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Newslinks for 8/25/2004

The Bush Betrayal
Submitted by: Evan F. Nappen, Esq.

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... "'This book is bound to be banned. It obviously violates several federal statutes. It's rapid-fire, high-capacity, equipped with bayonet-sharp wit, and loaded with politician-piercing ammo. If (like me) you believe you already know everything you need to know about the administration's ways, I can assure you that you'll learn more and - this is the kicker - enjoy the process of discovering the facts.'"--Claire Wolfe ...

A Photograph of Concealment
Submitted by: medicdave

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"Senator Kerry has cast 59 votes on firearms issues in his Senate career thus far and only 1 vote can be considered a vote for gun owners’ rights—the vote to allow airline pilots to carry firearms. Kerry has voted against gun owners 55 times in the U. S. Senate. He has voted a number of times to ban semi-automatic firearms. In fact, he is a co-sponsor of S.1431 (the bill to reauthorize the 'assault weapons' ban) which would ban many semi-automatic shotguns, detachable-magazine semi-automatic rifles and many other presently lawful guns, characterizing all of them as 'assault weapons.' Senator Kerry has consistently voted with the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence and the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. Senator Kerry has voted to 'regulate' gun shows by voting to allow authorities up to 3 days to conduct background checks on guns sold by private individuals, knowing full well that the requirement would severely curtail, if not destroy, gun shows which are typically two-day only weekend events. In addition, Senator Kerry has voted for the imposition of waiting periods on gun purchases, including waiting periods of 14 days, 7 days and 5 days. And, in spite of this abysmal voting record, the Washington Post reports that 42% of gun owners in the Bush-supporting 'red states' believe that Kerry would be a less aggressive advocate for gun control. In fact, Senator Kerry is more anti-Second Amendment than Al Gore ever was." ...

The 9-11 Commission Charade
Submitted by: medicdave

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... "Our nation will be safer only when government does less, not more. Rather than asking ourselves what Congress or the president should be doing about terrorism, we ought to ask what government should stop doing. ... It should stop interfering with the 2nd amendment rights of private citizens and businesses seeking to defend themselves."

"More than anything, our federal government should stop deluding us that more government is the answer. We have far more to fear from an unaccountable government at home than from any foreign terrorist."

National March Against Terror
Submitted by: Jennifer Freeman

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"September 11, 2004 will mark the third anniversary of that horrible day that changed the world."

"For most of us, news of the attack was delivered by the mainstream media through our television sets. And it was the same media that has tried to sweep the entire incident under the rug ever since."

"Attempts to memorialize the event or pay tribute to those who were lost have been labeled as trying to exploit the 'tragedy' or make a profit for their own benefit." ...

"On this September 11th, however, Americans across the country -- in small towns and big cities -- will turn off their television sets and head to the streets to demonstrate their love and remembrance of those who died three years ago. We will honor them publicly and will remind the world that the United States has not been beaten. The attack on this nation has made us stronger, not weaker. And we have only just begun to fight." ...

Department Of Homeland Security Awards Handgun Contracts
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced the award of two contracts today for handguns for all organizational elements within the department ..."

"SIGARMS Incorporated and Heckler & Koch, Incorporated each received a contract award with a maximum quantity of 65,000 pistols that may be purchased over the next five years. SIGARMS Incorporated, a small business located in Exeter, New Hampshire, received a $23.7 million contract for 9 x 19 mm and .40 caliber pistols. Heckler & Koch, a large business located in Sterling, Virginia, received a $26.2 million contract for 9 x 19 mm, .40, and .357 caliber pistols." ...

65,000 government pistols versus 65,000,000 privately owned pistols. Which will the terrorists fear more once the Second Amendment is treated like the highest law of the land again?

Honor, Racism, Service Rifles and Assault Weapons: One Black Cop's View [Opinion]
Submitted by: gary g

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... "If you are a uniformed Police Officer of any rank and do not fully, and honorably support the pre-existing God given rights enumerated in the 2nd Amendment, you are a disgrace to your Badge and your oath of office to protect and serve. The citizens of the United States of America deserve better than you. You should not be allowed the honor of public service as a sworn peace officer of the law. Taking a contrary, selective position to the Constitution means you are not following the supreme law of the land and are, in fact, endangering the safety of yourself, your fellow officers, and the public you are sworn to protect. ..." ...

