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Newslinks for 8/14/2002

What If She Had Had Her Glock?
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Remember this; September 11th, 2001 was the REAL cost of Gun Control."

"Dillon Klebold, Eric Harris, Colin Ferguson and Mohammed Attah all had one thing in common. Each of them chose to attack a location where our government would guarantee their safety by denying any second amendment rights of armed self-defense to their intended victims."

"It is my understanding that Barbara Olsen left her Glock at home, right next to her Virginia State concealed weapons permit."

What national security?
Submitted by: John Fansler

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"How safe do you feel knowing that the FBI, Immigration and Naturalization Service and other divisions of the Justice Department have absolutely no idea what happened to more than 400 computers and almost 800 firearms?"

"I'm more concerned about 300,000+ aliens who were ordered deported that are still here. - More reasons for us private citizens to resist the taking of firearms from the public. The bloated, self serving, federal government, nor the local governments can protect it's citizens."

MA: Officer to appeal gun revocation
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A Falmouth police officer tomorrow will appeal the revocation of his permit to carry a firearm that followed an accidental shooting in his home."

"Officer Robert R. Ronayne was showing a personal fire arm to a John Silanskas, 20, at his Pocasset home on July 24 when the gun discharged, firing a shot that ricocheted off a kitchen table into Ronayne's left shoulder."

"Silanskas, also a resident of Pocasset, has an extensive criminal record with the Barnstable courts."

"After an investigation, Bourne police concluded that the shooting was an accident, and no criminal charges were filed."

"But Bourne police revoked Ronayne's permit to carry a firearm for improper handling."

1) When someone has a car accident that is ruled an accident, is their license to drive revoked?
2) Why is a police officer showing firearms to a person who has "an extensive criminal record" -- "extensive" implies "felonies", and felons cannot be around firearms, right?
3) If the officer was "showing a personal fire arm to" a prohibited person, why wasn't he charged for that?

NC: Woman arrested for refusing airport screening "just did not want to cooperate"
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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"Fayetteville police on Sunday arrested a woman who refused to allow airport screeners to frisk her and check her identification.
Police searched Portis and said they found nothing she could not bring on an airplane."

"Her identification was OK as well, police said."

"Thompson said he can't explain Portis' actions. 'She just did not want to cooperate,' he said."

Korean Air Jet Flying Over Alaska May Have Narrowly Missed Disaster On 9-11
Submitted by: Sage Cheney

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At 11:08 a.m. ET, the pilots included the letters 'HJK' a code for hijacked & issued a hijack alert at 1:24 p.m. ET; the transponder emitted the code for 90 mins. F-15 fighters were ordered to tail the jet & told Anchorage controllers they would shoot it down if it didn't turn away from populated areas.

"NORAD insists they never threatened to shoot down the jet but Lt. Gen. Norton Schwartz, told reporters he was prepared to order the jet shot from the sky."

D.A.R.E. toes the anti-gun line while entertaining kids
Submitted by: FundTheCause

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The D.A.R.E. website offers a crossword puzzle for children that goes too far. Check out clue 9 Down:
"9. Handguns are more likely to be used in suicide, homicide, or fatal accidents than to be used in self-______________."
Isn't D.A.R.E. tax funded? Why is an anti-drug program lying to kids with anti-gun rhetoric.

Total firearms deaths in 1999 in the U.S. were a bit under 29,000 (Source:

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UK: London Mayor calls for war on gun epidemic
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"London Mayor Ken Livingstone is calling on the public to join the fight against the spate of drug-related shootings in the city."

"Operation Trident, the Scotland Yard unit which tackles 'black on black' crime, has dealt with 25 shootings in the first 15 days of 2002 - nearly two a day."

"Last year, 21 black men lost their lives in 17 shootings. All the suspects were other black men."

"Mr Livingstone fears London will slide the same way as inner-city areas in the US, with gun crime a daily reality."

KABA NOTE: If you're at 2 a day, you're already there, Mayor Lyingstone. Furthermore, there are large cities in America that don't deal with 2 shootings a day, too -- cities where people are legally allowed to protect themselves, while you throw self-defenders in prison and let their attackers decide how much time they should do.

Letter to Your Congress Critter - Whose herd is it anyway
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Quite obvious, the congress and the house is off into someone else's pastures. They no longer represent us in the manner we need to be represented. The decisions they make reflect everything but our freedom and rights. Most obvious question is how do we change this problem."

