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Newslinks for 9/10/2005

Gun Rights Group Outraged that New Orleans Officials Confiscated Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A gun rights group is calling a decision by New Orleans officials to confiscate guns from law-abiding citizens 'simply outrageous.'"

"Gun Owners of America challenged the mayor's authority to order the confiscations."

"'You can't legitimately suspend the God-given rights of American citizens who have committed no crimes,' said Erich Pratt, director of communications for GOA."

"Pratt said the confiscations won't make the people of New Orleans any safer. 'Privately owned firearms were the only thing which prevented good people from becoming victims in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, when few policemen were to be found anywhere in the city,' he said." ...

Larry Elder to Address Gun Rights Policy Conference Sept. 24 in Los Angeles (SAF)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Nationally-syndicated talk show host, author and filmmaker Larry Elder will speak during the 20th annual Gun Rights Policy Conference luncheon on Saturday, Sept. 24 at the Los Angeles LAX Marriott hotel."

"The Sept. 23 - 25 conference will also feature appearances by National Rifle Association President Sandra Froman, NRA Executive Vice President Wayne La Pierre, Second Amendment Foundation President (SAF) Joe Tartaro and Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA). The event is co-sponsored by SAF and CCRKBA, with support from other organizations." ...

Gun Seizures are Unacceptable, Mr. President. This Must Stop Now!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This is more frightening than any horror movie coming out of the inventive minds of Hollywood or terrorist attack coming out of the Middle East. When the Government of the people, by the people, for the people, becomes a government against the people, I begin to fear for the survival of this great nation. The Mayor of New Orleans is attempting to do in a couple of days that which has eluded the power of the anti-gun factions in this country for 218 years, strip law-abiding citizens of their right to keep and bear arms. ... Mr. President, you must step in and stop this violation of the Constitution. What part of 'shall not be infringed' don’t you and your administration understand? ..." ...

House Getting Ready to "Roll Over and Play Dead" -- Ask your Representative to insist on H.R. 800, rather than S. 397 (GOA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, is considering legislation to protect the gun industry from predatory lawsuits. What has not yet been determined, however, is which bill (House or Senate) will be voted on."

"You will remember that when the Senate passed S. 397 in July, it included two anti-gun amendments. But the House bill, H.R. 800, is free and clear of ANY gun control whatsoever."

"S. 397 provides for a troublesome study that could result in the BATFE concluding that almost all rifle bullets are armor piercing. Also, S. 397 requires the sale of trigger locks -- whether you want one or not -- with all new guns." ...

Big Easy Loses Right to Bear Arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"People in New Orleans don’t need order and security, they need to be able to pack heat. According to an excerpt from the Cato Handbook on Policy entitled 'Restoring the Right to Bear Arms', it is far more important to protect the right of New Orleans survivors to be armed to the teeth than to provide them with security. Because, apparently, they will be endangered by tyranny if the police and military protect them during these dark days.

You can follow the link in the Cato website article reproduced below to locate the original article prepared by Gene Healy, senior editor, and Robert Levy, a senior constitutional studies fellow.

Just thought you’d like to know.

- Axis of Logic Editors
" ...

New Orleans: NRA-ILA Comments On Situation In New Orleans (NRA-ILA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Numerous media sources are reporting on a campaign by New Orleans city authorities to confiscate lawfully-owned firearms from people in the city. Louisiana statute does grant the government, during a state of emergency, broad powers in regulating and controlling firearms."

"However, we have seen not just with Hurricane Katrina, but other similar situations, that when police are unable to control the criminal element, people turn to the one freedom that protects all others--the Second Amendment."

"While one can certainly understand the dire predicaments of all those affected by Hurricane Katrina, as we have learned throughout history, campaigns to disarm the lawful do nothing to disarm the criminal. ..." ...

New Orleans: CHP Takes Part In Door-To-Door Searches (last story on page)
Submitted by: Mike

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"Ken Wayne goes along as California Highway Patrol officers take part in a tense house-to-house search to evacuate Katrina survivors from New Orleans."

Submitter's Note: Watch as CHP beats up an old lady after she told them to leave her house.

