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Newslinks for 8/18/2003

We Lynched Lady Liberty
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Seldom are there more disturbing patriotic obligations than challenging acts of betrayal by our leaders and other public servants. ... I refuse to fearfully sit in this stinking puddle of national humiliation, and be browbeaten by bureaucratic hoodlums with titles that suggest honorable intent. As a sovereign American citizen my stance was foreordained; I shall never yield." ...

MA: Quick. Handgun or BB gun?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"It's a life-and-death decision, made in the tenth of a second the time it takes for one flutter of a butterfly's wing."

"A police officer stares down the barrel of a gun. Is it real? Or is it one of the many perfect replica BB guns that Lowell police officers have been seizing from juvenile gang members with increasing frequency?"

UK: 'Gun crime is driving people from our bars'
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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"Revellers are steering clear of clubs and bars in South London because they are terrified of gun crime."

"That's the verdict of London Mayor Ken Livingstone's advisor on race, Lee Jasper, who is a long-time Brixton resident."

AZ: 'Army' to patrol southwest border?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A newly formed citizen's group based in Missouri has threatened to raise an "army" of volunteers to bring to the U.S. southwest border in Arizona in a bid to shut down illegal immigration from Mexico."

"At the same time ...[the] organization will sue the Yuma County, Ariz. Sheriff's Office and county attorney's office for what he said was their unlawful arrest of Matthew Hoffman, 23, of Yuma, and Alexander Dumas of California."

Targeting campus speech codes
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Hallelujah! Someone in authority is finally fighting back against political correctness. The Bush administration has warned campus thought-control bullies that it is monitoring their imperious tactics." ...

"The stated purpose of these regulations is to foster a peaceful educational environment by preventing 'harassment' of certain protected groups. But this phony rationale is no longer going to fly under the Bush administration."

WI: Handgun position should be rethought (Letter)
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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"I’ve looked for a charitable way to write this, but the bald truth is that Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Department Chief Deputy Mick Fink is either a highly ignorant law enforcement officer or he’s being intellectually dishonest about the effects of allowing Wisconsin citizens to carry concealed handguns."

"It is Deputy Fink’s duty as a professional to report what good things do happen – and not fearmonger about the bad things that 'might' happen."

"Some 35 other states have made the decision to trust law-abiding citizens to carry concealed handguns. Indiana has allowed this for many decades, and almost 400,000 Hoosiers currently have CCW permits. In some counties, about 10 percent of the residents own a carry license."

WA: Illegal Alien gets jail for gun possession
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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"An Indian man in this country illegally was sentenced Thursday to 21 months in prison after being convicted of possessing an assault rifle at a convenience store he owned." ...

"Federal agents found a Chinese-made SKS assault rifle in the office of Singh's Sunset Hill Market while investigating sales of case quantities of pseudoephedrine, an ingredient in cold medications that can be used to make illegal methamphetamine." ...

"Singh has been tried twice on charges of distribution of pseudoephedrine, but both trials ended with hung juries."

CA: Hunter Fined $20,000 for Killing Condor
Submitted by: M. Smith

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"A hunter was ordered to pay $20,000 Friday and sentenced to five years probation for killing an endangered California condor." ...

"Lewis also was fined and sentenced to three years probation for killing a white-tailed deer in Illinois in 2001. Lewis pleaded guilty to falsely saying he was a resident to obtain a hunting permit there. It became a federal crime when he brought the deer's mounted head to California in April 2002."

OR: Asking for help to save lives
Submitted by: J. R. Miller

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"For each stage of child development, parents have a list of safety precautions on which they almost all agree: vaccinations, car seats, bicycle helmets, privacy on the Internet. For parents of allergic kids, concerns about pets and peanuts in the homes of friends can be paramount."

"But somehow, it is considered a breach of etiquette to ask if the parents of a child's friend have a gun in their home."

It has little to do with etiquette and more to do with common sense. Unless the parent plans to examine the playmate's home for unsecure household chemicals, cutlery, power drills, swimming pools and car keys, this is yet another way to single out firearms as the resident "evil."

Asking doesn't save lives. It breeds distrust and paranoia among neighbors.

PA: Could we have another Ruby Ridge in PA?
Submitted by: Andy Barniskis

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"Why does the PGC want the rifle? The PGC has filed charges against Floyd for killing an elk in violation of Title 34. I have a copy of Title 34, and it is perfectly legal for a landowner to protect his property against wildlife damage. (Last year 17 elk were killed for crop damage). Floyd had previously signed a sworn statement that he indeed killed the elk. Seeking the rifle was a bogus excuse. (The PGC must believe the turnip truck recently passed through the area.)"

