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Newslinks for 8/28/2003

OH: OFCC learns of behind-the-scenes progress on HB12
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry

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"Ohioans For Concealed Carry (OFCC) has learned that, due to Senate amendments to HB12 dealing with how one should carry a firearm, law enforcement agencies in Ohio are not in agreement on Am. Sub. HB12."

"The Buckeye State Sheriff Association (BSSA) and the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) believe that making someone repeatedly handle, holster and unholster a loaded firearm is unsafe. These unsafe practices would be mandated as a result of Taft-sponsored Senate amendments."

"The amended language would require license-holders to change how and where they carry a firearm when entering or exiting a vehicle, and applies different rules depending on the age of the vehicle's occupants."

Tools for Fools: How About Using Them On The 9-11 Report?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Certainly you have read or heard about Ashcroft proclaiming the suspension of the United States Constitution and our Bill of Rights via the 'Patriot Act' as being a 'tool.' This guy was a senator? This guy’s a lawyer? This guy’s the Attorney General of the United States?"

"Hey, bring back Reno! All she did was murder 81 Americans, 26 of whom were children, kidnap a little kid for the communists after his mother gave her life to get him to freedom, and cover for Bill Clinton as he enriched himself selling weapons of mash distraction to the Chinese! At least she hasn’t used the Constitution for bathroom tissue!"

CO: Nation's Largest Firearm Safety Program to distribute 10,000 Free Gun Locks at the Colorado State Fair
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Colorado State Patrol Project ChildSafe Representatives will be at the Colorado State Fairgrounds Sunday, August 24 and Friday-Sunday: 12:00- 6:00, Monday - Thursday: 2:00 - 6:00."

"National safety tour visits Pueblo, CO to distribute free cable-style gunlocks and accompanying educational materials as part of the Project ChildSafe program."

"The National Shooting Sports Foundation has partnered with the Colorado State Patrol and the local law enforcement community to distribute over 370,000 free gun locks in Colorado as part of the national Project ChildSafe (PCS) initiative. PCS is designed to help make homes with firearms safer by raising awareness about responsible firearm ownership and storage."

Policing Against Illegal Guns Reduces Gun Violence
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"...Recently, we tested the effectiveness of such a program in Pittsburgh and found that special firearm-suppression patrols significantly reduced 911 calls reporting shots fired and hospital-treated gunshot injuries in the targeted neighborhoods. Our estimates also suggest that Pittsburgh's policing program was extremely cost-effective. The costs for the program were less than $35,000 in overtime expenditures, with savings from reduced gunshot injuries estimated to be as high as $25 million, based on an estimated $1-million total expenditure on each gunshot injury."

Australia: Man fined over gun charges
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"John Sidney Nourse was charged with eight counts of possessing firearms and three of possessing ammunition without a licence."

"Broome Magistrates Court heard detectives seized a collection of shotguns and rifles, as well as more than 300 rounds and cartridges, during a search of the man's home last week."

"The defence told the court the guns and ammunition belonged to his client's friend who had failed to remove them from the house, despite being asked to do so several times."

"Magistrate Jo Cicchini said the offences were of extreme concern and fined the 44-year-old $200 for each offence."

"The court heard three of the firearms had been stolen. The magistrate ordered that the remainder be destroyed."

VA: Senator seeks clarification on schools' gun ban
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A state senator has asked Virginia Attorney General Jerry Kilgore to issue a formal legal opinion on whether a local ban on firearms on school property conflicts with a new state law."

"Sen. Kevin Miller, R-Harrisonburg, wrote to Kilgore seeking the opinion after the Rockingham County School Board readopted a zero-tolerance policy against firearms on school grounds. The policy may be in conflict with a law passed during this year's legislative session that allows unloaded firearms on school property if they are locked in the trunk of a car."

UK: Jail searched over weapon fears
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Prison staff searched a top security Northern Ireland jail for a gun today amid fears that loyalist inmates have smuggled a weapon inside."

"All visits to the Bann House section of Maghaberry Prison near Lisburn, Co Antrim, were suspended as warders hunted the cells."

"Dissident republicans claimed a firearm was pulled during a brutal attack on two men by a gang of loyalists held in the same wing."

"Seven men were involved in the beating, which left one of the victims with head gashes."

One size gives all fits
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"If airlines are held responsible for all death and destruction, including targets on the ground, they'll quickly put extreme measures in place (unlike the vaunted Office of Homeland Defense who'll spend months protecting us with reams of environmentally correct recycled paper and little else.) And, like any other form of insurance, the less risk you assume the more you'll pony up for tickets. Want to be watched over by a squad of armed Steven Segals? (Or Katey Sagals if you insist on gender correctness.) Fine. But their salaries will be passed on to you. That may make flying too expensive for the average Grandmotherly Secretary, but then nobody ever said fares should be so low that a wide body gets turned into a Third World bus."

"But opt for a flight that allows passengers to pack heat and you get a discount." ...

CT: Teacher reports person with a rifle; student charged
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A teacher at Wintergreen Magnet School reported a student carrying a rifle outside the school Aug. 14 at 7:24 a.m."

"According to the report, Adam Esposito, 16, of 640 Wintergreen Ave., was found nearby with a BB gun."

"Police charged him with breach of peace and possession of a weapon on school grounds."

