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Newslinks for 8/21/2003

Liberty, Safety & The Second Amendment
Submitted by: Jennifer Freeman

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"Gun-banners have a concocted a wildly ridiculous view that people everywhere are at risk of being shot either accidentally, on purpose by some crazed lunatic, or spontaneously at the site of a traffic accident. In the gun-banners' world, the mere presence of a firearm puts everyone at risk and therefore violates our (nonexistent) right to feel safe from firearm danger everywhere."

"This is insane, of course. From the birth of this nation to present day, the firearm is the ultimate symbol of freedom AND safety. It is the firearm that enabled us to win independence from the tyrannical King of England. In 1941, Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto is quoted as saying, 'You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass.' There is no telling how many other tyrants have been deterred by our formidable military and armed populace. Clearly only a madman with a death wish would dare attack the United States."

Defense of self, family is a personal duty
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Do I think there are villains around every corner waiting to pounce? Certainly not. To quote the Boy Scout motto, my intent is only to 'be prepared.' "

"I carry a spare tire in my car, have emergency supplies at home, and always wear my seatbelt, all so that I will be prepared. I have used my spare tire twice, never used the emergency supplies and found my seatbelt's restraints necessary only once. So why do I still maintain all those safeguards? Because I know that when I do need them, I'll need them desperately."

"For me, a handgun is much the same - a safeguard. I carry it and train with it just in case I ever need it."

Guns are equalizer for self-defense (Letter)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Ms. Matthews advocates gun control as a solution but apparently doesn’t realize that we already have gun control and do not have as she puts it 'the unfettered right to buy and sell guns.' ...Probably what she is advocating is not gun control, which we have, but gun elimination. That has been tried in England and Australia with disastrous results."

"Ms. Matthews may be young and strong and skilled in martial arts to the point where she feels capable of defending herself against some thug twice her size who is armed with a gun or knife. However, as an old man who is no longer the athlete that I never was I prefer to protect myself with an 'equalizer.' "

10 Commandments showdown tonight
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The U.S. Supreme Court rejected a last-minute appeal by "Ten Commandment's judge" Roy Moore to avoid a federal judge's midnight deadline to remove his display of the Decalogue from an Alabama judicial building."

"The justices said late this afternoon they would not be drawn into the dispute, at least for now, which centers on whether the monument violates the Constitution's First Amendment ban on establishment of religion, the Associated Press reported."

"Defenders of Moore held a candlelight vigil just after midnight, launching a round-the-clock protest as the deadline loomed for the federal court order."

Patriot Act: Instrument Of Government Terror
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Attorney General John Ashcroft claims that Patriot I has saved the country from additional September 11-style attacks, and that we should have passed it before the attack. When the bill was still before the Congress, Ashcroft was asked by Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) which of the new powers being given the federal government would have helped ward off September 11. Ashcroft answered that none would have."

"If Patriot II had been law of the land when Deacons for Defense were using guns to defend civil rights workers in the 1960's, they would have been declared a terrorist organization. As such they could have been arrested without charges, entitled to no lawyer, and kept incommunicado as long as the government chose..."

America fights for freedom to read
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"How much of a right to deceive the public do government officials deserve in the name of anti-terrorism? None of the false statements about library searches have anything to do with preserving national security -- only with protecting the image of the Justice Department and FBI. There is no need to give federal agents an unlimited right to rummage in Americans' lives in order to stop further al-Qaida attacks."

The Militia Threat Is Real
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"One of the most widely held beliefs of militia members is that the federal government is a co-conspirator with the United Nations, where the ultimate plan is to usurp sovereignty from Americans and thus effect international takeover of the country. Hence, militia members are almost always strict adherents to the Constitution, and oppose just about any government restriction that threatens individual rights. And nothing is more important to the militia movement than the Second Amendment, the right to keep and bear arms." ...

