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Journalists continue spreading VPC's 'machine gun' confusion
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Akron man arrested for getting submachine gun to settle a dispute,' the Akron Beacon Journal headline reads."
"Dominick F. Lemley, 18, of Cole Avenue, has been charged with carrying a concealed weapon and aggravated menacing."
"Right off the bat this story smells. No machine gun charges? He's 18? And he has the wherewithal to possess the type of firearm that 'legal' collectors typically pay thousands of dollars for?"

"Anyone with basic knowledge of the issue would suspect the gun in question was really a semi-auto, as opposed to a submachine gun and that the staff writer simply doesn't know the difference. And that's just what the Violence Policy Center wants them to think:" ...

Lead ammo ban sought from EPA threatens gun owners, game agencies, say critics
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Tuesday, a coalition of environmental groups petitioned with the Environmental Protection Agency asking that lead-based sporting ammunition and fishing tackle be banned."

"What that could ultimately mean to Evergreen State gun owners, hunters and anglers is not only much higher ammunition prices, but a dramatic loss of revenue for the Department of Fish & Wildlife, because declining ammunition and tackle sales translates to a decline in federal excise tax revenues, which in turn will result in a decline in federal monies apportioned to this and other states ..."

"Almost immediately, the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) threw down the gauntlet." ...

Armed Restore The Constitution Rallies -- 14 August -- North Carolina & New Mexico
Submitted by: concerned american

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“We want to remind Americans that they have a basic human right to keep and bear arms – both for self-defense and to preserve individual freedom – that is not only enshrined in the Bill of Rights, but is protected only by Americans’ willingness to actually exercise that right. Just as is true with free speech, freedom of assembly, and every other right guaranteed by the Constitution – if you don’t insist on your Constitutional freedoms by exercising them in public, you will lose them.”

'Well-regulated' is clear in Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a recent letter, Gerald Wickham only covered the part of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that creates the organized part of the militia when it takes or drafts people from the larger body of militia, known as the unorganized group."

"We must not forget that the term 'well-regulated,' as used in the Constitution, means 'well-trained.' Self-trained or trained as an organized group makes no difference."

"The integral part of the Constitution known as the Bill of Rights is a series of unalienable individual rights that the population of the 13 colonies required the government to recognize before the Constitution was accepted." ...

The right to bear arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Helping my son with his Boy Scout Citizen of the Nation merit badge last week reminded me of the importance of the second amendment of the Constitution which says …. 'the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.' As citizens of this country it is a good idea to read the Constitution every year to keep our rights fresh in our minds."

"With the recent Supreme Court ruling that says the banning of handguns in Washington D.C. (and now in Chicago) is unconstitutional, other banned gun laws are popping up for review ..." ...

Crimson Trace – The Art of Survival? (video)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I've got two main problems with laser sights. First, they're a point of eye fixation. During a high stress event, you get tunnel vision. If you've trained with a laser sight, there's a real danger you'll become fixated on the laser dot (think laser pointers). If so, you'll reduce your ability to gather and process visual information—at the precise moment you need to increase it. Secondly, failure. Laser sights are one more thing to go wrong. Not the technology. You. Although most switches are idiot-proof, you could fail to 'light it up.' While a gun still works without laser sights, do you really want your last thought on Earth to be 'where the hell's my laser dot?' And now, strategy . . ." ...

STI International Eclipse Now Total Eclipse. FYI
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"STI International have renamed their $1825 Eclipse pocket pistol the Total Eclipse. 'It may just totally eclipse any of our new introductions by volume,' the company's email joshes. Like, totally? 'The Escort, the Shadow, the Elektra, and the Off Duty are selling like crazy.' So much for our suggestion that the gun boom has gone bust."

Sig Sauer P238 Liberty. Huh?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"You know those T-shirts with really witty jokes on them? You read the shirt, you get the joke, you laugh (maybe) and then . . . the joke's still there. The longer you look at the shirt, the less funny it seems. The best of the T-shirt humor breed have a zen-like quality; the humor lies deep within a philosophical conundrum. OK, I haven't actually seen a T-shirt like that, but, like the sound of one hand clapping, I'm sure exists. Somewhere. On some level. Meanwhile, what are we to make of the $699 Sig Sauer P238 Liberty with its inlaid gold (yes gold) Liberty Bell? The ad copy gives us a clue . . ." ...

