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Newslinks for 8/16/2003

AR: Boys kill rabid bat with BB gun
Submitted by: Harold Hough

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An example where a BB gun in the hands of a kid is good.


When a bat attacked eight-year-old Kenneth Burns in his yard on Sunday, swooping down from a treehouse near the Burnses' home in Bowie County, Ark., and scratching Kenneth's neck, his friends knew what to do, reports the Texarkana Gazette. They picked up a BB gun and shot the offending divebomber. "It turned out to be a good thing," Kenneth's stepfather told the paper, "because that's the reason we were able to send the bat off for testing." The bat, tests revealed, had rabies; and the boy is undergoing treatment.

U.S. Army & Natl Guard: New Light Armored Vehicle "Stryker" (LAV) - Future Urban Warfare in America!
Submitted by: Don Hamrick

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"As one of the Urvater of the Marines’ LAV program, I was pleased to hear a couple years ago that the Army was now also planning to buy LAVs. Good, I thought; they too have recognized that the M-1 is more a Sturmgeschuetz or a Jagdpanzer than a real tank, and they need something else for operational maneuver."

"I should have known better, given that we are talking about the U.S. Army. Nonetheless, it was with unbelief, then horror, that I learned what the Army was really buying LAVs (called Strykers) for: urban combat. And now, the first Stryker units are to be sent to Iraq."

"The magnitude of the idiocy involved in using Light Armored Vehicles in urban fighting, where they are grapes for RPGs, is so vast that analogies are difficult." ...

Canada: Police: 'Serious looting' in Ottawa
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Looting broke out in Ottawa after dark Thursday, Ottawa police said, as a major power outage pitched much of Ontario into darkness.

"There is serious looting going on (in parts of Ottawa)," said Ottawa police chief Vince Bevan, adding there have been reports of break-ins, smashed windows and theft in the nation's capital.

Ontario declared a state of emergency after the power outage which left much of Canada's most populous province and parts of the northeastern United States in the dark.


TX: $1.45M settlement in McKinney police shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The city of McKinney has authorized a $1.45 million settlement in the 2001 shooting death of 31-year old Cathey Jo Howard-Kalimah, who was mistaken for an intruder and shot to death in her home by a McKinney police officer."

"Officer Joyce VanDertuin accidentally shot and killed Mrs. Howard-Kalimah in the victim's home on June 5, 2001, in northwest McKinney."

Wouldn't you feel much safer if only the police were armed?

South Africa: Woman gets 25 years for husband's murder
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 24-year-old woman has been sentenced to 25 years behind bars for the gruesome murder of her former policeman husband in December 2001. Nopelo Dyantyi was having an extra-marital affair and hired a hitman to kill her husband, Mzukisi Dyantyi. After sentencing today, the alleged lover and prominent businessman was arrested."

"Mzukisi Dyantyi was gunned down with his own service pistol while asleep after the alleged hitman was brought into their home and introduced as Nopelo’s cousin."

UK: Teen Shooting Charge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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An Aberdeen teenager appeared in court this afternoon accused of shooting at a bus driver and injuring his hand.

Lee Smith, 16, is alleged to have fired an air pistol at the driver in King Street in June.

Smith, of 17a Seaton Drive, was also accused of illegally having a loaded air weapon. The teenager made a brief appearance in private at the city's sheriff court in connection with the offences, both alleged to have been committed on June 4.

Depute fiscal Jonathan Ward said the youth made no plea or declaration and was released on bail.

UK: Caught on camera
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A gun-toting teenager is caught on camera by the Gazette after opening fire on passing cars in central Middlesbrough."

"The youth took pot shots at motorists with a pellet gun from the roof of a shop."

"The Gazette's Dave Charnley was watched by the youth's hooded companion as the youngster reloaded the pistol before aiming it directly at the photographer."

"The pair, along with another youngster, had scaled the 30ft building to set up a sniper's den on the roof last night."

FL: Edgewater officer sentenced to life in prison for fatal shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A police officer was sentenced to life in prison for the fatal shooting of a man during an off-duty fight last fall."

"Robbins, a 15-year veteran of the police department, was convicted in May of second-degree murder in the shooting death of 22-year-old Jason Starkey."

"Robbins had said he fired his personal .22-caliber pistol as a last resort to save his own life during a fight with the victim and another man on a Daytona Beach street Sept. 22."