"While Capt. Snow is careful to admit that not all militia members prescribe to some of the more desperate and radical views that lead to tragic events like Columbine, Waco or Oklahoma City, he indirectly makes the case for profiling as a means of law enforcement. Most militia members are law-abiding citizens; many are people who believe the federal government exercises too much authority over us, but they have no ambition to wreak havoc over the lives of others."

Our Founding Fathers Return
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"HAMILTON: Fellow citizens, it really disturbs us to see how you're letting your government buffalo you. When your president plays Monarch and sends more soldiers overseas, or when congress is about to pass a bad law, or when 'security' takes more and more of your rights away, you just sit back and let it happen. In our day, we did something about that. What are you doing about it in your day?"

"JEFFERSON: Maybe the government has you so scared you're afraid to speak out. Or you're afraid you'll be called unpatriotic, a spoiler, or even a traitor. In case you forgot what we told you, here it is again: 'Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.' Remember that. It will help you take back your country. Goodbye and good luck."


I don't understand
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"Liberty - freedom if you will - is a simple concept to understand. The meaning is that one is free from restriction and control. It means the right and power to act, believe, or express oneself in a manner of one's own choosing. It means the condition of being physically and legally free from confinement, servitude, or forced labor. It means freedom from unjust and undue government control. It means a right or immunity to engage in certain actions without control or interference - the liberties provided by the Bill of Rights."

"I.e., we may do anything we wish as long as we do not injure another or damage his property. What could be simpler?"

AR: Attorney General Says Licensed Guns Allowed in City Parks
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The state attorney general's office says those with concealed weapons permits can carry handguns into any city park in Arkansas, unless the park acts to ban them."

"Attorney General Mike Beebe was asked to clarify the new state law allowing permit holders to carry concealed weapons into parks and restaurants. North Little Rock city attorney Paul Suskie questioned whether Arkansas criminal code already prohibits firearms in city parks."

"A new law that took effect in mid-July makes concealed weapons permissible in parks and restaurants, but gives cities the ability to ban them. The attorney general's opinion says the new law's provisions prevail."

CA: Business owner fatally shoots intruder
Submitted by: Anonymous

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" An intruder at a Lancaster business became the Valley's 26th homicide victim this year."

"The intruder's life came to a violent end early Tuesday morning when a Lancaster business owner shot and killed him after the intruder allegedly broke into the owner's comic book shop and was about to attack the owner."

"The intruder, whose identity has not been released, allegedly forced open a back door of the Bases Cards and Comics about 3 a.m., only to find the shop owner sleeping in the back room."

"The owner told investigators he was sleeping in a back room because of other recent burglaries at the business, sheriff's Sgt. Shaun McCarthy said."

CA: Arrest in 'one-man crime spree'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Authorities reported the arrest Tuesday of a man believed responsible for a string of burglaries over a three-year period."

"Sgt. Vern Warnke called Gray 'a one-man crime spree' and noted escalating violence in his crimes." ...

"A search of the apartment turned up a stolen loaded .22-caliber pistol and other items that filled several shopping bags, authorities said. They reported the recovery of jewelry, watches, cameras, coins, guns and a night-vision scope."

Note that even with the stringent gun control laws in California, this "one man crime spree" was still able to get firearms, rendering all their precautions, background checks and waiting periods useless.

CA: Deal struck on licenses for illegal immigrants
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"After striking a deal over contentious security safeguards, embattled Gov. Gray Davis has offered unqualified support for divisive legislation that would give illegal immigrants the right to drive."

"While the measure targets the state’s burgeoning immigrant population, many Californians — regardless of citizenship or immigration status — could be affected."

"The compromise would require every applicant for a driver’s license to submit to a technologically advanced identification system to ensure the name matches the fingerprint."

"License fees, now $12, could double to raise the approximately $70 million for the Department of Motor Vehicles to move toward biometric fingerprinting."

