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CO: Cops: No mention of illness in 911 call
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Slain woman's father says dispatcher was told of mental state

"An Aurora police dispatcher who handled a 911 call from the family of a woman fatally shot by an officer on Tuesday was not informed that the woman had a mental illness, police said Wednesday, contradicting accounts given by the woman's relatives." ...

"Police declined to release the tape of that call and others received in connection with the incident, which happened outside an apartment at 1549 S. Galena Way shortly before 2 a.m. Tuesday."

Strange. The family says 911 was informed. The cops say they weren't, but won't release the tape to prove it.

Gun violence folly
Submitted by: John Fansler

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... "As Messrs. Kennedy and Corzine put it, it is simply indefensible that toy guns and teddy bears are subject to safety regulation by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), while guns are not really subject to any serious government regulation. The premise is simply absurd."

"Children's toys, like teddy bears, of course, come with eyes, noses and other tiny parts that can be bitten off and swallowed by very small children. That's why the CPSC sets standards governing what toys are appropriate for children of a given age and what sort of warning information should be made available to parents. That sort of regulation makes sense to us."

"As for guns, they are already subject to plenty of regulation." ...

MD: 17 unregistered machine guns found at Mt. Airy man's home
Submitted by: Jim Sr

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" 'This is a really unusual find for us and a significant violation of Maryland handgun law,' Maryland State Police Superintendent Edward T. Norris said at a news conference at the Waterloo barracks. He stood behind a table displaying 17 machine guns and 11 handguns -- some of the 87 weapons seized from Tabassi's home." ...

"Norris said that possible links to terrorism weren't being ruled out. Tabassi, a U.S. citizen, was born in Iran." ...

"He said state police had 'ransacked' his home and were 'lying through their teeth' about the allegations. All his firearms are registered and were locked in his gun shop and his bedroom, he said. When he went to see state police for what he thought was a job orientation as an agent with Homeland Security -- it turned out to be his arrest -- his bedroom door was locked, he added."

CA: City votes to monitor Patriot Act
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"After declining for months to take a stand on the hotly debated Patriot Act, the City Council finally voted Tuesday to ask local congressional representatives to 'closely monitor' the enforcement of the act and repeal any parts of it that violate the constitutional rights of citizens."

"The vote ended, at least temporarily, the local debate of whether a city council should take up such issues as decrying federal laws or passing city resolutions on them."

Analysis: Patriot Act Scrutiny
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Both liberal and conservative critics argue that the Patriot Act was approved in haste and represents a massive infringement on individual privacy with little return for law enforcement efforts at fighting terrorism."

"Stephen J. Schulhofer, professor of Law at New York University, said the act was approved with a minimum of debate when little was known about the nature of the terrorist threat behind the Sept. 11 attacks."

CT: Survey says state folks favor more gun control
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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"A new survey commissioned by a gun control group shows that state residents overwhelmingly support tougher gun laws, including a requirement that all firearms be registered and all gun owners be licensed." ...

"But Bob Crook, executive director of the Coalition of Connecticut Sportsmen, challenged the poll results, saying they were way out of line with national surveys."

"As proof of the unpopularity of new gun laws, Crook cited what he said is the reluctance of Democratic candidates to support them." ...

"Several Democratic lawmakers, including top Senate Democrat Kevin B. Sullivan, said that the new study would prompt them to push for new gun control legislation in the session that begins in February."

THERE's a surprise! Politicians taking any excuse to push gun control and further their own power! Shocking. (end sarcasm)

IL: DuPage forest takes aim at trapshooting facility
Submitted by: Lawrence Miller

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"DuPage County Forest Preserve District commissioners will invite more expert input from shooting range manufacturers and gun club members before the district puts a shooting range on its own land."

"Commissioner Joseph Cantore of Oakbrook Terrace, a recreational shooter, raised the issue of an outdoor sports facility last month. He suggested creating a place for trapshooting, skeet shooting, a handgun range, a rifle range and archery in one of DuPage County's forest preserves."

Let's support it.

CA: Gun policy shot down
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"By a 3-2 vote, a decision to ban firearms from Sonora High School District campuses for any reason was overturned last night."