South Africa: Manhunt After 15 Teens Bust Out of Court Cells
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A manhunt is under way in Stellenbosch where 15 teenagers, considered highly dangerous, escaped after overpowering a policeman and robbing him of his firearm."

"Three of the teens then hijacked a white Hilux bakkie, registration number CL23631, throwing the driver out."

"The teenagers, all being held in the same cell at the Stellenbosch Magistrate's Court, overpowered the policeman at 8.20am when he unlocked the cell door."

IL: Gangs turn Chicago into murder capital
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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"Chicago, with a population of 2.9 million, recorded 646 murders in 2002 and 666 in 2001. There have been 384 murders from January 1 to August 22 this year. New York, with two-and-a-half times the population, had fewer murders in each of the last two years, excluding the September 11, 2001, attacks." ...

"Just about everyone agrees on the reason for Chicago’s high murder rate – a mixture of gangs, guns and drugs. Gangs control the drug trade throughout the city." ...

"More than 60,000 people in Chicago have admitted to being gang members, and more than 60 per cent of the homicides are gang-related, according to the gangs unit at the state attorney’s office."

This in a city that has some of the strictest gun control laws in the country

IA: Getting tough on gun crimes
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Cracking down on gun crimes is one of the federal government's top priorities and Clinton County is doing its part to push for local cases to be prosecuted under tougher federal laws." ...

"The initiative, Project Safe Neighborhoods, is not about enacting new gun laws, but enforcing laws already on the books. Attorney General John Ashcroft has made it a very high priority to prosecute gun crimes."

'Top Ten' Report by Anti-Gun Group Shows Gun Laws Don't Work, Says Citizens Committee
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A recently published list of the 'Top Ten States' that export guns used in crime was obviously meant to promote increased restrictions on gun sales, but an analysis of the states listed more clearly demonstrates that such laws don't work..."

"The anti-gun Americans for Gun Safety listed Virginia, Georgia, California, Florida, Texas, Mississippi, Ohio, Indiana, North Carolina and Alabama, in that order, as the worst ten states for 'exporting' guns later found to be used in crimes."

" least three of those states have in place the kind of restrictive gun laws promoted by anti-gun groups as framework legislation to keep guns out of criminal hands." ...

TX: Home invader shot dead by intended victim
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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... "Police say 27-year old Richard Gomez Junior was sitting in the living room watching television when he answered a knock at the door. Yvette says that’s when the intruder burst in and started firing. 'My dad heard the gunshot, he went and got his gun, he went out and as soon as he got to the hallway, he noticed that they had the gun pointed to my brother’s head. He didn’t hesitate, he just shot,' said Gomez. That one shot killed 37-year old James Adam Garcia instantly."

"News 4 WOAI has learned the burglar was a convicted felon, just released from prison. Yvette says police told her that they believe that his was a random invasion and that the intruder was just looking for some quick cash." ...

CA: Arnold Schwarzenegger Supports "Assault Weapons" Ban and Closing "loophole of the gun shows"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Note: The above link is to a several minute audio file recorded during Sean Hannity's interview of California gubernatorial candidate Arnold Schwarzenegger. Click the following link to listen to the brief section of this interview where Ahnold addresses his views on gun control:

AZ: Patriot Act "debate" planned in Phoenix
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Arizona's top federal prosecutor has scheduled a community meeting in Phoenix on the USA Patriot Act, the controversial anti-terrorism law adopted after Sept. 11, 2001..."

"The meeting is planned for Sept. 17 at Charlton's Phoenix office (Two Renaissance Square, 40 N. Central Ave.). It is being billed as a panel discussion that will include those who support and oppose the law, and attendance is to be limited to about 125 people and the media." ...

U.S. AG John Ashcroft had a website prepared to dupe people into surrendering their freedoms via this misnamed Act. They audaciously gave their propaganda site the address of:

Australia: Three men charged over weapons cache
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Three men have been charged with firearms offences after a cache of rifles, handguns and silencers was discovered at several addresses in Perth."

"Police said today that during a vehicle stop on Sunday, they discovered a loaded .22 calibre rifle, a silencer and a quantity of ammunition."

"During subsequent searches of three addressees, detectives located 17 rifles, eight handguns, three silencers and quantities of amphetamine and ecstasy. More than 2,000 rounds of ammunition were also confiscated."

Women's Groups Endorse Moseley Braun, Gun Prohibitionist, for President in 2004
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"On the occasion of Women's Equality Day on Tuesday, a coalition of national women's groups announced their endorsement of former Democratic Sen. Carol Moseley Braun for president..."

"Kim Gandy, head of the National Organization for Women PAC, said the endorsement will result in the support of "hundreds of thousands of contributing members and over 500 chapters across the country" in Moseley Braun's bid for the Democratic nomination for the White House in 2004."

"The National Women's Political Caucus and the National Congress of Black Women joined NOW in endorsing the former Illinois senator." ...

"Moseley Braun built a solid liberal voting record, supporting abortion and strict gun control laws." ...

Australia: How to Get Guns Where Guns are Banned, or "Raiders steal 11-gun arsenal"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A small arsenal of 11 guns has been stolen from a southern Tasmanian property. ... from a gun cabinet which was stored in a shipping container..."

"It is believed to be the biggest gun theft since 98 guns were stolen from a private home at Beauty Point, on the West Tamar, last November."

