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Newslinks for 8/24/2004

Jeff "the Hunter" Jordan case settled in Ohio
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"As you may well have heard by now, my lawyers and I concluded a plea bargain with the Ashland county prosecutor's office Friday 8/21. The reason that this is the first you have heard of it is complete secrecy was part of the deal, for reasons which completely escape me. Be that as it may, everything went off without a hitch. The settlement included no jail time (well, technically a suspended sentence), a year's unsupervised probation, a $500 fine, and $300-odd dollars in court costs. *All* of my seized property is to be returned; specifically including my pistols, ammo, rifle, swords, and electronics."

"So that there is no misunderstanding on this, everyone should be aware that I consider this settlement at best a damn fine fighting retreat, not a victory. The vitally important philosophical and legal points involved in the case are going to go unstated. From a personal and practical standpoint this is a very good result, but from a long-term viewpoint of preserving freedom this is a far less than optimal outcome. But I have a pretty strong aversion to ignoring the advice of people I am paying large sums of money for their expertise, and the *unanimous* opinion of the legal team was to accept this deal. This is by no means the end of the legal struggle, but it *does* mark the end of my own personal jeopardy." ...

Document Details Warsaw Ghetto Resistance (JPFO)
Submitted by: Melissa Seaman

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JPFO has posted a fascinating document you should not miss. It reveals, in powerful detail, how a few thousand people can resist an overwhelming force.

It has been 61 years since this document was originally written -- and almost as many since Jurgen Stoop's own words were used as evidence to hang him as a war criminal. Many of us need to re-learn that history.

Aladdin's Lamp Torches Moore
Submitted by: Mitchell Haley

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... "My laugh began over a month ago, when Linda Ronstadt, singing at the Aladdin Casino and Hotel in Las Vegas, dedicated a song to 'crockumentary' filmmaker Michael Moore, extolling his presumed virtues and his Bush-whacking film Fahrenheit 9/11."

"The audience divided between cheers and boos. And many walked out."

"Bill Timmins, President of the Aladdin, didn’t hesitate. He had his security people immediately escort her out of the hotel, without even allowing her to gather up stuff from her room." ...

"'What country do you live in?' Moore snarled. ' the United States, we have something called 'The First Amendment.' This constitutional right gives everyone here the right to say whatever they want to say.'" ...

The (too) high cost of politics
Submitted by: medicdave

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"Four years ago, George W. Bush said some things I liked. In fact, I liked those things quite a lot. He said he favored privacy and that it ought to be protected. He spoke about the Second Amendment and its importance."...

"Today, the President has made clear the Second Amendment doesn't matter enough to prevent him from signing the Assault Weapons Ban should it be renewed. ..." ...

If individuals guard buildings, military can focus on priorities
Submitted by: medicdave

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"Gun-control laws, like all ill-advised measures, have unintended, often unfortunate, consequences. This is especially true in the post-Sept. 11, 2001, environment." ...

"What if the terrorists wait until the extra security is removed, and then act? What if they strike at unguarded buildings somewhere else? This is where the wisdom of our founders comes into play. They advocated a nation-at-arms where everyone who wished would be armed. They went so far as to guarantee this right in the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution..They knew that no one can always predict the type of threat the nation might face. So they prepared for every eventuality by providing...for an armed populace." ...

Shooting is star in participation poll
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"People interested in outdoor pursuits have become fired up about shooting sports."

"A Fox News Channel report released in June listed percentage increases in participation in popular outdoors activities. Recreational and competitive shooting topped all pursuits. Involvement in shooting trap, skeet and sporting clays increased its numbers by about 25 percent, while all other sports showed increases up to 17 percent." ...

Ducking and running: Bush backs away from assault-weapons ban
Submitted by: medicdave

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... "The existing law, enacted in 1994 for a 10-year period and due to expire on Sept. 14, is hardly perfect."

Is this lefty-speak for "completely ineffective"?

"...but copies and near-relatives of those weapons remain on the market — and they still account for a disproportionate share of the gun violence committed in this country."

