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Newslinks for 8/13/2002

MI: Gun-Banners Twist the Truth Again, claim victory in their loss
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"If you lose, then twist it into the biggest lie that you can invent! Here is one of the most blatant distortions of reality by the gun banners to come down the pike recently:"

"Michiganders Will Urge Dingell to Vote for Assault Weapons Ban Re-Authorization"

"Gun safety advocates claimed a significant, if not all-out victory in Michigan's 15th Congressional District Democratic primary…"

IN: Town marshal who fired gun inside a bar won't face gun charges
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A special prosecutor has decided not to file charges against a town marshal who fired his gun inside a bar."

"Whitley County Prosecutor John Whiteleather did, however, determine that one or more members of the Orland American Legion Post tried to keep information about the gun's discharge from police."

KABA NOTE: In many if not most states, merely carrying a firearm into a bar will get a citizen arrested -- in some cases, on multiple felony charges. But something very special happens when the government signs your paycheck and pays you to enforce laws: you apparently get to break a few.

In Indiana, the back of a concealed weapons permit says that "This License is subject to suspension and/or revocation for felony arrest and/or improper or reckless use of a handgun." Blasting one off in a bar is certainly "improper" -- pure negligence, any way you shake it. But again, being a law enforcer tends to give you special immunities these days -- and that is getting very, very old.

AK: 81-year old foils two burglars with derringer
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Burglars tangled with the wrong 81-year-old Saturday morning."

"Roy Lee Hendricks, who lives on East 67th Avenue off Lake Otis Parkway, fought off two men who broke in and demanded his wallet. Hendricks shot one man in the arm with a two-shot, .22-caliber derringer, accidentally blowing off the tip of his own pinkie."

"Then he and a friend held the wounded man at gunpoint inside the house until police arrived. The other man escaped through a window."

"Nearly 6 feet tall and 200 pounds, Hendricks later said: 'I'd rather be a dead hero than a live coward.' "

THAT IS A REAL AMERICAN. Be sure to read the whole story.

The image of athletes, guns
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"As many athletes find themselves landing on police blotters for violations involving firearms, more questions are being asked about why they feel the need to carry a gun in the first place."

"Possessing a sleek-looking handgun might not be about just protection anymore. For some players it seems to be a status symbol of sorts, an accessory to complement the cellphone, the jewelry and the palm pilot."

"It's ridiculous to have to carry a gun," Diamondbacks slugger Luis Gonzalez said. "I have three little kids at home, so I'm not going to have a gun around. It's stupid to even carry one in the car.

"That's what police are for."

Teammate Mark Grace agrees.

"I've never had the need to carry a gun," Grace said. " . . . I was always taught that if you get in a life-threatening situation, to walk, or even run, away. Or don't go at all.

"But guns are dangerous. People get hurt, maimed or killed.
Some superstars are super ignorant on some issues. Mr. Gonzalez and Mr. Grace just notified hundreds of thousands of people who read this newspaper -- including criminals -- that they and their families are sitting ducks; that they are not equipped to defend against a well-planned home invasion; and that they are definitely susceptible to being attacked and hijacked when out on the town.

That's some real strong parenting, fellas.

Come the Revolution? What Revolution?
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"It is said that the institution of slavery has one person who is indispensable to its operation, the slave himself. Look around you, none of us is truly responsible for our lives and actions, instead the government removes our responsibilities from us and acts in the manner it thinks best. How then do you assert your freedom? Mostly, you don't. How many of you pay taxes? How many of you younger men have registered for the draft? How many of you pay social security?"

NJ: State tells police to keep warrants, raids secret
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The state attorney general issued stricter guidelines Thursday for approving search warrants and keeping them secret..."

"In a news conference announcing the revised rules for searches, state Attorney General David Samson and Christopher Christie, the U.S. attorney for New Jersey, ...said that ...last week's events highlighted the need for better cooperation among authorities."

"[Sheriff Jerry] Speziale has said he was in constant communication with federal authorities..."

"[Attorney General David] Samson's directive sets general rules for search warrants and reinforces some existing court rules, but it also addresses many of the specific issues raised by the Speziale raid. For example, it prevents law enforcement officers from publicizing any information about the reasons for a search or its results. It declares that all court papers surrounding a search must be kept secret even after it is carried out; current rules allow some of that information to be released after a search, though not before." [emphasis added]

KABA NOTE: After "law" enforcement officers have stolen people's gun collection on a "raid" that was covered by a "search warrant," that information should be available for public and media review immediately. Withholding that information under "secret" (read: hidden) government procedures makes it that much harder to identify the abuses of authority that have gotten more common in the last few decades. Hiding the facts in cases such as a gun confiscation also makes it much easier for the media to demonize firearms and gunowners -- while the public is in the dark as to whether or not a person truly deserved being arrested.