"Police are concerned the guns will fall into the wrong hands." ...

"All the guns were registered, and used for hunting and farming purposes." ...

"Coalition for Gun Control chairman Roland Browne said 11 firearms were too many for one gun owner." ...

NOTE: Email this "Coalition for Gun Control" group here:

IL: In "gun free Chicago", 4 Children Shot In Fight Over Bike
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Since handguns are banned in Chicago, this couldn't be true, right?

"Police said two suspects were in custody Wednesday morning in connection with the Tuesday night shooting of four children. One of the children was critically wounded when two people opened fire in the Grand Crossing neighborhood on the south side, police said."

"The children were shot at about 7:15 p.m. near the corner of 70th Street and Dorchester Avenue, Police News Affairs Officer Carlos Herrera said." ...

Philippines: Cop rapped for firing gun inside disco house
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Task Force Waterfront (TFW) is looking into the administrative liability of a police officer who fired his gun during a brawl inside a disco house in Barcelo Sarabia Manor Hotel in Gen. Luna St., City Proper."

"Under investigation is PO1 Jerrico Jamolo for allegedly carrying his gun inside the hotel while in civilian clothes."

" 'If the report is true, he will be imposed an administrative sanction,' said TFW officer-in-charge Supt. Ruel Pama."

"Jamolo was arrested at 4:50 a.m. last Sunday by operatives of the Police Precinct 1 (PP1) after he failed to show his license for his service firearm, a caliber .45 pistol."

MA: Health Board seeks gun club compromise
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"New allegations surfaced when the Board of Health held a public hearing seeking solutions to the noise levels at the Tewksbury Rod and Gun Club."

"Health Board members said that when the board again meets on Sept. 8, they hope residents and club members return with a compromise solution to ease both sides apprehensions about the alleged noise problem." ...

"...a small handful of residents complained that the club had its range in use six days straight two weeks ago and that interfered with their quality of life." ...

"Littlefield said no residents approached the club about a noise problem. Until a noise complaint petition reached the club, no one was aware the problem was so distressing to area residents." ...

Australian Officials Take Control in the Solomon Islands After "Gun Amnesty" Expires
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A month after an Australian-led military intervention force landed in the Solomon Islands, Australian Prime Minister John Howard flew to the small Pacific nation on Monday for a five-hour visit to inspect the troops and to lay down the law to the country’s government." ...

"Despite claims that all is going well, Warner and other Australian officials are obviously preparing for an influx of prisoners as hostility and resistance to the Australian military and police presence grow. The government at Canberra’s bidding issued a deadline of August 21 for all weapons to be surrendered. Anyone found in possession of illegal guns after the expiry of the deadline faces the prospect of massive fines and up to 10 years in jail." ...

Hatfill lawsuit accuses government of wrecking his reputation in anthrax probe
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Bioterrorism expert Dr. Steven J. Hatfill is going to court for what he says was a malicious campaign by the government to use him to make up for its failure to find the person responsible for the 2001 anthrax attacks."

"Hatfill filed a lawsuit Tuesday against Attorney General John Ashcroft and other government officials saying that by labeling him a 'person of interest' in the case, circulating his photo and leaking aspects of the investigation to the media, they have damaged his reputation and made him virtually unemployable."

"Hatfill is under 24-hour surveillance, leaving him unable to freely talk to his girlfriend, family or friends..." ...

We're from the government; we're here to help.

CA: L.A. police to get slicker, lighter guns
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Police here will soon be able to carry a lighter and slicker weapon -- the Glock pistol."

"The Board of Police Commissioners on Tuesday approved the new weapons, which are already used in some specialized divisions."

"About 70 percent of U.S. law enforcement agencies use Glocks, including the FBI and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration."

"The $500 Glock has less recoil than guns currently used by officers. It also has a larger magazine capacity, a simpler construction and a more ergonomic design..."

A "larger magazine capacity" is good for anyone using a firearm in self-defense. The San Francisco paper is happy to recognize that fact -- when it comes to hired government employees' firearms.

NY: City Council to Tighten Gun Control
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Following the shooting death of New York City Councilman James E. Davis in council chambers, City Council members are moving forward with changes to New York City's gun-control laws..."

"About six gun-related bills will be considered at a Sept. 12 council hearing. The proposals place further restrictions on gunmakers and dealers in the city."

"One of the proposed bills would make gunmakers, dealers, and importers liable for damages if their weapons are used to hurt or kill people in the city."

"Another bill would ban gun dealers from selling more than one firearm to the same person within 90 days."

"Also under consideration is a measure that would require gun owners in the city to obtain liability insurance."

NY: Unmarked police officer shot in Harlem -- where handguns are "banned"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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If the handgun ban works, how could this happen?

"A police captain was hospitalized in stable condition early Wednesday after he was shot in the abdomen in Harlem, authorities said."

"Kenneth Girven, 34, was driving along 154th Street in an unmarked police car at about 12:25 a.m. when he saw two men duck behind a vehicle and got out to investigate, Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said."

"One of the men shot at Girven, striking him in the lower abdomen below his bulletproof vest, Kelly said."

"Girven heard three rounds and tried to return fire but was unable to shoot back and dropped his weapon, Kelly said. Kelly said Girven was conscious and alert after he was shot and managed to radio for backup." ...

