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Newslinks for 8/11/2006

Saving the Children (BFA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A new study by the American Academy of Pediatrics estimates that 24,000 children are injured in shopping-cart accidents every year. A staggering 85% of those children are under five years of age. That dwarfs the number of children who were injured with guns last year."

"It appears that your child has a much better chance of being hurt in an accident involving a shopping cart than with a gun."

"Yet, gun control activists continue to target guns as an evil that must be eradicated. At the same time they ignore the risk to children created by much more common items like shopping carts, swimming pools, and even 5-gallon buckets." ...

Forcibly Disarming Law-Abiding Americans
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "This exact scenario unfolded in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, unbeknownst to most people across the country. New Orleans and other government officials literally ordered reluctant law enforcement officers to confiscate firearms from law-abiding citizens at gunpoint." ...

"This wasn't some foreign tyranny, nor was it some soft socialist European state. It was within the United States of America ..."

"For years, gun control activists have condescendingly assured us that 'government is not going to knock on doors and take people's guns.' But Hurricane Katrina proves otherwise, and illustrates what gun-rights advocates have predicted: that this is precisely what they'll do. ..."

Browning A-Bolt Mountain Ti
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The first rifle I took to Africa during the early 1970s was a Safari Grade Browning in .375 Holland & Holland Magnum. Among other things, I bumped off my very first Cape buffalo with that rifle. In those days Browning bolt guns were built in Belgium by Fabrique Nationale, and two basic actions were used: the FN Mauser for long cartridges and the Sako action for cartridges of medium and short lengths. Those early High Powers, as Browning called them, were fine rifles. But they were quite expensive to manufacture, and it showed in their prices. When I acquired my .375 I could have bought a Winchester Model 70 in the same caliber for $65 less." ...

John Lott: Guns and Children
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Jane E. Brody's column claiming that people should store their guns locked and unloaded is dangerous advice and will lead to more deaths ('Is Your Child a Split Second from Disaster?'). Her discussion focuses on accidental gun deaths in the home, but 85 percent of the fatality number she misleadingly points to involve homicides. Surely a concern, but locking up guns in law-abiding homes is unrelated to stopping drug gangs from murdering one another."

"Despite her claim, adult males with criminal records and histories of alcoholism or drugs are the ones firing the guns that accidentally kill most young children."

"Gun locks won't stop adult criminals from firing their own guns, but they will prevent law-abiding citizens from defending themselves." ...

VA: Man who beat Norfolk family with bat pleads guilty
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Krista Ermen could not describe how she felt watching the man who beat her with a baseball bat plead guilty." ...

"During breakfast with the girls on the day he was to return the children to their mother, he said he hated the Ermens' father, Matt, and 'was going to get a bat and kill everybody.'"

"He later said he didn't mean it. But he pulled an aluminum baseball bat from the back of the car when he took the children to their mother's home across the street from the Ermens' house." ...

"Matt and Sean Ermen finally subdued Marsh by hitting him with an unloaded pistol. ..." [emphasis added] ...

"A protective order barred him from contact with [Kimberly] except to 'facilitate visitation' ..." ...

OR: Wife won't be tried in husband's shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 50-year-old Milwaukie woman who said she killed her husband during an argument over a child he'd fathered with another woman will not be prosecuted."

"A spokesman for the Clackamas County district attorney's office said Wednesday that after a seven-month investigation by police and prosecutors his office believes Rose Perez killed Juan Gabriel Perez Solis, 36, in self-defense as he was beating her with a stick." ...

"[Chief deputy district attorney] Horner said the couple's argument was considered as a possible motive for murder, but investigators also saw that Rose Perez had been badly beaten. She had severe bruising to her head, including a black eye and wounds to her cheek and forehead, Horner said." ...

NY: Man denies gun charge after killing attacker
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"When Matthew L. McDonald tried to rob Stuart D. Miles at gunpoint, Miles responded by shooting and killing McDonald with a .38-caliber revolver."

"Now Miles is in trouble for illegally possessing the gun he used in self-defense."

"Miles, 25, pleaded not guilty Wednesday to second- and third-degree criminal possession of a weapon in connection with the May 1 slaying of McDonald, 18, on Jefferson Avenue."

"If convicted, Miles could be imprisoned up to 15 years." ...

"Prosecutors presented a charge of second-degree murder to a grand jury, which refused to indict him on that charge, said Assistant District Attorney Paul Irving."

Philippines: Violent crime spurs push for gun ownership in Philippines
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Philippine lawyer Johnmuel Mendoza vividly recalls the day his gun saved his life."

"He was sitting in his pick-up truck in a Manila suburb when a deranged man appeared out of nowhere and started attacking his car with a metal pipe."

