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Newslinks for 8/20/2003

OR: Police seek Silverton man they say stole cruiser, rifle, bullets
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Authorities said they were concerned about what was missing from the police vehicle: a high-powered assault rifle and as many as 20 bullets."

"Gould, who managed to steal the Silverton patrol car while in custody Saturday night, probably fled into the woods with the AR-15 police rifle after crashing the vehicle near Molalla, authorities said."

"A flashlight and an officer's cellular phone also were missing from the marked car, which Silverton police said was the department's newest and fastest cruiser."

Try NOT visualizing Don Knotts in your mind while reading this.

AK: Bill of Rights does the Iditarod
Submitted by: awsmm

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"In Alaska's Iditarod 2004, musher Mike Lawless will carry, on his sled from Anchorage to Nome, copies of your Bill of Rights."

"When he reaches Nome, he'll sign them and personally deliver them to the heads of state of the 13 original states, Alaska, and finally to the President of the United States, as commemorations."

"This is an exciting way to raise awareness of your Bill of Rights across the nation. We here at Rights to Nome are proud that you're interested in the project, and we hope you'll spread the news; you might even consider sponsoring Mike in the race."

CO: Bearing arms exposes gap in pro-gun logic
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Ortega showed how far outside the mainstream unabridged gun worship can take us."

"Without meaning to, Ortega caught members of the keep-and-bear-arms crowd with their rhetorical pants down. It would be funny if the implications weren't so disturbing."

"The Colorado Springs situation proves that letting people traipse around openly with weapons doesn't make people feel safer. It freaks them out."

" 'An openly carried weapon is intimidating,' said Springs Councilman Jerry Heimlicher, a gun-rights supporter who voted for the ban. 'We have teachers who bring schoolchildren to council meetings. We had a group of Eagle Scouts there the night we voted on this.' "

Alleged "Second Amendment supporters" get "freaked out" because they see a law-abiding citizen exercising his constitutional rights, and gun owners are the ones caught with their proverbial pants down? It appears that the hypocrites at City Hall are showing their rear ends, and this socialist dirge is castigating Don Ortega. Email him at: .

South Africa: Beware! Criminals Getting More Daring
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Criminals are getting more brazen."

"Now they wait until people are in their houses, then break down the burglar bars and doors, and take whatever they want while owners look on, Police and security firms have confirmed."

That's what happens when law abiding citizens are disarmed by the government. The criminals get bolder.

Uganda: Thugs Shoot Bodaboda Cyclist
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Three armed gangsters shot and critically injured a boda-boda cyclist in a motorcycle robbery in a city suburb on Wednesday."

"John Kalema, of Katabi, was shot during a scuffle that ensued after the thugs held a pistol to his head."

Idi Amin established "sensible" gun control in Uganda, thus enabling armed thugs to rob citizens at gunpoint.

Trinidad: Shoot-out after $260,000 robbery in Princes Town
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Scores of pedestrians along High Street, Princes Town, were forced to duck for cover yesterday morning when two armed bandits and a grocery proprietor engaged in a shoot-out in the main hub of the town. The exchange of gunfire occurred as bandits snatched a bag with some $60,000 in cash and cheques amounting to over $200,000 outside Republic Bank, which is located a mere stone’s throw from the Princes Town police station and the adjoining Magistrates’ courthouse." ...

"The woman told police she felt the barrel of the firearm on her neck while one of the bandits grabbed the bag from her hands and ran off. The ordeal, however, unfolded before the watchful eyes of the owner of the supermarket who was seated in a car parked nearby. As the thieves turned to make their escape, the proprietor drew his licensed 9 mm semi-automatic pistol and opened fire at them." ...

Notice that despite the proximity of the police station, the cops were not around to protect the woman. But an armed citizen was.

AZ: Citizen group trains to watch border
Submitted by: Melissa (skypod)

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"The leader of an armed civilian patrol group plans to travel to Yuma County this month to train others on how to deal with illegal immigrants, handle weapons and provide first aid."

"Chris Simcox, president of the Tombstone-based Civil Homeland Defense, said he plans to meet with 12 area residents interested in patrolling the border. Every member plans to carry firearms and have a permit for a concealed weapon, Simcox said."

"Simcox said they were prompted by the recent arrests of two men accused of illegally detaining a group of illegal immigrants at gunpoint."

Civil Homeland Defense is meeting with residents interested in patrolling the border. Every member plans to carry firearms and have a permit for a concealed weapon.

In almost a year, Civil Homeland Defenders have turned over more than 1500 illegal immigrants to federal agents.