New Orleans: Videos of Law Abiding Citizens Refusing To Leave And Give Up Guns
Submitted by: Mike

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"Many of the remaining New Orleans residents are refusing to leave the storm-ravaged city. CNN's Dan Simon reports."

New Orleans: Corpses, Guns Found in New Orleans Homes
Submitted by: Who Me

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"Soldiers and police confiscated guns from homeowners as they went house to house, trying to clear the shattered city of holdouts because of the danger of disease and fire. Police on Friday also marked homes with corpses inside, with plans to return later." ...

"Police and soldiers seized numerous guns for fear of confrontations with jittery residents who have armed themselves against looters."

"'No one will be able to be armed. We are going to take all the weapons,' [Deputy Chief Warren] Riley said." ...

Submitter's Note: Go door to door and take all guns and note the location of houses with dead bodies, but not take them. So a dead decomposing disease spreading corpse is O.K. to leave in an occupied home. But guns are just too dangerous.

New Orleans: French Quarter residents defy evacuation, begin rebuilding their community
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Another group, Restore the French Quarter (RFQ), came together shortly after the levies broke. RFQ, which includes 40 volunteers, has cleared their share of downed trees and rubbish. One of their fist acts was to make the Esplanade, a major street marking the border of the neighborhood, passable by vehicle." ...

"Standing in the courtyard of the headquarters, RFQ member 'Steve,' who works in construction, declared that the group’s first action, shortly after the disaster struck, was to help distribute guns and ammunition to area residents to use for self-defense. Since then, they have turned their attention to fixing roads and keeping people fed." ...

New Orleans: One family's flight from New Orleans
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Four days after Hurricane Katrina rammed into New Orleans, five-star chef Rene Bajeux and his family tried to escape the city in their van."

"Amid the chaos of floodwaters and looters, they pushed the van to dry land but the car still would not start. Thinking the battery might be dead, they removed a battery from an already-vandalized car on the street with the implicit permission of a nearby cop."

"'You need to do whatever you can to get out of this city,' the cop said, according to Bajeux."

"When the engine still didn't catch with the new battery, a couple of cops Bajeux knew walked by and warned him that looters were coming his way. One gave him a loaded pistol and some advice. 'Shoot to kill,' the officer said." ...

Michigan 'Shoot First' Bill Being Misrepresented by Gun Lobby; Legislative Language Identical to Florida Language (BCPGV)
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Journalists in Michigan are reportedly being told by state legislators that bills introduced this week only relate to the use of deadly force in one's home, and don't create new legal justifications for expanded use of deadly force in public. That is not accurate."

"The impact of the Michigan legislation would be the same as the Florida law that takes effect October 1. The legislative language is identical." ...

KABA Note: Of course the Brady Bunch characterizing this as the 'Shoot First' bill, is accurate, fair and balanced.

MI: Michigan bills would allow residents to fatally shoot intruders
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Michigan residents could fatally shoot someone who breaks into their home or vehicle without facing criminal or civil prosecution under proposed legislation."

"The two-bill package, which is opposed by anti-gun violence groups, would assume that a person who forcibly enters or intrudes in a home or occupied vehicle intends to kill or hurt the owner or occupant. It is patterned after a law signed earlier this year in Florida."

"The bills, introduced Wednesday, also would eliminate the requirement that people who are being attacked have to retreat before responding, as long as they're in a place they legally have a right to be." ...

TX: Retired officers face handgun hurdles
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For nearly 24 years, Virgil Rush carried a gun."

"Now he feels vulnerable without it."

"'You send many people to the pen over those years. If you run into some of those people, you like to feel like you have something to protect yourself and your family,' said the former Farmers Branch police officer, who moved to Oklahoma after retiring eight years ago."

"Under federal law enacted last year, retired police officers with at least 15 years' experience should be able to carry a concealed handgun in any state."

"But Mr. Rush and retired law enforcement officers around the country have hit a brick wall."

"Texas, like many other states, hasn't set up a procedure for retirees to obtain the handgun certification required ..." ...

MO: Officer is charged in attack at drugstore
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Pine Lawn police officer William Monroe has been charged after allegedly pulling a gun on a drugstore guard and then punching him, St. Louis police said Thursday.