GA: HFD offers free gunlocks
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"I am a big believer in the Second Amendment's right to own and bear arms. This is the one constitutional right that by its very existence protects all the other rights we Americans share."

"As a National Rifle Association member, I believe every law-abiding citizen has the right to own a firearm of his or her choice. However, with the right to own a firearm comes the responsibility of knowing how to properly use and store it."

"Folks, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to know that an unsecured gun in a home can be a threat to a child. All it takes is one accident, and it is too late. Someone is seriously injured, or more often, killed. You can help avoid this in your home by making sure your firearm is locked and put away."

WA: Police sued over failure to check gun owner's background
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The 23-year-old Navy officer was dead at the wheel, shot by a convicted felon out cruising the highways with two friends. They had been drinking and were looking for cheap thrills, illegally armed with a Glenfield Model 25 .22-caliber rifle and a Remington 870 12-gauge shotgun."

"Those guns are now at the heart of a civil lawsuit that raises troubling questions about when -- and if -- police in Washington state should run background checks on gun owners."

"The suit, filed in Skagit County Superior Court earlier this month on behalf of the Kinkele family, alleges that police confiscated and then negligently returned the two guns to Eben Berriault in November 1999 -- some eight months before Kinkele's killing."

Australia cites U.S. workplace shootings since the 80's, calls for us to join them in their disarmed weakness
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The record of workplace shootings in United States since the mid-1980s makes for shocking reading."

"In total, more than 100 people have died in random shooting sprees, yet the US government has still not reformed its gun laws enough to abate the trend." ...

Newsflash to Australian Socialist Crybabies:

Real Americans don't equate their lives with statistics, nor do we care that you expect us to join you in your weakness. If the number was ONE THOUSAND dead in the workplace since the 80's, that would not justify destroying the INDIVIDUAL HUMAN RIGHT to self-defense. These workplace slaughters are made possible by rules banning self-defense -- so your list is a testament to the need for legalized self-defense EVERYWHERE.

Anti-gun "Study": Do Guns Deter Burglars?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Their "Conclusion":

"Keeping a gun at home is unlikely to provide a net benefit to the rest of the community in the form of burglary deterrence. If anything, residences in a neighborhood with more guns may be at greater risk of being burglarized. The upshot is ironic: Guns are often kept to protect the home, but the aggregate effect of keeping guns at home may be to increase the victimization rate."

Elsewhere in the world of High Thinkers, studies have concluded that people who own cars are more likely to suffer automobile theft than people who do not own cars. Thank goodness there are brilliant people in the world to figure these things out for us, yes?

MD: Wheeler says he's 'political prisoner'
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Lovell A. Wheeler, an alleged member of a white supremacist group who is charged with recklessly storing a stockpile of gunpowder in his Southeast Baltimore rowhouse, defended himself in a jail interview yesterday, saying he is merely a gun enthusiast who is a victim of a governmental conspiracy."

"Calling himself a 'political prisoner,' Wheeler, 61, also denied contentions by authorities that he belonged to the National Alliance, one of the country's largest neo-Nazi organizations -- though his wife is a member and hosts an Internet radio show for the group."

IN: Robber was shot dead after firing first
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A liquor store employee who was not scheduled to work shot and killed a would-be robber late Monday after the robber first fired a rifle, a store employee who witnessed the shooting said."

"Details of the holdup and shooting at Cap n' Cork remained sketchy Tuesday, but Fort Wayne police confirmed it was an employee who shot the robber, who died at a local hospital. Police recovered at least one weapon from the store at 1031 Broadway, but had not confirmed how many shots were fired or whether more than one weapon was discharged, said officer Robin Thompson, department spokeswoman." ...

OH: Homeowner Charged After Shooting Suspected Burglar
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A Fairfield County homeowner was jailed on assault charges after allegedly shooting a suspected burglar Monday night near downtown Lancaster, NewsChannel 4's Larry Roberts reported."

"Jeffrey Hillen, 49, was charged with felonious assault and shooting into a residence. The alleged burglar, Joe Haigler, 22, is in serious condition at a local hospital."

"Police said Haigler was shot several times as he ran down an alley. The shooting happened seconds after a frantic 911 call from a Hillen, who told a dispatcher that someone was trying to break into his house and that he was loading his gun." ...

UK: Pub fake gun terror man in court
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A millionaire who is charged with terrorising pub staff with a fake gun has appeared in court.

Terrance Hope, aged 57, is alleged to have caused terror at the Foley Arms in Oldswinford, Stourbridge, on August 6.

He appeared at Wolverhampton Crown Court yesterday where he pleaded not guilty to possession of an imitation firearm with intent to cause fear or violence.

Hope, of St Patrick's Road, Coventry, recently inherited £1.3 million from his late mother, who died two years ago.

No application for bail was made. His case was adjourned until October 17 for a plea and directions hearing.

UK: Menace of BB guns highlighted by police drama
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The 'firearm' turned out to be nothing more sinister than a BB gun, which posed little risk to members of the public but a North Yorkshire Police spokesman described the two men in possession of the weapon as 'childish'."

"A man was later released without charge."

"The incident comes just days after the Harrogate Advertiser reported police warnings that young people carrying toy guns risk being shot by armed response officers."

