CCRKBA Urges Gun Owners to Observe 'Nat'l Exercise Your Rights Day' Tuesday
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The [CCRKBA] today encouraged all gun owners to stand up for their firearms rights tomorrow, Tuesday, Aug. 28."
"'Jesse Jackson, the Brady Campaign and other anti-gunners are launching a series of protests and so-called prayer vigils against our individual Second Amendment rights on Tuesday,' said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, 'and firearms owners have the same rights of free speech and assembly.'"
"'We encourage gun owners to visit gun ranges, gun stores and sporting goods shops, especially if these facilities are singled out for protest activities,' he continued. 'What better way to show our appreciation for the First Amendment than by exercising it to defend the Second Amendment?'" ... |
Gonzales Resignation Proper; SAF Urges Careful Search for Replacement
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"With the announced resignation of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales today, the Second Amendment Foundation is urging President Bush to make a very careful search for his replacement."
"'We're hoping that the next attorney general will be like the president's first attorney general, John Ashcroft, someone who understands the Second Amendment affirms and protects an individual civil right,' said SAF founder Alan Gottlieb. 'The next attorney general must also understand that people do not leave their Second Amendment right, or their right of self-defense, at the boundary of a college campus, the doorway of any public building, the gateway of a national park, the border of any state or any city limit.'" ... |
David Codrea: The Final Frontier
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Virgin's Richard Branson and legendary aircraft designer Burt Rutan recently formed The Spaceship Company 'to build a fleet of commercial sub-orbital spaceships and launch aircraft.' The government’s response to establish control over the new venture has been swift." ...
"The resulting rules, published in The Federal Register, went almost unnoticed, particularly an obscure clause inexplicably claiming '[N]early all courts have also held that the Second Amendment is a collective right, rather than a personal right. Therefore … the FAA has the authority to prohibit firearms on launch and reentry vehicles for safety and security purposes.'" ... |
John Longnecker: Ask Me About Shall Not Be Infringed
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Bruce W. Krafft
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... "If I had interested people stopping me on the street in response to my button, I'd reduce my answers to an intelligent few sentences. I could answer quite a few people this way."
"Understand, also, that, in asking, many would want to learn more. I'd gladly make the time for them."
"Looking at two recent polls showing popular interest in people having automatic weapons – 41% according to the CBS hit show The Power of 10, and a Zogby International Poll showing a 66% desire for no more gun laws – I'd say one thing: Americans aren't afraid of automatic weapons or even guns for that matter – they're afraid of abuses. Violent crime is an abuse and gun control is an abuse of process. Name your poison." ... |
Guns and the Cult of Liberalism
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Liberty Belles
Website: http://www.libertybelles.org
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"The only thing President Bush really did for gun owners was not to sign any new anti-gun legislation into law. With Bush on the way out, a Democratically controlled Congress in, and a very confident Clinton running for office, the gun banners are starting to come out of the woodwork. The Pennsylvania State Police is halting firearm sales for one week so that it can "update their background check system." Cook County Chicago (Obama territory) banned long guns in February 2007. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives has been targeting small firearms dealers and putting many out of business for committing such grievous infractions as keeping their files first in chronological, then alphabetical order. New York Mayor Bloomberg is running around the country harrassing gun dealers claiming that they are responsible for crime in Bloomberg's city. And that's just the beginning." ... |
Group Calls for Careful Replacement of AG
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
Website: http://www.nysrpa.org
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"With the announced resignation of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales today, the Second Amendment Foundation is urging President Bush to make a very careful search for his replacement."
"'We're hoping that the next attorney general will be like the president's first attorney general, John Ashcroft, someone who understands the Second Amendment affirms and protects an individual civil right,' said SAF founder Alan Gottlieb. 'The next attorney general must also understand that people do not leave their Second Amendment right, or their right of self-defense, at the boundary of a college campus, the doorway of any public building, the gateway of a national park, the border of any state or any city limit.'" ... |
Media Aim at Gun Rights with 'Loaded Coverage,' Report Says
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
Website: http://www.nysrpa.org
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"As gun-control advocates prepared to hold a 'National Day of Protest Against Gun Violence' on Tuesday, a group dedicated to correcting misconceptions in the media about social conservatism and religious faith issued a study claiming that news outlets regularly 'take potshots' at rights provided by the Second Amendment."
"'During the first seven months of 2007, the media waged an intermittent war against the Second Amendment, using a variety of fallacious arguments to make the pitch for gun control,' according to 'The Media Assault on the Second Amendment,' which was released on Monday by the Culture and Media Institute (CMI)." ... |
Jackson Gun Control Rallies Clash with Public Opinion, Notes Self-Defense Advocate
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"'Rev. Jesse Jackson's attempt Tuesday in city rallies to generate support for more restrictive gun legislation clashes with public opinion on this civil rights issue,' right to self-defense advocate John M. Snyder said here today."
