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Newslinks for 8/18/2007

SAF Calls NJ Governor and Newark Mayor's Anti-Gun Plan 'an Outrage'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Proposals by anti-gun New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine and Newark Mayor Cory A. Booker to establish 'gun courts' and penalize gun owners who are victimized by burglars and thieves is 'an outrage,' the Second Amendment Foundation said."

"'Three young people with promising futures are slaughtered, and a fourth one brutally shot in the face by a gang of thugs that allegedly included an illegal alien, and all Gov. Corzine and Mayor Booker can do in response is come up with a multi-level scheme to punish law-abiding gun owners,' observed SAF founder Alan Gottlieb. 'That's not simply disappointing, it is reprehensible.'" ...

Waldron Takes New Post, Taff Steps In As E.D. At Citizen's Committee
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Veteran gun rights activist Joe Waldron, who has served as executive director of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms has left that position – moving across country from CCRKBA headquarters in Bellevue, Wash., to his new home in Florida – and will work from there as CCRKBA Special Activities Director."

"Moving into the position of executive director is Mark A. Taff, who has been with CCRKBA and its sister organization, the Second Amendment Foundation, for the past two and one-half years in communications."

"'Joe Waldron is one of the nation’s most effective gun rights leaders,' said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. ..." ...

Gun Control: The Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment to the Constitution plainly states 'A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.' However, to hear the left-wing media, guns are bad. Guns kill people. Only the police and the military should have guns. Guns need to be kept away from law-abiding citizens 'for the sake of the children.'"

"Whenever some lunatic shoots a bunch of his coworkers, they blame the guns. Whenever sociopath teenagers kill their classmates, they blame the guns. Whenever a child finds a loaded gun and kills himself or someone else, they blame the guns." ...

More on the August 28 Ammo Buy Proposal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In answer to some comments: Yes--you can buy reloading components. You can buy something else if you don't need ammo. Buy some targets."

"Thanks to the happy few who have taken the initiative to help spread the word on this. ..."

"I appreciate the mentions. That said, this is pretty pathetic, and this minimal effort is doomed not to happen if that's the extent of it."

"I guess I never seem to understand the extent of gun owner non-involvement and apathy--even though I should know it better than most. This site had under 2,000 hits yesterday ... and yet how many of you ... have even sent an email to anyone about this, let alone asked other blogs, or gun organizations, or gun stores, or whoever, to help promote this concept?" ...

Bloomberg Wins This Gun Battle--For Now
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg scored a victory for gun control groups when a federal judge issued a ruling on Thursday allowing NYC to sue out-of-state gun dealers. The ruling ... enables the city to proceed with lawsuits against over a dozen out-of-state gun dealers for supposedly contributing to crime in the Big Apple." ...

"Yet anti-Second Amendment groups and individuals ... have always sought to address crime and violence by attacking firearms and the law-abiding citizens who own them."

"It seems that the modus operandi of such gun-grabbers these days is to attack private gun ownership by suing firearms manufacturers and the shops that sell their products, often to the point of forcing them out of business." ...

More Evidence It’s Not Just Criminals
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The VPC is bragging in this editorial about putting gun dealers out of business:"

"Tougher laws and stricter enforcement cost nearly 200,000 U.S. gun dealers their licenses since the mid-1990s ..."
"What the VPC is not telling you is that most of those licensed dealers were collectors who obtained Type 01 FFLs for their own purposes. During the Clinton Administration, a decision was made to put 'kitchen table' dealers out of business. They were portrayed as people who sold guns to criminals, when in reality, they were collectors who bought guns for themselves ..." ...

"Just remember though, they only want to target criminals, and illegal guns. It’s not about destroying the shooting culture in this country or anything ..."

The other half of the Story
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I have the right to walk down the street and not be in fear of being shot by some asshole with a gun. That is a very fundamental right which trumps any consideration of your imagined 'Second Amendment' rights."