You must mean a disproportionately small share... Or perhaps independent CDC and Justice Department reports are completely lost on you...

"Even gun-rights enthusiasts have a hard time arguing with straight faces that the weapons have a legitimate place in hunting or sport. ..." ...

Well, you're right there - but "hunting or sport" aren't mentioned in the 2nd amendment, are they?

A Kind of Firefighting (Book Review)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Fire and guns are powerful tools, but their benefits are sometimes overshadowed by the death and injuries they inflict. ... On an average day in this country, guns are used to kill some 80 people and wound another 300." [KABA NOTE: Take out suicide and legal intervention, and that drops to 33.2 per day.] ...

"In 'Private Guns,' Mr. Hemenway, director of the Harvard Injury Control Research Center, treats gun violence as a consumer safety and public health problem, offering a detailed, sober account of the effect of guns on society." ...

"But the author does not examine either the social and recreational benefits of shooting, or the costs of recreational shooting, like loss of hearing." ...

South Africa: Anger over gun licence law sparks protest
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Prospective black firearm owners, who claim they have been wrongly targeted by the new gun laws, took to the streets of Pretoria over the weekend in protest."

"More than 450 members of the Black Gun Owners' Association handed over a memorandum of their grievances at the offices of the minister for safety and security in Pretorius Street on Saturday."

"They claim the government is forcing blacks to buy cheaper illegal firearms, as it appears they are being discriminated against the most by the new laws."

"A spokesperson for the group, Abios Khoele, claimed that 99 percent of black applicants for firearm licences were refused with no clear reason." ...

Given the history of gun control laws, you are surprised by this?

Save the Assault Weapons Ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The late President Ronald Reagan affirmed to Congress that a ban on assault weapons was common sense public safety legislation. Through the tireless efforts of law-enforcement leaders and concerned citizens over many years working to rid the streets of dangerous assault weapons, the Assault Weapons Ban was finally passed into law in 1994. Congress passed this landmark legislation with the support and approval of Presidents Ford, Carter, and Clinton. The Assault Weapons Ban has been successfully in effect for 10 years, but it seems that our success is coming to an end." ...

Well I guess it all depends on how you define success. The CDC and DOJ have found that the ban had no effect on crime, so unless you have different criteria, the ban has not been a success.

MI: A missed arrest, and 3 shattered families
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A Detroit police detective had a chance to put a man in jail last year for possession of a stolen car."

"The detective didn't do it."

"Four months later, the man allegedly shot and killed an armored car driver at a bank and another man who stopped for soda at a gas station."

"Now, investigator John Day of the 9th (Gratiot) Precinct is under departmental investigation for neglect of duty. The Free Press has learned that two police supervisors have already recommended disciplinary measures against Day, whom they said should have tried to charge Desmond Crumsey, a seasoned criminal, with possession of a stolen car last October."

"Instead, Day dropped the case. ..." ...

Australia: The value of collectible firearms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"READERS would be aware of the activities of the Antique Arms Collectors Society and the significant role it is playing to preserve valuable Australian heritage in the face of increasing hysteria around gun controls."

"Less well known is the potential value of these heritage pieces as investment collectibles."

"Their monetary value combined with the perception of bureaucratic indifference or insensitivity to the intrinsic historical worth of antique firearms further fuels the sense of outrage felt by many who have an abiding interest in the subject." ...

And how many priceless artifacts have gone to the smelter due to ignorance and prejudice on the part of these bureaucrats, politicians and police?

Philippines: Raid on home of governor's aide yields guns, not drugs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An aide of Zambales Governor Vicente Magsaysay was arrested after anti-narcotics agents searched his house looking for drugs but found high-powered firearms instead." ...

"The raiding team led by PDEA (Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency) chief Anselmo Avenido Jr., however, did not find any drugs or drug paraphernalia but discovered that Cadawas was keeping unlicensed high-powered firearms."

"Police seized an AK-47 rifle, an M-16 rifle, a 9-mm pistol and ammunition for different guns, according to Senior Superintendent Wilson Victorio, Zambales provincial police director."