"Zogby International early this month found in a poll of 1,020 Americans that 66 percent of the American voting public sees no need for new gun control laws, Snyder noted."
"'Frustrated with this public opposition,' said Snyder, 'Jackson and the gun grabbers are trying to intimidate legislators into supporting their radical agenda with these emotionally-charged rallies.'" ... |
Should Christians Comply With Gun Confiscation?
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Pastor Guest
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"Jim Z. writes:"
"'If the government put down a law tomorrow that said we had to turn in all privately owned fire arms, as Christians, should we obey that law? ...'"
"I answered:"
"I don’t know where you are in your knowledge of the Bible. ... However, the idea that Christians should comply with gun confiscation is not biblical."
"Gun control in any form is not biblical. The Bible tells us that Cain killed Abel – Genesis 4:8 – but it does not tell us how he did it or with what tool. Evil lies with people and their deeds, not the tools they use. The idea that depriving people of inanimate objects will stop them from doing evil has no basis in Scripture." ... |
The Guns of Britain
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Following the 1996 Dunblane school massacre, in which seventeen people were killed by a man armed with two 9mm pistols, Britain passed a law outlawing the ownership of most handguns, despite researchers finding 'no link between high levels of gun crime and areas where there were still high levels of lawful gun possession.' It's a law so severe that the Britain's Olympic shooting team is forced to train abroad, lest one of its members try to shoot up a grammar school. So how effective has the law been? A doubling in gun-related crimes since the ban, naturally. The London Times on the spate of gun crime in Merseyside:" ... |
Renowned Comedian Lewis Black Offers Comments on Kevlar Backpacks for Students
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
Website: http://www.nysrpa.org
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"Lewis Black is not bashful about offering commentary, nor does he do so at low volume. And he had something to say, as students around the nation head back to school, about two men in Colorado who are selling bulletproof backpacks on the internet."
"After what happened at Virginia Tech, two guys in Colorado are now selling bulletproof backpacks and they're doing a great internet business."
"'Perfect!,' Black said. 'Why deal with the problem when you can create an industry around it and make a profit off it? How about tear gas pens or a bulletproof vest notebook? Why not just make the school uniform complete military gear?" ... |
Targets in the gun war
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
Website: http://www.nysrpa.org
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"The federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, the agency that's supposed to police the weapons trade, has published stunning numbers indicating who's responsible for gun violence here and elsewhere across the country."
"At the top of the list are the states of Georgia and Virginia, which take pride in fostering weapons possession. ..." ...
"All of this is now known because ATF released the stats after withholding them for five years under pressure from the National Rifle Association. The ATF's action was all the more surprising in that it appeared to violate an odious federal law, known as the Tiahrt Amendment, that bars publication of gun data as a way to protect the industry from lawsuits." ... -------
KABA Note: According to the BATFE data the average "time to crime" for New York state was twelve years. So much for that whole 'Iron Pipline' idea. |
Gun Zealots and Industry Urge Gun Owners to Buy More Firearms to Protest Against Rallies to Stop Illegal Guns (GunGuys)
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The gun industry is laughing all the way to bank, and poor saps, America's gun owners, are getting stuck with the bill."
"Memo to gun owners: You're getting played for fools and the gun industry is stealing your money. Let us explain."
"To protest Rev. Jesse Jackson's Rainbow PUSH rallies against illegal guns on August 28th ... gun zealots are urging gun owners to, drum roll please.........BUY MORE GUNS!"
"The Firearms Coalition, founded in 1984 by gun extremist Neal Knox, is holding a National Exercise Your Rights Day. The radical organization is calling on all gun nuts to buy a gun as well as counter-march and disrupt PUSH's illegal gun rallies." ... |
Dealer records and registration (Of Arms & the Law)
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Red's Trading Post Inc.
Website: http://www.redstradingpost.com
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"Red's Trading Post blog has some thoughts."
"So does Clayton Cramer. For background, FFLs primarily rely on paper records (which have high potential for error, as a serial no. and other data is transcribed by hand), one factor in this being that ATF only allows computerized records if it has approved the software, and very few such systems have been approved. As Red's points out, the approved systems are by no means cheap. The reason for approval is, I assume to make sure that it's hard to go back and alter entries. I suspect the standard used is something close to 'impossible to alter entries,' which may be overly strict. ..." ... |
Is the ATF creating a Gun Registration? (Red's Trading Post)
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Website: http://www.atfabuse.com
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"If the ATF succeeds in revoking our license they will take all of our 4473 forms for the last 20 years, approximately 400,000 forms (we average 2,000 firearms transactions a year) with everyones personal information along with the make, model, caliber and serial number of the firearm they purchased. Now consider the number of dealers being shut down. That is alot of personal information that is being held."