"It will raise concerns further about the amount of incidents involving air weapons, pellet-firing BB guns and replica weapons."

Pilots press for quicker firearm training
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The government says its training program to arm commercial airline pilots is now at full capacity and it expects to train all qualified pilots who volunteer to carry guns within a year."

"Pilots disagree, saying the Transportation Security Administration, is discouraging them from signing up by requiring background and psychological checks, ordering pilots to carry guns in lockboxes and holding the training at a single remote site."

" 'We estimate 40,000 pilots would volunteer if it were properly managed by the TSA,' said Capt. Bob Lambert, president of the Airline Pilots' Security Alliance, who was speaking at a Tuesday news conference." ...

Live Free or Die indeed!
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"The federal 'assault weapons ban' violates this bedrock principle of respect for the immutable rights of a free people on numerous points. This law was capricious, arbitrary, unenforceable, ineffective, AND in direct conflict with the clearly stated prohibition of the Second Amendment:"

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

"I can assure you from personal experience, Mr. Buchanan, this law 'infringes' every owner of these firearms. Under its provisions many formerly available models have been forbidden from further import. Costs on the remaining models have sky-rocketed, in many cases tripling in price within a year or two. That is essentially a violation of the constitutional prohibition against seizure without just compensation."

Harrison Ford blasts US Iraq policy
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"Although on screen Ford has starred in many action-packed, gun-toting thrillers - his Hollywood Homicide alongside 25-year-old Josh Hartnett is, in fact, more designed as a comedy - Ford abhors liberal US gun laws."

" 'I'm very troubled by the proliferation of arms, at the fact so many people in the United States carry guns. It obviously contributes greatly to the crime problems we have. I'm sure gun laws should be strengthened in the United States. I just don't know the correct mechanism.' "

Why Liberals Hate God
Submitted by: Melissa (skypod)

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"To suit their meaning they have construed the First Amendment to mean no religion of any kind, especially Christian religions, in public at all. No Manger scenes at Christmas, no Ten Commandments in a government building, no teaching creationism in schools, no mentioning God anywhere but church or home. Of course this is asinine. The Founders were very clear in regards to the freedom of religion."

WA: 2 police officers charged in damage to patrol car
Submitted by: Bob Wolfley

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"Two Seattle police officers likely will be fired after they were charged yesterday with malicious mischief, accused of damaging a patrol car."

"Matthew C. Wahlgren, 33, and Rene Flores, 31, were charged in King County Superior Court with second-degree malicious mischief, a Class C felony. They will be arraigned Sept. 4."

"If convicted, they each could be sentenced to 60 days in jail. And they could be barred from ever again working as police officers."

It's For The Children
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"I'm sick and tired of our elected officials attempting to tell us how to live and looking down on us, thinking they know what's best for us. Pay attention all you liberals. Government needs to get off that throne they believe they are on, do the people's business and forget all this other junk."

"They pass these laws to protect the stupid and this is interfering with natural selection. You see people who drive or ride in cars without seatbelts, or ride motorcycles without helmets are not very intelligent people to began with. So they most likely will pay the price for that, and society is better off because they won't reproduce and cause more stupid people in society. This is a harsh statement but it is part of natural selection."

UK: Totally off target: Gun crime is about money not race
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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"Gun crime is not about race, it's about money - and Operation Trident's efforts to stop it are completely misguided."

"The media is fascinated, the government is 'on message', the police's Operation Trident is on the case and everybody's afraid to go to Brixton again - and yet few people who aren't black really understand the phenomenon now known as 'black-on-black crime'. So the purpose of all this activity - to put a stop to the shootings - is being lost."

WY: Wyoming Council alters weapons rule
Submitted by: Melissa (skypod)

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"Wyoming City Council Monday night passed a new resolution regarding dangerous weapons on city property."

"The vote was 3-2 in favor of the resolution, with council members, Martin English, Lynn Koalska, and Sandy Standridge voting in favor. Mayor Vern Haag and Council member Ted Phillips voted against the motion."

"The resolution, proposed by Koalska prohibits any dangerous weapon on city-owned or controlled property. It does not prohibit the carrying of handguns by those with permits to do so, provided they carry the permit with them and photo identification. Nor does it prohibit any peace officer on or off duty from having/carrying his or her weapon."

"The new resolution rescinds a similar one passed July 21 which required 24-hour written notification of the police department by conceal-and-carry permit holders that they intended to have their weapon with them."

Claim: RFID Will Stop Terrorists
Submitted by: Melissa (skypod)

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"Facing increasing resistance and concerns about privacy, the United States' largest food companies and retailers will try to win consumer approval for radio identification devices by portraying the technology as an essential tool for keeping the nation's food supply safe from terrorists."

"The companies are banding together and through an industry association are lobbying to have the Department of Homeland Security designate radio frequency identification, or RFID, as an antiterrorism technology."

Philippines: Gunmen kill anti-corruption radio commentator
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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"Unidentified gunmen shot and killed a radio commentator, who is known for his attacks against corruption in the provincial government and illegal gambling, police and relatives said Wednesday."

"Noel Villarante of radio station DZJB, who also writes for a provincial newspaper, was first shot by a gunman outside his house in Santa Cruz town in Laguna province south of Manila late Tuesday."