CA: The real reason Gray Davis should be recalled
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"The system in California does not work. With billions of dollars being spent on politics justice is still impossible for this tiny woman and her son. This is the true measure of who is heading the government we pay to maintain. This is who Gray Davis really is. He is the man who ignores the suffering of those who are powerless. Gray Davis could have prevented this atrocity but he was too busy with his perks and with politics as usual. He rubber-stamped the paperwork that jailed KT for half a million dollars and took her child from her. He was repeatedly begged to intervene. He never bothered to respond. Of course, neither did anyone else."

Governor Joins as a Friend of the Free State Project
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"In late June, Governor Craig Benson (R-NH) met with members from the Free State Project (FSP) who were visiting to explore New Hampshire as a possible choice for the FSP. Benson welcomed the visit and noted that he had much in common with Free Staters. After careful consideration, Governor Benson has decided to sign on as a supporter of the FSP. While making no commitment to move with the Free Staters, he supports their efforts to reform state and local government in order to create a truly free society."

What makes a liberal? – Part 2
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"This is what Kennedy said ...on Dec. 14, 1962:

"This administration pledged itself last summer to an across-the-board, top-to-bottom cut in personal and corporate income taxes to be enacted and become effective in 1963."

"I'm not talking about a quickie or a temporary tax cut, which would be more appropriate if a recession were imminent; nor am I talking about giving the economy a mere shot in the arm to ease some temporary complaint. I am talking about the accumulated evidence of the last five years that our present tax system, developed as it was in good part during World War II to restrain growth, exerts too heavy a drag on growth in peace time;" ...

"No prominent liberal talks like this today."

Ashcroft's Sales Job
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Ashcroft was not an accidental choice for attorney general. Before Sept. 11, his conservative credentials on judicial nominees, enforcing federal pornography laws and protecting gun owners' rights were good. Karl Rove, Bush's trusted political adviser, had handled Ashcroft's political campaigns and Majority Leader of the Senate Trent Lott, R-Miss., favored his nomination."

"The centerpiece of Ashcroft's stewardship at Justice was the Patriot Act, a law passed as Rep. C. L. Otter, R-Idaho, told UPI, when 'the smoke was still coming out of the rubble' of the terrorist targets. 'I was not even in my office. The anthrax attacks had me working in an adjunct office. I had to take a bus to vote.' "

NM: 4-H takes aim at shooting sports
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"From the simple pellet rifle to the complex muzzle-loader, young people from age 9 to 19 can learn it all through 4-H Shooting Sports."

"All pastimes have their basics — the necessary first steps without which nothing else works. In shooting, it's a combination of knowing the firearm, acquiring basic shooting skills and having the right attitude."

"The 4-H leader shows the firearm functions, how to select one that's right for the user, how to take care of it and, most important of all, how to use it safely."

CA: Local police get non-lethal weapons
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Police in the desert are among the first in the state to have a new crime fighting tool to keep you safe. It shoots, but won't kill a suspect, and that's the point."

"Too often, police say they have to decide whether or not to use deadly force. Well there's another option that up until now most officers didn't have a pepperball gun designed to stop suspects in their tracks without killing them."

"Now police in the cove communities do have that option."

MN: Rochester Won't Post Gun Ban Signs
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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The city of Rochester won't post signs advising citizens against carrying guns onto city-owned property.

However, Rochester will do what some city council members consider to be the next best thing. The city will tell the Legislature to change its handgun law to give cities power to enact weapons bans that actually have the force of law.

Rochester council members voted unanimously to endorse a League of Minnesota Cities resolution calling for changes to the handgun law. The resolution calls for passage of a failed amendment giving cities power to ban concealed handguns in city halls, parks and recreation centers.

LA: BESE members doubts claim of no "persistently dangerous schools"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"To qualify as dangerous, schools must meet two of three criteria for two school years in a row:"

"--1 percent of the enrolled students have been expelled for having a gun at school, on a school bus or at a school event."

"--4 percent of the enrolled students have been expelled for a violent crime at school, on a school bus or at a school event."

"--6 percent of the enrolled students have been expelled for misconduct like bringing drugs or alcohol to school, damaging school property, fighting or other conduct that causes injury."

WI: Police chief, NAACP cite concerns over reinstating consent searches
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Now that the name of Arthur Jones has been eliminated from the list of viable candidates for the job of Milwaukee chief of police, he and others have expressed concerns over whether the city's future top cop will reinstate widespread consent searches."

"Jones said he has consistently opposed any policy that would lead to widespread consent searches, while Police and Fire Commission Chairman Robert 'Woody' Welch believes such a policy is worth investigating in an effort to stem gun violence. In consent searches, law enforcement officers get drivers' permission to search vehicles stopped for minor infractions."

TX: Knowing Gun Safety
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The parents of a 12-year old boy shot dead in Bastrop County could be held responsible for their son's death."

"Investigators say it was their gun that accidentally killed the boy."

"Thousands of people in Texas own guns. So how can you stop a tragedy like this one in your family?"

