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Newslinks for 8/25/2015

Study Claims Hawaii’s Gun Control Laws Work…Until You Look Closely
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"You know, for all the protestation from the Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex that the ban on federal funds is stifling gun-related research there sure are a ton of gun control studies being published. The latest is from the American Journal of Public Health, and might just be the laziest, most dishonest piece of 'science' I’ve seen in a long time. The purported take-away: Hawaii’s strict gun control laws are working, and the proof is that they have the lowest number of non-fatal gun injuries among the states studied. There’s just one small problem: they cherrypicked the states they wanted to investigate . . ." ...

Anti-Gunners Say If One Gunman Kills, All Gun Owners Should Pay
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Of the 318 million people who make up the U.S. population, there is only one [name redacted]—the confessed murderer who cold-bloodedly killed nine worshipers on June 17 at the historic Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, S.C."

"To that unspeakably heartless crime, Americans everywhere grieved for the victims and their families. But our shared sorrow was instantly and all too predictably met by gun-banners charging us with collective guilt."

"But the killer alone was responsible for his evil, hate-filled act. Not you. Not me. Not any other single human being. Not people who share a belief in freedom. Not people who cherish the Second Amendment. Not the NRA." ...

When Is A Non-Story A Story? When You’re An Anti-Gun New York Times Writer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It’s not often that a story runs out of gas by the third paragraph. The Year After Death, Business as Usual at Arizona Gun Range is one of those stories. After briefly introducing a Spanish family visiting The Last Stop gun range – where a nine-year-old girl shot and killed an instructor trying to show her the ways of a full-auto Uzi – scribe Julie Turkewitz’s 'expose' takes a dirt nap. Like this . . ." ...

Gun Review – Kimber Stainless Target II 10mm
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’ve always been a 1911 fan. Perhaps it comes from my childhood memories of flipping through my great grandfather’s World War I scrapbook and idolizing his service in the War to End All Wars. My favorite picture is of him and his childhood sweetheart who he married just prior to shipping off to France. While Jeff Cooper would not have approved of his trigger finger placement, it’s an image that left an indelible imprint on my impressionable young mind. I’m also a fan of 1911s chambered in something other than .45 ACP . . ." ...

Trains, Planes and Automobiles – How I Carried on My Summer Vacation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On a recent family vacation from Phoenix to Chicago and Minneapolis I decided to carry my sidearm, a .45 SIG SAUER 1911, as much as legally possible. I knew from the outset this was likely to be difficult, but as an open-carry advocate, I decided to educate myself and accept this challenge . . ." ...

When Can You Pull Your Gun? That Depends . . . (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In most states, you may threaten or use lethal force if you or other innocent life are in imminent danger of death or grievous bodily harm. The fine print: imminence must be imminent (the bad guy or guys must be in the act of threatening you) and the threat must be credible (a bad guy waving a knife from across the street won’t cut it, so to speak). Ultimately, it comes down the 'reasonable person standard.' Would a reasonable person think your actions were reasonable – given the totality of circumstances. Google and read your state’s 'deadly force statute.' Meanwhile, know this: real life isn’t as cut-and-dried as it appears in the video above . . ." ...

Sara Tipton: Teach Your Children Well
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"My son will be three in September. Recently, he’s been asking about my gun. 'Where is Mommy’s gun'? and 'I like Mommy’s gun' and 'Can I shoot Mommy’s gun?' While I’ve already taught him about gun safety – and continue to do so at every opportunity – I figured it’s time to begin more advanced firearms eduction. Shooting Mommy’s gun? No. We start at the very beginning. I decided it was time for him to help clean my concealed carry gun . . ." ...

Gear Review: Badger Custom Grips
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Shopping for my wife can be challenging come the holidays – birthday, Valentine’s Day, Christmas, our anniversary – the big four. Like most couples that have been together for a while, we’ve already gotten each other the obvious items, so getting something thoughtful and creative four times a year is its own challenge . . ." ...

