Kerry moves to center on issue of gun safety
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"Four years ago, Democrats Al Gore and Bill Bradley argued the merits of licensing or registering gun owners and weapons, a debate that branded Gore as anti-gun."
"Now, Kerry leads Democrats in championing gun rights in a bid to reach swing-voting hunters. Worried that a weak foothold with the so-called hook-and-bullet crowd could cost them the election, Democrats have locked and loaded and changed their tune, their image, even their party platform."
"As Kerry toured battleground states in recent days, time and again he told audiences that he's an outdoorsman who embraces the Second Amendment, the constitutional right to bear arms."
------- Gun owners know better. There has been no one in recent history with a more liberal voting record than Kerry. He has never met a gun control measure he didn't like. He even stopped campaigning to do his job as Senator, as he flew in just to cast his vote in favor of the "assault" weapons ban. Kerry is fooling no one. |
Pentagon to support friendly militias, in other nations
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"The Pentagon has urged Congress to authorize 500 million dollars for building a network of friendly militias around the world to purge terrorists from 'ungoverned areas' -- and warned Muslim clerics against providing 'ideological sanctuary' to radicals."
------- POSTER'S NOTE: But I thought military grade firearms in the hand of average people was a terrible idea. Should not only trained professionals own these?
KABA Note: Apparently that's only here in the US, where the militias are viewed as a threat to the government's power over the people. |
Moving to create a truly Free State
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Melissa Seaman
Website: http://Skypod.DeadBangGuns.com
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The movement, known as the Free State Project was started in late 2001 and now has about 6,000 members. It also has an ambitious plan to more than triple its membership and become firmly entrenched in New Hampshire politics by 2011. Organizers say their primary goals are to limit government, reduce taxes and increase personal liberties. If the plan works, they say, other states will have to follow or lose residents and their tax dollars. |
Emmons' strong focus brings home 1st gold
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"With a score of 703.3 points, Emmons won the second gold medal of these Olympics for the United States shooting team. On Wednesday, Kim Rhode won in the double trap event."
"During an international event in April, Emmons discovered someone had ruined his gun. Judging from the damage, he figured someone had taken a screwdriver to it. He took a shot, and the shell stayed lodged in his gun."
"So he had to borrow another, and you should know that shooters value their guns like young children value their teddy bears. It was an adjustment, but he found comfort with the new rifle." |
Bush nephew raps Border Patrol guns
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"Speaking in a mix of English and sometimes-halting Spanish, George P. Bush said his uncle was not to blame for the gun policy, which has angered Mexicans."
"He instead blamed it on 'some local INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service) guy who's trying to be tough, act macho.' "
" 'If there has been American approval for this policy, that is reprehensible,' Bush said of the guns, essentially paintball projectiles filled with chile powder. 'It's kind of barbarous.' "
------- Defending your borders from criminals and possible terrorists who have been known to sneak into the country through Mexico's border using non-lethal means is "barbarous?" This kid needs a lesson in what "barbarous" really means. |
Mike Adams: Silencers Without Guns
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"… It is my opinion that the response to the problem of violence against…female students has lacked a diversity of viewpoint. Specifically, there has been a lack of discussion about the possible benefits of gun ownership among women, particularly those who have been harassed, stalked, or otherwise victimized in the past."
"As such, I would love the opportunity to visit your campus to talk about the following:
*The benefits and responsibilities of gun ownership in general. *The desirability of concealed carry permits for women. *The basic rules governing the use of deadly force."
"Since I am traveling extensively in the coming year, I believe that I will be able to coordinate a visit to your university sometime in the coming months. Again, the lecture would be provided at no cost to the university." ...
"Bucknell University. No response. ..."
"Duke University. No response. ..."
"Emory University. No response. ..."
"Georgia Tech. No response. ..."
"Princeton University. No response. ..."
"University of Alabama. No response. ..."
"The University of Massachusetts at Amherst. No response. ..."
"Georgetown University. No response. Women in Georgetown feel empowered already. Hillary Clinton has a house near their campus."