Practical Firearms Training at PFT – Pt. 4 – Hiding
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Back in May, I took several force-on-force classes at Practical Firearms Training in West Virginia. The instruction included 'live fire' with Airsoft and paintball guns and simunitions. In Part Three, I attempted to clear a room with a bad guy in it. Unsuccessfully. In this exercise, the situation was reversed: I was the good guy, defending my territory. Same layout: one door with a series of three closets that stick out about a foot or so beyond the wall running along the wall on my immediate left. I was given a minute or so to choose a hiding place. There wasn’t a whole lot to work with, but you play the hand you’re dealt . . ." ...

History Channel's 'Top Shot' casting call deadline nears
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Show off your shooting skills with pistol, rifle and shotgun and earn a chance to win $100,000 in prizes on the History Channel's competition show "Top Shot."

Producers are seeking participants with outstanding shooting skills and a big personality to take on the show's physical challenges with multiple guns.

To apply, e-mail with your name, city/state, phone number, a recent photo of yourself and a brief explanation of why you should be on the show. You can also call 818-478-4570.

Deadline to apply is Aug. 12. Applicants must be at least 21 years of age and a resident or citizen of the United States.

Obama Endangers Safety by Not Naming ATF Head
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The year and a half delay by President Barack Obama in naming a director to oversee the [ATF] has seriously weakened efforts to enforce Federal firearms laws, thus jeopardizing public safety and national security."

"The President has left ATF leaderless even while armed extremists have attacked military posts, museums, political targets and even the Pentagon. Approximately 45,000 Americans have been killed by guns and 150,000 have been shot and injured since President Obama took office."

"The Brady Campaign ... today issued a report on the consequences of this lack of leadership on the gun issue by the President. ..." ...

Taking the Second Amendment to its Logical Extreme Conclusion
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"So, you're probably aware that the Constitution has this thing called the Bill of Rights, and one of our most sacrosanct enumerated rights is the right to bear arms." ...

"So imagine someone in our current political climate taking this amendment and saying, 'Listen, this Second Amendment thing says that we have the right to bear arms, mostly because guns enable us to overthrow the government. Now, if you don't have a gun, then you're truly not ready to enact your civic duty if called upon to do so. So we're going to hire a bunch of guys to come around and ask to see your guns, and if you don't have one, we'll fine you $10 bucks.'"

"... The guy's name is Basil Marceaux, and he's running as a GOP gubernatorial candidate in Tennessee ..." ...

OH: Citizens arm selves against homeless man
Submitted by: Reality

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"A homeless man is scheduled for his preliminary hearing in Eastern County Court on Tuesday following a weekend incident reminiscent of the Wild West."

"Lee E. Nash, 56, was arrested Saturday evening by Ashtabula County sheriff’s deputies after three armed citizens surrounded Kusar's camper-trailer in which Nash was found sleeping next to a sawed-off 12-gauge shotgun."

"John Kusar Jr., ... owner of the property on which Nash was discovered, said he and two other men armed themselves after Kusar searched the camper and found Nash sleeping there with the gun."

"'We had him pinned down, and we were all armed,' Kusar said." ...

Submitter's Note: Not to disparge the Sheriffs Dept. as this is very large county area-wise to cover; they arrived 10 minutes after the call was placed. When seconds count...

OH: Barmaid robbed, patrons beaten inside Akron tavern
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Akron police are looking for a man who robbed a Newton Street bar and pistol-whipped several patrons just after midnight Tuesday."

"A barmaid working for the Newton Lounge said the suspect was armed with a gun when he came inside and demanded money. After being handed an unspecified amount of cash from the register, the suspect confronted several patrons, hitting them with his handgun, before taking a tip jar and leaving. No serious injuries were reported." ...

H/t to David Codrea who points out: What the...???

Somebody should have told this ignoramus that guns in bars are, as yet, still illegal in Ohio.

Kagan vote expected Thursday
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Senate devoted Tuesday to statements on the nomination of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court, ending with a bit of a threat from Reid. Reid came to floor last evening, and began to file cloture on the confirmation in order to ensure that the vote happens this week and that Republicans don't derail the process."