Monroe, 59, was charged with unlawful use of a weapon by flourishing, a felony, and third-degree assault, a misdemeanor. He was arrested Monday after a guard at the Walgreens at Union and Page boulevards said Monroe had put a pistol against his stomach and threatened to kill him and then punched him in the jaw.

The disagreement began when the guard asked Monroe to move his car from a parking space that is reserved for St. Louis police, officials said.

MI: Shooting the breeze
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sunny skies, barbecue and lawn chairs provided the backdrop for the 68th annual Michigan Police Pistol Match on Thursday."

"The event, sponsored by the Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police, included 226 law enforcement officers from across the state competing for the top spot and the coveted Governor's Trophy." ...

"Michigan State Police Motor Carrier Sgt. Sue Fries, took home the title of highest female shooter with a score of 266, meaning she hit the target that many times out of 300 shots."

"The best shot overall was Michigan State Police Motor Carrier Officer Steve Harmon with a score of 288. He hit the bull's-eye 14 times." ...

AR: Former Policeman Charged With Taking Money From Hispanic Motorists
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Elm Springs police officer has been formally charged with aggravated robbery for allegedly extorting money from Hispanic drivers."

"Washington County prosecutors say Timothy Lee Payne was in uniform and driving an Elm Springs police car when he stopped several Hispanic motorists and allowed the drivers to go free only after paying him a 'roadside fine.'"

"The felony information filed against Payne says he stopped Sergio Herrera ... using his police cruiser and armed with a pistol. After Herrera told Payne he did not have a driver's license, Payne allegedly took $200 in cash from him and drove away. No ticket was issued nor receipt given and the money was kept by Payne, prosecutors said." ...

LA: Fearful Southerners buy firearms at torrid pace
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Gun sales across the South have been booming since the first reports surfaced of armed looters roaming the streets of New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. And images of shots being fired at relief workers only elevated fears in some communities."

"Now, as hundreds of thousands of people displaced from their homes are being resettled, gun store owners say they're being flooded by a demand for guns - particularly in southern states and others where many of the hurricane victims are being relocated." ...

PA: Gun law seminar hits target
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"New Kensington resident Andre Kiefer said he's had a hard time finding reliable information about state and federal gun laws."

"He said he wasn't given adequate information when he bought his guns. Other searches, such as scouring the Internet, didn't turn up much he thought he could trust."

"'They'll tell you on the Internet that aliens are here,' Kiefer said."

"He said a manual should be given to people who buy guns that outline each state and federal gun law."

"Kiefer said he was pleased to learn that the Alle-Kiski Health Foundation was sponsoring its Gun Violence Prevention Symposium on Thursday at the Clarion Hotel." ...

MA: Gun maker aims to buy options
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Smith & Wesson Holding Corp. will sell shares and use the $24 million it raises to buy out the giant stock options of two top company officials."

"Company officials and an analyst said the move would prevent the possibility of 9 million shares hitting the market in the coming months if the executives exercise their option rights." ...

OH: Shooters to take aim at Benchrest event
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Sharpshooters from around the world are coming to Ohio next week for the eighth World Benchrest Championships."

"Kelby's Inc., a benchrest shooting range in the northeast corner of Wayne County, is hosting the biennial competition on Tuesday through Saturday. Spectators are welcome. They should bring hearing protection to watch the impressive accuracy of shooters firing heavy-barreled rifles and custom bullets while sitting at a bench and using rifle supports." ...

NE: Shotguns have long history in America
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Shotguns have a long and rich history in this country. As far back as the colonization of the country, settlers used shotguns to take game for the table."

"There is historical reference to George Washington ordering his men carrying smoothbore muskets to 'load with ball and shot' to increase their effectiveness during the Revolutionary War."

"Pump guns are probably the most often found shotgun in the field today. The reason is simple; they are dependable, reasonably priced and rugged." ...