"North Carolina State University. Finally I got a response, indicating that N.C. state is 'unable to offer a program on gun ownership at this time' for two reasons: 1) 'the North Carolina statutes forbid guns on their college campuses' and, 2) 'statistics indicate that a lot of people who attempt to protect themselves with a gun are often killed with the gun themselves.' "
VA: More gun laws? How about more informed writing? (Letter)
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"So-called 'assault rifles' are used in less than 2 percent of crimes committed in the U.S. Let's face it. The Assault Weapons Ban is a 'non-issue.' "
"Fully automatic weapons like Uzis and AK-47s have been regulated since the days of prohibition. So-called 'assault weapons' are semiautomatic and no different (except in appearance) from many hunting rifles. All the 'assault weapons ban' really amounts to is 'ugly rifle' legislation."
"Assault weapons have never 'flooded the streets' of America and never will, because only a small segment of the population is interested in them (which is their right under the Second Amendment to the Constitution--remember the Constitution?)." |
VA: Puh-leaze: Legal carry is not 'brandishing' in Virginia (Letter)
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"Brandishing? Really? Why are those miscreants not rotting in jail? I think the editors know why not."
"According to the Code of Virginia, brandishing is a serious crime. It involves holding or waving a gun in the air, in a manner that puts the observer in fear of imminent death or injury."
"Legally, this means a reasonable observer. Some nervous ninny who left Yankeeland to escape crime, but can't see that Yankeeland's high crime rate was caused by its perverse disarmament of likely crime victims, is not a reasonable person." |
VA: Valuing Liberty (Letter)
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"You appear to advocate allowing local governments in Northern Virginia to restrict citizens' right to bear arms beyond the restrictions imposed by federal and state authorities. I certainly do not. I consider the right to bear arms in public — as a citizen in good standing, not as a member of a formal military of police organization — a fundamental right in the United States of America. When I see a civilian openly bearing arms (typically a hunter or a gun enthusiast), I see a citizen who is a threat to outlaws, not a person who is a threat to me and my loved ones. I am proud that the Virginia General Assembly has countered the local trend toward more 'gun control.' " |
VA: Let's stick with the facts: Gun ownership is a right (Letter)
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"Yet again we see an emotional, rhetoric-laden diatribe calling for renewal of the so-called 'assault weapon' ban. Like so many others, your editorial falls down when the facts of the matter are examined."
"Example--the oh-so-typical appeal to a hunting or 'sporting-purpose' test for civilian firearm ownership."
"First, the weapons covered by the ban are functionally identical to a large percentage of hunting or sporting guns (real machine guns are regulated under a different law, one of which is 70 years old)."
"Second--deer hunting is not the reason for the Second Amendment. It's somewhat less politically correct than that." |
VA: FLS is wrong: Legal gun toters did not 'brandish' (Letter)
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"Perhaps you should rename your publication The Free Libel-Slander. Freedom of the press and freedom of speech permit neither. At a minimum, The Free Lance-Star needs to retract, and apologize for, the irresponsible and maliciously false statements made by the anonymous author of 'Extend the ban' [Aug. 9]."
"Brandishing is a crime in Virginia. Neither I nor any of the 'participants' the writer is referring to brandished a gun. We open-carry in restaurants because we are required to by Virginia law." |
CA: Man kills intruder in Ocean Beach home
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"A resident on West Point Loma Boulevard fatally shot a man who broke into his home late last night, San Diego police said."
"The two apparently struggled over the resident's handgun, and the resident also was either shot or pistol-whipped in the head, police said." |
FL: Prosecutors: Friend's death was self-defense
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"A Holly Hill man who fatally injured his friend and landlord with a baseball bat will not be charged after authorities determined he acted in self-defense."
"Brian Lewis Weires, 55, told police he had intervened in a fight between Stuart Marcus and Marcus' girlfriend the night of Aug. 7. Later that night, he told police, Marcus woke him up with a knife to his chest and a loaded AK-47 assault rifle to his neck." ...
"Weires, who is 6 feet 4 inches tall and weighs 180 pounds, grabbed an aluminum baseball bat from beside his bed and hit the shorter but heavier Marcus in the head, police said. Still holding the weapons, Marcus tried to get up, Weires told police. He hit him several more times, then called 911." |
NV: Man shoots mentally ill neighbor after the latter broke into his home
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G. Hughes
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"A southeast Las Vegas homeowner was not expected to face charges after fatally shooting a mentally ill neighbor who broke into his house early this morning, Metro Police said." ...