Don't these lowly policemen know that the rules don't apply to the elite?

India: Rampaging rapists have little to fear in Delhi
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"More than 300 rapes have taken place in Delhi this year. About 470 cases of rape were reported last year. About 30 per cent of rapes reported from all over the country annually take place in Delhi."

"This has obviously led many to believe that the city is unsafe for women."

"However, the fact that over 70 per cent of all rape cases decided every year in the recent past resulted in the acquittal of the accused, ostensibly because the victim turned hostile, is proving to be a real cause of concern."

"Things have come to a stage where even the police admit, albeit sotto voce, that they have a limited role to play in dealing with the crime. Some even advocate invoking death penalty." ...

How about cutting out the middleman by arming women and allowing them to invoke the death penalty on the spot?

MO: Law and order: 3 arrested in attack on off-duty policeman
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An off-duty St. Louis police officer was able to fight off four attackers by firing his service pistol twice, grazing one of the men, authorities said."

"The incident happened about 12:30 a.m. Sunday as the officer was returning home after getting tacos for his pregnant wife."

"The officer, who reported he was struck in the face and in the back of the head with beer bottles, suffered minor injuries. He was treated at a hospital and released."

"Three suspects were arrested a couple of hours later at a house near Louisiana Avenue and Itaska Street. Warrants were being sought Sunday night."

"We still don't really know what started this, why the officer was assaulted," said Capt. James Gieseke ..." ...

Armed self-defense works!

AZ: Attorneys argue over relevance of victim's past
Submitted by: Shovelhead

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"As lawyers in the trail-side shooting of a Payson man gear up for trial, the relevance of victim's personal life is coming before the court."

"Attorneys told the judge Monday what motions they expect to put before the court, including those seeking to include and exclude personal information about the man shot to death by defendant Harold Fish of Glendale. Fish, 57, shot and killed Grant Kuenzli May 11, telling Coconino County Sheriff's deputies that he was in fear for his life." ...

IL: Gov vetoes protection for homeowners with guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gov. Rod Blagojevich vetoed a bill Friday meant to provide legal protection for homeowners who violate local gun ordinances by shooting intruders."

"The legislation was a response to the heavily publicized case of Hale DeMar, a Wilmette restaurant owner who in December shot a burglar who had broken into his home twice."

"Cook County prosecutors declined to press criminal charges against DeMar, but Wilmette officials charged him with violating the suburb's ban on handguns. DeMar is challenging the constitutionality of the ordinance."

"The bill the governor vetoed Friday would have allowed people in situations like DeMar's to argue self-defense if charged with violating such an ordinance. ..." ...

PA: Handgun limits [first letter on page]
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"Contrary to what George A. Albany 3d, wrote in "One Reader's View," Aug. 16, existing gun laws are not adequate to ensure that straw purchasers of handguns for the illegal market are detected, or detectable, in most instances."

"While it is true that a multiple purchase of handguns at one location will require the completion of an ATF notification form, this notification is only required when two or more guns are purchased at the same time. Albany, a lawful gun owner with nothing to hide, made all his purchases at once. However, straw purchasers know about this reporting requirement, too. They purposely buy one gun here, one gun there, in a very effective effort to fly under the radar and avoid detection by law enforcement." ...

VA: Chesapeake Police Seek Three Suspects After Shots Exchanged With Homeowner
Submitted by: Bruce Bremer

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Chesapeake police are looking for three suspects after they say a homeowner exchanged gunfire with the three early Monday morning.

According to officials, a man in the 1700 block of Cedar Road heard his dog barking in his Deep Creek backyard just before 4:00am.

When he went to investigate, police say he found three individuals that appeared to be stealing equipment from his neighbor's truck.

The man - who police have not identified - says when he confronted the three, they fired gunshots towards him. He then returned fire with his own gun.

No one was hurt.

Police say they are looking for three black males driving a black Ford Explorer.

The trio could be charged with attempted malicious wounding.

Anyone with information that may help Chesapeake Police is asked to call the Crimeline at 1-888-LOCK-U-UP.

