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Newslinks for 8/30/2006

'Never Again,' Says SAF, One Year After Katrina Sparked Gun Grab
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'One year ago, Hurricane Katrina brought devastation, death and despair to one of America's great cities and the people who live there,' recalled Alan Gottlieb, founder of the Second Amendment Foundation, 'and it also brought a new and dangerous form of demagoguery from the authorities that must never again be permitted on American soil.'"

"'In the aftermath of that horrible disaster,' Gottlieb observed, 'a population brought to its knees by Mother Nature was subjected to the humiliation of unconstitutional disarmament with the warrantless seizure of lawfully-owned firearms. That's why we sued the city and still have them in court; to remind them that we are a nation governed by law, not whim.'" ...

High gun suicide rate linked to easy access
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Switzerland and the United States have the highest suicide rates in the world involving guns, according to a study at Zurich University."

"The authors say there is a direct connection with the easy availability of weapons and have called for tighter restrictions." ...

"It is claimed the easy availability of weapons – there are an estimated two million firearms in circulation in Switzerland – increases the risk of impulse suicides and murder since suicides result mainly from decisions taken in the heat of the moment." ...

Submitter's Note: Unfortunately for these 'scholars', several studies show that while "tighter restrictions" reduce gun suicides, overall suicide rates remain unchanged.

CA: Up to 14 hurt in SF hit-and-run spree 7 critical; driver believed to have struck, killed a man in Fremont earlier
Submitted by: Chas

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"As many as 14 people were injured this afternoon by a motorist who drove around San Francisco running them down before he was arrested, authorities said."

"Seven of those injured were in critical condition, police and firefighters said."

"Authorities have identified the man who was arrested as Omeed Aziz Popal, who has addresses in Ceres (Stanislaus County) and Fremont."

"Authorities said they believe Popal was the same driver who ran over and killed a 55-year-old man walking in a bicycle lane in Fremont, at Fremont Boulevard near Ferry Lane, just after noon. That crash scene is just blocks from Popal's Fremont address, where he had most recently been living." ...

CO: Man Shoots Intruder, Authorities Mull Charges
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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Fort Collins police haven't decided if charges will be filed against a homeowner who shot an intruder early Monday as he was trying to flee.

Steven Ray, 58, armed himself with a .45 caliber handgun and confronted David Ebner, 28, in Ray's backyard, according to police.

They said the two men struggled before Ray shot Ebner as he fled.

Officers found Ebner in a vacant lot about 100 yards away from the home. He was transported to a hospital where he is being treated for his injuries.

Colorado's "make my day" law allows occupants to use deadly force when they have reason to believe an intruder might harm an occupant of the home.

OH: Victim Learns How To Shoot Gun Before Attackers Paroled
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A woman who was repeatedly raped 23 years ago has learned self-defense and how to shoot a gun in case two of her attackers return to her town when they're paroled on Monday."

"'If it's me or them, it's not going to be me anymore,' said Cathy Lindsey. 'I would not hesitate for a minute to protect my life.'"

"At the time of the attack, Lindsey was a 24-year-old divorced mother of three, working part time and attending college."

"'I thought I was doing well,' she said. 'Then my life was shattered.'"

"Three men broke into her Middletown home, tied her up and held a gun to her head and raped her repeatedly. They made her beg for her life and for the safety of her children ..." ...

OH: Credit Union Robbed In West End
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Police search for two suspects in an early morning credit union robbery in the West End. Two armed men held up the Communicating Arts Credit Union on Western Avenue around 8:50 am Tuesday. No-one was injured. The men were last seen running east on Findley. One suspect is described as a black man in his 30's, wearing a fisherman's hat, dark jacket and shirt, and blue jeans.

If you have any information that might help police, call CrimeStoppers at 352-3040.

Submitter's Note: This is my credit union, which has been hit multiple times the past couple of years, and still has a "no weapons" policy. I have written the director, and although he is a gun owner himself, he still holds that the "safety" of his customers dictates that he keep the policy.

Here is the web site to tell them your opinion:

Sarah Brady, Maryland Senate Candidates Pledge Broad Effort to Pass Bill to Get Assault Weapons Off the Streets (BCPGV)
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Sarah Brady of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and leaders of CeaseFire Maryland, Inc. joined with candidates for the Maryland Senate today. The coalition announced they would work together to push for passage of a bill to get military-style semiautomatic assault weapons off Maryland streets - and started today with a public plea for voters to support two candidates who have pledged to make the issue a priority if elected to the Maryland Senate."