"'As he was about to smash my windshield I took out my gun and told him to stop,' Mendoza recalls."

"At the sight of the gun the man came to his senses, dropped the pipe and fled."

"Today, Mendoza uses the lessons of that incident as president of PROGUN, perhaps the only organization in Asia fighting for the right of private citizens to own guns."

"... with an annual murder rate approaching 10,000 and where violent crime is endemic has seen thousands of Filipinos seeking to arm themselves for protection." ...

Guard cleared on 'I, Robot' defence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two years after killing the man who robbed and viciously assaulted her, Australian security guard Karen Brown has been acquitted of murder charges ..."

"Brown, 44, became a folk hero to 'gun freedom' advocates in the U.S. after her story surfaced from Down Under. Supporters were livid when she was charged for blowing away a scumbag who had not only robbed her of $40,000 but had pounded her repeatedly in the face with brass knuckles ..." ...

"Brown, as many American readers wrote in, should have been given a medal."

"So Brown's acquittal will be good news for her admirers -- at least until they find out why she was found not-guilty."

"Because Brown was not cleared of the shooting on the grounds of self-defence or justifiable homicide." ...

KY: Big Bang (SPLC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "At a former naval proving ground near Fort Knox, the hills are alive with the sound of gunfire, as the semi-annual Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot gets under way. Billed as 'the nation's largest machine gun shoot and military gun show,' the Knob Creek festival, which takes place every April and October, is a frenzied exhibition of firepower to rival a bad day in Mogadishu. On the upper range, which is reserved for heavy weaponry, the rental guns include a belt-fed M-60 ($40 for 50 rounds, $75 for 100), a 1917 British-made Vickers Mark 1, and a Civil War-era Gatling gun. The main attraction, though, is a six-barrel M134 Minigun, which is powered by a General Electric motor and sends 4,000 rounds of hot lead per minute downrange. ..." ...

PA: Pennsylvania House of Representatives will convene a Committee of the Whole
Submitted by: Henry Statkowski

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"As a wave of crime and violence has spread throughout the Commonwealth, House Majority Leader Sam Smith (R-Jefferson County) today announced that the Pennsylvania House of Representatives will convene a Committee of the Whole on Tuesday, Sept. 26, to focus solely on public safety issues." ...

"'House Republicans believe the solution to violent crime is to aggressively target and penalize criminal behavior,' Smith said."

PA: Fear of NRA kills needed gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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" Philadelphia, gripped by gun violence, fought back with a summit last month."

"The two-hour session, held on the last day of July, came after 232 people had taken fatal bullets this year." ...

"The former state and federal prosecutor, now a member of a Philadelphia law firm, spoke volumes when he begged the state's 1,200 police chiefs to keep the issue of gun violence alive in their communities."

"'One would think we could rely on our Legislature to do something about gun violence,' Phillips said. 'But our legislators have proven time and again that they are too weak-kneed to stand up to the National Rifle Association and the influence that the NRA has.'" ...

CA: Mayor, Police Chief Endorse Bullet-Identification Measure
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Police Chief William J. Bratton added their support Wednesday to a bill requiring gun manufacturers to build handguns that would stamp bullet casings with serial numbers — an innovation intended to speed investigations by making it easier to link bullets to the weapons that fired them." ...

"... some critics charge that the etching on the firing pins of guns would quickly degrade, rendering the technology ineffective."

"Moreover, some maintain that the markings could be inadvertently erased by gun owners cleaning and caring for their weapons."

"'If you fix your gun, you face a felony,' according to the National Rifle Assn.'s Members' Council position paper opposing the bill." ...

DC: District to set up crime cameras
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"D.C. police today will begin installing surveillance cameras in four high-crime neighborhoods, nearly 30 days after officials declared a citywide crime emergency." ...

"'The deployment of CCTV cameras in D.C. neighborhoods is not a panacea to the serious problems of crime and violence on our streets,' Metropolitan Police Chief Charles H. Ramsey said. 'But the cameras do provide us with one additional crime-fighting tool that will help to deter criminal activity in the first place and, if crimes do occur, help us identify, apprehend and convict the offenders.'"

"A fatal shooting occurred during broad daylight yesterday at one of the proposed camera sites." ...

Submitter's Note: Of course an armed citizenry would be an even better 'crime-fighting tool that would help to deter criminal activity in the first place'.

MI: Child shoots self with Detroit cop's gun
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A 4-year-old boy apparently shot himself to death early Thursday with a powerful handgun he found under a bed in a home on Detroit’s east side."

"The home belongs to a Detroit police officer, Louis Anderson, 58, and the .40-caliber Glock semiautomatic pistol had been issued to the officer by the Detroit Police Department, officials said." ...

