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Newslinks for 8/14/2010

SCOPE Gives $5K To SAF For Help In New York Lawsuit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The New York-based Shooters Committee On Political Education (SCOPE) has made a generous $5,000 contribution to the [SAF]'s continuing legal efforts to roll back onerous gun laws in various states, including New York, where SAF recently filed a lawsuit ... over a state law that allows carry licenses to be denied because applicants cannot show 'good cause.'"

"'This generous contribution from our good friends at SCOPE will help our battle against gun laws that tie the hands of law-abiding citizens in bureaucratic red tape,' said SAF Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. 'SCOPE's donation is a financial right-hook to the indifference of public officials who really should be the ones required to show 'good cause' for withholding a gun permit.'" ...

Harry Reid approves ad attacking 2nd Amendment armed resistance potential
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Does Harry Reid reject the Standard Model of the Second Amendment?"

"Yes or no?"

"...And, assuming they don't agree with the message Harry Reid approved, it's a question NRA ought to insist on him answering, as long as they're still considering him to be eligible for their endorsement. Getting that answer before giving their backing is something we gun owners ought to insist they ascertain."

Suicide Indicators At Your Doctor's Office???
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Damn, it's a slow news week…"

"We don't know yet what the Blagojevich jury has and hasn’t decided on his case ..."

"Meanwhile, we gun owners discover (I was first flagged to it by a retired NYPD officer) that it's becoming common in doctors' offices to screen you for suicide potential by asking certain questions that may just include questions about gun ownership."

"It turns out one of my good friends, a gun-savvy attorney in one of America's most crime-ridden cities who is licensed to carry a concealed handgun in public – and does so just about every day of his life – went through this not too long ago."

"The result was absolutely hilarious, and I share it with you now…" ...

Keeping Tabs on Libs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When it comes to liberals, there are simply not enough hours in a day for one person to record all of their mischief. Speaking for myself, even if I had a staff the size of Mrs. Obama, I'd probably still fall behind."

"For instance, liberals love to pretend that 'separation of church and state' appears in the Constitution, although I'm sure that most of them are aware that the words only appeared in a letter that Thomas Jefferson wrote ... But on the other hand, when attacking the Second Amendment on the grounds that the Founders only wanted guns in the hands of 'a well regulated militia,' those same liberals never bother mentioning that it was Jefferson who said 'No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms' ..." ...

Harry Reid claims vote for Kagan out of 'concern for 2nd Amendment'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Advocates for keeping Harry Reid ... in the U.S. Senate ... are hard-pressed to defend the Senate majority leader over his rather frequent unintelligible gibberish."

"The latest example is Reid's defense of his vote in favor of Leftwing extremist Elena Kagan for the U.S. Supreme Court."

"Reid claims his vote for Kagan was 'out of concern for the Second Amendment.'"

"The outrageous nature of such a claim is evidenced by the fact that Kagan is on record stating she has 'no sympathy' for those who support gun rights, despite her claims before the Senate Judiciary Committee that she respects the 2 recent major Court decisions affirming the citizens' right to own, possess, and use handguns in self-defense." ...

PA: Protecting gun rights against government tyranny
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Pennsylvania House Bill 2536 is clearly explained in the article, 'Close concealed gun permit loophole,' July 27, by chiefs of police Wes Kahley, York, and William Heim, Reading. Due to reciprocity agreements, Pennsylvania honors several other states' concealed carry permits. Under Bill 2536, a Pennsylvania resident who has been denied a concealed carry permit -- or is ineligible or has had a revocation -- cannot obtain a permit in another, more lenient state, and expect the permit to be honored in Pennsylvania due to reciprocity."

"While Bill 2536 is a sensible law, it may be difficult to monitor. Will Pennsylvania end up honoring permits only from those states that match our strict requirements? ..." ...

PA: Plenty of room for reasonable gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "So what does the court's [McDonald] ruling mean for Pennsylvania?"

"CeaseFirePA believes that reasonable regulations on firearms are necessary to help police get illegal guns out of criminal hands and better protect Pennsylvanians. We also believe these common-sense regulations fall squarely under the Supreme Court's decision and are permissible under the federal and Pennsylvania constitutions."

"One reasonable step is a reporting requirement for lost or stolen handguns. In Pennsylvania, 45 cities and towns have already taken local action in support of lost or stolen handgun reporting, either by ordinance or by urging statewide action by the General Assembly." ...

When an armed citizen intervenes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last Sunday at a gas station in the Detroit, MI area, a 19-year-old thug ... tried to pull an armed robbery, but an armed citizen intervened and in the process very likely saved the life of the victim."