Safety-conscious Parents may not lock guns at home
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Parents who keep toxic chemicals in locked cabinets, cover electrical outlets, and change smoke alarm batteries each year to keep their kids safe do not necessarily child-proof their firearms, according to the results of a study."

Response: Gunproofing your children makes much more sense.

"The researchers surveyed 1,081 adults bringing a child younger than 7 years into an emergency department and found that 221 of the adults were gun owners."

"For instance, 90% of those parents said they always kept children restrained in cars, 92% said they always keep toxic substances out of reach of their children, and 73% change smoke alarm batteries each year."

"But more than one quarter of parents reported keeping an unlocked handgun in the home, 20% reported having a loaded gun, and 7% said there was a loaded and unlocked gun at home. And more than 50% of the respondents said there was more than one firearm at home."

Response: Anyone who doesn't have a firearm at the ready in the home is unable to defend the family against a violent burglar or home invader -- a righteous "reporter" would point that fact out.

"Adults who said their gun was for protection were about four times more likely to store their gun unsafely, report researchers in the August issue of the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine."

Response: "Store their gun unsafely", in our worldview, means keeping it inaccessible or unusable if needed. This is obviously an area of disagreement between sane gunowners and women who'd rather submit to rape than own a nasty handgun.

REALITY CHECK: Judging by these low numbers, these "researchers" must've done their "survey" in the suburbs of a gun-prohibitionist city. Survey 1,081 random people in a state or city where the right to keep and bear arms is still respected and honored and you'll find much higher percentages of gunowners -- but those folks are likely to hang up on you when you start asking them if they own guns.

THEIR TITLE: The Reuters title of this "news article" is "Safety-conscious Parents may not lock guns at home." Change the "may not" to "will not" and you're right on the money. Locking up most of your firearms, away from kids too young to grasp the infinite value of firearms, is a very good idea. But locking them all up is an invitation to pain and suffering the first time your firearm is needed to defend your family.

UK: On-The-Spot Fines Piloted for Anti-Social Britons
Submitted by: Michael Lewis

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"British police began trials on Monday of a scheme designed to crack down on anti-social behavior by issuing parking ticket-style fines to offenders."

"Those caught committing minor crimes such as being drunk and disorderly or using threatening behavior could now face and instant fine -- a fixed penalty of 40 or 80 pounds ($60 or $120) instead of being cautioned or charged."

"Prime Minister Tony Blair heralded the scheme during his first term in power, declaring that hooligans could be dragged to cashpoint machines to pay instant fines. The plan was hurriedly dropped amid a welter of criticism but has now been revived in a different guise."

KABA NOTE: The people pushing "Smart Cards" a.k.a. "National ID cards" that carry every last detail about you including your various government ID numbers, medical history and bank account balance are helping make this possible in America. Police officers would be able to take your money on the spot, and it'd be out of your bank account before you got home. No trial, no jury, not even a witness -- just you and officer friendly, who's "just following orders" that include stealing your money on the spot.

Heston Losing Firearms Right to Alzheimers? - Eugene Volokh explores that question
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"I was very sorry to hear about Charlton Heston's illness -- surely one of the crueler fates that the world has to offer -- and I probably wouldn't have said much about it, except to express my regret and my best wishes. But since Slate's Explainer has taken on the question Will Charlton Heston Have To Give Up His Guns?, and since a reader has asked about it, I thought I'd briefly speak on the matter."

"Explainer asks "If he is diagnosed with full-blown Alzheimer's, will he have to give up his guns?," and answers "Yes," citing California Welfare & Institutions Code secs. 8100-8108:"

[See list and details.]

"Now I am not an expert on this area of the law, and I may well be mistaken, but I'm not quite sure that the law can really be read this way. Here's how I read it:"

[See his analysis.]

A Letter to a Friend, who worries that our anger over the "war on terrorism" makes us look bad
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"We know for a fact they lied to us about Oklahoma City. We know for a fact they lied about TWA 800 getting shot down. We know for a fact they lied about Waco. And now we can't even judge if they are lying to us about Jose Padilla and others suffering secret trials, warrants, and arrests, because they refuse to give us any 'facts' at all, real *or* imagined. We have caught the government in so many evil lies. How can we possibly trust them anymore?"

American Airlines in Jeopardy - Cuts Jobs, Grounds Planes
Submitted by: Roger MacDonald

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"American Airlines announced Tuesday it would cut 7,000 jobs by March, ground its fleet of 74 smaller Fokker airliners, and restructure flights at its main hub to survive hard times in the airline industry."

