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Newslinks for 8/23/2007

A call for black vigilantism
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"So here's the question: Should black people accept government's dereliction of its first basic function, that of providing protection? My answer is no. One of our basic rights is the right to defend oneself against predators. If the government can't or won't protect people, people have a right to protect themselves."

"You say, 'Hey, Williams, you're not talking about vigilantism, are you?' Yes, I am. Webster's Dictionary defines vigilantism as: a volunteer committee organized to suppress and punish crime summarily as when the processes of law are viewed as inadequate."

"... Black men should set up neighborhood patrols, armed if necessary, and if politicians and police don't like it, they should do their jobs. No one should have to live in daily fear for their lives and safety."

Eliminating the Gun Dealer
Submitted by: Jennifer Freeman

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"A recent article in the Fresno Bee bragged that FFL licenses have dropped 79% since 1994. Nationwide, 245,628 U.S. residents had the so-called Type 1 federal firearms licenses in 1994, compared with 50,630 now. It is widely believed that the majority of people no longer obtaining licenses are home based businesses."

"Prior to the Brady Bill, home based firearm businesses provided an avenue for people to legally purchase guns at little more than cost while simultaneously boosting the household income of the dealer. Since home based businesses don't have the overhead of a gun or sporting goods store, they are able to pass their savings on to their customers. ..." ...

Zogby International / Associated Television News Poll finds 66% of Voters Say 'No' to New Gun Laws
Submitted by: John Anderson

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A recent Zogby International poll question conducted for Associated Television News found that 66% of the American voting public in a recent poll ... found that the American public rejects the notion that new gun control laws are needed."

"The poll asked: 'Which of the following two statements regarding gun control comes closer to your own opinion? Statement A: There needs to be new and tougher gun control legislation to help in the fight against gun crime. Statement B: There are enough laws on the books. What is needed is better enforcement of current laws regarding gun control." ...

Submitter's Note: What happened to C: All gun laws are unConstitutional and should be rescinded and those who enforced them should be thrown in prison for civil rights violations?

Time to Separate Church from State in Kennesaw (WarOnGuns)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'We passed an ordinance banning firearms, and the state, in its infinite wisdom, passed a law saying people can have guns in parks and endanger our kids,' said Church. 'We think we ought to have the right to protect our kids and our citizenry.'"

"Now tell 'em the truth, Mayor Leonard Church."

"The truth is, it's already illegal for criminals to carry, so these 'people' you don't trust--the only ones who would obey such a ridiculous edict--are the ones who aren't causing a problem. You insult them by accusing them of being a danger to 'our kids' ... And you offer the further unsubstantiated assertion that the best way to protect yourself is to allow the state to disarm you while it utterly fails to disarm the violent among us." ...

The Time to speak up is now! (Red's Trading Post)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I will be speaking out Thursday at the Regulatory Fairness Forum in Boise. They have indicated that others who have been affected by the ATF are encouraged to submit a letter, more importantly organizations representing others are also encouraged to submit a letter. I have contacted several organizations, so far GOA-Gun Owners of America and JPFO-Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership have submitted letters. I would like to post updates tomorrow on other organizations that have submitted a letter on behalf of our Second Amendment."

"Every organization that I have spoken to acknowledges there is a major problem with the ATF, there seems to be two schools of thought on how to resolve it....Abolish or Reform the BATFE. ..." ...

Want to Save us From Catastrophic Global Warming - Go Hunting
Submitted by: The Citizens Journal

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... "This from Speigel Online, 'Norway is concerned that its national animal, the moose, is harming the climate by emitting an estimated 2,100 kilos of carbon dioxide a year through its belching and farting.'"

"'Norwegian newspapers, citing research from Norway's technical university, said a motorist would have to drive 13,000 kilometers in a car to emit as much CO2 as a moose does in a year ... Norway has some 120,000 moose but an estimated 35,000 are expected to be killed in this year's moose hunting season, which starts on September 25, Norwegian newspaper VG reported.'
" ...

Virginia's Gun Market
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The 'Iron Pipeline' of Interstate 95 remains alive and deadly, as a new federal study grimly confirms. Saddest of all is the evidence that some of the most far-reaching shady gun marts continue to operate in the state of Virginia, where the suicidal Virginia Tech student shot 32 people to death only four months ago. Virginia dealers have been a standout source for guns used in crimes up and down the seaboard, according to the federal study. They accounted for half of the 10,000 guns tracked by the study in the metropolitan Washington, D.C., area, and one in 11 in New York City." ...