"As I have stated before ATF DIO Richard Van Loan has stated that he would have never revoked our license if we had purchased a computerized system ..." ... |
The BATFE is creating a firearms ownership registry; this is blatantly illegal!
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Red's Trading Post Inc.
Website: http://www.redstradingpost.com
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... "For some inexplicable reason, Congressional gun supporters have focused their attention on reforming the NICS process. But there is no credible information that NICS has been systematically used to record and store information on gun purchasers. Congress should instead focus on the Form 4473 database."
"The BATFE does not deny that the Form 4473 database exists, nor is it apologetic about it. The BATFE firmly believes that the Form 4473 database makes a significant contribution to preventing and solving gun crimes. But if only 8 percent of gun criminals obtain their firearms from gun dealers, is there sufficient justification to maintain an Orwellian repository of personal information on millions of law-abiding gun buyers?" |
Clayton Cramer: This Is An Interesting Claim...
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Red's Trading Post Inc.
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... "... Red's is concerned about the possibility that ATF is using the combination of requiring a computerized system and putting stores like Red's out of business to create a de facto gun registration system."
"I understand their concern (although realistically, even all the 4473 forms in the U.S. wouldn't give even a 30% complete gun registration list), but I think there's another issue that should be looked into: is it possible that some sort of corrupt deal has been made by some ATF bureaucrat to require a particular software vendor's system? If you don't buy a system from a particular vendor, you get extra special scrutiny, and then get closed down for trivial errors on paper forms?" |
CO: CU student stabbed at UMC; victim and suspect ID'd
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"A University of Colorado freshman, identified by family members as Michael George Knorps, is hospitalized with a knife wound after being cut outside of the student center this morning, the first day of classes on the Boulder campus."
"Knorps, who is from Illinois, was coherent and able to talk after the incident, campus spokesman Bronson Hilliard said. He is undergoing surgery, and his parents have been notified." ...
"The suspect, whom 7NEWS has named as Kenton Astin, 39, of Boulder, stabbed himself several times in the chest after the incident, which happened around 9:40 a.m. on the west terrace of the University Memorial Center, Hilliard said." ... |
UT: Stats show few guns found on Utah college campuses
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"As the debate over guns on Utah college campuses raged during the 2007 Legislature, lobbyists on both sides quoted statistics and provided scenarios to prove that allowing guns would have either worsened or improved a hypothetical campus crime."
"But crime data obtained under the Clery Act, which requires all campuses to report crime statistics to the federal government, shows few incidents between 2001 and 2005 when weapons were found or used on campuses, and in those few incidents, rarely were students involved."
"No incident reported during the five-year period involved a student brandishing a gun in a threatening manner ..."
"No incidents involved a legally concealed weapon." ... |
Domestic Violence Rampant in Police Families Statistics Show
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"Forty percent of America's law enforcement officers reportedly have used violence against their domestic partners, a rate far higher than in the general population, statistics show."
"Domestic violence is almost four times more likely to occur in police families, according to the National Center for Women and Policing."
"'It's directly related to the stress of the job,' Chattanooga Police Department Lt. Randy Dunn said."
"Within the last year, three area police officers have been charged with domestic violence. One of the three pleaded to a lesser charge, and two cases still are pending." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Wonder how many lose their right to own firearms like us commoners? Only these people should own guns.... |
CT: Offbeat Runners Club Sets Off Terror Scare in New Haven
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Daniel Salchow and his sister, Dorothee, planned to spend a pleasant afternoon marking a trail for fellow members of their offbeat running and drinking club."
"Instead, they wound up in police custody after their clue of choice — flour — set off a bioterrorism scare and forced hundreds of people to evacuate an Ikea furniture store on Thursday."
"'It was absolutely not in any way what we intended and not what we anticipated,' Dr. Salchow said on Friday at the New Haven courthouse."
