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Newslinks for 8/19/2017

MI: Open-carry gun owners to gather at Holland State Park
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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Bring your sunscreen and sidearm to this picnic.

Michigan Open Carry, Inc., and Michigan Gun Owners are having a picnic on Saturday, Aug. 19, at Holland State Park.

Carrying a firearm is not required, but it's encouraged.

David Dellinger, vice president of Michigan Open Carry, said this is the third of four picnics held across the state this year for open-carry advocates. The gatherings are intended to attract new members and show open-carry advocates gathering peacefully.

"Sometimes, we're visited by a (Department of Natural Resources) officer, or police department," Dellinger said. "(They'll say), 'Hi, how you doing, have a nice day.' At this point, it's not confrontational, never has been for us."

Missouri's top Democrats call for senator to resign for 'I hope Trump is assassinated' post
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With five written words Thursday morning, one of Missouri’s most controversial state lawmakers spawned a U.S. Secret Service investigation, potentially endangered her own political career — and flung St. Louis squarely into the middle of America’s raging racial-political debate in the wake of the unrest in Charlottesville, Va.

“I hope Trump is assassinated!” Missouri state Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal, D-University City, wrote during a morning Facebook exchange, referring to Republican President Donald Trump.

At Bundy Ranch trial, questions on guns and violence
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The trial over a 2014 showdown raises issues about the right to bear arms and assemble.

As the nation reels from violent protests that left one person dead and 19 others injured in Charlottesville, Virginia, last weekend, a trial of Cliven Bundy’s armed supporters in Nevada is raising thorny issues around the threat of violence and its relationship to free speech. Defendants in the first of three Bunkerville trials, which wrapped up this week, have described their actions as being protected by the First and Second Amendments to the Constitution. But prosecutors say the trial is about men who used the threat of violence to defy law enforcement, and that the law does not protect people who intimidate, threaten or assault others.

The tactical dog days of August
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The presence of K9 officers is increasingly common at public events and in everyday policing. Whether for evidence detection or as an element of restraint or force, K9s are both useful to department functions as well as popular ambassadors between law enforcement and the communities they serve.

Also on the rise is ownership by civilians of dogs with specialized training for protective work. Many families who are trained up with firearms consider the dog as complement to their overall home protection plan. A specially trained dog may be viewed as a primary line of defense by individuals and families living in restrictive jurisdictions.

Dealing With Fear in a Self-Defense Situation
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Anyone in their right mind has a fear of being killed or seriously injured. So when a crook purposely threatens your life, fear is a natural response. The only trouble is that we don't function efficiently in fear or in panic. We must function efficiently if we are to overcome the criminal attack. One of the best ways to push through the natural fear reaction is with controlled, disciplined anger. How dare an attacker place my life and the lives of my family in danger?

The defensive shooter must, at all costs, differentiate between fear and rage. Rage, for our purposes, is uncontrolled anger, blind rage.

Author of antifa handbook defends antifascist violence
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Q. Do you personally think it’s okay for antifa members to arm themselves?

A. Yes. Self-defense is a legitimate response to fascist violence. I think it’s always best to accomplish a political goal with as little violence as possible. That’s why the kind of moment where an anti-fascist group defends itself is sort the last point on the sequence of the organizing. Often what they do first is write letters and make phone calls to try to cancel an event, to try to mobilize a community to pressure the event not to be held, to occupy a space so there can’t be an assembly…to try all these steps so that violence is a last resort.

OH: Stand Your Ground Again Threatening Ohio
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Do you think there is enough tension and division in the United States right now? Are folks hot enough around the collar? Y’know what might cool things off here in Ohio?

Opening up our gun laws to “stand your ground” so that Ohioans have no duty to retreat and can kill each other whenever they feel under attack. Great. Perfect. Run with it.

That’s apparently the thinking of some Ohio Republicans.

GA: Homeowner Shoots & Kills Burglar Dressed in Drag
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In Lithonia, Georgia, DeKalb County Police say a homeowner shot and killed a man dressed like a woman after the subject broke into his home. It happened near Brownsmill Road just after 2 a.m.

A Channel 2 reporter spoke to Police Lt. Lonzy Robertson about the case Monday.

