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Should 2015 see the end of gun ban zones?
Submitted by: Liston Matthews

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... "When you put these factors together, and then look at the locations of mass public shootings, a good detectiveconclusion:"
  1. Gun Free zone signs tend to NOT stop people whose purpose it to murder as many as they can before they die.

  2. Mass shooters often scout prey much in the way deer hunters do. Some make extensive notes as to what venues have Gun Free signs posted.

  3. Police are usually at least ten minutes away.

  4. Only two of the mass shootings since 1950 were not in an area designated as gun free.

  5. The folks that create gun ban zones send out their edicts from behind the protection of metal detectors and police officers. When they go out, it is often with a police escort." ...

Are You Ready For What Happens After You Draw Your Gun?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As a 2nd Amendment supporter, I strongly believe in one’s right to keep and bear arms. As a female and a mother, my beliefs grow even stronger. Like most mama bears, the instinct to protect and defend both my children and myself is inevitable. I know many people that are new to the gun world and want to fully immerse themselves in our culture, but don’t know how with children in the home. The following is a crash course in firearms safety, and a couple of tips on how to be a safe and responsible gun owner with children in the home . . ." ...

Americans Can Shoot Straighter Than The Washington Post
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "But after reading the NGVA 'study' and the Post story, it’s evident they had something else in mind. Rather than suggesting that training is good, both seem more intent on 'proving' that armed citizens are not qualified to stop violent criminals, so the whole concept of concealed carry should be tossed out the window. Gun-banners want to have it both ways: They want to ban handguns because they are too easy and efficient for thugs to use, but claim they are too difficult for law-abiding citizens to effectively manage." ...

8 Big Changes That Have Improved Load-Bearing Combat Gear
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It goes by many names: Deuce gear, TA-50, or 782 gear. Whatever the nickname, load-bearing equipment is some of the most important kit carried by infantry, special operations, and anyone else whose job is to fight on foot. Since the advent of modular lightweight load-carrying equipment and the accompanying pouch attachment ladder system in the late 1990s, the commercial and government gear market has rapidly grown, particularly since the onset of operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. 'Tactical nylon' companies are not just producing innovations in load-bearing gear, but uniforms and footwear as well. Here’s a few areas where troop gear has gotten better." ...

Gun Review: Arsenal Firearms Strike One
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"All else being equal, a lower bore axis will result in less felt recoil and less muzzle rise, as the recoil energy has less leverage over a shooter’s hands, wrists, and arms. GLOCK set the bar pretty high (errr, low?) in that area, but that didn’t stop companies like Steyr and Caracal from designing polymer-framed, striker-fired pistols with even less height and mass above the shooter’s hands. If we’re keeping score, though, it’s now the Strike One from Arsenal Firearms that’s king of the lowest hill. Great in theory and on paper, but what does this all mean from the driver’s seat? . . ." ...

Taurus Recalls Nearly 1m Pistols (PT-111 Millennium; PT-132 Millennium; PT-138 Millennium; PT-140 Millennium; PT-145 Millennium; PT-745 Millennium; PT-609; PT-640; and PT-24/7) (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Firearms manufacturer Taurus has agreed to a voluntary recall of nearly 1 million pistols as part of the settlement of a lawsuit that alleges nine handgun models had defects, including one that caused some to inadvertently fire when dropped,' reports. 'The settlement affects customers who bought the following models sold between 1997 and 2013 in the U.S., Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands and Guam: PT-111 Millennium; PT-132 Millennium; PT-138-Millennium; PT-140 Millennium; PT-145 Millennium; PT-745 Millennium; PT-609; PT-640; and PT-24/7. In a statement released Friday night, Taurus denied that there are any design defects in the models . . ." ...

An Anti-Gun Meme is Born: “Sheepdog Fife”
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tex300BLK called it in our article Washington Post: 'Watch what happens when regular people try to use handguns in self-defense.' 'This is the straw man we have been made into,' Tex300BLK wrote. 'The bumbling incompetent ‘civilian’ who went into Walmart, bought a GLOCK and a box of bullets and got a CHL without ever firing a shot from it . . . This is the new meme that the media will now go full court press on.' Just a day later, published a piece called Why Would You Want to Bring Your Gun to a Concert? A post that launches the term 'Sheepdog Fife' to disscredit [sic] armed self-defense. Like this . . ." ...

Huffington Post’s Tim Mullen: Cops Should Stay at the Station and Wait for a Call
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Over at, Tim Mullen has a radical idea on how to prevent dubious officer-involved shootings and civil rights abuses: confine cops to their station until they’re needed. You know; like firemen. No really. 'If they were, Walter Scott, Freddie Gray, and Sandra Bland would be alive today. All three encountered police doing what would be considered outlandish for any other institution charged with public safety: roaming the streets, looking for trouble' . . ." ...

