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Newslinks for 8/11/2003

MA: Schedule wanted for state gun roster
Submitted by: Jim F.

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"An effort is under way to establish a firm schedule for updating the state's roster of approved firearms, a move that would reduce the time it takes for some handguns to get from manufacturers to buyers."

"Just this week seven weapons were added to the roster, including three made by Smith & Wesson in Springfield, bringing the total number of firearms on the list to 379."

CO: Aurora club weighs in on Denver's gun law challenge
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Aurora Gun Club took aim Friday at Denver over the city's legal battle with the state over two new gun laws."

"And it took a little shot at Attorney General Ken Salazar as well as the club filed a motion in Denver District Court to intervene in the dispute. It said it has allocated up to $25,000 for legal costs."

"Jim Winchester, an Aurora Gun Club board member, said the group intervened in part because members are concerned about whether Attorney General Ken Salazar's office would defend the state laws adequately."

CO: Springs council may reinstate firearms ban in city buildings
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"In Colorado Springs, Ortega's point is forcing the City Council into a corner."

"Council members voted only a few months ago to allow people to carry weapons openly in city parks and public buildings. Now they're poised to vote on Tuesday to reinstate the bans in City Hall and other city buildings." ...

"Even council members who identify themselves as gun rights supporters are planning to vote in favor of the ban."

What kind of gun rights supporters could they possibly be if they are afraid of peaceable citizens exercising their constitutional rights in their little domain?

Senate Close to Passing Gun Manufacturer Immunity Legislation
Submitted by: Robert Lewis

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" 'Democrats, who believe that their calls for gun controls might have cost them the White House in 2000, are less willing to take on the gun lobby. Polls suggest that public fears about terrorism have helped mute the debate,' reports USA Today."

"And now, gun rights supporters are closing in on what probably would be their most enduring victory."

MA: Feeling salty over pepper spray
Submitted by: Dr. Richard F. Griffiths

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Massachusetts residents protest the recent hike in Firearms Identification Card (FID) fees from $25 to $100 and the ludicrous requirement that forces women to obtain a FID card in order to carry self-defense sprays.

It's important for the rest of the nation to realize what happens when the anti-gun movement gains political control even for a brief moment in any state.

OH: Words above Deeds? Sen. Doug White says 'I want a [CCW] bill.'
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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"Senate President Doug White told Gongwer Thursday he hopes the House and Governor Bob Taft can reach agreement on a stalled measure that would allow licensed Ohioans to carry concealed weapons 'because I want a bill.' "

"The legislation (HB 12) was left pending when the General Assembly recessed in June for the summer. Negotiations collapsed when the House and Mr. Taft's office could not reach agreement on affirmative defense and other provisions. (Actually, negotiations stalled when Sen. White refused to appoint conferees to a committee, as proper legislative procedure requires.)"

OH: National F.O.P. President says CCW saves lives
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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"Ohio Highway Patrol Superintendent Paul McClellan opposes HB12, claiming that 'there is no statistical or anecdotal evidence which supports that concealment and transportation of a weapon in a motor vehicle is effective or safe as a defensive or deterrent measure.' "

"But Chuck Canterbury, president of the National F.O.P., knows better."

"While speaking at the F.O.P.'s 56th Biennial National Conference last week, Canterbury called for passage of a national concealed carry bill, 'which would allow the 750,000 or so police officers outside their jurisdictions to carry guns.' "

" 'There are a number of cases', said Canterbury, 'of police officers, outside of their jurisdictions, saving citizens' lives.' "

"Isn't it interesting that when it comes to securing self-defense eights for it's members, the F.O.P. is very suddenly very interested in quoting real-life examples of lives being saved by a person with a concealed firearm?"

CA: Another California .50 Caliber proposal
Submitted by: John Simutis

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"All it would take is a willing mind and a powerful explosive to turn Contra Costa's hulking oil refineries into giant chemical bombs."

"In an age of terrorism and readily available weapons, neither prospect can be completely discounted."

