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Newslinks for 8/11/2010

Maryland group donates $10K to Bellevue's SAF for court battles
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Bellevue-based Second Amendment Foundation just got a considerable financial shot in the arm to help finance its various gun rights lawsuits, courtesy a grassroots group in Maryland, where one of SAF's lawsuits has been filed."

"Maryland Shall Issue – an organization devoted to replacing the state's current discretionary concealed carry permit system with a law like Washington's that requires police and sheriff's departments to issue Concealed Pistol Licenses to any citizen meeting the statutory qualifications – has donated $10,000 to SAF. Last month, SAF filed a lawsuit in the state, challenging the current law, on behalf of a Baltimore County man, Ray Woollard. His carry permit was denied when he tried to renew it ..." ...

Maryland Shall Issue Announces Major Contribution To Second Amendment Foundation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Maryland Shall Issue (MSI) has announced a contribution in the amount of $10,000 to the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) of Bellevue, Wash."

"'The SAF has demonstrated that it is committed to preserving and advancing the rights of Maryland citizens, and MSI is proud to support those efforts on our behalf,' said MSI President Paul Dembowski."

"The contribution was made in response to a lawsuit filed by the SAF on July 29 on behalf of Baltimore County resident Raymond Woollard and challenges the denial of his gun permit renewal on the grounds that he could not demonstrate 'reasonable precaution against apprehended danger.'" ...

Naomi Campbell 'blood diamond' scandal brings out other famous anti-gunners
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "First we have Campbell herself. Physically abusive to the help, she nonetheless 'lent her name to the magazine Marie-Claire's anti-gun efforts, when they 'asked join us in our campaign for sensible gun laws.' And naturally, she joins other super-rich celebrities in being a big fan of Marxist strongman Hugo Chavez." ...

Dog shooting no reason to ban guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While I can understand the correlation to guns in Dan Rodricks' column ("Too many people, dogs and guns to be shocked," Aug. 10), I have to question using the incident as a foundation for a 'no guns' law."

"First, are the citizen's rights not clearly protected by our Bill of Rights? ... But secondly, would Mr. Rodricks provide no access to guns for law enforcement? Once more - it was not the weapon that committed the act; it was a person."

"... [U]ltimately a person uses questionable, or in most cases illegal, judgment when they fire a weapon."

"In this case, it an example of excessive force - the excessiveness fueled and condoned by the growing abuses of governmental authorities in this country. ..." ...

More Lead Ban Efforts Are an Assault on Our Second Amendment Rights and Freedom to Hunt
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"More efforts are being aimed at eliminating lead - or are they simply aimed at our enjoyment of the shooting sports, fishing and outdoor recreation? Is the motivation behind the latest effort a real safety and environmental concern or is it a back-door attempt to ban firearms from our national parks? We saw efforts to roll back the right to carry in our national parks based on lead concerns immediately after the law went into effect. I'm saying it is yet another attempt to limit our freedom and right to carry."

"The extremist Center for Biological Diversity filed a petition with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency seeking to ban ammunition containing lead core components. ..." ...

Soltis Signature Custom NPSC Rifle Up For Raffle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"NRA's Law Enforcement Division has announced the donation of a Signature Custom Soltis Rifle."

"Valued at more than $7,000, the Model T (Tactical), .308 Winchester rifle will be raffled off during the National Police Shooting Championships' (NPSC) Awards Banquet on Wednesday, September 22, in Albuquerque, New Mexico." ...

"Soltis produces custom hunting and tactical bolt-action rifles built by hand. This particular model features Remington 700 action, a McMillan Fiberglass stock, along with a Stainless Krieger barrel and a Leupold Scope. The rifle has been completely Parkerized and finished with DuraCoat paint in a Soltis Rifles custom tiger stripe pattern." ...

Should U.S. Courts Look Abroad for Guidance?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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To the Editor:

Re "A Respect for World Opinion" (editorial, Aug. 3):

It is not only the liberal Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg or the centrist Justice Anthony M. Kennedy who occasionally look to the practices of other nations and peoples for insight into the meaning of our Constitution. When it suits their purposes, members of the Supreme Court's conservative wing do so as well.

In the McDonald v. Chicago case this past June, the court ruled that the Second Amendment's right to bear arms applies to the states. Writing for the court, Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. said, "Self-defense is a basic right, recognized by many legal systems from ancient times to the present day."

