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Newslinks for 8/20/2007

Harvard Journal Study of Worldwide Data Obliterates Notion that Gun Ownership Correlates with Violence
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"By now, any informed American is familiar with Dr. John R. Lott, Jr.'s famous axiom of 'More Guns, Less Crime.' In other words, American jurisdictions that allow law-abiding citizens to exercise their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms are far safer and more crime-free than jurisdictions that enact stringent 'gun control' laws."

"Very simply, the ability of law-abiding citizens to possess firearms has helped reduce violent crime in America."

"Now, a Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy study shows that this is not just an American phenomenon. According to the study, worldwide gun ownership rates do not correlate with higher murder or suicide rates." ...

NH Dealer Refutes Claims in Globe Gun Buy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The alleged 'straw purchase' ... that landed anti-gun Boston Globe columnist Steve Bailey and Stop Handgun Violence founder John Rosenthal in the focus of federal investigators may have been preceded by other attempts by the men to purchase guns at a Lebanon, NH, gun show in 2005." ...

"Bailey reported slipping $240 to a New Hampshire man ... so that Belair could purchase a handgun ... Bailey asserted that he asked if Belair could purchase the gun and the dealer allegedly said he could."

"The dealer offered a different account, insisting that he did not know Belair was with Bailey and Rosenthal when Belair asked about buying the gun that the dealer would not sell to either Massachusetts man." ...

Jodie Foster's rare interview dodges sexuality questions
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "When talk turned to gun control, a subject many movie critics will likely tackle in reviews for The Brave One, Foster commented:"

"'Isn't it possible that we all have that bit of insanity in us?'"

"'That's why I'm for gun control. Absolutely… I don't believe that people should have access to life-or-death situations at any emotional time in their life.'"

"'I don't really believe that a human being who feels [things] should have the option at their fingertips.'" ...

Submitter's Note: A good way to alienate a few million people who otherwise would have been very likely to see your movie, Jodie.

AR: Owner of PB pawn shop shoots teenage intruder, police say
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The owner of a Pine Bluff pawn shop shot dead a teenager he suspected to be a burglar, police said."

"Taron Hopkins, 15, was pronounced dead at the scene early Friday morning ... Hopkins suffered a gunshot wound to the upper body."

"Police Lt. Bob Rawlinson said the shooting happened at Chuck Smith's Pawn Shop in Pine Bluff. The store's owner, Chuck Smith, told police he shot the teenager with a .38-caliber revolver as the teen and others tried to break into the store."

"Smith was in a small living area at the back of the business when he heard people breaking in, Rawlinson said. Smith told police he fired several shots toward the group."

"Several of the people fled, and a tire iron was left behind, Rawlinson said." ...

MN: Pit bull attack spurs calls to ban dangerous dogs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the aftermath of the fatal mauling of a 7-year-old boy by a pit bull in his Minneapolis home, the city is looking at ways to address what some leaders call an increasing number of so-called dangerous dogs in the area."

"Zachary King Jr. was killed Thursday after being attacked in the basement of the family's north Minneapolis home by a pit bull named Face, a dog that had bitten two other people in the past." ...

"The boy's father, Zach King Sr., shot and killed Face after trying to rescue his son and being severely bitten on the arm and the other six dogs were taken from the home, police said." [emphasis added] ...

CT: Mixed Reviews for Neighbors in Arms
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "For the past two months, Mr. Greer, Mr. Brooks and fellow volunteers in the Edgewood Park Defense Patrol — half of whom carry guns — have walked and biked through this neighborhood nightly to bring a sense of safety to an area they said had experienced an increase in crime and a decrease in police patrols."

"Though Mayor John DeStefano Jr. has called the patrols a 'recipe for disaster,' members of the group said that they had not once pulled out a gun, and the authorities acknowledged that violent crime had gone down in Edgewood since the patrols began." [emphasis added] ...

TX: Gun groups gone wrong
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Anytime a tragedy occurs we ask ourselves how it could have happened and how it can be prevented from ever happening again. So in the aftermath of the Virginia Tech massacre, gun rights advocates began calling for the repealing of bans on carrying concealed weapons on school campuses."