"The problem with the issue of firearms regulation is that the debate centres on the last half of the Second Amendment. People neglect that Second Amendment mentions 'being necessary to the security of a free State'. Hey, no one is secure if a person can acquire a gun with little or no security check and firearms are not regulated."

"Ever think of that, 'RKBA' suppporter?"

"So, actually, the Second Amendment REQUIRES that any weapon out there be regulated. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Since to the Founders 'regulate' meant 'to adjust so as to ensure accuracy of operation', I agree.

Gun dealers over a barrel thanks to strict laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tougher laws and stricter enforcement cost nearly 200,000 gun dealers their licenses since the mid-1990s, a new study shows."

"Led by California ... the number of federally licensed firearms dealers has fallen 79% nationwide since 1994. In that year, Congress adopted new gun-control measures that still spark fiery debate."

"'The sharp drop in gun dealers is one of the most important, and little noticed, victories in the effort to reduce firearms violence in America,' said Marty Langley, an analyst with the Violence Policy Center, a gun-control advocacy group funded by the Chicago-based Joyce Foundation."

"The decline -- which includes many small-time dealers -- is undeniable. What it means is more controversial." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

Mayor Bloomberg Announces More Than Half of Gun Dealers Named in New York City Lawsuits Have Settled
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg today announced that two additional gun dealers named in the New York City's lawsuits against 27 dealers caught selling illegally have agreed to settlements with the City, bringing the total number of gun dealer settlements to 14. The settlements were announced two days after Judge Jack Weinstein ruled in Brooklyn federal court that New York's courts have jurisdiction to hear these lawsuits and that the City has demonstrated that the dealers in the suit are responsible for funneling into the City 'large quantities of handguns used by local criminals to terrorize significant portions of the City's population.'" ...

NY: Deadly results after homeowner turns tables on invaders
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"On Long Island, a home invasion becomes deadly when the homeowner turned the tables on one of the intruders. A second suspect is still on the run."

"Police say two men armed with guns broke into this house but got a surprise: The homeowner had a gun, as well. Authorities say a scuffle ensued and one of the intruders was shot and killed."

"The cops were called ... just after 10:00 p.m. last night. They say when they arrived they found one of the intruders dead. The other intruder managed to escape."

"Neighbors say they believe he was trying defend himself."

"'My neighbor, I've known him since he was three...he pretty much stays home. I guess he was trying to defend himself,' said his neighbor." ...

Would students be safer if they carried guns?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On April 17, four months ago today, a major university and a nation stood still ... In the aftermath of those killings, many thought to themselves, 'If only someone could have stopped him sooner…'"

"As students at Virginia Tech prepare for a new school year, some believe they would be safer if they were legally allowed to carry guns along with members of the facutly and staff. It has been suggested that had just one student or faculty member had a gun, Cho could have been stopped ... But others believe that the ensuing crossfire between Cho and armed students could have cost even more lives. They think our colleges and universities should be islands of learning in the sea of violence that seems to grip our nation ..." ...

NJ: Corzine, Booker to announce measures to cut down on gun crimes
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Gov. Jon S. Corzine and Attorney General Anne Milgram were to join with Newark Mayor Cory A. Booker Thursday to announce measures to monitor the flow of illegally purchased weapons into Newark and cut down on gun violence."

"The announcement comes less than two weeks after three college students were murdered in a schoolyard in a case that has focused national attention on crime in New Jersey's largest city."

"Sixty people have been killed in Newark this year, and the total number of killings in the city has risen more than 50 percent since 2002." ...

NJ: Flurry of reforms proposed in wake of Newark murders
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "The measures proposed yesterday include:"

"— a city ordinance requiring the registration of all firearms in Newark and penalize gun owners who don't report when their guns are lost or stolen"

"— a separate ordinance regulating gun retailers by controlling where they are located and working with them to help identify illegal purchasers, known as straw buyers."

"— a law requiring anyone convicted of a crime involving a gun to register with the city."

