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Newslinks for 8/20/2010

SAF Files Amicus Brief in Nordyke Case, Argues for Strict Scrutiny
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment Foundation has filed an amicus curiae brief in the long-running Nordyke v. King case in California, arguing that Second Amendment issues must be decided on a 'strict scrutiny' basis, and that an ordinance in Alameda County banning gun shows at the county fairgrounds is unconstitutional because it would not withstand that standard of review."

"This case was a catalyst for the U.S. Supreme Court to hear SAF's case challenging the handgun ban in Chicago, because in an earlier Nordyke ruling – subsequently set aside in favor of a full en banc hearing by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals – created a conflict in the circuits over Second Amendment incorporation." ...

SAF files amicus in Nordyke case; 10-year-olds and guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment Foundation has filed an amicus curiae brief in the long-running California case of Nordyke v. King, which could result in the establishment of a strict scrutiny standard of review for every gun law in the country."

"This column discussed the Nordyke case more than a year ago here, and things really haven’t changed, except for the calendar. Russell and Sallie Nordyke operated a gun show at the Alameda County fairgrounds. There as a shooting incident at the fair in 1998 that was totally unrelated to the gun show, but county officials used the incident to prohibit firearms on county property, including the fairgrounds." ...

Does Florida gun turn-in program create even more dangers?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Does that 'no questions asked' cover us during transport, or might we get more 'kicks for guns' than we bargained for?" ...

Firearms and the Constitution Versus Treaties
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Recently I attended a gun show, where I handed out information material and answered questions on the Tenth Amendment Center. Several people were concerned about the U.S. making a treaty that would gut the U.S. Constitution and potentially take away firearms from law-abiding citizens here in the U.S. They argued that the paragraph above from the Constitution places treaty law above the Constitution as the supreme law of the land."

"... It is quite illogical to conceive that our Founders would write such a brilliant document to be the foundation of our union, only to create a giant backdoor for foreign governments to come in and destroy the liberty we had worked so hard to achieve. In fact, our Founders themselves said otherwise." ...

Investigative report proves failure of Chicago's gun control policies
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Chicago Sun-Times is running an investigative report on the 59 hours of violence that took place over an unforgettable April weekend in 2008. When the dust settled, 40 Chicagoans were added to the countless victims of the unrelenting violence that has long plagued the city. While Mayor Richard Daley blames guns, and gun dealers, for his inability to stop the carnage, The Sun-Times research shows that an ineffective crime prevention policy is more likely to blame."

"In 2009, the vaunted Chicago Police Department, which Mayor Daley claims is among the best in the world, cleared only 18% of non-fatal shootings." ...

There is No Gun Show Loophole
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An interesting comment from DDS underneath's revelation that The Windy City is hosting a gun control confab. The attendees are striving to close the proverbial 'gun show loophole.' ... Aside from the fact that gun show sales represent a fraction of the ballistic weapons used in gun crimes, DDS points out that any such legislation would have to come from the Department of Redundancy Department . . ." ...
"Other sellers cannot run said background check even if they wished to do so, because the system requires the sellers FFL number for the check to be run. The irony is that many of the people described above as 'private sellers' used to have FFL's, but were required to give them up by the Clinton administration."

The Truth Behind "The Truth behind America’s 'civilian militias'"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Brits hate Americans. Sorry, but there it is. They think we're boorish, uneducated, lazy, insular, violent and stupid. The British press go out of their way to promulgate this less-than-flattering view of their 'American cousins.' They never miss an opportunity to 'expose' a group of Americans who fit their remit. The Truth behind America's 'civilian militias' in today's Telegraph is a classic of the genre: a journalistically reprehensible character assassination that smears an entire country by linking a skewed 'interview' with misleading generalizations and irrelevant anecdotes. Allow me to tear Alex Hannaford a new orifice on our nation's behalf . . ." ...

NSSF provides $231,796 in grants to shooting ranges, including one in central Ohio
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Shooting Sports Foundation has awarded grants totaling $231,796 to nine shooting facilities through its Range Partnership Grant Program. New marketing strategies designed to motivate individuals, particularly youth and inactive shooters, to go target shooting and hunting dominated this year's winning proposals."