“The homeowner gave him a warning. The suspect continued to approach him at which time the homeowner fired one shot,” the lieutenant said.

MASF’s Civilian Carry Mindset Seminar 2017
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On Saturday August, 26th from 10AM to 5PM Modern American Sporting And Firearms is holding a Civilian Mindset Seminar. This seminar will be held at Lovettsville Game Protection Association which is located in Lovettsville, VA. What is interesting about this training is the wide variety of speakers and amount of topics being covered.

KY: Jury reaches verdict in trial of man accused of killing home intruder
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Police said Murphy broke into Yarnell's home before the shooting.

Yarnell said he thought the intruder had a knife, but an investigation did not turn up a weapon.

Closing arguments were presented Friday morning.

The prosecution said Yarnell broke the law when he fired multiple shots as Murphy tried to get away.

Yarnell's lawyer said his client shot the teen in self-defense.

The prosecution argued the teen posed no threat.

The jury deliberated about three hours before returning with the verdict.

The reckless homicide conviction carries a penalty of one to five years. The jury will recommend Yarnell's sentence at a hearing on Monday.

VA: Charlottesville mayor calls for banning guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Signer said that, while he is a supporter of the Second Amendment, it shouldn’t be “acceptable to open carry or concealed carry firearms at an event of the sort we saw last weekend,” citing the intimidation of citizens and the danger of violence.

“I am going to work with my colleagues on City Council to demand that our General Assembly swiftly enact legislation allowing localities to ban the open or concealed carry of weapons in public events reasonably deemed to pose a potential security threat,” he said.

Words Are Not Violence
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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To argue otherwise is to strike a blow against the constitutional right to free speech.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. The childish playground ditty is at least partly true: Mere words cannot break an arm or bust a nose. Words can be hurtful emotionally and psychologically, but they cannot be acts of violence because they lack physicality. Some academics and journalists need this reminder.

Elizabeth Warren Urges Democrats to Champion Gun Control, Shut Down Debate
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Just as many in the Democratic Party are seeking to moderate their message in order to once again compete as a national political party, some high-profile Democrats are urging the party to lurch further left with an even firmer embrace of gun control.

On June 13, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) addressed those gathered at the “progressive” Netroots Nation conference in Atlanta, Ga. In her usual frenzied style, Warren used the forum to attack those Democrats who would moderate the party’s message, including those who would temper the party’s stance on guns.

AZ: Frustrated by GOP, La Mesa council woman leaves party
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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La Mesa City Councilwoman Kristine Alessio has left the Republican party because of what she says is a lack of ethics, particularly as it relates to racism.

“I'm out of the Republican Party,” Alessio, 50, announced Tuesday on Facebook and Twitter. “I'll never be pro choice, never be against the second amendment but I cannot stand with anyone who will not say no to racism and prejudice. Count me as decline to state and in favor of liberty.”

WV: West Virginia concealed carry reciprocity extended to Wisconsin
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey said officials in West Virginia and Wisconsin have worked out an agreement to allow Wisconsin residents with a valid concealed weapons permits to carry concealed in the Mountain State.

West Virginia residents with a concealed weapons permit have been allowed to carry concealed in Wisconsin for some time, but Morrisey said the arrangement with Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker codifies the right of Wisconsin residents to carry in West Virginia.

The Screwing of America – They Are Not My Friends
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The recent events in Charlottesville, Virginia should have every liberty-loving American deeply concerned. Ronald Reagan's warning, that “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction,” sounds ominously prescient today. Clearly the people involved, mostly young men, have no understanding of what freedom and the great American experiment are all about.

After Charlottesville, the First and Second Amendments Are Under Fire
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Then, yesterday, a more significant shoe dropped. The Wall Street Journal reported that the American Civil Liberties Union “will no longer defend hate groups seeking to march with firearms.” In other words, the group’s anti-gun stance is now directly influencing its First Amendment advocacy. It’s executive director, Anthony Romero, told the Journal that the decision “was in keeping with a 2015 policy adopted by the ACLU’s national board in support of ‘reasonable’ firearm regulation.”

