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IN: Some state lawmakers carry firearms
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"One in six Indiana lawmakers has a permit to carry a firearm, and some even pack their guns when they saunter onto the floor of the Indiana House and Senate, The Journal Gazette reported today."

"These pistol-packing politicians have no problem with the availability of weapons in the Statehouse, and some even welcome the guns given the lax security at the state Capitol."

Gun inside teddy bear helps vindicate screeners
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"But here was a 10-year-old boy, packing a fuzzy little bear containing a .22-caliber pistol, trying to board a Southwest Airlines flight to Grove City, Ohio, on July 12. Turns out a 14-year-old girl had given the bear to the boy as a gift two days earlier at a hotel."

"The bear incident represented a major victory for the TSA officials; it showed they were justified in putting every traveler, regardless of age, through the wringer."

NJ: Protesters Accuse Police In 2 Killings
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Small groups of protesters gathered in two New Jersey cities to decry police brutality and to mourn two young men they claim were killed by overzealous officers."

"In Newark, 40 demonstrators on Saturday demanded justice for Luis Ives Jr. and Michael Newkirk, two men who died under disputed circumstances after recent encounters with police."

NY: 6 Shot During Weekend
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Six people were shot in separate incidents between Saturday night and yesterday morning, including a man who was hit by a stray bullet while standing on a street in the Lincoln Center area, police said."

"One person was arrested in the shootings, none of which were fatal or thought to be related."

Boy, that strict gun control is doing wonders in New York City!

CO: Ex-deputy arrested in dispute
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Criminal charges continue to mount against a former Montezuma County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) lieutenant two days after he appeared in court on sexual misconduct charges."

"Steven Wayne DeKruger, 43, was arrested by Cortez Police Department (CPD) officers at his residence Wednesday, July 30, and charged with reckless endangerment and prohibited use of weapons during a domestic violence incident."

Philippines: Baby's death, a lesson to parents -- CSWO
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Eight-month-old Eliza (real name withheld for being a minor) was accidentally shot dead by her five-year-old sister on Wednesday in their house along Hibbard Avenue in Bantayan." ...

"The gun, which belonged to Eliza's father, was unlicensed, police said."

1 - The gun does not just fire by itself, and a child playing with a loaded weapon is a recipe for disaster.

2 - Would it have made a difference if that gun was licensed?

Solomon Islands: Danger begins when guns amnesty runs out
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Australian police and military personnel in the Solomon Islands would be in more danger when a gun amnesty expired later this month, the Foreign Minister, Alexander Downer, warned yesterday."

"The 'exuberance' that had marked the early stages of the Australian-led mission to restore law and order in the islands might change when the amnesty ended on August 21, he said."

Dean honed his skills in Montreal
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"As a transplanted New Yorker, Dean has however fought his party by being fiscally conservative, opposing national gun control and favouring the death penalty in some circumstances."

Opposing national gun control? Is this the same Dean who supports the extension to the "assault" weapons ban by claiming that "Sportsmen know they don't need an Uzi to hunt deer."

WA: Federal Way officer killed by his own gun
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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" 'The officer pulled him off a fence, and then some unknown way the suspect got his gun,' said Kent police spokesman Paul Petersen. A single bullet struck Maher just below his Kevlar vest."

WI: Police say victims didn't resist gunman
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The bartender and her two patrons at Ron's Tavern apparently did not resist when a man waving a silver .357-caliber Magnum came in and demanded money." ...

"Inside the 6th St. tavern, the two patrons were face down on the floor, dead from gunshots to the head. The bartender, wounded in the neck, survived and called 911."

Consider this story when you think about all the employers who demand their workers disarm and just comply with criminals.

UK: Aston murder suspect is shot
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A pop star’s brother who was quizzed by cops over the Aston shootings has been gunned down."

"Tafarwa Beckford - whose sister is the famous R&B singer Jamelia - was hit in the head in the latest shoot-out in a Birmingham street."

KY: Court says family entitled to trial on gun negligence
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The three-judge panel Friday sent the case back to Fayette County Circuit Court. The lower court had ruled the victim, Jennifer Hicks, and her family could not press a negligence claim against the Lexington gun shop." ...

"Hicks' family claims that the gun sale was a 'substantial factor' leading to the shooting." ...

UK: Illegal trade in guns fuels crime
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Sunday Mirror investigators found out how easy it is to get a gun when, posing as gangsters, we were put in touch with Jackson. He runs his business from a £60,000 canal boat, moored on a canal at Syston, north of Leicester, but he is also believed to own two large houses in the city."

The Brits still don't seem to comprehend that when you ban a substance for which there exists a demand, you will create a black market for it, as there will always be people ready to supply.

Japan: Senior citizen assaults police officer to steal gun
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A homeless man who assaulted a policeman here in a bid to steal a gun from the officer has been arrested."