"Maria Miller, a spokeswoman for Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy, said her office has not yet received the final report on the shooting. Prosecutors are likely to decide next week whether to seek criminal charges, Miller said."

Submitter's Note: Perhaps the recent gun buy back should have targeted Detroit Police Officers?

IL: Ill. officer charged with raping 4 women
Submitted by: Protector

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"A police sergeant accused of raping four women since 2002 has been charged 35 counts, including multiple attacks on three of his victims, in a grand jury indictment unsealed Thursday."

"Sgt. Jeff Pelo, 41, had already been charged with sexually assaulting the four women and has pleaded no guilty. The McLean County grand jury indictment added nearly 30 new charges."

"Pelo also is charged with home invasion and aggravated unlawful restraint in two of the alleged rapes. The charges allege he was armed with a gun or knife in those attacks. He faces intimidation charges in one attack because he allegedly threatened to harm the woman's family if she contacted police." ...

India: Haryana constable arrested for smuggling
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Delhi Police Thursday arrested six members of an interstate arms smuggling gang that includes a head constable of Haryana Police."

"'We have recovered six imported pistols and hand grenades from them. The markings on the guns are being examined to find out their origin,' said R.S. Yadav, the deputy commissioner of police."

"He said Rajbir Singh, the head constable, was the main facilitator of the deals in Haryana and Punjab. Two wanted criminals - Anil Solanki and Suresh - are also among those arrested." ...

"Yadav said apart from arms smuggling, the gang was involved in extortion, kidnappings and contract killings."

"He said the gang had recently started targeting businessmen in Gurgaon, close to New Delhi, to generate funds."

South Korea: Conscript Shoots Two Before Attempting Suicide
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Army private shot two higher-ranking soldiers early Thursday morning, killing one and wounding the other before fleeing the scene. The fugitive then attempted suicide on the side of a mountain behind the military base and is in critical condition. However, the military failed to report that an armed soldier had gone AWOL, and it was not until an hour and 20 minutes later that police began to search for him, giving him potentially enough time to reach the nearby city of Chuncheon or even Seoul and the metropolitan area. The event again puts the spotlight on major problems with discipline and safety in the armed forces." ...

Ukraine: Ukrainian soldier shoots dead fellow serviceman
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A soldier killed his fellow servicemen during a shooting practice class in a military detachment near Ukraine's capital, Kiev, a spokesman for the Prosecutor General's Office said Thursday.

"Yesterday, at a shooting practice class in a Kiev Region military detachment a private who wanted to scare his fellow soldier aimed an AK-74 [assault rifle] in his face, took off the safety and fired a single shot," the spokesman said.

The soldier died immediately at the scene.

The Prosecutor General's office launched a criminal investigation into the killing.

The fatality follows an incident on August 6, when a Ukrainian officer shot a contract soldier after an argument.

India: Four Delhi Policemen dismissed for faking gunfight
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Delhi Police Thursday dismissed four of its officers after they were found guilty of killing two criminals in fake gunfights."

"Zulfikar, 26, and Nazakat, 22, were killed in what was claimed to be a gunfight with police on the night of July 31."

"Assistant sub-inspector Pramod Tyagi, constable Ashok Kumar, constable Sudesh Rana and constable Suraj Pal were dismissed on the basis of the findings of an inquiry."

"Delhi Police had launched the inquiry after the family members of the deceased filed a complaint in Ghaziabad in Uttar Pradesh, close to the national capital. The inquiry had started Aug 2." ...

"The Uttar Pradesh police Tuesday charged a Delhi Police constable with kidnapping and killing two people in a false gunfight." ...

Paul T. Gideon Wins National Championship
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Gambier, Ohio native Paul T. Gideon won his second career NRA Smallbore Prone Championship last week after posting a score of 6388-464X."

"Just edging the 2006 NRA Smallbore 3-Position Champion, Maj. Michael Anti of the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit (USAMU), Gideon claimed the Prone Metallic Sight Championship earlier that week to cruise to the overall title. Gideon shot a 3195-237X to win the Hoppe Memorial Trophy Plaque, which is given to the winner of the Prone Metallic Sight Championship. Gideon faced over 400 shooters from across the United States in the four days of competition. ..." ...

Shooting ranges a major blast
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With his 12-gauge shotgun cocked and loaded, 17-year-old Andrew Anganes steadies himself."


"An orange disc explodes from an underground bunker, fluttering up into the wind, ascending higher and higher at 60 mph."

"With precision accuracy, Anganes follows the UFO-like target with his firearm before gently tapping the sensitive trigger and blasting the clay pigeon out of the sky into smithereens."

"To the untrained eye, trap shooting looks like only a slightly more hands-on version of Nintendo's videogame, Duck Hunt."