"The male homeowner grabbed a handgun and told his wife to call 911. As the man stepped out of his bedroom he was attacked in the hallway, he told police."
"They got into a 'violent struggle,' Thompson said, and the homeowner received facial injuries. Fearing for his life, he shot the intruder, the sergeant said." |
OH: Murder Or Self Defense?
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"Richmond told police that his son, Randolph Richmond Jr. was arguing with his mother and it turned violent when Richmond Jr. began throwing chairs and an air conditioner at his mother." "Richmond Sr. picked up a knife and held it waist high. Richmond Jr. cursed at his father and charged him and ran into the knife. Deputies say Richmond Jr. was dead within seconds of the stab."
"Randolph Richmond Sr. has been arrested for murder, but if and when this case goes to court, it could be found one of self defense. Detective Bart Giesey says it could make a difference to a jury he was protecting his wife." |
VA: Man Stabbed; Self Defense?
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"Some blood could still be seen Wednesday afternoon, in the front yard of a Weyers Cave home where a Harrisonburg man was found stabbed to death." ...
"Fisher says according to statements, Madden attacked the woman, prompting her husband to get a butcher's knife." ...
"We don't know if charges are going to be placed... They may not be. On the face of it at this point, it looks like a self-defense-type situation." |
TX: Local members of gun club compete at National shoot
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"Silhouette shooting started in the early 1970s and is a growing family sport. It is a lot like shooting tin cans except our tin cans are shaped liked animals. The chickens are shot from a distance of 40 meters, pigs at 50 meters, turkeys (the hardest) at 75 meters and rams at 100 meters. Points are scored for knocking the animal off the rail. The shooters use both open sight and scoped guns. The categories are hunters pistol, hunters pistol open sight, small bore hunters pistol and small bore hunters pistol open sight. Hunters pistol matches are shot with 22 magnums and larger pistols while small bore matches are shot with 22 caliber pistols. Each shooter is classified by shooting in local matches during the year. ..." |
Philippines: Man detained for toy gun
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"A 26-year-old man was arrested Friday for allegedly threatening security guards with a toy gun inside the Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center on B. Rodriguez Street."
"Franco Carcel, of Andres Abellana Street, barangay Guadalupe whipped out his toy .9 millimeter cal. pistol after hospital guards Sivano Alibio and Lito Jimenez stopped him from entering a gate reserved for cars. He allegedly resented the guards’ suggestion that he use another gate exclusively for pedestrian use. Carcel said using this gate was nearer to getting to his car parked inside. But the guards stood their ground." |
Australia: Call for new laws on gun trafficking
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"TOUGH firearm trafficking laws were needed in Tasmania to crack down on gun thieves, the Tasmanian Firearm Owners Association said yesterday."
"Association president John Green said new laws were needed to stop legally-owned firearms leaking into a criminal black market where they could be used against the community."
"Mr Green said it was time Tasmania distinguished between ordinary theft and firearm theft."
"He said the law should include a minimum five-year prison term and custodial remand for people charged with crime, with no bail available, particularly in cases where stolen firearms were not recovered." |
NY: Women are gun shop's target market
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"In 1985, Robee VanNorman dreamed of opening a gun shop. Not knowing how, she put the idea on the back burner to pursue a medical career." "Now, she and her partner, Nancy VanNorman, operate Lavender Guns, Inc., which they believe to be the only female-owned gun shop in the state. They incorporated the business a little over a year ago." ...
"Both women are certified by the National Rifle Association and take pride in working patiently to learn why a customer wants a particular product and how it will be used. At a recent gun show, they were amused when prospective male customers told them they'd wait to talk to the male representatives of the business." |
Canada: Debate over gun control rages on
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"It doesn't matter to Hudson and other critics that the federal government has made changes to the gun-control program, or that the Supreme Court of Canada has already ruled Ottawa can legislate gun control because it's about public safety — a federal matter."