"American has been one of the hardest-hit airlines in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks and the company is still trying to curb its losses. Parent company AMR reported operating losses of $3.04 billion and net losses of $2.28 billion."

Maybe they should return to being "American" -- by letting their pilots protect their cockpits and passengers, as a last defense, with a firearm.

50 Things More Interesting Than the ‘War’
Submitted by: Roger MacDonald

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"For the edification and entertainment of my fellow Americans, I submit the following list of things which any rational American might well think more important or more interesting than the present 'war'."

Remembering Randy Weaver - the man whose nursing wife was headshot dead by an FBI sniper
Submitted by: Roger MacDonald

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Big Media is all abuzz right now. "How shall we commemorate the first anniversary of 9/11?" they ask. "Where do you draw the line between a tasteful memorial and too much?"

It’s a safe bet that politicians and pundits will err on the side of "too much."

Meanwhile, another significant anniversary will likely go forgotten by CNN, Donahue, Brocaw, and others.

August 21 marks ten years since the federal government’s siege on the home of Randy Weaver and his family at Ruby Ridge in Idaho.

OH: People Angry About Letter Left At Makeshift Memorial For Slain Police Officer
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"At a makeshift memorial for an Ohio Police officer killed in the line of duty last week, someone left a letter for the slain officer has made people very angry."

[Read the letter on the link above.]

"The letter goes on to say that more police officers will die. It's signed, 'for God and our constitutional republic, Capt. Emma Shlarp.' "

"The writer claimed to be a friend of the man who shot Taylor, Don Matthews -- a known member of a militia group."

KABA NOTE: First, who in their right mind would place such a letter at this memorial site and then sign it with their real name? The words "anti-militia setup" come to mind. Next, read this statement from the above report about this "letter":

"I can't believe they would so soon put their morals and beliefs out there in a shrine area," a policeman's wife, Dona Mitchell, said. [emphasis added]

Mrs. Mitchell, if your husband is the kind of police officer who will arrest a peaceable gunowner merely for possessing and carrying a firearm to defend his or her own life -- like so many cops in Ohio -- we can't believe you are married to that dishonorable oath-breaker.

PA: Violence has some women taking martial arts and firearms classes
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"They are enrolling in martial arts and firearms classes and say it never hurts to be able to defend themselves - just in case."

"Area women interviewed for this story say these crimes haven't had an impact on their sense of security. Nonetheless, several are enrolling in martial arts and firearms classes and say it never hurts to be able to defend themselves - just in case."

"Steve Rementer, a firearms instructor at Pistol People shooting range on State Road in Bensalem, said 50 percent to 55 percent of his students are women. Though many women join firearm classes simply for recreation, some do it for self-defense, he said."

"Their training, which includes firearms use, safety and laws dealing with weapons, can help women feel that 'they don't have to be a victim,' he said. It's important for women to learn some self-defense techniques for protection, no matter what kind, Rementer said."

" 'Any kind of training helps,' he said."

"Yell stop! No! Get back! Stay away from me!"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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It's a good idea to have self-defense training that doesn't include your firearms. You could run out of ammo, or your gun could jam.

Baton Rouge, Louisiana has a serial killer on the loose. The governor has told women to get a gun and learn to use it.

Then there's the report linked above. It talks about self-defense techniques, and it doesn't mention a thing about firearms.

"Yell stop! No! Get back! Stay away from me!" says a female instructor of the "Rape Aggression Defense" class.

They do teach some kicks and punches, too -- thank goodness. If your magazine runs dry, it's good to know these things.

UK: Adam Ant admits pulling gun on people who laughed at his clothes
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Pop singer Adam Ant pleaded guilty on Tuesday to brawling after he threatened pub patrons with a starting pistol for laughing at his clothing."

"The 47-year-old appeared at the Old Bailey court under his real name of Stuart Goddard to face a single charge over the incident at the Prince of Wales pub in north London on Jan. 12."

"The prosecution dropped three other charges of criminal damage, assault causing actual bodily harm and possession of an imitation firearm. Ant was released on bail until Oct. 2 for sentencing."

"After Ant threw a car alternator through the pub window, hitting a local musician, some of the patrons chased him down the street."

" 'But he pulled out the gun, which they thought was genuine, and threatened to shoot them if they didn't back up,' Tomlinson said."

