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Democrat sheriff typifies ‘progressive Only One’ hypocrisy on guns
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "'Greg Weston, who was range master for the Sheriff’s Office during Manfre’s first term, told the News-Journal that Manfre was careless and dangerous with a firearm,' the report explains. 'He said that Manfre ordered him to go to the local gun club on at least two occasions and oversee his qualification. Weston said he signed off on Manfre’s qualification under duress because he was his boss.'" ...

On-Again, Off-Again
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "'If they choose to appeal, the D.C. attorney general’s office believes it has unique and powerful arguments to make about why a ban on carrying is necessary,' the Roll Call article continued, citing their contention that the District, as 'the seat of the federal government' should somehow get a pass on adherence to the Constitution!" ...

The Case Against Open Carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'The new 'open carry' law strikes at the very foundations of civil society and the norms that hold our country together,' David Dillard-Wright writes at 'Carrying a gun in public is itself already a threat to others, a sign that the person carrying that gun not only seeks to defend him or herself but also goes around looking for an excuse to use it. The politics of paranoia sow seeds of destruction that will harm innocent bystanders, prevent community building and increase suspicion of others.' And there you have it: the case against open carry by someone who couldn’t identify the foundations of our civil society if they read the Constitution a hundred times. Or, I’m thinking, once. ..." ...

Gun Control Activists Are Trying to Disarm the American Public of Knowledge and Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It’s no secret that there is an aggressive, never-ending effort in this country to destroy the Second Amendment."

"Gun control activists know that they will never be able to reach their goals as long as the Second Amendment stands intact. But they also know that they don’t have a prayer of getting the level of support they need to repeal the Second Amendment."

"Because of that, one of their favorite strategies for destroying your God-given right to self-defense is to convince the American people that the Second Amendment doesn’t mean what it very clearly says."

"Instead, gun control activists will insist that the Founders never intended to protect the right for you or me to own a gun. ..." ...

Is Mental Illness to Blame? Researchers Investigate Recent Mass Killings and Set the Record Straight
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Hoping to provide an evidence-based framework towards approaching limitations on firearms and stricter laws governing the mentally ill, a consortium of international researchers, including co-author Vickie Mays of the University of California, Los Angeles, looked into the cause and after effects of these mass killings, as well as their perceptions in the media. Analyzing dozens of epidemiological studies into gun violence and its associations with mental illness, then comparing their results to media-driven perceptions of the public, researchers found a striking discord between reality and the opinions driving new laws." ...

Yes, The Blind Have a Right To Carry Concealed Handguns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Dom Raso have never been one to shy away from a fight, and he comes out forcefully in defense of the Second Amendment rights of the blind in this video. Raso isn’t referring to the gray area of people with reduced vision, either: he’s discussing those who are 100% blind, without any vision at all."

"Addressing the issue of an Iowa sheriff who says he will deny concealed carry permits to all blind applicants and 'let a judge sort it out,' Raso argues:"
"When analyzing individual rights, we have to start on the side of freedom. ..." ...

Gun Law Expert Hits Movie, Church and Political Hypocrisy (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Law-abiding American firearms owners face hypocritical attacks from entertainment, church and political leaders,' gun rights expert John M. Snyder said here today."

"'We'll have to expose them and defeat them to preserve the individual Second Amendment civil right of law-abiding American citizens to keep and bear arms,' he added. " ...

Gear Review: LF Arms Mag Release(s)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sometimes, the reach to the mag release on ye olde M&P is complicated. Either it is too small, or too far away, or too slick, or too plastic. But LF Arms has the answer for what ails you in the form of their standard length and extended length replacement magazine releases. I found them both to be most excellent." ...

James Brady's legacy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"James Brady, the White House press secretary who became a leading gun-control advocate after he and President Ronald Reagan were shot in 1981, once called members of Congress 'gutless' for pandering to the gun lobby. Such organizations as the National Rifle Association had complained that imposing a waiting period would 'inconvenience' legitimate gun-buyers." ...

Suicide prevention: When the Second Amendment trumps the First
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "What has been overlooked in the debate is suicide and a doctor’s ability to ask of suicidal patient if they have access to a gun. Why is this important? Because about half the people who kill themselves do so with a gun."

"Will a doctor asking a suicidal patient about access to a gun prevent a suicide? I don’t know. It might. What I do know is a doctor has as much right to 'interrogate' a patient about access to guns as texting while driving." ...

