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Newslinks for 9/10/2012

Chief Counsel’s Office still calling shots at ATF despite report, source alleges
Submitted by: David Codrea

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“'After the issues detailed by the FAAP were first posted on the intranet homepage - they were quickly taken down by order of the Chief Counsel's Office,' the source maintained, citing retaliations that have occurred since Brandon was presented with that document."

Treaty with Mexico takes death penalty off table for Terry murder suspect
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"That’s because, by treaty, 'When the offense for which extradition is requested is punishable by death under the laws of the requesting Party and the laws of the requested Party do not permit such punishment for that offense, extradition may be refused unless the requesting Party furnishes such assurances as the requested Party considers sufficient that the death penalty shall not be imposed, or, if imposed, shall not be executed.'”

Sightmark “Sure Shot” Reflex Sight REVIEW
Submitted by: John Boch

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When you turn forty, the eyes just don’t work like they did when you were a teenager. Thankfully, technology in the form of reflex rifle sights have done wonders to help retain speed and accuracy for those of us with not-so-young eyeballs.

Now, I’ll be the first to advise against going “cheap” or Chinese on anything related to a weapons system that you might someday depend upon to defend your life.

However, some of the Chinese-made reflex sights can bring fun and performance together in non-critical applications. Better yet, they can do this at affordable prices.

Enter the made in China Sightmark Sure Shot Reflex Sight SM13003B. I ordered mine from the folks at Optics Planet in Northbrook, IL. It’s $49.xx plus tax, delivered.

Gun Sales Surge: An Obama Bounce?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Smith & Wesson stock Friday was zooming, thanks to a stellar earnings report. The firearms maker also boosted its outlook for the rest of the year. ...
And another gun maker, Sturm, Ruger & Co., also hit a milestone of sorts in terms of meeting consumer demand. It produced its one-millionth gun of the year…well ahead of last year’s pace. ...
What’s driving the demand that has gun makers cranking up production?
Speculation has focused on fears of a coming regulatory crackdown on gun ownership. Liberal administrations tend to be anti-gun and so, the thinking goes, an Obama re-election would set the stage for stricter gun purchasing requirements. Hence, people are buying now in anticipation of difficulty later.

UK: Tom Cruise movie sparks gun panic
Submitted by: D. Smith

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Production on Tom Cruise's latest movie sparked a panic among residents of an English village this week when the sound of gunfire rang out across the neighborhood.

Frightened residents in the village of Abbots Langley called police on Thursday night to report gun shots being fired, prompting officers from Hertfordshire Constabulary to launch an investigation.

They soon discovered the gunfire had been coming from the nearby Leavesden Studios, where Cruise has been filming his new movie "All You Need is Kill" with British actress Emily Blunt. A representative for the studios then confirmed the shots were part of rehearsals for the movie.


FBI begins installation of $1 billion face recognition system across America
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Birthmarks, be damned: the FBI has officially started rolling out a state-of-the-art face recognition project that will assist in their effort to accumulate and archive information about each and every American at a cost of a billion dollars.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation has reached a milestone in the development of their Next Generation Identification (NGI) program and is now implementing the intelligence database in unidentified locales across the country, New Scientist reports in an article this week.

NY: Rochester city employees caught by red-light cameras 119 times -- but violators won't have to pay
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Over the past 18 months, city of Rochester employees have committed at least 119 red light violations while driving city vehicles, records show.
But while employees can be disciplined for the violation, “payment of the related fine will not be required,” according to a newly adopted city procedure for handling the violations.
One-third of the infractions were by police department vehicles, including one driven by Police Chief James Sheppard.

An “Obama bounce”… in gun sales?
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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I have to confess that it’s just the tiniest bit gratifying that one of the few industries coming through the economic downturn with superbly flying colors is probably the one industry that many hardcore liberals would like to see shut down altogether. In 2008, gun sales surged after President Obama’s election, part of the explanation for which was that people feared a progressive gun-control crackdown. It was quite the healthy bounce for the world of firearms, except that the bounce hasn’t let up — at all.

IL: Violent attacks on campus at the University of Illinois… racial, random or both?
Submitted by: John Boch

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(GunNews) - The local mainstream media outlet, the News-Gazette published a huge front-page article about violence on campus last weekend, basically letting folks know that what we knew as Polar Bear Hunting from 2010 was still going on and that students are pretty much on their own and at the mercy of violent thugs prowling campus.

...We hate to break it to the politically correct News-Gazette, but if it’s not safe to be outside after dark alone, it’s not an “overall safe place”.

The “Polar Bear Hunting” attacks in 2010 occurred that fall and saw a dozen or more savage racial attacks committed at random by small groups of predominantly African-Americans youth against white males.

