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Newslinks for 8/24/2001

MD Attorney General Files Against Gun Shows
Submitted by: skypod

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"We believe [the county's] position is correct, and they have the ability to regulate gun shows in places of public assembly. They have the right to decide where they spend their money and who gets to use the money they spend." --MD AG Joseph Curran, who filed a friend-of-the-court brief yesterday in favor of Montgomery County.

The County Council in June passed a law prohibiting county money and resources from being used to support any facility that hosts a gun show.

John and Carole Price: Using their Child's Death to Promote More
Submitted by: skypod

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Since the death of their son, John and Carole Price have been vocal advocates of "gun control" and "an end to handgun violence". Both have endorsed the ASK program, Carole was an organizer of the MMM, and John helped draft Carroll County Public Schools' gun education program.

~ The "Brady Center" is handling their $6 million lawsuit against the gun manufacturer -- the same "Brady Center" that bought-out MMM and endorses ASK.

Come and Take It
Submitted by: skypod

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"Here is a proposal to Mr. Government and his cronies. Pass all the laws you want, outlaw guns if you so desire. The catch is, enforcement. Come down to Texas sometime and see how many of the individuals will gift wrap their .44s or .357s for you. Come and take it, I say. You most probably however, will only triumph when you pull it from our cold, dead hands." --Tim Swanson

Australia: Guns smuggled in the mail
Submitted by: Angel Shamaya

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"HIGH-POWERED guns are being routinely mailed from overseas in pieces and reassembled by Australian criminals, making a mockery of efforts to control firearms and limit violent crime."

"A memo to NSW police officers warns that hand guns seized during a major investigation of weapons-trafficking can fire up to 20 rounds in seconds."

"Shootings have dramatically increased recently..."

They must need more laws -- double bans, perhaps.

PA High Court Rules Individuals Have No Privacy in Phone Calls
Submitted by: Angel Shamaya

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"In a decision that would make George Orwell glow with prescient delight, a fractured Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that, given the methods of telephone communication widely used today, including speakerphones and cordless phones, individuals have no reasonable expectation of privacy in telephone calls made to their own homes. The phone calls at issue were taped as part of a drug investigation conducted by law enforcement." --Danielle N. Rodier,

Sen. Hillary's Brother Wishes He'd Been Armed
Submitted by: Andrew Wharton

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It seems that Hillary's brother suffers from the typical grabber's projection syndrome; they are dangerous, hence *I* should lose my rights. Granted, I do not know which way Hillary's brother and Barbara Boxer's former son-in-law stands on this issue, but I can guess.

"I wish I had a gun when he broke into my house, because I would have killed him," Tony Rodham said. "I would have been in my legal right to shoot him because he broke into my house. That would have been good, because the story would have been over in one day."

Columbine Victim's Father Pickets NRA HQ (Again)
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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Once again, Tom Mauser was seen outside the NRA Headquarters in Fairfax, Virginia, picketing alone. While as parents and human beings we are bound to feel sorrow and uspeakable anger along with Mr. Mauser, who lost his son Daniel in the Columbine massacre over two years ago; as rational, law-abiding citizens and gun owners we must wonder if his anger isn't horribly misdirected.

The sign he carried said: "My son Daniel died at Columbine -- He'd expect me to be here today." Why?

The Whack'em & Stack'em White Paper
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Since publishing yesterday's Whack'em & Stack'em, Sierra Times has received many inquiries from folks wanting to know, "exactly what IS a Whack'em & Stack'em?" Let us explain: This is a term created here at Sierra Times to identify the 'always justifiable' law enforcement homicide, or fatal police shooting.

~ Good read.

Santa Fe NM Overrun with Bears
Submitted by: John Rich

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Santa Fe, New Mexico, is overrun with bears! Ten bears have been killed after breaking into homes this summer. Game officers have killed 43 bears in response to citizen complaints. Five bears were killed on Monday night alone. There are as many as 100 bear complaints per day.

It's a good thing the citizens of New Mexico have the right to keep and bear arms for self-defense -- pun intended!

Johns Hopkins Center awarded CCRKBA Privacy Infringement Prize
Submitted by: skypod

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"Haven't these people learned ... that one of the hallmarks of the past century's Nazi and Communist dictatorships was the requirement that neighbors inform on neighbors and children inform on parents?" --John Michael Snyder, CCRKBA

Snyder said the Center deserves the mock award because of its national campaign encouraging parents to ask other parents if they keep a gun in the house before sending their children over to play.

Man charged with "hate crime" for verbally protecting his wife
Submitted by: Angel Shamaya

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A man whose wife was being physically assaulted was charged with a "hate crime" -- possible 5-years in prison -- for "verbally assaulting" the attacker.

No, this is not a joke. Report by Paul Craig Roberts.

Utah GOP Okays Compromise on Guns
Submitted by: skypod

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People will be "allowed" to bring loaded guns to the GOP convention, under a compromise drawn up by the state attorney general: They will be asked to put the weapons in storage lockers --checking them like coats or hats-- while Vice President Cheney is in the Exposition Center, then retrieve them once he leaves.

"It will go best if we don't have more than 50 people with guns," Utah AG Mark Shurtleff said.

-What kind of "compromise" is that? They will still be unarmed at the convention.
For more information on this idea, see:

That rifle on the wall of the labourer's cottage or working class flat is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there. — GEORGE ORWELL

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