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Newslinks for 8/29/2003

No Retreat, No Surrender
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"...those like David Codrea, in an article in the September 2003 issue of 'Guns and Ammo', would continue to council disengagement, retreat from the global battlefield, and a kind of pseudo-isolationism that fails to recognize that there are no protective oceans to hide behind in a world-wide battle of ideas. It is apparently more important for Codrea and his ilk to maintain an ideological purity of thought, rather than achieve any of the incremental positional successes that could best guarantee eventual victory. What is more, it is hard to imagine how an almost Islamist-like exclusionary world-view will enable the Codreas of the world to convert more than the occasional wandering 'Aryan' to the paradise of a rapidly diminishing gunowner 'reservation'." ...

"Fortunately others, including the NRA leadership, council that it is a better strategy to take the fight to the enemy on their own ground, with as many allies as can be found, and by using the “weapons” appropriate for each and every venue. For it is only by active engagement, education, and persuasion of each and every foreigner available to the merits of the armed, law-abiding citizen can there be any hope at all of a future with a meaningful Second Amendment. In essence, the firearms owner’s best defense is what amounts to an eventual, though gradual, globalization of a constitutionally guaranteed right of the individual to keep and bear firearms."

Second Amendment Foundation Congratulates Texas Governor for Bean Pardon
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The first step toward righting a deplorable wrong has been taken by Texas Gov. Rick Perry in his pardon of Thomas Lamar Bean, the former Vidor, TX gun retailer who was victimized by gun laws in Mexico and the United States..."

"Bean was pardoned last week, hopefully bringing closer the end to a nightmare that began March 14, 1998. Bean was attending a gun show in Laredo when he and two employees decided to cross over to Nuevo Laredo, Mexico for dinner. One of the employees inadvertently left a box of ammunition in Bean's vehicle, and he was stopped by Mexican border police, prosecuted for illegally importing ammunition-a felony at the time-and imprisoned in Mexico until that September, when he was returned to the U.S. under a prisoner exchange program."

"The Bean case caused an uproar, and as a result, Mexico has amended its federal gun law to reduce what Bean did-bring ammunition into the country-to a misdemeanor first offense. However, Bean's attempts to regain his firearm rights have been a struggle that is not over yet." ...

NOTE: The Supreme Court grossly wronged Mr. Bean and the rest of America by refusing to hear this case. Let's hope they are wiser re: the Silveira v. Lockyer case.

Gun Rights Group Blasts Chicago Police Superintendent's Lame Blame Game
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Blaming 'access to a firearm' for the Wednesday shooting rampage in Chicago by Salvador Tapia was a lame attempt by Acting Police Supt. Phil Cline to exploit a crime for political purposes, said Joe Waldron, executive director of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms."

" 'Like many others who advocate prohibitive gun laws, Phil Cline is dancing in the blood of crime victims to push an extremist agenda,' Waldron stated. 'Salvador Tapia had a criminal record dating back to 1989. He was convicted for unlawful use of a weapon, and arrested for multiple gun violations, domestic battery and aggravated assault. Yet he never served time in jail.' " ...

AARP supports keeping seniors defenseless
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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The American Association of Retired Persons admits that criminal gun violence is making its urban members "prisoners in their own homes".

Their answer to members who would wish to carry a firearm for self-defense? While they offer a lot of Clintonian (or should we say Taftonian?) rhetoric about supporting citizens' right to own firearms, their legislative answer is to spend membership dollars to "eliminate gaps in and strengthen enforcement of the Brady Act and other federal gun laws."

"Experts Disagree on Effectiveness of Anti-Gun Tools"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Feature Story
from the Criminal Justice Funding Report

"The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) recently held its Annual Conference on Criminal Justice Research and Evaluation, which convened experts from around the country and abroad to review the latest research on crime control and prevention, drug markets, violence theory and other topics. In the following article, CJFR covers an early conference session on firearms violence." ...

"It Should Not Be This Easy To Get A Gun"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"It should not be this easy."