After Brady Passes, One Latina Mom Is Fired Up
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After a month-long trip to see our family in Spain, I’m already missing speaking my mother tongue, eating jamón serrano, rambling through Roman aqueducts and cobblestone plazas. Yet, here is what I miss most: The lack of daily gun violence."

"Since my return to the States, every night on the local and national news there is a lead story of an individual either injured, killed or in limbo due to gun violence. In Madrid, the capital of Spain, there is no neighborhood I won’t drive or walk through in the late evening. Having lived in some of the biggest American cities – LA, Miami, and NYC – there are streets I hesitate strolling through on a sunny, Sunday church morning." ...

Americans must stop carrying guns, revise Second Amendment: Guest opinion
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "'We need to become a society whose reverence for the value of each life does not permit the carrying of devices to extinguish human life. We need to look at the Second Amendment and revise it to be consistent with the technologically complex society we have become. We need to register all guns like we register all motor vehicles. This won't happen overnight, if at all. So we at least we need to progress in the direction of making it happen, namely, imposing meaningful background checks on gun purchasers, banning assault weapons, and imposing stiff penalties for illegal purchase and sales of all guns. That would be a start – only a start." ...

Anti-gunners not interested in talking, says new book preview
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A new book scheduled for release next week reportedly says that the Obama administration preferred 'politics over policy' when it 'ignored a willingness by the gun lobby to help in the fight against illegal guns and gun violence,' the Washington Examiner – no connection to this column – is reporting today in a preview." ...

"There should be no small amount of public interest in these disclosures, because they demonstrate that it is not the firearms community that appears fixated and inflexible, but the administration and gun prohibitionists. What’s better for the country, divisive politics or productive discourse?" ...

Exercising their Second Amendment Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "'This is just a small sampling from this summer of the half million to nearly 2.5 million times per year that people use guns to protect themselves, their families, property, co-workers, and fellow citizens."

"But liberals, hiding behind seemingly innocuous phrases such as 'common sense gun laws' still try to strip us of our Second Amendment freedoms and would rather have us, along with the elderly Holmes Beach woman, the Minnesota man and his mother, St. Louis teenager, elderly store clerk, Mussel Shoals children, the Pennsylvania doctor and his co-workers be disarmed and the victims of violent criminals than have our Second Amendment rights." ...

Constitution Check: Can states exempt themselves from federal gun laws?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "From time to time in American constitutional history, a revival of states’ rights sentiment has led to efforts to place state governments between citizens and the federal government, to thwart excessive use of national power. The idea, never accepted by the Supreme Court as valid, is based on the theory that the Constitution was actually a creature of the states, joining together in a compact to give some – but not all – power to a central government. The states, the theory goes, are the ultimate arbiters of how governing power should be distributed and exercised."

"Sometimes, these efforts are called 'nullification,' ... At other times, they have been called 'interposition,' ..." ...

MO: Landslide victory for Missouri gun control nullification vote
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Tuesday, voters in the Show Me State appeared at the polls and when the smoke cleared, 66 percent approved a ballot measure obligating Missouri to defend the right to keep and bear arms."

"The measure, Constitutional Amendment 5, was the result of a Senate resolution that had passed the state legislature by large margin earlier this year."

"The question it put to voters read: 'Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to include a declaration that the right to keep and bear arms is an unalienable right and that the state government is obligated to uphold that right?'" ...

NRA to Bestow Prestigious Award to Colorado Recalls
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association‘s Institute for Legislative Action will bestow its prestigious JM Littlefield Award to the proponents of the Colorado recall campaigns for their activism in defending the Second Amendment."

"The Basic Freedom Defense Fund and Pueblo Freedom and Rights took on the political establishment last fall over Colorado’s controversial gun control laws, which became the strictest gun control laws in the nation. The campaigns ousted two top Democrats in the battleground state including the state Senate president, and paved the way for two Republicans to be elected to fill their seats." ...

MO: BREAKING: Missouri Voters Strengthen State Gun Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Yesterday, 'Missouri voters opted to strengthen the rights of gun owners are already enshrined in the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution by adopting Amendment No 5,' reports. 'The amendment adds to the state constitution 'that the right to keep and bear arms is an unalienable right and that the state government is obligated to uphold that right.' Except if you’re a felon of someone deemed by a court to be a danger to yourself or others. The Missouri amendment’s protections include ammo and 'accessories typical to the normal function of such arms.' Missouri state courts must now . . ."

"apply the most stringent form of judicial review to gun laws." ...