IA: Church ladies shalt not miss shooting practice
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"When Sherry Herold and four of her fellow church members change out of their Sunday clothes, they put on their shooting vests."

"They really do praise the Lord and pass the ammunition."

"They're the Mount Calvary Church Ladies Trapshooting Team."

"They're loyal to their church. And they love trapshooting."

" 'It's kind of relaxing for me after working all week,' Jamie Myers said."

"Americans for Gun Safety" President 'saddened' by NRA President's Alzheimer's disease
Submitted by: Guntalker

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“We at Americans for Gun Safety are saddened by the announcement from Mr. Heston about his Alzheimer’s disease symptoms."

“We at Americans for Gun Safety are saddened by the announcement from Mr. Heston about his Alzheimer’s disease symptoms. Charlton Heston is not only an American icon, he has been an articulate and impassioned spokesman and leader of the National Rifle Association. He has always been a worthy adversary in the gun debate, and our hearts go out to Mr. Heston and his family; we wish them all the best through this difficult time.”

Migrant Smuggling Grows More Ruthless, Deadly
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The crossing began in the dirty water of the New River. Clinging to old tires, the illegal migrants and the men smuggling them waded silently past this dusty border town on a hot, windy afternoon. They had not gone far when Brad Dupre, a Border Patrol agent, drove by and spotted them."

" 'You can bet another smuggler's waiting for them,' he said. He wheeled his truck up a bumpy road near the river."

Camps for 'Saddam's Cubs' offer gun and political training for boys preparing to defend Iraq
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Thousands of boys in Iraq have swapped soccer practice and tennis lessons for light-weapons training and religion lessons as they prepare to defend Iraq, they say, from 'our enemies.' "

"Firing pistols and AK-47s while studying Islam and history, 1,800 boys aged between 13 and 16 are getting three weeks of training at "Saddam's Cubs Training Camp" in a southern Baghdad suburb, one of about 30 such camps scattered across the country."

Florida Group Calls On Parents To Keep Homes Gun-Free
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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" 'Firearms deaths among children and youth are preventable, if parents would take guns out of their homes and if Congress would regulate America's out-of-control gun industry,' Florida Consumer Action Network (FCAN) stated today."

"For every week of the 1999 school year four Florida children and youth were killed by guns, according to FCAN's analysis of the most recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)."

KABA NOTE: Those "youth" include vicious gang members who'd kill an old lady for her purse, who'd kill a fellow drug dealer over "turf," and who'd kill a police officer just for kicks.

We certainly encourage parents to train their children in proper firearms handling and safety, and we abhor negligent use of firearms just like everybody else does. But to mourn the fact that thugs are killing each other and use it to attack lawful gun owners and gun manufacturers is not only insane, it's a sign of the fact that the anti-gunners can't win without gross deception.

LA: Judge recorded saying, "plant illegal drugs in the man's pickup truck, then have him arrested."
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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ORIGINAL TITLE: "Tough Judge Shocks New Orleans With His Own Indictment"
"A man was annoying Judge Ronnie Bodenheimer, getting in the way of a little business deal. 'Aggravate the little [expletive] as much as you can,' the judge told a flunky."

"It didn't work. Something harsher was needed. Judge Bodenheimer, tough-guy dispenser of justice in the white-flight suburbs, pronounced the pipsqueak's downfall: 'You know, this boy, you know, the sad part, he ain't got a shot, he ain't got a chance.' "

"And then the judge signed off on a plan, beautifully simple, that inscribes a new chapter in the annals of Louisiana sleaze, according to a federal indictment: plant illegal drugs in the man's pickup truck, then have him arrested."

" 'You know, he ain't gonna know what's hit him,' chuckled Bodenheimer, a son of the rough-edged 9th Ward of New Orleans, according to transcripts of an FBI wiretap of his phone."

QUESTION: If we can't hang the anti-gun judges, can we at least hang this one?

PRAISE: The FBI did something good in this case. That fact does not go unnoticed.

AZ: Topic: Secretary of State Betsey Bayless Arms Valley Women with Gun Locks
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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This is a press release from Secretary of State Betsy Bayless on the Arizona Sportsman's Journal.

Whatever Happened to Civil Rights?
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Does anyone remember what the civil rights movement was about? Not today. Four decades later, it is 'controversial' if not 'racist' to recall that the civil rights movement was about equal opportunity. People were to be hired on the basis of merit and ability alone – 'the best person for the job.' No other factor was to play a role."