Brady Campaign President Responds to Virginia Tech Internal Review
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The Virginia Tech internal reviews issued today represent a lot of detailed and thorough work, and I commend those involved for their efforts."

"We need to remember, however, that the Virginia Tech killer was able to murder 32 people quickly because our weak gun laws allowed him to buy high-powered weapons despite his record of adjudication of dangerous mental illness. Next Tuesday, on the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s 1963 March on Washington, Americans in more than 20 cities will be protesting how easy it is to access guns in our communities." ...

WA: Pit Bulls Break Into Home, Maul Woman
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Two pit bull terriers broke into a house through a pet door Tuesday and attacked a woman in her bed, mauling her badly, a Pierce County sheriff's spokesman said."

"The woman was able to grab a gun and try to shoot the dogs, then break away from the attack and lock herself in her car, where she called 911, sheriff's spokesman Ed Troyer said." ...

KABA Note: But why do you keep a gun under your pillow? What are you, paranoid?

OR: Homeowner Puts Brakes On Burglar's Getaway
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"A homeowner put the brakes on a burglary suspect when he shot the tires of the getaway car." ...

"According to Durrett, he had just returned home from work in Vancouver when he spotted a man walking around his work truck."

"'When I looked out, it looked like my truck door was open. I wasn't sure if the door was open or not, but he was looking in my truck and people just don’t do that,' said Durrett."

"Durrett said he retrieved his 40-caliber semiautomatic pistol, hoping to scare the man away, just as the man was entering his house through the back door."

"'He just pulled it right open and he walked right in my house and I had my pistol in my hand and said, 'Get on the ground,' Durrett told FOX 12." ...

AZ: School Suspends Boy for Sketching Gun
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"School officials suspended a 13-year-old boy for sketching what looked like a gun, saying the action posed a threat to his classmates."

"The boy's parents said the drawing was a harmless doodle and school officials overreacted."

"'The school made him feel like he committed a crime. ...' said the boy's mother, Paula Mosteller."

"The drawing did not show blood, bullets, injuries or target any human, the parents said. And ... the boy said he didn't intend for the picture to be a threat." ...

"The boy's father, Ben Mosteller, said that when he went to the school to discuss his son's punishment, school officials mentioned the seriousness of the issue and talked about the massacre at Colorado's Columbine High School ..." ...

OK: Parker school acts on threats
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One made threats to bring a gun. Another brought one — one that fired plastic pellets."

"And both are in trouble with the McAlester school system."

"A Parker Mid High student isn't in class today and may not be for some time to come because he allegedly made threats to shoot fellow students with a firearm."

"'Any time a threat is made it's taken very seriously,' said Jim Northcutt, superintendent of McAlester Public Schools." ...

"The student allegedly made the threats to a group of girls at the school. 'There was some teasing involved and the young man made serious threats to them,' Northcutt said, adding 'The student is not in school at this time.'" ...

VA: Virginia Tech panel calls for change after rampage
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Virginia Tech university should increase counseling for troubled students and monitor those who may turn violent, according to a school review released on Wednesday, months after the deadliest shooting rampage in modern U.S. history."

"The school should also install locks in classrooms and consider adding surveillance cameras, according to three reports ordered by the school after student Seung-Hui Cho killed 32 students and teachers, and himself, on April 16."

"The reports also said the school should expand its emergency-notification system. The school set up a system in July that can send emergency text messages to cell phones." ...

Thompson Brings Gun Control to the Fore
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Former Senator Fred D. Thompson of Tennessee, who has not officially declared his presidential ambitions, took a not-very-veiled swipe yesterday at the leading Republican candidate, former Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani of New York, for supporting gun control." ...

Target: New York
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The Big Apple came under harsh attack yesterday from Republican White House hopefuls hunting for votes." ...

"Hours later, Fred Thompson came out with both barrels blazing - hitting Giuliani and Mayor Bloomberg over their Gun-control policies." ...

GA: Kennesaw lifts ban on guns in parks
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The City Council on Monday reluctantly lifted a ban on firearms in public parks, but officials said they plan to lobby the state Legislature for more local control on firearms restrictions."

"To comply with a conflicting state law, the council unanimously approved repealing a section of Kennesaw's parks ordinance that altogether banned firearms in city parks."

"But officials voiced frustration as to not having the ability to simply restrict firearms use in parks for the safety of residents and children." ...

KABA Note: But the ordinance had nothing to do with firearms use, it prohibited mere possession. Furthermore the state preemption law explicitly permits towns to limit or prohibit discharge (use) of firearms.