Anti-weapon campaign runs on fiction
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Touring the country in an effort to renew the 10-year-old ban on so-called assault weapons, the numerically challenged Million Mom March has been conducting a campaign built largely on fiction."

"As far back as 1988, gun prohibitionists figured they could fool the public into supporting a ban that, as history has shown, has been essentially symbolic. Sixteen years ago, Josh Sugarman with the Violence Policy Center put the campaign in its proper perspective, admitting, 'The weapons' menacing looks coupled with the public's confusion over fully automatic machine guns versus semiautomatic assault weapons -- anything that looks like a machine gun is assumed to be a machine gun -- can only increase that chance of public support for restrictions on these weapons.'" ...

Assault weapons are just ugly rifles, shouldn't be banned
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Your Aug. 9 editorial in which you lament inaction on the "assault weapons" ban is an absence of facts and abundance of emotion."

"These firearms the anti-gun crowd is so eager to eliminate fire one round with one pull of the trigger. They are not "machine guns." Because these firearms don't appeal to some of your readers does not diminish their efficacy as a self-defense weapon."

"Seventy police officers were slain by criminals in 2002. According to the ban-the-ugly-gun gang that means that 14 police offers were killed by criminals using one of these semi-autos. None of these deaths is acceptable but a criminal doesn't, by definition, obey laws so bans of this nature provide no relief from criminal violence." ...

IN: Gun Laws Review Urged After Ind. Police Shooting Reveal Officers Foul Up
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Officials in Indianapolis, Ind., are calling for a review of state and federal gun laws after an Indianapolis police officer was fatally shot in a shooting spree by a man with schizophrenia. Authorities were forced to return a cache of guns to the man five months before the shooting incident ..."

"On Aug. 18, Kenneth Anderson, 33, shot and killed his mother, Grace Anderson, 66, and Indianapolis Patrolman Timothy Laird, 31. Four other officers were also wounded in the shooting near Mrs. Anderson's home."

"In January, police confiscated nine guns at Anderson's home after responding to a report of a combative person. Anderson was placed in detention at an Indianapolis hospital. Although he was diagnosed with schizophrenia, Anderson wasn't arrested, charged with a crime, or involuntarily committed to a mental institution." ...

So because the cops and doctors dropped the ball they want "discretion"? HORSEFEATHERS! Do your job properly in the first place, don't try to get legislation to mask your incompetence.

IN: Group Calls for Renewal of Federal Assault Weapons Ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The weapon that gunman Kenneth Anderson used in a deadly shootout with police last Wednesday was an SKS assault rifle. Three people were killed, including Anderson."

"An Indiana group wants that weapon banned along with all other so-called 'assault weapons'. They pressured politicians at a news conference Tuesday to take the guns off the streets once and for all."

"The group in favor of gun control says the current ban on assault weapons has done nothing to stop the sales of keep these high-powered guns. With the 1994 ban set to run out next month they want to put more firepower into it." ...

KABA Note: The SKS is specifically exempted from the 1994 ban.

IN: Renew assault gun ban, advocates say, while admitting that the Second Amendment protects an individual right
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Claiming support from 49 Hoosier police departments - including Indianapolis - a trio of gun-violence experts today urged federal lawmakers to renew and strengthen the federal assault weapons ban that is set to expire on Sept. 13."

"'What more will it take?' asked Kathy George, president of Hoosiers Concerned About Gun Violence. A news conference was held the day after funeral services were held for Indianapolis Police Patrolman Timothy 'Jake' Laird who was fatally wounded by a bullet from the SKS rifle of a suspected mentally ill gunman during a rampage on the Southside on Aug. 18."

"The experts say they aren't against the Second Amendment, but do think that semi-automatic assault need to be off the streets. ..." ...

Well at least they acknowledge that the Second is an individual right, otherwise it would be completely immaterial.

NH: There are worse things than squirrels at feeders
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The next time you're compelled to complain about squirrels at your bird feeder, remember the case of Jocelyn Labonville."

"Like many of us, Labonville has had problems with pests stealing his sunflowers. But while we Illinoisans contend with squirrels and raccoons, New Hampshire resident Labonville had to deal with 200 pounds of hungry black bear."

"That he handled his problem with a bullet has made Labonville rather famous, or infamous, in New Hampshire." ...

"'When I watched that bear 11 feet away from me and not caring when I stomped my feet or yelled at him, I figured he was a danger to me and my family,' Labonville said."