"So Contra Costa supervisors are scheduled Tuesday to take aim at a readily available gun they say presents just such a threat. The board is expected to ask county attorneys to draft an ordinance that would ban the sale of .50-caliber BMG rifles in unincorporated areas."

This is yet another disingenuous attempt to link the power of the firearm with terrorism.

Reporter's email:

UK: Hijackers run down trucker
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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"The killing of a lorry driver who was run over outside a Chingford superstore was a 'horrible and callous murder', according to police."

"Ian Jones was crushed under the wheels after standing in front of the 18-ton vehicle as it was driven away by robbers from Currys at the Hall Lane/A406 junction on Thursday, August 7."

Banning guns did not save this one.

CA: Mary Carey's Platform: "Porno for Pistols"
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Mary Carey is pledging to make lap dances tax deductible and to swap guns for smut if elected." ...

"The 22-year-old blonde said her electoral platform would include taxing breast implants to generate revenue and hiring porn stars to help negotiate better wholesale electricity prices in the energy-strapped state."

"She also wants to create a 'Porno for Pistols' programme under which gun owners would be urged to swap their weapons for X-rated movies in a bid to reduce violence in the freewheeling golden state."

" 'If more guys had orgasms, they'd be less violent,' she said..."

OH: Motorist Killed After Boy, 15, Steals Car
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The father of the teen was unaware that his son took the keys and the car."

Where are the cries for 'common sense,' key safe-storage, CAP laws? Where are the laws requiring 'smart key' technology?

TN: Tax Agents Descend On Yard Sale
Submitted by: John Fansler

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"The world's longest yard sale had some unexpected and unwanted visitors Thursday when more than a dozen agents from the state's revenue department distributed notices and permits to several vendors. The actions of the agents, the first such attempt to collect taxes on the huge yard sale in its 17-year history, did not go over well with merchants or supporters of the weeklong event, scheduled to end Sunday." ...

"We had a lot of people around here scared when some of these agents started flashing their badges and showing their guns."

Have we descended so far into socialist hell that the government steals citizens' money at gunpoint?

IL: Gunfire claims 19-year-old Auroran
Submitted by: Lawrence Miller

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"A 19-year-old Aurora man died early Friday from wounds suffered in a shooting in the 200 block of North Smith Street." ...

"Friday's shooting scene is in a residential area about a block from the grounds of Rollins Elementary School."

"As young children played near a wooden fence now dotted with numbers marking bullet holes, Fabian Trejo expressed his concern."

Amazing how the criminals just keep breaking those laws, isn't it?

Feds harassing citizen border groups?
Submitted by: Robert Lewis

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"An Arizona newspaper owner and founder of a citizens' group whose goal is to thwart illegal immigration says U.S. Border Patrol officials in Washington have instructed field agents in his area to contact local authorities whenever the group intercepts and turns in illegal aliens."

NH: New Hampshire Police Car Races Away from Bank Heist
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A bank robber this week sped away from his heist in a police car with flashing emergency lights, leaving police to investigate if one of their own may have been behind the wheel."

" 'We noticed one of our police cruisers was missing just before we got the call about the bank robbery, where witnesses said they saw one of our cars speeding away with the lights flashing,' said Sgt. Mark Fowke."

... "Police have not named any suspects but have not ruled out the chance that the robber was someone on the force who would know how to turn on the cruiser's lights and speed away."

MN: New law is trouble only for those who hate firearms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"David Lillehaug's commentary, 'Stumbling on surprises in the new gun bill' surprises me, considering he is a lawyer and I am not. I especially love his ending comment about how supporters of the bill refused to allow free debate. This after years of trying to get the DFL-run Senate to stop tying up the bill in committee and allow a free vote, and also after the longest debate on the Senate floor in recent history. It was debated beyond the point of being ridiculous and was finally voted on." ...

"I could go on, but to what end? Lillehaug's grave concern is based on a firearms phobia. Pick any law and someone can find fault with it. No law is perfect, but this one goes a long way toward being very workable and addressing everyone's concerns."

NE: Faulty Tire Didn't Cause Murder
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Ford Motor Co. and Bridgestone/Firestone Inc. are not liable for the death of a 19-year-old woman killed by a man who gave her a lift after she got a flat tire, the Nebraska Supreme Court ruled Friday."