"'Enough is enough,' said Sarah Brady, the wife of Jim Brady, the former press secretary to President Ronald Reagan. 'If you can't change the law, it means it's time to change the lawmakers. ..." ...

CA: Anti-Gun Politicians
Submitted by: Jennifer Freeman

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"The State of California is attempting, yet again, to pass a bill (AB 352) that would require all new semi-automatic firearms sold in the state to possess 'microstamping' technology. ..." ...

"One can't help but wonder how ... the Assembly and the entire Senate floor managed to pass this bill considering the arguments against it. The answer is simple."

"Anti-gunners don't care about the effects of their legislation. As long as it imposes some kind of restriction or all out ban, the anti-gunner is in favor of it. Damn the consequences and the cost (monetary or otherwise) to the average citizen. Anti-gunners use the same buzzwords over and over again to support their position. They want to: Keep guns out of the wrong hands, help police, save the children, etc. ..." ...

TX: Weapons to be fashioned into longhorn figure
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It was high noon at the League City Police Department when Terry Jones faced off against a .357-caliber revolver."

"Jones won. His weapon of choice: a stick welder."

"The metal sculptor from Jewett wielded the welder to make the shiny Smith & Wesson weapon, and more than 100 others confiscated by police, inoperable."

"In return, Jones gets to use the weapons to create a longhorn sculpture for the city's Butler Longhorn Museum, which honors the bovine bloodline that originated in League City." ...

"'These are of no use for us,' police spokesman Sgt. Dan Krieger said as he looked over the revolvers, pistols, shotguns and assault rifles in an evidence room. 'A judge ordered that they be destroyed.'" ...

IL: Blagojevich hammers Topinka in TV ads since primary
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Barely a month after the March primary elections, Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich spent $500,000 to go after Republican challenger Judy Baar Topinka with a rolling pin."

"In a major television ad buy beginning in April far earlier than statewide campaigns usually start spending serious money Blagojevich's campaign aired a debate clip about banning assault weapons, in which Topinka says: 'It's very difficult to define what is an assault weapon. I mean, a rolling pin could be an assault weapon if you really want to look at it that way.'"

"As a photo of a rolling pin appears above Topinka’s head in the commercial, an announcer intones: 'Topinka opposes an assault weapons ban . . . because she says it could ban a rolling pin. What’s she thinking?'" ...

AZ: Party aim: To recruit members
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Arizona's Libertarian Party, trying to beef up its membership, is hunting for new voters at gun shows."

"Fish fries and registration booths at libraries may work for some political parties, but not this group, which embraces protecting citizens' right to bear arms and often criticizes government's influence on schools and local issues."

"Perhaps it's only fitting that some of its members would recruit at gun shows coming to the Valley before the Nov. 7 general election."

"'We stand for the protection of the Second Amendment,' said Barry Hess, the party's vice chairman and candidate for governor."

"'We can't understand why people would give up their right to defend themselves.'" ...

DEAR ABBY: Cop's wife charges husband with lax gun safety at home
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Dear Abby: My husband is a great husband and father to our three children, ages 17, 10 and 4. The problem is, he leaves his loaded 9mm gun lying around our house. Last week, I found it on the kitchen table. Now here's the kicker: He's a police officer."

"He leaves it in the holster, which is tricky to remove the gun from. He insists, 'It can't be fired while it's in the holster.' Abby, I don't care! My kids have friends in and out of our home daily."

"The next time I find the gun lying around, I plan on taking it to his chief and explaining the problem to him. Am I out of line? Please don't mention my name or city. — Upset in Washington" ...

CO: Charges dropped against Loveland movie makers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It was just a simple misunderstanding. But Chris Borden was still worried the law wouldn't see it that way."

"A Larimer County SWAT team surrounded Borden in late June after police believed Borden was holding a girl hostage and pistol whipping a good Samaritan. The only problem? Borden was the lead actor in the independent film, 'Different Kinds.'"

"Monday, a Larimer County Courts judge believed Borden and dismissed the disorderly conduct charge after Borden donated $100 to Crime Stoppers." ...

"The entire crew was ordered to drop to their knees with M-16 rifles pointed at their backs ... Several crew members tried to explain that they were just filming a movie but were ordered by the SWAT team to shut up." ...

Submitter's Note: I believe they were told "Shut-up or I will put a bullet in your head!"