"The singer was spotted a half hour later hailing a cab, and police arrested him."

IA: Supervisors asked to reconsider permit fees to purchase handguns
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Wapello County Supervisors are expected to find a solution today to the controversy over a resolution which would impose a fee to obtain an annual permit to purchase handguns."

"At last week's board of supervisors meeting, members of the National Rifle Association raised objections to the resolution, and the supervisors postponed the issue to give them time to collect more information. The supervisors will deal with the issue at their weekly meeting at 5:30 p.m. today in the boardroom of the Wapello Building."

"According to the supervisors' research, 75 counties in Iowa currently charge $5 or more for people to obtain the permits, Supervisor Steve Siegel said."

WI: State 'Open Records' law would let criminals find out who owns a gun?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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ORIGINAL TITLE: "Records law confuses even lawyers"
"Wisconsin's open records law needs an overhaul to keep up with the electronic age and end record keepers' confusion over what can be released, a legislative committee said Monday."

"More online information ranging from tax revenues to birth records opens up security risks, said committee member Mark Ladd, Racine County's register of deeds. Criminals can learn everything from who owns a gun to jurors' names and addresses, he said." [emphasis added]

FLIP SIDE: Criminals could also find out who doesn't own a gun -- the easiest targets in town.

VA: Gun ban in parks delayed
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A plan to ban firearms from hundreds of Northern Virginia parks and recreation centers has temporarily stalled as officials from two park agencies hammer out differences about the language of new regulations."

"Board members from the Fairfax County Park Authority and the Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority were expected to vote on the proposed ban in July. But without an agreement about the precise wording of the rules, the agencies are creating a joint committee to reach a consensus later this year, said Fairfax County Park Authority spokeswoman Judy Pedersen."

"I don't think there's any sense that it's insurmountable," Pedersen said. "We just need to come up with some very clear language to determine what we do and don't allow."

RECOMMENDATION: Start with the governing text from the Virginia Constitution's Article I, Section 13:
"That a well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state, therefore, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed; that standing armies, in time of peace, should be avoided as dangerous to liberty; and that in all cases the military should be under strict subordination to, and governed by, the civil power."
If you need help with the big words, ask a junior high school student to help you out.

UK: Gang shootings at new heights
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Gangland gun crime has hit new heights - with five murders in London last month, police have revealed."

"Police investigating black-on-black gun violence also dealt with about 20 further shootings in July."

"Before July, there had been 11 murders and more than 70 shootings this year in violence fuelled by rivalries among crack cocaine gangs."

Selleck: Charlton Heston still going strong
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"One of Charlton Heston's friends and colleagues said Monday the screen legend is full of strength and humor despite his recent announcement he is suffering symptoms of Alzheimer's disease."

"Tom Selleck, who appeared with Heston in the 1976 war drama 'Midway' and co-starred with him in the 1997 television movie 'Big Guns Talk,' said he was unaware Heston was going to announce his condition in a videotaped statement distributed Friday."

Canada: Mounties seize numerous privately owned, non-crime guns
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Nova Scotia RCMP have seized a arsenel of weapons from a Timberlea home, just outside of Halifax."

"But police say it doesn't look like machine guns and pistols were intended for criminal use." [emphasis added]

"In all, officers confiscated seven sub-machine guns, 10 semi-automatic pistols, four revolvers, 12 rifles, three shotguns, six pellet rifles and one pellet pistol."

"More than 2,000 rounds of ammunition were also seized."

"As well, officers say they came across parts to assemble Second World War era machine guns."

"RCMP say the weapons appear to be part of a gun collection."

"No decision has been made on charges against the owner."

John Lott applies armed self-defense to current events - uses recent OpSD stories
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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As usual, John Lott does a great job covering issues related to using firearms for self-defense.

Our Operation Self Defense stories collected by Net Detectives are forwarded to him -- via Robert Waters, OpSD Co-founder.

Now they are showing up in print.

All Net Detectives are encouraged to pat themselves on the back.

And more are invited to join. Click Here for more information.

UK: Cops in gun crimes plea
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Families living in fear are being urged to break a 'wall of silence' to help police crack down on the surge of gun crime across a Black Country city."

"Police are holding a special meeting with locals in Heath Town, Wolverhampton, tonight."

"Two innocent bystanders, including a 16-year-old boy, were shot and injured in shoot-outs across Wolverhampton through July."