"Fish and Game officials disagreed. So did a district court judge who last week issued Labonville a $240 fine and revoked his hunting license for one year." ...

PA: Penns Valley senior a straight shooter
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Jennifer Hawk stepped up to the demonstration kiosk at the Fraternal Order of Police's national convention in Orlando Fla., curious to see how she would fare in digital target-shooting."

"'The instructor asked me, 'Are you sure you know how to do this,' Hawk remembers. 'I'm like, 'Yes.'"

"The ensuing display Hawk put on left observers in awe, including an Orange County (Fla.) cop, who was beaten by Hawk in a friendly competition."

"'He was kind of embarrassed,' Hawk said. 'That was something.'"

"That was seven years ago. Hawk was 11 years old."

"Ever since, the soon-to-be senior at Penns Valley High School has maintained her sharp-shooter's eye." ...

But according to Sarah, this girl is a seething cauldron of homicidal rage who should have gone on a rampage murdering her parents, classmates and teachers by now!

MI: Detroit Gun Crime Rate Soars by 70% -- Maybe?
Submitted by: motoboy

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"As we all have been reading over the past two weeks, Detroit gun crime rate is soaring, having increased this year by approximately 30% over the same period last year -- or by 70% over the same period, depending on which day you saw the paper! In actuality, the 30% rate is certainly the more accurate figure. But, why such a large discrepancy in statistics at all?" ...

" using old, outdated computer software that probably does collect at least the fact that a gun was used in a crime and perhaps information about the type of gun used. For many cities, the software is so old, that it has been "tweaked" countless times by many people for many purposes ..." ...

And no software designed for the purpose of ridding society of guns will ever record the lives saved by the presence of a gun.

FL: Panhandle Democrats appear skeptical of Deutsch
Submitted by: medicdave

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... "'I believe if the 2nd Amendment falls, the other nine of them go, too,' said Don Parrish, a registered Democrat who has voted mainly for Republicans in recent years."

"Parrish ... said he was flabbergasted when he saw CA Sen. Diane Feinstein speak out in favor of a ban on assault weapons."

"'A muzzle-loader, at one time, was considered an assault weapon. A bolt-action rifle in 1906 was an assault weapon,' he said."

"Deutsch said that when he explains his support of both the assault weapons ban and the Brady Bill to keep handguns out of the hands of criminals, 95 percent of the people he talks to agree with him." ...

Poster's Note: And in the UK, BB guns are now assault weapons. It's all subjective to the antis.

NY: State gun group backs Richter
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Republican New York Assembly candidate George Richter has been endorsed by the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association.

Richter, who is Chemung town supervisor, was endorsed by the group for his 30-year membership in the National Rifle Association, lifelong commitment to Second Amendment rights and support of sportsmen's and recreational shooters rights.

Richter said he has accepted no financial contribution from the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association as a result of its endorsement.

Richter is running against Sperry Navone, Tom O'Mara and Rusty Smith in the Sept. 14 primary for the 137th Assembly District seat. Democrat James Hare and Conservative Party candidate Bob Bell are also running in the general election.

IL: Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA) Blasts Candidate Obama on His Record of Hostility Toward Law- Abiding Firearm Owners
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The ISRA is warning the state's 1.5 million law-abiding firearm owners not to be taken in by Barack Obama's recent claims of support for the 2nd Amendment published in downstate newspapers."

"Obama, the Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate, has a well- established history of hostility toward hunters, sportsmen, and other law-abiding firearm owners. For example, in 2003, Obama voted in support of SB1195, which, if passed, would have banned most of the privately held hunting shotguns, target rifles, and black powder rifles in the state. If the ban was enacted, law enforcement officials would have been authorized to forcibly enter private homes to confiscate newly banned firearms. ..." ...

IL: Gun Bill Veto No Surprise
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rep. John Bradley fully expected Gov. Rod Blagojevich to veto legislation that would allow handgun owners to violate municipal handgun bans if they do so in self-defense in their own homes."

"So it came as no big surprise to Bradley, one of the bill's sponsors in the House of Representatives, when he received word Friday that the governor did just that."

"'He had indicated through the press that he would veto the legislation,' Bradley said. 'We were hoping he would not do that, given the overwhelming support for the bill in both the House and Senate and with the citizens of Illinois.'" ...

"The bill passed the House with a vote of 90-25 and the Senate with a vote of 41-16." ...