UK: Patrol car blunder lets thief pinch gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A PRISONER stole a handgun and ammunition after police officers left them unsecured in a patrol car ..."

"The two officers left the 9mm handgun, bullets and a Taser stun gun in the front of the armed response car as it was parked outside Stockton police station."

"The weapons were missing for at least 14 hours while officers launched a search, before raiding a house ..."

"A man was arrested and police recovered the Sig pistol, Taser gun and bullets."

"Last night, Cleveland Police said the guns had been left in the footwell of the car and had not been locked in a secure gun cabinet as they should have been."

"The two officers from the armed response vehicle have been suspended from firearms duties ..." ...

India: Cops to face lie-detector test for AK-47 theft
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The sentries who were guarding the Bihar Military Police (BMP) armoury at Muzaffarpur when five assault rifles were stolen will be subjected to a lie-detector test, a top Bihar police official said on Tuesday."

"The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said 20 sentries were posted at the armoury when the theft was detected on August 27."

"'All these sentries will be subjected to a lie-detector test and if we find any suspicious behaviour during the interrogation of others, they too will have to undergo the test,' he said." ...

"The disappearance of four AK-47 rifles and an Insas rifle was detected on Sunday, when the armoury was opened for a routine weekly cleaning of weapons of the BMP 6th battalion." ...

Israel: Arms robbery cell nabbed
Submitted by: Lior

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"Seven residents of Wadi Ara arrested in a complex operation coordinated between the Shin Bet, Israel Police and Military Police are suspected of robbing 60 weapons from soldiers in the Hadera and Zichron Yaacov areas."

"Two cell leaders are in police custody while the others have been released under restriction orders."

"Police believe members of the cell tracked soldiers returning from duty from the Benyamin train station to their homes in the area and broke into their houses at a later time to steal their weapons." ...

Submitter's note: Israel has no castle doctrine law.

Nigeria: Abia, Happy-Trigger Cops And Extra-Judicial Killings
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "In Abia State, on or about August 9, 2006, the Nigerian police reportedly paraded 12 robbery suspects, including a 12 year old, before the media and the general public at the central police station in Umuahia, Abia State. ... As reported by the media, which facts have been independently verified, following the parade during which double barrel guns, pistols and other dangerous weapons as well as an international passport purportedly recovered from the suspects were displayed, the police killed the suspects and dumped their bodies ... after obtaining confessional statements from them."

"The police admitted responsibility for the killing during a press briefing, in which they were full of praises for themselves. ..." ...

VA: Man who purchased firearm used to kill gets suspended term
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A judge gave a man 10 years, all suspended, yesterday for illegally purchasing a gun for a friend who used it to kill a woman and himself." ...

"Tisdale was convicted May 22 of making a false statement on the firearms purchase form ..."

"Casuccio had lied to his friend, who knew nothing of his mental illness or the restraining order Hill had obtained against Casuccio. Both of those factors made it illegal for Casuccio to buy a gun." ...

"Tisdale told the judge that being convicted of a felony has been punishment. Since buying the gun, Tisdale and his wife, who is a physician, have moved to Maryland. He has been unable to find work there - even as a volunteer - because of the conviction." ...

SC: Allowing citizens to have weapons cuts crime
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Over the past 10 years, South Carolina has become a much safer place to live, work and raise a family. Since the General Assembly wisely chose to allow good citizens to carry guns for self-defense, the violent crime rate has sharply declined. And although the mainstream news media largely avoid reporting such facts, the truth is more guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens equals less crime."

"Prior to passage of the Law Abiding Citizens Self-Defense Act, few South Carolinians were allowed the ready means to protect themselves from vicious criminals. In fact, applications for concealed weapons permits were summarily denied unless the State Law Enforcement Division was convinced of the need. ..." ...

KS: Applicants eager for law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Kaw Valley Gun Club has no problem filling its concealed gun safety classes as Kansas gets closer to issuing its first concealed-carry permits."

"'I'm getting a lot of calls,' said Bill Dittman, KVGC president."

"In the two months since applications became available, 1,095 people have applied to the Kansas Attorney General's office for four-year concealed-carry permits."

"And the rate of submissions is only increasing. Applications to carry concealed weapons in the state became available on June 1. Permits won't be issued until Jan. 1."

"In Shawnee County, 568 people have picked up applications, and 77 have returned the completed form, said Sgt. Pat McGuire with the Shawnee County Sheriff's Office." ...