NRA YHEC Showcases Young Hunters
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"It's in watching true sportsmen like 14-year-old Ted Shaver, from Ontario, Oregon, that you can see and appreciate how the sport of hunting shapes our nation's youth into better people. Ted, along with nearly 300 other youths, recently competed in NRA's 17th annual Youth Hunter Education Challenge (YHEC) held this year from July 22-26, in Mansfield, Pennsylvania."

OH: "Militia link [allegedly] found in killing of Massillon police officer"
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A 61-year-old man who shot a Massillon police officer to death after leading police on a 12-mile chase Friday night may have been involved in a state militia group, a State Highway Patrol spokesman said yesterday."


"Patrol Lt. Gary Lewis said Matthews, who had no police record, had literature in his car related to the militia. Such groups reject much of government authority, are interested in gun owners' rights and believe the government is out of control and that order, based on the Constitution, needs to be restored."

" 'We have to establish or substantiate if in fact he is involved in the militia,' said Lewis. 'If so, then if that has any link to last night's incident.' "

MA: Authorities say disappearing is only defense against obsessed ex-lovers
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Terrified of her violent ex-boyfriend and convinced he was going to kill her, Melissa Calideen did just about everything she could to protect herself."

"She moved to a new apartment and tried to keep the Boynton Beach address a secret. She got a protective order requiring Safraaz 'Shawn' Mohammed to stay away from her. When he showed up at her workplace and threatened her with a gun, police were promptly called."

"It wasn't enough to save Calideen's life last week, and experts say that in a small number of cases like hers, there is little that law enforcement, the courts or anyone else can do to stop an obsessed former lover bent on murder. The victim's only option in such extreme cases, the experts said, is to go underground and 'disappear.' "

KABA NOTE: Disappear the back of the guy's skull with a large-caliber exit wound is more like it. It's unfortunate this "reporter" didn't name these "experts" who'd tell women to "disappear" instead of telling them to arm themselves -- we'd like to have a word with the cowardly fools depraved enough to say such a thing, especially if they are employed in public service.

KS: Deer head worth $50,000 stolen from Cabela's
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Trophy, antique guns disappear from store scheduled to open Aug. 15
"A $50,000 trophy deer and a few antique firearms have been stolen from Cabela's, the first retailer scheduled to open next week in Village West, the 400-acre tourism district in western Wyandotte County."

"It's a one-of-kind trophy," said Cabela's store manager Ron Soucie. "Obviously, somebody liked it a lot."

IA: Police Dept., Sheriff's Office, Boy Scouts help train youth to shoot
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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ORIGINAL TITLE: "Local youth get supervised, hands-on firearm training"
"Sixteen-year-old Theo Gunther walks up to his target, aims his handgun and fires."

"Muscatine police Detective Jeff Jirak watches."

"Gunther, along with six other young adults, took part in the Youth Firearms Training Club Saturday, sponsored by the Muscatine Police Department, the Muscatine County Sheriff's Office and the Boy Scouts of America."

"Kids have an interest with this stuff and they have curiosities," Jirak said. "We want to work with the kids hand-to-hand, giving them direct supervision."

NC: Store owner chases, captures man in robbery
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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All across America, we've seen stories about business owners and managers -- from convenience stores to large banks -- who hand their money over to anyone who even says they have a gun.

This story packs quite a punch -- right in the eye for anyone who gives such cowardly, socially decrepit advice.

The robber claimed he had a gun, and the cashier handed it over -- but then he alerted the owner. The owner -- not wanting a first robbery to lead to a second -- gave chase. He caught the predator who tried to steal food out of his children's mouths, retrieved his $550 and discovered that the "robber" was bluffing.

Mr. Robber is now in jail -- no thanks to the advice of countless people who are either too yellow to protect themselves or who are guarding their status as protectors of society.

OR: Former school superintendent gets 'reprimand' for aiming scoped rifle on campus
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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ORIGINAL TITLE: "Gun incident ends in reprimand for school official"
"The state Teacher Standards and Practices Commission has imposed a public reprimand on Bill Hampton, retired superintendent of the Sweet Home School District."

"Robert MacCoone, who lives across the street from the school district offices on Long Street, complained last November after he saw Hampton raise a rifle to his shoulder and look through the scope in the parking lot."

"The complaint alleged that Hampton violated the standards of Oregon educators by sighting the firearm on school property."

"The reprimand was the result of a stipulated agreement between Hampton and the commission. The former superintendent admitted he handled the rifle and used poor judgment in doing so."

"Oregon law does not allow guns on school property unless authorized by a school district official. Hampton was the district's top official at the time."

