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Newslinks for 8/11/2001

UK: The anarchy on our streets reflects our lack of liberty
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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"This catastrophic loss of respect for the institutions and norms of civil society has coincided with a rapid expansion of the powers of government. It is, though, no mere coincidence: there is a causal connection. Never has the state had less authority; never have the citizens enjoyed fewer liberties." --Daniel Johnson

ABA Opposes Gunmaker Lawsuit Immunity
Submitted by: skypod

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The American Bar Association on Tuesday passed a resolution opposing state and federal legislation that would protect the firearms industry from civil lawsuits.

The resolution, introduced by the Los Angeles County Bar Association, was in response to legislation pending in Congress that would strip courts of jurisdiction to hear civil claims against gunmakers.

Abby Newman: License check violated her rights
Submitted by: skypod

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"It's a matter of her constitutional rights - her freedom of religion, her right to remain silent, and an illegal search and seizure. And political groups from around the country such as Gun Owners of America and the Christian Alert Network have taken up her cause, posting video tape footage of her arrest on the Internet and faxing letters to Commonwealth's Attorney Cliff Hapgood demanding that the case be dropped."

Ashcroft's gun views take heat in court case
Submitted by: skypod

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WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Justice Department plans to fight an attempt by a gun control group to introduce a document critical of Attorney General John Ashcroft's views on the Second Amendment into a court case in Texas.

FBI Officials Facing Inquiry: Retaliation Alleged In Ruby Ridge Probe
Submitted by: Jeff Rau

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"The Justice Department's inspector general has opened an investigation of alleged retaliation by senior FBI officials against agents who uncovered flaws in the bureau's handling of the 1992 siege at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, and its aftermath."

~~ Oh boy an investigation.

California Dreamin': The state S.C. shoots down bogus gun lawsuit
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"You know you're in trouble when the folks out in California start making sense."

But our friends at The Wall Street Journal's OpinionJournal continue to do just that.

"Especially on an issue that mixes assault weapons and trial lawyers. But sanity prevailed this week, and that's news in itself."

Lubbock TX Robinson Case Audio Clips (followup)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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This is a audio clip of the swat team at the Robinson fiasco in Lubbock Texas. It was posted on the discussion board under RandomChaos 8/9/01: "the San Antonio Lightning could only come up with 1:42 of audio. Our Lubbock Online has over 10 min for you!!"

Clip 1 & Clip 2.

You'll need RealPlayer to listen.

Rosie: "I feel for the Mom who killed her kids"
Submitted by: Jerry Jones

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Rosie: "My son crawled into the bedroom and said, ‘You want to watch "Rugrats," Mommy? There's no guns in it.' Because he knew I was so upset about guns, he was 3 or 4 but he knew," O'Donnell said.

"I saw this scared little boy, and I thought, ‘I want his childhood to be different than mine,' " she said.

Maybe Rosie has finally realized that using scare tactics to push your view hurts people, especially when lies and distortions are used.

Rosie the Gun-Hater blames her depression on Guns
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Unbelievable and amazing what Rush Limbaugh had on his radio show yesterday. It seems poor Rosie whined on Good Morning America about her mental illness being caused by kids with guns -- her depression started with Columbine.

Unwittingly, Diane Sawyer revealed the truth: Gun control advocates are sick in the head. Thanks!

P.S. Be sure and listen to the amazing audio -- remember how hateful she was to Tom Sellick? She "explains" why.

Doctors in Virginia oppose instant background check
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Doctors in Virginia oppose background checks -- for themselves!

You see, the State Board of Medicine was *supposed* to provide instant background information via the Internet on Virginia physicians -- including malpractice and disciplinary information, but the doctors' lobby stopped all that.

Well gosh, if it saves even one life, isn't it worth the loss of privacy?

Entrapped by the Chicago Anti-Gun Enforcement Unit (CAGE)
Submitted by: skypod

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Santana was attempting to purchase the firearms in support of the Chicago Anti Gun Enforcement (CAGE) unit in its attempt to entrap FFLs into making illegal sales. As reported earlier by the ISRA, CAGE is apparently registering gun owners nationwide and engaging in confiscations of guns from law abiding citizens. Read the following carefully, and remember these events took place in the United States of America.

Hunting, trapping time-honored sports deserving newspaper coverage
Submitted by: skypod

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"Recently, an open letter by Mr. Norm Phelps of the Fund for Animals may have been submitted to your paper. Remarkably, the letter actually encouraged newspaper editors to stop covering hunting and trapping in the sports section of their papers."... --Ed Staback, Vice Chairman, House Game and Fisheries Committee

House to Consider Controversial Land-Acquisition Bill (CARA)
Submitted by: skypod

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Post Comments | Read Comments -- A bill that would give the federal government more money to acquire private lands is headed for a full House vote sometime this fall. The Conservation and Reinvestment Act (CARA) was voted out of the House Resources Committee last week on a 29-12 vote. The measure alarms some property rights advocates and critics of current federal stewardship efforts.


AND: Thomas.Loc.Gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c107:H.R.701:


Ireland: Huge hidden arsenals wait to go finally beyond use
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Irish Independent -- THOUSANDS of illicit weapons are at large in the North and hidden in the Republic, as well as more than 100,000 legally-held guns. Taken together all these make the island of Ireland one of the most heavily-armed areas of Western Europe.

Most of the illegal guns and heavier weaponry are in the hands of the IRA, but others are scattered over a range of organisations. Here are some probable statistics assembled by security experts:...

The Opinion of the Mercury News: Massacre Loophole
Submitted by: skypod

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The Opinion of the Mercury News: "State justices rule a 1980s law shields gun makers from liability suits; Legislature must repeal or amend that statute."

Also see their biased "news" reporting: Ruling protects firearm makers.


Executive Editor:
Letters to the Editor:
Perspective (op-eds):

UK: Police warned of US-style 'gun culture' spreading to Britain
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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British police forces were warned yesterday that they risked slipping into a US-style "gun culture" where officers are routinely armed.

Simon Hughes, the Liberal Democrat home affairs spokesman, said that no one had "signed up" to increase the use of firearms within the UK, but Home Office figures showed the number of incidents where police used guns was on the rise across England and Wales.

UK: Anti-hunting group donated £50,000 to Labour
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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An influential anti-hunting lobby group donated almost £50,000 to the Labour Party during the general election – only weeks before Tony Blair announced he would proceed with a vote to ban hunting. The revelation will infuriate countryside campaigners who will question Labour's impartiality on a ban on hunting with dogs.

Two armed robbers dead after selecting wrong victim
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Four men stopped their car to rob two men standing in a road. Two of the four got out of the car. When one covered his face and pointed a gun at the intended victim, the tables turned quickly...

Riot Ideology and De-policing
Submitted by: skypod

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"A Seattle policeman explained de-policing as: 'Parking under a shady tree to work on a crossword puzzle is a great alternative to being labeled a racist and being dragged through an inquest, a review board, an FBI and U.S. attorney investigation, and a lawsuit.'

"I await the day when the civil-rights establishment, black politicians and white liberals, instead of giving aid and comfort, exhibit the rancor and criticism of black criminals they now reserve for policemen." --Walter Williams

I have seen an American general and his officers, without pay, and almost without clothes, living on roots and drinking water; and all for LIBERTY! What chance have we against such men! -- young British officer to Colonel Watson describing the American militia rebels in Georgetown, SC [Source: 'Marion, The Life of Gen. Francis Marion' by M. L. Weems, Ch.18]

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