"The zero-tolerance policy, passed in March, caused veterans, teachers and law enforcement officers to ask board members to reconsider their decision."

"Most argued that a knowledge of firearms could actually prevent accidents and injuries."

OH: Tony Gordon Died Trying to Follow OSHP Capt. John Born's Advice
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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"What the media has as yet failed to point out (despite our pointing it out in advance to the reporter who wrote today's DDN story) is that Tony Gordon was killed trying to follow the advice of the Ohio State Highway Patrol:"

" 'We do not want a loaded firearm readily accessible to the driver of a car. If there's a dangerous situation and you're in your car, you can drive off.' - Capt. John Born in the Columbus Dispatch, 2/16/03, explaining why the OSHP opposes allowing citizens to carry firearms for their own defense."

"When asked today by OFCC PAC Chairman Jim Irvine if Mr. Gordon's murder would weigh at all on the governor's insistence on his 'Carjacker Protection' provision, Taft's office refused to comment."

Pilots Blame TSA for Slow Pace of Guns Certification
Submitted by: Doug

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"Fewer than 100 pilots were certified to carry guns on commercial flights in the eight months after Congress approved the idea, and pilots are blaming the slow pace on the Transportation Security Administration." ...

"The TSA had opposed arming pilots, believing heightened security at airports, bulletproof cockpit doors and more vigilant passengers made it unnecessary. Critics also said adding weapons to airplanes was inherently dangerous."

CA: SF cop in hot seat over use of air gun to rescue chicken
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Swendsen thought he was doing the right thing when he used an air pistol to pop helium balloons a prankster had tied to a chicken. The chicken was carried aloft and the balloons got tangled in power lines."

"Swendsen says he was just doing his job, trying to save the chicken and prevent injury to other people in the area."

"Instead, the department has launched an investigation into whether Swendsen broke regulations by firing a non-regulation weapon."

This time it matters
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"Common people all over this nation are looking for answers to the overwhelming problems they are facing. Us Libertarians know what caused these problems and even we are hard-put to offer an answer. Why?…because we know there are bound to be casualties in the 'war against bureaucracy' as we now know it. We know, however, that there is only one way to fix it and bring our nation back to the reason upon which it was founded."

CA: Unlicensed aliens
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Pandering politicians are a buck a bushel, but Gov. Gray Davis stands out like an eggplant among zucchini."

"Fighting a recall election that is too close for comfort, Davis has taken to promising support for a badly flawed bill to allow illegal immigrants to get California driver's licenses. The embattled governor is hoping his sudden reversal on this issue will encourage California's more than 2 million Latino voters to rally behind him on election day, Oct. 7."

Kenya: How to kill a burglar
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"I knew I would have to shoot, but I realised I would have to wait until the man with the gun moved it away from Suzanne’s head. So, I just stood there and stared at him. I was aware that he was shouting, but I was concentrating so hard on making him look at me and take the gun away from Suzanne’s head that I could not distinguish the words. After what seemed a very long time, which was probably only seconds, he waved the gun at me. I shot him twice in the stomach. ..."

CA: Second arrest made in immigrant incident
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Yuma County sheriff's deputies have arrested a second man in connection with the alleged unlawful detention of six illegal immigrants on July 31 in Gadsden." ...

"...anyone who sees a group of suspected illegal immigrants should call the Border Patrol, and not take it upon themselves to apprehend the group by using guns and handcuffs. Asking a group to stay put while making a phone call is permitted and would constitute a citizen's arrest, he said."

PA: Officer Arrested For Alleged Gun Incident
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A corporal with the Philadelphia Police Department has been arrested in connection with an alleged incident at a Juniata bar."

"According to officials, the SWAT team member is accused of taking out his gun and aiming it at patrons inside the 'Quick Six' Tavern on the 1400 block of Lycoming Street early Thursday morning."

UK: Air Gun Shooting Spree
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A teenage girl is to undergo surgery on a pellet wound after a gunman shot at least seven people with an air rifle in the early hours of Thursday morning."

"The 15-year-old was shot in the foot by the gunman, who was using a .22 air rifle to target people watching a busker in Newquay, Cornwall."

"The girl was one of four people who went to the Royal Cornwall Hospital in Truro for treatment for their injuries."

