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MN: MN Gun Buyback Misses the Target
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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This weekend, people in Minneapolis participated in a gun buyback program that was well received by the community as the program had to close it doors early as it ran out of gift cards.

According to the Star Tribune, private collectors stood outside of the event promising more money to individuals who would sell their antique weapons.

“While the organizers will claim this event as a success, it’s clear that the firearms obtained during the ‘buyback’ were not guns that had been used in crimes nor would they likely have been. Instead they purchased junk from garages and basements and are financing upgraded firearm purchases,” said Rob Doar of the Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus.

7th Circuit rejects government’s position of inmate self-defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“The government argues that if self-defense is not contingent upon fearing serious bodily injury or death, inmates will be allowed to use force against guards at any time they believe the officer might be using slightly more force than necessary against them. But such a danger is overblown,” Judge Ann Claire Williams wrote. “Prisoners will still need to prove their fear was reasonable, meaning that there was an objective reason to believe that officers intended to cause sadistic and malicious harm. That is not an easy burden.”

Imposing the government’s requirements would mean that inmates could be subjected to abuse and not be able to defend themselves because there is not an imminent threat of death or serious bodily harm.

Court Upholds Ban on Gun Sales to Marijuana Card Holders
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A federal ban on the sale of guns to holders of medical marijuana cards doesn't violate the Second Amendment, a federal appeals court said Wednesday.

The ruling by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco came in a lawsuit filed by S. Rowan Wilson, a Nevada woman who said she tried to buy a firearm for self-defense in 2011 after having obtained a medical marijuana card. The gun store refused, citing the federal rule banning the sale of firearms to illegal drug users.

IN: Two Arrested After Shooting; Victim Credited for Showing Restraint
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The amazing part here is the restraint displayed by the intended victim, who has a permit to carry a concealed weapon and was armed with a semi-automatic pistol.

He said “When he (the shooter) took off running, I did not fire because he was not at the time jeopardizing my life.”

Police Captain Andy Chandler praised the restraint the alleged victim showed.

“It does appear that he used a lot of good, common sense and wisdom by choosing not to fire.”

FL: Say goodbye to Angela Corey: ‘Cruelest prosecutor in America’ gets defeated by primary challenger
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Angela Corey, the Jacksonville, Florida state attorney who notoriously pursued a 20-year sentence for Marissa Alexander for firing a warning shot in self-defense, was defeated in her primary for re-election last night.

In addition to trying to throw a domestic violence survivor in prison for two decades (even though no one was hurt in the shooting), Corey also earned notoriety for her handling of the prosecution of George Zimmerman.

Ed.: Hopefully her replacement will be better on self-defense cases, and not so prone to over-charging.

AZ: 9th Circuit: No guns for ganja users
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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If you’re a fan of weed, it’s a good-news day.

If you’re a fan of weed and rifles, not so much.

The Arizona Supreme Court on Wednesday ruled that Proposition 205 stays on the Nov. 8 ballot, allowing Arizona voters to decide whether to legalize marijuana for recreational use.

Meanwhile, the 9th U.S. Court of Appeals on Wednesday ruled that anyone who has a medical marijuana card can be barred from buying a gun.

IN: Unraveling the 2nd Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Her permanent “universal” background checks would create a massive new federal database on every law-abiding gun owner and their firearms in the United States. She has lauded the Australian gun bans that saw millions of privately owned, universally registered firearms forcibly taken from their licensed owners under threat of prison. Clinton says if elected she “will take executive action to eliminate the lawsuit protections for the firearm industry” allowing victims of violent criminals to sue law-abiding firearm dealers and manufacturers into oblivion.

Having bureaucrats establish government control of the people’s arms was not the intent of the Second Amendment, it was written precisely to render the government powerless to do so.

Prepare for attack, pray it doesn't happen
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As Islamic terror threats against churches escalate, so should churches' plans for safety and security – even in the United States.

Dabiq – the online magazine ISIS uses for propaganda and recruitment – is telling radical Muslims to target Western churches. Counter-terrorism experts think the blow is most likely to land in Great Britain, but Chuck Chadwick of the Texas-based National Organization of Church Security & Safety Management says churches in America shouldn't ignore the threat.

"What we over here can expect is the lone wolf attack," he offers, "[and] it looks like bombing is becoming popular again."

TX: Virginia Tech Shooting Survivor Backs Texas Campus Carry: ‘The Police Were Not Fast Enough’
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Virginia Tech graduate and shooting survivor Nicholas Roland is speaking out in favor of campus carry by pointing out that during his crisis, “the police were not fast enough to save lives.”
Roland was not criticizing police for being slow, rather, he was suggesting there is no way they could arrive in time to stop the bloodshed; unarmed people had no means of real self-defense.

