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Bloomberg Moms target pro-gun candidate at Iowa State Fair
Submitted by: David Codrea

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“An Iowa Firearms Coalition member passed this voicemail along earlier today,” the description accompanying the video reports. “Michael Bloomberg's Moms Demand Action group wants to pay for your parking, admission, and food at the Iowa State Fair. Just call their number to RSVP (note that this ‘grassroots’ event is being organized out of a San Diego, CA area code).”

NJ: New Jersey officer probed for criticizing Obama
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A New Jersey police officer is under investigation after he was videotaped making comments about President Barack Obama and the Constitution.
Part-time Officer Richard Recine was called to the Helmetta town hall Monday because resident Steve Wronko was seen videotaping. Wronko insisted he had a constitutional right to make the recording. ...
Recine earns an hourly wage while collecting a $79,000 pension after retiring from the Franklin police department in 2006. The Associated Press was unable to locate a phone listing for him.

NJ: Cop: We don't follow Constitution because Obama doesn't
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A borough police officer was caught on camera telling a resident that police don't have to follow the Constitution because President Barack Obama doesn't, either.
Special Police Officer Richard Recine now is the subject of an internal affairs investigation after the video was posted online and was seen by Police Director Robert Manney, who called the comments an "embarrassment."

Feel good bill lacks substance
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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But, um, did you notice what’s missing in the bill? Yep, provisions to, you know, actually “protect and empower” students to prevent sexual assault in the first place!

Specifically, a requirement all colleges and universities allow students with valid concealed carry permits to carry their weapons on campus for self-defense. Such a provision would end the insane practice of disarming responsible, adult concealed-carry holders the minute they step onto a college or university campus.

Concealed carry permit holders such as Amanda Collins who was forced to leave her legally registered weapon at home rather than have it with her when James Biela brutally raped her on the parking garage floor at the University of Nevada, Reno in 2007.

When a Psychiatrist Shoots to Kill
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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‘More might have died if doctor had not shot gunman” — so read the headline in the Philadelphia Inquirer on July 27. On the previous Thursday, a patient, Richard Plotts, entered the office of his psychiatrist, Lee Silverman, M.D., with his caseworker, Theresa Hunt. Plotts then became very upset and killed Hunt with two shots to her head. While this was happening, Dr. Silverman tried to take cover, drew his handgun, and shot the attacker three times. The doctor suffered slight wounds from bullets that grazed his head and hit his thumb. Staffers then succeeded in subduing the wounded Plotts. He was hospitalized in critical condition and now faces murder charges.

Pro-Gun Kids' Book Sales Spike After Bill Maher Mocks It
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A children's book promoting the right to bear arms has seen a sharp increase in sales since being mocked by comedian Bill Maher, its publisher says.

"My Parents Open Carry — An Open Carry Adventure" was originally published in 2012 and had few sales, CNN reports, but has quickly risen to the top of Amazon's Children's Government Books since Maher mentioned it on his HBO show "Real Time" last week during the show's "New Rules" segment.

The book was first released on Amazon in February of this year.

"Sales were weak for the first few years," White Feather Press founder Skip Coryell told CNN. "But after it was trashed on the [Bill Maher] show, sales have gone up."

WI: Race for Milwaukee County Sheriff sees big influx of outside cash
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Unprecedented sums of money are being spent in the Milwaukee County Sheriff's race. Most of it, to unseat David Clarke.


"Keep you hands off our guns, dammit," Clarke says in the TV ad.

The liberal leaning Greater Wisconsin Committee is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars in TV ads critical of Clarke's self defense views and his suggestion that calling 9-1-1 may not be a best option.

"Am I big on a person's right to be able to defend themselves, Yes. You know why? Because it's a natural right," said Clarke.

FL: Armed victim returns gunfire, killing 14-year-old gang member, police say
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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An armed Lakeland man killed a 14-year-old gang member in a shootout Wednesday evening after both drew guns and opened fire, according to the Lakeland Police Department.

Virgis Canteen, 43, had accused Davion Smith of burglarizing his apartment last month, records show.

At 7:49 p.m., Smith and two unidentified companions began taunting Canteen in the courtyard outside his Oregon Avenue apartment before the teen drew an handgun, a witness told police.

Canteen also had a handgun and, according to Canteen, the teen began shooting at him first, striking him several times in the "upper extremities," police spokesman Sgt. Gary Gross said in a report.

Canteen said he returned fire, striking the teen "numerous times."

WA: Primary Election Analysis: The political parties won; Al French; and the 6th District
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Just to make it interesting, we’ll have two separate initiatives on the ballot in November regarding perhaps the most white-hot of all issues in America: guns. I-594 would require background checks on all gun sales, while I-591 would require that Washington only follow the tepid federal regulations on gun sales.

Despite the fact that I-594 has 70 percent support statewide, it will change the dynamics of the fall election. Every local candidate is going to be forced to wade in as they will be asked their views on gun rights. And you can bank on seeing a ton of outside-the-state spending, as gun rights advocates work to stop any limits to their perceived Second Amendment rights.

CA: California bill targets home guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A new California bill takes a different approach. Assembly Bill 1014 is by Assembly members Nancy Skinner, D-Oakland, and Das Williams, D-Carpinteria. It presumes the best place to exercise gun control is in the home.

Rather than leaving safe gun usage up to families, the bill allows family members to request that law enforcement and the courts prevent allegedly disturbed loved ones from owning or possessing firearms. Opponents insist the bill could restrict Second Amendment gun rights.