Hope from the Gun Control Zone
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"I owe the gun control crowd a measure of thanks, for without their astoundingly illogical positions, I might still be a semi-comatose statist instead of a much more alert lover of human liberty. But I accepted the challenge of a pro gun rights radio talk show host and picked up John Lott’s book More Guns, Less Crime. Staring sociological facts in the face shook the calcified cobwebs from my brain."

Ginsburg, the politician
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"With a name like 'the American Constitution Society,' you might think the organization would strongly support the Second Amendment's explicit defense of bearing arms as a personal, civil right. Wrong. The Washington chapter this summer invited Matthew Nosanchuk of the Violence Policy Center and the co-counsel in the NAACP's suit against gun manufacturers."

Australia: Charged over sex assault of woman
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 38-year-old man was charged with aggravated sexual assault and was refused bail at Parramatta Local Court on Monday."

"They say he broke into her house about midnight and raped her when she got up to get a drink of water."

Just lay back and take it, ma'am. After all, it's for the common good that we disarm you.

NC: Bystander shoots suspect during robbery at ATM
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"William "Don" Strickland takes his small-caliber handgun wherever he goes, just in case any criminals cross his path."

"On Thursday, the former iron worker on permanent disability used it -- when he saw a young woman being robbed at an ATM and the robber trying to get away."

"First Strickland shot the tires of the getaway car; then he shot the man inside once in the right leg."

NRA files brief in high-court gun case
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The National Rifle Association has filed a brief in support of what backers are calling a potential landmark gun-rights case now before the U.S. Supreme Court."

"Sponsored primarily by, or KABA, a pro-gun rights website and organization, the case challenges 'the California semi-auto rifle ban on the basis of Second Amendment protection of our individual right to keep and bear arms,' according to the group's website."


CA: Border Patrol rescinds controversial memo
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Bureau of Customs and Border Protection has rescinded a controversial memo written by a Border Patrol sector chief warning agents they are 'not authorized' to question suspected illegal immigrants found outside immediate border areas."

College speech codes draw federal scrutiny
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Bush administration has notified college and university officials that federal civil rights regulations do not justify campus speech codes or other rules that inhibit free expression by students and faculty."

"The U.S. Education Department's Office of Civil Rights 'has consistently maintained that the statutes that it enforces are intended to protect students from invidious discrimination, not to regulate the content of speech...' "

WA: Seattle Police Told To Avoid High-Speed Chases
Submitted by: Larry E. Bigham

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The Seattle police department is telling its patrol officers to cut back on chases.

They're trying to avoid a similar situation to what happened in June, when police tried to stop a car for a traffic violation, and the driver took off and slammed into a tree.

A teenager was killed.

Under Seattle's new policy, police are being told to stop chasing suspects for traffic violations, misdemeanors and property crimes.
Does property crimes they are supposed to let go include car thefts and home burglaries? Does this mean that when a cop tries to pull you over in Seattle, you can just speed away?

A Look at Hollyweird's Violence vs. Real Life
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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The market is hot for Hollywood extravaganzas that fill screens at multiplexes. The spectacles of high-tech weapons and cinematic bloodshed are experienced as just so much viewing pleasure. The unreality, we're told, is just for diversion — people understand the difference between movie posturing and the real world.

But this summer, news outlets are agog with real-life versions of what could be called “Pulp Nonfiction.” Of course there are plenty of assurances that people with power, and those ascending to it, have their heads screwed on right. But the line between make-believe and make-political-hay is so wispy that it has just about disappeared.

“I don't run around every day with a gun in my hand,” Arnold Schwarzenegger has said. “So I want kids to understand the difference.” Fat chance, when plenty of adults — including Schwarzenegger — don't seem interested in making the distinction.

CA: 5,900-acre Sedgwick Reserve is "protected by the California Gun-Free School Zone Act of 1995"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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7th Story on Page
UCSB is reminding hunters, now that deer season has begun, that the 5,900-acre Sedgwick Reserve in the Santa Ynez Valley is an off-limits, no-hunting zone.

The reserve is protected by the California Gun-Free School Zone Act of 1995, and violators will face felony prosecution. The area is visited by university researchers, school children and others, so there is a need to keep guns away from the area.

The rule will be enforced through the cooperation of the UCSB police, California Department of Fish and Game, the Santa Barbara Sheriff’s Department and the U.S. Forest Service.

WHEN DARKNESS FALLS: Cities battle to stay safe
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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... "It was part of what played out in metro Detroit after dark as looters ransacked stores, frustrated drivers drove recklessly to get out of jams and cops set up barricades to enforce curfews."

