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Newslinks for 9/11/2009

Demand Hearings into ATF Corruption Allegations
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Isn't it past time we made some of the abusers personally accountable for their actions? Will you take a few minutes to join me, and to spread the word?"

Everything is an 'assault weapon' if you stretch the definition far enough
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"The Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence, with their usual propensity for lying, is claiming they have proof that Columbus' 'assault weapons ban' which expired three years ago was smart legislation." ...

'The Guns of Autumn' revisited, then and now
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"As we head toward autumn and the initial opening of several hunting seasons, I'm reminded of a special anti-hunting program that CBS televised years ago. The program, 'The Guns of Autumn,' aired in 1975, depicted hunting as a cruel, outdated activity, carried out by blood-thirsty killers and mentally inferior morons. Its level of inaccurate biasness bordered on the absurd, to say the least."

"The reason this came to mind is the fact I'm noticing more and more officials elected or appointed to high government positions were reared in urban climates and are basically unfamiliar with the world beyond the city or suburban lines. ..." ...

American liberty is at risk
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"While running for president, Barack Obama promised change."

"He didn't promise change that would be an assault on the principles found in the U.S. Constitution."

"But that is precisely what is happening the Obama Administration."

"Consider these developments:" ...

"Obama nominated Sonya Sotomayor to the U.S. Supreme Court even though she is an avowed liberal who doesn’t believe in Second Amendment gun rights and who favors international law."

"Obama has described the Constitution as a 'living' document that should change according to the winds of public opinion." ...

The Gun-Grabbers Are On the Move Again
Submitted by: Larry

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"Every despotic regime in the last century favored gun control laws. Today, the gun-grabbers are on the Alan Carubamove again and are being led by the Obama regime."

"During last year's campaign both Hillary Clinton and John McCain tore into Barack Obama for saying that residents of small-town America 'cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them out of bitterness over lost jobs.'"

"Obama quickly retreated from that statement, but it revealed his real thinking and real feelings about people who own guns for any reason, as well as his contempt for people whose religious values are an important part of their lives. In both cases he was condemning large segments of the nation’s population." ...

D.C. Appeals Court Upholds Mandatory Gun Licensing
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"An appeals court in Washington, D.C. has upheld the city's extremely restrictive law requiring residents to obtain licenses to carry handguns outside of their homes."

"The U.S. Supreme Court's [Heller] ruling ... did not invalidate the District of Columbia's licensing requirements, and even appears to have endorsed them, the appeals court ruled." ...

"... the [SAF] filed a federal lawsuit against the District a few weeks earlier on a very similar question: the constitutionality, post-Heller, of the city's licensing scheme."

"Alan Gura, the Alexandria, Va. attorney who filed the civil suit, told me on Wednesday evening that he doesn't think the recent appeals court decision will make much of a difference." ...

Submitter's Note: Maybe the DC City Council should throw in a literacy test too.

Open carry 101
Submitted by: Mike Stollenwerk

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Many people around the world are interested in learning more about the growing open carry movement in the United States, particularly when and where they can open carry too!

. . .

Key points everyone should know about open carry, i.e., the practice of carrying holstered unconcealed functional handguns (functionality includes being loaded):

42 states permit open carry in public 26 states require no license to open carry Only 7 states ban open carry in public California allows open carry in many or most parts of rural areas, but figuring out precisely where it is banned (i.e., that guns must be unloaded) is so difficult that as a practical matter, open carry is not a realistic option.

No guns at political rallies
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Armed attendees[sic] have been allowed at town hall meetings[sic] and public rallies[sic] where the President and other national officials were speaking. ..."

"Such tolerance is incomprehensible when one considers the very real dangers of assassination attempts and violent confrontations."

"Please introduce legislation to outlaw the carrying of guns and other lethal weapons at non-military functions where not only the safety of the President, Vice-president, members of Congress, and related staff are at stake, but also that of all the ordinary citizens in attendance. The prohibition against the bearing of arms to such gatherings has nothing to do with the Second Amendment[sic] ..." ...

What Second Amendment means, and doesn't mean
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Let's begin with a restatement of the Second Amendment to the Constitution and then suggest a rationale for its existence." ...