"It should not be this easy to get a gun -- a handgun, automatic or semi-automatic weapon, pre-ban weapon, rifle or shotgun, a gun that can be kept in a briefcase, pocket, or purse, or hidden in a trenchcoat, a gun for hunting deer or turkey or, God forbid, human beings."

"A perusal of the classified ads in newspapers across the country reveals just how easy it is to acquire such weapons. Anyone can purchase a gun and do so legally, without background check, waiting period, or record of the sale. Anyone. The angry teenager, the political opponent, the disgruntled colleague the acquaintance with schizophrenia, the paroled felon, the terrorist. Anyone. It should not be this easy." ...

Government says it's arming pilots faster
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"After a slow start in training pilots to carry guns, the government said Tuesday that it has filled its weekly classes and expects to arm all qualified pilots who volunteer within a year."

"An association of pilots says, however, that the government is discouraging volunteers by insisting on psychological testing, requiring lockboxes to carry weapons and holding training at a single remote site." ...

TSA procedures 'discourage' armed pilots
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A commercial airline pilot who has been through the Transportation Security Agency's Federal Flight Deck Officer program and has been 'trained' to carry a gun in the cockpit says the agency's policies 'are designed to discourage pilots from participating in the program once they do get through training.' "

"The pilot, who requested anonymity, told WorldNetDaily the TSA has set 'restrictive' guidelines for the carry of guns through airports and even in cockpits, though other armed federal agents and officers have far fewer limitations and can access their weapons much more readily."

"According to information published on the TSA's website, the agency cannot divulge specifics of the armed-pilot procedures, for security purposes. But that claim of protection, say critics, is allowing the agency to cover up the fact it is making it too difficult for pilots to fulfill Congress' and the Bush administration's mandate."

The Tyranny of Bureaucracy
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"No, there was no urgency to even misguidedly attempt to protect the public from violence. But now that it’s one of them – one of their own that was harmed – all of a sudden someone lit a fire under their voluminous derrieres. Now – all of a sudden – it’s urgently important to punish someone, to hold someone responsible for the death of one of their fellow goons. And since the real bad guy has already eaten a lead sandwich, it’s time to hold the innocents’ feet to the flame. It’s time to hold those who manufacture a perfectly legal product responsible for the misdeeds of an evil few. It’s time to hold those who are trying to make a living by selling a tool of self-defense responsible for those who misuse that tool."

MO: Security guard had firearms conviction
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"In a review of court records dating to the early 1990s, The Kansas City Star found that security guard Vincent A. Flores had also pleaded guilty to another firearms charge that was later expunged. He had also been rejected for a gun permit."

"A judge turned down his gun-permit request in 1997 after the Jackson County sheriff's office said Flores' had had a firearms arrest and had received mental treatment."

"On July 18, the Police Department licensed Flores as an armed security guard. Less than a month later, Flores fatally shot a Kansas City neighbor for going the wrong way on a one-way street, Jackson County prosecutors alleged."

NC: Study: N.C. a major source for illegal guns
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Research by a Columbia University professor shows North Carolina is the No. 4 source in the country for guns smuggled into New York and sold on the black market."

"Offenders can buy a handgun in North Carolina for $100 and sell it for $500 or more in New York. That has made the Interstate 95 corridor a pipeline for illegal gun trafficking."

" 'North Carolina is among the biggest source states for firearms not only for New York, but probably for New Jersey as well,' said Dr. Howard Andrews, a biostatistics professor at the university's School of Public Health."

"His analysis shows that a large percentage of crimes involving guns in New York are committed with firearms illegally bought in the Southeast."

RI: Access to police report denied
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A request by The Call for police records regarding a 1998 shooting incident at the Cumberland home of Woonsocket Police Department Acting Chief William J. Shea, has been denied by Cumberland’s Police Chief, Anthony Silva."

"Shea, who has been selected by Woonsocket Mayor Susan D. Menard to become her city’s permanent top cop, is to go before the Woonsocket City Council on Sept. 2 for approval."

"...The request was made after the newspaper received a tip regarding a firearm being discharged inside Shea’s condominium during an alleged domestic incident five years ago."

