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BLM declares Burning Man Second Amendment-free zone
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Second, where does this guy get off, dictating away the right to keep and bear arms? Who first decided there was a 'need' to do this? Who authorized it? What is the approval process? Did it have to go beyond a district manager? What other federal agencies think they have this power? Can any bureaucrat declare himself the boss of you, or does one need to be a certain pay grade?" ...

No Firearm Owner Is Safe
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Suppose you sold a car and it was later used in a hit-and-run fatality. Would you be culpable? Suppose the person who used it didn’t have a driver’s license. Would that make you responsible? What if the person who bought your car actually committed the hit and run with another car, but had your old car parked in their backyard – and on top of that, they actually bought the car, not from you, but from a police officer you had sold it to several months earlier? Is there any way anyone could blame you for contributing to the hit and run?"

"That’s basically what happened to John Shipley – except it wasn’t a car he sold, but a gun. ..." ...

Guns in America, a Statistical Look
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There are more than 129,817 federally licensed firearms dealers in the United States, according to the latest [ATF] numbers (as of Aug. 1). Of those, 51,438 are retail gun stores, 7,356 are pawn shops and 61,562 are collectors, with the balance of the licenses belonging mostly to manufacturers and importers of firearms and destructive devices."

"For comparison, here are some numbers of other ubiquitous elements of American life:" ...

H/t to Mike Vanderboegh whose reaction is: What a country! We have more retail gun stores than we do grocery stores! Is that great, or what?!?

Tips for Terminating the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"To terminate the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, you would have to work slowly, by eroding the traditions and values that founded this great country."

"You would need to use news media to ignore positive uses of firearms, and only highlight tragedies of crime, exaggerate 'gun' violence, and misrepresent facts."

"You would need to dub scary looking firearms as 'assault weapons' simply for cosmetic differences and push for bans without any factual data for crime use."

"You would need to argue that the Second Amendment was only intended for the government and military, even though all the Amendments were ratified for 'the people' to protect them from the government." ...

UK Animal Aid: Put “Shooting Porn” on Top Shelf
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Back before Al Gore invented the Internet, porn was a hard to come by (so to speak). 'Mainstream' or 'soft core' porn magazines (think a clothing-free version of appeared monthly. On the other side of the pond, high street stores selling these quasi-pornographic stroke books placed the material on top of their magazine racks—so little hands couldn’t reach them. And now the UK animal rights group Animal Aid wants Shooting Times and The Field magazine to join this 'age restricted' material on the top shelf . . ." ...

How idiots negatively affect our cause; Embody (Kwikrnu) loses… again.
Submitted by: John Boch

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"We’ve seen a couple of open carry stories in the blagosphere in recent days, both of which embody embarrassing behavior on the part of supposed 'pro-gun' activists which are really little more than knuckleheads of the highest order."

"First up was the douche nozzle (DN) who paraded around a neighborhood in Oregon with what appeared to be a MP-5 suppressed slung across his back."

"This was causing some consternation and fear on the part of everyday Oregonians that noticed a man walking down the street with a rifle slung behind him and that led to police intervention. Who woulda thunk it?" ...

Secondary Sights (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Shooting Sports Foundation has released another one of its short training videos. This one features Mark Hanish of FNH-USA's 3-gun team talking about using secondary sights for taking shorter shots in 3-gun competition." ...

Gear Review: Aimpoint Micro T1 Red Dot Sight
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When Mossberg sent me a 12 gauge 500 to test out, I thought I’d dress it up a bit. Aimpoint sent a Micro T1 for the review. I wasn’t prepared to fall in love with tiny little optic, but I’ve never had so much confidence in my shooting as I do with it on—and that’s why these things exist. The Micro T1 is unimposing—yet it can make any shooter fast and accurate." ...

Guns 101 with Shelley Rae (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Gun Test: CVA Accura MR
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Connecticut Valley Arms’ Accura Mountain Rifle (MR) is a .50-caliber, break-open muzzleloader that’s delightful to carry and to wield in a tree. That’s because it only weighs 6 pounds, 3 ounces and measures 40 inches long with its 25-inch fluted Bergara barrel. Although it most closely resembles the company’s popular Apex line, it was placed in the Accura line because it is not a switch-barrel rifle like the Apex. But even exclusively as a muzzleloader it retains the great balance, feel, accuracy and other features that have made the Apex a big seller and proven game taker. Last fall I took it to Iowa for a whitetail hunt with fellow outdoor writer/photographer Judd Cooney. ..." ...