Gun control; don't regulate guns, regulate bullets
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "A more practical manner of reducing gun deaths is strict bullet control at least as serious as with driver’s licenses. Licenses of several levels like level one for limited # bullets for a 22. To own high capacity clips or clips for guns with more than one bullet at a time must have advanced level bullet certificates for mental health and from police every two years. To own high caliber bullets or clips with more than a few bullets you would have to have training similar to an officer. Licensees would also have to keep records of their bullets like pharmacists do with narcotics. How many they have, who they give or sell them to, how they were used (target practice, etc)." ...

H/t to David Codrea who says:


Your move.

CO: Defensive Gun Use of the Day: Concealed Carrier Saves the Day Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "After seeing the gun, Haro-Luna fled the parking lot as quickly as he could. Police caught up with him shortly after and was arrested on suspicion of attempted first-degree murder, first-degree assault and felony menacing."

"The 41-year-old victim was taken to the hospital. She had been stabbed in the abdomen. Police say she suffered serious injuries, but is recovering after surgery."

"In Colorado, private property owners can prohibit the carrying of firearms. This includes churches. Had this church prohibited firearms and had the employee adhered to the prohibition, this 41-year-old victim may not be alive today." ...

Chattanooga Shooting: Lieutenant Who Returned Fire to be Charged
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Allen West, a former member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Florida, waited to learn whether Lieutenant Commander Timothy White would be charged with violating Navy rules by carrying a personal firearm on federal property and then discharging it to defend himself and his fellow officers in the Chattanooga shooting on July 19. On Saturday, he got the news:"
"Ladies and gents, resulting from the text message I received yesterday, I can confirm that the United States Navy is bringing charges against Lt. Cmdr. Timothy White for illegally discharging a firearm on federal property." ...

Fast and Furious Gun in Garland Latest in Long, Unending Line of Government-Enabled Crimes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "It’s not like it’s all that hard to predict. Massive numbers of guns were arranged to 'walk' across the border and then vanish into the hands of murderous thugs. The deaths we know about are merely the tip of the iceberg, because unless a gun is recovered at a crime scene – the intent of the ATF managers executing the plan – we have no way of knowing for sure what was the source of the weapon used." ...

The ghost of Christie past: The Guv does the old switcheroo on global warming and guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I realize Chris Christie has to run to the right if he is to have any chance whatsoever in the 2016 Republican presidential primary. But hearing him pull off the old switcheroo on so many issues is hard for those of us who are familiar with his earlier positions ..." ...

"Christie's also catching heat for switching his position on gun control. In his first campaign for state Assembly 20 years ago Christie ran as a gun-grabber and attacked his opponents for opposing New Jersey's assault-weapons ban, at the time the most onerous in the nation."

"... His critics from the Second Amendment Society can list a number of actions he could have taken as governor to end the Jersey jihad against lawful weapons possession." ...

Ted Cruz makes machine-gun bacon (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Texas Sen. Ted Cruz has a creative way of cooking bacon."

"In an video published Monday, the Republican presidential candidate wraps an uncooked bacon strip around a machine gun, secures it with foil paper, and shoots a target using four magazines of 5.56 ammo, until the gun is so hot that the bacon is crispy and and browned." ...

MS: Statement of Rep. Andy Gipson on baseless attacks against pro gun legislators
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last week I was made aware of a number of direct mail 'hit pieces' by a so-called gun rights organization from out of state. These attacks were targeted exclusively at pro-gun, incumbent Republican legislators here in Mississippi. Upon further review I was surprised to learn the legislators being attacked were the same legislators who have most consistently voted for and supported every pro-Second Amendment legislative effort over the last four years."

"Why would a so-called gun rights organization attack NRA-endorsed conservative Republicans in Mississippi? I can only speculate at the true motive for these attacks."

"Yet in the face of deception, half-truths and untruths, the truth will always prevail. ...." ...

Schumer touts new gun control scheme, ignores a gaping 'loophole'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Now, it isn’t clear whether Soofi used that specific handgun in Garland (this column has reached out to ATF for an answer), but this story also raises an issue nobody in the gun prohibition movement dares to answer. Just because he bought a handgun five years before committing a crime, are firearms retailers supposed to be soothsayers now? Must they be clairvoyant? Who could say five years ago what somebody might do today with a gun he bought, or for that matter a car, kitchen knife or candlestick holder? Even the government can't foretell the future." ...

White House Petition to Allow Guns at Military Recruiting Centers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Change the laws regarding current and former military and their right to carry personal firearms on government property" ...

Amy and Sen. Chuck Schumer team up to fight gun violence (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "At a press conference Monday, Ms. Schumer and her cousin, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D) of New York, announced a joint initiative to strengthen the United States’ defenses against gun violence ..."

