Could These Be Solutions to Windy City Slaughter?
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David Williamson
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A leading national gun rights organization and a couple of Chicago-area state lawmakers may have offered sensible solutions to the Windy City’s ongoing mayhem that took ten lives and left 57 people wounded over the weekend. Could These be Solutions to Windy City Slaughter? CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb yesterday suggested that Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel step down, allowing for a dramatic change in leadership. |
Texas Attorney General Sues to Allow Guns in Courthouse Complex
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David Williamson
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Breitbart Texas was in Waller County for the protest and has been reporting about the conflict between gun rights activists and County officials. The gun rights advocates say officials are being “tyrannical” “bullies” and are abusing their power. Right after the protest, the Second Amendment activists learned that Attorney General (AG) Paxton had sent Waller County officials a notice that they were in violation of the law. |
CA: Northstate Sheriffs Fight Uphill Battle Against Gun Proposition
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David Williamson
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The mass shootings named in the Yes on Prop. 63 video advertisement elicit waves of emotion with every incident listed. It is something that even those against the Background Checks for Ammunition initiative would agree. “These are violent acts that we all are very concerned about, and would like to see reduced if not completely eliminated,” Butte County Sheriff Kory Honea said. |
The Bogus Claims Of The NRA's Favorite Social Scientist, Debunked
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David Williamson
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The War Against Guns: Arming Yourself Against Gun Control Lies by John Lott is well on its way to ascending into the pantheon of pro-gun literature. A parade of conservative heavyweights has lavished praise on the book since its publication this month, among them Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Newt Gingrich, Grover Norquist, Ann Coulter, and Sean Hannity. Cruz opined that "the Second Amendment has no better defender than John Lott," adding that with this book, Lott "has done his country and the cause of gun rights a great service." |
So, We've Lost Track Of Hundreds Of Thousands Of Guns In Iraq And Afghanistan
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David Williamson
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Well, this isn’t the most shocking news, though it’s something that the Pentagon should be reviewing regarding tracking weapons we send abroad. In the $40 billion in arms we’ve doled out since 9/11 to Iraq and Afghanistan, hundreds of thousands of guns have gone missing. In some instances, like in Afghanistan, rifles went missing after they were handed out to new security forces recruits. Officials suspects that these individuals trotted off with their rifles in the hopes of selling them. |
TX: First Day of Classes at Texas Tech with Campus Carry in Effect
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David Williamson
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Monday marked the first day of classes for Texas Tech University. It was also the first day of classes for Texas Tech with the statewide campus carry law in effect. The law, which which went into effect August 1 at public universities across Texas, allows licensed students, faculty, and staff to carry concealed handguns on campus. As of Monday afternoon, Texas Tech Police said that the new law posed no problems on campus. In fact Cpl. Amy Ivey with the Texas Tech Police explained that since the law took effect, there has not been a single incident involving campus carry or guns on campus.
MN: Gun Buyback Program Land With A Thud
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David Williamson
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Out in Minneapolis, the local government decided to take another run at getting illegal guns off the streets and out of the hands of criminals this month. It’s a noble effort to be sure, and a desirable goal which most of us could agree on. Unfortunately the chosen method was once again the largely discredited technique of offering to buy back weapons from criminals, no questions asked.
Chris Brown's Tantrum
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David Williamson
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Chris Brown is not having the best day of his life. We reported earlier today that the cops were called on the singer after he waved a gun at a female. The female, who we're now hearing is a beauty pageant winner, called the cops on Brown. |
CA: UC Davis Medical Center To House First-Ever State Gun Violence Research Center
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David Williamson
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The UC Davis Medical Center will house the nation’s first state-funded firearm violence research center, an effort backed by health organizations and opposed by gun rights advocates. The University of California Firearm Violence Research Center will be under the direction of Garen Wintemute, an emergency room physician, professor, researcher and expert on firearm violence. The Sacramento-based center will build on his work with the UC Davis Violence Prevention Research Program, established in 1989.
Gun Bill Gives Missourians More Options To Defend Themselves
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David Williamson
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Missourians have a fundamental right to defend themselves, their loved ones and their private property from threats of violence — a belief held by many that has been supported by Missourians time and again. SB 656 is built upon the belief that law-abiding citizens hold that right regardless of their location. This common-sense legislation has become subject to a campaign of fallacies from its out-of-state, anti-gun opponents spurred by the Obama/Clinton/Bloomberg anti-freedom agenda. We need to ask ourselves who knows how best to defend ourselves if an unthinkable incident arises, or in times when the police aren’t there. The answer is Missourians, not the Bloomberg-funded nanny state groups trying to sway our opinions with distortions. |
Kurt Russell Mad: Calls Out Gun Control Logic And Terrorists . . . BIG TIME!