NY: EPA, Gun Club working out pact
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has proposed an agreement with the Plattsburgh Rod and Gun Club to stop bullets that contain lead from getting into wetlands near the shooting range."

"Under the proposal, the Gun Club will either permanently prohibit shooting ammunition containing lead at the present location or move the range to a less environmentally sensitive area, where lead shot will be collected and recycled." ...

NY: Teens face prison if convicted in bb gun shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Zach Walter,17, and his buddy, Terry Elwood, were punished in the spring for shooting some of their classmates with a plastic bb pistol."

"Gary Walter, Zach's father, said the event was made more complex than it really is."

"'My son saw some of his friends, his buddy saw a couple of his friends as a prank, they shot them,' Walter said. 'A kid got a little welt on his arm, the parents didn't like it and they went to police, I think the thing got overblown.'"

"Walter and Elwood say they received a 14 week suspension from school, ten of which will be served at the beginning of this year."

"Both have been charged with three counts of felony assault. A lawyer for one of the teens has a problem with the charges." ...

AZ: Old West lives near Sawtooths
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's amazing what can grow out of the desert these days." ...

"Out in the hard-pan dirt south of Arizona City now sits a little one-horse-hitch place called Jamestown."

"It's not a safe place for uninvited strangers, and the undertaker's establishment there eagerly awaits new business. The Jamestown marshal does his best to keep the riffraff in line, but he's got a few other jobs in the underpopulated city. A hangman's gallows, taller than the church steeple just a few feet away, also acts as a healthy deterrent against mischief." ...

"... Sept. 9 is opening day for Jamestown. The public from far and wide is freely welcome to come and watch fancy gun handling and duels on the hour, every hour. ..." ...

OH: Responsible gun owners not a threat (letters)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Miami Township Trustee Ken Tracy bemoans the fact that Ohio citizens who have passed a background check, demonstrated a high level of proficiency, and met state-established criteria can carry concealed a weapon into township parks. He asserts 'citizens have the right to protect our children' ..."

"Those are good points. Does that mean Tracy will be present in every Miami Township park during all operational times to provide that protection? I've spent hours at the community park on Buckwheat Road with my daughter and never seen a township patrol car there. Isn't it possible that the mother or father legally carrying a firearm is doing just that - protecting themselves and their children?" ...

MI: Sportsman's Club opens its doors
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The Midland County Sportsman’s Club held an open house Sunday to let the community see what it has to offer. It’s likely to have a larger club as a result."

"Volunteers explained how the club works, and offered visitors economical samples of shooting with .22 caliber and large-caliber rifle shooting, plus shotgun shooting. In the clubhouse, refreshments awaited."

"Club member Jerry Cuik, a volunteer working at an information station, said the visitor pace picked up as the afternoon arrived with sunshine. He said a booth at the Midland County Fair appeared to have raised interest in the open house." ...

MI: Elk hunters win the luck of the draw
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"John Sanford raised his rifle, sized up a hearty elk cow in his cross hairs from about 40 yards away, then let the animal walk away."

"'It was on private property, so I couldn't shoot it,' the hunter said. 'I had to just sit there and sulk.'"

"Sanford is from Freeland, near Saginaw, and said he's never before hunted any animal in or around the Pigeon River Country Forest in northern Michigan, the core range of the state's elk herd. He waited for the luck of the draw in the exclusive elk hunt."

"Only about 150 people — out of nearly 40,000 who apply — win a chance to hunt the big game animal, said Joe Molnar, conservation officer with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources." ...

Australia: Holly's packing a gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"TINSLETOWN starlet Holly Valance has been the victim of a crazed stalker and has taken to stashing an electroshock gun in her house as a protective measure."

"Valance's Melbourne management sought police assistance after a man began making persistent and disturbing calls about the former Neighbours resident." ...

"Valance, who portrays a butt-kicking crime fighter in her latest film DOA: Dead or Alive, has learnt some lessons from her tough chick character - investing in a Taser gun for self defence."

"'There are wierdos out there. If I came across an intruder I'd zap them with 50,000 volts and electrocute them until the police came,' she said."

Submitter's Note: Unless, of course, he's wearing a sweatshirt, or a denim or leather jacket ... but since effective handguns are all but outlawed in Australia, a Taser is the best she can do.

America does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She well knows that by one enlisting under other banners than her own, were they even the banners of foreign independence, she would involve herself beyond the power of extrication in all the wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy and ambition, which assume the colors and usurp the standards of freedom. — JOHN QUINCY ADAMS (1821)

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