Enough of a margin to override the veto.

IL: Keyes rips Obama over opposition to gun bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Republican U-S Senate candidate Alan Keyes criticized his rival Barack Obama's stand on gun control today, accusing Obama of helping to make the world safe for criminals.

Keyes targeted Obama's vote in the Illinois Senate against legislation that have would allowed gun owners to claim self defense in court when arrested on illegal gun possession charges.

Defendants may not use that defense in court under ordinances now on the books in a number of Illinois communities.

Keyes said those ordinances keep law-abiding citizens from defending themselves.

Democratic spokesman Robert Gibbs says Obama has a record of voting for gun safety while recognizing legitimate needs of sportsmen.

IN: Local legislators debate assault weapons issue
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Local candidates and gun owners have different views on the federal assault weapons ban."

"The ban is set to expire on Sept. 13 and prohibits the sale and possession by citizens of certain semi-automatic weapons."

"State Rep. Candidate Jeff Crites, R — Lafayette, said he is against having a ban on assault weapons."

"'The law is saying that we’re not smart enough to train ourselves,' Crites said."

"An Air Force veteran who grew up owning a weapon, Crites said his father and Boy Scouts trained him to use it correctly."

"However, he did support laws banning those with criminal records from owning weapons." ...

WI: Police chiefs, doctors push ban on assault weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Fifty-five Wisconsin police chiefs joined the groups Physicians for Social Responsibility and the Wisconsin Anti-Violence Effort today to call for reauthorizing and strengthening the federal assault weapons ban."

"Jeri Bonavia, executive director of WAVE, accused President Bush and congressional leaders of 'passing the buck' instead of renewing the legislation, which was passed in 1994 and will expire Sept. 13 unless it is reauthorized."

"The police and doctors represented at a news conference at the Inn on the Park this morning asked Bush and U.S. Rep. James Sensenbrenner, R-Menomonee Falls, who chairs the House Judiciary Committee, to work to extend the ban." ...

The antis aren't giving up and neither can we. Call, e-mail, write and fax your representatives today!

AZ: Special-Interest Surveys can Swamp Hopefuls
Submitted by: medicdave

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"... Candidates can face a paper avalanche as more than 40 special-interest groups try to pin them down with surveys on issues from abortion to the arts in the political equivalent of high-stakes testing. ..." ...

"The NRA is even more blunt."

"'If you choose not to return your questionnaire, you may be given a question mark, which is often interpreted by NRA members and others as indifference, if not outright hostility, toward Second Amendment issues,' the cover of its questionnaire says."

"NRA lobbyist Darren La Sorte says the warning is more a testament to the passion and voting power of the group's 100,000 Arizona members than a threat." ...

PA: No good reasons to vote Republican
Submitted by: medicdave

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... "And as for gun rights, I am a gun owner and I know that if the U.S. government would ever try to take my guns or anyone else's away there would be a lot of trouble, no matter if there is a Republican or Democrat in office. Don't be stupid."

Poster's Note: There hasn't been "a lot of trouble" so far, yet we have 20,000 unconstitutional gun laws on the books, and plenty of past efforts of the government to take our guns away.

"This is how the world will end, not with a bang, but a whimper." ~ T.S. Eliot

MN: Peace-loving gun owners [6th letter on page]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Kate Havelin of the Million Mom March is still trying to explain the merits of the Clinton gun ban after it has had 10 years to prove itself and failed in every category. No surprises there. And her tired, old Million Mom March mantra about the evils of firearm ownership has also gone limp from a lack of credibility."

"By the way, it's not about crime. Let's face it. These gun laws and bans are clearly about the ultimate removal of guns from private hands. Here's something else to consider: More than 60 million peace-loving American gun owners living quietly with their firearms of choice. Why do these good people make Havelin and her marching buddies so crazy? ..."

IN: Youth has eye for success
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Eleven-year-old Aaron Moystner's favorite hobby involves shooting a gun."

"And that's fine with his parents, Steve and Rachel, because they know Aaron has been trained well by his grandfather and in hunter education courses."

"'Never point at something you don't intend to shoot,' Aaron systematically repeated one of the rules of gun safety."

"'I tell him, 'Once you pull that trigger, you can't pull it back,' Steve Moystner said. 'He is very conscientious of gun safety.'"

"And Moystner has put his hobby to good use. This summer he won two significant shooting events: The National Youth Shoot, which involved hitting targets with several different types of guns, and the National Muzzleloader Shoot. ..." ...

