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Newslinks for 8/18/2016

Christians and Self-Defense
Submitted by: My High Tech Security

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The fact that there is almost no direct teaching on the use of force in the New Testament is evidence in itself that the Jewish concept of the just use of force was not being altered in any way. Luke 22:36 is one of the only clear references to the use of weapons in the NT and it is 100% in accord with the already established Jewish concept of self-defense.

Here’s How “President Hillary” Will Destroy Your Gun Rights Without Repealing The Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Clinton has made attacking the human right of self-defense a key part of her 2016 campaign, and if she’s elected—and down-ballot Democrats manage to take control of the Senate and/or House—she’s poised to be able to destroy the gun rights of American citizens in three distinct ways.

Place progressive, anti-gun justices on the Supreme Court
Pass bans on a wide range of common firearms
repeal the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA)

How to Talk About Gun Rights With Gun Control Advocates
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Guns are a tricky topic. Very rarely do you find voters ambivalent about gun violence, gun safety, etc. Someone is either strongly pro-gun rights or pro-gun control, which makes a civil conversation difficult to start or maintain. But the solution isn’t to avoid the topic.

As I mentioned in my last column, you may be the only conservative who tries to challenge a liberal’s worldview. No pressure.

It may sound like a heavy weight to bear, but not if you’re prepared. So, let’s talk guns.

Obama Decree Targets Gunsmiths and Online Firearm Information
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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When Obama vowed to use his “pen and phone” to circumvent Congress and impose his will on America, he was actually telling the truth for once. In the latest example of lawless decrees coming from the executive branch, the Obama administration is taking aim at gunsmiths and free speech. Basically, if a recent “regulation” disguised as "guidance" is not stopped, gunsmithing — an American tradition stretching back centuries that was crucial in the War for Independence — will be effectively made illegal, experts say.

Another controversial element of the decree would purport to unconstitutionally criminalize many forms of gun-related speech on the Internet.

MO: No charges for shooter
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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McDonald County Prosecuting Attorney Bill Dobbs announced Wednesday that he will not be filing formal charges in the shooting death of 34-year-old Bobby G. Sullivan.

Dobbs stated that after complete review of the circumstances surrounding the incident which occurred on Wed., Aug. 10, that the shooting was considered to be in self-defense.

Reloading The 9mm Luger
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In the gun world, debates rage on for decades, and some are pushing a century. Undoubtedly, these debates aren’t going anywhere soon, but some get especially heated. One of the most fervent is the debate over the .45 ACP vs. the 9mm Luger. Both sides have their staunch defenders, and both have valid points of view. I’ve personally leaned toward the .45 ACP camp, but that certainly doesn’t make the 9mm Luger a bad choice for a carry gun; in fact, I see some merit to the smaller frame and greater magazine capacity.

DC: How D.C. Laws Became a Target for Politicians Looking to Boost Their Pro-Gun Cred
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“If you’re running for reelection in Alabama or Texas — somewhere with really loose gun laws — and you can’t curry favor there, you can come to Washington and do it here,” he says.

Attempting to defang Washington’s tight restrictions is one way for a conservative legislator to score political points. And it isn’t just the home crowd some lawmakers are seeking to win over: Trying to roll back D.C.’s gun laws has proved an effective way for lawmakers to raise their ranking from the National Rifle Association.

NV: Nevada Chief Law Enforcement Officer Opposes Question 1 Gun Control Ballot Initiative
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt today announced his opposition to Question 1, the gun-control ballot initiative financed by former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and out-of-state anti-gun activists. Attorney General Laxalt, Nevada's chief law enforcement officer, joins the majority of Nevada sheriffs in opposition to the gun control measure that would prohibit virtually all private transfers and make it more difficult for law-abiding citizens to exercise their Second Amendment rights by imposing unlimited fees and increased bureaucratic paperwork. Nevada law enforcement officials agree that the gun control initiative would cost law-abiding Nevadans time and money but would not prevent criminals from obtaining firearms.

CA: CA Gun Owners File Suit to ‘Block’ Prohibitions Against Open Carry
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The California Rifle and Pistol Association and a group of Los Angeles County residents have filed a suit to “block” state prohibitions against openly carrying a gun.