"The problem they identified was the ease with which those who should not have access to guns are able to acquire them. [Name redacted], the man who shot 11 people and himself at a 'Trainwreck' screening last month, is reported to have had a history of mental illness that should have barred him from buying a gun." ...

Submitter's Note: Except according to the judge who actually wrote the order it was not an involuntary commitment, it was an order for an evaluation to determine if there were grounds to commit him.

MN: Are All States’ Permits Valid in Minnesota?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In May of 2015, Minnesota enacted an omnibus firearm reform law that went into effect August 1. One of the reforms was a change in the wording for Minnesota to recognize permits from other states. The previous language required that other states’ laws be 'substantially similar' to Minnesota’s permit law. The Commissioner of the Department of Public Safety is required to publish a list, and if the state that a person has a permit for is not on the list, then the permit is considered valid . . ." ...

"No new list had been posted by late Sunday evening, August 2. A contributor at suggests that the new Minnesota list will recognize an additional eight states, and remove recognition from two; Texas and Utah. ..." ...

FL: Guns On Campus Back For Another Round (audio file)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Representative Greg Steube of Sarasota describes himself as a long-time supporter of Second Amendment rights. He says college students have as much a need to defend themselves as anyone else." ...

NY: Having solved all other problems, NY fines companies selling toy guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"New York’s Attorney General, Eric Schneiderman, in cahoots with his boss, Andrew Cuomo, are very big into solving problems. Not to confuse anyone here… they’re not dropping the murder rate in New York City or staunching the the hemorrhaging of businesses and jobs from one of the worst business climates in the nation. But gosh darn it all, they’re going to solve… something. And this week it’s the menace of people buying toy guns. ..."

"So how will they relieve their beleaguered citizens of this plague? They’ve decided to pry a settlement in the hundreds of thousands of dollars from retailers who sell the toy weapons unless they look like the illudium Q-36 explosive space modulator. And now we can all sleep easier ..." ...

CA: Los Angeles City Council Targets Law-Abiding with Magazine Ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Back in 2013, the city of Los Angeles’s city council proposed an ordinance banning the possession of magazines capable of holding more than ten rounds (so-called 'large-capacity' magazines)."

"Unfortunately, on Tuesday, July 28, 2015, after a two year delay, the city council unanimously passed an amended version of this useless ordinance and sent it to the Mayor for his signature, which the Mayor has indicated he is eager to provide." ...

Celebrating Second Amendment Victory May Be Premature
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last Friday the [NRA-ILA] chortled that 'anti-gun doctors may need to get their own blood pressure checked after the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit again upheld Florida’s Firearm Owners’ Privacy Act.'"

"The ruling was the second one for the court and was decided by a three-judge panel, with one of them writing a lengthy and blistering critique of the majority opinion."

"At issue is the law passed overwhelmingly in June 2011 by the state of Florida which, on the surface, seemed tame enough:" ...

"Last month, however, the three-judge panel decided on its own to revisit its original decision, coming to the same conclusion but only after considering those First and Second Amendment issues. ..." ...

FL: Florida Court Again Sides with Patient Privacy, Hands Nosy Doctors Second Defeat
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Anti-gun doctors may need to get their own blood pressure checked after the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit again upheld Florida’s Firearm Owners’ Privacy Act."

"As we reported last summer, the law was passed after an escalating series of events in which patients were harassed or denied access to services because they refused to be interrogated by their doctors about their ownership of firearms. A group of Florida doctors committed to the idea of haranguing patients for exercising their Second Amendment rights sued, claiming a First Amendment right to grill patients about firearm ownership, even where it isn’t relevant to the patient’s care." ...

Police chiefs discuss solutions to crime surge
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Big city police chiefs on Monday met to discuss rising U.S. crime rates, especially homicides, and blamed repeat offenders, drugs and guns with larger magazines for part of the increase."

"The meeting of the Major Cities Chiefs Association, attended also by some prosecutors, came as cities face a recent upturn in violent crime after it fell starting in the 1990s to half-century lows in 2013." ...

"Police are finding more rounds are being fired from more guns during shootings, meaning more people are hit, Manger said. The association, which groups 66 police chiefs or sheriffs, called for increased penalties for gun crimes and for shooters using high-capacity magazines." ...

OK: Former Valley Brook Police Officer Accused Of Committing Sex Crimes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Valley Brook police officer is in the Oklahoma County jail on numerous complaints ranging from sex crimes with a child to burglary."

"Courtney Schlinke, 21, was arrested Tuesday afternoon by Oklahoma City police officers."

"She was arrested on 33 complaints: 16 rape complaints, eight oral sodomy complaints, one burglary complaint and eight indecent or lewd acts with a child under 16 complaints." ...