TX: New Laws Take Effect September 1
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Beginning next Saturday, new laws take effect in Texas."

"They were passed during the last legislative session, and some of them made us sit up and notice."

"Defending your home and family, by whatever means necessary, was a right many people thought they had. You don't until Senate Bill 378 goes into effect. It's called the 'Castle Doctrine.' Starting September 1, you no longer need to try to retreat, or find a way out, before using deadly force in self-defense." ...

NE: Anti-gun Ordinance Criticized For Allegedly "targeting black youth."
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Mayor Mike Fahey says making gun laws a bit tougher could help reduce the number of young people in Omaha who possess and/or provide firearms to other young people."

"The city council is likely to vote on the plan next week."

"Part of the story on Fahey's presentation to the city council is a real attention getter."

"It's the part about one witness telling the council he doesn't like the plan because, it seems to him, it unfairly targets black kids." ...

MA: Taunton constable loses license
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The City Council on Tuesday revoked Wendell Bradford's constable license for conduct unbecoming a constable."

"'The revocation came after testimony from witnesses that ... Bradford had been involved in a road-rage incident after his vehicle was damaged by a thrown object,' Police Chief Raymond O'Berg told the council."

"O'Berg had recommended the revocation despite Bradford, of 51 Andrea Lane, having a spotless record, passing background checks and having a permit to carry a pistol." ...

"'What could be more unbecoming then someone who stops a vehicle, flashes his constable's badge and punches someone in the face?' said Mayor Charles Crowley. 'If this council doesn't find that unbecoming a constable then what is?'" ...

PA: North Catasauqua officer charged in confrontation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A North Catasauqua police officer has been charged by Catasauqua police with following a woman and blocking her car with his in a July incident he said was touched off by an obscene gesture she made toward him ..."

"Timothy Varga, 28, was charged with summary disorderly conduct on Aug. 11 for the incident in which he allegedly told Jean Jackson of Catasauqua: 'Next time you whip the finger at somebody, make sure it's not a cop.'"

"The confrontation occurred about 9:30 p.m. July 22 ... after Varga had just left work, said borough Police Chief Douglas Kish. The officer was in uniform but in his personal vehicle, Kish said."

"Varga told police he followed Jackson, 60, to Covington Street after she gestured at him, Kish said." ...

LA: Shreveport officer charged with prescription fraud
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A Shreveport police officer is on the wrong side of the jail bars, charged with prescription fraud.

Sgt. T.L. Morgan, 39, was arrested Tuesday on four counts of obtaining a controlled dangerous substance by fraud.The four counts involve incidents that all occurred in 2007. Shreveport narcotics officers received a complaint about a week ago that Morgan was fraudulently obtaining prescription medications.

Morgan has been with the Shreveport Police Department since May of 1991. He's now on paid administrative leave pending an internal investigation.

GA: Handgun training and self-defense classes see overwhelming response
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The response to the handgun familiarization class being offered to women by the Laurens County Sheriff’s Department and the Dublin Judicial Circuit District Attorney’s Office has been overwhelming."

"'We're already on our sixth class,' said Laurens Deputy Sid Harrison who is planning the classes. He said each class will have 40 participants and plans are to have the first class Saturday from 8 a.m. until noon with the following classes to be offered the second and third Saturday of each month until everyone who wants to take the class has had an opportunity to do so." ...

OH: Suspects Identified In Fatal Double Shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police in Dayton said they have identified two men who were arrested and accused in the shooting deaths of two men on Tuesday." ...

"The shooting happened on Tuesday afternoon at the business on Wayne Avenue. Investigators said Phillips and Purdue were armed and were wearing masks when they entered the business in an attempted robbery."

"Detectives said the men fled the scene but was captured a short time later. Police said an off-duty military police officer who lives nearby said he heard the shots and then ran to help."

"The military police officer said he managed to get one man in custody and keep him until officers arrived. Police said officers managed to catch the second suspect a short time later." ...

GA: Sandy Springs officer charged with DUI
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Sandy Springs police sergeant assigned to the department's internal affairs unit is now the subject of an investigation after she was arrested and charged with driving under the influence."

"Sgt. Tanya Smith failed a field sobriety test administered to her by state troopers after she was pulled over in Canton about 3 a.m. Sunday."

"The Georgia State Patrol had set up roadblocks to look out for drunk drivers and other traffic law violators."

"Smith admitted to having drinks before getting on the road ..."

"Smith was taken to the Cherokee County Jail, where she refused to take a state administered chemical test. She was charged with driving under the influence and booked into the jail." ...