CO: Few gun dealers being checked
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Only 138 of Colorado's 1,900 licensed firearms dealers were inspected last year to make sure they're conducting criminal-background checks on gun buyers, according to a state audit released Tuesday."

"The state auditor's report of the Colorado Bureau of Investigation revealed that concerns about jurisdiction and lack of staff kept the bureau from doing basic inspections."

"In fact, the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives conducted the only checks of gun dealers in Colorado last year."

"Lawmakers and law enforcement officials discussed the possibility of adding the duty to the lengthy list of chores that fall to the CBI."

CO: Forum explores police shootings
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The mother of a disabled teenager shot and killed by police tearfully embraced the mother of Paul Childs, another disabled teen fatally wounded by the same officer."

"Looking on were Denver and Aurora law enforcement officials and religious leaders, who were also present at Tuesday's community forum." ...

"The forum was one of several called in response to two recent deaths: the July 5 shooting of Childs, who also was armed with a knife, by officer Turney; and the Aug. 5 shooting of Denise Washington, 30, by Aurora officer John J. Austin. Washington, who hit the officer with a candlestick, was mentally ill."

FL: Many MIA travelers face identity crises
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"When 700,000 -- or 641,000 or 457,000 or even 358,000 -- people in America alone share your last name, you shouldn't be surprised if Department of Homeland Security personnel at airport international arrivals terminals want to talk to you."

"Such is the lot of certain Garcias, Martinezes, Gonzalezes and Sanchezes who travel abroad and invariably find themselves escorted to a detention room for questioning when reentering the United States."

FL: Altamonte Police Cruiser Stolen; Shotgun Missing
Submitted by: Bob Wolfley

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"Authorities in Orange County, Fla., are investigating the theft of an Altamonte Springs police cruiser early Wednesday in which a shotgun and computer were taken from inside the vehicle, according to Local 6 News."

"Officials said that officer Kevin Acosta responded to a call of a suspicious person at the Chatham Woods Apartments located at state Road 434 and state Road 436 at about 3 a.m. The officer exited his vehicle chased a man who was fleeing from the area."

"When Acosta returned to where he parked the cruiser it was no longer there."

CO: Cortez court limits firearms
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"La Plata County has not experienced the same problems as Cortez with lawyers toting guns into court. Nonetheless, there is an unwritten policy that lawyers cannot carry their weapons past the bar, officials for the 6th Judicial District said."

"In the 22nd Judicial District, which covers Montezuma County, Chief District Judge Sharon L. Hansen redrafted an order limiting firearms within court facilities. The written policy is similar to one issued in October 1992. It was sent to District Attorney Joe Olt, advising him that he must use security lockers provided for firearms and knives."

IL: Earp's gun is missing from museum
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"To help keep the historic home and a part of Monmouth's history alive, retired school teachers, Robert and Melba Matson, bought the home in 1986 after the death of an Earp family descendant and made it into a museum."

"The Matsons received a call Sunday afternoon from the hostess, Blanche Shafman, also Wyatt Earp's cousin, who was providing a family with a tour through the home. Melba noted that the hostess stated that someone had broken into the museum and stole the .44 caliber Smith and Wesson American Model Revolver, which was sitting in the middle of a table, framed and lined with red velvet." ...

MI: Former EGF cop faces 2nd assault charge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former East Grand Forks police officer faces assault charges in Polk County District Court in Crookston after allegedly threatening a woman with a gun."

"James Lee Stallmo, 39, of East Grand Forks, was accused by a woman of holding a gun to her head, saying he would kill her, 'pistol-whipping' her and dragging her by the hair across the floor of his home in the early hours of Aug. 10."

MN: Man Challenges Conceal And Carry Law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A local man is on a mission to get part of the new conceal and carry law thrown out. Bruce Krafft feels it violates his constitutional rights when shopping malls ban guns from their premises."

"Krafft has a permit to carry a gun. He's carried his guns in full view on visits to two local malls in the past several weeks, hoping to get a chance to test the new law in court."