"The court upheld a lower court ruling in a case stemming from the 2000 murder of Amy Stahlecker, a freshman at Wayne State College." ...

"The woman's parents, Susan and Dale Stahlecker of Fremont, claimed in the suit that a Firestone Wilderness AT tire on their daughter's 1997 Ford Explorer failed, setting off the chain of events that resulted in her death."

NY: Blame the shooter
Submitted by: Robert Lewis

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"Surely, there's no sane person who isn't horrified by criminal shootings."

"But there's one teensy-weensy piece of information Hizzoner, the judge and all the other gun-control advocates are forgetting: Responsibility for a shooting lies with the shooter - not with the gun or its maker."

"Indeed, New York already has one of the strongest gun-control laws in the nation - and the NYPD has an exemplary record in confiscating illegal guns."

"Still, it's not possible to stop every maniac from getting his hands on a gun."

Judicial Tyranny
Submitted by: Don Hamrick

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"One of the greatest contemporary threats to the survival of republican government arises from the courts. Increasingly, judges are behaving like black-robed autocrats, not simply ruling upon the law, but making law."

UK: Prince William 'kills deer with spear'
Submitted by: Evan F. Nappen, Esq.

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"Prince William has killed a tiny antelope on holiday in Kenya with a 7ft spear, according to reports."

"The story in the Mail on Sunday is likely to reopen the debate about the Royal Family and their participation in blood sports."

"The prince had been taking lessons in hunting from a Masai warrior when he took a shot at a dik-dik, a 14 inch (35 cm) high native deer."

Australia: Shooting still baffles police
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Police are no closer to solving a bizarre shooting incident in Cairns last Friday because the victim will not provide them with any information."

"The 38-year-old man drove himself to his Earlville home after being shot once in the chest with what police said was a small calibre gun, before the ambulance service was called."

NY: The Path From Permit To Pistol
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The four-page NYPD gun-permit application is available from any precinct station house."

"Applicants must list a reason for wanting a gun, name the last five places of employment, reveal any arrests or convictions, medications, history of psychological problems, any rejection from civil service and instances when they have testified in court. Plans for safeguarding the weapon must be detailed."

"The entire process can take six to eight weeks."

Boy is this guy optimistic!

GA: Chance to blaze away with automatic weapons draws shooters to range
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hands steady, eyes sharp and focused, he annihilates the silhouetted target in minutes. His weapon inspires immediate respect."

"Relax -- he's just having the sort of fun you're supposed to have at Bull's-Eye Indoor Range & Gun Shop."

" 'It's simple, quick, harmless fun,' said MacLeod. 'They're fun to play with. Just put a lot of holes through the target as quick as you can. Bull's-Eye is pretty unique.' "

Australia: Buffs over a barrel on 'nonsense' licence laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Antique gun owners Sally and Laura McMahon are all fired up over new legislation that will force collectors like them to license and register muzzle-loading percussion pistols."

"The McMahon sisters say it is outrageous they could be put to the expense of licensing and securing the guns when they pose no more threat to the community than, say, an antique vase."

"Antique pistol owners will have to undergo safety training and fingerprinting and install monitored alarms to protect their collections."

DC: Weapons Unit Gets a Jump on Crime
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Once, he was simply Gary K. Thorne, a neighbor who lived with his mother until she died, lavished care on his garden and treated a neighbor's cat as his own. Then Thorne withdrew from the world. He boarded up the windows. Even his house seemed to be shrinking behind a tangle of weeds."

"After a while, no one saw him much at all, except when he flung open his front door to rant about kids playing basketball in the driveway across the street. And then, according to neighbors and police, he made some ominous remarks about the guns he owned."

"That was enough for the Montgomery County Firearms Task Force, a multi-agency unit formed this year to take guns away from people who shouldn't have them. An outgrowth of October's Washington area sniper manhunt, the unit is going after gun traffickers, felons whose criminal record prohibits them from having firearms, and mentally ill people with guns."