For all its flaws and inconsistencies in other areas, the ACLU had been one of the last well-resourced national legal organizations that were truly non-partisan in defending First Amendment freedoms such as the right to march and speak in Charlottesville.

NY: Proposed federal legislation would nullify NY SAFE Act
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Congressman Chris Collins, R-NY 27th District, with offices in Geneseo and Lancaster in Western New York, introduced a bill in Congress that would preserve Second Amendment rights by limiting the state’s authority to ban certain rifles and shotguns through state and local legislation.

If passed by both houses and signed by the President, the bill could void much of the “SAFE” Act.

American Bar Association Continues to Attack Gun Owners, Due Process
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Over the years, the American Bar Association has defended the due process rights of some very unpopular groups, including, enemy combatants, terror suspects, and convicts on death row. The organization also advocates that stringent due process standards be applied to the disposition of positive rights, such as “universal access to healthcare,” and welfare benefits. Such advocacy might give some the false impression that the ABA holds a principled position on due process rights in general. When it comes to the due process rights of gun owners, however, the ABA has abandoned any pretense of principle and adopted the prevailing left-wing orthodoxy.

GA: NRA Names Georgia Lawmaker Defender of Freedom
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The National Rifle Association will award Georgia State Representative John Meadows the Defender of Freedom Award at a ceremony at the Georgia State Capitol Building on Tuesday, August 22, 2017.

“John Meadows, known as the Father of the Second Amendment bills in the Georgia House of Representatives, is one of Georgia’s strongest defenders of our gun rights,” said Chris W. Cox, executive director of the National Rifle Association's Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA). “For more than a decade, Meadows has fought for the rights of law-abiding Georgians to protect themselves.

Constitutional convention is one way to amend a broken system
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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There hasn’t been a constitutional convention in the United States since 1787, although the Constitution has been amended 27 times. If you don’t count the first 10, which were adopted almost immediately after the Constitution itself was ratified, the American people have agreed on only 17 amendments in more than 200 years.

One reason is that during the last century, the justices of the U.S. Supreme Court made “landmark” decisions that gradually conditioned Americans to expect an evolving Constitution through interpretation instead of amendments.

But this wasn’t always the case. A hundred years ago, Americans regarded the Constitution as something that limited the federal government’s power in meaningful ways.

WA: Court Forces Seattle to Reveal Major ‘Gun Tax’ Shortfall
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Acting in accordance with the order of a King County Superior Court judge, the City of Seattle on Monday afternoon revealed what had been suspected for more than a year, that its revenue from a so-called “gun violence tax” was far below projections when the tax was hastily adopted in 2015, the Second Amendment Foundation has learned.

According to court-ordered data provided to the senior editor of, a SAF-owned publication, the city collected $103,766.22. That is woefully short of the predicted $300,000 to $500,000 predicted by then-City Council President Tim Burgess when he championed the tax.

Worse than Nazis? Gun Owners
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The ACLU has announced that it will not support the rights of groups that want to enjoy both the First and Second Amendments. ACLU Executive Director Anthony Romero told the Wall Street Journal that the "civil liberties group" will not represent hate groups who want to bear firearms while they exercise their right to free speech.

And in case you haven't been following along, guess who the hate groups are? They are you and any group the left decides are "haters."

Justice Department Terminates and Repudiates Operation Chokepoint
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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This week the Department of Justice made clear that the Obama Administration’s underhanded attack on the gun industry using the banking system - better known as Operation Chokepoint - is over. In a strongly-worded letter to U.S. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) dated August 16, Assistant Attorney General Stephen E. Boyd assured the chairman that the operation has been terminated and that “it will not be undertaken again.”

For, in principle, there is no difference between a law prohibiting the wearing of concealed arms, and a law forbidding the wearing such as are exposed; and if the former be unconstitutional, the latter must be so likewise. But it should not be forgotten, that it is not only a part of the right that is secured by the constitution; it is the right entire and complete, as it existed at the adoption of the constitution; and if any portion of that right be impaired, immaterial how small the part may be, and immaterial the order of time at which it be done, it is equally forbidden by the constitution. [Bliss vs. Commonwealth, 12 Ky. (2 Litt.) 90, at 92, and 93, 13 Am. Dec. 251 (1822)

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