NJ: EXCLUSIVE: N.J. Jury Rules Black Supervisors Discriminated Against White Corrections Officers
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A New Jersey discrimination suit has been settled with two white corrections officers winning against the state’s Department of Corrections.
The outcome of the lawsuit is seen as a big win for corrections officers Joe Milutin and Bob Healey. Both were awarded more than $3 million in damages. ...
The two men had charged that over several years, they were harassed by black corrections supervisors, who allowed black inmates to abuse them at the Bordentown Boot Camp Jail.

Gun rights advocates see social benefits
Submitted by: jac

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WASHINGTON - In the wake of mass shootings this summer, a fusillade of a different sort erupted when gun rights advocates suggested a good Samaritan with a concealed weapon might have saved the day.

In Texas, this view has become as integral a part of the state's heritage as longhorns, cowboy boots and chili.

"You cannot name a mass shooting in this country that has occurred in a place where guns were allowed," said former Texas legislator Suzanna Hupp, noting the Aurora theater prohibited customers carrying guns.

Election 2012: The battle of the platforms
Submitted by: John Pierce

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The presidential race is entering it’s final phase and the rhetoric is really heating up. With all of the political doublespeak from both candidates, it is often hard for people to decide which party would best represent their interests.

But President and Vice-President are just two of the offices that will be up for election this November. The two parties also have numerous House and Senate candidates who are competing for your vote and whose election will certainly impact your rights.

So let’s take a look at how the Second Amendment was treated at the GOP and DNC Conventions and in their official platforms.

Gun Sales Spiking Thanks to Obama, "Preppers" — and Even "Zombies"
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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After gunmaker Smith & Wesson announced late Thursday afternoon, September 6, that their sales had jumped by nearly 50 percent from a year ago, the company’s share price rocketed from $9 to $11 within minutes of the opening of trading on Friday morning.

Specifically, the company announced that sales were up 48.3 percent from the same quarter last year and that profits had nearly doubled. In addition, its backlog of orders jumped more than 163 percent, causing Jeffrey Buchanan, Smith & Wesson’s chief financial officer, to raise the company's expectations for 2013:

Based on our stronger than anticipated first quarter, [and] current consumer orders for our products ... we are increasing our full year 2013 financial guidance.

Venezuela: Crew member: Venezuela drops charges against U.S. ship
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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State Department spokesman Patrick Ventrell said last week the detention had to do with customs paperwork for rifles that were on board for the crew's protection.

"We, of course, know that the high seas and that piracy have been a major topic in recent months and years, and so that's something we've been combating," Ventrell told reporters. "It's normal for many ships to have some type of self-defense on board."

Democratic 2012 Platform Calls for Reinstating Federal Assault Weapons Ban
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A week after Republicans adopted the "strongest pro-gun rights platform" in GOP history, Democrats endorsed a 2012 party platform that calls for enacting "commonsense improvements" such as reinstating the assault weapons ban, closing the gun show "loophole" and strengthening the background check system.

CA: Focus on Sheriff 2014: Paul Schrader on CCWs
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“I have not spent 30 years of my life protecting the community to allow the system to prevent citizens from protecting themselves. As a strong proponent of the right to bear arms, I will streamline the CCW process; a license will be dependent only on the very basic requirements outlined by California law. Beyond these requirements, as long as you wish to exercise your second amendment rights – by all means go ahead! “

NH: Peterson, Notter Deserve Your Vote
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Jeanine and Lenette have been endorsed by both the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance and the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire attesting to their consistent votes favoring individual liberty, low taxes and smaller government. The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition gives Lenette an A+ and Jeanine a B+ for their records leading and supporting Second Amendment legislation.

MO: McDonald County Jury Says Man Acted In Self-Defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A 32-year-old man has been acquitted of fatally shooting his girlfriend's ex-boyfriend and wounding another man in southwest Missouri.

FL: Claim of Modern Need For Guns in Homes Simply is Not Supported
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In response to Daniel Johnson's letter ["Times Have Changed: Second Amendment Needs to Be Revised," Aug. 17], who said our founding fathers understood the importance of self-defense and keeping citizens safe from government control, I respectfully point out we no longer have the Redcoats claiming American land and shooting citizens for treason. We have a government which we, the people, set up and put into action by a vote of the people. We don't have to fight off government with a gun any longer.

FL: Zimmerman judge denied 'stand your ground' claim in earlier case
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Circuit Judge Debra S. Nelson, the latest judge in the second-degree murder case against George Zimmerman, rejected a "stand your ground" claim in May in a different murder case.

A month later, a Seminole County jury acquitted the defendant.

That case, Florida vs. Kishawn Jones, might suggest what's ahead for Zimmerman, the 28-year-old neighborhood watch volunteer who says he killed Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black 17-year-old, in self-defense.

I have seen an American general and his officers, without pay, and almost without clothes, living on roots and drinking water; and all for LIBERTY! What chance have we against such men! -- young British officer to Colonel Watson describing the American militia rebels in Georgetown, SC [Source: 'Marion, The Life of Gen. Francis Marion' by M. L. Weems, Ch.18]

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