"The national organization of Students for Concealed Carry on Campus is one such group. There are eight chapters of Students for Concealed Carry on Campus in Texas, the most of any state." ...

NJ: Will Corzine have the guts for bold ideas?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Let's hope the governor is just clearing his throat, and that he has more ambitious plans in the works to fight violence in cities like Newark."

"Because in this crucial week after the most savage murders we've seen in years, he's talked mostly about gun control, the go-to response of liberal politicians everywhere."

"Yes, that may help a little. But the reality is that Newark's streets are already flooded with illegal guns. And the bad guys are not about to surrender them, or to obey any new rules the governor proposes."

"We need something much bigger. And this is the time to push for it, while the outrage over these killings is fresh." ...

NY: Cincinnati mayor's message on guns, violence worthwhile
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"With the homicide rate involving the use of guns rising in Rochester and across the nation, the symbolism embraced by the mayor of Cincinnati shouldn't be easily dismissed."

"Mayor Mark Mallory has been getting heat from people calling him names like 'wimp' since he refused to start a 5K race with a starter gun."

"Instead, to send a message about gun violence that's plaguing too many urban communities, Mallory chose to use a whistle."

"True, it's only a symbol. But it's one to which more people should pay heed." ...

UT: Gun play: Legislative posse failed to make a point
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A cadre of pistol-packing Utah legislators made a show of checking their sidearms before entering Hill Air Force Base and an oil refinery the other day. As political theater, which this surely was, it tended more toward farce than high drama." ...

""Their point may have been that people with concealed-carry permits traveling on mass transit might find themselves in a bind if they show up somewhere with a gun and are not welcome to carry it on the property. Without a safe place to store a weapon, they would have to forgo entering the premises."

"True enough. But if the legislators had the foresight to arrange for someone to store their firearms for them, they also could have had the foresight simply not to bring a firearm." ...

KY: Fletcher, Beshear courting gun owners in governor's race
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Gov. Ernie Fletcher owns guns. So does his Democratic challenger Steve Beshear. And so do each of their running mates."

"In a state like Kentucky, where families commonly own guns, it's politically wise for candidates to say they have a shotgun or rifle around the house and to voice support for the right to bear arms, said Larry Sabato, director of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia."

"'It's standard politics throughout the South and the border states,' Sabato said. 'I can't remember the last statewide candidate for major office in the South who has won election by supporting gun control.'" ...

KS: Veteran Police Officer Charged With Stealing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sgt. Larry D. Keating, who was once in charge of Olathe's Gang Task Force, was accused of taking property from the Police Department's evidence room."

"Flink said the criminal complaint shows charges of felony stealing of $2,250 and a second count of misdemeanor theft of less than $1,000. ..."

"'As chief of police, one of the worst things you can have happen is for an employee, a former employee, to be brought up on criminal charges,' Olathe Police Chief Janet Thiessen said."

"The case against Keating is in the hands of the Johnson County District Attorney's Office. Flink reported that Keating will be in court on Aug. 28." ...

NY: Tuxedo cop says he stole police funds
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The former acting police chief of the Village of Tuxedo Park pleaded guilty yesterday in Orange County Court to pocketing money that should have been used for new police computers."

"Robert Culhane, 45, of Washingtonville, pleaded guilty to fourth-degree grand larceny, a felony. Culhane decided to plead guilty while being investigated by an Orange County grand jury, District Attorney Frank Phillips said."

"Culhane admitted that he stole more than $1,000 from a Tuxedo Park Police Benevolent Association fund ... The money had been solicited from villagers to buy computers for the police department." ...

H/t to David Codrea who points out they don't mention the missing guns.

Canada: Officer charged with trafficking in firearms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Five criminal charges have been laid against a Calgary police officer who allegedly collected weapons intended for a provincial gun amnesty program."

"The charges against the 18-year veteran, including breach of trust by a public officer and trafficking in firearms, were announced Thursday."

"'We took this investigation very seriously,' said Insp. Ken Marchant. 'It's imperative that our officers remain high in their level of honesty and integrity. We rely on that.'"

