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Newslinks for 8/12/2014

Where the F*** is the NRA?!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For those of you who don’t know, a serious fight kicked off last January in Washington state. Lately I have volunteered my time to speak at gun shows and other events and let me tell you something, I am terrified. Out of the people visiting their local gun show you would expect at least 90% of the people to have at least heard about what’s going on, it’s more like 50%. ..." ...

"For those who don’t know, Bloomberg and his 'Everytown' group have pledged 50 million dollars to aid in pushing Initative-594. Bloomberg has been stating he wants to crush the NRA, what better way when the NRA doesn’t even bother to show up, I’ll explain in a bit. Quite literally this is the biggest fight going on between gun owners and Bloomberg." ...

Anti-violence activist’s ‘gun death’ shows cynical ‘progressive’ exploitation
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Isn’t that just like Balkanizers, teabaggers and bitter clingers? Worried about protecting those not paying their 'fair share' instead of joining in the blood dance over another 'senseless child gun death'...?" ...

Oregon victim advocate’s op-ed rebuts anti-self-defense camp
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Oregon-based crime victims advocate authored an opinion piece in today’s Salem Statesman-Journal that carries a devastating message for anti-gunners, and also delivers a verbal knuckle bruising punch to a 30-second video message produced recently by anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s 'Everytown for Gun Safety' lobbying group."

"Rachel Lucas, executive director of Safer Oregon – Oregon Crime Victims for Self Protection noted how she saw the Bloomberg group’s video aired on 'The View,' and how it elicited a reaction from three of the four women panelists that the gun ban crowd probably did not expect. ..." ...

Writer’s gun proposals anything but common-sense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The article 'Honor James Brady by taking real action' in Thursday’s Daily Herald by The Des Moines Register columnist Rekha Basu, inspired me to point out a few things that I feel need to be addressed."

The columnist states that the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act has blocked 2 million gun sales to criminals, domestic abusers and other dangerous people. In that group of blocked persons called domestic abusers are perhaps thousands of people that have been denied their right to purchase a firearm simply because they had a heated argument with their counterpart that got a little loud and a nosey neighbor called the law." ...

Gun exec’s bold message to Holder: ‘I’d destroy my smart-gun technology before I let the government use it against the American people.’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There’s a revolutionary new gun safety technology that you would think might be embraced by Second Amendment supporters and gun control advocates alike. But then you haven’t been following the cynical means by which politicians will seize on even safety advances to push regulations that serve their political ends." ...

"The benefits to such a technology are self-evident. Parents would no longer have to worry about children getting their hands on firearms, and guns stolen from officers and civilians would be rendered harmless."

"But while smart guns in and of themselves may seem desirable, Second Amendment supporters fear the threat of a government mandate of the technology. ..." ...

New From Smith & Wesson: M&P22 Compact
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Yes, Smith & Wesson already makes the M&P22, only they really don’t. The full-size M&P22 is made for Smith in Germany, a vestige of their one-time relationship with Walther. And the M&P22 is a full-size pistol. Which means Smith doesn’t really have anything to go up against 'tactical rimfire' guns like Walther’s P22, SIG’s Mosquito or, most importantly, Ruger’s SR22. Until now. Today, S&W is introducing the new Smith-made M&P22 Compact. A hammer-fired single action, 3.6” threaded barrel, 10+1, two mags, ambi safety, fully-adjustable rear sight and an MSRP of $389. Press release after the jump . . ." ...

When Shotguns (or Ammo) Go Boom
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On February 23, 2014 I was at Okeechobee Shooting Sports (where I work) along with a few members and friends enjoying a game of 5-stand. I was also there to help a friend get his wife — who happens to be terrified of guns — comfortable and interested in shooting. I had grabbed a flat of Rio 12 gauge 1-1/8 #8 off the sales floor. During the outing, a shell exploded in the Fausti Caledon I was shooting. The bang was loud enough that shooters from the two neighboring fields came over to see what happened. I was literally stunned for about five minutes. My right ear went almost deaf for 30 minutes or so and was pretty sensitive to loud noises for a month . . ." ...

Gun Review: Walther PPQ M2 .22 LR (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Joe and I both really enjoyed Walther’s PPQ M2 5″ in 9mm. Actually, Joe is still enjoying it since he couldn’t bring himself to return the loaner and decided, instead, to purchase it. Considering how good that gun was, it was clear I had to get my hands on Walther’s .22 LR version of the PPQ. This isn’t a smaller scale, pot metal, cheapo plinker like so many .22 pistols out there — it’s the full-size PPQ you know and love, made by Walther, with the same controls and slide length options as its centerfire brother and with a pretty darn good trigger in its own right. This time I’m calling 'dibs,' and just plunked down some sawbucks of my own to add this bad boy to the stable . . ." ...