"'With target shooting participation at a record high, this is the perfect time to encourage millions of active shooters to share their passion for our sports with a youngster or adult newcomer,' said Steve Sanetti, president of NSSF ... '... these grants help ranges remind people in their communities that they can get a supervised, safe introduction to shooting close to home.'" ...

Blah Blago Go Bla-Bla
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After the jury deadlocked this week on everything but the charge of lying to the FBI, Rod Blagojevich ... and his lawyer hit on the theme that twelve people had determined the Government had not shown proof that he was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt."

"Au Contraire. Three of the jurors have now come forward to say that only ONE of their number refused to find him guilty of the core charge, attempting to sell President Obama's vacated Senate seat."

"Blago's reaction echoes his behavior as a powerful activist against the rights of Illinois gun owners ... Lots of rhetoric, unsupported by the facts and indeed contradicted by the facts, and a stubborn refusal to face reality." ...

The Kentucky Rifle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On October 7, 1777, General Simon Fraser of the British Army was felled from his horse while commanding troops on the battlefield."

"The fatal shot was hurled from the barrel of Timothy Murphy's Kentucky Rifle at close to 500 yards."

"A frontiersman, Murphy was among the most talented shooters in the elite squad of Morgan's Kentucky Riflemen."

"The preferred soldier battle implement of the day was a smooth bore musket, which could be fired and reloaded five to six times in a minute by a skilled practitioner. A Kentucky Rifle, on the other hand, due to its tight fitting leather wad and ball could only be loaded and fired one or two times within a minute." ...

The Secret Life of Trigger Discipline
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There are two golden rules for gun safety. Rule one, never point a gun at something you don’t want to destroy. Rule two: keep your finger off the trigger until you've decided to destroy it. 'Muzzle discipline' means more than avoiding putting hapless humans in your sights. You should also refrain from potentially destroying your non-gun hand, your right foot, your neighbor's extremities, the plexiglass range lane divider and anything else that might cause 'issues.' To that end, follow the rabbi's advice. Imagine there’s a five-foot flame coming out of the gun’s muzzle. By the same token, 'trigger control' means more than keeping your finger off the go-pedal during transportation . . ." ...

Praxis: The Sangin Sniper
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"From an article in the Wall street Journal entitled 'Sniper in Afghan Town Puts Marines on Edge' by Michael M. Phillips:" ...

"Like I said, interesting. I hope they kill the goat-molester soon, if for no other sake than the American and British mothers of these boys who are sitting back at home. They don't say what weapons platform is suspected, only that the sniper has a 'long rifle,' nor do they say whether the caliber is 7.62x54R or .303 British. Obviously it is at least thirty caliber. The one lesson that can be drawn is that one man is giving a whole lot of Brits and American Marines the fits."

Brady Campaign to "Reclaim" MLK's Dream
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Saturday, August 28, 2010, thousands of people are expected to rally and march on behalf of the dream that the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. shared so eloquently 47 years ago on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial."

"Representatives of the Brady Campaign and Brady Center ... will be at the Reclaim the Dream rally ... followed by a march to the site of the King Memorial along the Tidal Basin." ...

"The roots of King’s dream were planted in the soil of non-violence. They were nurtured by the soothing rains of brotherhood. They withstood battering by the bitter winds of hatred and ignorance. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Paulie really should Google Deacons for Defense and Justice before he starts talking about Dr. King's nonviolent successes.

AZ: Plenty of smoke, no fire from the right
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Another day, another week, both filled with ... right-wingers screaming about how their rights are being 'plowed under' and that the liberals just don't get it.

"They are right - I don't get it. You say your rights are being violated? How so? ..."

"What's that - you say your Second Amendment gun rights are being violated? Give me a break. This year, the Supreme Court, in two major rulings, upheld the right to bear arms in all circumstances. Your guns aren't going anywhere." ...

Submitter's Note: Really? All circumstances, eh? So if I show up at the Capitol building in DC openly carrying a FN FiveseveN, I won't be gang tackled and charged with multiple felonies? I can go to the Post Office with a .357 on my hip and not have anyone call 9-1-1? I can walk up Broadway in Manhattan from Battery Park to Union Square Station with an AK variant slung over my shoulder and I will remain unmolested?