Here’s proof that more guns equals more mass shootings
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The United States has 200 million more guns than any other country. It also has the most mass shootings."

"'That is not a coincidence,' says the author of a new study which proves that the more firearms per capita a nation has, the more likely mass shootings are to happen."

"'The United States, Yemen, Switzerland, Finland, and Serbia are ranked as the Top 5 countries in firearms owned per capita…My study found that all five are ranked in the Top 15 countries in public mass shooters per capita,' study author Adam Lankford, an associate professor of criminal justice at the University of Alabama, said in a statement. His findings will be presented at the American Sociological Association’s annual conference this week." ...

Preventing Gun Violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I received my first gun when I was eight years old, and carried guns for many years during a 45-year career in the justice system. As a police officer, three of my friends were murdered in the line of duty; I saw two armed men shot to death during a bank robbery; I was almost shot by fellow officers as I (wearing plain clothes) exited another bank that was being robbed; and I faced down—without killing him—an armed man with a gun who had just shot his girlfriend. I know and respect guns, but what I fear are the myths surrounding the value of their ownership and the contribution they make to our safety." ...

US has 5 percent of world's population, but had 31 percent of its public mass shooters from 1966-2012
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Lankford's study, which examines the period from 1966-2012, relies on data from the New York City Police Department's 2012 active shooter report, the FBI's 2014 active shooter report, and multiple international sources. It is the first quantitative analysis of all reported public mass shootings around the world that resulted in the deaths of four or more people. By definition, these shootings do not include incidents that occurred solely in domestic settings or were primarily gang-related, drive-by shootings, hostage taking incidents, or robberies." ...

Reduce Firearm Ownership, Say Anti-Gun Researchers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A new 'study' by David Swedler, trained at the (gun control crusader Michael) Bloomberg School of Public Health, and co-authored by longtime anti-gun researcher David Hemenway, of the Harvard School of Public Health, uses rigged methodology to conclude that law enforcement officers are more likely to be murdered in states that have higher levels of gun ownership." ...

A Decade Later, Remember New Orleans … Gun Confiscation Can (And Has) Happened In America
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"August 29th marks the 10-year anniversary of when Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans, La. The memory of the devastation wrought by the storm and the resulting chaos is a human tragedy of such a vast scale that it endures to this day; and will well beyond. Further, the measures taken to disarm law-abiding firearm owners in Katrina’s wake should serve as a testament to why gun owners guard our right to bear arms so vigilantly."

"The disorder of the storm’s aftermath – and the inability of local law enforcement to contain it – brought into stark realization the importance of the right to keep and bear arms in order to provide for the defense of oneself, loved ones, and community. ..." ...

Bloomberg Spends $764,232.35 Buying Oregon Background Check Bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun control groups like to talk about the power and spending of the 'gun lobby.'"

"But what do the actual numbers show?"

"This week, the Oregon Government Ethics Commission released lobbyist expenditures through June where the public policy issue before the state was universal background checks for all firearms transfers. Guess what group was at the very top of the list and by a huge margin?" ...

Largest Standing Army in the World, Not Who You Expect (InfoGraphic available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Fall hunting season is almost here and a fun annual topic of discussion around the campfires is always how large the U.S. population of hunters is?"

"And how does the number of U.S. hunters stack up against the largest standing armies in the world?"

"Much to the chagrin of anti-hunting forces across the USA, hunting numbers have remained steady over the last decade, even growing as more and more women get behind the gun and out in the field."

"Check out our newest info-graphic on how American hunting forces stack up in size against the largest standing armies in the world." ...

The Chief Craig Effect
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Friday; August 21st 215, Fox News reported on the increasing number of Detroit residents exercising their Right-to-Carry, in part because of Police Chief James Craig’s call to arms."