"— the formation of a special court in Newark to expedite cases involving gun violence" ...

NJ: Booker's plan to curb violence
Submitted by: pbr

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"Newark Mayor Cory Booker yesterday outlined a series of measures designed to monitor the flow of guns in and out of the state's largest city and to prevent gun dealers from opening shop in residential neighborhoods or near schools."

"Booker, joined by Gov. Jon Corzine and Attorney General Anne Milgram at a news conference yesterday afternoon, admitted the initiatives may not stop the bloodshed overnight, but called them necessary steps in order to curtail violence." ...

"One of the mayor's proposals calls for a gun registry requiring anyone owning a gun in the city to register it with the police. The mayor did not explain how police would enforce the gun registry, especially pertaining to guns that were purchased illegally. The state keeps its own registry on guns that are purchased in the state, but does not have an account on the guns that are slipping into New Jersey from other states." ...

KABA Note: And of course criminals are exempt from registration laws.

CA: State bill would use stamp to track guns
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and top police brass this week endorsed a bill that would make California the first state to require gun manufacturers to install a mechanism that would stamp information on bullet casings and help investigators track down criminals."

"The bill, passed by the state Assembly in May and slated for a Senate vote later this month, would require all new semiautomatic handguns sold in California starting in 2010 to be equipped with the 'microstamping' technology." ...

KABA Note: Interesting that the politicians specifically state that microstamping will help track down criminals. Apparently they believe all gun-owners are criminals.

NJ: New Jersey set to begin using gun database
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Gov. Corzine on Wednesday announced New Jersey will begin using a federal weapons database to trace all firearms recovered in a crime in the state." ...

"Mark Potter, special agent in charge of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives division in Philadelphia, said the agreement to allow all State Police agencies to use the database to trace all guns recovered in a New Jersey crime is a first between a state and the ATF." ...

"Under the program announced Wednesday, all guns will be entered into the ATF's eTrace database and all agencies in the state will be able to see if a trace has been placed on a particular weapon." ...

Talkin' to America: Follow-up Interview with Red's Trading Post (JPFO)
Submitted by: Red's Trading Post Inc.

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"Many of our readers have been following the saga of Red's Trading Post, which has been targeted by the BATFE, who withheld information and exaggerated minor paperwork errors in an effort to shut down the business ( )."

"Talkin' to America interviewed owner Ryan Horsley in May, shortly after Red's won an injunction to keep their business running ( ). Now we follow up with another interview to learn what has happened since. ..." ...

Talkin' to America follow up interview (Red's Trading Post)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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I just conducted my follow up interview with JPFO's Talkin' to America. The first interview was right after Judge Edward Lodge granted our preliminary injunction. If you get a chance please listen to it and pass it along:
This and other stories such as the Kwan Case need to passed along, we need to continue educating people about the ATF and it's practices and by all means get a copy of The Gang. This is a great tool to inform others about the ATF.

Willful: The word the ATF has tweaked for their own agenda (Red's Trading Post)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Willful': This has been the key word in shutting down dealers. If you look up the definition of Willful, it reads: –adjective
1. deliberate, voluntary, or intentional
2. unreasonably stubborn or headstrong; self-willed.

"Yet the ATF has twisted this word to fit their own interpretation. The ATF sees willful as if you have committed violations once and if they come back and find violations then it is willful. They do not have to be the same violations and it doesn't have to be the following audit that they find violations, they can come in again and again, for as long as it takes to find more violations." ...

Ammunition Shortage Squeezes Police
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Troops training for and fighting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are firing more than 1 billion bullets a year, contributing to ammunition shortages hitting police departments nationwide and preventing some officers from training with the weapons they carry on patrol."

"An Associated Press review of dozens of police and sheriff's departments found that many are struggling with delays of as long as a year for both handgun and rifle ammunition. And the shortages are resulting in prices as much as double what departments were paying just a year ago."