PA: OPPONENTS OF common-sense laws to preven[sic]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"OPPONENTS OF common-sense laws to prevent gun violence ... claim the court's recent ruling in McDonald v. City of Chicago gives them the right to carry guns anywhere, anyplace, all the time. But that isn’t what the Supreme Court actually said in its decision."

"The court sent the Chicago handgun ban back to the lower courts and extended the Second Amendment to apply to state and local gun laws ..."

"However, the court also said reasonable regulations of firearms are permitted under our Constitution. They always have been, and they always will be."

"So what does the court’s ruling mean for Pennsylvania?"

"CeaseFirePA believes that reasonable regulations on firearms are necessary ..." ...

The Armed Citizen: Latest Update
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"News about the Righthaven lawsuits is spreading like wildfire online. This is partly a result of new victims being added (the total is now over 100 lawsuits) and partly because the blogosphere is the quickest way to spread any news."

"A quick search of Google News reveals multiple news sources covering the story, and the Righthaven trolls even made the front page of in an article entitled Is This the Birth of the Copyright Troll? (The article notes that the parent company of the Las Vegas Review-Journal, Stephens Media LLC, owns 'a small stake' in Righthaven. Perhaps this explains why a start-up company can afford to pay $35,000 in filing costs plus thousands in copyright registration fees while having ten employees on the payroll?)" ...

Put it all in front of the people
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It should be obvious by now that our outdated U.S. Constitution is wholly unsuited for modern times. ..."

"Fortunately, I have a solution that brings the Constitution in line with today's society — a Constitutional referendum."

"Here's how it would work. On Election Day 2012, ... all the voters in the United States will have a chance to vote on keeping parts of the Constitution. Everything — the articles, the amendments — would be up for grabs. If we as a nation want something, we'll keep it. If not, see ya. ..." ...

"Among the amendments, I'm guessing that the right to bear arms ... isn't going anywhere, but there are a whole bunch in four through eight that can go if you're the law-and-order type ..." ...

Submitter's Note: My rights are not subject to your vote.

TX: Armed woman shoots at a home invader in self defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police say that at about 6:15PM, a woman returned to her Liberty County, TX home, and found a burglar inside. Fearing for her safety, the woman reportedly grabbed and fired her self defense handgun, missing the intruder but causing him to jump out of a window. A neighbor is said to have helped the homeowner detail the intruder until police could arrive and arrest him. A suspect, reportedly identified as 21 year old Nicholas Adam Tanner, is said to have been taken into custody and treated for broken glass injuries to his arm and hand, according to police." ...

FL: Cops: Boy helps Mom During rape attempt
Submitted by: Hugh Green

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"A pregnant woman's young son helped her fight off a man who was trying to rape her in her home, deputies said." ...

"After hearing the noise, the woman's son, who deputies said may have been as young as 3 years old, picked up a broom and hit the man, police said. Minchey pushed the boy into an entertainment center and the woman threatened to call 911, prompting Minchey to leave and go home, police said." ...

"Minchey, 55, was arrested and charged with attempted rape, child abuse, burglary and aggravated battery. He is being held on $60,000 bond."

WV: Gun rights organization takes aim at Charleston
Submitted by: West Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.

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"Leaders of West Virginia's largest gun rights lobby are taking aim at Charleston's latest gun control initiative."

"Earlier this week, Charleston Police Chief Brent Webster announced Project Gun Safe, a multi-pronged program asking the local community to help police get guns off of the city's streets."

"The program includes a gun buyback program for unwanted guns, $100 to informants who give police information that leads to an arrest for an illegal weapon and an option to allow citizens to write down the manufacturers and serial numbers of all their weapons and give the information to the police department in case the weapons are stolen, lost or turn up in a crime." ...

WV: ‘Open-carry’ luncheon will discuss firearms
Submitted by: West Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.

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"An 'open-carry luncheon' will be held at Sissy's Family Restaurant Saturday, the first event of its kind to be hosted locally by the West Virginia Citizens Defense League Inc."