"The high court focused only on whether Ottawa was stomping on provincial toes in regulating property — a provincial matter, says Hudson. His concern is much broader." ...
"The Supreme Court of Canada has also ruled that: 'Canadians, unlike Americans do not have a constitutional right to bear arms.' But that was in a 1993 case regarding limits on automatic weapons." |
UK: Police fear serial hammer killer stalks London
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Jerry Rowe
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"Police are investigating whether a serial hammer killer is targeting women in London after a French woman was bludgeoned to death in circumstances similar to other attacks."
"Emilie Delagrange, 22, was found with a serious head injury lying near a cricket pitch in the southwest suburb of Twickenham on Thursday night. She died shortly afterwards."
"The attack bore similarities to three other assaults in the neighbourhood in the past two years, all of which left female victims with severe head injuries."
------- Murderers will use whatever weapon is available. Baseball bats, hammers, rocks, etc. We can ban those things, or just arm the potential victims. One will work, One will not.
Choose one. |
IN: Assault-gun ban unlikely
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"Many Indiana lawmakers say they wouldn't ban assault weapons, despite last week's shooting rampage that left one Indianapolis policeman dead and four wounded."
"But calls last week to more than half of the state's 150 legislators found much more interest in finding ways to keep guns out of the hands of people such as Kenneth C. Anderson, a schizophrenic who used an SKS military-style rifle to kill Patrolman Timothy 'Jake' Laird during 16 terror-filled minutes early Wednesday morning."
"One big question, many said, was whether a state government can do anything without trampling on the constitutional right to bear arms. ..." |
NM: Raton to shoot for business of gun enthusiasts, manufacturers
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Raton officials say they will target firearms users, manufacturers and retailers as a way to bring money into the local economy.
The town unveiled an economic development plan Thursday. It expands on Raton’s history of welcoming gun-toting visitors.
The National Rifle Association’s Whittington Center is a 33,000-acre facility located in the northern New Mexico town.
This year more than 162,000 people are expected to travel to the center.
The plan includes staging an outdoor expo at the center in May that would feature gunmakers.
And Raton hopes to attract small gunmakers to relocate to the town.
The plan was developed by The Idea Group of Santa Fe LLC with $50,000 from the New Mexico Rural Development Response Council. |
PA: American Rhythms | Yes, enforce our gun laws, but is that really enough?
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------- "I cannot fathom why any law-abiding citizen would own an assault weapon. Packing a pistol for protection is understandable. Using a hunting rifle during a hike through the woods on a cool autumn morning has an undeniable appeal..."
"But semiautomatic guns aren't used for safety or recreation; their rat-a-tat is meant to turn a civilian landscape into something resembling a war zone. This nation first restricted private ownership of fully automated weapons - that is, machine guns - in 1934. Why owning a Kalashnikov or an Uzi has a more acceptable public purpose eludes me."
------- Actually they restricted these weapons to give bored federal agents something to do after Prohibition was repealed. "Public purpose" was not the intent of the Founders when they wrote the Second Amendment to the US Constitution. |
PA: Students charged after gun found
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"Two Liberty High School students were arrested Thursday after police found a loaded handgun inside a car in the school parking lot, a police report says."
"Steven Scholl, 15, and Jason Litz, 17, were charged with carrying a gun without a license and possessing a weapon on school property, the report says. They were sent to the Northampton County Juvenile Detention Center." "Another student told a teacher and assistant principal he saw the .45-caliber handgun during lunch break at color guard practice." ...
"Scholl, of the 1300 block of Church Street in Fountain Hill, told police he forgot to remove the gun from his book bag after returning home from a shooting range Aug. 12 with his father ..."
------- Note the ironically misnamed "Liberty" High School. |
MD: Off-Duty Officer Shoots, Kills Teen
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"A teenager is dead Friday night after an off-duty police officer shot him in the back."
"D'Koy Dancy, 14, died after a Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene police officer shot him. Police said Officer Ronald Johnson thought Dancy and another teen were breaking into his shed behind his house ..."
"Johnson told police the shooting was an accident because he stumbled over something and his gun fired."
------- Yes, only police should be able to exercise their Second Amendment rights. They're much more responsible.