"Two brothers, one was 12, the other was 13, were playing with a gun. Investigators say the 13-year-old popped the clip, thought the gun was not loaded when he pointed it at his brother pulled the trigger, but a bullet left in the chamber killed the boy." ...

"Everyone may not agree on guns, but experts do agree if you have a gun, education is as vital as gun locks and safety for you and your children."

NC: Gun, Vest Stolen From Former Police Officer
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Police say a bullet proof vest and a hand gun have been stolen from the home of a former police officer."

"Police say Barry Bishop stole the gun and vest from a house on Burchshire Road."

"Charlotte-Mecklenburg police Sgt. Brian Foley wants fellow officers to take extra care."

Considering the Patriot Act
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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ATTORNEY GENERAL JOHN ASHCROFT: Providence, which has bestowed on America the responsibility to lead the world in liberty, has also handed America a great trust: To provide security that ensures liberty. We accept this trust, not with anger or arrogance, but with belief - belief that liberty is the greatest gift of our creator; belief that such liberty is the universal endowment of all humanity; belief that as long as there is an America, liberty must not, will not, shall not perish from the earth. Thank you very much. God bless you and God Bless America.

Liberty Belles Host August "ATF Night"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"We are pleased to announce the live broadcast of 'ATF Night' on Radio Free Republic's 'Unspun with AnnaZ' on Thursday, August 21st, 2003 at 7:00 pm (PST). Our very special guest for the evening will be Gary Gorski, lead attorney in Silveira vs. Lockyer." ...

"If you plan on being in the Los Angeles area on August 21st, please feel free to be a part of the live audience."

Australia: Firearms amnesty loophole
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Australian-led intervention force in the Solomon Islands has been forced to tell about 100 licensed gun owners they can keep their guns for another four months."

"Solomon Islanders had been told they have until midnight tomorrow to surrender all firearms to the force restoring law and order."

"But intervention chief Nick Warner yesterday admitted there were about 100 or more licensed gun owners who will not be forced to hand in their weapons."

"The embarrassing admission came after the withdrawal of a legal challenge by a local who wanted to keep his licensed gun for hunting."

"Mr. Warner said his Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands wasn't told there were valid licences in the community."

PA: Man Driven to Oppose Gun-Immunity Bill
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"In 1994, Miller's brother, Michael, a police officer in Washington, D.C., was shot to death by Bennie Lee Lawson. Lawson walked into police headquarters with an assault rifle and opened fire, killing three officers." ...

"In addition to lobbying against the immunity bill, which would protect gun makers and distributors from civil lawsuits, Miller is pushing for a ban on assault weapons, stricter laws against straw purchasers, and a state law that would prohibit people from buying more than one handgun in 30 days."

Never mind that Miller's brother was shot years after Washington DC banned guns or that he walked into a police station filled with armed cops and opened fire. He wants more laws for the criminals to break.

OH: Two People Dead After Shooting at Ohio Plant
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Two people are dead, several others injured after a shooting at Andover Industries in the Village of Andover Tuesday morning.

It happened around man, an employee of 5 years, reportedly walked in and shot a woman believed to be his girlfriend, another employee. The gunman was then shot and killed, it's not confirmed if he turned the gun on himself.

Several others have been taken to a Youngstown hospital for treatment, it's not known if those injuries are life threatening.

The plant makes parts for the auto industry.

Here you have more victims of forced disarmament. These women's blood is on the hands of those who forbid armed self defense at the plant!

GA: Gunmaker aims at $1 billion military contract
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Locating a factory near Fort Benning could give a German gun manufacturer an advantage as it tries to land a $1 billion contract for the U.S. infantry's next-generation rifle, a company official said."

"Heckler & Koch began research and development last year on the XM8 Lightweight Assault Rifle, which ultimately could replace the U.S. Army's M4A1 carbine and M16A2 rifle. The M16 has been manufactured by Colt since 1964."

"Peter Simon, vice president of the gunmaker's U.S. operations in Sterling, Va., said Columbus was a natural fit with its proximity to a major infantry training installation."

LA: Finding new muzzleloader shootings not an easy task
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Four-time state champion Debbie Nicholas of Baton Rouge got into competitive muzzleloader shooting on a dare." ...

"Hooked from the outset, Nicholas and her husband soon were traveling from Baton Rouge to Woodworth once a month so she could practice with members of the Bayou Muzzleloaders."

"She also decided to have a rifle - a .40 caliber Green Mountain Barrel long rifle - custom built. With its 36-inch barrel and stock, the rifle stands almost as tall as Nicholas."

Australia: Pair woken at gunpoint relive ordeal
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Warnbro couple Danny Russell and Shane Carloff woke late on Monday night to the spectre of a gunman pointing a sawn-off shotgun at them."

