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Newslinks for 8/25/2012

Shipley’s father asked Issa and Grassley to investigate son’s case
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "... Longtime readers will recall it was only following a desperate (some would say 'rude') and very public appeal, first to Sen. Grassley’s staffers, and then to Rep. Issa, that both men involved themselves and the power of their offices in what was to become the Congressional investigation into Operation Fast and Furious. The approach was necessary because, sometimes, particularly when voices are weak, a bit of amplification is required just to get attention." ...

NSSF Salutes USA Shooting Team and Medalists in National Ad
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"USA Shooting Team members have stood on the Olympic medal stand, appeared on the NBC Today Show and made millions of target shooters proud with their medal-winning performances at the Summer Olympic Games. As a major sponsor of USA Shooting, the National Shooting Sports Foundation doesn't want the cheering to stop."

"So [on Wednesday, August 22] NSSF [ran] a full page, four-color ad in USA Today that congratulates all members of the USA Shooting Team who competed in London and, particularly, the four athletes who earned three gold medals and one bronze. ..." ...

The Government is Ordering Millions of Bullets…Should I Be Worried?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’ve been contacted by several friends recently about the Federal Government’s ammunition purchases. Apparently, the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security has ordered 750 million handgun, rifle, and shotgun rounds (in addition to the 450 million purchased earlier this year). ..."

"My friends are concerned that this signifies that the Federal Government knows something that we citizens don’t and is preparing for future problems. Even worse, some believe that the ammunition order is tantamount to an act of war against the citizens of the USA. After all, why would Federal agents need more than a billion rounds of hollowpoint and match grade ammunition?" ...

Dispelling bullet myths
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun grabbers aren’t getting far in their attempt to ban handguns, so the next best step is to go after ammunition. They use scary terms to demonize ordinary self-defense equipment, hoping this will make Americans more comfortable with their incremental effort to diminish and ultimately eliminate the Second Amendment." ...

Is gun control the answer when cops shoot people?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman quickly reacted to Friday’s multiple shooting near the Empire State Building in New York City, his office sent his statement to the Seattle Gun Rights Examiner, and raised a few questions about which this column still hasn’t gotten answers." ...

"Yet published reports ... indicate that at least some of the nine people who were hit by gunfire when gunman Jeffrey Johnson was confronted 'may have been shot by police.'"

"Our question to Schneiderman’s office: 'If the police shot these people, how would tougher gun laws prevent that?” A spokeswoman promised to “get back to' me. Perhaps she is waiting for Christmas." ...

The Second Amendment keeps Americans safe
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I have enjoyed shooting sports my entire life. My father enjoyed shooting sports before me and my grandfather enjoyed shooting sports before him. Fifty percent of the homes in the North and sixty percent in the South, own at least one firearm. There are an estimated 86 million law-abiding gun owners in America. Firearm ownership is part of our heritage, passed down from our forefathers and given to us by our founding fathers." ...

National Knife Day (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"August 24th is National Knife Day. I had hoped to have a picture of my new Cold Steel Kukri Machete so I could say, 'This is a knife', but I've been lazy."

"So in honor of National Knife Day, I'll let Crocodile Dundee fill in for me." ...

Gun control advocates contribute to unintended victims getting shot by police at Empire State Building
Submitted by: John Boch

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... "Mayor Nanny-state Michael Bloomberg acknowledged that New York’s Finest may indeed have shot some of those wounded. Bless his heart for acknowledging the obvious."

"Well, no kidding. Water is wet, too."

"It is gun control activists like Bloomberg and others who bear some responsibility for those civilians unintentionally wounded by police gunfire and I’ll tell you why: NYPD issues their police officers with a Glock handgun that has been modified to include a heavier trigger." ...

Congratulations to our Olympic Shooting Team!
Submitted by: John Boch

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... "Then there was America’s golden couple of beach volleyball, Kerri Walsh and Misty May-Treanor, who were featured in multiple days of coverage as they trounced all comers. The duo had never lost a game in three trips to the Olympics and in fact, had only lost one set that entire time."

"It was a delight to watch their professionalism and phenomenal talent in the sand. Tens of millions tuned in to see them win the gold medal match for their third consecutive Olympics as a pair playing together, a truly remarkable feat."

"How many of you saw endless discussions and gushing over Kim Rhode?"

"'Kim who?' most folks outside of shooting ask." ...

REVCON 2012 – Prelude To A New Arms Trade Treaty
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) currently on the back burner, in just a few days, weapon-prohibitionists will be holding another firearms conference in New York City: the Review Conference 2012 (RevCon 2012)."

"RevCon 2012 re-visits the UN’s Programme of Action (PoA) to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects, adopted in 2001." ...