"The officer, who worked on the month-long gun amnesty program last October, allegedly collected 51 weapons — 41 were found in the officer's home and 10 were found in a gun shop in the village of Warburg, Marchant said." ...

NJ: Cheer agreement keep guns in sights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy has been a vocal advocate for local and state law enforcement to have greater access to federal firearms data that could shed light on the source of illegal guns, a scourge of urban areas."

"With the announcement that New Jersey and the federal [BATFE] will forge a new partnership that will provide extensive gun trace information to local officials, it seems that long sought for day is here."

"The agreement gives the state and local police departments access to the ATF's e-trace system - a database that shows who first purchased a gun, where it was bought and when - helping investigators follow the source of illegal guns and track broad trafficking patterns." ...

MN: New target: Women hunters
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After a half-century of frigid November mornings passed in deer stands with a vintage .308 Remington cradled in her arms, Ruth Magnuson, 72, was putting her hunting experience to use last week, nurturing eager students."

"This was not a collection of 12-year-olds hoping to pass a firearms safety class, but more than three dozen girls and women attending the first Minnesota Department of Natural Resources adult hunting clinic."

"With its focus on women, the outing was a fresh take on an effort by the agency to get Minnesotans outdoors and bolster the declining number of hunters. Though they are roughly half the population, women represent only a small fraction of its game seekers." ...

WY: State challenges feds over gun-rights restoration
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The state of Wyoming says the federal agency that enforces gun laws was wrong to reject a state law that seeks to allow people convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence to regain their firearms rights in the state courts."

"Wyoming this week filed its opening brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals in Denver, challenging a ruling issued in May by U.S. District Judge Alan Johnson of Cheyenne." ...

CA: Reining in guns in San Francisco
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Regarding Mark Gasster's letter Sunday, Aug. 12, 'Scapegoating in San Francisco,' I'd like to respond."

"Here’s a simple idea: Gun violence begets gun violence. It’s out of hand."

"The arms that are traded at these types of shows do find their way into the hands of criminals, if not sooner, then often later. And really, handguns only exist for one purpose, to kill people. (Rifles work really well too.)" ...

Submitter's Note: If the sole purpose of handguns is to kill, then why do cops carry them?

AZ: Course lets ladies take aim
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While holding the gun, Debbie Albright closed her eyes and turned her face away when she first tried to learn how to shoot from her husband about three years ago."

"'I held it like a burning mouse,' she said. 'It was loud and scary. I had blisters on my shoulders and I didn’t like it.'"

"But soon after she decided to give shooting another shot. This time she left her husband at home and attended a women-only class, the Annie Oakley Sure Shots firearms safety class at the Ben Avery Shooting Facility in Phoenix."

"She began attending the classes weekly and eventually became a safety coach and trainer for the group. She loved the time she spent at the range and the friendships she formed there." ...

UK: Knifeman launches Tyne Bridge attack on police officer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A KNIFEMAN attempted to stab a police officer through the open window of his patrol van in an attack on Newcastle's Tyne Bridge last night."

"Officers used a Taser to restrain the 23-year-old man, who was today in custody."

"The officers were on patrol just before midnight on Friday when they came across a man who was walking in the middle of road on the Tyne Bridge and was in danger of being knocked down by traffic."

"A Northumbria Police spokesman said: 'The driver of the police vehicle wound down his window to warn the man of the danger he was in when the man attacked the officer through the window of the police van with knives.'" ...

UK: Knife crime doubles in 2 years
Submitted by: William A. Shields

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"THE full extent of Britain’s violent crime epidemic, which yesterday claimed the life of another teenager, is revealed in shocking new figures that show the number of street robberies involving knives has more than doubled in two years."

"Attacks in which a knife was used in a successful mugging have soared, from 25,500 in 2005 to 64,000 in the year to April 2007. The figures mean that each day last year saw, on average, 175 robberies at knife-point in England and Wales – up from 110 the year before and from 69 in 2004-5."

"The study, by the Centre for Crime and Justice Studies ... is based on the government’s own statistics. It shows that knives are used in one in five muggings, twice the frequency reported two years ago. ..." ...

A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government. — George Washington

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