"According to the group's Eastern Panhandle representative, Art Thomm, the CDL is a nonprofit grassroots organization that works at the state level to support legislation that protects the right to keep and bear arms, as protected by both the state constitution and the Second Amendment of the United Sates Constitution."

"Thomm, who has been involved with the CDL for a year, said he attended a CDL open-carry luncheon in Charleston within the last year, and he wanted to introduce the type of event locally." ...

TX: Gun rights advocates blast rules
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"County commissioners found themselves in the middle of a political shooting gallery Wednesday as gun rights advocates took them to task for a proposed order on handgun restrictions at county facilities."

"While the order was little more than a housekeeping issue to ensure the county was within state law, wording on the agenda had Second Amendment defenders worried the county was embarking on a quest to ban guns."

"That was enough for the commissioners to defer action, waiting for a clearer agenda." ...

Multiple Legal Briefs Filed In Nordyke V. Alameda Over Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Multiple briefs have been filed in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals supporting gun show owners who have challenged an Alameda County ordinance banning firearms on county property, including the county fairgrounds."

"These include amicus briefs by the National Rifle Association, CATO Institute, Second Amendment Foundation, and Calguns Foundation, as well as the brief for the plaintiffs, the Nordykes. Yesterday The CRPA Foundation (CRPAF) filed its amicus brief."

"Copies of the briefs are being posted at as they become available." ...

IL: Chicago Faces New Gun Rights Lawsuit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the latest gun rights-related lawsuit, three residents and a gun range designer, Action Target, have taken on the city of Chicago over the law banning shooting ranges within municipal boundaries."

"Filed in the United States District Court in Chicago, the lawsuit — which is supported by the Second Amendment Foundation and the Illinois Rifle Association — claims the ban violates the U.S. Constitution."

"SAF executive vice president Alan M. Gottlieb also pointed to the apparent contradiction of the ordinance, which prohibits public gun ranges inside the city but requires handgun owners to complete at least one hour of range training time."

"'This is a 'Catch-22' scenario,' Gottlieb emphasized ..." ...

ID: Court case reignites gun debate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Supreme Court decided June 28 the second Amendment allowed Chicago citizens the right to keep handguns in their home within city limits. Currently this ruling will not effect the state of Idaho or the University of Idaho." ...

"Idaho does have restrictions stating a person, even with a concealed weapons permit, may not hold a weapon on a public or private campus."

"Article VI of the University of Idaho Student Code of Conduct Handbook says any firearm brought onto campus must be unloaded, have a trigger lock and be enclosed in a case. ..."

"Al Baker, ... the Idaho state director for Students for Concealed Carry on Campus, said he does not know how one has the right to defend themselves under those rules." ...

MN: Al Franken finds a hole in his condo window
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Writing a headline over a story about what might be a hole shot in the window of Al Franken's downtown Minneapolis condo is tricky business. After all, we've had more than 30 homicides in Minneapolis this year, and a lot more shootings to boot. If someone shot at the senator's window, that's news."

"But as MPD spokesman Sgt. Bill Palmer tells the AP, if the hole Franken found had come from an actual bullet, it would have almost certainly pierced the double-paned window all the way through -- and that didn't happen." ...

"It's tempting blow the whole thing off. Maybe Franken's home is under attack from a mad teabagger exercising his Second Amendment rights with a peashooter." ...

Submitter's Note: Why is the unlawful use of a weapon considered 'exercising [one's] Second Amendment rights'? Is graffiti blamed on the First Amendment?

WA: One down, many to go following Tuesday primary
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Associate Justice Jim Johnson's overwhelming victory in Tuesday's primarily election secures his seat for another term on Washington State's Supreme Court, while Justice Richard Sanders will face a run-off in November."

"In the Evergreen State's gun rights community, Johnson and Sanders are viewed as the pillars of sanity when it comes to Article 1, Section 24 of the State Constitution, not to mention the recently-incorporated Second Amendment. Here is a pair of justices who recognized long before the U.S. Supreme Court made it the law of the land that the Second Amendment did apply to the states, through the 14th Amendment." ...