"In his attempt to subdue his assailant, the officer shot 62-year-old Koji Sasaki in the right hand before taking him into custody."

" 'I intended to steal a gun from the officer and use it to commit a robbery,' he was quoted as telling investigators."

Canada: Gun registry gets mixed reviews
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Ottawa's gun registry is a money pit which continues to swallow funds that could be better spent by putting more cops on the beat, says a member of York Region's police services board."

" This program was supposed to cost $2 million and it's ended up costing $1 billion so far,' Bob Callow said during the board's meeting in Newmarket last month."

"A billion dollars would be equivalent to 20,000 police officers."

Canada: Men sought after home invasion
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Police are looking for two men after a home invasion at a south Etobicoke apartment early Wednesday."

"Police said two males wearing disguises, including one armed with a handgun, gained entry into a home near Lake Shore Boulevard West and Eighth Street at about 1:30 a.m."

"One suspect pointed the gun at the 46-year-old female victim and demanded cash. The victim gave over money and the robbers fled. No one was hurt."

WI: Crusade continues with gun-lock giveaway
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The day her 12-year-old son was accidentally shot by his friend was Shirley Lochowitz's last day as a police officer and the beginning of her life as a crusader for gun safety." ...

"Initially, Lochowitz found that gun safety was an unpopular topic with many people, who thought she was trying to encourage gun control."

" 'I stay neutral on that issue,' she said."

UK: Watchdog set to reject genetic screening
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The UK government's proposal to genetically screen all newborn babies and store the information in a database is likely to be rejected by the Human Genetics Commission, the watchdog set up by Labour in 1999 to monitor advances in biotechnology, on the grounds of being unworkable, expensive and potentially threatening to civil liberties."

CA: California's spying reforms not enough, activists say
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Lockyer pledged to remind California's 80,000 law enforcement officers that civil disobedience is not terrorism and only a 'reasonable suspicion' of criminal activity justifies gathering information about political or religious groups."

"Yet Lockyer still allows his intelligence analysts to issue warnings under the letterhead of his Justice Department, if no longer under the insignia of the California Anti-Terrorism Information Center, or CATIC, as they have for almost two years."

Endless Fake Terror Alerts: Fear Based Mind Control
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The ultimate form of control is fear and the fear that you could lose your life at any moment elicits a Pavlovian response towards those who claim they can protect you. Trauma based mind control is not a conspiracy theory and can be observed naturally after people have been subject to distress. The New World Order know this and that is why the U.S. and British governments issued a spate of fabricated terror alerts immediately after September 11 and continue to do so to this day." ...

SC: Laying down the law
Submitted by: Larry E. Bigham

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"Roused from his sleep by the sound of gunfire about 4:30 a.m. Friday, the 67-year-old Gates took up his 12-gauge Browning automatic shotgun, stepped out onto his front porch and fired three blasts at men he said were drug dealers having a shootout in his front yard."

"When the shooting stopped, three men lay wounded. Gates is said to have hit two of them, and the third is thought to have been hit during the initial shootout."

AZ: Federal Agent Killed by Arizona Police
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A federal agent apparently bent on suicide was shot and killed by police when he raised his gun toward one of them, authorities said."

"Bureau of Indian Affairs Special Agent Marc Leber, 40, died Saturday night near a motel where he had rented a room in Globe, about 90 miles east of Phoenix, police Lt. Dan Melvin said."

MN: Predictions unfulfilled (Letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Second Letter on the page


Where is the bloodbath? Enough time has passed, and where is all the killing by handguns from permit-holders? It is apparent by what has not happened that this law was not as horrible as many had predicted. Shooting and killing by nonpermit-holders continue to flourish. Perhaps the death of the cabdriver recently shot as he worked to provide for his family would have been prevented had he been carrying a concealed weapon to protect himself from such mayhem.


Judge made the correct ruling in NAACP lawsuit on firearms
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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" . . Weinstein was right to criticize the firearms industry for not embracing changes that would reduce the number of guns that get in the hands of criminals. Those changes in the law include not allowing sales at gun shows; not selling under a variety of names that make tracking difficult; protecting against theft; and training and supervising employees to prevent straw sales to criminals. . . ."

Germany: Man Arrested for Firing Half-Baked Weapon
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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German police have arrested a man for firing potatoes at passers-by with a home-made bazooka, authorities in the western city of Essen said on Friday.

"It was like a bazooka that fired potatoes," a spokesman for police in Essen said. "Jolly dangerous from close range."

Police said the weapon consisted of about five feet of drainpipe attached to an aerosol can which the man ignited to propel the root vegetables toward their targets.

"He was plastered and probably thought it was fun," the spokesman said.

The 33-year-old man is now under investigation for attempting to cause bodily harm and violating gun laws.