WI: Debate continues over concealed gun carrying laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two recent Wisconsin Supreme Court decisions have renewed debate on Wisconsin’s 130-year-old law that bans carrying concealed weapons."

"At the heart of the debate is who can and should be responsible for our safety and security. Do citizens have a right to carry a gun under their jacket, in their pocket, to keep themselves safe? Or do the risks of that action outweigh the right?"

"The decisions on concealed carry will impact the way some local agencies do business, but others say it will have little impact on their jobs. Of bigger concern, some said, is the possibility of a concealed carry law that allows citizens to carry concealed weapons almost anywhere."

Australia: Officer under scrutiny over gun dealership
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Police have begun an internal investigation into a senior sergeant who operates a private gun dealership, prompting claims the officer is being victimised for political reasons."

"Senior sergeant Greg Moon is president of a sporting shooters' organisation, the National Range Officers Institute, and has made submissions to the State Government on the need for sporting weapons of greater than .38 calibre."

TX: Fired officer long had troubled past
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While he was still a recruit in the Dallas Police Academy, Derrick C. Evans failed a departmental polygraph test about his involvement in a homicide. Despite his deceptive responses, he hit the street three years ago as a Dallas patrol officer."

"Before police ever approved him as a recruit, according to public records, Mr. Evans twice had been the target of emergency protective orders after judges ruled that he had assaulted his wife."

And these are the kinds of people Sarah Brady wants to own firearms, while the rest of us are disarmed?

Australia: NSW Opposition unimpressed by gun crackdown
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The New South Wales Opposition has dismissed the Government's latest attempts to crackdown on the illegal gun culture."

"The Police Minister has announced that Operation Vikings, set up last year to tackle street crime, will start to focus on illegal handguns."

"But Shadow Police Minister, Peter Debna, says the announcement falls well short of the action required to attack the problem."

UK: Dissident suspects held in UK
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Three men have been arrested in England following a police operation investigating dissident Irish republican activity."

"The arrests were made in Morecambe in Lancashire, after searches in Lancashire, West Yorkshire, and in London."

"Police officers recovered two handguns and a rifle at commercial premises."

Israel: Israeli rifle takes aim at U.S. ally's M-16
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Israel is replacing its world-famous Uzi sub-machinegun and U.S.-supplied M-16 assault rifle with a new flagship firearm."

"The design of the Tavor is based largely on lessons learned during military operations in the West Bank and Gaza Strip against a 34-month-old Palestinian uprising for independence."

"The first Tavors, made by Israel Military Industries (IMI), have been issued to elite Israeli infantry units, part of an order of 15,000 announced last month by the Defence Ministry."

OH: Moving targets
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For some, shooting sports may mean taking a rifle to a station and attempting to place a bullet in the center of a piece of paper. This activity, while challenging, doesn't always have the variety some people look for in outdoor sport."

"But you can try something else again, like trying to hit a target that is not only moving, but moving behind trees and brush at 50 miles an hour and from a variety of different angles."

"Coshocton County's array of recreational activities got a little more diverse this May when Sandi and Jim Bailey, realizing that large and attractive portions of their property weren't pulling their weight, opened Turkey Hollows Sporting Clays."

OH: Teenagers charged with stun gun attacks on homeless in Ohio
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Four teenagers were charged Saturday with attacking homeless people with a stun gun as they slept and videotaping the assaults."

"Police said the teenagers carried out attacks on at least six homeless people sleeping on park benches or in doorways."

What Happens When Only Celebrities Own Weapons
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Ask O. J. Simpson’s battered wife Nicole, or Robert Blake’s abused wife Bonnie, or Jayson Williams’ naïve chauffeur."

"Jennifer O’Neill, who purports to support the Bill of Rights, negligently discharged her illegal pistol into her own stomach, then idiotically blamed the firearm, a mere inanimate object, for 'just going off.' Her lawyer’s successful defense was that famous actresses have a right to possess illegal firearms -but not you."

"Corrupt social fascist Democrat New York Congressman Biaggi irately insisted that, like every other “police” state, only mercenary proxy-guardian 'police' officers should have firearms. Biaggi embarrassingly then had to surrender two pistols after his felony conviction in the Wedtech scandal."