NY: Former Mount Pleasant Police Chief Pleads Guilty To Child Porn Charge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Former Mount Pleasant Police Chief Brian Fanelli, of Mahopac, entered a guilty plea on Monday to possession of child pornography."

"Fanelli, 56, was arrested in January 2014, just two months after becoming police chief, when federal agents raided his home. Federal authorities accused him of downloading and sharing more than 120 files containing pornographic images and video of children." ...

TX: Mission Police Officer Fired After Drug Charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Mission police officer arrested on drug charges is off the job."

"Hector Mendez met with Mission Police Chief Robert Dominguez on Monday. It was part of the civil service process allowing Mendez to defend himself and cite why he should keep his job."

"However, Mendez was terminated. The officer is currently out on bond." ...

ID: Madison sheriff spent concealed weapons funds on guns, carpet, tile and a car
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Madison County Sheriff’s Office used tens of thousands of dollars in concealed weapons permit fees to purchase carpet, tile, guns and even a car."

"... [T]he law enforcement agency spent more than $60,000 between 2011 and 2014 on expenses seemingly unrelated to concealed weapons permit license administration."

"In 2011 alone, Madison spent just more than $24,000 on tile and carpet for a front office and a training room. ..." ...

"Greg Pruett, president of the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance, blasted Madison for the purchases."

"'Madison shouldn’t use responsible gun owners as the agency’s piggy bank,' Pruett said. 'ISAA has long believed permit fees serve as a revenue stream for sheriff’s offices and this just proves it.'" ...

NM: Prosecutor: Police officers unlawfully opened fire in death
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 'paramilitary response' by police in New Mexico unnecessarily escalated an encounter last year that ended when two officers unlawfully opened fire and killed a homeless man despite signs that he wanted to surrender, a special prosecutor said Monday."

"The two Albuquerque officers charged with murder in the death of James Boyd came to the scene with the intent of attacking him, Special Prosecutor Randi McGinn asserted at a preliminary hearing to decide if the officers should stand trial."

"'What was the crime that prompted this paramilitary response? It was not a terrorist act. It was illegal camping,' McGinn said during his opening statement at the hearing for Officer Dominique Perez and former Detective Keith Sandy." ...

Amazon, Walmart Agree to Stop Selling Toy Guns in New York, Pay Hefty Fine
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Following the shooting of Tamir Rice (who was holding a toy gun that looked real at the time), there has been a push by the usual suspects to ban toy guns. Instead of teaching kids that walking around outside with something that looks like a deadly weapon is a bad idea, the Attorney General of New York has decided that the way to 'fix' this 'problem' is to try and crack down on the sale of these inanimate objects. Because that’s been so successful in the past. Now it appears that the toy companies have agreed to Herr Schneiderman’s demands . . ." ...

FL: Court off target in upholding gun law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Although a federal appeals court last week misfired in upholding Florida’s infamous 'Docs vs. Glocks' law, the decision may trigger a needed review by the Supreme Court of government attempts to regulate professional speech."

"A three-judge panel of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals reversed an injunction against the Firearm Owners’ Privacy Act, which was passed by the Legislature and signed into law by Gov. Rick Scott in 2011. The law prohibits physicians from asking their patients about whether they own guns and was a Republican- and National Rifle Association-led attempt to squelch doctors from lecturing parents about gun safety ..." ...

TX: Friends of NRA plan annual banquet
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Las Cruces Friends of the National Rifle Association, the fundraising organization of the NRA, will hold its annual dinner banquet and auction to support the organization and local shooting sports at 6 p.m. Aug. 22 at the Ramada Hotel and Conference Center, 201 E. University Ave."

"Half the proceeds will benefit the NRA, and the other half will go toward youth firearm safety and education programs, hunter education programs, ROTC, senior shooting sports and range development in Doña Ana County, according to a news release." ...

TN: Armed people stop criminals
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "If Hughs wants the real story about guns and self-defense, she should read the rest of the newspaper. Armed citizens stop criminals and in some cases save their own lives. That's why we have the Second Amendment and why we defend it so vigorously."

SC: This Second Amendment supporter believes in better background checks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "As a native Southerner and a life long gun owner, I would more than welcome measures for expanded background checks for all firearm purchases, along with extended wait periods for such purchases."

"How many more Charleston massacres or Chattanooga terrorist shootings, and now a Louisiana theater shooting, are we willing to accept before meaningful measures are taken?"

"Why is the media, as well as the elected leaders of the state and nation who clambered[sic] for the removal of the flag, now stone cold silent on this issue?" ...

"There's no legitimate use for a gun like this." --Chicago Police Superintendent Philip Cline, brandishing a 9mm semiautomatic handgun at a news conference (Chicago Tribune, "Special unit hauling in guns, drugs" by Glenn Jeffers, January 29, 2004)

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