"Ultimately, five WCOs and three State Police officers were involved in this shakedown, and I do mean shakedown. The officers wore bulletproof vests, and at one point had their hands on their weapons. This was not a pleasant situation and another clear example of an agency gone rogue."

92 Cases Reveal Court's Outlook on Guns
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Co-written by an attorney who has won three cases before the High Court, along with the research director of a prominent think tank, and a nationally recognized gun-law expert, the researchers conclude from the evidence that the Supreme Court has recognized an individual right to arms for most of the past two centuries. "

Secret treaties challenge American sovereignty
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"According to a government insider, the aim of the Extradition Agreement is to supplement all existing bilateral extradition treaties to which the United States was a party with various EU member states prior to June 25. It still includes the dual-criminality clause – and Article 10 of the treaty, which places U.S. extradition requests on an equal plane with a borderless European Arrest Warrant."

Running Around Armed To The Teeth And In A Very Bad Mood
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"And when prices rise so high that us proletariat trash can no longer afford to eat or pay the rent, this is typically when the course of civilization is suddenly altered. And perhaps that is why the ownership of guns is always under attack by the forces of the Left, which love to remove barriers to total government control. And if there is one thing that the government wants to control, it is crowds of us unthinking, uneducated, ill-tempered, bankrupt, starving bozos, like me and you..."

Davy Crockett vs. Welfare
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"If you have the right to give to one, you have the right to give to all; and, as the Constitution neither defines charity nor stipulates the amount, you are at liberty to give to any and everything which you may believe, or profess to believe, is a charity, and to any amount you may think proper. You will very easily perceive what a wide door this would open for fraud and corruption and favoritism, on the one hand, and for robbing the people on the other." ...

THEM against US -- Machine Guns Guard the Castle Doors
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"When speaking with Capitol guards, and friends in Washington, they said: 'If you had been through what we went through on 9/11, and watched the black smoke billowing high in the sky - you would be glad these barriers and heavy security are in place.' Of course, I didn't tell them that that is exactly the reaction the government counts on. We are being thrown a 'freedom' curve that is disintegrating as fast as a summer-snow-ball and most Americans obliviously believe they are catching it!"

USPS: Smart Stamps on the Horizon
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The United States Postal Service is excited about the possibility of 'smart stamps,' but privacy advocates are not." ...

"Those with privacy concerns, including the Center for Democracy and Technology, have alerted consumers about a recent government report urging the U.S. Postal Service to create the stamps to track the identity of people who send mail."

The Soul of Freedom
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"This government was formed NOT to be a democracy, the most horrible form of government, but to be a republic, specifically a representative republic, in which the people were to rule their government. And here we discover how the Second Amendment works. Not through the actual act of owning arms, that only helps to reinforce our sovereignty, that does not even make us free, but through the right of being fully armed." ...

UT: Anti-gun group seeks to challenge rules on filing Utah initiatives
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A coalition that wants to keep guns out of schools and churches also wants to challenge changes to the state initiative laws made during the 2003 Legislature."

"The 49-page brief filed by the law firm of Jones, Waldo, Holbrook and McDonough for the Utah Safe to Learn-Safe to Worship Coalition seeks to strike down several new provisions governing the state's direct democracy laws."

Ashcroft’s Campaign to Shore Up the Patriot Act
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Over the next three weeks, Ashcroft plans to swoop into 18 cities, give speeches, meet local officials and grant select press interviews touting department successes using the law." ...

"Why? Ashcroft and his top aides are worried that a grassroots campaign to roll back the Patriot Act is gaining momentum." ...

We’re watching what you eat
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"I’m sure I’m not alone in pining for a government-funded program to make losing weight easier."

"Enter New York State Assemblyman Felix Ortiz."

"He recently sponsored a bill that would establish a state program to create TV and radio ads extolling the virtues of physical activity. Also, the health department would have to provide 'training' to medical professionals -- which seems strange somehow. ...are there any medical professionals who aren’t aware that being fat is bad for you?" ...

Nigeria: GUN RUNNING! Senator's sons arrested
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The move by security agencies to uncover the brains behind illegal sale of arms and ammunition in the country, especially to those using them to commit armed robbery, may have begun to pay off as two sons of a senator (name withheld) were said to have been arrested for alleged gun-running."

UK: Three face gun charges after anti-terror raid
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Robert Naylor, 48, of Westminster Road, Morecambe, Lancashire, Benjamin Wilson, 35, of Carlton Street, Morecambe, and James Moloney, 44, of Napier Road, Bradford, were arrested following the raid last weekend."