"Senate rules come in to play here. There will be a cloture vote on the Medicaid/Education funding bill tomorrow. If that bill gets the necessary 60 votes to proceed, Reid would not be allowed under Senate rules to file for cloture on another matter--in this case the Kagan confirmation--while the 30 hours for post-cloture debate on the first ticked down. ..." ...

The NRA's Anti-Elena Kagan Ad (video)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Voters are urged to call their Senator and ask them to vote NO on Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan. Citing Sonia Sotomayor as a dangerous precedent — another Supreme Court nominee that the NRA opposed — this piece notes that while she said one thing, she did the opposite. Now another Supreme Court nominee from President Obama is making promises. Haven’t we heard that before?

Nelson for debate, against Kagan
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It wasn't abortion-related memos or military recruiters at Harvard that sank Elena Kagan with Sen. Ben Nelson."

"It was guns."

"'She's already made statements ... and has written things that would show a bias against the Second Amendment,' Nelson told The World-Herald."

"The Nebraskan recently became the Senate's first Democrat to announce that he would vote against Kagan's nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court."

"The last time a Democrat voted against a Supreme Court nominee by a president of his own party was 1968, when Lyndon B. Johnson nominated Abe Fortas as chief justice. Granted, Democratic presidents have nominated only three justices since." ...

Grassley's statement on Kagan
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "An appointment to the Supreme Court is one of the most important positions an individual can hold in the United States. It's a lifetime position on the highest court of the land. ... Our job is to confirm nominees who will be fair and impartial judges – individuals who truly understand the proper role of a Justice in our system of government. Our job is to confirm nominees who will faithfully interpret the law and Constitution without personal bias or prejudice."

"Solicitor General Kagan acknowledged that it's 'difficult to take off the advocate’s hat and put on the judge’s hat.' ... I'm not persuaded that Solicitor General Kagan will be able to overcome that difficulty and transition into an unbiased judge, so I'm voting no."

Senator Max Baucus To Vote Yes for Anti-Gun Kagan – Action Needed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I called Senator Max Baucus's office in D.C. (202-224-2651) today to refresh the message that MSSA vigorously opposes the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan, and that we wish Baucus to oppose that nomination."

"There were three significant points to my message:"

"Kagan is saying the same things about the Second Amendment as justice Sotomayor said during her confirmation hearings. Then, after saying she believes the RKBA is 'settled law,' Sotomayor voted against the RKBA in the McDonald decision. This proves Sotomayor misled the Senate during confirmation, is anti-gun, and since Kagan is making the same noises we are convinced she is anti-gun too." ...

Parties air impassioned views on Kagan
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Democrats and Republicans presented dueling portraits yesterday of Elena Kagan and the Supreme Court she's seeking to join at the start of a politically charged debate over her fitness to be a justice, making what amounted to closing arguments before a near-certain confirmation vote by week's end."

"Democrats praised President Obama’s nominee as a highly qualified legal scholar who would add a note of fairness and common sense to a court they described as dominated by a conservative majority run amok." ...

"Republicans countered that Kagan is an inexperienced, disingenuous nominee who would abuse her post by bending the law to suit a liberal agenda." ...

Gun Group's Last-Ditch Effort to Defeat Elena Kagan
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This is crunch time."

"The U.S. Senate will be voting on the Elena Kagan nomination by the end of the week, and in doing so, could replace an aging John Paul Stevens with a much younger -- and very radical -- anti-gun Justice."

"It would be better for the Supreme Court to begin its 2010-2011 session with only eight Justices, than for this radical nominee to be confirmed. You will remember that in the McDonald decision, respect for our Second Amendment rights was left hanging by just a thread, on a 5-4 vote."

"A vote to confirm Elena Kagan could put her on the Court for the next 30 years or more. As we have stated in the past, Kagan's record is abysmal:" ...

Sen. Bob Bennett says Elena Kagan not inclined to impartiality
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Elena Kagan will let her opinions get in the way of what the law says, Sen. Bob Bennett, R-Utah, said Wednesday."

"Kagan has stood in opposition of at least two decisions of the court she intends to join, he added. And for that, Kagan will get a 'no' vote from Bennett on Thursday."