Bernard Joshua Kabak
New York, Aug. 3, 2010

Hi-Point .45 ACP Carbine: Are Handgun Caliber Rifles the New Home Defense Shotgun?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Capt. John Raguso keeps threatening to send us a review of Kel Tec’s smokin’ SUB-2000 9mm carbine. Today, Hi-Point Carbines drops the news that their long awaited .45 ACP rifle is ready to rock and roll. These handgun-caliber carbine may be gaining favor over the venerable 12-gauge as the weapon of choice for home defense. And for good reason. In fact, here are four. . ." ...

William Evans Gunmaker Goes Downmarket
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Just the other day, gunmaker Peyter Hofer was trying to convince the world that his high-end bespoke shotguns were immune to the laws of physics. I mean, economics. TTAG was having none of it. More proof: London gunmakers William Evans are going downmarket. After describing the history of the venerable English gunmaker, advises us to 'Fast forward to the present day and straitened economic circumstances have made bespoke guns unaffordable for all but the wealthiest sportsmen. Hence Evans' firm's decision to introduce the new lower priced 'Pall Mall' gun. Oh dear . . ." ...

Praxis: Tactical Tailor's 12 Gauge Shotgun Pouches
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Remember the camp fire scene in Red Dawn after the first ambush, when Robert is sawing the barrel off his 12 gauge shotgun? (I especially like the Russian translation subtitles in this clip.)"

"When push comes to shove, the fact of the matter is that most folks -- especially the latecomers -- will be armed with the ubiquitous 12 gauge. If you're going to use the 12 gauge in combat, you'll need something to feed it. And combat, boys and girls, requires something faster and more certain than a ... pocket full of shells. The average open loop Mexican bandito type of ammo belt bandoleer slung across your chest or buckled like a belt around your waist will shed rounds like Hansel and Gretel dropping bread crumbs through the forest." ...

Guns will never be the solution
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This evening (Aug. 4), we received the most interesting telephone call from a representative from the [NRA] asking for our support for the Second Amendment. She was very concerned that Cuba, Iran, and North Korea (all on direction of the United Nations) would soon be dictating the right of United States citizens to bear guns."

"When we expressed our concern that actually the United States has one of the highest rates of violent crime — using guns — among the developed nations, she didn't say anything." ...

Submitter's Note: Note the restriction 'violent crime -- using guns'. That has to be added because, excepting murder, the violent crime rates in the UK run 2 to 4 times the US rates, but most are committed without guns. Apparently being raped at knifepoint is much better than having it done at gunpoint.

Firearms in Glacier National Park
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Am I allowed to open carry a pistol in the park?


Yes, you are now allowed to carry guns in our National Parks **sigh**

That said, don't expect a pistol to save your life if a Grizzly Bear is charging. They reach speeds of 35 MPH.

Unless you're a trained cop, you will not be able to pull your gun out, aim, and shoot it dead with the fear of a charging Grizzly Bear.

Instead, purchase bear spray.

Bear spray is a far more effective deterrent than a gun. Not to mention, a lot cheaper, too.

H/t to David Codrea who notes: "Good grief. Until now, I hadn't realized that [shooting charging grizzlies] was also among the magic 'Only Ones' powers conveyed by the amulet and costume."

OK: Tulsa homeowner shoots would-be burglar
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Tulsa homeowner shot a man who attempted to break into his house early Monday ..." ...

"The homeowner ... said the man rang his doorbell about 3:30 a.m. ... and asked for help. He called 911 and told the man the police were coming but didn't open the door ..." ...

"The homeowner said he told the man that he already called 911 and he should go back and wait on the sidewalk."

"A few moments later the light on the front porch went out, and he went and got his pistol ..."

"As he secured his house, he saw a shadowy figure against his back porch blinds and the back door began to jiggle." ...

"That’s when the back porch light went out, he said."

"The homeowner then let out a shot and the man fled." ...

Cops: Escaped killer relieved after capture in Wyo
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An escaped killer with a handgun and a hitchhiking sign expressed relief at his capture on Monday after 10 days on the run, while authorities searched to the north of [Yellowstone Park] for a second fugitive and his female accomplice ..."

"Tracy Province, 42, was caught as he walked in sleepy Meeteetse, Wyo. ..."

"The search for inmate John McCluskey, 45, and Casslyn Welch, 44, focused for a time on sprawling Yellowstone National Park, which straddles Wyoming and Montana. But authorities now believe the two fled the park with agents following leads in Montana." ...