The .223 May Be The Rifleman’s Most Valuable Tool
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A while ago, I wrote an article on basic rifles for the aspiring rifleman: (1) An air rifle or a .22 LR rifle. (2) A big-game rifle, not to actually shoot much, but for the lessons it teaches."

"Because they are quiet, pleasant and cheap to shoot, the air rifle and .22 are ideal for learning the basics. The big-game rifle teaches (1) Centerfire ammunition is expensive. (2) Recoil and muzzle blast aren’t as much fun as we initially thought. (3) Hitting little targets way out there is fun and challenging." ...

Ruger GP100 Crimson Trace Lasergrips review
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I mentioned yesterday on my facebook page that it’s getting more and more difficult for me to review Crimson Trace products, because they’re generally awesome and well built. From a gear standpoint, I’m obviously an advocate of lasers, and any gun I’m going to use as a primary carry gun wears Crimson Trace laser grips if they’re available for that particular model. Lately, Crimson Trace has been launching some great products, such as the Railmaster laser, the Railmaster light, and the new Green lasers. I have those in the office and will be reviewing them shortly, but for now, we’re going back in time to one of their earlier products, the Lasergrips for the Ruger GP100." ...

IDPA Vest: Not All Vests are Created Equal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Over the past few weeks I have been shopping around for a concealment garment for IDPA. I realize that this isn’t necessary and that most people have a variety of items in their wardrobe that would work just fine. I have a number of button down shirts that could easily serve as a concealment garment and plenty of long shirts that would do the trick as well."

"One quiet morning while I had the house all to myself, I belted on my holster and stood infront of the mirror. Concealing the gun wasn’t an issue. An unbuttoned shirt had more than enough length to cover my gun and holster. The same was true for a handful of polo style shirts." ...

Ethics and Religion Talk: Though 'assault weapons' may be legal, clergy say they're not for everyone
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last month's shootings in a Colorado movie theater sparked calls for tougher gun laws from former Gov. Jennifer Granholm and some MLive letter writers."

"Of course, not everyone agrees that certain guns should be illegal. After all, the U.S. Constitution ensures 'that every American citizen has a right to keep and bear arms,' Belding letter writer Darwyn Hassert noted."

"So what do Rabbi David Krishef and his panel of clergy think? Here's this week's edition of Ethics and Religion Talk." ...

What the Founding Fathers Would Have Done About Gun Violence in America
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Another day, another shooting -- this time by an ex-marine armed with an AK-47 at a PathMark in New Jersey, but what's new? Lately, mass shootings seem to have become a weekly sport, and even someone like me, who has written multiple articles on the subject, is becoming a little jaded to that red banner of "Breaking News" that announces yet another sickening tragedy. And that is the biggest problem of all: We are slowly but surely getting desensitized to the violence that is sweeping through our society and remain either indifferent or deliberately oblivious to the role that guns (and the overt aggression they represent) play in mass murders like the ones in Colorado, Wisconsin, and now New Jersey." ...

The City Dwelling Gunner
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the hostile spaces between concrete monoliths resides one unlikely species with an unflinching determination to survive. Possessing skillful training and weaponry, while employing the full scope of its cunning, this creature moves undetected through the perilous byways of its natural habitat. Its cautious demeanor and keen senses help it navigate undetected as it forages for food and performs complex mating rituals, which are still largely a mystery to science. With the help of some dedicated organizations like the National Rifle Association however, these reclusive beasts are finally being lured out of hiding in order to receive the study and research they deserve." ...

H/t to Girl's Guide to Guns.

MI: Defensive Gun Use of the Day: You Go Girl Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A pair of Detroit carjackers figured Alaina (she didn’t want to give her last name) would be an easy target. A woman alone, walking back to her sleek black SUV. But these guys didn’t play around. Accosting Alaina as she walked to her truck, one of them started shooting as they attempted to steal the vehicle. Alaina, though, wasn’t having any of that. See, she’s a Michigan CPL holder, and she did what these guys never expect: she shot right back." ...