Self-Defense Tip: Get Weapons Light Training (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When it comes to armed self-defense, a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. For example, using a weapon-mounted light is an excellent idea – IF you know what you’re doing AND you’ve practiced under stress. If you don’t, a great many things can go badly wrong. Leaving a gun light on as you sweep a room or house tells the bad guy exactly where to aim his gun and/or mount a physical attack. A far better technique: switch the light on for a quick picture, then turn it off a fraction of a second later and move (while listening for target information). To do that, though, you have to have the right gun light and excellent control of the mechanism. And then there’s whole firing the gun thing . . ." ...

Fox News Pimps for NY Safe Storage Gun Law. Tucker Carlson to the Rescue!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When you hear gentle music in the background of a TV news package about a shooting death it’s a sure sign that the producer is pro-civilian disarmament. It’s only a matter of time before the announcer says something along the lines of 'the bereaved parents are looking to pass Nicholas' Bill in New York State.' You know; some gun control bill that would have saved the young boy or girl’s life. No mention’s made of the legislation’s downside, or the fact that the new law violates the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution. Ah, but this time, on Fox & Friends, Tucker Carlson was there to put the report in a less flattering light . . ." ...

James Brady’s second act built a movement
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Brady and his wife, Sarah, were frustrated by the weak background checks that had made it possible for Hinckley, a mentally troubled college dropout, to buy a gun for $29 from a pawnshop while using fake identification."

"In 1994, a dozen years of lobbying and building a movement dedicated to sensible gun limits finally paid off."

"Congress passed the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act that tightened background checks and required waiting periods for some gun buyers. President Bill Clinton signed it enthusiastically." ...

American Bar Assoc Ups Ante on “Preventing Gun Violence”
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"At this year’s American Bar Association annual meeting in Boston, ABA President James R. Silkenat took the opportunity to tout the ABA’s Standing Committee on Gun Violence. The Standing Committee is one of the ABA’s advocacy wings, and is affiliated closely with the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence." ...

"There is a difference, however, between advocating for strong, constitutionally-sound policy, and using worst case scenarios to swindle the public into believing that the mere presence of a gun bodes ill for the safety of the American people:" ...

TN: State should separate gun policies, job recruiting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tennessee, thanks primarily to the actions of the General Assembly, has received a reputation as a 'gun-friendly' state, and state economic development officials are hoping to capitalize on this with efforts to recruit more gun manufacturers to Tennessee."

"They've already had one success with the announcement that Beretta plans to move its U.S. manufacturing and research-and-development operations to Gallatin. ..."

"Beretta officials in making the announcement noted that more stringent gun laws now are in place in Maryland, which Beretta is exiting." ...

"While we support job creation, we think being a 'gun-friendly' state raises some rather unsettling questions in regard to issues of safety and security." ...

FL: 911 operator orders 80-year-old grandmother to 'put the gun down' during terrifying home invasion
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "In a police report, officers said the suspect used a large rock to smash the bottom glass out of the door. They then cut out the screen, but NJ was waiting on the other side of the door with her [gun]."

"'When I called 911 she kept saying put the gun down, put the gun down, and I said I’ll put the gun down when I see the police,' Logan told the dispatcher." ...

"She yelled out warnings to whoever was downstairs."

"'I didn't want to shoot. I really didn't want to have to shoot anybody,' she said."

"Although she managed to deter the burglars on this occasion, Ms Logan says she sleeps better knowing that she has a gun just inches away." ...

Reciprocity Mix-Up Leads to Felony Charges for Philadelphia Mom
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Tuesday August 5th 2014, Superior Court Judge Michael Donio declined to dismiss a case for unlawful possession of a firearm against Philadelphia resident Shaneen Allen."

"Allen was arrested during a traffic stop last October after she volunteered to the officer that she had a firearm in her car. She mistakenly believed her Pennsylvania license to carry firearms was valid in New Jersey. This was hardly an unreasonable assumption, considering that Pennsylvania concealed carry licensees can lawfully carry in over 30 other states." ...

Will there be justice for Shaneen Allen in New Jersey?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Shaneen Allen is the Philadelphia woman who now faces felony gun charges in New Jersey – her story has spread across various internet gun blogs for the past couple of weeks – and yesterday, law professor Glenn Harlan Reynolds unloaded on the judge and prosecutor in her case in an Op-Ed published by USA Today."

"This morning, in a telephone interview, Allen’s attorney, Evan Nappen told Examiner that this case 'exposes how bad' the New Jersey gun laws are. Allen had only obtained her Pennsylvania carry permit a week before she drove into New Jersey to help set up a surprise party. She was, as Frank Jack Fiamingo, president of the New Jersey Second Amendment Society (NJ2AS) observed, 'squeaky clean.'" ...