"'There were warehouses full of it. Now, that isn't the case,' said Al Aden, police chief in Pierre, S.D." ...

FL: Fla. police using sneakers-for-guns progam to curb violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sneakers-for-gun exchanges today in Orlando follow another weekend of violence that threatens Central Florida's image as a family-friendly tourist destination."

"Five patrons suffered wounds and an Orlando police officer returned fire early Sunday when a massive gunfight erupted at Tropical Magic nightclub." ...

"Cops and deputies don't expect any criminals today to trade their weapons for pairs of Nikes."

"'The goal is to remove unwanted guns from homes so we don't have to worry about them getting stolen in a burglary and used later against citizens,' said Orlando police Detective Barb Bergin of Crimeline. "'Lots of people don't know how to get rid of guns safely.'" ...

VA: 2nd Officer Charged in Sex Scandal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A second Prince William County corrections officer has been charged with having sexual relations with a male inmate while he was on house arrest -- the same inmate involved in the first officer's arrest ..."

"Tamara Fay Bonos, 32, of Manassas was charged Wednesday with having carnal knowledge of an inmate, a felony ... Bonos was an entry-level officer who worked at the main building of the regional jail for 18 months ... Bonos resigned shortly after being placed on administrative leave."

"Maria C. Torres-Corbin, 48, a master jail officer with nearly 20 years' experience, was arrested Friday. She had recently been assigned to the work-release center ... Torres-Corbin also resigned." ...

NY: Syracuse police department feels ammo pinch
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"While a national pinch on ammunition supplies due to heavy military demand has become an administrative headache for upstate New York police departments - and in some cases reduced firearms training - officials said it so far has had little affect on how they do their jobs."

"'It has slowed down our ability to acquire ammunition, all kinds of ammunition,' said New York State Police spokesman Lt. Glenn Miner. 'We haven't experienced any shortages, but we're adjusting our reorder schedules.'" ...

Canada: RCMP to review Vancouver police shooting probe
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Vancouver police agreed Thursday to have the RCMP's Integrated Homicide Investigations Team review their internal investigation of a fatal shooting by police."

Police spokesman Const. Howard Chow said the force wants to be 'open and transparent.'" ...

"Police maintain the 39-year-old man was shot and killed ... because he was attacking officers with a chain and padlock."

"But Jonathan Campbell Menzies, 29, said he watched from his seat on a bus as the man struggled with police. ..." ...

"Menzies said he believes the police were initially acting in self-defence."

"'It was when he was on his knees in front of the officer and (the officer) just shoots him,' Menzies said. 'That's when I thought they had gone over.'" ..

IL: Target shooting can be fun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It is a magic moment."

"A student shouts, 'Pull!'"

"The spring-loaded trap snaps an orange clay target into the air. The report of a shot echoes across the field as the clay explodes in a shower of dust."

"I bet you're smiling."

"Target shooting is just fun."

"Whether it's plinking out behind the barn, shooting a B-B gun at a beer can stuck onto a post or target shooting at an indoor range with a handgun, there is something alluring about the sport." ...

PA: Hunting on, gun sales off
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The first week of September is always a good one for local gun shops, because Pennsylvania's fall hunting season opens Sept. 1."

"Gun shop owners had especially high expectations this year, because Labor Day falls on Sept. 3, meaning lots of hunters would be off from work and available to spend some cash."

"But there will be no gun sales anywhere in the state for most of that week this year."

"Pennsylvania State Police this week notified all firearms dealers across the state that the agency will be starting up a new computerized criminal-history records database from Sept. 2 through 6." ...

TX: Trying to reason with hurricane season
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Well, this week has been our first reminder for this year. With a tropical storm blowing ashore and another system further out making its way west, it is time for us to take stock of our gear and preparations for the worst." ...

"Firearms are a personal decision, but remember this: There will be critters of all types looking for shelter, and snakes end up in all manner of places. If you choose to exercise your Second Amendment rights, be fully prepared to ensure the security of the weapon (if you can’t, then please don’t have them), and check your ammo supply. However, when the storm is over, be prepared for law enforcement to ask you to surrender your weapons. This was the case in New Orleans." ...