Ask Foghorn: Gyroscopes for Guns? (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Kurt writes:"
"I’ve always been doing photography and I remember there was a gyroscope that you could attach to say a Mamiya RB67 (which was a big pig of a camera) and handhold this at a slow shutter speed. Even though the gyroscope added even more weight, the added stability more than offset this. So the question is, do they make gyroscopes for rifles? If not someone should and make loads of money."
"Yes, yes they do. But first, the why and the how." ...

Photos of Poland's MSBS-5,56 modular rifle system prototypes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The MSBS-5,56 Modułowy System Broni Strzeleckiej 5,56 or in English, Modular Firearm System 5.56, is a modern service rifle being designed at the request of the Polish military by the Wojskowej Akademii Technicznej, Poland's Military University of Technology and the Łucznik "Archer" Arms Factory—AKA Radom, one of the most reputable Eastern-European armories in the world. The Firearm Blog has recent photos of the MSBS in action." ...

Gear Review: Aimpoint Patrol Rifle Optic
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Some guns just feel right with their good, old-fashioned iron sights. Winchester lever actions, for example, look strange with scopes. Others, like the sea of short barreled ARs beg for a high-tech optics sitting up top. If you’re just looking for something cosmetic, tacticool, almost anything will do. But if you want a sight that will maximize the potential of your AR, check out Aimpoint’s Patrol Rifle Optic." ...

Which is better: tactics or shooting skill?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Thankfully, none of my readers have ever asked me this question, because anyone with half a brain knows that the answer is 'tactics'. Even a lot of pretty bright people miss the obvious reason why tactics are more important than shooting skill."

"It doesn’t even apply to just shooting skill, because 'tactics', specifically one very important tactic trumps shooting skill, knife fighting skill, boxing, grappling, combatives, everything. Here on Gun Nuts we teach the ultimate ninja skill for staying alive on the streets, and we give it away for free. Are you ready for this? Here it comes."
"Don’t get in a fight in the first place, smart guy." ...

The Sound of Cricketts
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If you live in the country or anywhere near it, you know the sound of crickets. It’s pleasant, and soothing."

"That’s distinct from the soft 'crack, crack' of Cricketts, which I for one find pleasant and reassuring."

"The Crickett™ is a scaled down .22 rifle designed for kids. A single-shot bolt action, it’s today’s answer to the Chipmunk rifle of a generation ago, made light and with a very short stock for children’s arms. Military small arms expert Peter Kokalis said the Chipmunk was the most important rifle of its time, because it was designed to get The Next Generation into the safe appreciation of responsible firearms ownership. I have to concur. The Crickett carries on the tradition. ..." ...

Gun Test: Chiappa 1886 Kodiak
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There may be no rifle more appealing to an American shooter than a big-bore lever-action—there’s just something about working the lever and sending big, heavy bullets downrange, one after another. Of course there’s always the cowboy connection, and nothing symbolizes America’s spirit like the cowboy. Chiappa’s new 1886 Kodiak ties the modern lever gun’s performance together with its historic appeal in a robust package." ...

Remington R1 Enhanced Threaded Barrel: MSRP = $1040
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Looks like Remington’s getting ready to ship its R1 1911 line extension, the R1 Enhanced with a threaded barrel. The Ilion brain trust apparently noticed that more people are willing to jump through all the hoops required to get their grubby hands on suppressors – or as Remington calls them in their press release (after the jump) 'signature reduction devices' . . ." ...

Everyone is entitled to keep a machine gun under the bed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.' U.S. Constitution, Second Amendment."

"Clearly the Second Amendment allows each of us to own a machine gun; that's part of our right to 'keep and bear Arms.' Right? We need to protect ourselves and a machine gun is perfect. Can't we each be our own Militia?" ...

Gizmodo Joe: Guns Are Way Too Dangerous For People
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Pretty much every book, movie, or TV show that has imagined the existence of time machines has come to the conclusion that they’re a bad idea: tools for the very highly trained at best, catastrophic mistakes at worst,'‘s Joe Brown [above] writes. 'Time machines are a technology that the greater public is simply not mature enough to use properly. Tell me why guns are any different.' Because they’re safe? In fact, I just pulled this dusty little ditty off the NRA-ILA website using something called the Internet (now available to the average Joe) Google searching the term 'firearm safety statistics' . . .
" ...

Community leaders implore parents to ask: Are there guns in the house?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"More than a dozen students from Cleveland's George Washington Carver school stood in front of community leaders Thursday and pledged not to touch guns."

"Many sealed their promise by putting a pink, green or blue handprint on a quilt that will hang in City Hall."