NJ: Because Gun! Hollowpoints!
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "The political elements in this case are as relevant as they are disgusting. Certainly, not everyone whose political philosophy is left of center is an enemy of the Second Amendment, but normally, those that style themselves Progressives–denizens of the Left–are very much anti-gun. They oppose the right to self-defense, seeing it as an affront to government, which must have a monopoly on arms. As a result, they are more than happy to see anyone accidently violating even the most inflexible and draconian anti-gun laws be imprisoned, their lives ruined. This is not so much a desire for law and order ... but an expression of what they believe to be the proper power relationship between 'the people' and the government: government has it all, 'the people' have none. " ...

Friends Indeed: 22 State Attorneys General Join Pro-Second Amendment Brief In SAFE Act Appeal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Amicus curiae ('friend of the court') briefs have been filed in Nojay v. Cuomo, the appeal from the decision of Judge William Skretny last year that largely upheld New York’s ... [SAFE] Act. The plaintiffs challenged bans on large-capacity magazines and 'assault weapons' (as redefined), the requirement that magazines contain no more than seven rounds, and new rules on ammunition sales, as unconstitutional. After Judge Skretnty denied most of these claims, the case ... was appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit."

"Attorneys General for 22 states ... have filed an amicus brief in support of the plaintiffs." ...

NY: Gun Exemption for NYC Synagogues? Fuggedaboudit!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'People are scared,' he said, referring to violence against Jews in France and Germany. 'It’s coming here, if it’s not here already.' That’s New York City rabbi Gary Moskowitz talking to about the anti-Isreal backlash over the current bout of tsuris in Gaza. London’s already seen large demonstrations, and as the rabbi notes, Europe’s experienced plenty of violence. Not wanting to wait and see if the same develops on this side of the Atlantic, Moskowitz has an idea for protecting his flock. He’s 'trying to persuade politicians to change city law to allow 'premise permits' for members of every synagogue in the five boroughs.' . . ." ...

FL: Charlie Crist Gets a 'D' From NRA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Florida Democratic gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist was awarded a 'D' grade by the National Rifle Association, notes political blogger Javier Manjarres on Breitbart."

"Crist's Democratic primary opponent Nan Rich got an F. The two face off on August 26 in their party's primary."

"Crist left the governor's office in 2011 as a Republican with an 'A' rating from the NRA. He campaigned in 2010 for the U.S. Senate asserting that he 'never wavered in his support for the Second Amendment.'"

"After being defeated in the Senate race by Marco Rubio, the tea party-aligned Republican, Crist became a Democrat in 2012." ...

WI: Bloomberg Spends Thousands In An Attempt To Defeat Pro-Gun African-American Sheriff
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Weapon control is now, and has always been, about denying minorities a right to keep and bear arms."

"Sometimes those gun control laws are targeted at races (like many in the South and the West) or ethnic minorities (Northeast and upper Midwest), and sometimes they are aimed at religious minorities as a way of setting them up for genocide. Gun control is nothing more or less than a way of stripping a targeted community of the ability to defend itself from tyrannical governments."

"Michael Bloomberg, the anti-gun billionaire former mayor of New York City, is reaching deep into his pockets in an attempt to bring down the vocally pro-gun Sheriff David Clarke, Jr., of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin." ...

CT: Will Second Amendment Supporters Make The Difference?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Quinnipiac University poll in May found that 69 percent of Republicans surveyed opposed stricter gun control laws passed following the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. But it’s unknown how many of them will show up Tuesday to vote in the Republican gubernatorial primary between Sen. John McKinney and Tom Foley."

"McKinney, who represents Newtown, voted in favor of the bipartisan legislation and as a result received criticism from Second Amendment supporters. Meanwhile, Foley — who hasn’t said he would repeal the legislation or whether he supports restrictions on assault weapons or large-capacity ammunition magazines — is poised to benefit from McKinney’s support of that one bill." ...

OH: Cleveland’s Mayor Believes Ohio’s Gun Laws Are Too Lax, He Wants To Make His Own
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The antigun groups and their political allies in Congress and in State Legislatures across the Country are continually coming up with new strategies to undermine the Second Amendment."

"Among them is this one: ignore laws you don’t like."

"Of all the strategies they employ to undermine the Second Amendment, this one, perhaps, is the most disturbing."

"Why? For this reason: the United States is a Country that is ruled by laws, not men. At least it is supposed to be."

"Once the 'Rule of Law' is cast aside, despotism takes over."

"Case in point: The City of Cleveland is at war with the Ohio Legislature and the U.S. Supreme Court. The City of Cleveland does not like Ohio’s concealed carry law. ..." ...