Observe two ignorant statements from the parents, however:
"If you're shooting with those .40-caliber Glocks that this man used, you put a gun like that in your hands, it's murder," James Dancy said.
"Caliber aside, he should not have had a gun in his home," the victim's mother, Tonnette Dancy, said. |
TX: Wilson High Locked Down After Gun Discover
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Students at a Dallas high school were on lockdown for more than two hours Friday, after students sneaked a gun in through a classroom window.
Students were restricted to their classrooms while police searched Wilson High School for the weapon. At one point, one of the suspect students ran from the building. He was caught by police, and the gun, which was not loaded, was recovered.
"It looks like it may have come through one of the windows," said Donny Claxton, a representative for the Dallas Independent School District. "We've already started discussions of how to get those bolted down so it won't happen again."
A 17-year-old student was arrested, and three others were expelled. |
Kenya: New ways to end gun troubles
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"As the use of illegal firearms in Kenya spirals beyond government control, a new study now suggests that addressing the demand side of the problem could just provide a lasting solution." ...
"According to Ms Weiss, who works at the South African-based Institute of Security Studies, illegal small arms proliferation in Kenya and Africa in general happens in a context far removed from traditional definitions of the state and state control. She argues that the government should take some time and ask some hard questions why the use of firearms still thrives despite tough security measures that cost millions of shillings." |
CA: Still Agog Over Arnold?
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"In the spirit of Democracy, California is in the grips of what can be considered 'Schwarzemania'; a product of a culturally plugged in but politically tuned out electorate. Through the media blitz across the country and riding high in the latest gubernatorial polls, Arnold Schwarzenegger looks more like the 2nd coming of the Elvis Presley." ...
"...Schwarzenegger has vocally opined {negatively} about the Republican party's Conservative roots. ...He has publicly stated that he 'will never forgive the Republican Party' for impeaching Bill Clinton. Schwarzenegger supports abortion, homosexual adoption, and what he terms as 'sensible gun control,' all positions shared by the sitting Governor Gray Davis." |
CA: Renew assault weapons ban
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"THE senseless shooting that cut short the life of 6-year-old Bryesha Limbrick focuses attention on firearm legislation. The youngster was shot in the head July 18 while eating ice cream outside an El Monte convenience store. Police Chief Ken Weldon said he is sure the assailants used an assault rifle."
"The ban of such weapons didn't save Bryesha, but failure to re-enact the 1994 prohibition against assault rifles by the Sept. 13 deadline could very well flood the market with the weapons."
------- Considering that the use of these rifles in crime was less than 1 percent BEFORE the ban, that's a pretty ignorant and disingenuous statement to make. |
IN: Assault-style weapon bans have received mixed reviews
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"Bans imposed by states and cities on assault weapons like the one Indianapolis cop killer Kenneth C. Anderson used have drawn mixed reviews from crime experts and police."
"Supporters insist the bans used in a handful of states and towns have saved lives, but some criminologists and gun-rights advocates say there is scant evidence the laws reduce violence."
"In Indiana, the debate was re-ignited when Anderson used an SKS assault rifle to kill Indianapolis police officer Timothy "Jake" Laird on Wednesday. He also wounded four other officers and shot his mother, Alice Marie Anderson, to death."
"Indiana does not have a law banning the SKS and other assault-style weapons, but the city of Gary outlawed them in 1980s." |
UK: First guns, now knives
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"The mothers of two murdered Lincolnshire teenagers are demanding tougher punishments for people caught carrying knives."
"The mother of schoolboy Luke Walmsley says the offenders should face the same sentences as those found with guns."
"Jayne Walmsley's son Luke was stabbed to death at the Birkbeck School in North Somercotes by a fellow student."
"She has started a campaign with Jackie Hadfield, whose 13-year-old daughter Sandy was stabbed in Lincoln." |
MN: Assault weapons are dangerous and should remain banned (Another ignorant pseudo-journalist bloviates on a topic about which she knows next to nothing)
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Labbe wrote that the assault weapons ban covers guns 'no deadlier than my .22-250 deer rifle.' However, most deer rifles are designed to fire a few bullets before being reloaded. Assault weapons can fire 150 bullets without reloading. I say that makes them far deadlier than the average hunting rifle. It takes just five seconds to spray 30 rounds from an Uzi semi-automatic assault weapon. The law bans features that would never be associated with hunting, such as grenade launchers, flash suppressors and barrel shrouds. Hunting rifles aren't the same as assault weapons."