H/t to David Codrea who notes: "But..but...but...we don't need guns in parks..."

Gun Rights From a Different Angle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hey, folks, how you doing? Billy Bob Wire here, sitting in for my second cousin Bob, who asked me to write a little something from a gun owner's point of view for his blog today. ... See, my cousin Bob ain't what you'd call a 'gun enthusiast.' That poor ol' boy just don't know much about firearms. So, he called me up at my home in Sula, Montana last week, to see if I'd provide what he called an 'alternative viewpoint.'"

"I told Bob that I’d be happy do it, but I didn’t have a whole lot of time on my hands just then, on account of I had to ... get my hands on as many assault rifles as I could. See, it was the day after the tragic election, and you probably know that Barack Hussein Obama is a big anti-gun nut. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Why is this sort of vicious stereotyping acceptable when gun owners are the subject? Imagine the outrage if a similar diatribe were penned by a notional black man.

MI: Gun advocates take aim at Arts, Beats & Eats
Submitted by: Bob Devour

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"A contract clause banning guns at a popular Detroit-area summer arts festival has drawn fire from gun advocates aiming to have it amended."

"Police Chief Chris Jahnke said the contract between Royal Oak's inaugural Arts, Beats & Eats festival and the city about 10 miles north-northwest of Detroit prohibits weapons at the event."

"But open-carry proponents told the City Commission Monday night that state law and the Second Amendment allow a person who is licensed to carry a holstered firearm that's within plain sight. They want the contract amended before the Labor Day weekend event begins." ...

KABA Note: So if the contract excluded non-whites, would the headline have read "Non-white advocates take aim at Arts, Beats & Eats"? Civil rights are for everyone.

GOP pushes back on Feingold pro-gun ad
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Responding to Democrat Russ Feingold's new radio ad touting his support for gun rights, the National Republican Senatorial Committee called Feingold's ad disingenuous, pointing to poor grades he has received from pro-gun groups. The National Rifle Association gave Feingold an "F" in 1998 and a "D" in 2004, both years in which Feingold was up for re-election.

"Despite his misleading rhetoric, the truth is that Russ Feingold's 18-year anti-gun record in Washington has earned him failing grades from Second Amendment organizations, and he voted just days ago to appoint yet another anti-gun liberal activist to the Supreme Court," said a spokesman for the GOP group, Chris Bond, referring to Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan.

Radio ad: Feingold says he's more pro-gun than Johnson
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a new radio ad, Senate Democrat Russ Feingold portrays himself as a better friend to gun owners than GOP challenger Ron Johnson."

"'Russ has always been committed to protecting the constitutional rights and freedoms of our Second Amendment, but U.S. Senate candidate Ron Johnson just doesn't get it,' the ad says, and quotes Johnson in a interview earlier this year saying: 'Like we license cars and stuff, I don't have a real, I don't have a real problem in a minimal licensing and stuff.'"

"It's safe to say Feingold is one of the few Senate Democrats claiming to be more pro-gun than his or her GOP opponent. But Feingold has taken assorted pro-gun votes and positions over the years that are unusual for a left-of-center Democrat." ...

Russ Feingold: Tea Party Candidate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Pro-gun, anti-bank, and a staunch defender of civil liberties, Russ Feingold should appeal to the Tea Party crowd."

"Here's a quick political quiz:"

"Which candidate running for U.S. Senate this year just released a radio ad attacking his opponent for being insufficiently vigilant about citizens' Second Amendment rights?"

"Hint: This candidate frequently invokes the Constitution, and has taken lone-wolf positions opposing government wiretapping and other forms of Big Brother-like over-reaching. This candidate also opposed the Obama Administration's recently passed financial reform legislation ..."

"Rand Paul?"

"Sharron Angle?"

"Nope. Make that Senator Russ Feingold, Democrat of Wisconsin." ...

KS: Gun rights amendment on November ballot in Kansas
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Kansans can have them, carry them, and shoot them. But did you know you don't have a constitutional right to own a gun in Kansas?"

"At least, not yet. This November, when you vote for legislators and a new governor, you will also be asked to amend the Kansas State Constitution - to give Kansans the right to own a gun."

"In addition to the 2nd Amendment to the United States Constitution, many other states have enshrined the right to bear arms in their state documents as well."

"Despite the ability for law-abiding, of-age Kansans to rent and shoot almost any gun out there (even machine guns), individuals in Kansas do not have a constitutional right to own a gun." ...