Government Chaos
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"But let's say you're lucky. You've somehow managed to keep your house. And you're cozied up snug and warm in your bed. It's after midnight. You don't know there's a dozen very large men gathered on your front lawn, trampling your petunias. They're festooned in paramilitary Kevlar from jackboot to tinted helmet visor and they're stoned on adrenaline and testosterone. They bash in your door with a custom door basher. They scream letters from a Post Alpha-Bits cereal box like 'FBI!' and 'DEA!' and 'BATF!' and challenge you to the children's tag game of 'Freeze!' They point muzzles of seriously lethal weaponry in your face. They drag you out of bed, dressed only in your boxer shorts with the little red hearts and cupids, and cuff your wrists behind your back. Then they spend the next three hours ransacking your house from soap dish to breadbox. Eventually, someone with keys and bad breath removes your handcuffs with a muttered, 'Oops, wrong house.' "

It's at this precise moment that I want you to turn to your partner in home ownership and say, 'Libertarians are always bashing government. If it wasn't for government we'd have nothing but chaos.' "

NC: NRA Misrepresents Suit Against GRNC
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Gun rights supporters should be aware that GRNC has no interest in a national battle against the NRA. Unfortunately, however, the threat to GRNC's survival left no choice. Worse, statements released by both the NRA and its board members have misrepresented the lawsuit, GRNC's actions, and the legislative issues on which NRA has repeatedly sold out its own members for self-serving purposes. Below, we respond to specific mischaracterizations."

NY: Masked men rob Brooklyn Macy's store
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Two masked gunmen assaulted a security guard at a Macy's department store and made off with $37,000 in cash."

"The robbery happened at the downtown Brooklyn store shortly after it opened Saturday, The New York Times reported. There were few shoppers in the store at the time, police said."

NY: Family Terrorized by Home Invasion Burglary
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A woman and her three children were held captive at gunpoint in their North Valley Stream home for an hour Saturday, as two men ransacked the house."

"The men, who were accompanied by a third man who acted as a lookout but did not enter the house, fled after the mother set off a panic alarm, according to a police statement. The mother and her three children were not injured in the incident, the statement said."

Russia: Soldier Kills 2 Officers
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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A soldier killed two officers while firing his gun during a training exercise, military officials said Friday.

Alexei Alyokhin, stationed in Kovrov in the Vladimir region, was detained after the shooting, Colonel Vitaly Gusak said.

He said Alyokhin fired his automatic rifle beyond the boundaries of the shooting range, striking three officers. Two later died of their injuries.

Gusak said authorities were investigating whether the shooting might have been an accident.

NC: Social service workers struggle with criminal checks
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"In reviews following the deaths of at least eight children in the past five years, officials cited lack of access to criminal records as a hindrance to local Department of Social Services investigations, The Charlotte Observer reported Sunday."

"North Carolina social workers can't use national criminal records databases in child maltreatment investigations, though state laws allows access to professional licensing boards for doctors and real estate agents."

Feds Pressure Annan To Dump Machine Guns
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Under pressure from the Bush administration, the United Nations security department has decided to move a stash of controversial firearms out of the world body's New York City headquarters."

"The MP-5 sub-machine guns, para-military assault rifles made by Heckler and Koch of Germany, are to be moved to U.N. peace keeping operations overseas, according to State Dept. sources."

MI: State police were helped by ham radio operators for help in capturing a cop killer
Submitted by: Don Hamrick, ham radio callsign KI5SS

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Parallel to threat of gun control laws: Suspect Scott Woodring was a licensed amateur radio operator with callsign KC8GMJ. He was using amateur radios to communicate with others to avoid law enforcement. The threat to law abiding amateur radio operators is more regulations restricting the use of ham radios in parity with firearms. Note however, that law abiding ham radio operators came to the assistance of law enforcement when needed.

Most reporters are very sympathetic to gun-control agendas and will skew or lie outright about facts to promote them. — DENNIS CAUCHON, USA TODAY

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