FBI gives guide on hidden weapons
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"To show just how easy it is to sneak contraband through security, the FBI has provided airport officials with a catalog of what appear to be everyday items but are actually concealed weapons, officials said on Thursday."

"Playing cards, cans of shaving cream and hair spray, combs, pens and necklaces can all be used to hide knives or sharp objects that can be used as weapons, according to the FBI Guide to Concealable Weapons."

Australia: Shooters set to stash guns
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Thousands of illegal guns will be hidden in Geelong homes to avoid a national buyback, according to local shooters."

"More than 200 of the region's licensed gun owners will begin surrendering their banned firearms during the next three days."

Australia: Handgun buyback centre opens
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Handgun owners can surrender banned firearms in Victoria today with the opening of the State's first buyback centre."

"Police Minister Andre Haermeyer said the first of 10,000 guns expected to be surrendered in Victoria under the national buyback scheme could be handed in at the Geelong Clay Target Club.
Other centres would be established across the State on a rolling schedule before the December 31 surrender deadline for all prohibited handguns."

OH: Sheriff says deputy had sex on duty
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A Fairfield County sheriff's deputy resigned after an internal investigation showed he had sex with a teenager while he was on duty."

"Jason Maurer, 32, Rushville, allegedly had sex with the girl two years ago at the Greenfield dam, 1700 Coonpath Road, said Sheriff Dave Phalen. She was 15 years old at the time, and the dating relationship apparently was consensual, the sheriff said."

UK: Armed robbery at betting office
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Police are appealing for witnesses to an armed robbery at a Croydon betting office."

"A man threatened staff with a gun at Ladbrokes betting office in George Street, Croydon at approximately 9.15am on July 29."

"The suspect pushed a sharp object, which he said to be a gun, into the back of one staff member and ordered the shop’s alarms to be switched off while he stole cash from two safes on the premises, before fleeing through a fire escape."

UK: Threshers raid
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"An armed robber escaped with just £80 and a packet of cigarettes, when he threatened off-licence staff with a hand-gun last Saturday."

"Two female staff at Threshers off-licence, Chipstead Valley Road, Coulsdon, had a hand gun pulled on them on Saturday, July 26, at 9.20pm."

"The suspect, a white male, 5ft 11ins tall with a scruffy appearance, entered the shop and asked for a packet of cigarettes, before pulling the gun and escaping with just £80 cash."

Canada: Police involved in armed standoff
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Calgary police are still talking to a man holed up inside a northeast hotel after officers were confronted by a man with a gun.

Police were trying to serve an arrest warrant when they were confronted by another man with a weapon.

They've closed off several roads in the area while they talk to the suspect.


NJ: Resident reports rent money stolen by intruder
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A local resident was robbed of his rent money and cut with a pocket knife in his home early Monday, according to police."

"Livingston Avenue resident Herve Byron, 37, was reportedly tied up for almost 45 minutes in his basement apartment after an intruder robbed him at knifepoint of $1,200 at 5:19 a.m., according to police reports."

"The intruder had a gun and demanded money, according to police reports."

NY: Judge rejects NYC bid to reopen gun case
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A federal judge decided Thursday to keep the city's lawsuit against the gun industry on hold until an appeal in a similar case brought by the state is decided."

"The city had wanted U.S. District Judge Jack Weinstein to lift a stay on its suit accusing handgun makers of creating a public nuisance by failing to take strong measures to keep their products out of the hands of criminals."

MO: Police Investigating Attempted Burglary At Gun Shop
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Local law enforcement officials are investigating an attempted burglary on the Memphis Square. At approximately 2:30 a.m. August 1 an unidentified male suspect threw a chunk of concrete through the front window of Rossi’s Gun Shop located on the west side of the city square."

"The burglar(s) attempted to gain access to the store but apparently were scared away from the scene when a light was turned on in the apartment above the store."

NY: Shooting Fuels Anger, Questions
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Vivian's attorney, Steven Delorenz, said he planned on filing a notice of claim in the next couple of days, the first step toward suing the Police Department for $100 million alleging excessive and unlawful force."