"... When the Constitution was written, neither the federal government nor the state governments furnished arms to those who served. Therefore it was essential that recruits bring their own guns. ..."

"OK, although that rationale no longer exists, I have no quarrel with the right of any law abiding individual to own a gun ..."

"However, I do not believe that there is a need for people to travel with concealed weapons ... Furthermore, brandishing[sic] them at political rallies may be acceptable behavior in some third world countries, but it is inconsistent with our own democratic values!" ...

Bearing Arms Isn't An Inalienable Right
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Robert A. Levy's Sept. 6 Local Opinions article, 'Gun Owners' Next Victory in D.C.' continued the gun lobby's obsession with getting guns on the street everywhere in the United States."

"The idea that we need a bunch of paranoid people toting weapons in public places is ridiculous."

"Mr. Levy argued that the 'bear arms' phrase in the Second Amendment refers to any yo-yo carrying a weapon for 'confrontation.'"

"In reality, the term 'to bear arms' is a military one consistent with the army or a well-regulated militia, where individuals bear arms in the service of their political entity." ...

"A normal person has to wonder why some people are so addicted to guns that they have to snuggle with one wherever they go." ...

DC: Nickles Responds to Gun Suit
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Attorney General Peter Nickles has filed a formal response to a lawsuit in which four gun rights activists argue they should be allowed to carry loaded handguns on the streets of the District."

"The individuals, backed by the Second Amendment Foundation, filed their suit last month in federal court. In arguing against the District's ban on carrying weapons outside the home, the plaintiffs cited the landmark 2008 District of Columbia v. Heller Supreme Court decision. That ruling threw out the District's longstanding ban on handguns, forcing the District to come up with new regulations permitting individuals to register firearms that they plan to keep in their home." ...

AL: Teen burglary suspect killed
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"On Tuesday morning, 14-year-old Ta'veon Tashawn Mason should have been at his desk at Austin High School, but he and two friends skipped school."

"Police said the ninth-grader died in a Southwest Decatur backyard from a single gunshot wound. A press release said a resident shot him inside the house during a burglary at about 10:30 a.m." ...

"Police said the trio broke a window at the back of the house and entered."

"'The homeowner was asleep inside and was awakened by the intruders,' said Sgt. Rick Archer, supervisor of the Violent Crimes Unit. 'He retrieved a handgun and confronted them.'"

"Archer said the man fired one shot, striking Mason, and the two other teens fled the house. ..." ...

WI: Zion robbery suspect shot by store owner
Submitted by: Adam Peterson

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"A jewelry store owner who was faced with a man trying to rob him at gunpoint reached for his own gun and shot the suspect Wednesday. The suspect is believed to be from Zion."

"Kenosha Police Department officials said that two men with partially concealed faces entered the Jewelry Exchange at 2400 52nd St. around 12:30 p.m. and confronted the 55-year-old owner."

"Police said one suspect pointed a handgun at the owner, but the owner drew his own handgun from under the desk where he was sitting and shot the suspect once in the chest. The two men fled without taking anything." ...

SC: Candidate offering chance to win a gun
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Page One in Dean Allen's playbook 'How to win public office in South Carolina': Give away a big gun."

"Page Two: Get your buddies together at the shooting range and throw a party."

"Unconventional? Yes, but Allen, of Greenville, is grabbing attention for a little-known statewide office, adjutant general." ...

"Allen, also a Republican, will hold his 'Machinegun Social' fundraiser from 1 to 5 p.m. Sept. 26 at Allen Arms Indoor Range ... Allen is a combat veteran who served in Korea and Vietnam."

"The campaign will give away a $700 semi-automatic AK-47 after the event. To get a chance to win the gun, sign up for the free giveaway by filling out an entry form at Allen Arms (the owner is no relation to the candidate)." ...

NY: Wiggins Denies Being Member Of Mayors Against Illegal Guns Coalition
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Warsaw Mayor Ernie Wiggins wants to clear his name."

"Wednesday he said he is not a member of Mayors Against Illegal Guns Coalition."

"Wiggins contacted the Times-Union Wednesday morning stating he received inquiries from local residents about whether or not he was a member of the coalition."