How A New Book Revises The Gun Lobby's Post-Newtown Intransigence
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Forbes columnist Frank Miniter's forthcoming book The Future of the Gun will present a revisionist history of the National Rifle Association's extremism during the legislative battle over guns following the December 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.

According to Regnery, the conservative publisher of Miniter's book, The Future of the Gun, will show how "the radical anti-gun lobby stands between innovation and the American people. Bestselling author Frank Miniter describes amazing breakthroughs waiting to happen in gun technology -- and how gun grabbers threaten to stop progress in its tracks."

Opinion pieces illustrate problem with ‘progressive’ gun philosophy
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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An Oregon physician wants to “register all guns like we register all motor vehicles” and a left-leaning Florida blogger insists that citizens leave their firearms, and self-defense rights, at home in a nightstand; two opinion pieces published Tuesday at far ends of the country that demonstrate what gun rights activists see as a fundamental disconnect between anti-gunners and reality.

WI: Twenty Wisconsin legislative candidates support nullifying some federal gun laws
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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20 challengers for Wisconsin legislative seats have told a libertarian group they would support a bill to let the state nullify federal gun regulations.

The Campaign for Liberty, headed by Ron Paul, says on its Web site that the bill would protect Wisconsinites from what it calls "unconstitutional federal infringements on their Second Amendment rights."

Five guns that changed history
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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If the nation’s first smart gun can overcome the fierce opposition of Second Amendment hard-liners and make it onto store shelves, it will join other guns that have changed the world. Here are five guns that altered history — by no means a complete list, in no particular order.

WA: On dueling gun control measures, do you trust church congregations or cops?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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For the first time in a general news publication, the Seattle’s Joel Connelly on Tuesday reported that Initiative 594, the 18-page gun control measure backed by wealthy Seattle-area elites is opposed by a major statewide law enforcement group.

Connelly spent much of his report discussing how the Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility (WAGR), which has more than $1 million in the bank against a very small sum held by Protect Our Gun Rights (POGR) – the group backing Initiative 591, which is supported by law enforcement – is getting major support from several Seattle-area church congregations. The other day, the measure was endorsed by the parish of St. Mark’s Cathedral.

Meet the Bunny Hunter: A Barbie look-alike who enjoys guns but hates Miley Cyrus
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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This is Michelle Rovinsky, otherwise known as the Bunny Hunter, presumably because she likes hunting and wearing bunny ears.

She is "a firearms enthusiast, self-defense advocate, and an outdoors lover" but, in her words, she "may look like a Barbie doll, but that's just ONE of the weapons in [her] arsenal!"

Abortion Right Equal to Second Amendment?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Now, the New York Times’ legal reporter Linda Greenhouse–who makes little pretense about objectivity in her journalism–provides more fuel for my fire. Lamenting the successful restrictions on abortion in states such as Texas, she lauds a recent Federal Court of Appeals ruling that the right to abortion is equivalent to the right to keep and bear arms.

The White House gets the Second Amendment hideously wrong
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Truth About Guns posted an open letter from Gun Owners of America to the White House, asking them to fix the ridiculous description of the Second Amendment currently posted on the White House website:

The Second Amendment gives citizens the right to bear arms.

CA: One Day Back & CA Legislature is Considering New Anti-Gun Bills
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On the first day back from its legislative recess two anti-gun bills were sent to the Senate floor by the Senate Appropriations Committee.

It is IMPERATIVE that EVERY gun owner, sportsmen and Second Amendment supporter in California keep up the pressure on their state Senator and Assemblyman OPPOSING ALL of the anti-gun bills listed below. Contact information for your state legislators can be found here. Contact information for the Senate Appropriations Committee can be found here. Contact information for the Assembly Appropriations Committee can be found here.

NJ: Justice in New Jersey?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Shaneen Allen was arrested and charged with illegally carrying a firearm in New Jersey, even though she legally owned the gun and had a concealed carry permit for it in Pennsylvania.

The single mother of two young children spent 46 days behind bars and now, being denied a motion of dismissal or admission to a pre-trial intervention program, she is facing up to three and a half years in prison — all for what she readily admits was a honest mistake.

MO: Missouri Affirms: 'The State Shall Secure 2A Rights'
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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About 64% of Missouri voters voted yes to amend their state constitution affirming and ordering the government to protect the right to keep and bear arms. Besides rehashing the Second Amendment, the amendment continues, “The rights guaranteed by this section shall be unalienable. The state of Missouri shall be obligated to uphold these rights and shall under no circumstances decline to protect against their infringement.”

How smart guns change the gun control debate forever
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Right now their flagship model is the Armatix iP1 pistol. It fires .22 LR caliber bullets in a 10 round magazine. When the gun is ready to fire a green light comes on. If the watch does not properly send the signal a red light comes on and the gun locks up.

Law enforcement officers and lobbyists have been quick to point out that the setup runs on batteries. If either the gun-mounted battery dies or the watch stops working a gun cannot be fired. As such law enforcement officers do not want to use them as an uncharged battery could remove access to their weapon.

...but if circumstances should at any time oblige the government to form an army of any magnitude, that army can never be formidable to the liberties of the people, while there is a large body of citizens, little if at all inferior to them in discipline and use of arms, who stand ready to defend their rights... — Alexander Hamilton speaking of standing armies in Federalist No. 29.

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