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Newslinks for 8/19/2003

10 myths of aviation security
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Forget about hijackers getting on board your flight with knives, or even guns, and start worrying about bombs that may already be on board, says Charles G. Slepian, a security analyst who worked for TWA and now heads the Foreseeable Risk Analysis Center in New York."

"He says the most likely way terrorists will bring down a jetliner today is by planting small plastic explosives on board ..."

New sniper killings panic in US
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"One of the most heavily armed states, West Virginia has relatively slack gun-control laws and Kanawha County Commission president, Kent Carper, believes the sniper might ultimately run into return fire. 'People here are of tough stock,' he warned."

Beware of VICTORY Act, Privacy Group Warns
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"According to the NCC's Privacy Group, the VICTORY legislation is 'a grab-bag of enhanced police-state powers.' "

"For example, the group says, one section of the bill gives the Attorney General the power to issue 'administrative subpoenas' in investigations stemming from an extremely broad definition of 'terrorism.' (According to NCC, an 'administrative subpoena' is like a search warrant automatically issued by the clerk of court, except there's no need to have a judge sign off on it.)"

"The NCC Privacy Group says that under the VICTORY Act, the Justice Department would have the power to subpoena consumer data from a business."

CRIME: Keep 'em guessing
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Concealed weapons permits help keep crime rates down because they keep criminals guessing. Criminals are far less likely to attack those they believe can defend themselves, and those who attack someone with a gun can pay a heavy price."

Hitler and Hillary
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"These supposedly right-wing extremists were calling for national health care, social security, state-run schools, communal land development and centralized government control. They were determined advocates of gun control. And if they did not believe it took a village to raise a child, they were certainly enthusiastic about public youth programs. And then there were the complaints about vast conspiracies in the private press. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?"

Justice and mercy
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Oddly, as the bench is voicing increasing anger toward federal sentences, U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft is pushing for harsher terms. His department plans to challenge more 'downward departures' from sentencing guidelines. He supported a measure signed by President Bush to allow appellate courts to lengthen sentences issued by federal judges. In response, Chief Justice William Rehnquist -- no leftie -- said the Feeney amendment will 'seriously impair the ability of courts to impose just and responsible sentences,' The Wall Street Journal reported."

"What next? Life, plus?"

Federal Mandatory Sentences ARE Unconstitutional
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"In the area of federal criminal law, Congress has twisted the Commerce Clause of the Constitution into unrecognizable shapes, creating categories of 'crime' that historically have not been considered to be crimes at all. Paul Rosenzweig of the Heritage Foundation recently wrote a legal memorandum that declares that much of what Congress and federal prosecutors declare to be 'criminal' activity is historically dubious."

A Well Regulated Militia
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"In the beginning, the militia, consisting of all the able-bodied men of the nation, was in fact available for and expected to respond to national defense emergencies, bringing their own guns. That's what the Minute Men were, and what they did."

"Now, each state has a formal National Guard organization, which can be called to duty by the Governor for state emergencies such as natural disasters, or made available to the Federal authorities for deployment in the interest of national defense."

It's amazing that an alleged conservative knows so little about what a militia really is. Email him at:

And you might want to enlighten him to any of the articles listed here.

Government Corrupts the Simplicity of Freedom
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Anyone who believes justice and social order is served when government parcels out freedom at its discretion, does not believe in freedom. True freedom is incompatible with government. Freedom either is, or isn’t. It’s that simple."

Disarm the Police
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"If I were called upon to write the constitution for a free country, meaning a country no larger than Iowa, I would require every citizen to be armed, except members of the police. A policeman would have to apply for an on-duty gun permit." ...

"Every child, male and female, beginning no later than age six, would be trained by parents regarding the moral responsibility of every armed citizen to come to the aid of any policeman in trouble. Unarmed people deserve protection."

BATF Must Think Gun Dealers Are Juvenile Morons!
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Strangely reminiscent of third grade, the BATF has set up a site to "educate" gun dealers how to jump through their various flaming hoops when making a constitutionally protected transaction.

Childish, absurd, moronic... these are only a few words which appropriately describe this site.

MN: Police Contact Data. What is it and why should you care.
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Theoretically, Kooy explains, CriMNet will function much like an Internet search engine. The users will punch an individual's name into a field on the computers. Then the CriMNet hub will transmit the query to the appropriate agencies, and a digital dossier will pop up on the user's screen. If the subject of the query has been arrested before, the display will include a number of standard elements, including a mug shot from the Minnesota Repository of Arrest Photos (MRAP) and a comprehensive criminal history. The criminal histories will be far more extensive than the ones currently available from the BCA. (As a rule, BCA criminal histories include only felonies and gross misdemeanors; and they are notoriously incomplete.)" ...

"CriMNet has enjoyed near-unanimous support among lawmakers and other power players in the state..."

"...One of four citizens appointed to serve on a CriMNet advisory panel, [Privacy advocate Rich Neumeister] worries that fair information principles, the foundation of the Data Practices Act, are being given short shrift. 'This technology raises a lot of questions about the relationship between citizens and state authority. Policymakers need to ask those questions,' Neumeister observes." ...