"Krafft showed up at the Mall of America carrying two guns recently. Concerned shoppers contacted Mall security and he was handcuffed by police. After verifying that he had a permit to carry a gun, they let him go."


The law clearly prohibits malls from banning, I just want the police to enforce the law, I don't want it changed.

MN: Gun advocates question State Fair's gun ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When the Minnesota State Fair opens Thursday, visitors will see signs at entrances banning guns from the fairgrounds. Fair officials say the ban on guns has been in place for decades, and makes practical sense. Gun rights advocates say the fair has no legal authority under Minnesota's new concealed carry law to prevent permit-holders from bringing handguns to the fair. They say if the fair goes ahead, it'll likely face a lawsuit."

"Minnesota State Fair Director Jerry Hammer says it makes no more sense to allow guns at the fair than it does to allow archers to shoot arrows on the midway."

The only problem with that disingenuous comparison is that allowing law abiding citizens to carry their guns is not the same as allowing them to shoot them on the midway, rendering the comparison to archers shooting arrows moot and irrelevant.

NE: Muzzle loading a family affair for Swantkoskis
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"What was once a hobby and a keen interest in the settings of the early 1800s has become a season sport for husband and wife team of Jack and Barbara Swantkoski of Phillips."

"The two recently competed at the Nebraska State Games in the Muzzle Loading competition and came away with numerous prizes."

"Jack has been shooting competitively since 1980 and Barbara since 1982."

NH: Benson signs bills loosening gun laws
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The state has two new gun laws, which some groups are protesting."

"Last week Gov. Craig Benson signed a bill making gun manufacturers, distributors and retailers immune from liability when their products are used by criminals. He signed another voiding local ordinances restricting gun possession on municipal property." ...

"The bill prevents towns and cities from banning guns in public buildings. It does still allow communities to ban hunting in town or city parks."

NH: New Hampshire Gives Gun Makers, Sellers Immunity
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"New Hampshire Gov. Craig Benson signed into law a bill that would protect gun makers, distributors, and retailers from lawsuits when their products are used in a crime, the Associated Press reported Aug. 16."

"In addition, the governor signed a bill that would cancel local ordinances that restrict gun possession in public buildings." ...

"The Million Mom March is criticizing Benson for signing the measures into law. 'These bills say too bad, so sad, pound sand if someone is a victim of gun violence,' said Laurel Redden, state coordinator of the anti-gun lobbying group."

"About 900 residents are employed by gun manufacturers in the state."

NJ: State quarantines deer for fear of brain disease
Submitted by: Evan F. Nappen, Esq.

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"In a pre-emptive strike against a disease devastating wildlife in the western United States, state environmental authorities have quarantined two commercial hunting preserves and are seeking a court order to test the deer and elk held by one of them." ...

"There are only three commercial deer hunting preserves licensed to operate in New Jersey, and the third one, located in Atlantic County, was not involved with the deer imports. All three outfits raise antlered deer on gated properties to offer paying customers a guaranteed opportunity to shoot and bag them, but only with bow and arrow."


NY: While a Citizen Directed Traffic... Fool Wrote Tickets
Submitted by: Larry E. Bigham

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"While some city workers struggled to protect New Yorkers in the midst of the blackout, a city traffic agent wrote summonses even as private citizens directed traffic at a busy intersection yards away."

"About a half-hour into Thursday's power outage, Dr. Robert Richter and two other New Yorkers took it upon themselves to ease the traffic jam at West 79th Street and Amsterdam Avenue."

"Then, 15 minutes later, an NYPD traffic-enforcement car rolled up, but instead of directing traffic, the agent tagged a pair of cars on West 79th Street, Richter said." ...

"...a picture showing the agent writing a summons - with Richter directing traffic in the background - was worth considerably less than 1,000 words to a Police Department spokesman."