QUESTION: What would happen to YOU if YOU aimed a scoped rifle on that same school campus -- or any school campus, for that matter? The so-called "Gun Free School Zones" nonsense is just that, but unequal treatment of citizens has once again reared its ugly head.

In other words, if this fellow gets of with a "reprimand," so should everyone else.

U.S. Airways goes belly up
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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ORIGINAL TITLE: "U.S. Airways goes belly up"
"US Airways has become the first major airline to declare bankruptcy as a result of last year's terrorist hijackings, a move that came 11 months to the date after the industry was rocked by the attacks."

"US Airways, the nation's seventh-largest carrier, said flights will continue normally, and the company expressed optimism that it will emerge from bankruptcy early next year."

"In its bankruptcy filing Sunday, the company listed assets of $7.81 billion and liabilities of $7.83 billion and said its cash flow was relatively stable. But Chris Chiames, US Airways' vice president for corporate affairs, said that would not last with the peak summer travel season about to end."

KABA NOTE: If they'd arm their pilots, they'd capture the lion's share of the market in short order.

Youth's accident a lesson for all who use guns
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Most gun-related accidents could be avoided if people would follow the 10 Commandments of Gun Safety, Brasher said."

"Those commandments are as follows:
1. Treat every weapon as if loaded until you prove otherwise.
2. Control the firearm's muzzle.
3. Identify the target and what is beyond it.
4. Be sure barrel is clear of obstruction and have proper ammunition for gun you are using (Even similar guns by different manufacturers require different ammo. A .270 Winchester uses the same shells as a .270 Weatherby Magnum, but the cartridges are different sizes).
5. Unload the firearm when not in use.
6. Be sure of the target. Don't aim at anything you don't intend to shoot and avoid all horseplay.
7. Never climb a fence or a tree or jump a ditch with a loaded firearm.
8. Never shoot at flat, hard surfaces or at water to avoid ricochet.
9. Store firearms and ammunition separately and beyond the reach of children.
10. Gun powder and alcohol do not mix."

Israeli Denied Seat Over Gun Papers, Airline Says
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A Comair pilot refused to fly Israel's deputy foreign minister from Cincinnati to Toronto because of a procedural matter involving paperwork for a firearm, not because of his nationality, an airline spokeswoman said today."

"An Israeli radio station reported Sunday that the pilot thought Deputy Foreign Minister Michael Melchior posed a security risk and refused him a seat."

"This is the third time an Israeli official has been pulled from a flight because of a pilot's sense of a security risk, the radio station reported. The others reportedly were Alon Pinkas, the Israeli consul general in New York, and a bodyguard of Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres."

AZ: Detailed view on how legislators voted in the last three years
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Firearms Coalition of Tucson has just published a very helpful website for Arizona gunowners. You can quickly view this one website to determine whether or not a candidate in your district is friend or foe to your right to keep and bear arms.

F.A.C.T does accept donations. President Ken Rineer works tirelessly for firearms rights in Arizona while holding down a full time job -- during the legislative session, he's in legislators' faces all the time.

VA: Norfolk deputy convicted on drug and gun charges, facing 5 years
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A former Norfolk sheriff's deputy was convicted today of drug and weapons charges."

"Sean Kelley Kirshon, 30, of Portsmouth, was found guilty of two felonies: possessing cocaine with intent to distribute and having a firearm while in possession of drugs. He also was found guilty of possessing marijuana, a misdemeanor."

"Kirshon was arrested in March after police seized the drugs, smoking devices, scales and a handgun from his residence in the 5600 block of Greenefield Drive South. At the time, Kirshon acknowledged to police that he sold drugs to friends."

"He was fired from the Norfolk Sheriff's Department three days after police searched his house. He also was employed by the Chesapeake Sheriff's Department for a time."

"Kirshon faces at least five years in prison because he was convicted of the firearms charge. His sentencing will be in October." [emphasis added]

New Zealand: Gun terror in Onehunga churchyard
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A woman and her two toddlers were feeding pigeons in a quiet Auckland churchyard when a man pointed a pistol 15cm from her face and said, 'I need your money'."

"The shaken mother, wheeling her year-old daughter in a pram and with her 2-year-old girl sitting in a backpack, handed over $300."

"The midmorning attack at St Peter's Church in Onehunga Mall happened in full view of surrounding shops."

"But the gunman got away and it appears no one saw the robbery, which happened about 10am."

CO: "Plea deal" could help killer's accomplice from serving any jail time
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Moms want justice"
More severe punishment sought for gang member's girlfriend in killing of teens
"Tasha Ross and Alicia Taylor, who lost their sons in June 2001, say the 21-year-old Aurora woman waited in the wings while her bloodstained boyfriend gunned their babies down."