"'I don't mind judges with strong opinions as long as they don't let those strong opinions get in the way of what the law says,' Bennett said during a speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate Wednesday afternoon."

"For the past two days, senators have been debating Kagan's merits and worthiness as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court." ...

Kagan Has Senate Support on Eve of Confirmation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Elena Kagan has won the support of a majority of senators on the eve of a vote to confirm her as the Supreme Court's fourth woman."

"At least 51 senators have announced they will back Kagan in the vote expected Thursday. ...'

"She's drawn the support so far of all but one Democrat - Sen. Ben Nelson of Nebraska - plus one independent and five Republicans."

"Arkansas Democratic Sens. Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor on Wednesday became the latest Democrats to announce that they, too, plan to vote 'yes.'"

"A parade of Republicans are taking to the Senate floor to denounce Kagan as a political activist who has no place on the bench."

Help Get Linda Walker On NRA Board of Directors
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I'm Linda Walker, Central Ohio Chair of Buckeye Firearms Association, and I'm running for the board of directors of the [NRA]."

"I have been part of Buckeye Firearm's leadership team nearly from the beginning of the organization. I have spent a lot of time in the Statehouse fighting for our Second Amendment Rights through both hearings and meetings. I generally attend every hearing for firearms legislation, which has amounted to hundreds of hours in Ohio's Statehouse." ...

"If elected to the NRA board of directors, my main goal is to get more women involved in the Second Amendment, firearm sports, as certified instructors and also legislation. ... The ratio of women who sit on the NRA BOD currently is about 10%." ...

The Dangers of Single-Issue Politics
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Grassroots conservatives need not always look to the left for the stench emanating from the Washington backrooms where the important people craft legislation beneficial to themselves and the peon classes be damned."

"National Rifle Association head Wayne LaPierre’s affection for Democrat Harry Reid has made the two quite an item, and fears persist that the NRA itself may well endorse the Senate majority leader over Sharron Angle (herself a strong Second Amendment advocate). Any endorsement would come in the fall, and organization insiders have tried to squelch those rumors, no doubt aware that hundreds, if not thousands, of outraged members would likely bolt." ...

Gun owners, think twice about voting Republican
Submitted by: Bob Devour

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"In last week's column, I stressed the fact that, just as with dogs and children, the key to effectively 'training' politicians is to understand what they want most and to consistently provide or withhold that thing; stick and carrot, pleasure and pain. ..." ...

"The No. 1 reason for an activist organization to fail to punish a politician who should be punished is the 'lesser of two evils' excuse. ..." ...

"But what if the lesser of two evils is a Republican and his loss would almost certainly shift the balance of power and let the Democrats take over or continue in leadership of the legislature?"

"I deal with gun laws, so shouldn't I prefer a lousy Republican over a mediocre Democrat? Aren't Democrats more likely to pass unfavorable gun laws? Not necessarily." ...

MD: Sarah Palin Endorses Unknown Governor Hopeful in Maryland GOP Primary
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sarah Palin likes underdogs. On her Facebook page this week she endorsed a virtual unknown in the Maryland Republican primary race for governor, picking 33-year-old Brian Murphy over former Gov. Bob Ehrlich."

"Palin, the 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate, said in a posting that Murphy was "pro-life, pro-Second Amendment commonsense conservative and a firm believer in the free market and the cause for energy independence." Murphy, who lives in Chevy Chase, Md., and heads an investment company, is apparently running as a conservative alternative to Ehrlich, generally regarded as a moderate." ...

IL: Quinn Picks Up Another Endorsement
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Governor Pat Quinn has been endorsed by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence."

"Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, says Quinn is the group's choice for governor in Illinois. The group, which is pushing for assault weapons bans and bans on certain gun show sales, believes Quinn has what it takes to lessen gun violence, particularly in Chicago."

"'We're very concerned about who holds the governor's chair here because gun violence is so prevalent across the country, in so many communities, and when you read about what's happening in Chicago and other parts of this state, we're concerned,' Helmke said." ...

OK: Brogdon Endorses Fallin Campaign For Governor
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Republican nominee for governor Mary Fallin picked up the endorsement of the man she defeated in last month's primary today."

"State Senator Randy Brogdon gave Fallin his endorsement Wednesday. He was defeated by Fallin in the July 27th primary by a margin of 55-to-39 percent."