"The spokesman said the department would not comment unless they saw a copy of the summons."

"He also declined to check whether any summonses were issued after the blackout began."

OH: Green gun ordinance won't be on ballot
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A resident's effort to bring a tougher gun ordinance recently passed by City Council to the November ballot has failed."

"The Summit County Board of Elections informed the city Thursday that Green resident Laura L. Miller did not have the 820 valid signatures needed to put the issue before voters."

"Miller submitted 900 signatures July 23, but only 710 were deemed valid, the election board said. A majority of the invalid signatures were disqualified because the signer was not a registered voter."

"City Council approved stiffer gun regulations at its June 24 meeting. The ordinance was to become effective 30 days later."

PA: Gun opponent has a personal stake in his mission
Submitted by: Duncan Adams

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"Miller, 52, a divorcee who lives with his 17-year-old son, blames the gun culture for his brother's death as much as he does Bennie Lawson, a gangster who shot himself during the rampage." ...

"I never use the term 'gun control' because people categorize you right away... We prefer to say 'gun violence prevention.' We have no problem at all with long guns for hunting and sport shooting. That's an old American tradition. That's not the problem. The problem is the violence from handguns and assault guns."

No, the problem is criminal misuse of a tool! Unfortunately this fascist is so personally embroiled, he can't see the similarities between his "logic" and the Nazis' disarmament of the populace.

PA: Gun club's noise not a blast for neighbor
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Point Phillips Rod and Gun Club must become a better neighbor, a township resident told township supervisors Tuesday."

"Jim Danner, who lives about a mile from the club on Point Phillips Road, says the sound of gunshots there destroys the tranquility of his home and yard. At 8:30 p.m. one evening, Danner used a tape recorder to capture the sound of 92 gunshots during a 15-minute interval, he said." ...

"He said he wants the club on Smith Gap Road to enclose its shooting ranges with block walls and a roof to contain the sounds."

PA: Noise ordinance gets second hearing
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"At issue is a change that would make recreational facilities -- such as a sportmen's club or a race track -- a conditional use in certain zones instead of a permitted use. That would give the township the power to reduce the impact of such developments on the surrounding community by imposing conditions."

"Members of the sportsmen's clubs were initially outraged; some called the proposal an infringement on their Second Amendment right to bear arms. The township has since worked to find some middle ground."

SC: No criminal charges in shotgun home defense
Submitted by: Jack Porter

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"Solicitor Ralph Hoisington said Tuesday he will not seek criminal charges against a West Ashley homeowner who shot two men waging a shootout in his front yard earlier this month."

"Hoisington said he concluded that 67-year-old William Gates did nothing illegal Aug. 1 when he stepped onto the porch of his Tripe Street home and opened fire with a shotgun. Gates thought a shot had been fired in his direction, and he was defending himself and his home, he said."

Australia: Gun clubs hold joint carnival
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Northam and Districts Gun Club held a combined shooting championship carnival with the Cunderdin Gun Club on Saturday and Sunday, August 9 and 10."

"The weather was fine and sunny and 26 shooters competed over the two days in Northam and Cunderdin."

"Overall high point guns were scored from both Saturday (Cunderdin) and Sunday (Northam)."

Australia: Killer jailed 37 years amid tears of relief
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"David Ng, 29, who was found guilty of killing Nigel Stiffe, the manager of the Haymarket Tavern in Chinatown, will serve a non-parole period of 27 years and nine months." ...

"He sentenced Ng to 35 years for the murder, and seven years for the robbery of Mr. Stiffe, effectively a term of 37 years."

"The other assailant, Wai Kit "Ricky" Lo, 24, was sentenced in May to 18 years, with a non-parole period of 12 years, after pleading guilty."

"Justice Adams said that Tek Lee Lew, now 36, who had been an assistant manager at the tavern, had been desperate for money and had decided the tavern should be robbed."

And thanks to Australia's victim disarmament policy, the prey was at the mercy of the armed predator.