CA: California AB 352 Victory for this Year (NRA-ILA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The State Senate has just adjourned with no action on Assembly Bill 352. AB 352 cannot be acted upon until the second half of the session starts next year. AB 352 would expand the definition of unsafe handguns to include semi-automatic pistols that are not designed and equipped with an array of microscopic characters, which identify the make, model, and serial number of the pistol by imprinting the characters on each cartridge case when the firearm is discharged.

WI: Waukesha, Wisconsin Hunting Ordinance (NRA-ILA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As you may be aware, the Town of Waukesha was considering a new ordinance imposing dramatic new restrictions on the ability of residents to hunt within the town limits, even where it is safe to do so. This ordinance would have prevented many residents from engaging in the safe sporting activities they have enjoyed for generations. Fortunately, the Town Board listened to the concerns of local residents like you and rejected the restrictive ordinance. Instead, it adopted an alternative ordinance that substantially improves circumstances for gun owners and sportsmen." ...

Canada: Another big gun headache
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Canadians must be so deadened to the bureaucratic nightmare that is the federal long gun registry that any new piece of news about the program’s failures barely qualifies as news."

"However, western Manitobans and other rural Canadians who understand this ill-conceived program has always been and will always be a colossal waste of time and money can only shake their heads again as the Canada Firearms Centre and the Liberal government tried to pull another fast one on us."

"The Canadian Press reported Wednesday the government quietly put off several new gun regulations ..."

"Among the provisions is a requirement forcing police forces to register all their weapons — including those seized from criminals — with the federal agency. ..." ...

Germany: All tied up in knots
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Every epoch has artists who have created an emblematic image in response to the crises and hopes prevailing at the time. ..." ...

"The sculpture created in 1988 by the artist Carl-Frederik Reuterswärd and inspired by our present-day crises and hopes is similarly ambiguous, even though you might think there is not much to it."

"The knotted gun barrel. It all looks so simple. This is how to do it ... and here we have the barrel of this oh-so-threatening weapon knotted and absurd."

"If only it were that simple, say the sceptics, then the world would be a different, totally peaceable place. But in reality, they continue, to press home their point, gun barrels are still trained on all those who do not own a gun ..." ...

UK: Ambulance stab vests to be rushed in as attacks shoot up
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"PLANS to issue ambulance staff with stab vests are to be fast-tracked following a 100 per cent increase in attacks."

"Essex Ambulance Service said it was staggered by the rise in violence against its staff in the last six months."

"Latest figure show 21 physical assaults in the last six months compared to 26 for the whole of last year."

"A spokesman described the attacks as unacceptable and warned of prosecution against all offenders."

"He added: 'Any form of violence, whether physical, verbal to staff, or the damaging of a vehicle is simply unacceptable." ...

UK: Love triangle ended in crossbow killing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A SCORNED man seeking revenge after his girlfriend cheated on him ended up being shot dead with a crossbow by her lover's brother, a court has heard."

"Danny Collard, 18, took the law into his own hands and killed Jimmy Hewett with a single bolt after the 21-year-old had started smashing the windows of his house with a club hammer, the Old Bailey was told." [emphasis added] ...

"... Hewett ... went with two friends to Collard's house in King Henry's Drive."

"The prosecution said the gang used a stolen Alfa Romeo as a battering ram, smashing into three cars in the drive, clearly 'intending to wreak havoc'."

"It was when they started smashing windows with a club hammer that Collard produced the crossbow and shot Hewett. ..." ...

AZ: Tempe student suspended for selling gun to classmate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Two Tempe students have been suspended and charged with weapons misconduct after one of them sold a gun to the other on school property.

The incident took place at Kyrene Middle School in Tempe.

Police say a seventh-grader took a pistol from his father's gun cabinet and brought it to school along with six bullets.

He apparently showed the gun to other students and sold it to a classmate for $10.

The school found out about the incident after a parent called in.

The two students now face possible expulsion.

The students who saw the gun but didn't report it may also be disciplined.

I have seen an American general and his officers, without pay, and almost without clothes, living on roots and drinking water; and all for LIBERTY! What chance have we against such men! -- young British officer to Colonel Watson describing the American militia rebels in Georgetown, SC [Source: 'Marion, The Life of Gen. Francis Marion' by M. L. Weems, Ch.18]

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