"The unidentified citizen ... drew his legally-carried handgun at the moment when Davis allegedly cocked his gun and aimed it at the head of the woman he had just robbed. The suspect fled, but cops found him a short time later, having shed one layer of clothing to expose a second layer ... the cash and the gun was recovered."

"Buried at the end of the story was one fact that anti-gunners often deliberately ignore: 'The handgun was later found to have been reported stolen from Waterford.'" ...

Why I Want to Carry a Concealed Gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two nights ago, my daughter's boyfriend asked me 'Why do you carry a gun?' I told him I had the right to protect my family. Wrong answer. My 'right' wasn't in question. Nor should it be. My unconditional right to bear arms is enshrined in the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Says so right there: 'the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.' Infringe as in 'to limit or undermine.' So the Rhode Island concealed carry process, which asks me roughly the same question as my first born's squeeze (and a bunch more queries besides), violates my constitutional rights. But it's still an excellent question. The correct response: 'I have an obligation to protect my family.'" ...

OH: Area crimes see increase in gun safety class enrollments
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Toledo man was recently shot by a bow and arrow while another could have been the victim of a serial stabber."

"It's this kind of violence that has gun advocates saying you should protect yourself by taking gun safety classes."

"Tom Urbanski is a NRA certified instructor whose classes fill up quickly, especially after a crime has been committed in the area. He says gun training helps people understand guns, gun safety and personal safety."

"'You've got to consider anybody you don't know... as being a potential threat and try to get yourself out of danger one way or another.'" ...

Evil + Stupid = Bipartisan
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We are now just a couple of months from the midterm elections and the political gamesmanship has begun to heat up. It was former Wyoming Senator Alan Simpson (a Republican) who declared that in America we have the Evil Party, and the Stupid Party, adding that he belonged to the Stupid Party. For those committed to restoring and protecting the rights of gun owners, the labels are broadly accurate. While there absolutely are Democrats who are personally committed to individual rights, the Democrat Party itself is not only opposed to gun rights, they lie about it. There are two basic policy positions for Democrats on guns and they both start with politicians declaring, 'I strongly support the Second Amendment.'" ...

FL: On the road with Rick Scott: Supporters explain why he should be governor
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "But if there is one thing that unites Rick Scott supporters more than anything else, it's frustration: frustration with the dismal state of the economy, and frustration with the politicians who they believe are responsible for making it that way."

"Scott, a multimillionaire from Naples, said his supporters tend to be 'the voters who are similar to me.'"

"'They've worked hard. They believe in the American dream,' Scott said. 'They know you've got to work hard, focus on you family, build this country. They really care about this country. The believe in what the founders did with the U.S. Constitution. And they believe in the Second Amendment, things like that.'" ...

NV: The Trouble for Harry? Sharron's Up Off the Mat
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's been a while since The Gaggle checked in on the Nevada Senate race. According to a poll today in the Las Vegas Review-Journal, it's a mud-wrestle, with Democrat Harry Reid leading the GOP's Sharron Angle 46 percent to 44. Neither candidate is exactly endearing himself or herself to anyone. Reid is seen unfavorably by 51 percent and favorably by 40 percent of Nevadans. Angle is viewed unfavorably by 45 percent and favorably by 37 percent."

With the polls settling into a Reid lead within the margin of error, is the Senate majority leader's glass half-full or half-empty? On one level, Reid has reason to be thrilled. Before the GOP nominated a Tea Party darling as his challenger, he had been written off for dead ..." ...

NV: Why Harry Reid can't seem to put Sharron Angle in the rearview mirror
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sen. Harry Reid is still in trouble. Election day is creeping closer, yet the majority leader remains tied with GOP challenger Sharron Angle in polls. ..." ...

"Going forward, Reid's ability to hold on to his job may depend on how much he can make the November vote a referendum about Angle, as well as himself. So expect more negative ads from the Reid camp."

"In that vein, Reid recently released a 30-second spot that features a statement made by Angle ... to the effect that if Congress keeps going the way it is 'people are really looking towards those Second Amendment remedies.'"

"The Second Amendment is the one that guarantees firearm rights, so the spot highlights Angle's implicit reference to armed resistance." ...

WY: Gosar is his own man
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I write this letter in support of Pete Gosar for governor after carefully considering who I would support in the primary Aug. 17."

"Gosar said he endorses quite a bit of what Dave Freudenthal did as governor, but that he is not a 'Dave Freudenthal Democrat.' He is a 'Pete Gosar Democrat.' I applaud his dedication to run as an individual ..." ...

"He received a grade of A from the NRA to Petersen's F. Again, the party's platform reads: 'Wyoming Democrats support the right of citizens to own firearms ...' Both my father and brother are hunters. Gosar is the candidate who will balance protecting the Second Amendment and law-abiding gun owners with the interests of the community at large." ...