Iraq: Ex-N.Y. Police Commissioner Policing Iraq
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Bernard Kerik was dubbed the 'Baghdad Terminator' after he summarily dismissed a newly reinstated Iraqi official who turned out to be a member of Saddam Hussein's Baath Party." ...

"Kerik dashes about Baghdad with the South African bodyguards he inherited from the first chief of Iraq's interim administration."

"They travel in two armored GMC Suburbans as everyone - including Kerik and the driver - hold their guns at the ready. He goes everywhere with a bulletproof vest and a 9mm pistol."

CA: Neighbor sentenced to 6 months
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A San Jose man accused of harassing an Iraqi family was sentenced to six months in jail on charges of disturbing the peace and violating a restraining order, ending the family's fight to bring hate crime charges against him."

"Edward Neil Crutchfield, 47, pleaded no contest Friday to the misdemeanor charges. He had been arrested on suspicion of a hate crime June 21 after an hourslong rant in which he was taped using profanity and slurs against Iraqis and said 'watch your children die.' But prosecutors felt they didn't have enough evidence to prove a hate crime."

SC: Prosecutors investigating monitoring system in Charleston
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Prosecutors say they will investigate problems with the electronic monitoring of suspects out on bail after a mother of three discovered the monitor worn by her husband charged with attacking her was not activated."

" 'We have discovered some lapses in satellite monitoring and electric monitoring,' [Prosecutor Scarlett] Wilson said. 'We are researching the issue.' "

Can't rely on paper protection, and can't rely on electronic monitoring. GET A GUN!

Philippines: Police tag ambush victims drug lords
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The two persons who were killed on the national highway in this town Friday afternoon were among the suspected drug lords in the province who were in the order of battle of the police, Senior Supt. Mario B. Subagan, police provincial director, told The Times Saturday."

"Subagan said they are still investigating several angles in the killings, including the possibility that these were the handiwork of a vigilante group operating in Ilocos Sur."

Gun bans work wonders, eh?

CT: Man gets 7 years in prison for home invasion
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One male victim told police that he was lying in bed when people in ski masks entered the house. One pointed a gun at him and ordered him not to move, court documents show."

"The victim jumped at the intruders and a struggle ensued in which the victim was struck in the head with the butt of a gun, police said."

"During the struggle, the weapon went off, and the victim reported hearing the screams of one intruder."

"The invaders then fled."

UK: Family in terror at baseball bat attack
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A family was left terrified when a gang of thugs wielding baseball bats and a gun launched an attack on their home in the early hours today."

"Security guard Mark Rowley said he saw eight or nine men approach the property in the early hours."

"He said they began smashing the car and one man tried to fire a gun into the house."

Can't count on the police and can't count on private security. GET A GUN! Oh, that's right, you live in the UK. Well, lie back and try to enjoy it!

UK: Gunman in fear of his life
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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"A businessman high on the death list of a Kurdish terrorist organisation carried a loaded gun around to protect him and his family."

"An attack on Nicholas Devran by the Turkey-based separatist group PKK had already left him fighting for his life, after he refused to contribute to their funds, magistrates at Bedford heard on Wednesday."

"Devran, 38, of Croyland Road, Peterborough, was stopped by police on the A1 at Sandy in May. When asked if he had drugs or firearms on him, he immediately admitted having a loaded handgun under the seat of his car." ...

"The court also heard that Devran was convicted in 1995 of possessing an offensive weapon and was cautioned last year for having ammunition without a certificate."

"On Wednesday he was handed a four-month jail sentence suspended for a year and ordered to pay £118 costs."

The UK continues to punish the innocent from trying to defend their lives and their families when the police obviously cannot.

Justice Ginsburg Says Supreme Court Is No Longer "Lone-Ranger" in Decision-Making
Submitted by: T M Lovely

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Here it is: "Justice" Ruth Bader Ginsburg brags that the SCOTUS will now look "beyond the borders of the U.S. for guidance" (Say "United Notions") in legal decision making. (Find that in the U.S. Constitution!) Welcome to the New World Order, and kiss your 2nd Amendment rights good-bye. (Remember, you were warned.)

MN: Stumbling on surprises in the new gun bill, and hoping for a few fixes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Even those who believe that the conceal-carry law passed by the Legislature and signed the same day by the governor will deter crime are starting to see that the law contains unwelcome surprises."

"The conceal-carry law dramatically (and, I believe, unconstitutionally) affects the free exercise of religion. That issue is the subject of an ongoing lawsuit by dozens of faith communities. But there are many other troubling but little-scrutinized provisions tucked away in the law's 27 single-spaced pages."

CA: Fender-bender hit-run turns fatal in S.F. - Kickbox champ chases down driver, winds up shot to death
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A world champion Thai-style kickboxer was shot to death in the middle of a busy San Francisco street Friday after he chased down a hit-and-run driver who had slammed into his parked car minutes earlier."