"Police are hoping to break 'a wall of silence' over criminals with guns by urging residents in Heath Town to come forward with information confidentially."

"Armed police last night carried out spot road checks for guns in Nine Elms Lane, Fallings Park, and Inkerman Street, Heath Town, where the last shooting took place but discovered no weapons."

Airport screener - a registered sex offender - arrested after rampage
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"An airport screener who is a registered sex offender faces life in prison after a weekend rampage in which he fired shots throughout his apartment complex and then set fire to one of the buildings, officials said."

"Nathaniel Lee Kewanyama, 22, screened passengers at Hobby Airport. He was employed by Max Aero, a Houston-based airport security company contracted to do business at Hobby."

"State prosecutors said a simple background check would have revealed Kewanyama's status as a registered sex offender. He is listed on the Web site for the Texas Department of Public Safety as having committed sexual assault on a 30-year-old woman in 1995."

Humor: Tales from the metal detector
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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As if written by an authority worshipping airport screener who goes strictly by the book and enjoys frisking innocent women...
"But who's that fellow over there?"

"That's the critically acclaimed poet Thom Gunn. I asked to see some picture ID and he produced his California driver's licence. It was a very good likeness, so I arrested him for attempting to board a plane while carrying a replica of a Gunn."


IA: Firearm ban discussed by City Council
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Some City Council members want to ban people other than police officers from carrying firearms into City Hall."

"The subject became an issue last year, when the council discovered a resident was carrying a concealed handgun at a meeting."

"Councilman John E. Johnson said during Monday's regular meeting that, after much thought, he doesn't know of any good reason why somebody should bring a gun to a council meeting."

" 'I feel there really is no reason to carry firearms into a public place with or without a gun permit,' Johnson said."

What councilman Johnson is really alerting us to is the fact that he's less imaginative than the average ten year old. To help him out, here are some reasons to allow lawful, peaceable citizens to carry a firearm into the council meeting if they so choose:

1) To keep from getting it stolen out of the car and misused against someone in the community by the criminal who stole it.

2) In case there aren't any police officers present, as if often the case in small town council meetings. Or, if there is a police officer present, in case someone takes him out with the mere one shot it would take to do so -- to stop such a person who is committing such an attack.

3) Because it's a basic constitutional, civil and human right.

4) Because if someone brings a firearm into your unsecure building and intends to do harm, peaceable-but-ready-to-help armed citizens will do what disarmed peasant councilmen like Mr. Johnson's spine won't allow.

South Africa: Tension mounts on white farms in Zimbabwe
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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If any news item can illustrate the need for arms in self-defense against government-sanctioned thuggery, this one might be it.

"White farmers facing eviction have received a wave of threats and intimidation by government officials and ruling party militants trying to force them off their land."

"Farmers leaders said five farmers in southeastern Zimbabwe left their land early after officials, armed police and soldiers warned them they were violating the eviction laws."

"President Robert Mugabe said he would not tolerate opposition to his plans to redistribute white-owned farms to blacks or allow whites to retain massive farms."

NC: Forceful intruder shot dead
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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The homeowner didn't know the man who was acting bizarre and trying to come in his house, so he asked him to leave repeatedly. The intruder then forcefully entered and came at the armed citizen.

One shot, one dead intruder.

Bye bye.

GA: Police officer demonstrates ease of taking weapons, explosives into school
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"I am a long-time law enforcement officer and have spoken at a lot of BOE meetings in the past, and even demonstrated the types of weapons and incendiary devices that can easily be smuggled into the school unobtrusively. On this particular day, I was wearing a .40-caliber Glock semi-automatic handgun on my left ankle, an inert grenade on my right one, a 12-inch Glock knife strapped to my leg, a .22-caliber semi-automatic handgun on a chain around my neck, two pocket knives, a length of hobby fuse, a disposable lighter and a can of black powder, all of which could be easily obtained by most teen-agers with the will to do so. I demonstrated to the board members and to the public in attendance how to build a bomb in 20 seconds or less; one, I might add, that could level a complete wing of a school."

NY: NYPD's private Navy sets sail
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The NYPD has beefed up the firepower on patrol boats, putting machine guns, rifles and shotguns in the hands of harbor cops."

"The guns - including new 9mm machine pistols and Mini-14 rifles - had previously been stored on most Harbor Unit boats, but over the past week, they have been openly deployed in hopes of deterring potential attack."