MD: A large-caliber fund-raiser
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"In Frederick County, four volunteer fire companies have joined together for what is believed to be the largest raffle of its kind in the state: a gun-a-day giveaway for the year 2004."

"What might raise a few eyebrows among city folk is increasingly common practice in rural Maryland - and a big money-maker to boot."

"For the Jefferson Volunteer Fire Department, which exists mostly on donations, its expected $35,000 share will make this gun raffle the largest fund-raiser the company has ever had, far surpassing the fish fries, pancake breakfasts and all-you-can-eat 'feeds' that are standard fare here. It will go toward building new bunk rooms, bathrooms and meeting space atop the firehouse."

"CeaseFire Maryland Calls for Asking the Right Question in Gun Deaths"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Gun prohibitionist group in Maryland using the blood of the defenseless victims of a deranged killer in Chicago:

... "A UN survey on small arms released in July reveals that the US has by far the largest number of publicly owned guns in the world, approaching the point where there will be one gun for every American. Given this volume of lethal weapons, one would think that strenuous efforts would be made to keep guns out of the hands of people like Mr. Tapia. Yet we are seeing just the opposite with S. 659, a bill that would undermine the legal rights of individuals harmed by gun violence and provide unwarranted special immunity for the gun industry."

AZ: "Weapons-free zone keeps campus safer"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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From the mushy mind of a "college" kid:

"Just finished the big move into the dorms? Taking UA classes for the first time? Bring your books, cell phone and bike lock. Leave your gun back on the ranch in Texas."

"Those little signs with a circle and red line through a gun have an important message to everyone on campus: no weapons allowed. Period."

"So what harm could a small pistol in the purse of a so-called 'law abiding' citizen (at least by the NRA’s definition) on campus do? Plenty, says Rob Wilcox, a spokesman for the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence." ...

Any enterprising thug could locate this kid's dorm and claim his property easily enough.

To be an American
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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It seems our people now believe that "being an American" and patriotic is waving - or fastening to their auto, truck, or whatever - a tiny flag made in China or elsewhere, that "American patriots" support whatever decisions any "person" in government makes. It seems now that one is "unpatriotic" if one questions the actions of the Bush administration or anyone else in any level of government. However, is "blind support" really being "patriotic"?

CA: S.J. cops collar wrong pair in heist
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Craig Swallow and Daniel Braithwaite are more Beavis and Butt-head than Bonnie and Clyde. But it took San Jose police a couple of hours to figure that out Tuesday afternoon."

"Unbeknown to the pair, a Wells Fargo bank had just been robbed. Sirens wailed and guns were drawn. Alas, the barrels were pointed at the now-frightened and bewildered duo, who during the robbery had been in a nearby arcade checking for 'hot babes in bathing suits.' "

" 'I'm 20,' explained Braithwaite. 'That's what we do.' "

"But police believed they had done something else, and the pals found themselves handcuffed inside sweltering patrol cars, wondering why." ...

Weapons missing from Dayton Air Force Museum
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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The federal government is once again guilty of irresponsibility when it comes to the safe storage and protection of firearms.

The Dayton Daily News is reporting that more than 1,000 artifacts are missing from the United States Air Force Museum at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton.

Auditors reported three Russian-made 23 mm anti-aircraft cannons missing in March 2002.

On the latest list: Bombs, bomb fuses, and more guns

Canada: N.B. joins provinces that won't prosecute gun registry offences
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"New Brunswick has joined a long list of provinces that will not prosecute charges under the much-maligned federal gun registration law."

"Premier Bernard Lord and Attorney General Brad Green said Friday the federal gun registration program has been an abject failure and the province will have no part of prosecutions under its questionable law." ...

"Lord and Green said a majority of provinces have now decided to opt out of gun registration prosecutions, sending what should be a clear message of non-compliance to Ottawa."

IL: Hunters are given handgun option
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Illinois Deer hunters will have the option of using handguns during the firearm season under a new law supported by State Rep. Mike Smith (D-Canton) and signed by the governor on Wednesday." ...