SC: Homeowner won't be charged, prosecutor says
Submitted by: medicdave

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"A Lowcountry homeowner was acting in self defense when he shot a 16-year-old intruder in the leg last May and will not face prosecution, Berkeley County Deputy Solicitor Blair Jennings said."

"'Based on the information we've got now, (Richburg) acted lawfully,' Jennings said. 'The house is a person's domain. Clearly, you have the right to defend yourself in your house.'" ...

FL: Fear of Looting Is on Rise, If Not the Reality of It
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Mark Silverman has a .357 revolver and a couple of dogs he can use to deal with anyone foolish enough to wander down his street, Scenic View Drive, after dark."

"'I'm not kidding about this,' Mr. Silverman said, gesturing at his family's property. 'Looting will not be tolerated. This is all we've got.'" ...

MN: Ramsey judge won't set aside conceal carry ruling
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Ramsey County District judge who declared Minnesota's "conceal and carry" law as unconstitutional has rejected a request to leave the law in place while his ruling is appealed."

"In an order filed today, Judge John T. Finley denied the request made by lawyers with the state attorney general's office."

"Finley's ruling means those who seek a permit to carry a handgun will have to do so under the requirements of Minnesota's old permit law, which gives county sheriff's and chiefs of police greater discretion when deciding who gets a permit." ...

KABA Notes: A) It is not "conceal and carry", the law states "carries, holds, or possesses a pistol ... on or about the person's clothes or the person".

B) The new law did not remove discretion to deny a permit. It states that a sheriff may deny an application "on the grounds that there exists a substantial likelihood that the applicant is a danger to self or the public if authorized to carry a pistol under a permit". The main difference is that under the new law if a judge disagrees with the sheriff's decision, the sheriff is on the hook for legal costs, whereas under the old law, the citizen had to pony up.

MN: Gun permits revert to old rules
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Conceal and carry gun permits will now be issued in Otter Tail County under the old state law."

"Starting Monday the Otter Tail County Sheriff's Department and chiefs of police in cities throughout the county, will issue permits as they did under the old conceal and carry law."

"Under the new conceal and carry law passed in 2003, sheriffs were given the responsibility for issuing all gun permits in their jurisdictions."

"'Millions of dollars were spent on a computer system for the new law,' said Otter Tail County Sheriff Brian Schlueter."

"Now, the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension will redistribute paperwork to all sheriff's and police departments." ...

NV: Las Vegas Man Shoots Neighbor Trying To Break Into Home
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The crash of a sliding glass door alerted a couple on the southeast side of the valley to a break-in of their home. When the intruder entered their bedroom, the homeowner grabbed his gun and fired, killing not a stranger, but the neighbor next door. ..." ...

"Brian's friend and business partner, George Morelli, died a few feet from his front door in his neighbor's master bedroom. Police believe the neighbor shot in self-defense when Morelli broke in to his home. 'Both the residents were asleep and heard a loud crash that woke them. The homeowner armed himself with a pistol. He met an intruder and became involved in a violent struggle with the intruder.'" ...

AZ: The Old West Lives in Tombstone
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Pistol-packing Bill Traywick strolls the boardwalks of Tombstone, Ariz. (pop. 1,504), much as lawman Wyatt Earp did more than a century ago, keeping a sharp eye out for the Clanton gang. The only difference is Traywick’s six-shooter is loaded with blanks."

"Since 1986, Traywick has portrayed Earp, the town’s most famous gunfighter, during weekend re-enactments of the infamous Oct. 26, 1881, shootout at the OK Corral, taking over the role from his father Ben, who started performing the shows in 1970."

"'It’s still pretty exciting, because it’s different every time you do it,' the junior Traywick says. 'People react a little bit different.'" ...

IA: Grand Jury To Decide Doctor's Fate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A grand jury will decide if the Webster County medical examiner should be charged for killing a man at his home.

Paul Benton, 46, was shot dead on Aug. 8 after he went to Dr. Dan Cole's house in Fort Dodge and the two men fought.

Cole claims the shooting was in self-defense. Cole said that Benton broke into Cole's house without permission and attacked him.