"Officers on the nearly 30 Harbor Unit boats now have the weapons, part of the NYPD's ongoing arms buildup in the wake of the Sept. 11th attacks."

KABA NOTE: Given the attractiveness of New York City as a target -- demonstrated amply on 9/11 -- showing the arms they are prepared to use only makes sense. What doesn't make a lick of sense is requiring a city of many millions of people to be defenseless when there are only thousands of cops on the streets.

It's as if the "authorities" in New York City are saying "we're grossly understaffed to be able to protect each of the millions of people who live here, and we know it [they do], and we clearly understand the value of the arms we carry -- but we deserve, have and will use force to maintain a complete monopoly on force when it comes to protecting the lives we can't possibly protect."

Expecting citizens' respect while emanating such a vile odor is rather ignorant. Anyone who carries a firearm "illegally" for self-defense in The Big Apple but has no intention of ever harming another unless in self-defense is forced to necessarily view the police as what they are: a dangerous personal threat who'll take away their freedom for merely choosing to be unvictimizable.

CA: Hollywood Celebrity Shoot
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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" 'You can see all the stars as you walk down Hollywood Boulevard...' ...but you can see probably more than you've ever seen in your life at one time in the flesh if you choose to attend the Hollywood Celebrity Shoot!"

"Approximately 450 shooters attended this year's Hollywood Celebrity Shoot at Triple B Clays in South El Monte, California - a record-breaking number of participants in the event's six-year history."

BATF agent who sells silencers to citizens may have actually done something good
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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IF the facts in this case are presented truthfully -- always suspect with BATF -- then we'll break with our tradition and offer limited and unsustainable praise to the anti-Second-Amendment band of thugs...
"A 21-year-old former SunTrust Bank teller was arrested for buying a gun and silencer that federal agents said he planned to use to rob a bank branch of $150,000 and kill two of the bank employees."

"Roberto Montero was arrested Sunday in the Home Depot parking lot at 6800 Okeechobee Blvd., where he bought a.22-caliber gun and unmarked silencer from an undercover agent for $750, according to the affidavit of Special Agent Jeffrey T. Kunz, of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms."

"Montero, of 870 Cotton Bay in suburban West Palm Beach, was being held at the Palm Beach County Jail until his bond hearing, scheduled Wednesday. He could face a maximum of 10 years in prison."

"Montero told an undercover agent during a taped meeting that he worked at SunTrust Bank as a teller and that he planned to rob the bank on a Monday afternoon, according to Marcos Daniel Jiménez, U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Florida."

UK: Guns ruin lives say new police adverts
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A new initiative to try to reduce soaring gun crime in the black community is being launched in south London."

"Figures released on Tuesday show 20 people were shot in July - five people died."

"The figures are the worst for a single month since the Metropolitan Police created Operation Trident - a special unit to target gun violence in the black community."

"High profile advertisements are being unveiled at the Fridge nightclub in Brixton."

IL: Wood gives away gun locks
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"You lock your car, bicycle, garage and house, so why not your gun?"

"A free gun lock program called Project Homesafe was presented downtown Monday in Jack Benny Plaza, where representatives from Lt. Gov. Corinne Wood's office handed out free gun locks and left behind 300 locks to be given away by the city Police Department."

" 'It works with 95 percent of the guns,' said Tim Bergman from Wood's office."

UK: British Beginning to Think The Pistol Ban an ERROR!!!
Submitted by: Art Schreiber

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Could this be the begining of a trend...are the British waking up?
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From This Report...

"On the streets of Britain's biggest cities, an illegal handgun can be bought for as little as £50."

"The black-market supply of these weapons has increased enormously since the break-up of the Soviet Union, and changes in European frontier regulations have made it much easier to smuggle them into the country. As Kate Hoey, the Labour MP for Vauxhall, wrote in our Sport section yesterday, there are some inner-city areas in which it is now easier to buy an illegal gun than to find a taxi in the rain."

"The truth is that the Firearms Act, 1997, which outlawed the ownership of most handguns in Britain, did nothing to discourage their illegal use. Indeed, the number of crimes in which handguns were carried increased by no less than 40 per cent in the two years after the Act became law."

"The only people who suffered from the ban, introduced by the Major government in an attempt to be seen to be doing something after the Dunblane massacre, were those who owned and used their guns lawfully."

If you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labeled a radical 50 years ago, a liberal 25 years ago, and a racist today. —THOMAS SOWELL

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