"He requested his secretary, Michelle Bormet, on his behalf Wednesday morning, to fill out information on the coalition's Web site to remove his name from the coalition membership and no longer send him e-mails or information. Wiggins' photo and name was on the site Wednesday, but was not on the site this morning." ...

Sunstein Poses a Serious Risk to Future of Hunting
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Sales of firearms in the United States have skyrocketed since November 4, 2008. It's no secret the election of Barrack Obama to the highest office in the free world caused grave concern among gun owners." ...

"Sunstein's nomination raises the hackles of sportsmen's groups nationwide. He's widely known for a blatant disdain for the Second Amendment. He's even more passionate about animal rights, so much so, he advocates the rights of animals to be granted protected status in the nation's courts. More to the point, he believes animals should have the right to sue people. He's on the record in favor of an end to all hunting." ...


Cass Sunstein, like Van Jones, is an indicator about how far left Obama leans
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Hunters and gun rights activists are lining up against the nomination of Harvard Law School Professor Cass Sunstein as Barack Obama’s 'regulatory czar' as a vote on the nomination is supposed to be coming up this week."

"Sunstein’s official job would be to run the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, and a 65-35 Senate vote Wednesday evening to end the debate over his nomination pushed him closer to the job, according to All that remains is a full Senate vote, perhaps today."

"My colleagues John Van Ness, the Baltimore Hunting and Fishing Examiner, and Kevin Rought, the Grand Rapids Hunting Examiner, are decidedly against Sunstein’s nomination." ...

Gays but not guns -- Exposing Sunstein's strange constitutional analysis
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Senate took further moves last night toward the expected confirmation of Harvard Law School professor Cass R. Sunstein to head the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. This is a key but little-known position that sets governmentwide standards for bureaucratic rule-making. The senators ought to slow down." ...

FL: Another Mayor notifies Buckeye Firearms Assoc. of decision to resign from Mayor Bloomberg's gun control front group
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Last month, Buckeye Firearms Association broke the news that Village of Walton Hills, OH Mayor Marlene Anielski had submitted to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg her resignation from the gun control front group known as Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG)."

"The news of Anielski's decision spread far and wide, and Anielski gave some high-profile interviews to further explain her motivations for the resignation."

"Today, we can report that yet another mayor has notified us of her decision to resign from Bloomberg's MAIG charade."

"Mayor Patricia J. Shontz, of Madiera Beach, FL, copied Buckeye Firearms Association on the following letter to Mayor Bloomberg:" ...

Louisiana Cop Accused of Beating Handcuffed Woman Back on the Job
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In 2007, Shreveport police officer Wiley Willis arrested 38-year-old Angela Garbarino on suspicion of drunken driving. While in custody, as captured on the video below, Garbarino begins arguing with Willis about what she said is her right to make a phone call. About a minute later, Willis walks over and turns off the video camera. When the camera comes back on, Garbarino is lying on the floor in a pool of her own blood. ... After the video went viral, Willis was fired, but has never been criminally charged."

"Last month, the Shreveport Municipal Fire and Police Civil Service Board voted to reinstate Willis on the police force. He'll get full back pay and benefits for the year-and-a-half he was fired. ..." ...

"You Can't Do This to People": Robin McDermott's Resistance
Submitted by: Larry

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"As a 45-year-old single mother of two who cared for a crippled brother, Robin McDermott was well-acquainted with adversity. When Robin's brother woke her up early in the morning on January 23, 1998 to tell her that her older son, Morgan Smith, was being arrested on a DUI charge, she knew things were about to get just a touch worse."

"The resident of Springfield, Missouri most likely did not anticipate being needlessly attacked by a police dog, hauled off to jail, and spending the next decade in a lengthy legal struggle with a corrupt and abusive municipal government -- simply because she failed to demonstrate the cringing, reflexive submission expected from those of us who don't wear government-issued costumes." ...

GA: Own a gun? Are you prepared to use it?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"How many of you out there have guns? ..."

"I have, well, several. I’m not a 'gun person,' meaning it’s not a hobby, nor do I spend a ton of money on them. But since it is in the line of my work, I keep them, maintain them and practice with them."

