FL: Woman Accidentally Shot During Citizen Police Academy
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A Citizen Policy Academy event in Florida ended tragically on Tuesday when a woman was shot with a live round and later died.
The fatal accident took place at a two-hour training session hosted by the Punta Gorda Police Department, which about 35 civilians attended. Two of the participants were randomly selected and staged a mock “shoot/don’t shoot” scenario, in which they made decisions on whether or not to use lethal force in a live role play, according to a statement released by the police. During the first scenario, 73-year-old Mary Knowlton was shot with a live round.
Submitters note: Sounds like gross negligence. Unfortunately, the gun banning liberals will blame the gun.
Of Course Hillary Wants to ‘Abolish’ the Second Amendment
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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Whenever Trump says this the press works itself up into a tizzy, the typical response being that Trump is “wrong” to make this claim because a) Clinton has not explicitly called for a constitutional amendment to neutralize the Second Amendment, and/or b) she has said “no more” than that the Heller decision was wrongly decided.
But both of these positions are too clever by half. As anybody with an elementary understanding of American law comprehends, one does not need to call an Article V convention in order to effectively remove a provision from the Constitution. |
‘I’m speechless’: Katrina Pierson’s logic-free Second Amendment spin leaves MSNBC host dumbfounded
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Mark A. Taff
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“The NRA is a bipartisan organization,” Pierson opined. “And that is also left out of the discussion in the media, considering how there are even Democrats who won’t touch gun legislation in an election year because the NRA has been able to take out Democrats as well.”
Snow pointed out that Trump had confused many viewers because his “Second Amendment” comments made the assumption that Clinton would already be president and picking Supreme Court justices when they would have a need to stop her.
“He’s assuming she’s in power,” Snow said. “And then says there’s nothing you can do about it at that point — ‘Well, but maybe the Second Amendment people, maybe there is.'” |
Clinton vs. Trump on guns, Second Amendment
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Mark A. Taff
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Another U.S. election, another impassioned debate about gun ownership.
Americans own more guns than anybody else on earth, even adjusted for population. Outbreaks of gun-related crimes inspire some Americans to seek limits on firearm ownership and others to cherish the right to have a gun for self-defense.
OK: Knock At The Door Leads To Shots Fired, Get Away Driver Hit
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Mark A. Taff
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The homeowner was in the garage playing pool with some friends. He explained to responding police that he heard a loud knock at the door.
Out of concern for his own safety, as it was 3:30 in the morning, he answered the door with a gun in his hand. As he opened the door, the individual who had knocked saw his gun, quickly turned and ran towards a nearby car.
The fleeing individual then produced his own gun and fired it at the homeowner. The homeowner told officers he returned fire with one shot apparently hitting the driver of the suspect’s vehicle. |
CA: Gun rights are both natural and contingent
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Mark A. Taff
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It is a matter of jubilation for conservatives and consternation for liberals that “the right of the people to keep and bear arms” is secured in the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Each side has some truth in its position, the former that individual rights form the basis for our form of government and the latter that their exercise is contingent on circumstances. But both have difficulty grasping the virtue of prudence. |
TX: Texas Officials Sue Gun Rights Advocate ... For Sending Them Letters
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Mark A. Taff
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These days, it seems like political stances are more than enough for some people to justify punishment. However, officials in Waller County, Texas, have taken that to a whole new level.
They've decided to file a lawsuit against a Second Amendment advocate who has sent numerous letters asking that the county adhere to a letter sent by the Texas attorney general. The letter stated that while guns may be banned from the courtroom, that ban should not extend to the rest of the courthouse. |
Famous Rapper Says Guns are the ‘Last Form of Defense Against Tyranny’
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Mark A. Taff
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In an interview to promote his 2012 documentary film on the origins of hip hop, outspoken liberal and avid gun rights supporter Ice-T was asked about his opinion on gun rights.
Without missing a beat, the rapper said, “Well I’ll give up my guns when everybody else does.”
Ice-T when on to say that our right to bear arms is “the last form of defense against tyranny”, and the Second Amendment isn’t about hunting, it’s about about protecting ourselves from an oppressive government.