"It was a night when a region was powerless to fight fires. Powerless to safeguard businesses. Powerless to provide safe water."

"A region simply powerless."

Not everyone one "powerless", but thanks for the programming:

"Dawood, who co-owns the store with his brother, spent the night behind the bullet-proof counter with a gun."

The cowering ones were, and always are, the ones who aren't capable of protecting themselves. That's the way it is. Members of gun prohibitionist groups in Detroit sat in corners in fear, while people who find their weakness pathetic sat prepared to protect themselves, their families and their property. Welcome to life in America -- where we have packs of wolves ready to strike at the first opportunity:

" many as 100 people ransacked a Citgo gas station and convenience store."

One patriot with a so-called "assault weapon" readied with "high capacity magazines" could have quelled that mob and taken out some trash. Instead, there are 100 looting thugs roaming the streets of Detroit -- and power isn't expected back on until the end of the weekend.

If you happen to live in Detroit and meet these folks, deliver a fw loads of buckshot on our behalf.

VA: School Systems Debating New State Gun Law
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Area school systems could be in violation of a Virginia law that allows students to bring an unloaded rifle or shotgun to school as long as it’s kept in a locked vehicle trunk.

According to an amendment to the state code section dealing with prohibiting firearms in schools, a person who possesses an unloaded firearm in a closed container, which includes a locked vehicle trunk, is exempt from the prohibition.

The inclusion of a locked vehicle trunk was added to the state code by the General Assembly this year and took effect July 1, said Charles Pyle, director of communications for the Virginia Department of Education.

Pyle said local school board policies are supposed to correspond to state code.

FL: Gun to head was excessive
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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In Florida Today recently, there was a picture of a robbery suspect lying on the ground with a gun pointed a to his head.

But the article associated with the picture said, "He was arrested without incident."

If this is true, why was a gun being held to his head?

Suppose the gun had "accidentally" fired? Would the cops have said it was self defense?

Give me a break.

Canada: Gun registry motion (to abandon gun registry) pondered
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Whitehorse city councillors will decide next week whether they support a motion coming forward to Ottawa city council that calls on the federal government to abolish the gun registry for long guns.

Ottawa city councillor Dwight Eastman brought the motion to his fellow councillors that Parliament be asked to:
• retain the licensing component of Bill C-68;
• strengthen the sentencing and penalties associated with the use of a firearm in the commission of a crime;
• abolish the unworkable national firearms registry for long guns; and
• redirect the tax dollars being spent on the registry to programs in support of municipal infrastructure, health care, education and local law enforcement.
The motion went to Whitehorse city council last week for information only, as the capital’s municipal government has yet to vote on it. ...

"Defensive gun use statistics under fire"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Estimates of "defensive gun uses" range from the tens of thousands a year to an eyebrow-raising 2.5 million a year -- a figure gun-rights groups routinely cite but one their opponents call wildly exaggerated.

One of the most contested numbers of all -- the frequency of citizens using firearms in self-defense, usually in their homes or businesses -- is, by all accounts, impossible to pin down.

CO: Towns face showdowns over gun laws
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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A showdown is developing in Colorado cities between the right to bear arms and public safety as city councils consider barring residents from openly carrying firearms in public buildings.

New state laws prevents cities from banning concealed weapons in public buildings, but at least seven communities are trying to keep people from carrying them openly. ...

MA: Patrols increased after third woman attacked
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Area police departments are boosting patrols around condo and apartment complexes after the third woman since last week was attacked in her Hopkinton home Thursday night.

All three victims lived in apartments or condos, and police say the attacker, who has raped two of the women, seems to be targeting similar housing complexes.

This is in a place where women must go through background checks and get government permission to carry pepper spray. Government thugs in pinstriped suits would rather see women raped than rapists shot -- which pretty much makes them the scum of the Earth.

GA: Columbus to get gun plant (Heckler & Koch)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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A firearms manufacturing plant that eventually could employ as many as 500 will be built in Columbus by German gun manufacturer Heckler & Koch.

Mike Gaymon, president of the Greater Columbus Chamber of Commerce, said Friday that the plant initially will employ about 200 people.

"This has been an eight-year project," Gaymon said of the state's efforts to lure the plant. "Gov. [Sonny] Perdue has been very supportive."

Heckler & Koch makes firearms -- including submachine guns, assault rifles and handguns -- for both the civilian and military markets. Among its customers are the German and Spanish armed forces.