"Prior to the new law, deer hunters could only use handguns in 30 counties during certain periods designated by the Department of Natural Resources."

"The new law provides that hunters may choose among handguns, shotguns, and muzzleloaders during the entire deer firearm season in 98 counties."

"The law also includes language making it easier for owners of game preserves to open they land to year-round hunting."

UK: Police warn against traveller vigilante action
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Norwich police today warned the public not to turn vigilante against travellers following a suspected shooting incident."

"Officers are investigating reports that a shot was fired at the caravans parked up on the Meridian Business Park site in Thorpe St. Andrew." ...

"As first reported in yesterday's Evening News, an anonymous caller to the police told them that at about 10.20pm on Monday, somebody stopped their vehicle on the Southern Bypass and fired a gun in the direction of the encampment on the business park."

"This unknown gunman then drove off in the direction of Great Yarmouth. No-one was hurt as a result of the shooting."

VA: Former DEA agent to serve 5 years for Roanoke slaying
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"State sentencing guidelines called for a term of between two years, one month and five years, eight months."

"Two sides of the courtroom. Two broken families."

"On both sides, deep pain and resentment."

"Roanoke Circuit Judge Jonathan Apgar sensed it well before he pronounced sentence on Timothy Workman, the former undercover drug agent convicted of fatally shooting a Roanoke man, Keith Bailey, in a bar parking lot. Apgar said he had never seen a more polarized courtroom."

AK: Group to Hand Out 19 Thousand Gun Locks
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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A group with the mission of preventing accidental firearm deaths is about to hand out 19 thousand free gun locks at this summer's Alaska State Fair. Project ChildSafe is a coalition of firearm manufacturers, and recreational shooting organizations that travel around the country, distributing free gun locks.

The group will set up a booth at the state fair to hand out the gun locks and provide free information to parents on how to teach their children about gun safety. Statewide, ChildSafe is giving away 110 thousand free gun locks.

GA: Suit filed in gun show death
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The mother of a 13-year-old killed in July 2002 at a Norcross gun show has sued the gun show owner and the vendor whose firearm caused the teen's death."

"The lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court in Atlanta, accuses Eastman Gun Shows Inc. and vendor Cleveland Lewis Chaney of negligence in allowing a loaded handgun into the show."

"Steven Bray King was shot through the eye on July 14, 2002, while at the show with his father, Anthony Grant of Montgomery."

"The youth died a day later at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta at Scottish Rite."

WV: Harrison Co. process servers now armed with handguns
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Being the messenger of bad news -- divorces, domestic violence petitions, evictions, repossession of home or vehicle -- can be a dangerous job."

"Harrison County Sheriff Jim Jack was concerned for the safety of his three process servers, who must deliver this type of news to county residents."

"He recalled a recent incident in Lewis County where a process server served divorce papers to a man who then shot his wife, child and himself."

"After a law enforcement bill to provide firearms to all process servers in the state failed in the last day of the legislative session due to lack of activity, Jack decided to pursue the program locally."

AK: Officials urge caution with new concealed weapon allowance
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"When a new state law goes into effect Sept. 9, Alaskans no longer will need a permit to carry a concealed weapon, but local law enforcement officers and gun safety instructors have some misgivings about the new freedom."

" 'Carrying a concealed weapon is not just strapping on a gun,' said Rod Christopher, owner of the Peninsula Weapons Academy and Nordic Trading and Loan in Soldotna, who has been teaching weapons safety for 20 years."

" 'You carry a lot of responsibility with it,' he said."


AL: Disabilities and illness are merely obstacles in special hunt.
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"But it is the deer hunts at Sedgefield Plantation, near Selma, Ala., that mean the most to Bushman."

"For each of the past three years, Bushman, Buckmasters and Sedgefield have hosted about a dozen hunters who are either physically disabled or seriously ill. The hunters are joined by their families and by celebrities at the Buckmasters American Deer Foundation Disabled Hunter Services Life Hunt."

MO: Lobbying fierce on concealed-weapons veto vote
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"Less than three weeks before lawmakers meet for their veto session, interest groups are zeroing in on a few senators pivotal to the fate of a concealed-weapons bill."