"That assumption, however, could not be more further from the truth." ...

TX: Letters: City officials cherry-pick from Bill of Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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It was insightful to observe the Amarillo city mother and fathers diligently, and correctly, protecting the First Amendment right to free speech on Aug. 5.

However, it was disgusting to observe them riding roughshod over, and arrogantly denying, the citizens' Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. It is one more instance of government picking and choosing which rights it prefers, as opposed to all those granted by the U.S. Constitution.

Wake up, citizens! Power doth corrupt.

Jim Brokenbek


WY: Local club hosts shooting contest
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Donkey Creek Shooters will host the Wyoming State Cowboy Action Shoot, involving about100 people in Gillette on Aug. 19."

"The shoot will involve contestants dressed in period costumes, competing in action-shooting events firing original or replicas of 1880-1890s pistols, rifles and shotguns, said Jim Oster, of he local club. The event is free for spectators."

"The cowboy action shooting sport began nearly 20 years ago in California, and Wyoming clubs have hosted shoots for about the last decade."

"But the local club, the Donkey Creek Shooters, has been active for just 1 1/2 years." ...

KS: Hundreds flock to gun classes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hundreds of people are flocking to shooting ranges in nearby communities to take the class required to be certified to carry concealed weapons, but they won’t be taking classes in Harvey County for now."

"The Harvey County Commission Monday voted unanimously not to allow instructors to teach concealed carry certification classes at the county’s outdoor shooting range."

"The commission cited liability reasons and law enforcement’s demands for the range for not approving a waiver for the classes, Craig Simons, county administrator, said." ...

IL: Guns plus the public doesn't equal danger
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Grand American is an anti-gun activist's nightmare. The event, running through Aug. 18 at the newly completed World Shooting and Recreational Complex near Sparta, is the largest trapshooting event in the nation." ...

"Through most of the day, it's nearly impossible to step foot anywhere on the property and not see someone carrying a shotgun."

"Standing in line for a burger or a brat - chances are one of the people standing next to you will have a shotgun over his/her shoulder." ...

"Granted, under other circumstances, the open display of weaponry and ammunition would make me a little nervous. Therein lies the beauty of this event." ...

KS: Kansas conceal-carry law good for gun dealer's business
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Kansans are lining up to buy guns and to learn how to shoot them."

"'Usually summers in the gun business are deader than a door nail, but we're having a record year,' said Jeff Howlett, owner of Tonganoxie's Kansas Fire Arms Specialties."

"Much of the increased interest in guns is because people are arming themselves to take advantage of the new Kansas conceal-carry gun law, Howlett said."

"'We're selling a lot of pistols,' he said."

"While buying their guns, Kansans also are requesting and completing applications for obtaining a license to carry a concealed weapon. Applications became available July 1 at local sheriff's offices and online from the Kansas Attorney General's office." ...

NE: Experts say Nebraskans need close-range handgun practice
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Nebraskans who carry a concealed handgun do not need to practice shooting the gun at 25 feet."

"They need to know how to shoot from 5 to 15 feet, a number of gun safety instructors say."

"Most self-defense shootings will take place at close range because 'that is when there is the threat of bodily injury or death,' explained instructor Alan Hieronymus."

"He testified Wednesday during a hearing on the proposed rules governing Nebraska’s conceal carry permit system." ...

VA: Gun Laws 101
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a room predominantly filled with guns and men, silence filled the air as students waited for the concealed carry class at the National Rifle Association of America's shooting range to begin."

"One man, a hunter and experienced shooter, wanted to improve his gun safety knowledge and possibly apply for a concealed carry permit. Another man was recently mugged and wanted to see if a concealed carry permit would be a suitable match for him. Most of the other students kept to themselves, but everyone in the room listened attentively to four hours' worth of information on the laws, mechanics and responsibilities associated with cleaning, handling, owning and carrying a handgun." ...

GA: Woman shot in Wal-Mart lot awarded $4.2 million by jury
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A Clayton County State Court jury has awarded $4.2 million to a woman shot during a 2001 carjacking in the Riverdale Wal-Mart parking lot."

"The verdict was returned Tuesday against the retail giant and the man convicted of shooting Katoria Lee, 35. Eric Deown Riggins, 22, is serving a 15-year sentence in state prison for the crime and did not answer the suit." ...

"'We're disappointed in the jury's verdict but we respect the jury system,' said Wal-Mart spokesman John Simley."

"In her suit, Lee complained about a lack of security at the shopping center and was able to provide a list of 398 visits by police to that store for various crimes in the 20 months leading up to her shooting." [emphasis added] ...

Mr. and Mrs. America, turn 'em all in... — Dianne Feinstein, CBS-TV's "60 Minutes, February 5, 1995.

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