"Gun owners might recall NRA’s previous coverage of Chief Craig’s support for Detroiters exercising their Second Amendment rights as an effective means of self-defense in a city that has fallen on hard times."

"The latest article details something local gun rights blogger, and NRA-certified firearms instructor, Rick Ector has called the 'Chief Craig effect.' ..." ...

NV: Armed Las Vegas Teen Runs Off Home Invaders (Video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Somewhere, everyday in the USA, 2100+ people use a gun for self defense, to stop a crime or save the lives of themselves or their family."

"'We believe that the American public deserve to understand that on the average, guns save 2,191 lives and are used to thwart crimes every day,' says Alan Gottlieb of the Second Amendment Foundation"

"Most times you won’t see these tales on the news as it does not fit the main stream media’s story line of 'Guns and Gun Owners are Bad'." ...

SAF, NSSF, NRA Team Up in Lawsuit Against Seattle’s Firearms Tax
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The City of Seattle recently enacted a tax on all firearms and ammunition. There was no point to this tax other than to inconvenience lawful gun owners by making them pay more money to enjoy a constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms ... Needless to say the pols of Seattle saw no problem with arbitrarily and capriciously punishing gun owners for their supposedly evil wicked hobby, but the NRA, the SAF, and the NSSF have teamed up to show them the error of their ways. A lawsuit filed today aims to strike down this blatant punishment of law abiding citizens by those who think their practices are socially unacceptable, and would seem to have a damned good chance of success . . ." ...

Counter strike: 2A groups, industry sue Seattle over gun, ammo tax
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun rights and firearms industry organizations teamed up today against the City of Seattle’s new gun and ammunition tax by joining in a lawsuit against the city and Mayor Ed Murray, who signed the new tax into law Friday."

"Attorneys for the Second Amendment Foundation, [NRA] and National Shooting Sports Foundation, joined by two of the city’s firearms retailers – Outdoor Emporium and Precise Shooter LLC – and two private citizens, filed their lawsuit in King County Superior Court."

"Representing the plaintiffs are attorneys Steven W. Fogg and David B. Edwards ... Fogg represented SAF, NRA and other groups in a successful 2009 lawsuit against Seattle which also forced the city to comply with the state preemption act." ...

'No Matter How They Wrap It, It's Still Gun Control'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Once again the city of Seattle is attempting to enact gun control laws contrary to Washington state law regarding firearms ownership, according to the Second Amendment Foundation and the National Rifle Association." ...

"'We’ve been down this path before with Seattle when we sued them and won, knocking out their attempt to ban guns in city park facilities,' said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb. 'The city does not seem to understand that no matter how they wrap this package, it’s still a gun control law and it violates Washington’s long-standing preemption statute.'" ...

NRA sues Seattle over ‘gun violence tax’, says it violates state law (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Riffle Association is suing the city of Seattle over its new 'gun violence tax.'" ...

"Earlier this month, the city adopted the law to add a $25 fee to the purchase price of all firearms ... But there’s a little problem."

"It’s called the Washington State Preemption statute, which has been on the books since 1983. It calls for all gun laws to be dictated by the state."

"The Second Amendment Foundation and the NRA say this is a loaded law aimed at gun shops and their customers."

"'There’s nothing in the state law that authorizes the city from establishing a special tax on firearms and ammunition; it’s not there, so it’s not allowed,' Second Amendment Foundation spokesman Dave Workman said ..." ...

The Gun Lobby sues to shoot down Seattle’s new tax on firearms, ammunition purchases
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Three major national gun rights groups, along with two local gun dealers, sued Monday to block and overturn the $25 local tax on firearms purchases voted unanimously by the Seattle City Council earlier this month."

"Using an analogy to the civil rights movement, Alan Gottlieb, founder of the Second Amendment Foundation, argued: 'We’re battling what amounts to a poll tax on gun owners and retailers.'"