"He was able to run back inside his home, but when relatives tried to drive him to a hospital, another gunman fired a warning shot to scare them away, leaving him defenseless. One of the gunmen then shot him at close range and continued shooting even after he fell on the pavement, Villarante's wife, Jocelyn, told DZRH radio."

President Arroyo's gun ban seems to be wholly ineffective.

OH: Fleeing carjacking victim shot in Dayton - AGAIN!
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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"Common sense and evidence of the worst-kind continue to mount against the Ohio State Highway Patrol and Governor Bob Taft."

"It is simply not acceptable to suggest that someone can simply 'drive off' from a carjacking attempt. These unfortunate and deadly incidents not only prove that concealed carry reform must allow for carrying in a vehicle, but are clear evidence the law must be passed immediately, before more Ohioans are forced to die or suffer serious injury doing what the Ohio State Highway Patrol suggests."

"We can't know whether the last three Ohioans to be shot would have chosen to carry a concealed firearm if it were legal. But we DO know they were shot by doing exactly what OSHP Capt. John Born said they should do in that situation. And we DO know that violent crime rates, including carjackings, are reduced after concealed carry laws are passed."

Just Child's Play?
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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"The sight of a child holding a toy gun can strike fear in a parent's heart, but many moms and dads are re-examining their attitude toward children's war-related play."

"With toy store shelves taking on a decidedly camouflaged look and America engaged in ongoing military conflicts, parents are grappling with whether or not to allow kids to act out war scenarios and how to talk to them about real military actions."

Canada: No smiling! We're Canadian
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"In a news release yesterday, the Canada Passport Office issued new specifications for passport photos and wants serious faces only. But not too serious. Not actually frowning or scowling or glaring or grimacing."

"To get a valid passport, Canadians must now send in two photos with 'neutral expressions.' That means a closed-mouth, straight-ahead gaze into the camera."

"Suzanne Meunier, a spokeswoman with the passport office, said the government is complying with recommendations of the International Civil Aviation Organization, the United Nations agency responsible for aviation issues, aimed at making it easier for security personnel to recognize the passport holder."

Restricting Access to Guns by Domestic Violence Offenders Lowers Homicide
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"...A number of states have attempted to reduce intimate-partner homicide by enacting bans on gun possession by violent partners. The ban applies to either those under restraining order or those who have been convicted of a domestic violence misdemeanor. So how well do these laws work? Recently, we explored the effectiveness of these laws and found that restraining-order laws lower intimate partner homicide rates by 9 percent to 12 percent, but only when the state has the technical capacity to crosscheck restraining orders with firearm purchases. Laws preventing those with a misdemeanor conviction from possessing firearms, in contrast, do not have a detectable effect on homicides."

WV: Firearm brought into Cabell courthouse
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"A 66-year-old Huntington woman made it past security at the Cabell County Courthouse last Friday with a loaded 22-caliber handgun in her purse."

"Although officials believe the incident was an accident, the breach of security has prompted an effort to screen visitors to the courthouse more carefully. The county budgeted more than $300,000 last year to beef up security at the courthouse."

"Courthouse officials said Gladys Jarrell was in the county clerk’s office for about three to five minutes with the pistol in her purse before security guards noticed the gun on the monitor of the X-ray scanner."

IL: Chicago police superintendent blames “easy access to guns” in a city where guns are banned for the Chicago workplace shooting
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"Tapia had been arrested a dozen times in the past 14 years on various charges, including illegal possession of a weapon, domestic battery and assault. He was convicted in 1989 of illegal possession of a gun and received a year's probation."

" 'The problem here is easy access to a firearm,' Cline said. 'I mean here's someone who never should have had a gun, that had a gun, and it's tragic results from it.' "

"Chicago, which has one of the nation's highest murder rates, has been in the forefront of U.S. cities suing gun manufacturers, distributors and retailers. Mayor Richard Daley frequently rails against the influx of weapons into the city that bans their sale inside its borders."

American Legal System Is Corrupt Beyond Recognition, Judge Tells Harvard Law School
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The American legal system has been corrupted almost beyond recognition, Judge Edith Jones of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, told the Federalist Society of Harvard Law School on February 28."

"She said that the question of what is morally right is routinely sacrificed to what is politically expedient. The change has come because legal philosophy has descended to nihilism."

Dangerous School Reports Questioned
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"Under President Bush’s No Child Left Behind Act, which passed into law last year, every school district that receives federal money must make a list of schools that are persistently dangerous so parents can transfer their kids to a different school."

"But the standards for determining a dangerous school are set by the states and most states are claiming they have few, if any, dangerous schools. That has some critics wondering if schools are being completely honest."

Prison Penalties and Gun Crime: The Effects of Project Exile
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"...Project Safe Neighborhoods, meanwhile, builds on the perceived success of the Project Exile program in Richmond, VA. Launched in February 1997, after an alarming rise in the city's homicide rate during the 1990s, Project Exile garnered much praise for its effectiveness after gun homicides in Richmond dropped 40 percent from 1997 to 1998. Today the program continues as one of the few that enjoys support from both sides in the debate about gun control in America. However, the program may not have been as successful as has been widely claimed. Having put Project Exile through its first rigorous examination, we find that most of the observed decline in gun homicides would likely have occurred even in the absence of the program."

AL: ICE to freeze gun crimes
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"Lee County has the second highest rate of gun crimes of the 23 counties that make up Alabama's middle district for the U.S. attorney's office."