NY: SCOPE in on a sociable shindig for shooters
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There will be big doin's in Penn Yan this Saturday, Aug. 21. The Eighth Annual pig roast and 'Meet the Candidates' will be hosted from 3 until 6 p.m. by the Yates County chapter of the Shooters' Committee On Political Education, better known as SCOPE."

"This event allows individuals to get up close to candidates who are seeking national, state and local offices. Questions are welcome, but the emphasis centers on ... how these politicians feel about a citizen's right to keep and bear arms."

"After a spring when anti-gun forces in Albany introduced bill after bill that was aimed at law-abiding citizens, not criminals, opportunities like this are important as we search for supporters of this important right to represent us." ...

FL: Praising his pro-life, Second Amendment bona fides, Huckabee endorses McCollum
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Though Bill McCollum has fallen behind his primary opponent Rick Scott in campaign cash, he has no shortage of big-name endorsements. An ad unveiled in May showed former Gov. Jeb Bush touting McCollum as 'the kind of solid leader Florida needs' and in June, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney endorsed Florida’s attorney general."

"Just yesterday, former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee proclaimed his endorsement of McCollum, and will reportedly make an appearance in Jacksonville this weekend alongside him." ...

KY: Conway eschews labels, defends positions and challenges Paul
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Wearing a white 'Kentucky Proud' apron and grinning from ear to ear, Democratic U.S. Senate candidate served fruit in the buffet line Thursday morning at the Kentucky State Fair's Commodities Breakfast."

"And Conway was also dishing it out to Republican opponent Rand Paul." ...

"In a Rasmussen Reports poll released on Wednesday (August 18), 43% of Kentucky voters believe Conway is politically liberal, but 32% say he’s moderate."

"Conversely, 75% of those polled regard Paul as a political conservative."

"Conway says he has distinguished himself from Republicans on key issues ..."

"In the next breath, Conway reiterated his more conservative positions on tax cuts and support for the Second Amendment." ...

IA: Iowa Attorney General Candidate Brenna Fidley on tour (audio clip)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Candidate for Attorney General of Iowa Brenna Fidley is currently touring all 99 Iowa counties asking Iowans for their vote so she can stand up for them. Findley talks about what a majority of the public is concerned about….

Findley says that she also supports the Second Amendment and doesn’t have a campaign office because she wants to be out helping Iowans. Findley has recently been endorsed by former Vice Presidential Nominee and Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin.

FL: Some straight shooting on guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a political season full of distortions, exaggerations and outright lies, Republican gubernatorial candidate Rick Scott draws distinction for the most ludicrous claim."

"A recent mailer ... warns that McCollum 'is targeting gun owners.'"

"It points out Scott received a higher ranking from the [NRA] than McCollum, which is true, if curious."

"Marion Hammer, the state NRA lobbyist, bestowed an A rating on Scott for being an NRA member and owning a couple of books about Second Amendment rights."

"McCollum was given only a B, but this ignored a lifetime of defending gun owners' rights. He was penalized for engaging in the gun-rights battle, while Scott was rewarded for having stayed out of the fray." ...

MI: Royal Oak to allow guns at Arts, Beats, and Eats, but wants a state gun ban for public buildings
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Even as the City of Royal Oak bows to pressure from gun rights activists and prepares to eliminate an illegal gun ban at the upcoming Arts, Beats, and Eats festival, the city continues to show its anti-gun ways by preparing to ask for a statewide ban on guns in public buildings." ...

Crime victim persecuted for being gun owner
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It used to be in this country that if you were arrested for a crime you were presumed innocent until trial. Now if you are a crime victim you may be perceived as a criminal if you are a gun owner. ..."

"In the wee hours of an August morning, Rockford (IL) police were called by the victim's neighbors to report a burglary. ... The burglar had fled, but the police were surprised to find a collection of about three hundred firearms. The 67 year-old homeowner was out of town. Research by police showed he is a legal FOID cardholder in Illinois and the guns apparently were registered. Nevertheless the police proceeded to stack his firearms outside his home and then take the guns into custody. ..." ...