DC: ... Of delusional policing
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Mayor Tony Williams will not order his law-enforcement officers to query suspected ne'er do wells about their immigration status. 'It's not established that immigration status and gang activities are connected,' the mayor's spokesman, Tony Bullock, told us last week. 'The vast majority [of gang members] are U.S. citizens. I can't be sure that they all are.' Nobody expects police to know if 'they all are,' but police still should ask for identification. And, immigration status notwithstanding, the fact of the matter is that the mayor and Police Chief Charles Ramsey are not doing enough to curb rising violence."

IN: Local trapshooters place 2nd in nation
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"They were trap shooting novices among Novices. Now they not only are state champions, they are America's runnerup team in the Junior Novice Division of the Scholastic Clay Target Program administered by the National Shooting Sports Association."

"Captain Zach Adams, fellow Princeton resident Brian Collins, Patoka's Kyle Schafer, Owensville's Andrew Koch and Newburgh's Alex Arwood, a first-year team representing the Evansville Gun Club where they practice, combined to place second among 35 teams in last weekend's national championships near Vandalia, Ohio."

"They qualified for the national tournament by winning the July 12 state tourney on the Indiana Gun Club range in Indianapolis."

CO: City Council should lead by example when it comes to firearms
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"Prior to the April election, all of the current City Council, excluding the lone Democrat, responded to candidate surveys, indicating in a positive manner that they would support open and concealed carry of firearms in city buildings. Since then that resolve has been tested by one citizen, Dan Ortega, who has carried a dissembled and unloaded shotgun to two Council meetings, making Council members unjustifiably nervous."

Australia: Informer recorded his own shooting
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A police informer recorded himself being shot twice the day after he agreed with investigators to implicate a criminal gang, a Melbourne court heard yesterday."

"It was alleged the informer, who cannot be identified, and the man accused of trying to murder him hugged warmly at the door of a Cheltenham unit before the shooting."

UK: 'Suicide note' of shot woman
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A woman carrying a pistol who was shot by armed police officers at a remote Scottish
cottage had left a suicide note, it was claimed today."

"Police said they were investigating whether the woman had tried to commit so-called 'suicide by cop' after refusing repeated requests to lay down her weapon."

CA: Banks taught valuable lessons
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Modesto Police Department is trying to teach bank employees about robberies -- how to avoid them and what to do if they are robbed."

"The number of Modesto-area bank robberies has soared recently, prompting detectives to hold a symposium Wednesday to help banks prevent thefts."

"About 15 representatives of Modesto and Turlock bank branches listened to talks on security techniques and pitches from companies offering surveillance gadgets."

Walking the Walk - For Kenneth Cole, Social Activism Isn't Just Good Intentions, It's Good Business
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"...The designer has included voter registration cards and No. 2 pencils along with the where and when of his runway show. And to underscore his belief in the need for gun control, he once designed a fashion show invitation around a toy handgun housed in a box printed with gun violence statistics. He ultimately decided not to test the good humor of postal authorities and sent out the box without the gun."

Here is one more way you can exercise your freedoms. Take your money elsewhere and don't buy his product.

A Recent Ruling By Judge Weinstein Suggests that In the Future, Lawsuits Against the Gun Industry May Succeed
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"... rather than offering an obituary for such suits, Judge Weinstein's ruling may have cleverly set out a road map for how to win them. In part, that is because it sets out evidence--much of it previously unavailable - establishing the connection between gun industry marketing practices and access to guns by criminals."

"If advancing pro-gun litigation were indeed Judge Weinstein's intent, it wouldn't be the first time. Over the last few years, he seems to have often employed his considerable intellect and his power as a federal judge toward this kind of judicial activism - seeking to keep such suits alive, and even, in this case, invite them to be brought in the future."

Philippines: Ex-cop found guilty of killing colleague
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A former member of the Baguio City police was found guilty of killing a colleague just outside a PNP outpost two years ago."

"SPO4 Jaime Ayochok was ordered imprisoned for over 40 years and to pay almost P3 million to the heirs of the late SPO1 Claudio Caligtan during Monday's sentencing."

"Presiding Judge Ruben Ayson of Regional Trial Court Branch 6 found Ayochok 'guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the offense of murder qualified by treachery.' "

"He also dismissed Ayochok's claim that he shot to death Caligtan in self-defense."

Australia: Man charged over gun incident
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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A 74-year-old man is expected to appear in the Brisbane Magistrates Court today charged with attempted murder.

It follows an incident in the Brisbane suburb of Red Hill, where a man threatened residents with a gun early yesterday.

The man was detained by an off-duty police officer during the disturbance.

He was arrested and charged with two counts of attempted murder, arson, going armed in public and offences involving explosives.


LA: Acting chief, second officer arrested in Abita Springs
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The acting police chief and another officer have been arrested on weapons charges in connection with an investigation into allegations of criminal activity at the Abita Springs Police Department."

"Acting Chief Benny Garcia and Lt. Panagiotis Kondylis were taken into custody Sunday after authorities recovered an arsenal of high-powered weapons and ammunitions, St. Tammany Parish authorities said."

