'Guns in the hands of good people'
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"June 28, 2008, was a defining moment in my life. It was the day I shot and killed a man in the defense of my life and the lives of others. We all have defining moments. They might not be as tragic as taking another man's life, but they are events that change the way we look at things -- or even, perhaps, how we live our lives."
"Before that muggy Saturday evening in June, I would have said my defining moments were many: graduating from high school; enlisting in the Army; getting married; having children; getting run over by a tow truck; and especially, meeting my fiancée, Maria. All of these events, and more, have happened in my life and changed me." ... |
Progress: Examples of unbiased media coverage of church security subject in wake of TN church attack
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"As a regular church attendee, the issue of church security and the more than 500% increase in church shootings over the past 8 years is near and dear to my heart. In recent months, I have written several articles on the subject of the need for security preparations in places of worship." ...
"Typically when discussions of making preparations to harden soft targets such as schools and university campuses is discussed, the mainstream media is quick to attack the idea. But as two recent news stories indicate, even news outlets in anti-gun cities like Cleveland and Pittsburgh are becoming more willing to at least give unbiased coverage of the issue." ... |
Bid to allow guns in national parks
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"Visitors to America's national parks may soon be able to pack more than a picnic lunch on their next visit to Yellowstone, the Everglades, or the Grand Canyon."
"The US Interior Department is considering a proposal to scrap a 25-year ban on carrying concealed weapons in national parks."
"If adopted, the measure would mark a significant victory for gun rights advocates and would come at a time when gun control efforts are under increased scrutiny across the country." ... |
Winchester Model 12
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"Once upon a time in America, skeet fields were cluttered with pump guns, and the dominant type was the Winchester Model 12. World War II was over, and the Korean matter was still to come. It was a catch-up period for the entire country as folks attempted to transition their lives back into something approaching 'normal,' although normal would never be the same as it had been before the Big One."
"Although skeet shooting began in 1920, the National Skeet Shooting Association that still governs the sport was not founded until December 1946, which means this particular gun was made when that organization (founded with the help of the National Rifle Association) was still in its infancy." ... |
Brady Campaign Praises Representative Kirk For Bill That Would Close Background Check Loophole
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, praised a bill introduced by Representative Mark Kirk (R-IL) that closes the gun 'fire sale' loophole. This loophole allows gun dealers to sell off their inventory without background checks after having their federal firearms licenses revoked. H.R. 6664 would limit gun dealers from transferring firearms after their licenses are revoked or a renewal is denied."
"'It makes no sense to allow gun dealers whose licenses have been revoked to still sell guns. These are dealers who have disregarded federal law and cannot be trusted to keep guns out of the wrong hands,' Helmke said. 'Closing this loophole will strengthen the Brady background check system ...'" ... |
Billboard to host new gun-control 'ad'
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"The gun-control activist whose provocative billboards have been turning heads along the Massachusetts Turnpike for 13 years today will unveil one of his most eye-popping messages yet - a fake neon advertisement for American gun shows where people can buy weapons, no questions asked."
"'We Sell Guns! No ID required. No background checks. Criminals and terrorists welcome!' the billboard peals." ...
"At 5,000 gun shows in 32 states, people can buy guns without undergoing a background check or being asked for identification, according to Stop Handgun Violence. Though dealers at gun shows are federally licensed and are required to contact the [NICS], private sellers can trade guns unchecked in those states." ... |
Texas Plan For Guns In School May Not Comply With State Law
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"In response to recent reports that a small 110-student school district in north Texas allows school staff to be armed without being licensed by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education, the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence has released an analysis indicating that such policies apparently violate Texas law."
"'It is a myth that 'gun-free schools' somehow make our children more vulnerable,' said Brady Center President Paul Helmke. 'In fact, America's schools are some of the safest places for them to be. ... Adding more guns in school can only put our kids at greater risk." ... |
New York Mayor, Illinois Congressman Tout Gun Bill
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg was in Chicago on Monday working with area mayors to draft legislation to keep illegal guns off the streets."
