smith stated. He added that if a homeowner is protecting himself or herself from an intruder, 'I will support you.'"

OH: Ashtabula Co. citizens take judges' advice to heart, help county sheriff's department apprehend violent criminal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In April, Ashtabula County Common Pleas Judge Alfred Mackey made national headlines after he advised residents to 'arm themselves' in the face of severe budget cuts that have reduced the number of sheriff's deputies in the state's largest county by land area from 112 to 49, and parked all but one patrol car."

"Last weekend, a group of residents armed themselves and helped the sheriff's department find a wanted man." ...

NY: Off-duty NYPD officer busted for driving while intoxicated
Submitted by: Anonymous

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An off-duty Bronx cop was busted for driving drunk, police said Saturday.

Officer Juan Burgos was arrested just before 8:30 p.m. Friday, cops said. A police spokesman said the cop was collared near his home in the 45th Precinct. The seven-year veteran, assigned to the 43rd Precinct in Soundview, was charged with driving while intoxicated.

The arrest was the latest in a recent spate of DWI incidents involving NYPD officers. In June, Officer Hoyoung Kim and his colleague at the 32nd Precinct, Edwin Paulino, were killed when their car crashed on the Bronx River Parkway. Kim, who was behind the wheel, had a blood-alcohol level of 0.16. Paulino's blood-alcohol level was 0.21.

NY: Retired NYPD cops probed for 'faking' mental illness to get benefits
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Crazy like a fox!"

"Up to 24 retired NYPD cops, some already getting tax-free disability pensions, are being investigated for allegedly feigning mental illness to add Social Security benefits to their juicy incomes -- even as they declared themselves sane enough to pack a pistol, The Post has learned."

"The insane mixed messages have set off a corruption probe at 1 Police Plaza and prompted the feds to target the retirees, as well as their lawyers and psychiatrists, sources said." ...

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: I'm beginning to believe that, just as prisons are considered schools for crime, police departments should be considered schools for corruption.

TN: Nashville Officer Charged with Sex Crimes on Duty
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A decommissioned police officer was booked Friday on a 12-count grand jury indictment that charges him with sex crimes while on duty."

"Jeffrey Poole, 39, has been charged with four counts of rape, four counts of official misconduct, two counts of sexual battery, one count of patronizing prostitution and one count of attempting to patronize prostitution."

"... the investigation began when a known prostitute said Poole patted her down to the point of fondling her while he was on duty ... He seemed to make verbal propositions, and she rejected his advances, police said."

"Sex Crimes Detective Heather Baltz interviewed three other women who said they had sexual contact with Poole last year while he was on duty and in uniform:" ...

CA: San Francisco MTA Bans Movie Ads Containing Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"SF Weekly blogs reports that the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency doesn’t allow movie ads with guns in them:"

"While the official poster for [The Other Guys] features a maniacal Ferrell and the menacing Wahlberg sailing through the air, guns drawn, the version on Muni vehicles and in stations features Ferrell brandishing a vial of pepper spray and Wahlberg relying upon his bare fists. This is not a coincidence."

"'Well, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency does have an advertising policy that states ads should not appear to promote the use of firearms or advocate any violent action,' explains spokesman Paul Rose." ...

AR: Wording needed for Constitutional Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The firearms rights group Arkansas Carry is attempting to draft a constitutional amendment to remove the power of firearms law making from the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission and would like input from the public. Arkansas Carry does not want to obstruct the Commission's ability to regulate hunting or impede the AGFC's ability to stop poaching, but a Constitutional amendment is definitely needed to allow the people of Arkansas to have the right to self-defense while using public lands."

"All suggestions for the wording of this amendment should be sent to" ...

TN: Bomb Squad demonstration for TFA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tuesday August 3, Investigator Jim Quick of the Knoxville Police Department Bomb Squad gave the Knoxville chapter of the Tennessee Firearms Association a demonstration of the Bomb Squad's truck and equipment. Quick had a question and answer session with the group at dinner in the Gondolier before moving out to the truck to show his equipment. Quick addressed the question of what a bomb looks like. A bomb can look like anything."

"The picture at right shows an ordinary looking flashlight that has been made into a bomb. When someone picks it up and turns it on, KA- BOOM!" ...

NY: Seven shot, including two cops, in wild Harlem gunfight that leaves one man dead
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A bulletproof vest saved the life of a city cop shot by one of his NYPD colleagues Sunday in a wild Harlem shootout that left two men riddled with police bullets."

"Luis Soto, 22, died after being shot six times. The fatal bullet tore through his lungs, heart and kidney."

"The police said Soto was killed by Angel Alvarez, 23, who then shot at police officers, four of whom returned fire."

"But the results of ballistics tests raised questions about Soto's death. The tests determined 50 shots were fired in all - 46 by police and four by Alvarez - indicating at least two of the six slugs that hit Soto were fired by police."

"Alvarez was hit at least 21 times and, remarkably, lived to tell the tale." ...

NY: Harlem shootout gunman who lived through 21 shots probably broke record: forensic expert
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"The gunman who survived at least 21 bullet wounds in a Harlem shootout with cops probably broke a record, a forensic expert said Sunday."

"'I would say more than 20 gunshot wounds is a record,' said Dr. Vincent DiMaio, 69, a forensic pathologist and author of 'Gunshot Wounds: Practical Aspects of Firearms, Ballistics, and Forensic Techniques.'"

"'Of course, the real issue is where you get shot,' he added. 'One bullet can kill you, but believe it or not, a body can survive a lot of bullet wounds.'"

"Angel Alvarez, 23, shot Luis Soto of the Bronx before falling in a hail of gunfire in a wild shootout with NYPD officers ..."

"Alvarez's sister ... said doctors confirmed they had removed at least 21 slugs from his body." ...

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until a majority of voters discover that they can vote themselves largess out of the public treasury. — Alexander Tyler (in his 1770 book, Cycle of Democracy)

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