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9-1-1 Glitch? Shot by Cops in his Home
Submitted by: NSpiritOnly

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The Issue: Wounded Aurora man is charged with crimes.'s View: Surely he's suffered enough for a police mistake.

You'd think an innocent homeowner who was shot twice in the belly by police when he answered their knock at his door last week had suffered enough ... "Isn't it depressing when legal tactics take over a case like this?"

"Little could have been done to stop slaying," Officials say
Submitted by: BlackSnake

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Victim, Willie Houston, pleaded for his life, then was shot dead at a mall swarming with police and security guards(!). The murderer escaped.

"The suspect, who followed Houston...out of the restroom, insulted Houston and his fiancée in the parking lot. He then went to a vehicle, retrieved a weapon, and shot Houston once in the chest".

Things might have been different if Mr. Houston had a CCW with a fistful of 1911A1...

Officer & Suspect wounded in Motel Robbery
Submitted by: BlackSnake

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Cop fights a blazing gunbattle against a ratpack of vicious and stupid teen criminals (One managed to have a negligent discharge while pistol whipping a hapless motel clerk)

POLL: Should it be legal to sell firearms over the Internet?
Submitted by: coprtoppe

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Take this poll if you wish.

It is labeled "(Sat) Guns Online"


VPC Files FOIA Request on Ashcroft's Second Amendment Letter
Submitted by: skypod

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JoinTogether.Org -- PRESS RELEASE: The Violence Policy Center (VPC) filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) for all documents related to the Department's 180-degree shift in its position on the Second Amendment. The FOIA request seeks to shed light on how this extreme shift -- in which DOJ now states that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual right to bear arms -- came about.

Fire Fighters Die at hands of Government Abuse
Submitted by: SaveOurguns

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Dedicated to the Fire Fighters who gave their all. God Bless.

KABA NOTE: Make sure you scroll down the page to read the article! The abusive federal government that puts fish above humans is yet another reason for the people to keep and bear arms -- they don't respect human life.

Doctors Sue to Stop Anti-privacy Rules
Submitted by: Jeff Rau

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"As it is, right now, without a legal formality, government is butting into patients’ private records. Physicians already believe that third parties ask for information they believe to violate confidentiality, with 51% reporting such requests from government agencies and 70% from health plans."

KABA NOTE: This is the pro-gun, conservative, national doctors organization all gun owning doctors should leave AMA to join. They respect the Constitution.

Firearm "Tip Sheet" from the "Entertainment Industries Council"
Submitted by: NSpiritOnly

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"Consider reflecting on the reality that homeowners often freeze up or tremble so badly when trying to use a gun in self-defense that they are unable to deploy it. Or show them as being too frozen in fear to even get the gun. Attempt to provide a positive role model by showing parents making gun safety inquiries of other households where children visit, asking about storage, accessibility, and so on."

--Gag Alert! (KABA NOTE: as in: you will gag when you read this!)

Boy, 4, Shoots Self Dead with Officer Mom's Service Revolver
Submitted by: BlackSnake

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The gun-grabbers will love this story, it fits their "evil gun" fantasies... Note that the unsecured gun was property of a "Court Officer" (Hope I'm never in the same courtroom with her)...

KABA NOTE: This just shows that officers can be as stupid as civilian parents when (not)protecting their children from objects that can harm them.

"No charges were filed."

Would they have been filed if the parent was a civilian?

Attorney General Ashcroft & The Second Amendment
Submitted by: Anonymous

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by Stephen P. Halbrook: "On assuming office, Attorney General Ashcroft took an oath to support and defend the Constitution, which includes the Second Amendment. From the standpoint of legal ethics, it is admirable when prosecuting authorities candidly concede that they or their predecessors took an erroneous position regarding the law, for their duty is to see that justice is done, not to win cases at any price."

Combating Academic Political Correctness
Submitted by: Anonymous

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And parents are spending tens of thousands [of dollars] to send their kids to colleges which promote this crap.

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.— Benjamin Franklin Historical Review of Pennsylvania. [Note: This sentence was often quoted in the Revolutionary period. It occurs even so early as November, 1755, in an answer by the Assembly of Pennsylvania to the Governor, and forms the motto of Franklin's "Historical Review," 1759, appearing also in the body of the work. — Frothingham: Rise of the Republic of the United States, p. 413. ]

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