WA: 76 Year Old Real Estate Employee in WA Shoots Early Morning Office Burglar
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to, around 9:15am Thursday, police received a call from a 76 year old employee at a real estate office in Everett, WA saying he was holding a burglar at gunpoint."

"While waiting for the police, a verbal altercation and then a scuffle ensued, which resulted in the suspect being shot once in the leg. The suspect then managed to escape."

"When police arrived they searched for the suspect with a police dog and were able to locate him a short distance away from the business. The suspect was taken into custody and is being treated at an area hospital." ...

IN: Indianapolis Homeowner Confronts and Shoots Late Night Home Invader; Protects His Wife/Daughter (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to, Wallace Turner, a homeowner Indianapolis, IN awoke to the sound of his back door being kicked down in the middle of the night."

"Turner grabbed a gun and went downstairs to investigate. Turner confronted the would be home invader in the living room, and that’s when Turner made a decision."

"He said, 'He wasn’t getting past me. My wife and daughter were behind me.'"

"The intruder kept approaching Turner and that’s when Turner fired shots at the suspect, striking him in the leg. The intruder then tried to flee, but collapsed on the back porch." ...

America still fighting back, in Everett and elsewhere
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When a 76-year-old employee of an Everett real estate firm shot a burglar Thursday morning at the office, he joined a growing fraternity of legally-armed Americans who have found themselves in the position of first responder to a crime, and they acted." ...

NJ: Workplace Shooting: Another Day in Gun-Free Paradise
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'An employee at a New Jersey supermarket [Pathmark in Old Bridge] shot two coworkers and then killed himself inside the store early Friday morning,' reports. 'The shooter, described by relatives as a former Marine who loved video games, left work around 3:30 a.m. and returned a half-hour later carrying an AK-47, multiple ammunition magazines and a handgun. [He] fired at least 16 shots before killing himself.' So, another workplace shooting . . ."

"harkening back to [redacted]'s heinous attack on his boss Steve Ercolino. Another common denominator: both attacks occurred in gun free (at least for law-abiding citizens) zones. New York City and New Jersey in general and Pathmark (for its employees in specific)." ...

FL: Key Florida "Stand Your Ground" Backer Bill Bunting Comments on Killing of Trayvon Martin (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Republican National Convention took place in Florida, where the state’s so-called "Stand Your Ground" law has come under sharp criticism following the shooting of unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin by self-appointed neighborhood watchman, George Zimmerman, earlier this year. The shooting incident has emboldened some supporters of Stand Your Ground. ..."

Clint Eastwood at RNC: Rambling geriatric or remarkable genius?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'A man's got to know his limitations.'"

"It’s one of the all-time great lines from a Clint Eastwood 'Dirty Harry' film called Magnum Force, and in the wake of Thursday night’s appearance by the aging Hollywood icon at the Republican National Convention, the Liberal elite are having a field day trying to pin that one on Clint." ...

GOP Establishes Strong Second Amendment Platform at National Convention
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Republican 2012 party platform, adopted on Aug. 28 by GOP Convention delegates in Tampa, endorses national concealed carry reciprocity, gun owner privacy and “stand your ground” rights while opposing reinstatement of the assault weapons ban and restrictions on magazine capacities."

"'This is the strongest pro-gun rights platform I've ever seen,' said Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. 'This is strong stuff that squarely puts the GOP behind, ahead of and alongside every one of this nation’s millions of law-abiding gun owners.'" ...

Governor .357 Smith & Wesson wows the GOP convention
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While speeches by the Republican Party's stalwarts -- such as Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, vice presidential candidate Rep. Paul Ryan, and movie superstar Clint Eastwood -- garnered most of the attention of the news media and political commentators, New Mexico's Gov. Susanna Martinez notified members of both political parties that she's another up-and-coming conservative force."

"The nation's first Latina governor is unapologetic about her conservative values especially her desire to protect citizens' second amendment rights." ...

FL: Questioning Cops on What Basis Did They Detain Photographers at RNC Checkpoints (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On the last night of the Republican National Convention, we stopped by a security checkpoint where two videographers had been detained earlier in the week, asking Homeland Security police on what basis did they detain them."

