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Newslinks for 8/15/2000

Guard Wounds Robbery Suspect
Submitted by: Carl Robinson

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As seen in Portland Oregonian. Suspected serial armed robber wounded in armed robbery attempt by security guard. The perp, who is now hospitalized, is suspected in 39 other robberies and is believed to have hit this bank branch previously.

Newspaper Chain Bans Most Firearms Ads
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Accessibility is a major cause of gun violence," says Shauna Olson, TNT coordinator. (teenager with oatmeal brains when it comes to history and the fact that she is working the Hitler Agenda)

Cincinnati can't sue gunmakers for damages, court rules
Submitted by: Ron Dotson

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More good news - Judge's decision upheld by Ohio First District Court of Appeals which likened the city suit to the "absurdity" of suing the makers of matches because of losses from arson.

JPFO Literature Gets Used in Alaska High School Class
Submitted by: Anonymous

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JPFO's famous "Granpa Jack" booklet makes for a great Bill of Rights day.

At Peace with Himself, At War with Everybody Else
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A fantastic expose on an "interview" of Bill Clinton by a new fangled minister who seemed more interested in protecting Bill's lack of scruples than in getting at The Truth.

From the report: Clinton said that he was now "at peace with himself" after this affair and its aftermath. He had "asked for forgiveness" and was forgiving everyone else who had "wronged" him in this business. In other words, Clinton was actually a victim, not a victimizer.

Constitutional Considerations
Submitted by: Dr. Bill Rogers

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From "The Common Conservative," Shooter O'Gavagan enumerates the criteria for "our kind of President." A nice reminder of what to look for in the candidate of YOUR choice!

New Ohio state law requires five-day waiting period for buying beer
Submitted by: Ron Dotson

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While not directly related to guns, this article does relate to the 18th and 21st amendments of the U.S. Constitution, and in general to infringements upon our basic human rights to drink beer :-)

Democrats in PA Upset by NRA's Ad
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Quite a few fancy diversionary tactics by the anti-self-defense politicians interviewed in this article. The most bizarre is: "What Democrats want "is commonsense gun safety, which Republicans want as well."

Last I heard, Dems wanted pre-confiscation (registration), cutting off private sales ("gun show loophole"), mandatory triggerlocks (gun not usuable, and who comes checking your guns for you?), etc.

The statements made by these socialist liars are a good study in BS.

Irish Gun Buyer Gets 20 Month Sentence in Florida
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Buying guns with Irish Republican Army money intended to arm Catholics in Ireland doesn't seem to pay too well - unless of course sing-sing is a planned vacation spot.

Gun Use Invades Japanese Serenity
Submitted by: Anonymous

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This one is on an ANTI-GUN website!!

According to the National Police Agency, the number of serious crimes committed with handguns in Japan last year was the highest since the agency began keeping statistics more than a decade ago. Furthermore, the rate of gun crimes in the first six months of 2000 is on pace to surpass last year's record.

"I think the public believes it is safe in Japan," said Koichi Sunada, head of a citizens' anti-gun group in Tokyo. "But the situation is changing."

The Guns of Dale Cramm
Submitted by: Anonymous

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This reads much like an attack on gun shows, but with a Great statement from one of our guys: "Would you rather guns were sold in a controlled environment or one that was totally outside public scrutiny?" he asked. "Shutting down gun shows will encourage a black market in guns -- guns sold out of car trunks or in back alleys."

Several unsubstantiated OPINIONS presented as fact, and the use of the term "hollow-point" to make it sound oh so dastardly. Creative gun-blamers, these writers.

Instant Check, Permanent Record by Kopel, Gallant & Eisen
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Good one on the Instant Registration System the NRA wrote and strongly supported into reality...

The National Instant Check System was touted by its proponents as a "reasonable" law for keeping guns out of the hands of criminals. But just how "reasonable" is it to allow the federal government to illegally compile a list of gun-owners? And just how "reasonable" is it for citizens to trust a federal government that, time and again, has proven itself untrustworthy?

Intruder Shot to Death -- Man Had Broken into Ex-Girlfriend's House
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A man with a history of domestic violence was shot to death after he broke into his ex-girlfriend's home early yesterday.

"Kent police say the woman's male companion shot the 37-year-old Kent man after he woke the pair and threatened them with a large butcher knife about 3:15 a.m. Neither the shooter nor the woman was injured."

Read link for more.

Comrade Webb Rallies Demotraitors on Gun Bills
Submitted by: Anonymous

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LOS ANGELES - Denver Mayor Wellington Webb led a group of Democratic mayors Sunday in a pledge to make gun-control legislation the focus of national and local Democratic campaigns.

"We're a Western state. We go to beds with guns. We have guns everywhere," Webb said. "If we can do this, then it can happen any where."

He's refering to 110,000 signatures of people who don't understand history and the dangers of gun restrictions because their teacher is the government.

10 Most Wanted - Rogues Gallery
Submitted by: Anonymous

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If you have any use for pictures of the 10 least-American people in politics today, this link's for you.

Criminals for the Prevention of Firearms Ownership
Submitted by: Anonymous

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This is a different twist on making points. Very creative idea worth developing into a full-blown, professional website.

Gore Reinvention Convention - Seeing Through Al Gore v. 8.0
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Entire site devoted to identifying the BS in the Gore campaign.

South Africa's Disarmament Continues, Looks Familiar to Americans
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"As it stood, the bill would give the authorities the power to disarm all law-abiding South Africans completely, by way of regulation and without further public scrutiny or consent."

"Far from representing an advance in crime control, it is a retrograde measure which, by seeking to disarm responsible citizens rather than criminals, will have an effect directly opposite to its own stated intention."

This report sounds a whole like like the spew we get in the liberal media in America.

"Nugent Booksigning in Colorado Peaceful"
Submitted by: Anonymous

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What a JOKE of a title for this report!! It's like it's supposed to be a brawl or something because the guy has brains and uses them...

Mauser, the mentally and emotionally handicapped father who lost his son at Columbine makes himself look like a complete idiot in this report.

Great quotes in this one of Nugent, too. As usual, he tells the God's honest truth but gun ignorant people are too dense to see it.

NRA Brings Ads to Party
Submitted by: Anonymous

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What a complete FARCE Carolyn McCarthy is:

"It [the ad] claims we're trying to take away people's rights," said Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, New York Democrat, during a forum yesterday on gun violence. "You show me one thing I'm doing to take away people's rights."

Most people are too lazy or informed to simply look at this liar's voting record to know what a phony statement that is.

Rally Held to Protest Hate Crimes
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Protest and make all the laws you can, criminals don't listen to words, they listen to .357. Arm lawful, peaceable citizens and put the fear of God into criminals.

In another show of ignorance: "It's time for us to lead this nation into a hate-free society," said Ismael Ileto, whose brother, Joseph, was shot and killed Aug. 10, 1999, allegedly by neo-Nazi Buford O. Furrow.

Laws are going to end hatred? People have been hateful as long as there have been people. (El moron.)

Ex-California Cop Sentenced in Murder
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Former minister, too. Killed his lover's husband. Manages to give Christianity AND law enforcement a bad name. Now he's got lots of time to pray, and learn about the laws enforced by the prison gangs.

If I were an American, as I am an Englishman, while a foreign troop was landed in my country I never would lay down my arms, never! never! never! — William Pitt, Earl of Chatham (1708-1778) Speech, Nov. 18, 1777

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