"'She is a supporter of our Second Amendment rights, she is concerned about the Obama health care bill that I am concerned about and she's willing to help us opt out of that and I support her in this race,' Brogdon said." ...

WY: Matt Mead for governor, the next liberal champion to be adored by the media
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'The media that loves Obama is now falling all over Matt Mead' ..."

"A surprise? NOT SO MUCH."

"Along with all the Casper Star Tribune praise that said Mead could follow in Freudenthal's footsteps, now the Wyoming Tribune Eagle is also endorsing him."

"Of course these latest endorsements and words of praise from the 'Lame-Stream-Media' shouldn’t be the first warning signs to you."

"And they won't be the last, I predict we will see the Obama supporting labor union SEIU and the venomously 'anti-gun' Police Union following with similar actions toward Mead." ...

Federal Cop Shoots Dog at a D.C. Dog Park
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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shooting a dog has never really even crossed my mind. But maybe that's because I'm not a cop." ...

"... I'm certain that if I (or anyone else who isn't a cop) pulled out a gun and shot a dog at a dog park in a residential area, I'd be facing criminal charges. And rightly so. Even if the dogs were fighting, there's no justification for shooting one of them, particularly around other dogs and people. It's reckless, trigger-happy, and dangerous. It's also safe to say that if this had been anyone other than a cop, the local police department would have no qualms about releasing his name to the press." ...

The Ultimate Betrayal: Police and Military Working Together to Oppress Americans:
Submitted by: Uncle Bob

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"The concepts of military service and public police service are worlds apart, for good reason. Today in America, we are currently witnessing the culmination of a decades-long trend that has introduced the language, weapons, and tactics of the overseas battlefield onto the streets of America."

"The planned coordination between military forces abroad and public forces at home further threatens to subvert the very social fabric upon which America was built, resulting in a betrayal of The U.S. Constitution and the American people." ...

"... We need to take action now and ask our police and military to remember the oaths they swore not to obey any orders that will lead to our oppression. The real enemies are those who give those orders."

Feds admit storing checkpoint body scan images
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For the last few years, federal agencies have defended body scanning by insisting that all images will be discarded as soon as they're viewed. The Transportation Security Administration claimed last summer, for instance, that 'scanned images cannot be stored or recorded.'"

"Now it turns out that some police agencies are storing the controversial images after all. The U.S. Marshals Service admitted this week that it had surreptitiously saved tens of thousands of images recorded with a millimeter wave system at the security checkpoint of a single Florida courthouse." ...

H/t to Mike Vanderboegh who sums it up nicely: The perverts.

TN: Two Washington County officers arrested for nudity, intoxication
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two Washington County Sheriff's Deputies have been cited in federal court on misdemeanor charges related to improper conduct in a local park."

"According a press release issued by Sheriff Ed Graybeal this afternoon, Officer Chris Adkins, 30, was charged by the U.S. Forestry Service on allegations of possessing alcohol in a prohibited area, public nudity, public intoxication and child endangerment."

"Officer Scarlett Dennison, 42, was also charged with possession of alcohol in a prohibited area, public intoxication and public nudity."

"The allegations stem from an incident that occurred in Carter County on July 30." ...

CA: County OKs $2.2 million settlement for man shot by deputy in Compton
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Los Angeles Board of Supervisors today approved a $2.2 million settlement in a lawsuit brought by a man shot by a sheriff's deputy in Compton and left a paraplegic."

"Deputies saw Daniel Martinez and another man 'acting suspiciously' in front of a restaurant about 1:22 a.m. on May 24, 2009 ... The deputies said they thought Martinez was a lookout and the two men were about to commit a robbery."

"The deputies got out of their black-and-white ... and ordered Martinez to show his hands, but he ran." ...

Time Magazine addresses the issue of cops vs photographers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Time Magazine becomes the latest mainstream media company to report on the ongoing epidemic of people getting arrested for photographing police."

"In a piece published today, Adam Cohen, who is described as a lawyer and a former Time writer ... states that police officers are wary of being videotaped because they fear being publicly embarrassed and scrutinized."

"Cohen mentions the Anthony Graber case as well as the Tasha Ford case, the latter which has been getting some national press after more than a year of the media ignoring it."