"The groups' strategies include mailing books to senators and rallying religious groups."

"Gov. Bob Holden vetoed the bill last month, setting up the showdown at the Sept. 10 veto session. Lawmakers need a two-thirds vote in each chamber to override the veto."

"The effort is expected to succeed in the 163-member House, where 109 votes are needed."

CA: Actor chided on gun control
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Sen. Dianne Feinstein on Thursday called for Republican gubernatorial candidate Arnold Schwarzenegger to renounce the assault weapons he has brandished on the screen, saying his violent movies glorify these guns and might encourage young people to use them."

TN: Shelby Farms range targeted by budget
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Memphian Thomas Quinlen believes the Shelby Farms gun range he visits 12 times a year for recreation should be kept open." ...

"About 50 Shelby County Chapter of the Tennessee Firearms Association members have the same feelings about the range, which is located on the south side of Walnut Grove. They plan on making their case to county officials in the coming weeks with calls and letters."

"The issue is partly an example of citizens and government officials trying to keep services going against the pressure of strapped budgets. But there is also a liability issue, according to the Shelby County officials."

AZ: Program teaches women to handle guns
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"When most women stare down the barrel of a gun at the Ben Avery Shooting Facility, they are totally fixated on the centers of paper targets mounted on a large slab of cardboard."

"When Scottsdale resident Pat Sylvester follows a routine similar to that of her peers, she, too, stands before the same targets, hoping to hit the bull's eye." ...

"Sylvester is joined from 7 to 9 p.m. every Thursday by dozens of other Valley women who take target practice with pistols, rifles and shotguns."

CA: Fearful residents lock, load
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The recent rash of violent home invasion robberies frightens valley residents, and rightfully so." ...

"And it's what finally will drive some people to buy guns -- even people who were once anti-gun."

"But gun experts -- from arms dealers to gun safety instructors to law enforcement officials -- share this opinion:"

"Unless you're absolutely sure you can kill an intruder, don't have a gun in the house."

CA: Jury deliberations begin
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Work and relationship struggles drove Judge Diana Ruth Hall to mistreat her former domestic partner and led to the assault on Dec. 21 that culminated in the judge's arrest, the prosecutor told a jury Tuesday during closing arguments of Hall's trial."

"Defense Attorney Jack Earley, however, said Hall was the victim and he attacked her accusers' credibility." ...

"Hall, currently suspended from the bench, faces charges of battery; drawing or exhibiting a firearm; driving under the influence; destruction of a telephone; and using force or violence to dissuade a witness or victim from making a report. The last two charges are felonies."

France: Actor investigated for alleged gun menace
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The son of French actor Gerard Depardieu was placed under formal investigation yesterday - one step short of being charged - after allegedly threatening a man with a gun in the chic Normandy seaside resort of Trouville."

"Guillaume Depardieu, 32, also an actor, allegedly drew the gun outside a bar in a street near the harbour late on Friday night as a dispute broke out after a passer-by commented on his clothes. A shot was reportedly fired. 'It is only thanks to the intervention of a witness who quickly threw [Depardieu’s] arm up to push the gun aside, that the shot went into the air,' said the public prosecutor, Philippe Peyroux."

UK: Armed police called to high street after firearm-related altercation
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Armed response units, dog handlers and other local units were dispatched to Chorleywood High Street on Monday, August 25, evening when police were warned of a young man in possession of a hand gun.

At 7pm, police were called to the scene after passers-by noticed an altercation outside the Peppermill restaurant in which a weapon was involved.

Mr. Benjamin Jocelyn, 20, from Pinner has been charged with possession of a firearm with intent to cause fear or violence.

He will appear before West Herts Magistrates court on Tuesday, September 2.

A man sustained head injuries during the incident and was taken to Watford General Hospital.

MA: Protection for a price: Women discouraged by fees, wait for FID cards
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"New fees, tacked onto an already lengthy waiting period for firearms permits, are putting a roadblock in front of frightened women seeking a non-lethal way to defend themselves, some officials say."