"For the next 3˝ hours they counselled the man, made him coffee, kept him calm and eventually encouraged him to leave."

"It was the gunman's first stop in a series of hostage dramas played out across suburban Perth yesterday, according to police."

AR: North Little Rock Citizens Say Criminals Don't Obey Gun Laws
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"About a dozen North Little Rock residents asked the city parks commission to roll back a recent ban on concealed weapons in public parks."

"The city enacted the ban in response to a state law passed this spring that removed parks and restaurants from a list of places where concealed weapons permit holders are NOT allowed to carry their weapons."

"But most of the residents who attended the public hearing last night say that criminals won't follow the signs that ban firearms in the park, and so permit-holders should be allowed to arm themselves for self-defense."

"The parks commission is considering a resolution passed by the city to post signs banning weapons."

Australia: WA police apprehend gunman
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Much of Perth watched transfixed today as a police hunt for a renegade gunman snaked its way towards the city. WA Police were alerted last night after a woman was shot dead in the town of Rockingham, about 50 kilometres south of the capital."

"The woman's alleged killer then went on the run armed with a sawn-off shotgun. At one point, residents of Perth's southern suburbs were told to stay inside, as the man, described as dangerous and unpredictable, remained at large."

UK: Gun trial jury told of lies
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Teesside's top barrister today made a scathing attack on the 'honesty, integrity and reliability' of shooting victim Anthony Walls."

"Queen's Counsel Tim Roberts is defending Dean Rye, the man accused of shooting Mr. Walls in Guisborough Rugby Club car park on February 4."

"Making his closing speech to the jury, Mr. Roberts claimed that Mr. Walls had 'lied, lied and lied again', giving medical staff and police different versions of how he came by his injuries."


NY: Got an illegal gun? Go directly to jail, do not pass go
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"...the Constitution guarantees the right to bear arms."

"And perhaps that is as it should be. After all, one of the most-effective ways a repressive government controls its citizens is by keeping guns out of the hands of all but the controlling forces." ...

"In the Capital District, a new program is being tried called 'Project Fed Up.' "

"The goal of the program is simple and laudable: If you have an illegal gun or use a legal gun in an illegal fashion, you are going to go to jail."

"For a long time. Five years, at least."

This program makes crimes committed with firearms more heinous than other types of crimes, as well as promoting the "rat out your neighbor" mentality.

Anti-Terrorism Patriot Act Raises Growing Concern Among Civil Liberties Groups
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"What we are doing is creating a situation in which traditional constitutional safeguards are being lowered in the name of fighting terrorism and then by lowering them, we're giving law enforcement power to go after all kinds of other people with tools they previously didn't have."

"But law enforcement officials now consider the Patriot Act a cornerstone in the nation's ability to battle terrorism. In the face of new legal challenges and efforts in Congress to revise the law, Attorney General John Ashcroft is set to begin a series of speeches around the country, most if not all of them to law enforcement groups, to defend the act. He began with an appearance Tuesday before a conservative advocacy group in Washington."

OR: Timberwolves air rifle team takes first in international competition in England
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Four members of Hillsboro's Timberwolves air rifle team took first place at the 11th Junior International Match in Bisley, England."

"Individually, Wes Dow, 17, of Hillsboro took second place in the Air Rifle Junior Men competition, while his brother Robert, 13, took fifth place and Nicholas Bittler, 16, of Silverton, took fourth."

"Their combined individual scores earned the team a gold medal in the Junior Men Air Rifle - Team competition."

An Exceedingly Modest Proposal
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"No more; I have seen The Light. Hallelujah, brothers and sisters. Hand me that Kalashnikov, willya? And throw in a little light artillery while you're at it, maybe a couple of RPGs and a launcher. I need to take responsibility for the safety of myself, my home, my neighborhood, and even my country." ...

"So what caused this moment of truth? Like so many die-hard advocates for unrestricted access to ordnance of all types, it was an act of underhanded government tyranny that turned me around. Seeing just how far the government will go to keep the people unarmed and helpless made me understand the true nature of the threat, and revealed my obligation to stand firm against this outrageous oppression."

Whiskey Rebellion
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Owing to the still strong feelings, especially in Virginia, against a national army, which had led to the adoption of this amendment in 1789, there was in 1794 no available national army to send to enforce federal law. (At the conclusion of the War for Independence, the continental army and navy had been dissolved.)"

"Protected by the Second Amendment, Virginia, like other states, had continued its traditional reliance on county militia and volunteer units. In 1794, there were well over 40,000 Virginians counted as eligible for militia duty; the total number reported to the governor as organized into companies was 11,377. Of these, perhaps only one-fourth would ever see active duty at any one time and then only for short tours."

Mr. and Mrs. America, turn 'em all in... — Dianne Feinstein, CBS-TV's "60 Minutes, February 5, 1995.

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