"Dr. Salchow, a New Haven ophthalmologist, and his sister, who is visiting from Hamburg, Germany, were charged with first-degree breach of peace, a felony." ... |
CA: The Hypocrisy of Sylvester Stallone
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Foo Bar
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... "The rumor that Sylvester Stallone was issued a CCW permit struck my interest as I had recently been made aware that he had attended a Los Angeles event sponsored by the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence. The "Brady Bunch", as they are commonly referred to by gun-rights advocates, are one of the most well known organizations that are lobbying to take away our rights as lawful gun owners. I was also learning that Stallone had been quoted in the past saying some very anti-gun statements, even advocating door to door gun confiscations! I found all of this terribly hypocritical." -------
Submitter's Note: The punch line is that the article proves that Stallone has had CCW licenses in at least two California counties. |
FL: Reserve deputy arrested in alleged 'road rage' incident
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"In what was described by authorities as 'a road rage incident,' a Jackson County sheriff's reserve deputy was charged Thursday with aggravated assault with a motor vehicle, leaving the scene of a crash and reckless driving, according to Florida Highway Patrol reports."
"Samuel Efurd III was not booked into jail Thursday ..." ...
"The incident apparently evolved into a chase between the driver of the vehicle that was struck and a red truck driven by Efurd. ..."
"The driver of the other vehicle was confirmed to be off-duty officer Charles Vance of the Metro Nashville (Tennessee) Police Department." ... -------
H/t to David Codrea. |
Puerto Rico: Ten Puerto Rican Officers Charged
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Federal prosecutors Thursday filed criminal charges against 10 Puerto Rican police officers in an anti-narcotics unit, cracking down on police corruption on the heels of widespread outrage over a video showing an officer killing an unarmed civilian."
"Nine officers and their lieutenant were accused of stashing cocaine, heroin and crack at their precinct in Mayaguez for the past 3 years so they could frame people in several of the city's low-income housing projects."
"The Puerto Rico attorney general's office now faces the task of reviewing hundreds of drug cases to determine whether innocent people are serving time." ... |
GA: GeorgiaCarry.org Is on a Mission!
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Ed Stone
Website: http://www.georgiacarry.org
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"Georgia Carry is a gun rights organization that is on a mission to do away with conflicting and confusing local gun regulations." ...
"Governments maintain that the rules against guns are supposed to make the parks safer. To the folks at Georgia Carry, that notion is preposterous."
"'Kennesaw's mayor said that they need the law to protect children playing. As though someone who is intent on doing harm is going to worry about violating a city ordinance, but not about ignoring state laws against kidnapping and murder. It doesn't make any sense,' Monroe said." ... |
PA: Gun dealers file suit over planned sales freeze
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"More than two dozen gun dealers and a state lawmaker filed a lawsuit Friday seeking to block a planned four-day freeze on gun sales to allow an upgrade of the state's computerized background check system."
"The gun shops and Rep. Timothy Solobay, D-Washington, say the system upgrade could be completed without shutting down the system or by performing the work after normal business hours."
"C. Robert Keenan III, a Pittsburgh lawyer representing the gun dealers in the Commonwealth Court suit, said state police also could use a national system of computerized background checks as an alternative." |
IL: Gun lovers disarm control advocates
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
Website: http://www.nysrpa.org
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"It looks like the petulant, gun-toting NRA stalwarts have won the first round."
"Last time, I used this space to ask where you stand on the issue of gun control. A torrent of e-mails later, it's clear: Gun-control advocates were outgunned, four to one."
"The gun lovers were legion, robust and vitriolic. Many of you told me to go places where the sun doesn't shine and the temperature is way too hot. ..." ...
"What is the problem with the advocates of gun control? Why are their voices not being heard? They are consistently cowed and overmatched. Gun violence is out of control, yet the gun lovers are ascendant." ... |
OH: 'Career criminals' case parking lots, drivers store valuables ripe for picking (BFA)
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"It's getting a bit confusing trying to come up with the reasons being offered for a crime wave in Cleveland. First anti-gun Mayor Frank Jackson pointed to a 'drought' in the supply of powdered cocaine to his city that 'could be to blame for a spike in certain violent crimes close to home'. A week later, he decided to blame HB347 ... which acted to guarantee uniformity on the state's gun laws."
"Now police have identified two 'career criminals' as being responsible for a West Side crime wave. And it is the revelations about their smash-and-grab methods that should alarm legislators who mandated so many "no-guns" victim zones in the state of Ohio, and the CHL-holders who are forced to leave their firearms in their vehicles outside." ... |
OH: Numbers don't lie, Ohio deer hunting has never been better (BFA)
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Before we know it, it'll be deer hunting season. It's barely more than 30 days before bow hunters will be in the woods, and the serious whitetail enthusiasts are already patterning deer, setting stands and going over equipment."
"Why all the early fuss?"
"Plain and simple, deer hunting in Ohio has never been better."
"Oh, there's some old-timers out there that'll tell you stories about how good it used to be, but it's a statistical fact -- deer hunting has never, let me repeat that, NEVER, been better in the Buckeye state." ... |