UK: Dunblane families share pain of losing our gun victim son
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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"Bereaved families from Dunblane are helping the parents of a toddler shot dead in Turkey come to terms with their loss."

"David and Ozlem Grimason have received hundreds of sympathy cards since their two-year-old boy Alistair was killed."

"And as the East Kilbride couple today launched a campaign to force the Turkish government to tighten gun laws, they revealed parents from Dunblane had been among those to send messages of support."

So let's get this straight: Brits are now demanding tougher gun laws in Turkey? In other words, they now want to impose their failed policies on other countries.

SC: South Carolina To Recognize North Carolina Right To Carry!
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Last week, we reported that South Carolina Attorney General Henry McMaster (R) had issued an opinion that South Carolina and North Carolina should recognize each state's Right to Carry (RTC) permits. This opinion came at the request of South Carolina State Representative Bill Sandifer (R-2)."

"On Monday, August 25, South Carolina and North Carolina officially acknowledged RTC permit reciprocity between the two states for the first time. Our thanks go out to AG Henry McMaster, Representative Bill Sandifer, and North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper (D). All three played critical roles to ensure law-abiding RTC permit holders from the Carolinas would be able to provide for their personal protection when traveling in either state."

SC: More local merchants alarmed and armed
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"One of Trader World’s SLED certified instructors, Frank DiNardo, teaches 'concealed carry' and personal protection, armed and unarmed, and has seen a recent increase in clients of all ages, including business owners responding to Greenberg’s comments." ...

"However, DiNardo says many other business owners and professionals have taken advantage of his services. The list of his clients includes cab drivers, real estate agents, bankers, jewelers, car sales staff, doctors, lawyers and truck drivers. 'I work with them in a basic course and teach them about firearm safety, firing and unloading,' he says. 'I help them pick out a firearm that suits their needs and which they can handle. From there, they get a concealed weapons permit.' "

CA: Fearful residents - including anti-gunners -- lock and load
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"The recent rash of violent home invasion robberies frightens valley residents, and rightfully so.
'It strikes pure panic for a good reason,' Stanislaus County Sheriff Les Weidman said. 'Theft or a burglary -- that (makes you mad). But it doesn't affect you like when someone comes into your home and someone in your family is sexually assaulted. Or, you're dipped into a hot tub until you give up information (where valuables are kept). It's a violation of your family and your home. It's a living hell.' "

"And it's what finally will drive some people to buy guns -- even people who were once anti-gun." ...

Airport screeners show off confiscated contraband
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"From box cutters to martial arts weapons, the Transportation Security Administration is showing off just some of the threatening items airport security workers have recently confiscated at O'Hare and Midway airports. The number of banned items detected appears to be growing." ...

"Look at what TSA screeners have confiscated from passenger carry-on bags at O'Hare and Midway. From power drills and cement trowels, to military sheath knives, utility knives, box-cutters and video game guns that in the X-ray machine look like real guns. All this in just one week." ...

IL: Daley Urges Threatened Employers To Call Cops, Says Massacre More Proof Of Gun Danger
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"Mayor Richard M. Daley urged employers who are threatened by employees to call the police."

After Wednesday's story of six defenseless employees being slaughtered by an armed maniac, Herr Daley shows his stripes again:

"The mayor hoped this tragedy would help lead to the passage of tougher gun control laws by the state."

"He also said he approved of a national registry of guns which would hold a ballistic print of every weapon sold in the United States."

"And he urged everyone who knows of a gun in their house to call police and have it removed because it will eventually hurt someone." ...

Get that? The gun will hurt you. Replace the word "gun" with "car" and see how absurd it sounds.

"Public lands, private bands"
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"Volunteer vigilantes patrolling America's backcountry may be the result of privatization's not so 'Brave New World' "

... "His neighbors have taken to calling him 'Rambo.' The Lane County sheriff thinks that his small band of well-armed volunteers called the Oregon Rangers Association (ORA), are acting like 'wannabe police officers.' Paul Ehrhardt, the organization's president, claims that his group only wants to serve the public." ...