"But the most vital message during the assembly and press conference was aimed at parents: Ask whether there is a gun where your child will be playing." ...

IL: Homeowner Shoots 1 of 2 Intruders Using His .357 Magnum
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to Rockdale Police, an IL homeowner, Gerrod Walker, woke up a little after midnight when he heard his burglar alarm going off. The homeowner determined that someone might be in his garage, armed himself with a flashlight and his .357 magnum revolver and went to investigate."

"When Walker went to open the garage door he saw two men standing there. He fired a warning shot, but both men kept moving. One of the men ran towards a parked minivan in the driveway and as he entered the van Walker caught him. A struggle ensued and during the struggle the suspect was shot at point blank range. Despite his wound the suspect managed to get away and make it to an area hospital where the shooting was reported to police." ...


Fast and Furious ATF Leader on JP Morgan Payroll May be Prosecuted
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Republican lawmakers investigating the Obama administration’s deadly 'Fast and Furious' gun-trafficking scandal want to know why one of the top disgraced figures at the center of the scheme — William McMahon, who may soon be prosecuted for perjury — is now on 'paid leave' collecting a six-figure paycheck while working full-time for banking giant J.P. Morgan overseas. The revelations of 'double dipping' and the looming potential prosecution represent the latest chapters in an ongoing saga that countless analysts have dubbed Obama’s 'Watergate.'" ...

Inspector General’s report on Fast & Furious should be released
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The long-awaited Inspector General’s report on Operation Fast and Furious is now in the hands of Justice Department officials, but because President Barack Obama promised his would be a transparent administration, that report should be turned over to House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and to the American people." ...

Hunters for Obama?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ever since then presidential candidate Obama snarked on Americans who 'cling to their guns and their bibles,' it’s been assumed that the firearms and faith folks are in the Republicans’ pocket. begs to differ. Good Will Hunting claims 'Obama makes a surprising play for gun-toters who support conservation.' The president may be clinging to clean energy (e.g. Solyndra) and threats of biblical catastrophe (e.g. global warming) but there’s no evidence that Obama’s Boyz are specifically reaching out to 'sportsmen.' Still it makes a good story—even if you have to rely on a dubious 'polling data and numerous interviews.' At the risk of blowing this theory to smithereens, let’s drill down a bit deeper (so to speak) . . ." ...

NY: NY judge awards $1M in state trooper assault case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A judge has ruled that the state must pay a Syracuse man more than $1 million because he was assaulted by a trooper during a traffic stop on an upstate road nearly 11 years ago."

"The Post-Standard of Syracuse reports ... that a state Court of Claims judge awarded 48-year-old David Reynolds just over $1 million for the December 2001 incident that left him with serious head and back injuries." ...

WA: Deputy in coroner's office accused of stealing from dead man (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former part-time deputy in the Cowlitz County Coroner's office faces charges of using a dead man's debit card to steal nearly $12,000 from his estate."

"Jeffrey Wayne Hart, of Castle Rock, faces charges of theft, ID theft and misconduct." ...

TX: Crime Stoppers Cop Faces Hard Time
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A police officer who headed Dallas Crime Stoppers faces up to 25 years in federal prison after pleading guilty to stealing $250,000 for bogus tips, prosecutors said."

"Senior Cpl. Theadora Ross, 52, of Rowlett, pleaded guilty Thursday to conspiracy to commit wire fraud and tax evasion." ...

UT: Former Summit County deputy charged with child abuse
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Summit County sheriff’s deputy has been charged with abusing a 4-year-old boy."

"Corey Staley, 33, was charged Wednesday with second-degree felony child abuse in 3rd District Court. He resigned of his own accord from the sheriff’s office, said Summit County Attorney David Brickey, though he was not sure of the date of Staley’s resignation." ...

AZ: Former Phoenix officer pleads not guilty in sex case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Phoenix police officer accused of molesting two teenage boys pleaded not guilty on Thursday to 10 counts of sexual conduct with a minor."

"Christopher J. Wilson, 43, a former detective who was a liaison to the Valley's lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community, is accused of engaging in sexual intercourse or oral contact with two teens he met through his work, police said." ...

NY: Call to Stiffen Laws Worries Town Built by Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This is the town that Remington built."

"Almost 200 years ago, a young man named Eliphalet Remington Jr. forged his first rifle barrel at his father’s ironworks here in the Mohawk Valley. These days, the Remington Arms factory in this village, midway between Albany and Syracuse, is one of the few large manufacturers still prospering in a part of upstate New York that was once filled with them."

"But now residents of Ilion, a community whose history and economy are indelibly linked to one of America’s more celebrated gunmakers, are starting to worry about Remington’s future. ..." ...