NY: Conservative Party boss Michael Long, NYSRPA President Tom King team up to woo Second Amendment voters
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"They didn't even flinch."

"Conservative Party of New York State Chairman Michael Long and NYS Rifle and Pistol Association President Tom King get together to make their pitch to Second Amendment voters in a new web ad shot at a Westchester gun range."

"Not sure if it was intentional, but the timing of the shots in the background provides an incredible counterpoint to the duo's to-camera talk." ...

WI: Watch out for politicians who want to ban guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"About a month ago I wrote how the city of Manitowoc was on former New York Mayor Micheal Bloomberg’s Mayors against Illegal Guns website (under Wisconsin Mayors). Manitowoc Mayor Justin Nickels may have thought he was doing the right thing, but this group is against all firearms. Is that the mayor’s position?"

"Isn’t it ironic how you can’t use the word illegal for aliens, but can for guns. Like not all Muslims are dangerous but all gun owners are? This doublespeak is typical of Socialist Democrats. ..." ...

CO: Why I’m running
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As Coloradans, we are truly blessed to live in the most beautiful state in the union! Our Western spirit of optimism, self-reliance and rugged individualism has made us strong. Water rights, gun rights, the education system, jobs, regulations and taxation are all factors needing qualified representation."

"My name is Don Suppes. I’m a native of Delta County and am currently serving in my second term as mayor of Orchard City. ..." ...

"... If you believe in fiscal responsibility, entrepreneurial opportunities that create jobs, smart energy development, protecting our water rights, and Second Amendment rights, along with reining in unfunded mandates, then I’m your candidate!" ...

NY: New Yorkers Tom King & Mike Long Speak To NY Gun Voters (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tom King, President of the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association and Michael Long, Chairman of the New York State Conservative Party, have a message for supports of the Second Amendment Right to Keep and Bear Arms."

"They met on August 7, 2014, at the Blue Mountain Sportsman Center in Cortlandt Manor, NY."

"Conservative Party of New York State Chairman Michael Long and NYS Rifle and Pistol Association President Tom King get together to make their pitch to Second Amendment voters in a new web ad shot at a Westchester gun range." ...

WI: Gun fight? National political donors spend hundreds of thousands on local Milwaukee sheriff's race
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"National political donors with deep pockets are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on a local Wisconsin sheriff’s race that pits gun control groups against the National Rifle Association."

"On Tuesday, voters in Milwaukee County, Wis. will decide whether they’ll give controversial Sheriff David Clarke Jr. - a staunch supporter of Second Amendment rights known for his outspoken ads -- another term in office or side with his opponent, police lieutenant Chris Moews." ...

NJ: N.J. cop in Obama rant speaks out and resigns
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Richard Recine's 36-year career as a police officer came crashing down this week after he was caught on camera saying police do not have to follow the Constitution because President Barack Obama doesn't either."

"On Thursday, Recine — who had retired from the Franklin police force in 2006 and was working part time here as a special police officer — submitted his resignation." ...

"Borough Administrator Herbert Massa said the resignation was accepted by Police Director Robert Manney, who had called Recine's comments an 'embarrassment.'" ...

FL: 'Chumps' conned into gun frenzy (first letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Frightened businesses who say guns are OK fear offending NRA nutcases who help pay off scared politicians working for the NRA only and not your family! But what if your child or loved one is killed in a shootout in a local store or school!? This national panic is a result of the money-mad NRA, conning tea party-type American 'chumps' into a Second Amendment frenzy."

"Wise up already, America!" ...

FL: Anti-gun agenda (second letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The agenda of July 31 editorial titled 'Sick ruling on gun law' is showing through like a beacon. This person gnashes their teeth over not allowing doctors, especially pediatricians, the right to invade their patient's privacy by asking if the patient has any firearms in their home."

"According to CDC and NCHS data, in 2010, in Florida alone, 257 children ages 0-19 died from motor vehicle accidents, 100 due to drowning, 98 from suffocation/strangulation, 67 from poisoning, and fewer than 10 from fires/burns and accidental firearms discharge respectively." ...

NJ: Saddle Brook neighbors of home where guns were seized surprised but not worried
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Township residents who live near the home of Robert Lintner, the 65-year-old man arrested on Friday after police seized hundreds of pounds of gun powder and long and short firearms from his home, said the revelation of such a large quantity of weapons was shocking, but stressed that Lintner was a stand-up neighbor." ...

"The revelation of the ammunition, firearms and gun powder led to an evacuation of homes on Washington Street."

"But despite the evacuation and large quantity of weapons being discovered on a sleepy suburban street, many neighbors of Lintner said that only the amount of gun powder was distressing and that Lintner was a quiet and helpful neighbor." ...

You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the struggle for independence. —CHARLES A. BEARD

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