"That reality has prompted the attorney and local law enforcement to band together to combat firearm crimes."

"Leura Garrett Canary, the U.S. attorney for the Middle District, said Tuesday that Lee County is beginning to fight criminals with the Alabama ICE program." ...

"Alabama ICE is the local implementation of President Bush's Project Safe Neighborhoods program. Bush and Attorney General John Ashcroft directed that the program be used by all U.S. attorneys in their district, Canary said. In Alabama, the three districts came up with ICE -- Isolate the Criminal Element."

CA: Schwarzenegger goes after conservative voters
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The appearances, on the Roger Hedgecock Show in San Diego and the syndicated Hugh Hewitt Show, came as a Los Angeles Times poll showed Schwarzenegger trailing Democratic Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante 35 percent to 22 percent with the Oct. 7 recall election just six weeks away. The poll had a margin of error of plus or minus three percentage points."

"Schwarzenegger, long portrayed as a fiscal conservative who is moderate on such social issues as gun control and abortion, led state Sen. Tom McClintock, a conservative, and former baseball commissioner Peter Ueberroth."

Norway: Former cop busted in pig pen
Submitted by: Bob Wolfley

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"A shocked pig farmer could not believe his eyes as he watched a man drop his trousers and assault several members of his herd. The farmer managed to grab a camera and get evidence of the public bestiality, and the animal lover has been convicted, newspaper VG reports."

ID: Two Hundred Peacefully Protest Ashcroft, Patriot Act in Boise
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"As United States Attorney General John Ashcroft praised the Patriot Act inside the Boise Depot, a couple of hundred people peacefully denounced it on the lawn outside."

"Many of them were outraged by the so-called 'sneak and peek' searches, in which the government secretly searches people's homes." ...

"Earlier at Boise City Hall, a diverse group also gathered to blast the Patriot Act, among them a gun-owning conservative who says he loves Ashcroft."

FL: Man Injured After Police Mistakenly Use Stun Gun
Submitted by: Bob Wolfley

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"A Lockheed-Martin technician has filed a complaint with the Orlando Police Department after officers mistook him for an armed robbery suspect and used a Taser stun gun while arresting him."

"Jose Jimenez, 21, suffered a sprained foot, stun-gun punctures and bruises during the Aug. 16 arrest. He is temporarily walking on crutches."

"The police department has opened an internal investigation."

FTC Closes Anti-Trust Investigation
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"The Commission has conducted an investigation to determine whether the National Shooting Sports Foundation or other members of the firearms industry have violated Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act by entering into an agreement to engage in a concerted refusal to deal with Smith & Wesson Corp."

"Upon further investigation of this matter, it now appears that no further action is warranted by the Commission at this time." ...

18th Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference
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"Activists from around the country will converge on Houston, Texas for the 18th annual GRPC on September 26th through September 28th. They will meet at the George Bush International Airport Mariott Hotel to compare notes on the gun rights movement in their local communities, and to learn about the future of the movement to secure our freedoms."

"Alan Gottlieb, Founder and Executive Vice President of the Second Amendment Foundation urged activists to: 'Be there to celebrate the major victories we've had in extending the right to carry. The people of Colorado, New Mexico, Michigan, and Minnesota, are safer now that their fundamental right to self defense is affirmed in their legal system.' "

Report: Crime rate lowest since 1973
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"Violent and property crimes dipped in 2002 to their lowest levels since records started being compiled 30 years ago, and have dropped more than 50 percent in the last decade, the Justice Department reported Sunday."

"The annual survey by the Bureau of Justice Statistics identified about 23 million crime victims last year, down slightly from the year before and far below the 44 million recorded when studies began in 1973."

MI: PINK PISTOLS: Gays, gun rights movement merge
Submitted by: MichiganShooter.cOm

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"It made one state senator laugh. It made one of the leaders of Michigan's gay community cringe."

"But the juxtaposition of gays and guns made perfect sense to Albert Lowe, who is starting a Michigan chapter of the Pink Pistols, a gay gun-rights group with 37 chapters in the United States and at least 5,000 members." ...

"If the group takes hold in Michigan like it has in places such as California and Tennessee, the state could have a new set of hobby target shooters and a broader, stronger gun-rights lobby."

OH: Gun-control group says Ohio is 'iron pipeline'
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"Ohio ranks seventh in the country in exporting guns to other states that end up in the hands of criminals, prompting a firearms safety group to call Ohio a 'gun-runners' paradise.' "

"And Ohio ranked No. 1 in the Midwest as the source of the most guns bought in one state and recovered in crimes committed in another state in 2001, according to a report by Americans for Gun Safety, based on data from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives."

"Ohio was the original home of 1,697 guns recovered in crimes committed in other states, seventh most in the nation for 2001, according to the recent report."

IN: Gun course to cover modern weapons tactics
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Lebanon -- The Boone County Sheriff's Department will host Gunsite Academy for a three-day course Nov. 7-9 in Lebanon.

This "150" course will cover the modern technique, speed and tactical reloads, weapon malfunctions, pivots and turns, barricades, tactical guidelines, low-light techniques and more.

The class is open to properly credentialed citizens and is an approved in-service training course for Indiana law enforcement officers.