Solomon Islands: Crackdown on police
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"Solomon Islands Police force has begun taking action against its own officers."

"Several senior officers have been arrested, and four serving officers already on remand are awaiting court appearances."

"One policeman was charged with assault and intimidation."

"Another has been charged over the issuing of new gun licenses."

"The head of the regional assistance mission to Solomon Islands, Nick Warner, says it became apparent during the country's recent gun amnesty that a small number of new firearm permits had been issued."

"He says when the regional force arrived in the Solomons it was told that no new licences had been issued for three years, prompting an investigation." ...

VA: Governor hedges on schools' anti-gun policies
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"Gov. Mark R. Warner hedged slightly Thursday on whether a state law allowing students to leave unloaded hunting guns locked inside their vehicles on school property will trump local school boards' zero-tolerance firearms rules."

"Attorney General Jerry W. Kilgore, at the request of a state senator, is reviewing whether local schools may banish weapons from campus, even though state law allows unloaded guns on school property if they are locked in a car trunk or closed container."

"The Rockingham County School Board approved a total ban of firearms on school grounds. Warner this year signed into law an amendment adopted by the General Assembly that exempts students who hunt and lock their guns safely away from school gun bans." ...

CO: Council tables gun-ban ordinance
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"When it comes to potential lawsuits, the Cortez City Council is gun shy."

"After hearing of court proceedings against other municipalities over their weapons ordinances, councilors voted Tuesday to table proposed Ordinance 999, which would ban the open carry of firearms in any area under city ownership and control."

"The ordinance, up for first reading during council’s regular meeting that night, would not affect carrying of concealed guns provided for by state law. However, the state law allows cities to control the open carry of weapons on city property." ...

IN: Police to receive 25 new guns for less than $100 apiece.
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CROWN POINT -- "The Police Department's oldest weapons are going out with a bang."

"Crown Point police will trade in 25 Glock pistols to the manufacturer and receive 25 new ones for $2,450, or less than $100 apiece. Replacing the pistols without a trade-in program would have cost the department about $12,500." ...

"When the new guns arrive, Chief Pete Land said he would move to acquire about 10 AR-15 rifles. Land bought two of the rifles for the department when he became chief last year and said they were effective in tactical situations." ...

CA: Corrupt judge pleas to stay on the bench
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SAN FRANCISCO -- "An Alameda County Superior Court judge accused of misconduct told the Commission on Judicial Performance Wednesday that he loves his job."

" 'Am I perfect? No. Have I made mistakes? Yes,' said D. Ronald Hyde."

"The former Pleasanton jurist and current Oakland judge cited a long history of community involvement in explaining why he should not be removed from the bench."

"Hyde, 60, of Pleasanton is charged with seven counts of misconduct that include using court resources to run the driving record of a motorist who cut him off in traffic, calling another judge to back him up on a bail issue, telling an inappropriate story at a work Christmas party and appointing a friend to oversee his daughter's civil case." ...

IN: "Close gun sale loopholes"
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"Indiana should tighten regulations for sales at gun shows and designate the FBI instead of the overworked state police to handle background checks on handguns under the federal Brady Law."

"Current loopholes appear to have contributed significantly to the state's dismaying eighth-place ranking in guns traced back to purchases in other states after their use in crimes. A report by Americans for Gun Safety found 1,684 used in crimes outside of Indiana were initially purchased in the Hoosier state. Ohio ranked seventh, with 1,697 guns involved in crimes committed elsewhere. The rankings are based on data obtained from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives." ...

To have no proud monarch driving over me with his gilt coaches; nor his host of excise-men and tax-gatherers insulting and robbing me; but to be my own master, my own prince and sovereign, gloriously preserving my national dignity, and pursuing my true happiness; planting my vineyards, and eating their luscious fruits; and sowing my fields, and reaping the golden grain: and seeing millions of brothers all around me, equally free and happy as myself. This, sir, is what I long for. -- General Francis Marion, American War of Independence, Georgetown, SC [Source: 'Marion, The Life of Gen. Francis Marion' by M. L. Weems, Ch.18]

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