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Newslinks for 9/11/2000

So Goes Moldova

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A nice lesson on gun control/confiscation

CARNIVORE to get new name

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It's all in the name.

Just as BLACK TALON is obviously eeeeeevil, but SAFETY SLUG isn't, so CARNIVORE will get a new name to make it seem less dangerous.

So the libs finally figured out that a name is just a name when they are the ones changing the name but a rose by any other name is still a rose.

CARNIVORE won't be any less dangerous to our freedom though, because it is still CARNIVORE.

No right to bear arms?
Submitted by: Dougherty

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"The U.S. Constitution's Second Amendment does not guarantee to Americans the individual right to keep and bear arms, according to a letter written by the U.S. solicitor general to a National Rifle Association member and posted on a NRA website."

Jailed 13-year-old gives 1st interview
Submitted by: Atrocious

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Now Nate is in jail awaiting trial as an adult, and he faces life in prison if convicted. Last year, he was studying algebra; now he attends a class where his fellow prisoner-students are learning to add and subtract. ``In school in jail,' he says, ``you kind of have to dumb down to fit in.'

This is the first interview with this kid since he killed his teacher with a .25.

Family of Columbine Mother Sues Hospital Over Suicide
Submitted by: Justice

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I personally think that the family needs to sue OUR government, the ones responsible for the mess. They made sure none of the teachers could defend against this attack.

DENVER —"The family of a woman who committed suicide six months after her daughter was paralyzed in the Columbine shootings has sued a hospital, saying she did not receive adequate treatment for depression. Carla Hochhalter, 48, shot herself in the head in a pawn shop Oct. 22, after asking the clerk to see a handgun and loading it with her own ammunition"

"High" number of fatal shootings by Detroit police
Submitted by: A Detroit native

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Detroit cops are being accused of being trigger happy. Check out these examples. We don't know, we weren't there, here is a quote from this website...

"On Friday, Dwight Turner, an autoworker who had been shooting at a stray dog, was killed on his front porch. Police said Turner refused to drop his gun. On Aug. 29, Errol Shaw Sr., a deaf man, was fatally shot by police as he held a garden rake during a confrontation with officers."

Patrick Kennedy says his views on gun control are understood by most (IDIOTS)
Submitted by: Shannon

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We need to support the congressman that still support the second amendment, and educate ourselves and others of who NOT to support.

"U.S. Rep. Patrick Kennedy took heat from U.S. Rep. Ed Whitfield, a Republican running for re-election in Kentucky's 1st District, for his support of gun control" Kennedy also is "in support of President Clinton's veto of a bill to eliminate the estate tax and in favor of gun control.

Turn-in nets 23 weapons, 5000 rounds of ammo
Submitted by: Shannon

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Okay, What's the trick? How could people just turn in their guns to be melted down? For a safety lock?

"Gun and Ammo Turn-in, where residents anonymously turned in their unwanted guns and ammunition and took home free safety locks for weapons that remain in the home."

"Twenty-three guns, mostly long guns and revolvers, and more than 5,000 rounds of ammo were collected between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m."

Missing guns prompt probe
Submitted by: S. Wilson

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Did the police get caught trying to cover evidence, or are they just thieves? Something else...?

"County and state authorities are investigating the apparent theft of several high-powered guns from the evidence room safe at the troubled Ford Heights Police Department."

"sources familiar with the department said the weapons included 9mm handguns, TEC-9s, Mac-10s and other weapons considered to be the best and most valuable on the street."

FBI tool weighs student threats
Submitted by: FBI Alert

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"The nation’s most renowned analysts of violent criminals on Wednesday unveiled a model for assessing potentially violent students. It already is creating concern among some who feel it might be misused to stereotype children..."

They should have stopped with "Congress shall make no Law..."

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