PA: Have gun, will travel: New gun proposal creates a larger problem
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "According to the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, an average of 551 people died in work-related homicides between 2006 and 2010. Of those, 78 percent were shot to death, and 83 percent of these killings took place in private-sector businesses."

"So how do our state lawmakers respond to this carnage?"

"They introduce legislation that would make it illegal for Pennsylvania companies to ban workers from storing firearms in their locked vehicles on company property. The only exceptions are at schools and postal complexes where federal law bans firearms." ...

NC: Sheriff: Pack Heat To Stop Bloody Crime Wave (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Shootings and killings barely make the news in major American cities, but in a rural county outside of Raleigh, North Carolina, residents are alarmed by a recent wave of violent crime and they’re looking for answers from their sheriff."

"Harnett County Sheriff Larry Rollins didn’t hesitate to give a straight answer. When called upon at a prayer vigil Monday night, he urged them to get armed and get serious about defending their homes." ...

PA: 6 Philly narcotics cops charged in corruption case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Six city narcotics officers used gangland tactics to shake down drug dealers, relying on guns, badges, beatings and threats to extort huge piles of cash and cocaine, federal authorities charged in an indictment Wednesday."

"The police officers once held a suspect over an 18th floor balcony and used a steel bar to beat someone else in the head, authorities said. ..." ...

"'It is almost a perennial in this city, that you go from one corrupt narcotics unit to another,' said lawyer Larry Krasner, who represents some of the approximately 60 people suing ... over tainted drug arrests. 'When you're dealing with narcotics, there is always more temptation because the ability to steal, and to extort and to abuse is much greater.'" ...

AL: Orange Beach Officer Arrested for Molesting Child (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A police officer in Baldwin County is facing very serious allegations."

"Officer Tim Gavin was arrested Friday morning on charges of sex abuse on a minor younger than 12 years old."

"Gavin was an Orange Beach officer for 9 years and was a member of the Baldwin County Drug task force." ...

IL: Former Lyons Police Officer Sentenced to Five Years in Federal Prison for Extorting $48,000 from Targets of Investigations
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former west suburban Lyons police officer was sentenced today to five years in federal prison for illegally extorting more than $48,000 from targets of criminal investigations he was supposedly conducting during 2013. The defendant, JIMMY J. RODGERS, who was a 14-year veteran of the Lyons Police Department, was sentenced after pleading guilty in May to extortion."

"Rodgers, 44, of Chicago, was assigned to a [FDA-OCI], task force and his duties included investigating the sale of contraband and counterfeit cigarettes. In the course of his work, he set up six fake transactions with criminals, detained them, hand-cuffed them, stole their goods and funds for his own benefit, threatened them, and then lied and concealed the scam." ...

Citizens with Guns – This Is Why We Carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The collective anti-gun powers that consist of media, congressmen, and gun control groups continually try to brainwash the American people into believing we do not need guns."

"Firearms are used for self-defense every day in our great Country. A firearm is what levels the playing field between a 100 pound woman and a 250 pound hardened criminal."

"While our entire Congress enjoys a 5 week vacation we will not stop protecting our Second Amendment Rights. We are going to educate our members of Congress by sending them stories that prove firearms are not only a right, but an absolute necessity." ...

SD: Guns of Freedom (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Blasts from automatic weapons and unsettled dust were the sights at the Sturgis Buffalo Chip Saturday. as rally goers had to opportunity to fire an assortment of exotic firearms."

"'Just the sound, the smell, the sights, the power that you get to hold in your hand its pretty incredible,' said Andrew Borkowski, an attendee of the Buffalo Chip." ...

"Last year 23 different countries were represented."

"'South Africa, Germany, all over the place,' said Bill Bune, the Owner of Guns of Freedom."

"The guns of freedom provides a once in a lifetime opportunity to shoot military grade guns." ...

"There are 60 different guns to choose from, from full automatic weapons, to semi-automatic and bolt-automatic rifles." ...

TX: TSRA Partners with Texas Law Shield for Gun Law Seminars
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Texas State Rifle Association (TSRA) is proud to announce a new partnership with Texas Law Shield to provide informative gun law seminars and workshops that will be held across Texas."

"The educational seminars will provide important information about the constitutional rights of citizens and legal challenges facing gun owners today in the Lone Star State." ...

The people are not to be disarmed of their weapons. They are left in full possession of them. — Zachariah Johnson, 3 Elliot, Debates at 646

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