The suit is the result of the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals’ refusal to revisit its ruling that Americans have no right to carry a concealed gun outside the home. They issued this ruling on June 9 and on August 15 rejected a request to give the case another hearing before the full court.

MO: Missouri Catholic bishops urge defeat of gun bill allowing concealed carry without training
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The leaders of the Catholic Church in Missouri are calling on lawmakers to uphold Gov. Jay Nixon’s veto of a bill that would eliminate the need to obtain a permit to carry a concealed gun in public.

In a joint statement, the bishops of the four dioceses of Missouri called the legislation “a move in the wrong direction” that would be “detrimental to public safety and the common good.”

Clinton Supporters Totally Want To Repeal The Second Amendment...Because It Was Written A Long Time Ago
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The reasons for the elimination of one of our oldest civil rights ranged from it was written a long time ago, people are flawed (and it was hundreds of years ago), and because the value of life is more important than the right to bear arms. Yes, life is precious, which is why you’re all members of a party that supports abortion, but that’s a debate for another time.

DC: Rutledge Urges D.C. Circuit to Strike Down Firearm Law
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge has joined a bipartisan coalition of attorneys general, urging the Washington D.C. Court of Appeals to strike down a restrictive and unlawful firearm law put in place by the Washington D.C. City Council.

The District refuses to issue a public-carry license to any law-abiding citizen unless the District believes, on a case-by-case basis, that a citizen has “good reason to fear injury.”

The attorneys general believe that such a scheme makes it almost impossible for a normal citizen to obtain a license to carry a firearm, thus infringes the Second Amendment, and does nothing to improve public safety.

FL: Libertarian ticket hits Miami seeking disenfranchised voters
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Johnson, wearing blue jeans, a pale, striped suit jacket and his trademark Nike sneakers, spoke against the death penalty and advocated for gun rights, although he evoked the recent Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando in arguing for a debate about keeping guns out of the hands of potential terrorists and the mentally ill. He argued for a “free-market approach” to healthcare.

Ed.: Make no mistake, Weld is a Fuddite.

MA: Our attorney general is maklng a mockery of our right to bear arms
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Our existing Massachusetts gun laws were arrived at by the people's representatives in our bicameral Legislature, with substantial input from all stakeholders at hearings around the state, and with compromises from all sides. To issue a unilateral ban on an entire class of lawful firearms is more in line with the behavior of a despot, a KGB commissar, than that of the chief law enforcement officer of the state.

The attorney general is using her taxpayer-funded office to prohibit sales and ownership of modern sporting rifles that are "Mass. legal," i.e., sold and possessed in compliance with the laws of the commonwealth. She is putting personal prejudices ahead of reality.

Companies Won’t Sponsor Olympic Shooter, Teammate Blames Fear of ‘Media Backlash’
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Olympic sharpshooter Kim Rhode won a bronze medal in skeet shooting on Aug. 12, becoming the first woman to win medals at six consecutive Olympics.

That was a remarkable feat. But despite her achievements, Rhode does not have “a single sponsor from outside the firearm industry.” Major companies like Coca-Cola and Procter & Gamble turned down sponsorship requests, according to Bloomberg.

MA: Gun rights group protests assault weapons 'crackdown' by Massachusetts AG
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun rights advocates in Massachusetts are turning up the heat against the state’s attorney general, who they say potentially made thousands of citizens “felons in waiting” with her recent enforcement notice that changed the legal definition of assault weapons.

The latest rally by gun rights advocates against state Attorney General Maura Healey’s change attracted hundreds of people on Monday.

The Call to Action Rally featured signs that read “Healey Hurts Families” and “We Stand With GOAL.” The Gun Owners’ Action League, or GOAL, is the Massachusetts-based Second Amendment group that organized the rally and several others in recent weeks.

Mexico Murder Rate 5X Higher than U.S. Despite Strict Gun Control
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Again, Mexico has all-out ban on complete categories of firearms, strict limitations on the number and caliber of legal arms citizens can own, comprehensive background checks, and further limits on firearm possession that are based on the declared purposes of the firearms. Yet much as the gun control experiment in Chicago has proven, the gun control schema in Mexico is correlating with rampant violent crime rather than a reduction in such crime. In fact, Mexico’s homicide rate is “more than five times higher” that the homicide rate in the U.S., where guns are easier to acquire and easier to carry daily for self-defense.