ID: Meridian Police bust down wrong door looking for suspect
Submitted by: none

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"A Meridian couple got quite the scare Wednesday night when police broke through their front door unexpectedly with guns drawn."

"One minute Bruce and Elaine Reager were watching TV inside their duplex on Summerdawn Street, and the next, Meridian Police had broken it down." ...

"The way the home is situated and the location of the numbers on the duplex may have led to the confusion."

"Police approached the home around 10:15 p.m. thinking it was just a single home and moved to what they thought was the front door."

"It ended up being a front door, but not the right front door." ...

"Meridian Police admit this was a mistake and have said they will take care of the repairs to the door and door frame." ...

KABA Note: Kudos to the MPD for admitting their mistake and promising to fix the door.

WI: Newspaper poll asks question resolved 138 yeas ago
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There is currently an online poll published by the Baraboo News Republic, asking the following question: (the responses were as of [Thursday 8/19] morning)"

"Do you think people in Wisconsin should be allowed to openly carry firearms in public?" ...

CA: The importance of gun safety
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's a horror story no parent wants to consider, but the accidental shooting of a 9-year-old boy in Camarillo on Aug. 18 while playing with his 13-year-old brother is a reminder of the immense responsibility that people must exercise when it comes to gun safety."

"Luckily, the boy was not killed and is now recovering ..."

"While all Americans are ensured the right to keep and bear arms under the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, California law requires gun owners keep firearms locked and out of the hands of children unless supervised by an adult." ...

Submitter's Note: So if kids can't get guns, then they don't need safety training, right? I wonder how many accidental shootings could be prevented by repealing these asinine laws . . .

SC: South Carolina's 2010-11 Budget Provides Tax Rebate, Exemption Measures
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The recently approved 2010-11 South Carolina Budget Bill (the Budget) provides for $4.9 billion in spending and includes several tax incentives and changes. The changes affect corporate and personal income tax, sales and use tax, and the motor fuels tax." ...

"Second Amendment Handgun Exemption Weekend"

"12:01a.m. Friday, November 26 through midnight Saturday November 27 is scheduled for the 2010 Second Amendment handgun exemption weekend. Taxes regularly imposed on the sales price of handguns and shot guns are exempt during that time." ...

MO: Second Amendment (tenth letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Aug. 4 letter writer Larry Seitter has the right idea about the importance of learning the nation's history, only he left out the Supreme Court. The judges don't seem to have read the Constitution or any of the thoughts of the Founding Fathers."

"If they had, they would know the Founding Fathers didn't want a standing army. They thought that was a sure road to anarchy. When the Revolutionary War was won, Gen. George Washington disbanded the army and sent them home."

"When Washington was president, he called up the militia to settle the Whiskey Rebellion. His show of force (10,000 militia men) settled the rebellion without firing a shot. Again, no standing army — everyone went home." ...

FL: Hometown Happenings 0820 (tenth item)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Second Amendment Club of America will meet Monday, Aug. 23, at the Cotee River Café, 12830 Shady Hills Road, Spring Hill. Social hour will begin at 6 p.m., and the general meeting will be held at 7 p.m. The club is open to all who believe in and support the second amendment regardless of political party. For information, call 727-841-8507 or visit its website at" ...

OH: Poachers Pay $7794.00 for Illegally Taking One Deer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two Seneca County men were sentenced in July for the illegal taking of a deer in the 2009 deer hunting season, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife. Restitution of $4625 was ordered paid by Judge Mark Repp of the Tiffin Municipal Court. The revised restitution law went into effect March 2008 and allows the ODNR Division of Wildlife to seek an increased recovery value on all illegally harvested wildlife." ...

Those, who have the command of the arms in a country are masters of the state, and have it in their power to make what revolutions they please. [Thus,] there is no end to observations on the difference between the measures likely to be pursued by a minister backed by a standing army, and those of a court awed by the fear of an armed people. — Aristotle, as quoted by John Trenchard and Water Moyle, An Argument Shewing, That a Standing Army Is Inconsistent with a Free Government, and Absolutely Destructive to the Constitution of the English Monarchy [London, 1697].

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