"Now then, there are those who subscribe to the theory that guns should be controlled. I don't know how they would do that. There are too many out there. And you can't control the bad guys because they don’t believe in registering as 'bad guys.' ... one of the more unfortunate facts of crime is that bad guys can get access to weapons." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

TX: Dallas Police Reserve Officer Arrested (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Bar patrons and proprietors along lower Greenville Avenue tonight were pleased to hear that Dallas Police reserve officer Brad Hellums has been released from duty. The termination follows allegations he spiked the drinks of two women at a bar early this morning."

"Bar Owner, Tony West, says, 'He thinks he's emboldened by maybe his badge or gun that he can go out and do that. That's unbelievable.'"

"Hellums is charged with public intoxication, possession of cocaine and tampering with a consumer product."

"The owner of The Sugar Shack says bartenders kicked Hellums out after one saw him sprinkle an unknown white powder substance into the drinks of the women while they were in the restroom." ...

PA: Monongahela council fires officer arrested on drug charges
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Monongahela City Council voted last night to fire a police officer who was arrested last week on drug and corruption charges."

"Patrolman George M. Langan, a 16-year veteran of the force, is accused of tipping off drug dealers and operating as a drug dealer, thwarting the efforts of a Washington County drug task force."

"Washington County District Attorney Steven Toprani called Mr. Langan, 45, 'an important figure in Monongahela's cocaine trade.'"

"Council voted 3-0 to terminate Mr. Langan for conduct unbecoming of an officer, Mayor Robert Kepics said."

"The officer, who remains in the Washington County Jail on $500,000 bond, will lose his benefits but will receive his pension." ...

PA: Pa. city blankets streets with security cameras
Submitted by: Larry

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"Horses drawing buggies regularly clop down the roads approaching Lancaster, a peaceful city in the heart of Amish country that had only three murders last year and relatively low crime."

"But if the community sounds reminiscent of the past, it also has some distinctly modern technology: 165 surveillance cameras that will keep watch over thousands of residents around the clock."

"When it is complete, the surveillance system will be bigger than those in large cities such as Philadelphia, San Francisco and Boston. And the fact that it will be monitored by ordinary citizens has raised privacy concerns." ...

NY: Kingston gun buy-back draws fire
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A gun buy-back program scheduled for Saturday in Midtown may reward criminals who should not have had the weapons to begin with, the president of an Ulster County sportsmen’s organization says."

"Joe Liuni, president of the Federated Sportsmen’s Club of Ulster County, sees the gun buy-back program as a showy, political, 'feel good' event that provides debit cards to people who turn in guns with no questions asked."

"'I don't see how this is going to get guns off the street when a guy walks in and turns in a gun that (might have) been used in a crime and he doesn't get prosecuted,' Liuni said. 'I don't understand how that is gong to deter street crime.'" ...

NC: Ex-Goldsboro officer charged with rape
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A former Goldsboro police officer was arrested Thursday and charged with a series of sexual assaults that occurred between 1995 and 2000, police said."

"Walter Finley Jr., 40, of 1103 Edgerton St., was charged with one count of first-degree rape and three counts of first-degree sexual offense. He was being held Thursday in the Wayne County Jail under a $1 million bond."

"Finley was an officer with the Goldsboro Police Department from 1993 to 1999, when he resigned, police said. Some of the alleged incidents with which he is charged occurred during that period, but police said there was no evidence that any crimes were committed while he was on duty." ...

GA: Gwinnett County police officer charged with DUI resigns
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A Gwinnett police officer resigned Wednesday following accusations he caused a drunken accident after leaving a Duluth nightclub Saturday."

Already placed on routine leave, James Stoudenmire, 27, quit to avoid termination, police officials said Wednesday."

"Stoudenmire, a four-year Gwinnett County Police Department veteran, was driving a 2006 Ford Mustang about 1 a.m. Saturday when the vehicle struck a 1999 Mazda 626 stopped at a traffic light on Pleasant Hill Road near Interstate 85, police said." ...