"NBC5's Rob Stafford reported that there is a loophole in federal gun laws that allows gun dealers to sell off their inventory without doing background checks on customers -- known as the 'fire sale loophole.'"
"The loophole applies to gun dealers who have had their licenses revoked, and some lawmakers said those are the last people who should be selling guns to buyers who have not been checked out." ... -------
KABA Note: So Bloomie and Kirk want an FFL to not only lose his liveliehood, but also all of his property as well? |
NY: Community encouraged to attend Gun Violence Task Force meeting
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"Albany's Gun Violence Task Force meets again Tuesday night and members are hoping for a big turnout."
"Members of the task force are asking the community to come out and voice their concerns and suggestions."
"One chairperson for the task force said residents are the best people to make suggestions because they know better than anyone what needs to change."
"Gun Violence Task Force Chairperson Rev. Valerie Faust said, 'Hopefully[sic] we're going to get this unity that we've been looking for for a long time to get these changes. The community is still pretty much the same because we haven't reached the youth yet, we haven't reached the ones who are causing this mayhem and violence. We really have a long way to go.'" ... |
DC: Ricky, Get Yer Gun
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The fight over second amendment rights in the District of Columbia is far from over, as local lawmakers continue scrambling to try to re-write laws to “honor” the Heller decision while still making it virtually impossible to obtain a permit. However, while that process drags on, one of the principals in the case has achieved at least a temporary and symbolic victory. Dick Heller has his gun permit."
"The man whose lawsuit overturned Washington’s handgun ban has successfully registered his revolver, ending a more than 30-year wait to keep the weapon in his home." ... |
IN: 2 Shot In Apparent Apartment Break-In
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"Two people were shot in a home break-in early Monday morning at an apartment complex on Indianapolis' east side." ...
"Police said they found two men had been shot. One was believed to be a resident of the apartment complex and the other was possibly an intruder ..."
"The resident was struck in the head and the other man was hit in the chest. Their injuries were believed to be serious but not life-threatening."
"'There was possibly a break-in through the rear of the house,' said IMPD Detective Kevin Duley. 'Two occupants were in the apartment at the time of the break-in.'"
"Police said they think the two men traded shots. ..." |
ND: Minot Shooting Called Self-Defense
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... "Minot Police were called to this RV park ... for reports of gun shots fired. When they arrived they found 42-year old Jonnie Guerrero with three gunshots wounds to his leg. Shortly thereafter they also found a female and two males sitting outside a nearby trailer." ...
"... the group had been sitting outside when Guerrero approached them and started causing problems leading to a fight that eventually turned physical."
"'The altercation blossomed into the gun shot victim brining a large metal pipe of some kind, allegedly, and swinging it at this lady's husband. She was in fear of his life and therefore she took the gun she had in her pocket out and fired four rounds,' says Det. Sundbakken." ... |
KS: Family Fights Back In Home Invasion
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"A family fought back against a group of armed intruders that broke into a Kansas City, Kan., home early Friday morning, police said."
"Police received a 911 call from a house ... just after midnight."
"A man who lives in the house said when the men burst into the house, his son was able to escape and get help while he and his brother were held at gunpoint."
"'These guys had us in there for about 20 minutes. One of them came outside and tried to get in my Escalade. When that guy went outside, my brother, who was here with me, jumped up and grabbed the gun from him. I went downstairs and grabbed my gun, and the shootout was on after that,' the man said."
"Two of the alleged intruders were wounded in the shooting." ... |
New York mayor 'happy' to advise next president
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"John McCain and Barack Obama might be winnowing their list of potential running mates, but New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg -- a former Democrat and current Republican whose name has been included in the vice-presidential guessing game -- had no bombshells to announce as he passed through the North Shore on Monday." ...
"... Bloomberg said. 'Public safety is our highest priority ... This isn't about gun control, it's about crime control. It isn't about the Second Amendment, it's about keeping guns out of the hands of criminals.'"
"'Reasonable gun laws should be enforced,' Bloomberg added. 'It is not unreasonable to say when a gun dealer loses their license that they shouldn't be able to sell their guns out on the street.'" |
NY: Race in the 117th Assembly
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... "I have fought for the rights of our sportsmen, defending on the Assembly floor their Second Amendment rights against a barrage of bad legislation. Those efforts have brought to me the endorsement and support of the National Rifle Association and the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association."