Submitter's Note: On 4/27/2007 Gov. Perry signed SB 112 prohibiting LEOs from confiscating weapons except in the course of an arrest.

NY: Neighbors want gun club to close outdoor ranges
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Neighbors of the Monroe-Chester Sportsmen Club asked the town board Tuesday night to save them from stray bullets they say are ricocheting out of the gun club property."

"A bullet hit the front window of a private residence on July 21, bringing the long-simmering dispute between the gun club and its neighbors to a head. The crowd asked town officials to take immediate action to secure their neighborhood by shutting down the club’s outdoor ranges." ...

South Africa: Get this bullet out of me!
Submitted by: none

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"The man shot at point-blank range during the robbery of SA's ambassador to the United Nations over three weeks ago is still begging hospitals to remove the bullet."

"One hospital sent him away because he couldn't pay R300 000, a second prescribed Panados for the gunshot wound and a third said it couldn't help him because he started his treatment elsewhere."

"Phillip Mashiane is in terrible pain. He walks with great difficulty and has been unable to run his security business since the July 21 shooting. Adding to Mashiane's nightmare is that the police investigation is stalled because they need the bullet." ...

South Africa: Brave sister puts up a fight
Submitted by: none

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"When robbers tried to hijack her sister and then aimed a gun at her abdomen, Dr Riana Prinsloo physically fought them off and chased them down the street."

"As Maretha drove away she heard her sister scream, 'don't you shoot my sister', and then saw one of the men aim his gun at Riana's stomach." ...

"Riana had, meanwhile, been undaunted by a firearm aimed directly at her body, and continued her assault on the men who had tried to take her sister's car." ...

"A nearby resident alerted ADT, prompting the arrival of an armed response team within three minutes."

"'But by then it was too late, the hijackers were gone. They were picked up by a third person in a brownish BMW with no number plates.'" ...

UK: Grandfather attacked for being polite
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A THUG who left a train commuter on a life support machine after attacking him for saying 'excuse me' is facing an indefinite jail sentence."

"Ebanezer Adesina, 20, hammered 62-year-old grandfather Roger Hare with a flurry of punches after the charity worker politely asked him to move his feet."

"Mr Hare was knocked out of the door of the stationary train ... and crashed to the ground, fracturing his skull."

"As Adesina walked away from the victim he asked passengers who were trying to revive him: 'What's the point? He's dead already.'"

"Adesina, who one witness likened to a professional boxer because of the precision of the attack, threatened to 'f*** up' other commuters, who were too scared to intervene." ...

UK: Thugs attack woman using a toy gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A TOY gun was smashed over a teenager's head during a robbery near Caledonian Road in the early hours of Thursday.

Two men tore the 18-year-old's pink Tinkerbell rucksack off her back after threatening her with the fake firearm

When she refused to give them her handbag, one of the men smashed the plastic pistol over her head, breaking the gun into pieces and leaving the woman with cuts to her face.

UK: Polish Man Had Replica Pistol In Bar
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Sheriff has expressed concern over a Polish man who has appeared in court seven times in the short time since he moved to Scotland."

"Sebastin Wasilewski, 31, narrowly avoided being jailed after he admitted having an imitation semi-automatic pistol in the bar of Peterhead hotel." ...

"The court heard that Wasilewski, of 11a Jamaica Street, Peterhead, had bought the imitation pistol for protection."

"Defence agent Claire Reilly said it had fallen out of his jacket when he was searching for money." ...

Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.... We've been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule, that government by an elite group is superior to government for, by, and of the people. Well, if no one among us is capable of government himself, then who among us has the capacity to govern someone else? All of us together, in and out of government, must bear the burden. The solutions we seek must be equitable, with no one group singled out to pay a higher price. — Ronald Reagan

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