FL: McCollum Got Firearm Rights Award, Recalls Gun Law Expert
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum established a solid public record in support of the individual Second Amendment civil right of law-abiding American citizens to keep and bear arms while he was a Member of Congress,' gun rights expert John M. Snyder stated here today."

"'When he was a U.S. Representative,' Snyder continued, 'McCollum received the 1988 Gun Rights Defender of the Year Award from the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.'"

"'As ranking member of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Rep. McCollum was a leader in the national effort to protect the individual Second Amendment civil right of law-abiding American citizens to keep and bear arms. ...'" ...

NRA-Backed Firearms and Ammunition Excise Tax [Reform] Passes Unanimously in U.S. Senate -- Bill Passed in U.S. House by 412-6 Vote in June
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"By unanimous consent, the U.S. Senate on Thursday passed H.R. 5552 -- the Firearms Excise Tax Improvement Act -- sponsored by Congressmen Ron Kind (D-WI) and Paul Ryan (R-WI). S. 632, its Senate companion, was sponsored by Senators Max Baucus (D-MT) and Mike Crapo (R-ID)." ...

Submitter's rhetorical question: WHY wasn't this egregious and onerous regulation changed during the decade+ of republican control of congress? Why wasn't it changed during TWO terms of a supposedly "conservative" president? Why did it take full democrat control of 2 branches of the federal government to get this relatively small improvement?

Firearms Industry Applauds Landslide Passage of Excise Tax Improvement Legislation in U.S. Senate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), trade association for the firearms, ammunition, hunting and shooting sports industry, hailed the recent passage of the Firearms Excise Tax Improvement Act of 2010 (H.R. 5552) by unanimous consent in the Senate."

"The bill passed the House of Representatives at the end of June by a vote of 412-6. ..."

"This legislation corrects a longstanding inequity in the Internal Revenue Code by permitting firearm and ammunition manufacturers to pay the federal excise tax payment on a quarterly basis, just as other industries that support conservation through a federal excise tax do ..." ...

NY: Armed, and representing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Who's packing in the Legislature? You might be surprised."

"Asked to describe the average handgun owner, some will conjure the image of an upstate, conservative Republican male. But the short list of lawmakers with handgun permits manages to reflect New York's diversity at least a little -- with men and women, conservatives and liberals represented, albeit not in equal numbers."

"In the Assembly, Democrat Aileen Gunther has worked to secure funding for a performing arts center near the site of the Woodstock festival. She owns a Glock and a Ruger." ...

Veteran DEA agent Darren Argento busted for having child porn on personal laptop
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A federal narcotics agent was nabbed Tuesday for having a stash of child porn on a personal laptop he used for work ..."

"Special Agent Darren Argento, a 14-year veteran at the Drug Enforcement Administration, had hidden on the computer raunchy images and videos of girls between the ages of 7 and 14 ..."

"Argento, of Huntington, L.I., had no idea he was going to be collared when DEA officials summoned him to a federal office in lower Manhattan Tuesday ..."

"He was charged with possessing child pornography and distributing it."

"The arrest followed an investigation by the DEA's internal affairs arm, the Office of Professional Responsibility, along with the inspector general of the Justice Department." ...

NY: 'Gun nuts' holstered -- NYPD pulls permits of 'faker' cops
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"No guns for 'nuts.'"

"The NYPD has suspended or revoked more than two dozen pistol licenses of retired cops whose names surfaced in an ongoing federal corruption probe, first reported in yesterday's Post, targeting crooked lawyers and psychiatrists who helped the former Finest obtain Social Security disability benefits by feigning mental illness, sources said."

"The investigation was sparked when Social Security probers noticed an inordinate number of retired cops filing claims for mental disability after having been issued gun permits. In order to obtain the gun permits, the ex-cops would have had to swear that they weren't taking any drugs for mental problems." ...

TX: Feds indict lawman in Liberty County
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Liberty County Sheriff's Capt. Harry Kelley has been indicted on charges stemming from a federal probe into an illegal firearms-trafficking scheme involving 500 missing weapons from an evidence property room."

"Kelley, 55, is charged with illegally possessing and selling at least 103 stolen firearms, including two with illegally obliterated serial numbers. He also is accused of conspiracy and mail fraud by helping a Humble gun shop owner acquire Glock training pistols that are only authorized for law enforcement use."