"Early reports indicate that Vivian, who was not armed, ran into the bathroom in the basement of the five-story building when the raid began. The officer who opened the door and shot her may have mistaken her purse or cell phone for a gun, sources close to the case have said."

DC: Boy accused of killing dad over grounding
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A 14-year-old Chicago boy was held without bond Thursday, accused of killing his police sergeant father." ...

"The youngster, who allegedly had been planning the killing for nearly a week, broke into the family safe with a hammer to get the gun, a technique he saw in the Jodie Foster movie, 'Panic Room,' the Chicago Sun-Times reported."

Looks like it's time to start banning hammers and movies that might give little spoiled cretins ideas.

IL: Galyan's drops gun sale plans
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Galyan's has withdrawn its request for permission to sell shotguns, rifles and ammunition at its sporting goods store opening in October in The Glen Town Center."

"Officials of Plainfield, Ind.-based Galyan's Trading Co. indicated in a letter July 23 that they would acquiesce to Village President Larry Carlson's July 22 suggestion to drop the matter."

Alternate title: Cowardly business owners bend over for hoplophobes.

Canada: Gun owner wants to talk - if feds will listen
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Solicitor General's office is asking for Canadians' views on gun-control delivery, and Merv Grunow plans to take up the offer - but he doesn't think anyone's actually listening." ...

"Solicitor General Wayne Easter announced the process, which invites public submissions by Sept. 30, as an effort to gather public opinion on gun-control delivery and 15 proposed amendments to the firearms registry program."

FL: Ex-officer not guilty in death of husband
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A former police officer who shot her husband seven times acted in self-defense, a Palm Beach County jury decided Wednesday."

"It took three hours for a five-woman, one-man jury to acquit Gwendolyn Fleming Napier of second-degree murder in the Thanksgiving Day 2000 death of her husband, John Napier. Jurors found that the former Palm Beach Gardens police officer had no choice but to shoot her husband, who she said was charging at her in a murderous, drunken rage."

TX: Groups support city resolution on Patriot Act
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Local civil liberties groups gathered at Thursday's city council meeting to support a resolution criticizing the U.S. Patriot Act."

"The Patriot Act was passed after the Sept. 11 attacks and gives the government more leeway in tracking suspected terrorists."

"Opponents say the act violates civil rights."

Australia: Civil liberties group slams Internet ID proposal
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A proposal to make it as difficult for Australians to open an Internet account as to open a bank account has drawn stinging criticism from online civil liberties group, Electronic Frontiers Australia (EFA)."

"The proposal, which was put to a parliamentary commission on preventing cybercrime in July, would require anyone wanting to open an Internet account in Australia to produce 100 points of identity documentation, on a scale where a birth certificate or passport rates as 70 points."

Do We Need A Law Against Frivolous Lawsuits?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The real truth is that most firearms are sold from the factory to what is called a jobber. This is a middle man who purchases a large number of items, and then sells them to the smaller gun dealer - who then sells to the public. These businesses are privately owned. The laws and the government has regulated this industry almost out of business anyway. The manufacturer doesn't, and shouldn't, try to interfere with them."

OR: DeFazio meets constituents
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Speaking on terrorism, the congressman said the Patriot Act was a mistake and that he was one of the few to vote against it."

" 'They do not need the Patriot Act to deal with any real terrorism,' he said."

Another Look at the Wording of the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Apparently, this organization believes 'the right of the people to keep and bear arms,' as used in the Second Amendment, actually means 'the states’ right to keep and maintain armed militias.' It appears from this statement that George Orwell’s newspeak is the lexicon of choice for the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence."

"Another problem with their statement is the assertion that States have 'rights.' This infers that the States get these so-called 'rights' from the Constitution, the Amendments, or the federal government. Contrary to this innuendo, the States exist independent of the Constitution or the federal government. They do not acquire any rights or derive any powers from the Constitution. If the above statement was correct, then it would be the only place in the Constitution, or the Amendments, where the Founders attempted to protect the so-called 'rights' of the States from the federal government."

I have not one doubt, even if I am in agreement with the National Rifle Association, that that kind of record keeping procedure [gun registration] is the first step to eventual confiscation under one administration or another. —CHARLES MORGAN, DIRECTOR, WASHINGTON DC ACLU

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