Ghana: Armed men rob Capt. (rtd) Ampofo, others
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Six armed robbers last Saturday attacked a number of travelers on the Tema- Somanya road and made away with their money and other possessions. A retired army officer, Captain Edward Ampofo who was one of the victims told The Chronicle yesterday in Accra, that he was traveling together with a friend, Mr. Emmanuel Adu from Accra to Somanya and when they were getting near Doryumu, between Afienya and Somanya, he saw tree fronds placed along his lane."

Highway robbery made safe by victim disarmament laws.

New Zealand: Chinese students easy prey for extortionists
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The attack was terrifying and violent. Four masked men with guns burst into the bedroom of two Chinese students in the early hours."

"They dragged the couple from their bed to the living room, where they bound them and gagged them with wide strips of yellow tape."

"The two were assaulted, forced to sign over ownership of their car and driven to the middle of nowhere and dumped on the roadside."

"All the while, a fifth man was in charge, barking orders at the other four. With horror, the couple recognised him. He was their flatmate, Yiyu Zhang."

Solomon Islands: Penalty warning for gun amnesty
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Hours before the end of a gun amnesty in the Solomon Islands, police chief Ben McDevitt said he was convinced some people would refuse to surrender weapons but warned they faced harsh penalties."

"Australian Federal Police assistant commissioner Ben McDevitt, who is the deputy commissioner of the Solomon Islands police, said he was pleased with the capture of more than 2,500 guns and 300,000 rounds of ammunition."

"But he said the work would begin after midnight today when the amnesty was over."

" 'People know that after midnight on Thursday we are coming to look for outstanding weapons,' Mr. McDevitt told ABC radio."

Trinidad: Loaded pistol seized — Bandit shot by police
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A loaded Beretta .32 semi-automatic pistol was seized by Southern Division police after they held one of two bandits following a shoot out at a Gasparillo gas station yesterday."

"According to reports, around midday, a party of Gasparillo police officers were on mobile patrol when they received a wireless APB advising them of a robbery in progress at the NP gas station in Gasparillo."

Not only does Trinidad have a higher homicide rate than the US, but it also has an escalating crime rate and calls for... you guessed it! More gun control!

UK: Family escape injury in gun attack
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A family narrowly escaped injury when gunmen sprayed their Co Antrim home with bullets in a terrifying late night attack."

"Six people, including a teenager, were uninjured after a volley of shots was fired through the downstairs windows of their home at Frosses Road outside Ballymoney."

"At around 11.30pm last night a ground floor bedroom window and a hall window were shattered by the shots."

"An iron bar was also used to break another window at the house; however the couple, who were at home with their three children and a family friend, escaped uninjured."

UK: Armed police respond to two gun incidents
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two men sparked an armed police operation after they were seen with a gun in a car park near the Riverside complex in Norwich."

"And minutes later the unit was scrambled to a call in the city's Golden Triangle where a young man was pointing a gun to his head after a row with his parents."

"In both cases the guns turned out to be replicas."

UK: Burglar left 'disabled' by Martin is filmed cycling
Submitted by: John Fansler

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"Brendon Fearon, the burglar suing Tony Martin for injuries sustained when the farmer shot him, could be forced to drop the case and pay back his legal aid after being secretly filmed cycling and climbing steps with no apparent difficulty."

"Mr. Fearon is suing Mr. Martin for £15,000, claiming that the injuries he suffered to his legs and back when Mr. Martin shot him during a break-in had left him unable to work. He has already received £5,000 in legal aid to fight the case."

"However, he was filmed by an undercover crew walking without his now trademark limp or walking stick. He is seen walking his dog, walking up steps and riding his bike with no apparent problem."

Allowing riflery training while decrying gun violence doesn't send a mixed message any more than does supporting a wrestling team while opposing schoolyard brawls. — CHICAGO TRIBUNE

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