"And finally, let me say that in politics, seniority brings with it respect and added clout. I am at a point where I believe my district can most benefit from both my life experiences and my legislative background."
"Assemblyman Marc Butler is running for re-election to the state Assembly's 117th District seat. He is running on the Republican, Conservative and Independence party lines." -------
Submitter's Note: Marc, it's not about 'sporting purposes'. |
IL: Kirk gets boost from N.Y.'s Bloomberg on gun-control stance
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk snagged a high-profile endorsement from New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg while announcing his push for gun-control legislation Monday." ...
"Kirk is sponsoring legislation to close a so-called loophole that allows gun dealers to sell weapons without the required background checks if their distribution licenses are revoked."
"The measure is one of several that Bloomberg and other mayors across the country are pushing through the Mayors Against Illegal Guns coalition." ...
"Kirk has long been a proponent of gun-control measures, including a ban on assault weapons and gun show sales that lack background checks. ..." ... |
We're the Only Ones Priceless Enough
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"Bullet: $ 0.10" "Cool Cop Vest: $ 39.99" "Big-Time Federal Training: $100,000" "Shooting your buddy in the leg and leaving your loaded gun in a hallway full of cons: PRICELESS" "A 'twofer!' I suppose records are made to be broken, but I never really thought I'd see an 'Only One' out-Lee Paige Lee Paige on tape." -------
Submitter's Note: This is video from the ND in a Texas courthouse a few weeks ago. |
NY: Records missing in gun probe
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"The Albany Police Department either destroyed records or failed to document its internal investigation of the illegal purchase of machine guns by dozens of Albany police officers and at least one civilian."
"The gap in record-keeping was revealed recently when the city was forced by a judge's order to release its files on the machine guns ..." ...
"... the documents show there were apparently 52 machine guns purchased, and that at least nine are missing." ...
"The scandal was kept quiet by the police force after it was discovered in late 2002 by agents with the [BATFE]. The ATF found one of the machine guns -- still registered to the police force -- illegally listed for sale in a Colonie gun store, B & J Guns." ... -------
Submitter's Note: As David Codrea points out: "Since 2002? Gee, it didn't take BATFU anywhere near that long to put away Wayne Fincher or David Olofson." |
KY: Jury Awards Louisville Woman In Police Brutality Case
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"Five years after a Louisville woman claimed a former Strathmoor Village police officer attacked her and charged her with crimes she didn't commit, a jury has sided with her and awarded her more than $1 million." ...
"On April 26, 2004, a Jefferson County jury acquitted her on all charges. She said it took jurors only four minutes to make their decision. She then sued Wilder and the city of Strathmoor Village and learned this wasn't Wilder's first offense."
"'He's been fired from four different police forces,' said DeCamillis Raque's attorney, Steve Romines. 'He's had more complaints lodged against him than any police officer I've ever seen.'" ... |
ID: Red's Holds Ribbon Cutting at New Location
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"After 72 years in the same location, Idaho’s oldest gun shop is opening up in a larger building in 'Old Towne' Twin Falls."
Red's Trading Post hosted a ribbon cutting at their new store ..."
"The new Red's is right next door to Woody's and plenty of people turned out today to look at the store's merchandise."
"Reds Manager Ryan Horsley says, "It's at least double the size of our previous location. We even have a full downstairs, about ten thousand square feet. So we have a lot of room.'" ...
"Horsley says the store's current case against the B-A-T-F is still in process, but he says the store is moving forward anyway." |
To trust arms in the hands of the people at large has, in Europe, been believed...to be an experiment fraught only with danger. Here by a long trial it has been proved to be perfectly harmless...If the government be equitable; if it be reasonable in its exactions; if proper attention be paid to the education of children in knowledge and religion, few men will be disposed to use arms, unless for their amusement, and for the defence of themselves and their country. — Timothy Dwight, Travels in New England and New York [London 1823] |