CO: University of Colorado Says Professor Can’t Discriminate Against Students Carrying Guns to Class
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Carrying on college campuses is legal in CO and the University of CO has clarified it’s position in regards to the rights of students."

"Colorado physics Professor Jerry Peterson allegedly told a colleague that he would cancel any class he found out a student was carrying a gun to."

"The Univ. of CO didn’t take his statements lightly and updated their campus concealed carry FAQ page with the following:" ...

NM: New gun store opens amid gun rights debate (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A state of the art gun store and shooting range is opening in Albuquerque - right in the middle of a presidential election where both sides are avoiding gun law issues."

"Calibers has opened its new store at Washington and Cutler NE, just north of I-40. It is a $4 million investment in New Mexico's love affair with firearms, and the survival of the Second Amendment."

"The store features two indoor shooting ranges, one of them with a 30-yard range for rifle fire, and both are equipped with electronically controlled targets that can turn at any distance from the shooters." ...

IA: 2nd Amendment Rally
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Iowa Firearms Coalition and the NRA would like to invite you to the 3rd Annual Second Amendment Rally on August 25th, hosted at Big Springs Range Complex." ...

MA: Defense of one’s home is a right
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In reference to the statement on the intent of the founding fathers as to the Second Amendment, The Second Amendment is not about a standing army, national guard or any other government agency. It is about the defense of the country against all enemies foreign and domestic." ...

Nugent: Empire State Shooting 'An Example of Failed Gun Control'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Second-Amendment champion and rocker Ted Nugent expressed outrage at the shootings outside New York’s iconic Empire State Building on Friday, but pointed to the tragedy as a failure of gun control."

"'The Empire State shooting is yet another gun free zone,' declared Nugent on Friday. 'How’s that working NYC? Chicago? Philly? Newark? DC? Rwanda? Sudan? Syria? Mexico?'" ...

IL: Chicago's strict gun control FAIL: 13 shot in 30 minutes Thursday
Submitted by: John Boch

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"Chicago’s streets demonstrated yet again that strict gun control fails to prevent or deter criminal misuse of guns by criminals."

"It also shows what a farce the recent Chicago Gun Buyback, which Guns Save Life participated in and netted $6240 from for youth firearm training, also is a giant farce." ...

IL: 19 hurt in 7 overnight shootings in Chicago
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"Nineteen people were wounded in at least seven shootings within eight hours overnight Thursday in Chicago, police said."

"Eight of them, mostly teenagers, were struck in what's believed to have been a drive-by shooting around 9:15 p.m. Police were patrolling the area when they heard the gunfire at 79th Street and South Essex Avenue." ...

NY: Apparent Beef Between Food Cart Vendors Leads To Wild Shootout Near Yankee Stadium
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Diners in a Bronx community ran for cover as shots rang out Thursday afternoon."

"A bloodied shirt, deserted stands, and plenty of police were part of the aftermath of a broad daylight double shooting involving an ordained minister just blocks from Yankee Stadium."

"The incident happened in the shadows of the ballpark on East 161st Street and Gerard Avenue, near the Crown Diner, around 1:30 p.m." ...

NY: Post-Empire State shooting, A.G. Schneiderman calls new gun control laws
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman issued a statement in response to the shooting outside the Empire State Building this morning, offering thoughts and prayers to the victims, and reiterating the need for legislative action to protect the public from gun violence."

"'For those of us in government, and in law enforcement, the news of yet another mass shooting so close on the heels of the massacres at the Sikh temple in Wisconsin, and in Aurora, Colorado, should make it crystal clear that our current laws have failed to protect the public from gun violence,' Schneiderman said in the statement. 'We must redouble our efforts to protect public safety so that New Yorkers don’t have to live in fear of the next deadly attack.'" ...

KABA Note: I guess Mr. Schneiderman didn't get the memo that the shooter only accounted for one victim; the cops were responsible for the rest.

IL: 19 People Shot in Chicago Last Night
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Correlation doesn’t equal causation. So while 'common sense' tells us that cities with draconian gun control laws suffer from higher levels of gun violence than cities where concealed carry is allowed, we have to resist the urge to—hold on. Has anyone read John Lott’s book More Guns, Less Crime? If it’s hard evidence you want, there it is. Just make sure you get a degree in statistics before reading. Meanwhile, the rest of us can only shake our heads at the violence in urban 'gun-free' zones ... 'Nineteen people were shot across the South and West sides from Thursday evening through early Friday morning — 13 of them wounded over a 30-minute period,' reports. Need I say more? Well yes, actually . . ." ...

"An unarmed man can only flee from evil, and evil is not overcome by fleeing from it." --Col. Jeff Cooper

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