"The Gun Lobby has put firepower behind the suit. The plaintiffs include the National Rifle Association, the Second Amendment Foundation and the National Shooting Sports Foundation, along with two Seattle businesses, Outdoor Emporium and Precise Shooter." ...

Congress, states must thwart judicial activism
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The job of the Supreme Court is to interpret the United States Constitution. Unfortunately, over the past few years, the Court has expanded its role from interpreter of the law to an independent policy maker. ..."

"In order to combat judicial activism, I have recently introduced H.R 3425, the Firearm Rights Equally Enforced Act of 2015. My legislation would allow responsible and licensed firearm owners to carry across all state lines. It is vital that our citizens who lawfully obtain a license or permit are able to protect themselves and their families nationwide without having to deal with the excessive red tape certain states impose on our Second Amendment rights." ...

NRA Supports Legislation to Stop Obama Administration from Denying Rights of Millions
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) today announced its support for legislation that would protect the constitutional rights of millions of veterans and social security recipients."

"The Mental Health and Safe Communities Act, sponsored by U.S. Senator John Cornyn, contains provisions that would stop the Obama administration’s efforts to deny millions of veterans and social security recipients their Second Amendment rights without due process." ...

Bernie Sanders' Gun Control Affair: It's Complicated
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Senator Bernie Sanders, while being a political darling of liberal Democrats, has found himself in a political quagmire on gun control. The Washington Post has featured a story on his cataclysmic rise to Congress with the NRA's support. He's taken vitriol from leftist commentators calling him a 'gun nut' and praise from conservatives who have received the same label with glee. His votes against the Brady Bill ... -- legislation that would have mandated background checks on firearm purchases -- and other bills flood the headlines of both liberal and conservative publications."

"Bernie Sanders' position on gun control is far more complex than these headlines suggest, however, even if his nuances lack a reasonable basis. ..." ...

ME: Maine group seeks petition for 2016 gun background check ballot question
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A group hoping to require criminal background checks for all gun sales in Maine has taken the first step toward launching a petition drive for a statewide ballot question in 2016."

"Maine Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense Fund submitted an application for a petition to collect signatures to the Maine Secretary of State's Office, according to a news release issued Monday."

"'Currently in Maine, felons, domestic abusers and people with dangerous mental illnesses can buy guns from unlicensed sellers, including at gun shows and online, anonymously and with no questions asked, due to a loophole in federal law that requires criminal background checks only for gun sales at licensed dealers,' a news release from the group stated. ..." ...

OR: Coos County man puts '2nd Amendment Preservation' ordinance on ballot
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Looking ahead to the November special election, a Coos County man has successfully put a county-wide ordinance on the ballot."

"Voters will choose whether to implement a ‘US Constitution Second Amendment Preservation’ ordinance, which made it to the ballot as a citizen driven initiative."

"Chief petitioner Rob Taylor says the bill would counteract Senate Bill 941, which requires background checks on private gun sales and transfers." ...

FL: Ban on backyard gun ranges deserves support
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"State Rep. Neil Combee is no softy when it comes to supporting the Second Amendment and the rights of gun owners, as his voting record attests." ...

"The other day, however, Combee swam against his own legislative current, filing a bill that reins in some practices of gun owners. His measure would outlaw backyard gun ranges, an idea that has the endorsement of the Florida Police Chiefs Association and ... the [NRA]."

"Combee’s latest measure, debate of which will begin in January, prohibits recreational shooting in residential areas on properties smaller than an acre. If it passes, violators would be charged with a first-degree misdemeanor carrying a maximum penalty of a $1,000 fine as well as up to a year in jail." ...

NY: NYPD sergeant accused of raping 15-year-old girl commits suicide: sources
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An NYPD sergeant accused two weeks ago of raping a 15-year-old girl he met on the Internet killed himself Thursday, asphyxiating himself with a plastic bag in his childhood Brooklyn home, police sources said."