"Kelley ... appeared Thursday afternoon before U.S. Magistrate Keith Giblin in Beaumont to plead innocent to the charges. He was released on his own recognizance on the condition he keep away from all guns." ...

NY: Bullet That Killed Man in Harlem Was Probably Fired by Police
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The bullet that killed a man early Sunday after a crowded Harlem party came from a semiautomatic weapon, ballistics tests have revealed, indicating that it was probably fired by one of four police officers who discharged 46 rounds after gunfire broke out."

"... The man Mr. Soto was fighting with turned and fired on a responding officer, and four officers returned fire ..."

"Mr. Soto was hit five times: ... the fatal shot that tore through his heart, lungs and other organs, officials said. His left forearm was grazed by a sixth bullet."

"The other man, Angel Alvarez, 23, was shot 21 times — most if not all by the police — and survived. ..." ...

NY: Police Bullet Killed Man in Harlem Fracas
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A 22-year-old man originally thought to have been shot to death by a rival during a fight at a Harlem block party early Sunday was actually killed by a police bullet during a chaotic gun battle that left six people, including two officers, wounded, officials said."

"An autopsy conducted by the New York City Medical Examiner found that Luis Soto was shot five times, with the fatal bullet lodging itself in his body after entering through his left collarbone and injuring his vital organs, a spokeswoman said."

"Police experts found that bullet was consistent with the ammunition used in the semiautomatic pistols police fired early Sunday, officials said." ...

NV: Vigil to Mark 1 Month Since Las Vegas Police Shooting
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"It's been one month since Las Vegas resident Erik Scott was shot and killed by police at a Summerlin Costco."

"Metro says he refused to put his gun down, which forced them to shoot. Scott's family and friends are gathering Tuesday night for a candlelight vigil to remember him, as they keep looking for answers from Metro."

"Those who knew him say they are holding this vigil to mark the one month anniversary and keep the pressure on Metro. From billboards asking for witnesses to come forward, to the candlelight gathering, those closest to Scott say they will keep doing all they can to get what they say is the truth." ...

"Las Vegas police declined comment until the coroner's inquest is conducted. That inquest has been ... postponed indefinitely."

TX: Excessive force suspension reversed for Texas cop
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An arbitrator has reversed the suspension of a white east Texas police officer seen on videotape slamming a black handcuffed suspect face first onto the hood of a squad car.

"Examiner Harold E. Moore determined Paris police Officer Jeremy Massey's actions were reasonable. Moore said Massey was maintaining custody of the 18-year-old suspect while protecting himself as three others came toward him."

"The arrest last year sparked outrage in racially charged Paris, about 90 miles northeast of Dallas."

"The ruling was made public this week. It means the Paris Police Department must restore income to Massey, who was suspended for two days without pay earlier this year. ..."

MN: Strike Force cop is first to face federal charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An embattled Minneapolis police officer, already fighting to save his job, on Tuesday became the first member of the disbanded Metro Gang Strike Force to face federal charges."

"Jason Andersen was indicted by a grand jury for allegedly kicking a boy in the head during an arrest. The federal grand jury charged him with one count of deprivation of rights under color of law. According to the sparsely worded indictment, Andersen deprived the boy, identified by the initials J.J., of 'the right not to be subjected to the unreasonable use of force by a police officer.'"

"According to the indictment, Andersen's actions in July 2008 resulted in bodily injury to the boy." ...

PA: Search warrant was invalid, police officer's lawyer argues
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A judge is considering whether Homer City Borough police Officer Ethan Sorbin has the right to challenge a search warrant that arguably gave rise to the criminal charges he now faces."

"Sorbin, a 21-year-old part-time officer, is charged with a single count each of intimidation of witnesses and furnishing alcohol to minors, both misdemeanors. He's accused of giving a beer to a woman not of age at a college keg party and then trying to minimize the fallout after the party was broken up."

"Police shut down the Jan. 23 party at 429 S. Fisher Ave. in Indiana after obtaining the search warrant, entering the home and issuing numerous underage drinking citations." ...

FL: Fort Lauderdale police officer charged in 7-Eleven confrontation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An off-duty Fort Lauderdale cop with a history of two shootings has been charged for allegedly wrestling a 7-Eleven customer out of the store and pulling his gun on other customers."

"Prosecutors say Jason Hersh, 34, cast the customer as the aggressive one in a falsified report, but a store surveillance video showed otherwise."