PA: East Hempfield Township removes gun ban in parks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Most people going to East Hempfield Township's parks are usually carrying tennis rackets, Frisbees or bocce balls."

"But township officials have amended park rules to protect individuals who practice their constitutionally-protected right to carry firearms."

"The township supervisors voted last week to approve a revised ordinance governing their parks."

"Before, visitors to East Hempfield parks were not allowed to carry or discharge firearms."

"But that rule was not constitutionally correct, township officials said."

"So park rules were amended, removing the ban on simply carrying firearms."

"It is still illegal 'to discharge firearms, bows and arrows, ... or slings, except in authorized areas' ..." ...

FBI police harass student for photographing "sensitive" area
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Jerome Vorus, who is becoming a full-fledged photo rights activist while still in his teens, had yet another confrontation Friday over his photography."

"The 19-year-old college student was taking pictures outside the J. Edgar Hoover Building in Washington DC when an FBI police officer ordered him not to take her photo."

"First he turned on the video camera on his cell phone. Then he informed her that that she didn’t have an expectation of privacy."

"'I wasn't even taking her photo in the first place,' he said in a phone interview with Photography is Not a Crime."

"As he was walking away, another FBI cop pulled up in a car and ordered him to stop." ...

CO: Concealed Handgun Permit Fees Reduced
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The El Paso County Sheriff’s Office is pleased to announce a reduction in the cost of obtaining a concealed handgun permit. The new fees associated with obtaining a concealed handgun permit are $60.00 for a new 5 year permit and $40.00 for a 5 year renewal. The Colorado Bureau of Investigation’s associated fee for fingerprint and background check is $52.50 for a new permit and 13.00 for a renewal."

"Sheriff Terry Maketa and his staff regularly review the costs associated with this program. With the volume of active permits nearing 16,000; the Sheriff’s Office is able to take advantage of the economic impact of the program and provide concealed handgun permits to our citizens at an improved cost. ..." ...

MO: Arrest warrant amnesty in St Louis this weekend (video available)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Fox 2 learned Wednesday, an amnesty program for traffic violations was expanding to include things like minor thefts and even drug offenses. Violators who came forward in 26 St. Louis area jurisdictions last year were granted amnesty; meaning, they no longer had to worry about police chasing them down. Authorities would wipe out their arrest warrants."

"This year the program will include all misdemeanors; that means things like minor thefts; even minor drug offenses. Organizers said, that's a good thing." ...

Submitter's Note: All the choir boys in the hood will have a chance to get their arrest warrants lifted. After they all sign up for amnesty there will be peace on the streets come Monday morning. No more violence. The spokesman in the video says so.

Ohio's Chris Cerino Makes it to Final Four on Reality Show
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It started with 16 now there are four. After nine episodes of The History Channel's Top Shot series one of Northern Ohio's own law enforcement professionals Chris Cerino is still on target the first America's Top Shot. Join Ohio's only representative in this first of its kind reality TV show and competition."

"This husband, father of two sons, scoutmaster, hunter education instructor and law enforcement/military firearms instructor has withstood the test against some of the nation's top firearms competitors thus far. August 15 it comes to a head with one person being crowned America's Top Shot and earning the winner take all prize of $100,000." ...

CO: Loveland 912 Project to present Constitution Action workshop
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Loveland 912 Project will present a Constitution Action workshop on Aug. 21 at The Church Fellowship Hall, 2500 Garfield Ave."

"Refreshments will be served from 7:45 to 8:15 a.m. The workshop will be from 8:15 a.m. to noon.

During the event, participants will learn the history of the constitution, how it works and how residents can take action to preserve and protect it."

"The first 200 attendees will receive a free constitution booklet."

"Guest speakers will include Sen. Kevin Lundberg, R-Berthoud, detailing the 10th amendment and how it affects state’s right, and Dudley Brown, executive director of the Rocky Mountain Gun Owners, speaking about the second amendment and how it affects individual rights." ...

MI: Gun rights advocates should avoid showdown
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I'm as enthusiastic about guns and the Second Amendment as anyone. But I think the gun rights advocates who are pushing the issue of open carry during the Arts, Beats & Eats festival in Royal Oak risk doing their cause more harm than good."

"Certainly, organizers of the festival shouldn't have written into the contract with the city a ban on weapons that runs contrary to state law. It was unnecessary."

"But threatening to show up at the festival fully armed is also an unnecessary provocation by the gun rights folks. Not everyone appreciates guns as much as we do. A show of arms will only set off the anti-gun crowd and prompt attempts to limit Second Amendment rights. Who needs that?" ...

The gun-control movement is driven by raw emotion. Facts are irrelevant. Logic is spurned. Utter nonsense is solemnly intoned. It's little wonder that our most emotive president has made gun control his signature domestic issue. — Don Feder

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