Colombian Gun-Running Scandal Links Shady Israelis, Al-Qaeda
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The arrest of the Israelis wanted in the Colombian scandal, should they ever stand trial, could lead to more embarrassing revelations about their clandestine operations in Latin American that neither Israel nor the US would like to see the light of day .."

UK: Three charged under Terrorism Act - for possessing guns and ammunition
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Three man are due to appear in court charged under the Terrorism Act with having weapons and money for terrorism. ...

They are all charged with possession of money, firearms, silencers and ammunition for terrorist purposes and conspiracy to possess firearms to endanger life and possession of two handguns, two silencers and a machine gun, said Scotland Yard.

AL: Grant police chief shot and killed
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GRANT, Ala. -- Grant Police Chief Verlon Lemaster was shot to death and at least one other person was wounded Friday morning after a confrontation at a house in Grant, authorities said.

Lemaster accompanied Marshall and Madison County sheriff's deputies to the home on Cathedral Caverns Highway looking for a stolen gun shortly after 10 a.m., Marshall County District Attorney Steve Marshall told The Huntsville Times.

UK: The scandal of stop and search - "law-abiding pillars of the establishment repeatedly harassed by the police"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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They are rock-solid pillars of the establishment: successful lawyers, police chiefs, magistrates and politicians, as well as leading figures in the arts and media. But their status in society has proved no barrier to harassment by the police for one reason - they are black.

Leading figures in the black community have been repeatedly stopped and searched by the police, questioned about neighbourhood crimes on their doorsteps and even strip-searched by the authorities.

Try that against Americans and see how long it takes before the victims respond in kind.

IL: Anti-Gun Bigotry Alive and Well In Glenview, Illinois
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Bigotry is alive and well in Glenview, Ill., but in this case, it is the politically-correct type: prejudice against firearms and those who would buy them, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) said today.

"Glenview Trustee Mike Guinane's suggestion that firearm sales be permanently banned from the village, in order to 'make a statement about Glenview's disdain for guns,' reflects an incredibly sneering attitude toward millions of American citizens who own firearms," said CCRKBA Executive Director Joe Waldron. "Some of those citizens live and work in Glenview, and they no doubt take grave exception to Mr. Guinane's narrow social views."

Likewise, Waldron said, statements attributed to Village President Larry Carlson by the St. Paul Pioneer Press suggest that the level of anti-gun social bigotry under his leadership has reached the point where a business has suffered by not being able to sell a perfectly legal and highly regulated line of products.

"Instead of acting like village leaders, the trustees are acting like village louts," Waldron observed. "Were this kind of social bigotry practiced against any group other than gun owners and a prospective gun retailer, it would be considered scurrilous behavior worthy of public scorn. Not only is this conduct reprehensible from a social viewpoint, it might also constitute restraint of trade. ...

MA: "arraigned for possession of a firearm without a Firearms Identification card"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Typical police report from Massachusetts -- where bodyguarded politicians who live in gated communities expect the people to bow down to their alleged "authority".

Sentencing provisions and Ashcroft: An assault against federal courts
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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This spring, the PROTECT Act was signed into law. While it is famous for containing the federal version of the "Amber alert," it also included another important provision relating to federal criminal sentencing.

That provision directs the U.S. Sentencing Commission to amend the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines "to ensure that the incidence of downward departures are substantially reduced." (The Sentencing Guidelines apply to all criminal sentences meted out in federal court, and dramatically constrain judges' sentencing discretion. Judges can choose a "downward departure" – imposing a sentence below the range that Guidelines prescribe – only in limited circumstances.)

On July 28, Attorney General John Ashcroft issued a memorandum to all federal prosecutors outlining the Department of Justice's policies with respect to downward departures, in light of the PROTECT Act. It states that prosecutors should not "acquiesce" to departures except in rare occurrences. In addition, when a judge imposes a departure over the prosecutor's objections, the memo requires the prosecutor, within 14 days, to report the departure to DOJ. In short, DOJ's departure policy is no policy at all.

The result, Sen. Edward Kennedy has argued, will be to establish a "black list" of federal judges who downwardly depart. ...

Canada: Missing police revolvers prompt inquiry
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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VANCOUVER - Victoria police are about to begin a criminal investigation into missing firearms.

About 20 police revolvers that were supposed to be "retired" eight years ago are unaccounted for.

One firearm was discovered in the possession of a gang member in Vancouver last fall. The gun was loaded with ammunition only issued to the Victoria Police Department. ...

Is life so dear or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! — Patrick Henry

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