ME: Caribou police officer charged with OUI, placed on leave
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An officer with the Caribou Police Department has been placed on administrative leave after being charged with operating while under the influence of intoxicants stemming from an incident in Presque Isle."

"Barry Dombroski, 44, of Caribou has been with the Caribou Police Department since 1985, Caribou City Manager Steven Buck said Tuesday."

"He has been placed on administrative leave 'pending further investigation into the matter,' Buck said, adding that it was inappropriate for him to comment further on the matter at this point."

"The alleged incident occurred Aug. 17 in Presque Isle, according to Presque Isle Police Chief Naldo Gagnon." ...

NJ: Target gun seller's license, but trooper backs him up
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Prosecutors are seeking to revoke the retail gun license of a Jersey City gun merchant, but a state trooper testified yesterday that he found no violations at the gun shop and has made no recommendation that the license be revoked." ...

"Hudson County Assistant Prosecutor Barbara Turso argued that the theft of a handgun from the shop in June showed that Murray's continued operation was a threat to the safety of the community."

"'This is based on the needs of this community, where there are far too many firearms,' Turso told Superior Court Judge Fred Theemling." ...

PA: Labor Day gun sales suspension irks Western Pa. dealers
Submitted by: jac

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"Gun sales will be suspended statewide and law enforcement agencies won't be able to complete criminal background checks for four days as the Pennsylvania State Police upgrades a computer database, angering firearms dealers and sportsmen."

"'We will be hard hit,' said George Romanoff, owner of Ace Sporting Goods, a Washington store dedicated to shooting sports. 'And history has shown, when it's shut down, it doesn't always come up that smoothly.'"

"Romanoff is among a group of about a dozen gun dealers and sportsmen's organizations planning to seek an injunction from Commonwealth Court to stop the shutdown of the Pennsylvania Instant Check database, scheduled for 6 p.m. Sept. 2 through noon Sept. 6." ...

Submitters note: If they can shut it down for 4 days, the next time it will be for 4 weeks?

PA: Police officer charged with prostitution
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Newport Township part-time police officer was working as an escort when he was arrested in a prostitution sting at a Wilkes-Barre motel on Friday, according to arrest papers."

"Levi Gibbon Jr., 40, of East North Street, Wilkes-Barre, was charged by the state police Organized Crime Unit with a single count of prostitution. He was arraigned before Hanover Township District Judge Joseph Halesey and released on $5,000 bail."

"Newport Township Solicitor Richard Shiptoski said Gibbon has been suspended without pay until resolution of the charge, a third-degree misdemeanor." ...

GA: Lott fires APD candidate (follow-up)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Albany Police recruit has been fired after losing her police issued handgun, and lying to her superiors about it."

"Shunell Borders was fired because of the lost gun incident. City Manager Alfred Lott made the decision to dismiss the recruit, who was on probation as a police officer trainee."

"March 10th Borders was ordered to turn in her .40 caliber semi-automatic pistol for service. She reported to her supervisor that the gun was missing from her personal car trunk, after it had been parked in the Police Compound, and said some of the people working there must have taken it."

"Later under questioning Borders admitted she had lied about the gun being stolen, because she was afraid she would be fired for losing it." ...

UK: Officer 'Accidentally Shot Bullet' In Car
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A firearms officer accidentally shot a bullet into the passenger seat of a police car while trying to unload a weapon."

"The round - from the officer's Glock 9mm semi-automatic pistol - pierced the front seat of a BMW armed response vehicle. It happened shortly after 9am on June 5 this year in the secure car park at the rear of Heavitree Road police station in Exeter."

"No one was injured in the incident and the shot caused 'minimal superficial damage', according to police. No repairs needed to be carried out." ...

NY: Bloomberg's gun battle
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"As presidential rumors circulate, Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s fight against gun dealers in five states — Virginia, Georgia, South Carolina, Ohio and Pennsylvania — has ignited a debate over states’ rights."

"NYPD statistics show 90 percent of guns used in crimes can be traced to out-of-state sales, so the city dispatched private investigators to make 'straw purchases' from retailers whose guns were recovered in crimes here. ..."

"Lawyer Ed Marger is representing one of the 27 dealers the city has accused of selling guns to straw purchasers. ..."

"'The mayor did not have the extraterritorial right to come into Georgia and have individuals working for him falsify records,' said Marger. 'He purposely evaded the laws of the state of Georgia and vilified our client.'" ...

PA: Computer upgrade will slow state gun sales
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"On the cusp of a new hunting season, Pennsylvania's gun dealers won't be able to complete sales for about four days in September, and they aren't happy about it."