According to The College Fix, Roland is now a Ph.D. candidate in U.S. history at UT. He said the “worst situation is to have no defense back” when an attacker opens fire. Reflecting on the April 16, 2007 Virginia Tech attack–where 32 innocents were shot and killed in a gun-free zone–Roland said, “The police were not fast enough and 32 people died.”

Gun-Toting Senior: ‘My Friends Like To Knit, I Like to Shoot’
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As senior citizens continue to be a driving force behind record firearm sales, one gun-toting senior says, “My friends like to knit, I like to shoot.”

Every Tuesday the doors of Frontier Justice gun shop in Lee’s Summit, Missouri open to a morning crowd of seniors who are there to shot and hone their ability to defend their own lives and the lives of loved ones, should they be attacked.

CA: County Sheriff: Newsom’s Gun Control Makes Us Criminals
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Butte County, California Sheriff Kory Honea says Gavin Newsom’s Proposition 63 would infringe on Second Amendment rights and “turn law-abiding citizens into criminals.”

Honea was joined by sheriffs from Shasta and Modoc counties, as well as the California State Sheriff’s Association, all of whom point to problems with Newsom’s proposition.

Proposition 63 would implement a statewide ban on “high capacity” magazines, and force Californians to take pass a background check for ammunition purchases.

FL: Pulse shooting survivor changes views on gun laws
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Pulse shooting survivor Jeff Rodriguez spent two months in the hospital after being shot in his leg, stomach and neck.

Rodriguez spoke in-depth with investigative reporter Eryka Washington, and said the shooting has given him a new focus on political issues.

Even though Rodriguez is pro-gun, he wants to see tougher gun laws to hopefully prevent this type of tragedy from ever happening again.

KS: Reach out with care
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It could have happened to anyone. I was in an excellent local business, where I always feel comfortable, warm, and welcomed, checking on my auto satellite radio receiver.

Another customer walked in.

He didn’t look dangerous at all. Quite normal, in fact. Till I saw what he held in his hand: a pistol. Thankfully, in a holster. He was there for a Velcro-stick device for the holster, just under the dash, mere inches from his hand. I had a dash in mind — my dash out of there. Instead, I listened.

“This holster backstrap unsnaps easily; it’s in your hand like a flash,” said the salesperson. “Sold,” said the customer.

I was outta there.

Jeff Gonzales On Concealed Carry
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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We’re always glad when Jeff Gonzales can make time in his schedule to talk with us. It’s no wonder why: He’s a decorated and respected former U.S. Navy SEAL, as well as founder and president of Trident Concepts LLC, a reality-based company specializing in personal protection tactics and training for armed and unarmed conflicts. He’s been lots of unpleasant places on our behalf, and shares those lessons with rare generosity.

NC: Group plans Second Amendment protest
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Haywood County political activists hope to hold a gun rights rally on the grounds of the Historic Haywood County Courthouse just days before the General Election in November.

“I think there’s been a gradual infringement upon a right that is not supposed to be infringed upon,” said Jess Dunlap, chair of the Haywood County Libertarian Party at a lightly attended Saturday morning meeting at Trailhead Bakery in downtown Waynesville.

Although the group hadn’t yet set a firm date, the protest could coincide with the Gem Capitol Waynesville Gun Show held at the Haywood County Fairgrounds Oct. 29-30 in order to appeal to both open carry and concealed carry advocates.

CA: Could This Lawsuit be the Last Chance for Second Amendment Recognition in California?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The National Rifle Association recently supported the California Rifle and Pistol Association in filing a federal lawsuit. The measure came about after a federal court of appeals opinion ruled that the Second Amendment does not specifically cover the right to carry concealed weapons in the state of California.

Below is a portion of the NRA’s explanation for filing the suit:

PA: Rally staged in Butler to defend 2nd amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The message being delivered to the crowd gathered in Diamond Park Saturday was clear — the right to carry a gun should be protected.

Kim Stolfer, president of the Firearms Owners Against Crime, was the keynote speaker at the second annual Butler County Second Amendment Rally, which was held in conjunction with the new Butler City Open Carry Day.

Pricing Gun Owners Out of Their Constitutional Rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The war on the Second Amendment is becoming all about cost.

Realizing it’s far easier to make exercising one’s Second Amendment right prohibitively expensive than it is to revoke that right entirely, liberals across America are finding ways to increase the cost of gun ownership.