"According to investigators, Kondylis is accused of trading and selling powerful automatic weapons without a license, along with using his police commission to obtain military-style night vision equipment, which was resold, the district attorney's office said."

South Africa: Uncertainty About Screening Process Hampers Gun Control
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Efforts to control the number of illegal firearms on the streets by tightening up the screening of applicants for firearm licences has proved more difficult than expected, and could obstruct the smooth execution of the long-awaited Firearms Control Act if not addressed."

"Research by the Institute for Human Rights and Criminal Justice found that while police had set up the infrastructure required by the new act, and were more vigilant about declaring people unfit to own firearms, there was a lack of knowledge about the process, and a tendency among police and prosecutors to blame each other for problems."

"The Firearms Control Act was passed in October 2000, but some regulations still have to be finalised."

OR: Don't Prohibit Guns In Schools (Letter)
Submitted by: Robert Krotts

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Sixth letter on the page

"The editors' statement 'that no one other than a cop or person in the military should be allowed to bring a gun to school' ignores the reality that several school shootings were stopped by armed civilians long before police arrived."

"The editorial states, 'But the possibility that a permit holder might be a threat must be acknowledged.' If that's correct, and no evidence indicates that it is, the potentially dangerous permit holder in question must come to the school intending harm. If so, why would a prohibition against guns in schools eliminate that threat?"

"Finally, the mention of the Thurston incident serves only to refute the editors' argument. In fact, it's exactly these types of incidents that demonstrate why having trained, armed civilians in schools can save lives while waiting for armed, uniformed, government agents to arrive and clean up - which was, of course, all the police could do at both Thurston and Columbine high schools."

CA: Legislative Update
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"SB489 - Semi-Auto Handgun bill - would require that all semiautomatic handguns, manufactured after a specific date - that are imported and sold in California, be equipped with a loaded chamber indicator and a magazine disconnect mechanism. SB489 has passed the Senate and now is in the Assembly Public Safety Committee. In a desperate attempt to gain passage, the author of this ill-conceived piece of legislation has once again amended it, but it is still bad! SB489 is currently scheduled for a vote on August 20th. TAKE ACTION TO OPPOSE!" ...

"Your voice has been heard in the Capitol! Please continue to CALL, FAX, and EMAIL the legislators. All three methods of communication are effective and we must keep up the broad-based effort."

OH: Indiana CCW license-holder has very bad day in Ohio
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry

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"Having decided the weather was great for a cruise, Bill Owens decided to drive his motorcycle on a short ride across the state border to a Brookville, Ohio motorcycle shop. As Owens was traveling east-bound on Rt. 40 in Montgomery County July 2, a pickup truck pulled into the path of his motorcycle. He was severely injured. A broken right femur and crushed knee cap will sideline Owens from his truck-driving career for close to a year. But Ohio's ban on concealed carry, (already ruled unconstitutional by three state courts) may make sure his 'criminal' record keeps him sidelined for far longer." ...

"Before he was loaded on the air ambulance, Owens notified the on-scene officer (Cpl. I. P. Hansen, Clay Twp. P.D.) that he had a concealed handgun, that it was loaded, and a that he had a license to carry. The officer confiscated the firearm while Owens was on the stretcher. That was the last he heard of it, until he received a summons to appear for an August 5 court date."

"Owens has been charged with violating 2923.16b (improper handling of firearm). Because the accident left him unable to work, and because his insurance claim against the other driver has not been settled, he has been forced to accept the services of a public defender." ...

UT: Utah concealed weapons permits expected to rise, statistics show
Submitted by: Mike Lamborn

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"Utahns are on pace to buy fewer firearms but get more concealed weapons permits than they have in the past five years, according to statistics released by the Bureau of Criminal Identification."

"Nearly 20 percent of the 28,855 firearm purchases this year were made in far northern Utah. Residents in the area also hold 19 percent of the state's concealed weapons licenses."

"Consistently increasing year after year, more than 55,000 Utahns own licenses currently -- 4,103 of those were issued in 2003."

VA: Concealed weapon ban lifted in airport
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Despite the signs on the doors that say otherwise, concealed weapons are allowed inside parts of Norfolk International Airport, thanks to a law that took effect this summer."

"The change happened quietly as the General Assembly and Gov. Mark R. Warner passed a measure that overrides a wide array of local gun ordinances throughout Virginia."

" 'The governor is publicly and proudly a supporter of the Second Amendment,' said Kevin Hall, a spokesman for Warner."

You asked for it! - What Can I Do?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"First and foremost, accept the fact that our nation’s primary reason for existence is individual freedom. Period! In general, anything that interferes with that freedom at the hands of government is generally unconstitutional, and therefore, un-American! How can one individual be bad and not trusted, yet a group of individuals, namely government, be better and more honorable than one accountable, responsible, law-abiding and God-fearing citizen? Government is always bad, a 'necessary evil' as Tom Paine put it, and it always grows itself bigger and more intrusive at the expense of individual liberties."

The power of the state is measured by the power that men surrender to it. — Felix Morley

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