"The five-year police veteran has been charged with three misdemeanors: two for falsifying reports and one for battery."

"After a verbal exchange ... Hersh grabbed Lee Ferrell by the arms and head and steered him outside ... When other customers followed them outside to watch the scuffle, Hersh, who was not in uniform, drew his gun and ordered them back inside." ...

FL: Murder a Kid, Plant a Gun — Take a Vacation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Victor Steen, a 17-year-old high school senior from West Pensacola, Florida, was murdered while riding a bicycle home from a post-Homecoming Game party last October 3rd. His murderer, Jerald Ard, ran him down in an automobile. According to eyewitnesses, Ard dragged the victim a considerable distance, nearly severing his body in half."

"Ard had endangered other drivers and pedestrians as he veered into the wrong lane and even drove onto a sidewalk in pursuit of Victor, repeatedly attempting to shoot the teenager with a lethal weapon. After he ran down the youngster, Ard tried to cover up his crime by planting a gun on the victim."

"It shouldn’t come as a surprise that Ard is a police officer. ..." ...

MI: Royal Oak may change festival's contract to allow open carrying of firearms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The decision about whether guns will be allowed at Arts, Beats & Eats could come next week." ...

"At a commission meeting this week, open-carry proponents argued state law and the Second Amendment override a firearm ban in the contract between Royal Oak and festival organizers."

"Witz said his opinion is guns don't belong at a festival. 'Should there be certain exceptions to having the right to carry a handgun, our festival would qualify based on common sense,' he said." ...

"Brian Jeffs, director of research for Michigan Open Carry Inc., says the question should not be why people want to attend a family festival with guns. 'The question should be why are people allowing the city to violate the law?' he asked." ...

FL: Writer lacks understanding about guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I noticed that Julia Martin, in her 8/8/10 letter to the editor, only focused her disdain toward guns. Perhaps she gets some of her exaggerated and bogus stats of accidental shootings from Brady Center reports. But, I’d like to ask her how many accounts she has read of where guns have been used to stop crimes or save others lives from criminals. Most likely none to few, as such accounts are hardly ever reported by the mainstream liberal media, rather only negative or anti-gun reports."

"There have been far more crimes stopped by law-abiding citizens bearing guns then there have been accidental shootings. The facts bear this out. All she needs to do is some research." ...

VA: Michigan serial killer suspected in three Leesburg, Va., attacks
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A white man who stabbed or attacked three dark-skinned men in Leesburg this month is probably the 'Flint serial killer,' thought to have killed five men and wounded 10 -- almost all of them black -- in Michigan, police said Monday."

"The unprovoked Virginia assaults began Aug. 3, when a teenager out for a nighttime jog suddenly felt a sharp pain, then turned to see a man who had plunged a knife in his back. Two days later and a short distance away, police think, the same assailant stabbed a 67-year-old man who was sitting on the stoop outside his apartment." ...

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: Another reason to carry if you can -- and never lapse into "condition white."

KABA Note: Where are the outraged cries for more knife control?

MI: Gun rights activists square off with Royal Oak over 'no guns' policy at Arts, Beats, and Eats
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun rights activists filled the Royal Oak city council chambers last night in the latest protest against the ban on firearms at the upcoming Arts, Beats, and Eats Festival." ...

"Local gun rights activists have attended the last three Royal Oak city meetings to bring attention to what they believe is unlawful firearms ban."

"The controversy is over a 'no-firearms allowed' clause in the contract between The City of Royal Oak, the site of the festival, and the private Arts, Beats, and Eats, Inc. (ABE) company contracted to run the festival."

"The Michigan Firearms Preemption Act 319 of 1990 act bars cities or other local units of government from enacting or enforcing any firearms laws stricter then state law. ..." ...

NY: Gun Violence Up Citywide, NYPD Stats Show
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Veteran law enforcement officers say it's been a long time since so many people have been shot in the course of just a few days. The New York City Police Department says at least 23 people where shot citywide in separate incidents between Friday night and Monday morning. But the number of victims could be even higher because of unreported cases."

"'Shock, I can't believe that so much violence in such a short amount of hours. What are our youth thinking, what are our people thinking?' said Gloria Cruz of the Bronx chapter of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence."

"Cruz says she has been trying to stop the shooting since her niece was killed five years ago. ..." ...

Moderation in temper is always a virtue; but moderation in principle is always a vice. — THOMAS PAINE

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