"In fact, the Palm Beach Post finally reported on the Ford case this month, even though the arrest took place in their back yard more than a year ago." ...

IA: Shelby County considers illegal firearms ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Following in the footsteps of West Burlington and Hancock County, Shelby County is reported to be considering a ban on firearms in the courthouse and on other county properties. According to a published report by Whitney Sager of the Harlan Newspaper Group, the Shelby County Board of Supervisors considered the ban during their meeting on August 3, 2010. Minutes of the meeting are not available on the Board's website at the time of this article." ...

TN: Belle Meade police chief confused about gun laws?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Knoxville News-Sentinel and the Tennessean reported this week that Leonard Embody has sued the State of Tennessee for violating his constitutional rights by suspending his Handgun Carry Permit."

"Embody was detained sevaral hours last December for carrying an AK-47 handgun in a park. Subsequent to that, he was stopped in Belle Meade for carrying a black powder revolver."

"Embody's lawsuit will be dealt with another day. I want to examine the statements of Chief Tim Eades of the Belle Meade Police Department. According to the Tennesseean, Eades said,"
"Just because you have a right to do something doesn't mean it's the right thing to do." ...

CA: Deputy gets four years for trying to smuggle drugs into jail
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Los Angeles County sheriff's deputy convicted of attempting to smuggle drugs into a Castaic jail where he worked was sentenced Tuesday to four years in prison."

"Peter Paul Felix, 27, mouthed 'I love you, guys' to his sisters and girlfriend as he was escorted from the downtown L.A. courtroom in handcuffs."

"Felix, a two-year veteran, was arrested in October 2008 carrying 161.5 grams of heroin, 24.4 grams of methamphetamine and 51.5 grams of marijuana that authorities said he intended to bring into the North County Correctional Facility." ...

VA: Sheriff supports using force against burglars
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Desperate times often call for desperate measures, and that’s apparently the case in Ararat, where residents wanting to arm themselves against burglars have the full support of their sheriff."

"'Numerous' burglaries have been committed in the Ararat area since November 2009, according to Patrick County Sheriff Dan Smith." ...

"Until the suspect is arrested, Smith advocates residents taking lawful steps to protect themselves against a would-be burglar."

"The sheriff said he 'strongly supports' the Second Amendment right to bear arms and the right of individual citizens to protect themselves." ...

"He added, 'If you are protecting yourself against an intruder, I will support you.'" ...

OH: Anti-gun Columbus judge's comment elicits no outrage from sympathetic media
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Columbus Dispatch ran an article this past week that included a quote which illustrates the insidious nature of the anti-gun mindset."

"The article in question covered the sentencing of two men who were convicted of having a gun in a bar. While letting the two convicted criminals know their fate, Common Pleas Judge John F. Bender stated:"
"'If I had my way, handguns would be illegal for everyone in this society except police officers. ... It destroys society.'"
"For a judge, such a view is clearly prejudicial, and by inserting his unenlightened and ignorant view of private gun ownership into the courtroom he is setting a dangerous precedent. ..." ...

AR: Law enforcement influencing open carry legislation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The Arkansas Municipal Police Association (through an informal show of hands) voted against allowing the citizens of Arkansas to practice a right which 43 other states allow for their citizens; to carry handguns in the open to protect themselves and their families. This illogical vote begs this question: how can a law enforcement association oppose something they have never publicly had a problem with in the past? The Arkansas State Police almost exclusively deals with people while they are on trips, but I have never heard a representative of this state department attempt to repeal the journey clause of Arkansas law due to a safety problem." ...

NJ: Man Killed At Anti-Violence Event
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A man attending a block party as part of the National Night Out anti-crime initiative was shot and killed in Paterson, N.J."

"Police say 39-year-old Robert Godfrey was shot in the head while arguing with another man Tuesday."

"It happened in front of a crowd just before midnight at 74 Godwin Ave."

"Paterson Police on Wednesday were searching for Marlon Rochester. The 30-year-old has been charged with Godfrey's murder and weapons offenses."

"Lt. Ron Humphrey says witnesses saw the two men arguing loudly when Rochester pulled a gun and shot Godfrey once in the head."

"National Night Out is observed across the U.S. as an annual event meant to heighten drug and crime prevention awareness. ..." ...