NH: Ladies night at gun club a bull's-eye
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ladies night at Manchester Firing Line Range has helped Pamela Ganem find her inner sharpshooter."

"Pow, pow, pow-pow-pow — fire flashed from the barrel of her 9 mm handgun while brass casings flew to the concrete floor."

"She stepped back and grinned at the damage she’d done to the paper target."

"'At least I got them all on the paper,' she said."

"'I’m really a beginner. I’m just here trying to understand it all and make sure he’s safe,' Ganem said, watching her 16-year-old son, Ryan Beauchamp, prepare for his turn."

"Taking aim with his new birthday pistol, he consistently pierced the paper bull’s-eye." ...

AL: Shooting death a message to lawmakers, gun owners
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The death of a 4-year-old boy in Birmingham on Saturday should remind lawmakers and gun owners alike of the ease with which they could protect children from accidental shootings.

"Willie White Jr. died when the loaded and unlocked pistol in his home discharged."

"The child was by no means unique."

"One-third of all households contain both children and guns. In 2002, emergency rooms treated 800 children age 14 and under for accidental gunshot wounds. In 2001, 72 children aged 14 and under died of accidental gunshot wounds. ..."

"The primary argument made by the National Rifle Association and other gun-owner groups against mandatory gunlocks is that they reduce the effectiveness of guns when used in self defense. ..." ...

Education is the key, not more "lock up your safety" laws.

MN: Sheriff issuing gun permits again
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Pennington County Sheriff Mike Hruby will begin issuing permits to carry firearms Aug. 30. Hruby had suspended the issuance of the permits last month as a result of constitutionality issues with the permit-to-carry law."

"Hruby noted that he will be issuing permits under the law prior to the May 2003 ruling regarding permits-to-carry. He cited that the Minnesota County Attorneys Association has interpreted that permits should be issued under the old law until the constitutionality issue can be resolved. It may take two to three years before that issue is settled, Hruby said."

"Those permits issued under the May 2003 law will be void after one year. ..." ...

Not according to Attorney General Hatch (e-mail:, password: Newslinks)

Philippines: Anti-death penalty activist slain
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former student activist was summarily executed while on his way to attend a human rights conference in Bajada in Davao City on Tuesday."

"Rashid "Jun" Manahan, 27, ... was the 66th person slain this year alone by a shadowy vigilante group that has since been dubbed the 'Davao Death Squad'." ...

"Police investigators said Manahan was walking toward Ponce Suites at the Doña Vicenta Subdivision in Bajada around 12:20 p.m. to attend a forum on the death penalty and summary killings in Davao City when two men on board a Honda Wave motorcycle with plate number LFA-119 shot him several times before speeding off."

"Four empty shells from a caliber .45 pistol were recovered from the crime scene." ...

Bahamas: Backup policemen shot during chase
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two police officers remain in stable condition at Doctors Hospital, after they were shot while chasing a suspect early Monday morning. A 27- year-old male resident of Cox Street is presently being held by police for questioning in connection with the matter." ...

"Ferguson said officers began chasing a suspect on East Bay Street, near the 601 night club. The suspect however, began to run toward Shirley Street and onto Collins Avenue near Doctors Hospital. During this time, Kelly and Lundy were called to provide assistance. The men arrived in a patrol car and eventually spotted the suspect near Doctors Hospital." ...

But guns are banned in the Bahamas! How can a BG have one?!?

UK: Robbery bid man hunted
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Police are hunting a man in his early 20s who attempted to rob an employee of Portadown Credit Union at the weekend.

The woman had just left the premises in Mandeville Street around 8.30pm on Friday when she was accosted by the would-be thief as she got into her car.

A police spokesperson said the man pointed a black coloured pistol at the victim and demanded her handbag. When told she didn't have one, the man fled empty handed in the direction of the Fair Green car park.

There he got into a black Renault Clio and drove off in the direction of Armagh.

The man being sought is described by police as 5' 10" in height.

Australia: Man charged over gun import
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 21-year-old Brisbane man faces a fine of up to $275,000 and a jail term over the attempted importation of a 9mm automatic pistol."

"He was arrested overnight following an Australian Customs operation which began when a surface mail parcel from the United States was intercepted at the Sydney International Mail Centre earlier this month."

"The contents of the package from Colorado was described as clothing."