Racist Hit Piece on Self-Defense Smears Gun Owners as the Bigots
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“The ‘Ground’ in ‘Stand Your Ground’ Means Any Place a White Person Is Nervous,” Columbia School of Law Professor Patricia J. Williams claims as the major premise for her litany of unsupported conclusions published by The Nation. “It’s not just about property anymore.”

Assuming she’s talking about shooting someone, who said “it’s … about property” in the first place? And what’s with the article’s supporting photo, a candlelight vigil for Trayvon Martin, as George Zimmerman’s lawyer did not even present a “stand your ground” defense.

Facts don’t matter when there’s an agenda to exploit, and it’s not hard to determine the game being played here.

CO: High Court to Consider Self-Defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The petition was granted by the Colorado Supreme Court en banc Aug. 1, listing a solitary reframed issue: “Whether the Court of Appeals erred in concluding that the statutory right to use self-defense can apply to justify the taking of services in a robbery.”

Dan Recht, a criminal law expert with RechtKornfeld, said the case is significant because the appeals court overruled itself, nullifying an old case from the 1970s in favor of a newer precedent from the Colorado Supreme Court that broadly allowed self-defense as an affirmative defense for crimes that require a mental state of “knowingly,” which includes aggravated robbery.

Guns Endanger Rather Than Protect
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Since the 1970s, gun lobbyists have convinced millions of Americans that having a gun at the ready is essential for self-defense at home and in public. Gun permits have increased three-fold in the last decade. Firearm sales rise after every mass shooting in the belief that guns make us safer. Nothing could be further from the truth.

FL: Florida Prosecutor Who Charged Zimmerman Could Lose Election
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Corey has won the backing of many establishment leaders in Jacksonville and statewide officials such as Attorney General Pam Bondi. Corey has stressed her lengthy career as a prosecutor and handling of multiple homicide cases as why she deserves re-election. She has railed against Nelson for pursuing a life sentence instead of the death penalty for a Jacksonville man who killed five people — even though Nelson says Corey was her supervisor at the time.

Nelson, meanwhile, has won support from former prosecutors as well as groups including the National Rifle Association, which has criticized Corey for prosecuting people that NRA leaders say were defending themselves.

CA: L.A. lawsuit seeks to allow guns to be carried openly
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun owners filed a lawsuit in Los Angeles Wednesday challenging state and county restrictions on carrying firearms for self-defense in public.

The National Rifle Association-supported lawsuit names state Attorney General Kamala Harris and Los Angeles County Sheriff James McDonnell as defendants because, the plaintiffs claim, their policies prohibit residents from exercising their Second Amendment right to bear arms.

According to the complaint, lodged in federal court on behalf of four county residents and the California Rifle & Pistol Association, “the Supreme Court has made clear that the right to bear arms cannot be completely foreclosed.”

CA: Concealed Carry Case Shows How Effectively Appeals Courts Have Limited 2A
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A years-long fight against California’s stringent concealed carry law may soon reach the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court, after a federal appeals court rejected a challenge from pro-Second Amendment activists.

The pro-gun control Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence ranks California’s gun laws as the strictest in the nation.

FL: Time to get rid of the Second Amendment?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I am writing in response to the letter, “The Love of Guns Trumps the Love of Fellow Man," by Angela Lee.

I urge Ms. Lee to join forces with the “Delete the Not" campaign, whose aim is deletion of the word “not” from the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, or better yet, to delete the Second Amendment entirely.

CT: Rocky Hill community fired up about potential gun business
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The topic of guns got community members fired up at a town meeting Wednesday.

The Rocky Hill Planning and Zoning Commission denied an applicants request at a second public hearing to expand his business to be a Federal Fire Arms Licensed location.

The business is currently home to DeLucia & Co LLC, office of CPA Anthony DeLucia. DeLucia is looking to use a portion of the building on Old Main Street for the firearms business.

The town's commissioners turned it down due to zoning, saying that a firearms business "just doesn't fit."

Laws that forbid the carrying of arms disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man. — Thomas Jefferson, quoting Cesare Beccaria in On Crimes and punishment (1764).

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