Benton was the ex-husband of Cole's wife, Sheila. Court records showed Cole's wife at one time asked for a protective order against Benton.

The case will be presented to a grand jury in October. An exact date has not been set.

Cole has served as medical examiner for almost three decades.

PA: Ladies take careful aim during shoot
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Over the weekend 39 ladies from all over the Twin Tiers participated in Ladies Day at the Range at the Towanda Rifle and Gun Club. Many women had handled a rifle or a shotgun before, but maybe wanted to try out a pistol for the first time. Others had never even touched a gun before."

"Her metallic purple fingernails reflecting the light, a middle-aged woman from Tunkhannock carefully measured out the right amount of black powder to pour down the barrel of her muzzleloader. She was enjoying the day with her grown daughter, and after learning to load a muzzleloader she shot down a ... white lump. The gals in squad three hooted and hollered because another 'woodchuck' was dead. This of course, led to conversation about what groundhogs actually taste like. Nobody shared any recipes, though." ...

NY: Paper pistol permits passé?
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"The days of dog-eared, creased and crumpled pistol permits will be over for gun owners if an idea from Franklin County Clerk Wanda Murtagh finds backers."

"She'd like to mothball the paper-and-typewriter-based pistol-permitting system her office uses now and computerize it so permit holders are issued a plastic card with a digital photo instead." ...

Norway: Munch's Iconic 'Scream' Stolen in Norway
Submitted by: medicdave

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"Armed, masked thieves burst into a lightly guarded Oslo museum Sunday and snatched the Edvard Munch masterpiece 'The Scream' and a second Munch painting from the walls as stunned visitors watched in shock."

"Many museum visitors panicked and thought they were being attacked by terrorists." ...

But..but... Norway has gun registration! Aren't thieves supposed to fill out some sort of paperwork before they commit armed robbery and threaten staff and patrons of museums?

UK: Concern over effects of CS spray
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Spray used by the police to control violent criminals is more damaging than thought, research shows."

"Streaming eyes, burning sensation, and blurred vision were commonly reported to doctors treating people who had come into contact with the spray."

"But blistering, swelling, and skin inflammation also occurred."

"The London Medical Toxicology Unit team said, in the Emergency Medical Journal, that the police should consider using weaker formulations."

"'Personal incapacitant' spray (PIS) has been used by English and Welsh police forces since 1995 for self defence in situations where 'lethal force is inappropriate.'" ...

Alert the appropriate agencies, the double orchidectomy of an entire nation is proceeding satisfactorily.

Philippines: 'Death squad' 65th victim slain in front of wife
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A recruiter for a security agency who was earlier accused of hitting a neighbor's child was shot dead Sunday night by still unknown assailant in front of his wife and his brother in Matina, Davao City."

"Joseph Lirog, 35, of Happy Times Beach, Matina, was the 65th victim killed by vigilantes in the city since January this year."

"Lirog figured in a quarrel with a neighbor for allegedly hitting the neighbor's child."

"Initial police investigation showed that Lirog, together with his wife and his elder brother Allan, were standing outside his house around 8:20 p.m. when a lone gunman appeared and without any provocation shot the recruiter several times." ...

But guns are banned in the Philippines!

Malaysia: Free self-defence tips for women
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Women can pick up judo for self-defence through a VCD now being distributed for free."

"In the VCD, popular singer and judo ambassador Ning Baizura demonstrates the various techniques of defence and ways to stay ahead of an attacker."

"'I learnt the combat judo skills in less than three hours,' Ning said of the VCD titled Hapuskan Keganasan, Malaysia Selamat (Towards a Safe Malaysia, Say No to Violence)."

"She said she was committed to raising awareness to check violence and would find time to spread the message and motivate people to take up self-defence." ...

"The VCD ... hopes to educate the public, especially women and children, on ways to defend themselves." ...

How about teaching them to use the most effective self-defense tool in existence? Although that would require repealing the death penalty imposed for unauthorized possession of a single bullet in your country!

Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the act of depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest. — Mahatma Gandhi

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