"But an Australian Customs spokesman said it was found to contain a functioning Cobray M11 9mm machine pistol and three magazines."

"After further inquiries, Customs officers and Queensland police executed three search warrants in Brisbane yesterday and today." ...

Puerto Rico: Critics call for crusade against large weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Caribbean Project for Justice and Peace asked Tuesday that the public be 'very critical' of the controversy about the legalization of the manufacture, sale and distribution of weapons."

"Wanda Colon, spokeswoman for the pacifist organization established in 1973, said that the manufacture of weapons and semiautomatic guns goes against the call for gun control that has been made world wide."

"'The increase in the number of human lives lost to armed violence is clear evidence that firearms are out of control,' she stated in a press release."

"'The global call is for governments to act firmly to control the illegal trafficking of guns and reduce their availability, in order to guarantee the protections of our cities and build safer communities,' she added." ...

KABA Note: According to figures compiled by R.J. Rummel, governments killed 169,202,000 of their citizens (not counting wars) in the 20th century. So when you get that knock on the door at midnight, will Ms. Colon protect you?

Philippines: NBI nabs 4 in gun shop robbery-slay
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) arrested four of the six members of the Gatilyo Gang tagged in killing a gunsmith during a gun shop robbery in Parañaque City last month." ...

"Last July 25, the group robbed the Weapon System Corp. gun store and firing range located on Daang Batang street in Barangay Moonwalk. Gunsmith Rex Dorimon, 27, was killed during the heist."

"Wycoco said Cachuela was the alleged leader of the gang while Gabao, who also worked at the Weapon System Corp. served as the tipster of the group." ...

"The suspects allegedly took at least 50 short and long firearms with an estimated cost of P1 million from the store." ...

UK: Campaign's Hard-Hitting Message After Murders
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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POLICE are launching a campaign to cut gun crime in Bristol."

"The Communities Against Guns initiative will be launched next month to coincide with national Crimestoppers Week."

"Posters and flyers will be distributed across the city in community centres, clubs and schools with the hard-hitting message mainly aimed at young people."

"The posters, featuring a pistol and a grieving woman in the background, reveal the toll of gun crime in the UK."

"Last year 81 people were killed with guns nationwide. In Bristol there were two killings and eight alleged attempted murders involving guns."

"The illegal use of guns has risen by 50 per cent in the past five years in the Avon and Somerset force area." ...

But guns are ! How can gun crime be going up?!?

South Africa: Over 1000 Arms Destroyed in KwaZulu-Natal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"KwaZulu-Natal continues to take the lead in destroying the most number of illegal firearms and today over 1000 weapons were destroyed by police in Prospecton, south of Durban, as part of Operation Sethunya."

"Sethunya was launched primarily to recover unlicensed firearms and ammunition and to ensure compliance with the Firearms Control Act."

"It forms part of a number of projects and operations that the South African Police Service (SAPS) has embarked on nationally to rid communities of illegal firearms and to make them safe and secure." ...

And how many of those belonged to blacks? According to the latest reports the Firearms Control Act is being used to strip blacks of their guns.

Apartheid is alive and well.

UK: Hand nearly severed in sword blow
Submitted by: SamCox

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"A teenager whose hand was nearly cut off with a machete or sword in a fight is being treated in hospital."

"The 19-year-old was assaulted as he walked along Lancashire Road in Partington, Greater Manchester, between 2300 and 2340 BST on Friday."

"He held up his hands up to defend himself and the blade - thought to be a machete or sword - cut his hand three-quarters of the way through." ...

Better follow the Aussie's lead and start banning swords!

India: Why cannot rapists be castrated? [first letter on page]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Soon after the hanging of Dhananjoy early this month for rape and murder of a school girl, it was reported that three Railway Protection Force (RPF) personnel had gang-raped a passenger in the presence of her two children, after tying up her husband, at Hasnabad railway station in Kolkata. What a horrible crime it was. If the security personnel who are there to provide protection to passengers themselves indulge in such heinous crime who can be expected to ensure passenger-security? Travelling by trains has become unsafe, especially for women. What confidence will people now have on the RPF? ..." ...

But men like these should have a monopoly on guns, right Sarah?

"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun." — The Dalai Lama, (May 15, 2001, The Seattle Times) speaking at the "Educating Heart Summit" in Portland, Oregon, when asked by a girl how to react when a shooter takes aim at a classmate

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