California is the latest state to jack up the cost of freedom beyond the reach of the average American. The California Assembly sent a bill to Gov. Jerry Brown Tuesday which would allow cities and counties to raise the cost of concealed carry permits beyond their current $100 limit.

FL: The Well Armed Women Hosts 3rd Annual National Leadership Conference
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Well Armed Woman [TWAW] Shooting Chapters nonprofit organization will hold its 3rd Annual National Leadership Conference in Jacksonville, Fla., from Sept. 30 to Oct. 2.

Susan LaPierre, co-chair of the National Rifle Association’s Women’s Leadership Forum and wife of Wayne LaPierre, joins an illustrious group of seminar leaders and firearms trainers in this 3-day historic event at the Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront. More than 350 chapter leaders will meet, train and learn valuable skills to take back to their chapters across the country.

MA: Healey launches inquiry on gun safety, misfirings
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Attorney General Maura Healey has launched a sweeping investigation into possible safety problems involving guns manufactured by at least two major companies, Remington and Glock, according to lawsuits filed by both firms, which are fighting Healey’s efforts.

The lawsuits reveal that this year, Healey invoked her powers under the state’s consumer protection law to demand that both companies turn over a wide range of documents, including safety-related complaints from customers and the companies’ responses.

FL: Moms Demand Action for Sensible Gun Laws
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gulfport resident Greg Stemm, also a member of the local chapter and clerk of the St. Petersburg Society of Friends, attended the meeting at the Gulfport Library.

“Quakers have a long history of nonviolence,” he explained.

“Orlando touched too close to home. As an LGBT activist, I’m glad Moms got involved.”

Moms Demand Action supports the Second Amendment, says Moses, but advocates what they call common-sense solutions, such as universal background checks and closing the gun show loophole.

More Profits for the Gun Industry. Good for Them
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Sprague’s Sports is a small business that sells guns.

The store, which is located in Yuma, Arizona – a town that boasts a population of about 125,000 people - also sells gun accessories such as ammunition, maps, cleaning gear and hats. It sells gun safes and offers repair services for firearms. It offers memberships to those who want to come and be trained how to shoot their guns safely in its state-of-the-art indoor range.

KS: Opponents to revisit concealed carry law at Kansas colleges
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Kansas opponents of concealed weapons on college campuses are preparing to fight against the law ahead of its 2017 implementation deadline.

State-run universities must begin allowing concealed weapons onto campuses next July, The Topeka Capital-Journal reports.

Schools must submit proposed policies to the Kansas Board of Regents by October. Campus carry legislation was passed several years ago, but schools have been able to opt out. The exemptions run out in July.

The next legislative session begins in January and lawmakers who want to stop concealed carry on campuses will have six months to change Kansas law.

NH: Grades for Gubernatorial Candidates
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Now it is time to add to that list by releasing the grades for all candidates running for Governor of New Hampshire. In both parties there are pro-gun candidates. We need to get out to support those that stand up to defend our right to keep and bear arms.

Sadly, the Democrat candidates for Governor are all gun banning elitists. They all refused to complete our survey. However, they have made their views on firearms civil rights issues very clear in this WMUR interview. Thus, we have graded them all as follows:

IL: Commemorative sesquicentennial rifle on display
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Number 17 of the 25 special edition commemorative rifles created for Thomson’s Sesquicentennial in 2015 has been purchased by the Thomson Chamber of Commerce and the Sesquicentennial Committee, to be displayed in the village hall.

“Actually there are 26 rifles,” said project coordinator and Thomson entrepreneur Frank “Babe” Tipton. “There is a proof rifle, then 25 numbered.”

The project was a joint effort between Tipton, and the committee, who supplied the Thomson and Sesquicentennial art, “the reason we did this project,” he said, the Second Amendment Right to Bear Arms lettering, “something we all need to remember,” and the art that included a locally-recognized theme: railroad tracks, watermelon, farm scenes, and deer.

Mossberg introduces NFA version of famous shotgun
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Popular shotgun maker O.F. Mossberg and Sons introduced on Tuesday new subcompact versions of its ubiquitous 12-gauge, pump-action designs.

Calling them “Compact Cruisers,” Mossberg’s 590 and 500 are short-barreled shotguns that classify as Any Other Weapon under standards maintained by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the company said in a press release.

According to federal law, before obtaining an AOW under the National Firearms Act, a buyer must first pay a tax stamp and complete the necessary paperwork.

If guns are outlawed, only the government will have guns. Only the police, the secret police, the military, the hired servants of our rulers. Only the government — and a few outlaws. I intend to be among the outlaws. — EDWARD ABBEY

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