"The cops were unable to give us a straight answer, referring us to a public information officer in Washington D.C. instead." ...

MI: The Detroit PD Doesn’t Like Competition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rick Ector takes a back seat to no one in his advocacy for Second Amendment rights. His latest caper: staking out a Detroit gun buyback with some like-minded buddies across the street from St. Cecilia Catholic Church and offering to pay those who showed up more than the measly $25 to $100 being offered inside. They didn’t get many takers, though. That may have been due to the thin blue line of intimidation thrown up in the middle of the street by the cops . . ."

"Ector organized the 'protest' for the same reasons we think buybacks are such a bad idea." ...

NY: Irresponsible Gun Owner of The Day: Judge Vincent Sgueglia
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The Honorable Judge Sgueglia (don’t ask me to pronounce it… no, wait. The phonetic pronunciation – from the article – is 'SQUEEL-ee-uh'. Really.) Anyway, the judge was censured this week by the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct. And they only took two years to come to this momentous conclusion. His offense(s): clearing his chamber in his chambers and some, um, paperwork irregularities."

"Turns out His Honor isn’t all that honorable. When he wanted a gun, he approved his own pistol license. ... The State Commission decided it was 'inappropriate to take judicial action on his own pistol permit application and that he should have consulted with court officials to arrange for another judge to handle the matter.'" ...

CA: L.A. Woman Dies After Arrest That Included Kick in Groin
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A South Los Angeles woman who had dropped her two children off at a police station later died after an encounter with officers in which one of them kicked her in the groin."

"Alesia Thomas, a drug addict who feared she could not care for her children, reportedly resisted when officers moved to arrest her. A patrol camera caught police in a struggle with Thomas that included one officer stomping on her genitals, as well as additional force. Footage then shows Thomas breathing shallowly in the back seat of a police car. She was pronounced dead shortly after being taken to a hospital." ...

FL: Officer on leave after punching and choking suspect
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Sarasota police officer is under investigation after punching a suspect in the head 10 times and then choking him unconscious during a misdemeanor arrest earlier this month." ...

SC: Sheriff Defends Deputy Who Killed Tethered Dog (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The dog's owner says the dog could not have reached the deputy and the deputy ignored a warning sign." ...

IL: Mayor Rahm Emanuel: Forgetful Jones on Gun Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'We have to pass stronger gun laws in this state,' Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel told U.S. News after another bloody week in the City of Big Shoulders (and even bigger body counts). 'We’re not talking about repealing conceal/carry, but making sure we have a tougher set of laws dealing with assault weapons and other types of guns.' Well of course you are. Something must be done! Last weekend’s tally: nine dead, 37 wounded removes any doubt! And what better way to tackle the problem of gang-banger-on-gang-banger shootings than banning assault weapons 'n stuff, leaving untouched Prairie staters' right to carry a concealed weapon to protect themselves from the ballistic mayhem. Wait, what? ..." ...

IL: Chicago Isn't Safe: 2nd shooting near Obama’s heavily guarded compound in Chicago
Submitted by: John Boch

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... "It’s arguably one of the most secure neighborhoods in America thanks to all of the police presence."

"So, it is particular embarrassing to Mayor Rahm Emanuel that Chicago, despite its despotic gun control, can’t keep people from getting shot within a block or two of Obama’s house!" ...

"When was the last time you heard about people getting shot near George W. Bush’s ranch in Texas where Texas residents enjoy one of the better right-to-carry laws in the nation and gun ownership is well above average?"

"Compare Texas’ welcoming attitudes about gun ownership and right-to-carry to Illinois, the last state in the Union without right-to-carry and where only about one in ten legal residents has a Firearm Owner’s ID card ..." ...

Chicago Isn't Safe!
Submitted by: John Boch

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"For the second year in a row, Guns Save Life has urged members to avoid Chicago for vacation or business travel. This year, the Illinois State Rifle Association joined Guns Save Life whereas last year, it was ISRA that first encouraged members and friends to avoid Chicago." ...

The whole of the Bill of Rights is a declaration of the right of the people at large or considered as individuals. It establishes some rights of the individual as unalienable and which consequently, no majority has a right to deprive them of. — Albert Gallatin of the New York Historical Society, October 7, 1789.

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