NH: Former officer arrested
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A Concord police officer who resigned Friday was arrested yesterday on charges he grabbed two women, one of them while on duty, and refused to pay a $20.50 tab at The Draft Sports Bar and Grill."

"Brian Longabardi, 26, is charged with three counts of simple assault and one count of theft of services, all misdemeanors, according to the state attorney general's office, which is investigating."

"Longabardi had been with the Concord police since July 2007, earning $44,408 a year, when he resigned Friday, said Norman O'Neil, the city's personnel director." ...

UT: Weapons
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Whether it is the tough economy or the threat of stricter gun control, applications for concealed firearm permits are on the rise in St. George."

"President Barack Obama stated in an interview ... that he supports a federal ban on concealed firearm permits. Since being elected ... requests for permits soared throughout the country."

"Sophomore Richard Jordan, an undecided major from Washington, said banning the permit to carry is unconstitutional and would eventually lead to government corruption and tyranny."

"'The Second Amendment states we as citizens have the right to keep and bear arms,' Jordan said. ..." ...

OH: Dayton city attorney and newspaper writer struggle to comprehend gun laws written in plain English
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Confusion, incompetence or continued intentional denial of rights under Ohio law? It's hard to tell sometimes when looking at the media-driven debate over carrying guns."

"Ohio's concealed carry law is terrible in some respects, but when it comes to areas most often challenged by cities, it's not hard figuring out who is right. It's so simple a cave man could do it - but to not a city lawyer or a reporter for the Dayton Daily News."

"A recent DDN story, 'Handgun allowed in Englewood parks, pocket knife may be confiscated' looks at the 'debate' that continues years after the state legislature passed a very simple and easy to understand law. In actuality, it is not really any more of a debate than a child screaming 'I want that' to a parent." ...

NY: Albany gun violence panel takes shapes
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The team charged with making the strategies recommended by the city's Gun Violence Task Force happen is finally taking shape."

"The Common Council is poised tonight to appoint its three nominees for the nine-member panel: State Police Superintendent Harry Corbitt, city gang prevention coordinator Ron 'Cook' Barrett and John Cutro, who specializes in restorative justice."

"Corbitt, the former head of security at city schools, is not joining the team in his capacity as the leader of the State Police, but as a private citizen with an interest in stopping youth violence." ...

CA: California targets ammunition sales
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Another attack on the Second Amendment in California could result is less ammunition for gun owners and more paperwork for gun retailers. California’s AB 962 legislation has been introduced by Democrat Assembly member Kevin de Leon of Los Angeles."

"Gun owners find California's AB 962 a serious threat to the right's of law-abiding gun owners in the state. Assemblyman de Leon couldn’t disagree more. 'These simple rules governing handgun ammunition will protect police officers, families and children from deadly gun violence,' he said." ...

Submitter's Note: So put it in the bill: If the measure is cannot be proven to reduce criminals' access to ammo within 2 years, the law will sunset.

Gun Prices Soar As Afghanistan's Postelection Crisis Continues
Submitted by: West Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.

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"The reliable measure of stability in many countries is the value of the currency or the price of equities, bread or fuel — but not in Afghanistan: here the key indicator that nearly every Afghan keeps tabs on is the price of a Kalashnikov AK-47 assault rifle. And the bad news is that the market is bullish. The stepped-up Taliban offensive and mounting discord over the outcome of last month's election have seen the price of a Chinese-made AK smuggled in from Pakistan rise to $400 from $150 in just three months. 'People are arming themselves,' a Western official in Kabul noted with alarm." ...

Ireland: Samurai swords banned from today
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A ban on Samurai swords comes into effect from today.

The order, brought in by Minister for Justice Dermot Ahern as part of measures to tackle knife crime, makes the sale, importation, purchase or possession of the swords illegal.

Those caught with the weapons could face up to seven years in prison. The ban does not apply to hand-carved swords made before 1954.

The Justice Minister has also recently increased the penalty for possessing a knife in a public place from one to five years.

Last month Mr Ahern described a recent spate of knife attacks as 'very worrying', but he said the Government was working to try to raise awareness in an effort to reduce knife crime.

Three groups spend other people's money: children, thieves, and politicians. All three need supervision. —DICK ARMEY

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