"State police said this month they will take down the state's instant background check system -- from 6 p.m. Sept. 2 to noon Sept. 6 -- for computer upgrades."

"Names must be run through the Pennsylvania Instant Check System before a gun sale can be completed. With the system down, consumers will have to wait a few days to get their guns, state police said."

"The timing has gun-shop owners angry because dove and Canada goose seasons begin Sept. 1." ...

NY: Gun locks given out Saturday in Fulton
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Fulton police Lt. Bill Clark still remembers the day 11 years ago when two teenage boys decided to take a look at some guns in an unlocked gun cabinet."

"A 17-year-old boy started playing with a handgun. He fired a shot and killed his 14-year-old friend, police said. The guns were in a first-floor den used as a spare bedroom in a home just outside Fulton."

"Clark said the shooting could have been prevented if the guns were locked." ...

KABA Note: The shooting could also have been prevented if the boys had gotten firearms safety training.

GA: Kennesaw to fight state law against local gun control
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Kennesaw ... plans to fight a state law that prohibits local governments from banning firearms in city parks, Mayor Leonard Church said Tuesday."

"He said the Kennesaw City Council 'against our will' rescinded its ordinance banning the carrying of firearms in parks ... to avoid a suit from a pro-gun group called"

"The group had demanded that Kennesaw get rid of its ordinance, which is superseded by a law that gives only the state the power to regulate where firearms may be carried." ...

"'We passed an ordinance banning firearms, and the state, in its infinite wisdom, passed a law saying people can have guns in parks and endanger our kids,' said Church. 'We think we ought to have the right to protect our kids and our citizenry.'" ...

OH: This 'n' that: Mayor hits the mark with pistol policy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Cincinnati Mayor Mark Mallory's refusal last week to fire a starter pistol for a 5K race seems, on its face, a little silly. This is, after all, a guy who couldn't hit the ocean. Earlier this year, his errant, opening-day pitch at a Cincinnati Reds game was so off-target, it ended up being an ESPN highlight."

"Mallory's refusal might well be viewed as political posturing, except when you take into account that Cincinnati set a record for homicides in 2006."

"In that light, his balking at shooting even a 'pretend' gun is understandable, considering that the primary victims of homicide are young black men similar to himself. ..." ...

WI: Family Range Day is Sunday at IRPC range
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As August moves forward and the leaves begin to get that very first tint of yellow, sporting minds often look forward to the autumn hunt."

"And in many cases, hunting is a family time, as fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, all take to the fields, duck blinds, and hardwoods."

"At the 18th annual NRA Family Range Day, set for this Sunday at the Indianhead Rifle & Pistol Club (IRPC) shooting range 1 1/2 miles north of Spooner, hunters and shooters can get an early taste of autumn." ...

Australia: Weapons crimes penalties double
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"PEOPLE caught with weapons in pubs, clubs or restaurants have been warned they face up to four years in jail and fines of more than $50,000."

"The State Government yesterday introduced tougher penalties for people caught carrying knives and other dangerous articles in or within 20m of a licensed venue."

"Under the changes to the Control of Weapons Act, anyone found carrying a weapon in a licensed venue could face up to four years in jail or a fine of $52,857 ..." ...

"The new changes also abolish arguments of self-defence as a valid reason to be carrying a weapon."

"'We are clarifying the original intention of the law: that is, people are not to carry a dangerous article ... for self-defence,' Mr Cameron said."

UK: Pensioner shed feud erupts into violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A pensioner was today told to pay a former neighbour £500 in compensation for whacking him over the head with a walking stick following a feud over a shed."

"Barry Parr, 68, was left with a gaping head wound after being hit by Michael Walshaw, 65, with a walking stick, Leeds Crown Court heard."

"A jury today found Walshaw guilty of assault occasioning actual bodily harm and criminal damage to a car."

"He was given a conditional discharge for two years and told to pay Mr Parr £500 compensation at £10 a week." ...

UK: Boy shot outside school by BB gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The incident happened at Laurieknowe Primary School at about 1500 BST on Tuesday. The boy was taken to hospital but was found to be uninjured.

Police confirmed an 11-year-old boy will be reported to the Children's Reporter following the incident.

However, their inquiries are ongoing and they have appealed for any witnesses to come forward.

Ch Insp Michael Collins has warned of the dangers surrounding such weapons.

"I would like to remind members of the public that BB guns can be dangerous if used in the wrong hands," he said.

He asked for any parent or child with information about the incident to contact police.

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