Donald Trump’s Big Gun Idea? Literally Stolen From Tim Kaine.
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Mark A. Taff
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Trump’s plan calls for a number of policies, such as an expansion of gun rights and the overhaul of a “broken” mental health care system, common refrains from Second Amendment advocates. It begins, however, with another directive—“Enforce The Laws On The Books”—and as best practice for the directive, Trump invokes, but never names, senator and Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine. Indeed, Trump’s plan to Make America Great for Gun Owners Again leans heavily on Project Exile, a 1997 program Kaine implemented as mayor of Richmond, Virginia, that was aimed at driving down crime rates by elevating gun offenses to the tougher federal court system. |
27 words: Deconstructing the Second Amendment
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Mark A. Taff
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And yet, for years, those 27 brief words have been the source of contentious debate -- seen by some as an inalienable protection against tyranny; by others as a dangerous anachronism.
Here's a look at the Second Amendment, its phrases parsed and placed in legal and historical context.
Our guides will be Constitutional experts Jeffrey Rosen and Jack Rakove.
NRA Comes To Trump's Defense With Anti-Hillary Ad
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Mark A. Taff
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The National Rifle Association (NRA) rushed to defend Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump after he said on Aug. 9 that "Second Amendment people" could possibly stop Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton from nominating U.S. Supreme Court justices (video below).
The NRA tweeted on Aug. 9: "@RealDonaldTrump is right. If @HillaryClinton gets to pick her anti-#2A #SCOTUS judges, there’s nothing we can do. #NeverHillary," reports POLITICO. |
Women Who Shoot? Your Time is NOW.
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Mark A. Taff
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Women who shoot? Your time is now.
Let’s take a minute and talk about a perception that may be more common than we’d like to think. It’s mostly fueled by anti-gun groups and people who just don’t understand firearms. But to be honest, there are some gun owners out there who aren’t exactly helping either. In their world, men can own guns for hunting, or competition, or sport shooting. They can own them because they are cool, because they like tinkering with them, because they just like shooting, but somehow women are a little different apparently. |
The Gun Control Battle is a Choice Between a Police State and a Free Society
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Mark A. Taff
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Gun control proponents often paint the fight over gun rights as a battle between “gun sense” advocates and fringe elements who want dangerous people to have access the firearms. In reality, the conflict is a fundamental choice every society must make. Does it want to live in a police state or a free society?
That’s the conclusion Interpol Secretary General Ronald Noble came to recently following terrorist attacks in Kenya.
WV: Wheeling Police Say Airsoft Guns Easily Mistaken for Real Weapons
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Mark A. Taff
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Sgt. Gregg McKenzie said not only are the weapons illegal to use within city limits, they also look so real that they may be mistaken for an actual gun.
“It’s a major safety issue,” McKenzie said. “We don’t want any of our officers to shoot anyone, but they are going to react if you have a gun. If you point it at that officer, whether it is airsoft or real, they are going to treat you as having a live handgun in your hand.”
MN: Gun shop pushed out of Minneapolis to reopen in the county
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Mark A. Taff
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After surviving 20 years despite hostility from city leaders, the last gun shop in Minneapolis has faded away.
Koscielski’s Guns and Ammo, which dueled with City Hall since its opening in 1995, turned out the lights in recent weeks. It was the last full-service gun shop in Minneapolis or St. Paul — where zoning has made such shops nearly impossible to operate.
Tucked between a nail salon and a Chinese restaurant on Chicago Avenue, just off Lake Street, the modest store was an unassuming speck on the Midtown streetscape save for a prominent “GUNS & AMMO” awning. |
TX: Tamron Hall Misses the Point on Campus Carry
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Mark A. Taff
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Guns on Campus: Tamron Hall Investigates misrepresents both the arguments behind the passage of Texas’ campus carry law and the talking points utilized by the nation’s largest campus carry advocacy group, Students for Concealed Carry.
The one-hour special, which aired August 7 on Investigation Discovery, misleadingly suggests that campus carry is pitched as “the answer to keeping students safe.” |