"Alex Gong, 30, was pronounced dead at the scene on Fifth Street near Harrison Street. Witnesses said he was shot at point-blank range when he confronted the driver, who apparently waited for a traffic signal to turn green before opening fire and speeding away."

One of the states with the most stringent gun control laws in the country loses another one to gun violence.

The spy in your car
Submitted by: M. Smith

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"In June, Edwin Matos was sentenced to 30 years in prison after being convicted of manslaughter. His car had hit another vehicle on a suburban street in Florida and killed the two teenage girls who were in it."

"Sadly there is nothing unusual in that. But at his trial some of the prosecution evidence came not from a pedestrian witness, or another driver, but from Matos’s own car."

"The Pontiac Grand Am was fitted with an electronic data recording device — a so-called 'black box' — that was able to record the car’s speed, deceleration, when the airbag was deployed and the pressure on the brake and accelerator pedals." ...

" 'It’s like having a government agent driving around in the back seat of your car,' says Bob Weiner, an American lawyer who is defending a woman driver who did not know her vehicle had a black box. 'I think it’s a tremendous invasion of privacy.' "

Think you're a Liberal? Guess again
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Today's conservatives are really 'liberals' and today's liberals are really 'authoritarians.' "

"Liberalism is the middle-class social philosophy that combines free-market capitalism with political democracy under the Rule of Law. That 18th-and early-19th-century philosophy of John Locke and Adam Smith is advocated by those who today call themselves conservative."

"Franklin Roosevelt appropriated the label 'liberal' for his New Deal programs seeking to fix a deeply troubled free market capitalism during the Great Depression."

"Those opposed to Roosevelt's use of federal government power in place of markets and local autonomy began to call themselves 'conservatives' in that they were trying to conserve true liberalism against the growing power of government regulation."

NY: Bill would outlaw game-preserve hunts
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Two local legislators and the owner of a Dutchess County hunting preserve voiced their opposition to a bill that would outlaw shooting captive, big-game animals on hunting preserves."

"The bill has prompted a flurry of calls, letters and e-mail to Gov. George Pataki, who is expected to sign or veto the legislation sometime this month"

NY: Armed and Famous
Submitted by: Robert Lewis

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"Among the more than 3,600 privileged New Yorkers allowed to hit the street with a loaded weapon are tough-guy actors Robert De Niro and Harvey Keitel, shock-jocks Howard Stern and Don Imus, developer Donald Trump, record honcho Tommy Mottola and Channel 5 TV anchor John Roland." ...

"More than a dozen jurists, including prominent Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Richard Lowe and Brooklyn Judges Yvonne Lewis and Lila Gold, are allowed to tuck a loaded gun into their belts or bags, according to the NYPD permit list."

"Still, some celebs have had their licenses yanked as the NYPD conducts a massive review of the 39,000 gun permits of all kinds following a rule-bending scandal six months ago that marred the License Division. The cops are checking to see if owners have kept their licenses up to date or if an arrest or other incident now disqualifies them."

Meanwhile the peasants, who cannot afford armed guards and security systems on their homes are prosecuted for defending their families without the permission of the nanny state. Remember Ron Dixon!

NJ: How a teen used his camera phone to stop a crime
Submitted by: Rob Hamilton

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"Putting a new technology to an unanticipated use, a teenage boy in New Jersey used his camera cell phone to snap photos of a man who tried to lure him into his car, providing evidence that led to the alleged assailant’s arrest, it was reported Friday."

Wow! A camera phone used to stop a crime. What a novel concept! Why don't the media bother to report that guns are used to stop crimes hundreds of times per day?

CA: Tables turned on suspected assailants
Submitted by: Rob Hamilton

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"Tom Chu thought he might die Sunday night when two masked men kicked down his front door and began beating him with baseball bats."

" 'They tried to take my knee out and that's when I went down to the ground. When I went down they started pounding on me with the bats,' the Redding man said Monday."

"Chu said they continued beating him until his roommate, Kyle Wymore, intervened. The 20-year-old had retrieved a 12-gauge shotgun from the garage and shot the intruders, according to Redding police."

Ninth Circuit Strikes Out
Submitted by: Rob Hamilton

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"The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in San Francisco is holding up the parade. The parade of justice, that is. A review of the significant decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court this last term reveals that an inordinate amount of judicial attention was directed to correcting bad decisions from the Ninth Circuit. Although sympathetic court commentators have skewed the particulars in order to make the Ninth Circuit appear mainstream, in terms of criminal law the court could hardly be worse."

The ultra-liberal anti-gun Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals is the same one that recently ruled that Americans have no individual right to Keep and Bear Arms. This is what the Silviera vs. Lockyer case is all about, so support it!

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until a majority of voters discover that they can vote themselves largess out of the public treasury. — Alexander Tyler (in his 1770 book, Cycle of Democracy)

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