"Joel Doseau, 43, was found dead shortly after 11 a.m. inside the E. 80th Street house near Glenwood Road in Canarsie. A suicide note was found on Doseau’s body identifying him by name, according to a source. The note said he was a cop."

"'Tell my family I love them,' he wrote, according to a source with knowledge of the investigation. The source didn’t know if he mentioned the girl he was charged with sexually assaulting." ...

OH: Former Sugar Grove police chief pleads guilty
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Former Sugar Grove Police Chief Christopher C. Venrick apologized for violating the public’s trust when he illegally searched several women’s names in the Ohio Law Enforcement Gateway." ...

"Venrick was charged with 16 counts of unlawful use of the Ohio Law Enforcement Gateway, fifth-degree felonies, for each of those searches. However, all but one of Venrick’s charges were dismissed as a result of his guilty plea Tuesday. The remaining charge was then lowered to a first-degree misdemeanor of unauthorized use of property." ...

MA: SWAT police raid wrong house in Worcester (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Worcester family is demanding answers after Worcester Police and a Worcester SWAT team raided their house by mistake."

"Bryant Alequin, 23, said he was getting ready for work early Wednesday morning when someone charged up their stairwell and kicked in their front door."

"'It was 5:30 in the morning, they came in the house, they didn't want to disclose any information,' said Alequin. 'It was traumatizing.'" ...

LA: Cops go door-to-door to remind of gun-free school zones (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Law enforcement agencies from across the metro area, as well as U.S. Attorney Kenneth Polite, went door-to-door in New Orleans East on Saturday to hand out information on the penalties of gun crimes in school zones."

"The group started at Dolores T. Aaron School, and Polite was joined by the ATF, New Orleans Police Department and the Orleans Parish Sheriff's Office as part of the initiative."

"'Federal law makes it an offense to possess a firearm within a 1,000 feet of a school, so we wanted to get the word out to the community about this work,' Polite said."

"It can be a bit unnerving to open your door to find law enforcement there unannounced, but this was just a friendly reminder." ...

H/t to David Codrea who comments: Armed government workers telling citizens where they can't have guns and what they'll do if they catch them...


MS: Hattiesburg police officer fired amid drug allegations
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Hattiesburg police officer has been terminated amidst allegations that he is involved in a state and federal drug investigation."

"Officer Thomas Wheeler was dismissed from the police department earlier this month after federal agents broke up an alleged drug transaction August 8th off Interstate 20 in Warren County, according to WDAM's Ryan Moore."

"Wheeler and Elijah Moore, of Covington County, were allegedly detained when officials found and confiscated more than 600 pounds of high-grade marijuana in an abandoned parking lot near the Flowers exit, WDAM reports." ...

TX: Open Carry Group Suing DPS Over Arrests
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The state's new Open Carry law is set to take effect in January, but it is obvious that the new law won't ease the tensions between police and groups which call for what is called 'Constitutional Carry,' ..."

"Claiming that it is 'DPS policy to arrest them on sight,' members of the group Open Carry Texas are suing the DPS for violating their civil rights."

"Group president C.J. Grisham says the worst incident happened on the steps of the State Capitol on Veterans Day of 2013."

"'Most of us had black powder revolvers, but a few of us had rifles and shotguns, keep in mind that none of this is illegal,' he told ... WOAI. 'Just as we got started, DPA pulled up, and told us to get our firearms off the Capitol grounds. ...'" ...

Unlawful immigrants can have gun rights, appeals court rules
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the case of a Milwaukee man deported over a single .22-caliber cartridge, a federal appeals court ruled last week that even unlawful immigrants can be part of 'the public' that enjoys a Second Amendment right to keep a gun for self-defense."

"The U.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals said even undocumented immigrants can be part of 'the people' protected by the Bill of Rights, though it upheld the man's conviction on a specific law that prohibits most such people from having guns." ...

It is not the function of our government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling into error. — Justice Robert H. Jackson

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