"Each year, some 30,000 people die because of guns in our country. Here in Minnesota, there are about 600 gun deaths a year."
KABA Note: This number, of course, includes suicides and self defense cases and does not differentiate between the types of firearms used in the deaths. But that little fact doesn't stop this woman from trying to use this misleading statistic to advocate a ban on a specific gun that happens to look scary.
"There has been a 66 percent decline in crimes committed using the assault weapons that were banned by name in the 1994 U.S. Assault Weapons Act. That's according to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms."
KABA Note: Of course since the number of these guns used in crimes are absolutely miniscule, the alleged "66 percent" decline means very little when your initial sample is inadequate.
"A 2004 survey by the University of Pennsylvania's Annenberg Public Policy Center found that 71 percent of Americans surveyed, including 64 percent of gun owners surveyed, want Congress to renew the assault weapons ban."
KABA Note: Who cares! That's why we don't live in a democracy that could take away people's basic rights just by a show of hands.
CA: Man claims insanity in fatal stabbing of brother
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"A 27-year-old man accused of stabbing his older brother to death after breaking into his Pearblossom home has pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity."
"Edward Hernandez, who is charged in the Feb. 24 slaying of 36-year-old Manuel Hernandez, suffers from schizophrenia and delusions, his attorney said." ...
"Before the slaying, Edward Hernandez had a history of substance abuse and was the subject of a restraining order filed against him by his family, detectives said."
------- So much for paper protection. |
MO: Man charged in Independence slaying
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------- "Authorities allege that a Sugar Creek man ignored pleas for mercy earlier this week before killing his estranged wife's fiance in Independence."
"Dennis Miller, 47, was charged today in Jackson County Circuit Court with beating his estranged wife and shooting James P. Hughes to death. ..." ...
"According to court documents, Hughes dialed 911 on his cell phone and was heard begging Miller to stop." ...
"Miller pleaded guilty this year to tampering a motor vehicle and violating a protection order. He received two years' probation." |
NY: Jealous Jamaica Man Fatally Stabs Wife, Wounds Her Lover
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"A jealous husband broke into his estranged wife’s Jamaica apartment early Monday morning and stabbed her to death as she lay beside her lover, who then, naked and bleeding, chased the knife-wielding killer down the street, witnesses said." ...
"He had been out of jail less than a month on charges of choking and beating his wife. On July 13th, Kiandra Torres obtained an order of protection against Anthony Torres, the father of her three youngest children, ages 3, 2 and 10 months."
------- But in self-defense-free New York, this woman had to depend on an ineffective piece of paper to keep her violent ex away from her, because if she had used a firearm without the permission of the nanny state, she would have likely spent time in jail. |
IL: Woodridge won't back ban on assault guns
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"A resolution urging Congress to renew and strengthen the federal ban on assault weapons has been rejected by Woodridge village trustees."
"The board's 4-2 vote this week was disheartening to the trustee who sponsored the initiative, but not surprising." ...
"The other Woodridge trustee to support the resolution, Richard Wood, said opponents on the board felt the resolution was too far reaching."
" 'Most of the board members said ... they couldn't support something they didn't think the municipality should be involved in,' he said. 'I felt strongly enough in favor of it to support it.' "
"Broda said he also thinks the resolution may be too far reaching and suggested other avenues for Brandt's campaign." |
UK: Two remanded over boy's shooting
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"Two men have been remanded in custody charged in connection with the drive-by shooting of a 13-year-old boy."
"Simon Roberts, 18, and David Johnson, 20, are accused of wounding with intent to do grievous bodily harm after Craig Claridge was hit by a shotgun blast in Didcot, Oxfordshire, on Thursday night."
"Johnson, of no fixed abode, is also charged with being in possession of a firearm enabling another person to endanger life."
"Roberts, of Swindon, Wiltshire, is additionally charged with possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life." |