"Now they fear she's getting away with murder."

"...according to court records, [Candice Collier] drove Brown to and from the killings of Ross' and Taylor's sons. She allowed her boyfriend to hide the weapons under a bed in her apartment, then helped him flee to Texas."

"Plea deals reached with prosecutors could prevent her from serving any prison time."

QUESTIONS: If someone is an admitted accomplice to murder, why does a "prosecutor" have the authority to offer a "plea deal" that allows such a person to avoid prison? How many accomplices to murder have been placed back out into society by such prosecutors only to aid and abet (or commit) more crimes? Should such "prosecutors" be held liable for the beneficiaries of their "plea deals" who bring more harm upon innocent people?

California Today: Legality and Reality
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"In the state that once was considered the most tolerant of all, proprietary realities have been overrun and overcome by relative legalities. Now, in what could possibly represent this nation's first communist state, California has become burdened and broken by societal rules the state calls laws. Everyone must operate under the proverbial Sword of Damocles or, to be more appropriate to the times, under the gun."

TN: Hands, feet weapons of choice
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Tennessee offenders opted to use their fists and feet over guns and knives during crimes committed last year."

"But guns were the weapons of choice for killers and robbers."

"The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation recently released for the first time data on what kinds of weapons were used during 12 different offenses committed statewide last year."

"Personal weapons - hands, fists, feet and the like - accounted for the highest percentage, 61.6 percent, while firearms were used during 14.7 percent of the offenses, according to the Crime in Tennessee 2001 report."


NV: Police group backs Nevada proposal to legalize possession of marijuana
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Nevada's largest police organization has endorsed a state ballot initiative that would let adults legally possess small amounts of marijuana."

"The board of the Nevada Conference of Police and Sheriffs, a 3,000-member group that represents about 65 percent of the state's street patrol officers, voted 9-0 on Tuesday to support a change in the state constitution that would decriminalize possession of up to three ounces of marijuana."

"Under the proposal, marijuana would be sold in state-licensed shops and taxed like cigarettes and other tobacco products. A distribution system would also be set up to provide low-cost pot for medical uses."

"To become law, the change needs voter approval in November and again in 2004. But whether it could ever take effect is unclear. Federal law bans marijuana possession, and the U.S. Supreme Court ruled last year that states cannot make exceptions for medical use."

The Posse Comitatus Problem
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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This editorial is an outright support of dispensing with the Posse Commitatus Act -- the law that prevents the military from acting as a domestic law enforcement force.

"Homeland Security Advisor Tom Ridge brought the issue to the public's attention by suggesting Congress consider relaxing some of the restrictions. And he was right to do so," says this journalist, a Mr. Brendan Miniter.

"Fighting terrorists is, of course, different from battling uniformed soldiers," confesses Mr. Miniter. "But the Marines have been training to identify, engage and defeat a foe that hides among civil populations for more than a decade. Capitalizing on this resource by pairing the Coast Guard with the Marines is the kind of thinking we need to win this war."

Offer your reasons for keeping Posse Commitatus intact -- or lifting its restrictions -- by using the 'Post Comments' feature above.

Upending The Rule Of Law
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"If a society, which has been accustomed to freedom, is to be forcibly conformed into the desired image of its self-appointed ruling class, certain of its characteristics must be fundamentally altered. Chief among these is the concept of the rule of law. In a truly free society, the law is intended to serve as a common boundary, within which all citizens can pursue their dreams and live out their lives as they see fit."

Submitted by: Randy Hudson

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Blog posting by Eugene Volokh
RE: an LA Times story:

"Tens of millions of people -- in fact, according to many polls, over half the population -- support the right to bear arms.... But I suspect that in a typical L.A. Times journalist's social circle, many fewer do, and those that do, generally keep quiet about it. These people's views and arguments thus become inaccessible, perhaps even incomprehensible, to many such journalists."

Ares and Athena and The War
Submitted by: Randy Hudson

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A Glenn Reynolds blog on the ancient Greek analysis of war that easily applies to individuals' use of force as well.

"[P]art of the reason for different views on the war may stem from different views of war in general. I thought of this in connection with a passage in Neal Stephenson's Cryptonomicon, where the character Enoch Root is talking about two kinds of war as personified by the two very different Greek gods with jurisdiction over warfare, Ares and Athena...."

NC: How Triangle Legislators Voted Last Week On Bills Of Note
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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This is the legislative tally from N.C. capitol. The first one tells who voted for and against the Firearm Regulation (HB 622).

The history of liberty is the history of the limitations placed on the government. — WOODROW WILSON

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