For more information, visit the Gunsite Web site at, or call 1-928-636-4565.

UK: Police seize gun stash
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Several firearms have been discovered at a house in Birmingham, a West Midlands Police spokesman said.

Officers recovered 15 firearms during a search of an address in Ladywood Close, Quarrybank, in the early hours of Monday morning.

A warrant was executed under the Firearms Act involving officers from Halesowen and the firearms unit.

A 55-year-old man was spoken to by police at the address but no arrests made.

Ballistic experts were examining the firearms and police enquiries were ongoing, the spokesman said.

Hundreds of Pilots Trained to Carry Guns
Submitted by: paul raynolds

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"The federal government said yesterday that it has trained hundreds of commercial airline pilots to carry guns in the cockpit, and thousands more may be armed within a year, through a program created by Congress to deter hijackings."

"Airline pilots unions once estimated that tens of thousands of commercial pilots would sign up for the program. But so far only 5,000 -- or less than 6 percent of the nation's estimated 85,000 to 100,000 active airline pilots -- have applied to the Transportation Security Administration, according to the lobbying group Airline Pilots Security Alliance. The TSA declined to confirm the exact number of applicants. The agency also wouldn't specify how many pilots had graduated from the Federal Flight Deck Officer program because it said the numbers and names should remain anonymous, as they are in the undercover air marshal program."

MI: Blind Man Shoots Robber In Chest
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A blind man reportedly shot at two men trying to rob him Tuesday night.

Police said a blind man who lives at the St. Clements Manor in Inkster, an apartment complex for the disabled, opened fire on two men who were trying to assault and rob him. One of the suspects was shot in the chest, Local 4 reported.

The two suspected robbers then jumped through the apartment window, the station learned.

The wounded suspect was listed in critical condition at the University of Michigan Hospital. The second man was taken into custody.

The blind man was being questioned by police.

CO: Report: Police Cuff 4-Year-Old In Angry Confrontation
Submitted by: Larry E. Bigham

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"Denver Police Chief Gerry Whitman is personally investigating allegations of police abuse involving several children -- one only 4 years old, KMGH-TV reported Tuesday. All the alleged victims of police abuse Monday night are kids under the age of 14."

"KMGH-TV reported that the incident started with a report of broken windows and erupted into an angry, ugly confrontation over how the children were being treated by police who answered the call."

"Four-year-old Christopher Harris seemed carefree Tuesday, but Monday night he was cowering in the back of a Denver police car."

" 'They choked me and throwed me in the car,' Harris told KMGH-TV."

South Africa: 'Women in black' march in silence
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"Several hundred women - and a smattering of men - marched in silence through the streets of central Cape Town on Wednesday in a 'Women in Black' protest against violence."

"The vast majority of marchers were dressed almost completely in black to express their sorrow for all victims of violence, while wearing
white armbands to assert their belief that through combined action,
the situation could be turned around."

"The silent procession, led by traffic police vehicles, started at
Keizergracht and proceeded to St George's Cathedral in Wale Street."

"Many of the marchers carried photographs and placards with the names of victims of violence."

CA: Schwarzenegger Fuzzy on Gun Control Stance
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"He is famous for bearing arms on film and has killed hundreds on
screen. But where does Arnold Schwarzenegger stand on gun control in real life?"

"Some gun control advocates say the actor may be unfriendly toward gun control but some gun rights groups say the Republican candidate for California governor has not helped their cause with his violent films."

"Take this scene in the 1990 film 'Total Recall' when Schwarzenegger raises a gun to his scheming 'spouse' played by Sharon Stone. 'But I'm your wife,' she pleads."

"Schwarzenegger does not hesitate and shoots her dead. 'Consider this
a divorce,' he says coldly."

CA: Arnold must answer tough questions
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"It’s now clear that the strategy of the Schwarzenegger campaign is to
create the televised impression, that is to create the image, that
Schwarzenegger is being engaged by the news media without ever having to answer serious questions from political reporters."

"What George Gorton, Sean Walsh and Bob White have done is to set up media events that appear to the average television viewer as if their
candidate is being questioned by reporters, when in fact he is
surrounded by camera crews from Entertainment Tonight, Access
Hollywood, Inside Edition and Bavarian television."

NM: Albuquerque resident shoots, kills home intruder
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"An Albuquerque resident shot and killed a man he says broke into his home late Wednesday night."

"Albuquerque police spokesman Detective Jeff Arbogast says a family spotted the man in their backyard at Wyoming and Constitution NE around 11 p.m."

"The man, later identified as 24-year-old Manuel Villa, broke a glass window and entered the home, where Justin and Heather Doyle live with their small child."

OH: Toledo: Disarmed (smoke-free) citizens, well-armed criminals
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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"Toledo, Ohio is one of the most difficult places in the state to own a firearm. At least, for law-abiding citizens..."

"Meanwhile, Toledo City Council has enacted a city-wide smoking ban in all public places, and is spending precious city resources to enforce it. According to Toledo's chief counsel, John Madigan, there will be 'an army that includes more than 700 police officers and 500 firefighters empowered to issue citations for illegally smoking in bars and restaurants.' "

Rifles, muskets, long-bows and hand-grenades are inherently democratic weapons. A complex weapon makes the strong stronger, while a simple weapon — so long as there is no answer to it — gives claws to the weak. — George Orwell

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