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David Williamson
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Legendary actor Kurt Russell said in an interview with Hollywood reporter Jeffery earlier this year that it’s “absolutely insane” to believe that more gun control will curb terrorist attacks. Now he feels even stronger. Discussing America’s “gun culture” and film producer Quentin Tarantino, Russell said he doesn’t “understand the concepts of conversation” about “the gun culture,” after Wells asserted that most Americans fear that mass violence is becoming a “day-to-day” occurrence. When Wells went on to say that guns are a ”metaphor that disenfranchised white guys need,” Russell let loose. |
MI: Man Pleads To Federal Charges After Williams Gun Sight Break-In
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Corey Salo
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A 23-year-old man has pleaded guilty to federal charges after he and others broke into a Davison Township gun shop and made off with more than two dozen firearms.
Marquez D. Chatmon pleaded guilty Tuesday, Aug. 30, in Flint U.S. District Court to theft of firearms from a licensed dealer and being a felon in possession of a firearm following an April 22 break-in at Williams Gun Sight.
Authorities claim they discovered an abandoned vehicle smashed into the front of the gun shop, 7389 Lapeer Road, around 11:50 p.m. on April 22 after receiving a call for a tripped alarm. |
TX: Class Prepares Area Residents To Respond If Someone Opens Fire
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Active shootings can be unpredictable and deadly, but one Texas group is teaching people how to defend themselves and their families in these types of situations. Monday night, the Texas Law Shield presented an active shooting seminar at the KEM Armors gun shop in Belton. The legal services company travels around Texas throughout the year to educate people about firearms and self-defense. |
Chappaqua shooting: Tuesday after an unthinkable Monday
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David Williamson
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Tuesday arrived in Chappaqua the way you'd expect a lazy late-summer Tuesday to arrive, with a buzz of activity around Lange's Little Store & Delicatessen on King Street. Only two things made this Tuesday different: the presence of news crews and the buckshot holes in Lange's front door. The deli's employees had been told not to speak to the media, a few of whom clustered outside the deli as the busy lunch rush saw hungry customers passing through the shot-riddled glass door. |
GA: Sheriff Pleads No Contest In Shooting He Called An Accident
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An Atlanta-area sheriff who says he accidentally shot and injured a woman while they were practicing police tactics inside an empty model home pleaded no contest to a reckless-conduct charge Tuesday. Clayton County Sheriff Victor Hill entered the plea under the state’s first-offender statute and was ordered to serve 12 months on probation and pay a $1,000 fine, according to a news release from the Gwinnett County district attorney’s office.
KS: Opponents Of Guns On Campus Plans Fight
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Opponents of concealed weapons on college campuses anticipate a new battle next year to stop Kansas’ prohibition from going away, encouraged by gains made by moderate Republicans and an expected increase in Democratic lawmakers. State-run universities must begin allowing concealed weapons onto campuses next July. Critics fear a greater number of guns on campuses teeming with young adults add to a combustible environment ripe for accidents and hasty decisions. |
The Unexpected Targets Of "Girls and Guns"
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David Williamson
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If you turn into a dark alcove in the back of Rosemary Duffy Larson Gallery at just the right moment, you'll see on a wall the image of Abby Fong competing for a spot on the U.S. Olympic team's 50-meter, three-position rifle squad. She is 16 years old, her soft face poised against the cold metal dials, pins and bolts of the specialized rifle, her chin resting on a spot decorated with a small piece of purple, plaid material. |
For, in principle, there is no difference between a law prohibiting the wearing of concealed arms, and a law forbidding the wearing such as are exposed; and if the former be unconstitutional, the latter must be so likewise. But it should not be forgotten, that it is not only a part of the right that is secured by the constitution; it is the right entire and complete, as it existed at the adoption of the constitution; and if any portion of that right be impaired, immaterial how small the part may be, and immaterial the order of time at which it be done, it is equally forbidden by the constitution. [Bliss vs. Commonwealth, 12 Ky. (2 Litt.) 90, at 92, and 93, 13 Am. Dec. 251 (1822) |