"They are charged with possession of money for terrorist purposes; possession of guns, silencers and ammunition for terrorist purposes; conspiracy to possess firearms with intent to endanger life; and possession of two handguns, two silencers and a machine gun."

Free State Project hits crucial 5,000 member mark
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"One year ahead of schedule, America's fastest-growing liberty movement has just crossed its own Rubicon."

"On August 8th, Colorado author and privacy activist Boston T. Party became the 5,000th person to join the Free State Project, an organization working to concentrate 20,000 liberty-minded activists in one state. Their aim is to help reduce the size and scope of government there, making it a beachhead for individual liberty - The Free State."

UK: Man who aimed gun at police jailed
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A Hednesford man has been jailed for nine months after he admitted pointing a loaded ball bearing gun at police."

"Recorder Mr. John Higham QC told Steven West: 'Police officers are entitled to go about their duties without being threatened in this way and not be subjected to this fear.' "

So why is it that British subjects are apparently not entitled to go about their lives without being threatened by armed criminals and unable to defend themselves with firearms?

NC: UNC-Greensboro freshmen learning about string of attacks
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"News that up to 11 women around the University of North Carolina at Greensboro have been attacked in surrounding neighborhoods have incoming freshmen and their families talking about safety." ...

"Police believe their safety campaign also will send a message to students to keep doors and windows locked, travel in pairs at night and call police if they see anything suspicious."

How strange that the police are not advising students to use the most effective tool of self-defense in existence - a firearm.

TN: Training is essential if you decide to carry
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Just as owning a grand piano doesn't make you a musician, owning a handgun doesn't guarantee proficiency in using it - particularly if your prospective target is likely to be another human being."

Banks rush to comply with ID rules of Patriot Act
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Banks and other financial institutions soon will have to comply with new federal regulations for identifying new customers and check those names against a government list of known or suspected terrorists."

"The requirements are part of the USA Patriot Act, an anti-terrorism measure passed after Sept. 11, 2001, and are found in a provision of the act called Section 326. The compliance deadline is Oct. 1."

UK: The gun maker
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Detectives today said they had cut off a major supply of weapons to Nottingham's gangs after a man who ran a gun factory was jailed."

"Michael Westwood converted imitation guns and blank-firing pistols into lethal weapons."

"The 22-year-old used a first-floor bedroom in Cedar Road, Sherwood, as his workshop."

Germany: Gun registry deadline is 2005
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Americans in Germany have until June 30, 2005 to get their privately owned firearms registered with German authorities. Until that deadline, firearms owners must either comply with German registration requirements, ship their firearms stateside or legally dispose of them."

"...they must continue to be stored in a local arms room. Owners are allowed to take firearms out only to ship them to the United States or after the arms have been registered on a valid German weapons possession card."

UK: Man shot by Taser gun police
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A man was recovering today after being shot three times by police armed with controversial Taser stun guns."

"North Wales Police said three officers used the 50,000 volt stun guns during the incident in Rhyl last night because they had reason to believe the man was armed."

NY: Gun control makes New York "safer"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A struggle for a gun at a Bronx party turned deadly late Saturday, when the weapon went off twice, killing one man and injuring another, police said yesterday." ...

"Gunfire broke out early yesterday in a midtown parking garage, on 51st Street between Broadway and Eighth Avenue." ...

"In another shooting Saturday night, a Brooklyn man was wounded as he was leaving a Bedford-Stuyvesant bodega." ...

WA: Inquest to examine shooting by officer
Submitted by: Sally Joe

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"Startled customers and others in the area watched McCartor turn into the lot, followed by three Kent police cars that had been chasing McCartor for blocks at slow speeds after he refused to pull over for a traffic stop."

"One police car rammed McCartor's vehicle and spun it sideways. But McCartor continued driving, heading toward busy Southeast 256th, when Officer David Buck reached inside the vehicle as Gagner fired his service rifle."

"Since his death, McCartor's family has maintained police could have taken some other action to stop him other than shooting him in the head. Kent officers had stopped McCartor before and knew him and knew he wasn't dangerous, his mother, Linda McCartor-Ammons of Auburn, said Friday."

They sold the victim's vehicle, which they as evidence and claimed it was a "clerical error." Wouldn't this damage the evidence for a third party investigator?

UK: Woman shot by police may have been carrying an air pistol
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"An inquiry into the first deliberate shooting of a woman by armed police in Scotland started yesterday amid claims that she was armed only with an air pistol."

"Ricky Gray, the assistant chief constable of Strathclyde Police who will lead the investigation, inspected the remote cottage in West Lothian where the 31-year-old woman, who has been named only as Jenny, was shot once by a police marksman on Saturday evening."

He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself. — Thomas Paine

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