NE: Gun-rights' sights set on Lincoln
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Omaha residents with permits to carry concealed weapons no longer have to register their guns with the city."

"A new state law saw to that last month."

"Now gun-rights supporters are turning their attention to a Lincoln ordinance that requires people to report sales of handguns."

"Andy Allen of Syracuse, president of the Nebraska Firearms Owners Association, said he doesn't believe that the Lincoln requirement should apply to people who have concealed-carry permits."

"Legislative Bill 817, which took effect in mid-July, bars cities from requiring holders of concealed-carry permits to register their guns." ...

MI: The myth of the mandatory 'CPL renewal' class
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One of the biggest myths concerning Michigan's Concealed Pistol License law is the belief that Michigan residents must take a 'renewal class' in order to renew their CPL when it expires. There is no such requirement in the law."

"This myth is founded in the provision of the law that requires CPL renewal applicants to have completed at least three hours of review of the required training and practiced at least one hour at the range in the six months preceding the renewal application."

"There is nothing in the wording of the law that states or implies that the 'review of the required training' or the 'one hour of practice at the range' be part of an organized class or be done under the supervision of an instructor. ..." ...

IL: Central Illinois Friends Of NRA To Host Annual Banquet
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Central Illinois Friends of NRA will be holding their annual dinner and auction on Saturday, Sept. 11, at the Litchfield Community Center."

"The event benefits hunting and shooting sports locally and throughout Illinois through funding of firearm safety and training programs, wildlife conservation, hunter safety and ethics education, range and facility development, second amendment education, youth programs and much more."

"Half of the profits raised by the banquet will be spent in Illinois with the other half going toward nation-wide programs like the Eddie Eagle Gun Safety Programs, Women on Target, and other educational and safety services. ..." ...

MD: Gun Rights Lawsuit Hits Maryland
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After the Supreme Court decision in McDonald v Chicago ... gun rights supporters vowed to keep the momentum ... In fact, some of them are now suing Maryland to prove that commitment."

"The Federal lawsuit against the state authorities was brought on July 29 by The Second Amendment Foundation and state resident Raymond Woollard who claims his handgun permit renewal was denied because, according to the state, he could not demonstrate 'a reasonable precaution against apprehended danger.'"

"According to the lawsuit, 'individuals cannot be required to demonstrate that carrying a handgun is 'necessary as a reasonable precaution against apprehended danger' as a prerequisite for exercising their Second Amendment rights.' ..." ...

WI: DA's decision fuels reevaluation of county gun ordinances
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Jackson County District Attorney Gerald Fox's recent decision not to prosecute some gun laws has prompted the county to evaluate the constitutionality of its weapons-related ordinances."

"County corporation counsel Mark Skolos said he disagrees with Fox's interpretation of the Supreme Court's McDonald v. City of Chicago decision's effects on other municipalities."

"Now he, in conjunction with the Wisconsin Attorney General's office, will look to evaluate the constitutionality of some of the county's gun ordinances and bring any findings to the Jackson County Board of Supervisors for discussion." ...

FL: Fort Lauderdale Cop Fired for Dereliction of Duty
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rick Burn, a Fort Lauderdale police officer for 25 years, has been fired after an investigation by the department over whether Burn ignored calls while on duty and falsified time cards to collect more in overtime pay than he deserved."

"... He has been suspended without pay, and his termination will be made official on August 31."

"The allegations against Burn surfaced this May, following an incident in which Burn failed to respond to another officer's call for backup ..." ...

"You can add Burn to the list of Fort Lauderdale cops who have been purged by a command staff that's shown it's willing to bump heads with the powerful police officers' union. Jeff Overcash -- who arrested a guy who asked for a badge number -- is another." ...

UK: Why shouldn’t we have the right to pack heat?
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"It's almost blasphemy to say this, but it needs to be said: Britain's gun laws should be massively relaxed." ...

Gun control? It's the best thing you can do for crooks and gangsters. I want you to have nothing. If I'm a bad guy, I'm always gonna have a gun. Safety locks? You will pull the trigger with a lock on, and I'll pull the trigger. We'll see who wins. — Sammy "The Bull" Gravano, whose testimony convicted John Gotti.

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